In Their World

By anne nana

Published on Feb 13, 2009



This story is purely fantasy and is a work of fiction. It is not an implication of the sexual orientation of any of the characters whether fictional or real. It pairs Clark Kent (Superman) and Alexander Luthor, characters which are trademarks and copyright of DC comics.

The characters: Superman, Alexander Luthor and members of the (Justice) League are characters which are trademarks and copyright of DC comics.

This story contains homosexual themes. If you are offended by such topics or not of legal age to read such stories, please do not read on. The names of characters and their engagements are fictitious. Any resemblances to real life are completely coincidental.

Copyright Anne 2009. All rights reserved.


Chapter 3: Second meeting

Clark looked at his reflection. `It's no big deal,' he kept reminding himself. This reminder had in no way stopped him from showering twice, washing his hair close to half a dozen times and then spending the next hour and a half getting himself into his tux.

"This is nothing...piece of cake. I'm gonna go... have a good time...the end, " Clark told the mirror, as he buttoned up his jacket.

"Clark hurry up! Your mother wants some pictures." Jonathan Kent shouted through the door to Clark's room. Although if he was honest with himself he would have to admit that he was excited to see how his son looked.

"No big deal," Clark continued as if uninterrupted, checking himself one last time and getting everything he needed for the evening. He rushed down the stairs, having concluded that the sooner he confronted the evening the sooner it would be over and he would be back home. He was almost blinded by a luminous flash. "Mom! Come on."

"You look good son." Jonathan said trying not to sound too emotional.

"Thanks, Dad," Clark looked back at the front of his jacket and patted it down.

"Oh, see it's times like this that make all the hell you put me through worth it." Martha Kent was trying to sound serious, despite the tears forming in her eyes. She went to Clark and held his face briefly before giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Three more photos."

Clark rolled his eyes and obliged.

"Be good tonight, no drinking, no drugs ..."Jonathan started.

"And please, please, please practice safe sex." Martha finished, this time quite serious.

"Guys, you know how that freaks me out."

It always amazed his parents how Clark could regress from eighteen to ten under certain circumstances.

"Come here a sec." Clark's mother started doing something to his tie.

"Ok, ok," Clark begged, gently pushing her hands away from him. "Goodnight." Shaking his head, knowing that his tie was now probably crooked.

He picked up Rebecca Manning, his date for the evening. She lived about two miles away from his house. As soon as the prom date had been announced he pounced on her to go with him. When he showed up at her house, corsage in hand Clark was truly taken aback by how she looked: stunning.

When they were younger it was clear that Becca, was always going to be tall and ended up being taller than most of the guys in their class. Up until she was seventeen unless you looked at her face you would have thought she was a guy. This was a feature which only Clark was allowed to tease her about, anyone else who dared try soon said hello to either Clark's fist or hers. However, as is often the case puberty finally remembered her and Becca seemed to gain hips and boobs overnight.

"Oh my god they're huge." Clark had almost shrieked when she showed him.

"My mom always said they'd come but I never believed her."

Clark had asked beforehand what color her dress was going to be and bought the appropriate colored corsage. Becca had actually blushed when he put the adornment on her. In the car on their way to the venue he kept stealing glances at her and smiling, still not quite believing how great she looked. Looking at her now, the dress replacing the jeans and oversized shirts she always wore. Her hair was down and her eyes actually seemed to sparkle.

"You're beautiful." Clark told her honestly.

Becca thanked him and smiled back shyly. For the first and only time she wished that his feelings towards her were outside the realms of friendship. This was more of a selfish wish on her part, since she didn't see him as more than a big brother figure. She was just tired of waiting for someone to finally see her. At that moment she wanted to hurt Lex Luthor for what he was doing to Clark.

"Well this is it." Clark said when they arrived at the venue. He looked at the building and immediately wanted to drive away. "Here we are."

"You're going to be fine Clark." Becca consoled him.

"Right...yeah." Clark forced his hands from the steering wheel and got out of his truck, heading over to the passenger seat. Opening the door for Becca, taking a long look at her and shaking his head. She was six foot, a few inches shorter than him, with dark chestnut hair and wild green eyes, they could have been brother and sister. Clark didn't know when she had learned about make-up, but from what he could tell she'd used it really well. She almost managed to distract him from what was about to happen.

"You're going to be turning so many heads."

"Thanks. Clark and you should know that if Lex doesn't fall on his knees and worship you tonight, he's not worth it." She leaned up and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Buck up, we're here to party." *** Since that day in his barn Clark hadn't seen Alex or talked to him. He managed to face the new things he discovered about himself, even gaining the courage to ask his parents about who he really was. For five years he had been changing, growing stronger and faster, throughout it all there had been one constant: Alexander Luthor. The man had been the only thought that had been with Clark when he woke and invaded his dreams when he went to bed.

Clark knew the name given to the thoughts he had about Alex and that had taken longer to get used to. If it wasn't for the general lust that befalls adolescents Clark would have always held himself back from being with anyone. Then it got to the point where he was too horny to label himself or his preferences and just went with his feelings. So he dated, kissed, fondled girls... then guys.

It should go without saying that there was a greater degree of caution taken on his part with the latter group. From the age of fifteen onwards Clark found that he couldn't walk from one end of the hallway in his high school to the other without getting a boner somewhere in between.

He noticed Bradley Shaw, who was tall, dark and handsome. Bradley was built like him, powerful on the basketball court and on the football field with a body that bore proof of his athleticism. Then there was Susan Philips petite, loud and blonde with a figure for Clark to stop, stare and touch himself over. Clark noticed Carlos Cho who was small around 5'5", resolutely effeminate and open-mouthed-stare gorgeous. To this list he added Alice, John, Mary, Fiona, Jane, Henry, Mark.

Clark had a separate list for those outside his class and faculty members. If he was less like himself Clark would have taken advantage of his looks, maybe even noticed that the people he lusted after did the same to him.

Still, Clark found that no matter who he touched, caressed or kissed he couldn't stop his mind's eye from seeing Alex in all of them. He soon realized that the problem wasn't that Alex was a guy. The problem lay in the fact that Clark had fallen head over heels in love with him and like with his powers Clark was scared shitless, but had to live with it.

It surprised Clark that these feelings never seemed to be affected by the kind of person Alex had become: vindictive, power hungry and ruthless. He wasn't someone you wanted to bring home to meet the parents. The man had been on trial for murder. Clark's reaction to this had been to cut away and store as many photos as he could of Alex during the investigative procedures.

Since that one meeting that Clark could remember neither of the Luthors' had been to the farm again. They had been buying the land near his home, wanting to build God knows what. The Kents' had refused to sell their property and land. The announcement that Lex Luthor wanted to host their class prom was made three months before the actual event was to take place and Clark hadn't slept well since then.

Why would a billionaire choose to offer his house as a venue for a prom? Why hadn't he ever done it before? Why now? As Clark and his date walked towards the vast building he hoped that his answer was correct. *** As he and Rebecca were being checked by the security guards Clark's heartbeat could be heard in his ears and he could feel a slight tremor trailing his fingertips. `This is no big deal,' Clark lied to himself and proceeded to enter the Luthor mansion.

Once inside Clark could see theme in all its glory `Class of 2000: The future is now!' The décor alone let guests know that all the work had been executed by professionals. It looked like sci-fi married with haute couture: over the top without being tasteless. There were lasers, professional waiters, holograms of various objects and faces from the senior class.

It was all to be regarded with reverence, but was in no way austere. It was perfect and if Clark was being honest he didn't expect anything less from Alex. The DJ looked familiar but Clark couldn't remember his name, there were supposed to be some "big names" performing. He took his time, trying to calm himself, getting Becca and himself some punch.

"You owe me one dance." Becca shouted over the music. "I need someone to see all this" she paused to gesture at herself "so that they'll replace you after you leave."

Clark blushed wanting to argue. Finding it pointless to lie to her, he took her and led her to the already crowded dance floor. Long ago he had learned that no matter how hard he tried or who he was with, he couldn't dance. Then Becca taught him something. She told him "just dance, so as to make your partner look good" and "don't move so much." Clearly her lessons were working, since more than a few glances were being thrown her way and from guys who had arrived with dates.

A happy surprise for the evening was Rebecca being named prom Queen and a guy Clark had never seen before was named prom King. Clark decided that if he focused on how he would tease Becca for crying in public, he would care less about the fact that the announcement for King and Queen had been made by Alex. He had entered the room and then the stage to massive applause; he may have even looked at Clark as he handed out the crowns. Clark, however, was conspicuously not noticing him and kept giving encouraging glances to his friend instead.

He hadn't meant to but Clark found himself widening his vision so that he could note where Alex was going after he left the ballroom. He must have spent a long time staring after the figure, as Becca approached him with the crown and remnants of tears on her face.

"Clark, you only get one prom." She quickly hugged him before adding "I'm getting a ride with Chris and Martin back to my house. Call me tomorrow."

Clark watched as she returned to her "King," who he still couldn't remember ever meeting at school before. He looked back around seeing the framework of the building, various exits, realizing the amount of security that was present before finally seeing Alex on the floor above, standing at what was probably a balcony.

Clark remembered to slow down in due time before reaching his destination, feigning a leisurely and curious stroll. He didn't think that Alex would be facing him. All the words that he had rehearsed left him as soon as he saw Alex watching him approach. The tuxedo Alex was wearing complimented his angles and lean frame, as always his hands were rooted in his pockets.

As someone who was the silent leader in the Alex Luthor fan club, Clark had memorized every photo he could get his hands on of Alex. They way he stood, his face when he was at obligatory public functions or when he was receiving a lap dance. Clark remembered when his eyes had literally started burning and ended up setting fire to that particular newspaper clipping. Explaining the hole in the carpet to his parents had been another matter. Clark couldn't remember Alex looking as good as he did at that moment, stopping Clark in his tracks.

Clark stood with his hands by his side, waiting, the light tingling in his fingers spreading to his arms and shoulders. I know all the exits,' Clark thought I can still leave.' Once he was home he figured he could join the army, or the marines, then he would be even further away. Then he wouldn't feel the warmth that was spreading through his stomach and his heart would stop hurting his chest from beating so hard. He was normal around other people.

"I'm like the worst dancer." This was all Clark could summon in hopes of starting a conversation. It was also a way of stopping himself from screaming in frustration.

Lex smiled looking right into Clark's eyes. "I saw."

Seeing that expression on Alex's face lifted some of the worry Clark was carrying. `You look amazing in that tux.' Clark sighed to himself. "The party's great."

"It had to be."

Clark looked at the face opposite him and noted its seriousness. It was a different kind of seriousness. Not the kind he had when he was talking to the president or when he had been asked to swear on the Bible. Clark's thoughts were disrupted when he noticed Alex moving towards him.

From three feet away Alex's body heat was driving his senses crazy, up close Clark wanted to pull that body towards him and hold it there. The scent seemed to have matured from before; he still wore the same cologne Clark noted.

"Umm.." Clark couldn't help feeling like a fish caught on a hook. He could feel his cheeks heating up and he knew he must have looked like a tomato covered in ketchup. It was only when Clark realized that Alex wasn't stopping, he turned to follow.

"I have to show you something," Lex said not even looking behind him.

"What?" It was hard to concentrate when Alex was walking in front of him.

"This way," the figure in front of Clark turned a corner.

All Clark could do was follow that body. Alex hadn't taken his hands out of his pockets, which meant that the back of his jacket was pulled over the lower half of his body and his pants were pulled forward over his ass. Clark had never been good at multi-tasking. He found it hard to breathe, whilst pretending not to look at Alex's ass and making his foot move forward simultaneously.

He should therefore be forgiven for not realizing his surroundings, until it was too late. Clark probably wouldn't have noticed at all if Alex's rear had remained in his view, but all too soon it was taken from sight and Clark had to look up. Then Alex was behind him, Clark turned to see him turn some sort of lock and enter some numbers into what appeared to be a security system.

`What the fuck? Dangle some ass in front of me and I go anywhere,' Clark thought. Although to be fair on Clark it wasn't some generic ass; but an ass attached to Alexander Luthor. There was no other explanation for his following someone into their bedroom.


"Calm down," Lex said as he started to take off his tie. "What if I had walked off a cliff?" he asked looking back around him, with a knowing smirk on his face.

`Then I'd have fallen to my death,' Clark answered mentally. He frowned, confused by how quickly and easily the answer came to him. Trying to regain some focus Clark looked around the room, checking for escape routes. He realized how easily his whole house could fit into this one bedroom. The room seemed lived in, which surprised him. It also looked comfortable, expensive but not intimidating; he could tell that Alex was in this room a lot. There also didn't seem to be a wall that wasn't covered with books.

"So you read huh?" Clark raised his voice a bit, after he saw that Alex was no longer in the same part of the room as him.

"A bit," came an equally raised reply.

Before Clark remembered that he could look through walls and therefore see if Alex was changing, possibly even see him naked, the man in question had returned, without his jacket and tie.

"So tell me Clark, what have you been doing with yourself?" Lex asked.

The question was more out of politeness than anything else. Being a Luthor did have its perks and Lex could have told you what had been happening in Clark's life over the past five years up to the present day. After seeing that Clark was making no effort to move away from the door, Lex decided it was best to move towards him, stopping short of two inches from Clark's lips.

Watching him approach Clark rationalized his fear by reminding himself that he could snap Alex like a twig. Despite knowing this he couldn't understand how the man could keep him in place with just one look.

"You caused that oil spill." It wasn't a question. Clark just wanted to see what would happen.

"Yes." Lex only hesitated for a fraction of a second, taking one of his hands out of his pockets and reaching for Clark's lips with his thumb. Feeling the body beneath his hand shiver wasn't something Lex would forget anytime soon.

It was that hesitation that Clark wanted to see. Looking down into Alex's eyes Clark could see that man who visited his farm when he was thirteen. Yes, the eyes were more guarded, more serious and sadder than before but they still shone, maybe because of hope. Maybe Alex had some hope in him and maybe Clark could keep it there.

In relation to the bigger picture Clark knew that kissing Alex was a bad idea, but he would always see it as one of the best decisions of his life. Alex tasted like he did in his dreams, sweet and delicious. Clark's instinct to flee went out of the window when Alex kissed him back. When Alex pressed him into the door Clark couldn't remember ever wanting to leave or why he ever went anywhere else. The man was definitely stronger than he led anyone to believe.

Clark found that his lips were soft, powerful and eager. It was as if by kissing him Clark had agreed to something and Alex wasn't about to let him regret it. Alex's lips were persistent on Clark's, tasting and sucking on them before finally pushing his tongue through. He took his other hand out of his pocket and plunged it into Clark's hair, unconsciously plastering himself onto that same body.

Against the door Clark had to bend his legs slightly to allow Alex to reach him with ease. He didn't know when he had started to moan into the kiss but was glad he wasn't the only one. Clark could feel the slight stubble from Alex's jaw, scratching his. He finally got to do what he couldn't years ago; let his hands caress Alex's head. It was smooth and warm and if the erection pressing against him was anything to go by, a source of arousal for Alex. With his other hand Clark cautiously placed it on Alex's ass, pushing the body further onto his.

Clark's insides felt warm and tightened each time Alex stroked the back of his neck or bit into his ear lobe. He was sure, as he was alive that at some point he had purred, actually purred when Alex's sly tongue started licking his collarbone. The sensation, along with weakening his knees, raised some concern on his part. Clark could have sworn that when he entered the room he had been wearing all the components to his tux.

Now, his jacket wasn't on him, his bow tie was gone and his shirt was unbuttoned to the waist. Alex was shoving the material of his wife beater to one side as he was sucked on the top of his chest. Clark pushed aside all thoughts regarding the number of times others had been in this same position; under Alex's spell and moved his mouth back onto him hungrily.

Lex for his part had tried his best. He had stayed away from Clark until he thought he would go blind with ache. He had even gone as far as to try to settle down, but had thankfully escaped. He liked Clark and he wasn't afraid to say that he wanted those feelings returned. Or that he wanted to have Clark in his bed, beneath him, moaning his name and asking for more despite being worn out.

Lex understood that some of courtship would have to take place and for the first time he looked forward to it. So he had done the only thing he knew of to get someone to like him, he had made a grand and expensive gesture. He threw a damn high school party, had gotten the best entertainment and food. However, throughout the evening Clark just looked uncomfortable, incredibly handsome but uncomfortable.

Before he had gone out to make announcements for Prom King and Queen Lex had been watching Clark on the security cameras he had in his room. Even with his friend Clark's smiles were strained. He danced, badly, but his mind wasn't in it. It was as if none of the surroundings entered his field of vision, he just looked lost.

When he had finally made an appearance into the ballroom, Lex could feel the spotlights on him and hear noise from the crowd but Clark wouldn't look at him. Feeling the whole evening had been a pointless endeavour he crowned the King and Queen and left the room.

He sought out one of his favourite places in the house, which he had named `the third balcony to the right'. The balcony was on the right side of the house and on the third floor, it had the best view of the landscape surrounding the mansion. Each time things got to Lex and he felt like he was losing himself, the view reminded him that sometimes he had to shut up and focus on what was important.

So that's what he did. He stood there and thought about Clark Kent, grown up, kind eyed tall, dark and handsome Kent. His hard on almost deflated when he heard some noises. It sounded to Lex like someone talking to themselves; he frowned and turned waiting for the figure to catch up with the voice. Then Lex understood why the balcony he was one had been his favourite spots.

In a crowd of people Clark Kent was irresistible, up close he was breath taking. He had truly grown into his body and was taller than him. The tuxedo he wore complimented his body, which was the typical upside down triangle shape, bestowed onto men. Only Lex wasn't sure he had ever seen it so well displayed. Even when clothed Lex could tell that Clark was muscled but not bulging, not too lean or too meaty. His jaw was wider, his lips seemed redder, but that may have been due to the lighting. Then Lex finally looked into those eyes he had only known Clark to have.

He was surprised to find that they still shone with some inner delight; they were still hopeful and happy. Clark was blushing and nervous, in some ways he hadn't changed at all. He was perfect. All these things and the fact that Lex couldn't wait anymore, meant that the courtship part of his plan had to be abandoned, at least for the time being. As a result of this, when he was kissing Clark and wanting more he had to be forgiven for his bluntness.

"Your clothes, take them off. Now." Lex tried to say this as calmly as he could, despite the blood rushing to a specific place in his body.

When he was naked, Lex noted that Clark must work his ass off on his father's farm; there was no other explanation for such a body. Lex couldn't fight the small smile on his lips when he saw that Clark was fully tanned.

"Next time you tan" Lex said as he kissed and nibbled Clark's thighs, "Call me."

Clark couldn't help his blush, he liked being naked and he loved sunshine and now Alex knew. The thought of Alex naked and tanning with him made his erection pulse further. Clark hadn't ever been in a situation like the one he was in, but he knew that the speed at which Alex had removed his clothes was something of a record. He still hadn't let him move from the door and was plastering his mouth to Clark's legs. It took Clark a moment to realize that he was not just naked and hard, but naked and hard in front of the guy of his dreams.

As Alex lowered himself on his body Clark knew where he was headed and wanted to interrupt Alex's train of thought before it was too late. Clark grabbed the back of his head and gently moved it away from his visibly hard penis. Wordlessly he lowered himself to the carpeted floor and joined Alex on his knees.

Clark tried to ignore the pleasure Alex's clothed body gave to his naked one, as he proceeded to get Alex as naked as possible. Clark started with his shirt and was glad to find that there was nothing underneath it. He leaned in to taste the small disks that surrounded Alex's nipples, before indulging his taste buds on the nipples themselves. He was surprised when his mouth found itself kissing its way down a rather hard chest.

At hearing Alex moan his name, Clark returned to his upright position, still on his knees and slowly pushed the body opposite him backwards, sitting astride Alex for a moment. Clark reached behind him and grabbed a stray piece of clothing before pushing Alex fully backwards and placed the material behind his head. Clark lay on top of him for a bit, careful not to rest his full weight on him, smiling shyly and returned to his quest of undressing Alex.

His nervousness caught up with him when he finally reached the belt buckle of Alex's trousers. When he looked up into Alex's eyes expecting to find reassurance, he was met with challenging eyes and a raised eyebrow. So Clark undid the buckle and slid the pants off without taking his eyes off Alex. He grinned happily when he saw the diligent tent in Alex's boxer briefs.

"You ass!" Lex almost shrieked in surprise.

Unable to resist temptation Clark had dived in on Alex's crotch making munching sounds, whilst tickling Alex's lower navel, making him convulse with laughter. That sound, was one of the many things from that evening that would stick to Clark's memory.

All too soon the laughter died, as Clark found his mouth seriously brushing over the material of the briefs. When his tongue ventured out to lick at the growing wet spot he heard a low growl from Alex, which made him increase his efforts and he fully nuzzled the hidden flesh. When the briefs were finally removed, Clark kissed away the wet trail that they had left along Alex's legs. When he looked at the pulsing erection, Clark found his forefinger reaching out and pulling the hard flesh towards him and away from Alex's stomach, only to have it slap back down into its original position.

"Clark," came a stern and husky voice.

"Yeah," Clark answered as innocently as possible, before greeting the lengthy muscle with the inside of his mouth.

Lex soon found that any thoughts he had wanted to voice disappeared as Clark's warm mouth engulfed him. He had never had first hand experience of having his penis inside a vacuum, but he was sure that it was akin to what he was currently feeling. He found his back arching over the floor and his eyes rolling into the back of his head. His quick gasps seemed to be edging Clark on his task and the boy doubled his efforts. When Lex tried to pull Clark's head off his member, it was as if Clark had known what he was trying to do.

Instead Clark reached up stopping both of Alex's hands with his own, first pushing them into the floor either side of him, then he brought one of them to his mouth and gave the fingers the same attention he had been placing on Alex's cock. Clark then brought Alex's other hand down to his own cock, creating a fist and watching Alex's reaction.

At that moment Lex Luthor felt immobile and shapeless with the pleasure coursing through him. Lex found the situation was changed again and he had in no way initiated it. Clark had taken both of his hands in one of his and removed himself from the space above his body. Soon Lex wasn't on his back anymore.

Clark couldn't find the reasoning behind what he was doing. However, judging from Alex's breathing he had made the right decision and he may even be doing a good job. Rimming was something he had heard of, but he had never been able to get past the reality of having an actual anus on his mouth. Up until now it was always in the "no" box of his sexual activities. All he had wanted to do was taste Alex and once he started he knew he wanted to taste every inch of him. Up close he also realized that Alex's ass was even better without pants covering it.

"Fuck me."

Both of them were surprised by the words, since they had both been sure that it would be Clark saying them. By now, Clark had loosened his grip enough for Alex to turn around and look at him.


"I hate repeating myself," Lex said, trying to catch his breath. He moved himself back onto Clark's lips, deepening the kiss to get a better taste of himself on those lips.

Clark pulled away from the embrace slowly then crawled towards his jacket, putting his hand on the inside and returning to Alex.

Lex found himself smiling in disbelief when he looked into Clark's left hand.

"I didn't know...but umm...I was pretty sure." Clark said all this into his chest, his hands without his permission starting shaking again.

For once Lex was unsure of how to respond. He had been kidnapped, beaten to a pulp and had had a gun pointed at his head and still that situation had been easier to handle. Here was this kid that had just gone down on him, like no one before and now he was shy about sex. Worse still, he was being genuine.

"Clark?" Lex spoke tentatively.

"What?" This time the challenging eyes belonged to Clark, he was daring Alex to ruin the moment.

So Lex said the only thing that could move the situation. "Get moving."

He leaned forward again clothing Clark's body with his, taking the condom and lube from his hands. At this Clark almost seemed grateful, as he hugged Alex to him tightly and laid his head on his chest.

As if stating his readiness Clark pulled back from him. He watched Alex rip the foil package with his fingers and roll into onto his erection. Lex looked into Clark's eyes as he added lube onto his sheathed member. Clark smiled a little when he felt him reach for one of Clark's hands and pour a generous amount of lubricant onto three of his digits.

Clark didn't think he would feel much from having his fingers inside someone. He was glad he was wrong. As he was opening Alex up he could feel his pulse, see his reaction to his fingers, his face trying to hide his own pleasure as Clark started rotating and scissoring them. If he hadn't known that there was more, Clark would have been happy with that. Then he looked at Alex.

"You hired the prom King didn't you?" Clark was surprised by how much his voice was shaking and it had nothing to do with the question.

"Your date needed a date for the rest of the evening."

When he was ready Lex pulled them both backwards and opened up his legs to give Clark room, raising them slowly.

After that night any doubt Clark had about his feelings towards Alex vanished. The reality of his love grew after that and it didn't stop. In the future it would sometimes cause him to stop what he was doing and just stare at Alex for no reason, still baffled at the strength of feelings.

They finally remembered that there was a bed in the room and had managed to put it to good use throughout the course of the night, giving Lex what Clark called "his turn." For reasons he didn't understand Lex stayed up and watched Clark sleep. He didn't find it odd that he'd never found anyone worth losing sleep over.

Lex watched the early morning light play wonderfully on Clark's body, lingering at his chest and arms. Clark's hair was still plastered to his head from the exertion of earlier activities. Lex reached over and pulled it back to get a better look at his face, he winced slightly. He still had to get used to Clark's snoring, which was in no way soft.

Lying on his back and staring at the ceiling, Lex felt disorientated. He gasped silently as Clark suddenly turned his body onto his and nuzzled at his collarbone, still asleep. He stroked Clark's hair, running over the problem in his head. Surprisingly it wasn't whether or not he should tell Clark that throughout their time together Clark had literally floated off the ground, several times. Like his other abilities Lex knew that Clark had to find this one out alone.

Lex's problem was that he was in love with Clark and he didn't think he wanted it to stop.

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