Inadequate Men

By Jude St. Jude

Published on Jun 13, 2022


Inadequate Men

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Chapter 22 -- Sean Gets Real

Jared got out of bed and joined Tom in the hallway outside the bathroom door. He hesitated to say anything, though, because he didn't want Sean to feel ganged up on.

So he was surprised when Sean said through the door, "Would it be OK if I talked to Jared for a minute?"

Tom and Jared exchanged a look, and then Tom said, "Just a minute." He meant to give Jared a quick kiss before retreating to the bedroom, but Jared pulled his body in closer and kissed him passionately. Tom's penis responded immediately, and Jared whispered to him, "Dude, you are so hot."

Jared waited a beat while Tom went back into the bedroom and then knocked on the bathroom door, saying, "Hey, Sean, it's Jared. Tom said you wanted to talk to me?" He waited another minute, then added, "Would it be OK if I joined you in there?"

After a few seconds, Jared heard the lock to the bathroom door click open. He took that as a yes and turned the handle, opening the door slowly. Inside, he saw Sean sitting in the tub, wearing the brown robe that had been hanging on the inside of the door for guests to use. He looked a little like he might have been crying.

Approaching slowly, Jared sat next to the bathtub on the fluffy white bathroom rug, mentally congratulating his mom on having had the prescience to buy a floor covering that could also serve as a comfortable seat. As he sometimes did when interviewing reticent clients, Jared just folded his hands in front of him and waited without saying anything or even making eye contact.

Eventually, Sean said, "I need to tell you the truth about something, and when I do, you probably won't want to have anything more to do with me, and that's OK."

Jared simply said, "Well, I'm guessing not, but let's hear what you have to say."

Steeling himself up, Sean said, "I didn't really cum with you when we talked on the phone. I just pretended to."

Jared turned his head toward Sean, finally looking him in the eye. He put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Just so you know, I don't break up friendships over petty bullshit like that. And neither does Tom." And when Sean showed the first sign of a smile, squeezed his shoulder and added, "OK, Son?"

"OK, Dad," Sean said.

Jared went on, "Can I ask what made you think you needed to pretend with me?"

"I don't know," Sean said. "I felt like I was taking too long. I know guys don't like that."

"I know the feeling, buddy," Jared said. "Men can be pretty impatient and judgmental with each other about all sorts of things involving sex. Gay men especially."

"You think?" said Sean facetiously. "It's like the whole size thing. Sometimes, I don't even want to get with a guy. It's not even worth it, especially since..."

Jared just waited for Sean to finish.

"...Especially since I usually don't -- I mean, I've never actually been able to cum with a guy. I know, I'm a freak..."

"Hey," Jared cut him off, "Don't say that about yourself. Son." He playfully ran his fingers through Sean's hair and asked, "OK?"

"OK," said Sean. "But I feel like a freak sometimes. I mean, I haven't jacked off for two days. You guys are so nice and so hot, both of you, and you both turn me on. After the Thai restaurant, I jacked off like three times thinking about what you were doing. It was like a porn movie, seriously. When you messaged me, I thought for sure I'd be able to get myself off with you, but I couldn't even do it on the phone."

Jared suggested, "Maybe if we'd taken a little more time?"

"I've tried that," Sean said, frustrated. "I had a boyfriend who spent the whole summer being super nice about it. He told me it didn't matter to him whether I came or not, and he meant it. Sometimes, we would just cuddle, other times we'd do more, and whenever he wanted to cum, I could always help him get off."

"Sounds like a nice guy," Jared said.

"He was," Sean said, "Too bad he had to go to grad school in Paris. When we split up, he said it had nothing to do with that, except... I don't know, maybe it did. Maybe if I could have cum with him, he would have stayed and gone to Georgetown or something." Jared put his arm around him and let Sean lean his head into his shoulder. "I mean, it's hard enough that I've got a small dick, but... I don't know... I just wish I could be normal."

Sean took a long time before speaking. "I get it, Sean," he said at last, "I really do. More than you know. And I don't want to speak out of turn, but Tom does, too. As you get to know us -- that is, if you want to get to know us..."

"I definitely do," said Sean.

"Great, us too," Jared said, "So, as you get to know us, you're going to catch on pretty quick that we're anything but normal guys. The older I get, the more I understand that nobody is really normal. But, if it's any consolation, Tom and I are just about as un-normal as it gets. But even so, we found each other, and we care about each other. And I promise you that if I found somebody who accepts me the way I am, you will also find somebody who feels the same about you." Then, on instinct, Jared added, "Who knows, maybe you've already met him."

Sean smiled and said, "It's possible."

Jared, surprised but also not surprised that his instinct was correct, asked, "Really?"

Sean responded, "It's complicated. Really complicated."

Jared noticed, "But whoever he is, he makes you smile."

"Oh, yeah," Sean answered, "He definitely does."

"But, for the moment," Jared ventured, "You'd rather not talk about it."

"For the moment," agreed Sean.

"So," Jared proposed, "If you're ready to get out of the bathtub, how about if we join Tom again, but with some new ground rules?"

"Like what?" Sean asked.

"First thing, you're not gonna try to get off with us tonight. You're just gonna have fun and play."

"OK," said Sean, "I think I can live with that. Anything else?"

"Just one thing," said Jared, "If anything comes to mind like a fantasy, tell us about it and, if we like it too, we'll explore it."

"You might end up regretting that one," Sean said. "I'm pretty edgy when you get to know me."

"Try us," said Jared, standing up and offering Sean a hand.

Sean stepped over the edge of the bathtub, then pulled Jared into a tight hug. "Thank you," he said. "You're a really sweet guy. Both of you."

Back in the bedroom, Tom lay under the covers listening to music, flat on his back and staring at the ceiling. Sean entered and said, "I'm so sorry, Tom."

"I'm not," smiled Tom. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," said Sean. "Can I join you under there?

Tom said, "I thought you'd never ask." He pushed back the comforter so Sean could slip in next to him. Sean took off the robe he was wearing, again revealing his tight body, surprisingly hairy for guy of his age. Tom's eyes immediately went to Sean's strong, hairy thighs. He made space for Sean under the covers, and Sean slid in right up against him.

"Wow," Sean said, surprised, "I guess you missed me." He pushed the side of his body right against Tom's erect penis.

"Very much," Tom said.

Sean reached down and took Tom's penis in his hand. "Wow," he said, "Yours is definitely longer than mine."

"Mine, too," said Jared, settling in under the comforter next to Sean. He could tell by the look on Tom's face that Sean was giving his penis a lot of stimulation, maybe too much all at once. Jared reached his hand under the covers and grabbed Sean's hand, as he'd done earlier in the night. He could feel that he was rubbing Tom's penis pretty quickly, and he gently pulled it away, asking Tom, "How you doing, buddy?"

"Uhhh," said Tom, "That was close." Looking a little embarrassed, Tom turned to Sean and said, "It's just that I... have a lot of trouble holding back when a guy is touching me like that."

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Sean, "It felt like you were enjoying it."

"I was," said Tom, "Just a little too much. I just didn't want to cum too soon, especially if you weren't expecting it."

"Just so you know," Sean told him, "You can always tell me to slow down, OK. We should try edging you sometime."

"Well, unfortunately," Tom said, "I don't tend to edge too well. A few guys have tried it and it didn't work out. I've got a pretty quick trigger."

Sean's face took on a cute, bemused expression, as if to say, you obviously haven't met me yet. He asked Tom, "So are you ready?"

"I think I'm a little too ready," Tom laughed, "But go ahead, do with me what you will."

Immediately, Sean pushed the comforter back. "Sit up," he ordered both Jared and Tom, then proceeded to arrange the pillows up against the headboard. "Jared, how about if you lie back on the pillows."

Jared did what he was told, smiling the whole time.

"OK, Tom, now you lie back against Jared, but make sure you're both comfortable."

Tom followed Sean's directions, and worked with Jared until they were both positioned. Then, surprisingly, Sean handed each of them their wine glasses, which were both still half undrunk. "Take a couple of sips," he suggested, and the men did as they were told.

Sean took back the wine glasses and put them on the nightstand. He also dimmed the lights way down to near darkness, changing the mood in the room.

"You nervous?" Sean asked Tom.

"A little," Tom admitted. "I just don't want you to be disappointed when..."

"I won't be," said Sean, "Don't try to hold back. Just cum your balls off whenever you're ready, in my face, in my mouth, wherever, OK?"

Tom looked up at Jared who, in lawyerly fashion, smiled and said, "I think you should accept his offer."

Tom added, "You are a very bad little boy, Sean."

"Thanks, Dad," Sean said. He took Tom's small, hard dick in his hand, giving it a few gentle rubs, as Tom sucked in his breath. Then he held it for a while, without moving his hand or squeezing Tom's penis. Spontaneously, he said, "Damn, Tom, you've got a nice pair of balls on you. I love the way they hang down like this." Sean took Tom's small balls in his hand and held them, asking, "How does that feel?"

"Amazing," Tom said. His thin dick was pulsing up and down, hard as a rock.

"You close to cumming?" Sean asked, continuing to rub Tom's balls and the base of his penis.

"I'm always close," Tom said.

"Don't try to hold it in," Sean reminded him, "If you came in my hand right now, how would you feel?"

"Embarrassed," Tom said immediately, and he could feel his face flush. "Ashamed in front of you guys."

"How come?" Sean asked, "Tell me everything you can about that, and don't hold back."

Tom's breathing altered and his pulse started visibly pumping in his neck. "Because..." he started, and then wasn't able to continue for a while. At last, he said, "A man should be able to hold back from shooting long enough to please his partner. At least until his partner has an orgasm."

Sean started squeezing the base of Tom's penis with his thumb and forefinger, asking, "What if he can't do that?"

"Then he's not a man," Tom answered, "Or else he's not enough of a man."

"What is he then?" asked Sean. He moved his hand up the shaft of Tom's penis, gripping it more tightly.

Tom answered, "He's like a boy who can't control himself and just squirts. He might as well be a boy who pees in his pants."

Sean started rubbing Tom's penis slowly up and down. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Good, but..." Tom said, breathing heavily, "I'm really close. Please..." Sean backed off, bring his hand back down just underneath Tom's balls. Tom's dick pulsated and its head engorged fully, but he didn't squirt.

"Nice," said Sean, "Damn that's so fucking hot. Jared you wanna get in on this?" Without waiting for an answer, Sean took Jared's hand and guided it down to Tom's balls, saying, "I bet those balls are really ready to nut, right Tom?"

"Oh, fuck," said Tom, "They're so ready. I can't believe I was able to hold it just now."

"Does it feel good to have Jared's hand on your balls?"

"YES!" Tom said, "Very good." Tom lifted his head up to Jared's mouth and the two men started kissing.

"Just wait till I get my mouth on it," Sean said. With Tom still passionately kissing Jared, Sean started licking the underside of Tom's penis. Gradually, he let his lips also touch down on Tom's shaft.

"Fuck, I'm getting close," said Tom. But Sean had already backed off to give Tom time to cool down.

"Remember," Sean said, "When you need to nut, just let it happen."

"I don't think I'll be able to stop it," Tom said, "I'm really close."

Without warning, Sean plunged his whole mouth onto the engorged head of Tom's penis. He sucked once and then pulled away.

"Fuck!" Tom cried out in both pain and bliss. His dick pulsed again, threatening to squirt its seed, but again subsided. Again, Sean went down on Tom, sucking on the head of his penis for just a second and then backing off.

Tom moaned with pleasure and his penis pulsed wildly. Breathing heavily, he said, "I don't think I can hold it much longer."

In response, Sean started licking around the base of Tom's penis, just above where Jared was holding onto his balls. A few times, he licked his tongue up the shaft. Each time, Tom's head started to fully engorge. "It's OK," Sean assured him, "Just shoot if you have to."

Tom moaned, "I'm soooooo close." His penis was sticking up as hard as Jared had ever seen it. Sean pushed his tongue into the underside of Tom rock-hard erection, and Tom cried out, "I just can't hold it any longer."

"Damn, bro," said Sean, "You are holding it. You're holding it in like a man. Right Jared?" said Sean.

"Fuck yeah, Pal, you are," Jared told him, pulling Tom's face closer to kiss him again.

Spontaneously, Tom told Jared, "I want you to be proud of me."

"I am, Pal," said Jared, "I always am."

Sean asked, "What do you think, Jared, is Tom enough of a man for you?"

"Hell yeah," said Jared, "Always." Sean whispered something in Jared's ear, and Jared asked Tom, "Hey Pal, you ready to cum your balls off?"

"YES!" said Tom.

Sean laughed and asked, "You sure, Tom? Cause if you need more training on how to be a man, we could always put you in chastity and not let you cum for a while."

"Oh, fuck no," said Tom, "Seriously, I need to get off now."

"So I guess you're saying you're enough of a man?" asked Sean.

"Yes!" said Tom, "I'm enough of a man."

At Sean's direction, Jared was already repositioning himself in a kneeling position on the floor. Tom sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, then stood up in front of his partner with his hard dick in Jared's face. Jared took small, low-hanging balls in his mouth and sucked on them as forcefully as he could without hurting Tom. Then he brought his mouth up against the lower part of Tom's shaft and sucked on it.

"Fuck, that feels good, Buddy," said Tom.

Jared allowed his tongue to fully explore the shape of Tom's thin erection, from the base by his balls all the way up to the head. Meanwhile, Sean stood next to Jared and leaned in to kiss Tom. Tom reached for Sean's small penis and began stroking it until started to stiffen in his hand.

"Oh, fuck, I'm so ready," said Tom, pulling Sean's face closer.

Jared took the head of Tom's thin penis into his mouth and just held it there with a little bit of suction. Then he brought his mouth slowly down to the base, enjoying the feeling of having Tom's whole small erection all the way in his mouth. Tom could feel his balls start to open up, ready to explode. As he started to lose control of himself, he cried out, "Unnnnh, I can't hold it, I can't hold it...." Then he pushed his dick forward down Jared's throat and back again in a series of involuntary spasms, thrusting again and again trying to maximize the all the pleasure his little dick could give him. As he did, he cried out uncontrollably into Sean's mouth as his balls emptied their contents squirt by squirt down Jared's waiting throat.

As he finished off, Tom's knees buckled out from under him and he fell back down onto the bed. Sean sat down on the floor next to Jared and put his arm around him. Jared put his arm around Sean and gave him a tight bear hug, whispering, "Thank you." He fell forward onto Tom's lap, and Jared could feel Tom's hand touch the back of his neck, making contact.

Nobody moved for a minute or two after that, as if time had stopped.

When it was time to move again, Jared pulled himself up on the bed next to his partner and whispered in Tom's ear, "I just want you to know how much I love you. And whenever you're ready, Pal, I've just had another insight."

To be continued...

Thanks for reading! If any of this story speaks to you and you've thought about writing to me about it, please do: I promise to do my best to answer, especially if you're feeling alone with no one to talk to about this stuff.

Also, if you're interested, please check out my story, Corey's Struggle, in the Nifty "College" section.

Thanks again, TJ

Next: Chapter 23

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