In Their World

By anne nana

Published on Dec 23, 2008



This story is purely fantasy and is a work of fiction. It is not an implication of the sexual orientation of any of the characters whether fictional or real. It pairs Clark Kent (Superman) and Alexander Luthor, characters which are trademarks and copyright of DC comics.

The characters: Batman, Bruce Wayne, Superman, Alexander Luthor and members of the (Justice) League are characters which are trademarks and copyright of DC comics.

This story contains homosexual themes. If you are offended by such topics or not of legal age to read such stories, please do not read on. The names of characters and their engagements are fictitious. Any resemblances to real life are completely coincidental.

Copyright (c) Anne 2008. All rights reserved.


Chapter 1

Calming himself as he landed outside the door Clark entered the apartment and shut the door loudly behind him. Looking through the walls he could see Alex looking through papers at the bedroom desk; pretending to ignore him. Clenching the burnt half of his suit in his right hand Clark rushed into the bedroom.

"You went too far!" Clark, who had been trying to reign in his temper, was surprised to find that his left hand had gotten around Alex's neck so quickly. He wasn't, however, surprised to see that despite the late hour, being strangled and hanging a good three feet in the air Alex was unaffected. If anything he seemed annoyed at being interrupted from his work.

"Even you're not that obtuse" Alex said calmly, meeting Clark's gaze. "You knew I wouldn't sit back and do nothing." Despite looking into the eyes opposite him Alex couldn't help but be aware of the fact that Clark was only wearing half of his suit, he was still holding the other half in the hand that wasn't occupied with strangling him, in mid-air. The suit that wasn't burnt covered Clark's lower half, just below his navel. At this angle and with one arm raised, Alex could understand Clark came to be renowned as the man of steel. Although he would never come to like the red, blue and yellow concoction that was Clark's "hero" outfit, Alex had to admit that it highlighted his body perfectly.

"I told you there was no way around it." Clark said lowering both of them, until they were on the bedroom carpet. "This" he turned around to show Alex the bandages on his back and holding up the remnants of his suit "is bullshit!" he finished and turned back around.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen and with profanity no less. Tsk tsk," Alex countered.

"It wasn't fair" Clark said, as evenly as he could muster under the circumstances. Breathing slowly, he dropped the suit in his hand on the desk chair.

"Nay" In his mind Alex could never go too far where Clark was concerned. "In love and war all is fair."

"Alex..." Clark stopped because the person holding that name was stroking the back of his neck. Like many times before Clark wished he could be normal, just like everybody else, and then he wouldn't have to experience such pain. If he had been an ordinary human, Alex would have left him alone. So he was left standing in their bedroom, with his hands at his sides to stop himself from ripping out his hair. But despite everything he had been through, he was glad to be home and to have Alex hold him again.

Three days ago Clark had called to say that he'd have to miss their anniversary dinner. He had called just after noon. By four o' clock a fire was burning furiously in Metropolis. Clark had realized too late that he wouldn't be able to put it out. Thankfully, he wasn't the only one with enhanced abilities and others from The League were quick to extinguish the flames. Damage had been done to parts of the city and of course to Clark. Before blacking out he remembered feeling that he was getting too close to the flames, not realizing that his powers were waning. Clark woke up twenty-four hours later bandaged, the damage wouldn't last. Bruce's help and Clark's own personal doctor had gotten him healed soon enough to help put the city back together, where possible. Clark only knew one person who was capable of causing such a stir that quickly, even if he couldn't prove it.

"There were no deaths" Clark said leaning down and falling into the embrace, surrounding his larger frame around Alex. "You were lucky this time."

They both knew that he wasn't going to concede or apologize.

"Or maybe you're just getting better." Alex started to run his hands up and down the back he was holding, abandoning the bandaged areas for the time being. He noted the smell of sweat and charcoal emanating from Clark and basked in it.

"Have you eaten?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Clark could feel Alex start to pull away, realizing the direction that the conversation would take.

"Do I even need to ask where?" Alex felt his anger rise again as an image of a bat masked billionaire flashed in his mind.

"You can Alex; I'm not the one with secrets." Clark still couldn't understand it. He was the one with the secret identity, the curse of power and preponderate responsibility. Alex knew everything about him but he never gave himself to others easily.

"I better get to sleep." It was past one in the morning therefore Alex's tiredness was understandable. Truthfully though, he had to turn away from Cark. Other people had called him Alex but none of them had ever affected him the way Clark did.

"I have spent a day recovering from your mess and hours cleaning it up and I have work tomorrow. You owe me." Clark spoke in mock sterness as he pushed Alex towards the bed and then added his own body to the soft space.

"You wouldn't have been doing that if you had been here." Alex said casually as he massaged the thighs that were on either side of his body.

"I don't understand why and how you never seem to be affected by what you do." Clark's voice was muffled as he began to remove the shirt, pants and briefs from Alex's reclining body.


"I'm sorry I wasn't here." Clark said earnestly stopping his ministration and looking down into Alex's eyes.

Alex began to feel cornered as he always did when those blue-greens were on him. He needed to be away from those eyes. Clark's were always honest and trusting and Alex felt like punching him right then. Clark. The one person he couldn't conquer and the one he couldn't live without; even if Alex had to kill him to prove that fact. He shut his eyes then opened them and let out a quiet sigh.

"Just once, be here. Put me first and the world second for just one day." Alex said, trying to keep an even voice, trying not to plead. They looked away from one another then, because that wish would never happen. For all his weakness when it came to Alex, Clark knew his responsibility to others.

"My life would be much easier if you just died you know." Alex spoke up again, breaking the silence.

"Is that so?" His body fully on Alex, Clark moved his mouth closer to the one beneath him. Clark felt the temperature around Alex rise and heard his heart beating faster. It should have been funny that in order to get a peek into Alex's feelings you had to be superhuman. His hands trailed along Alex's cheeks which were now lightly stubbled, he moved his mouth closer and kissed the area. Then moved his lips to Alex's forehead and the tip of his nose, saving the best part for last Clark looked into the deep brown eyes before him, smirked, then bit Alex's jaw.

"You.." Before Alex could say fucker his mouth was covered by another; a firm and warm set of lips that would have brought him to his knees if he wasn't lying down. Alex's erection had been growing since Clark had physically raised him off the ground and it had reached its fully engorged state. Clark began to show his appreciation of this new state by moving against it with his own hard cock and deepened the kiss with his tongue.

Whilst one of Clark's hands left Alex's face the other moved down to his chest. It began caressing a hard pectoral and teasing a nipple to standing point. Alex found that his moans were audible when Clark removed his mouth from his and started to kiss his way down Alex's chest.

Clark licked at the absurdly hard torso in front of him. He didn't know when Alex found the time to work out but appreciated the fruits of his labour. He nudged the erection that was now standing firmly with his nose and moved around it. Then he moved further down to bite a set of glorious thighs, `this man is...god he's beautiful,' Clark thought.

Alex hated that he cared when Clark missed their anniversary, he did however, always enjoy being at the receiving end of his apologetic efforts. Then he found he couldn't think at all as a pair of lips attempted to remove all the sperm from his body. He couldn't stop the gasp that left his mouth or the hands that reached down to clutch at Clark's shoulders. Alex's nails slowly dug into the flesh as he felt the hot mouth around his erection increase its efforts, swallowing all of his length.

When he finally came it was with a loud groan and he noted that he wasn't the only one making noise. With or without meaning to Alex had buried his fingers so deep into Clark's muscled shoulders that he had drawn blood; hence Clark's groan.

"Don't you think you've done enough damage?" the wounded Clark asked, walking into the bathroom. Trying to get his breath back Alex smirked when he noticed that Clark was now completely naked. He still couldn't figure out how he could multi-task and still give earth shattering head. As always he enjoyed a naked Clark walking away as much as he did when that figure was walking towards him. `A smile and a hard on, that's all he needs,' Alex thought.

When he stopped staring Alex realized that a wrapped box had been put on the bed, he frowned when he felt the bed shift towards the weight of the present. It wouldn't budge when Alex tried to shift it.

"Aww, mass chemical ammunition, you shouldn't have" Teasing to hide his happiness. Not at the present, rather that Clark wanted to give him one.

"Open it." Clark visibly blushed, running his hand through his hair to keep himself from opening the gift. He watched the man next to him beneath his lashes, putting all his senses on alert, in an attempt at detecting Alex's feelings. To say that the present had taken him forever to find and retrieve was an understatement. It was never easy finding the perfect gift each year.

After removing the wrapping Alex found the cause of the object's great weight. It was one of the world's heaviest metals, formed into a cube. `This is what he does with his strength' Alex thought, still incredulous at the mechanics of Clark's mind. His small smile was soon gone when he peaked into the centre of the heavy metal haven.

"Oh .." was all that Alex could utter, unable to tear his eyes away. His mouth remained slightly open from the surprise. `This is what I hate' Alex reminisced. He still couldn't believe that someone who knew him so well still tried to make him happy? The gift was perfect.

To all those who weren't Clark, Alex looked as if he was in serious thought or just in a bad mood. `He likes it!' Clark thought, letting out a small sigh of relief.

"Get over yourself," Alex said as if reading his thoughts. He still hadn't stopped looking at the object, now understanding why Clark had made it so heavy. Alex hoped that that wasn't the only hindrance Clark had implemented in order to reach and remove the gift, as he could easily get around the issue. A devilish look entered his eyes before he asked "Can you take it out?"


"You should trust me. If you take it out I promise not to do anything with it," Alex said. He knew that his mouth saying what his mind would never agree to.

Whilst Clark loved him, he wasn't blind to what havoc Alex would wreak with the gift if he could. Later when Alex would find a way around the weightiness of the object in order to remove the present within it, he'd discover the other preventions Clark implanted.

"I'm sorry for not being here. Happy anniversary." Clark leaned in and held Alex's face, running his hands through the rich chestnut hair and bringing that mouth to his lips.

"Thank you." Alex was leaning into the kiss when he realized that although wonderful, the gift was now in the way. "This needs to be moved." To which Clark obliged by lifting up the object single handed, as if it was an obstructive feather.

Clark got back into bed with him, "Now, for my present."

"You already got it." Alex said, reminding Clark of the "Fortnight of Peace"agreement, he had engineered.

"No, I mean sex." Clark said as seriously as he could, still high from Alex's reaction.

"My mistake" Alex rolled his eyes, but began to move himself onto Clark as he pushed his body into the mattress.

"Not on my back."

"Right, of course."

Clark was no longer surprised that Alex was annoyingly casual about his injuries, even when Alex had caused them. Pushing his weight forward, Clark imposed himself onto the body opposite him.

Alex soon found himself immobile. Both of his wrists were caught in one of Clark's hands. Despite his efforts at kicking him, Alex found that Clark wasn't budging, in fact he looked amused.

"Take a picture alien boy, it'll last you longer."

Pretending to be shocked, Clark retaliated by inflicting soft bites at his neck. "Oh" came out as a gasped utterance as Alex felt himself being manually prepared by a set of dexterous digits and large amounts of lube.

"You were saying." Clark prompted, paying attention to Alex's nipples yet again. Sheathed and probing at his entrance Clark looked down into Alex's eyes to find his gaze returned.


"I can't believe you started a fire because of me. I was seriously hurt." Clark said as he pushed forward, meeting a tightness that made him grit his teeth as a route to stopping himself from cumming too soon.

"You constantly underestimate me" Alex responded, his breath hitching.

"You..." `the one person that makes me hate myself and someone whom I can't walk away from, despite numerous attempts.' "Are unbelievable," Clark finished audibly, after making room for his thoughts.

"Would it surprise you to know that you're not the first person to tell me that?" Alex replied, pushing himself back against the hard and persistent body on top of him.

`Kryptonite fire' Clark thought. As the flames had engulfed him, his life flashed before his eyes for what seemed like the billionth time. Like always the majority of the images were consumed by one person. Alexander Luthor. As he began to move inside him and kiss the lips of that man, Clark felt truly invincible for the first time. He knew what would end him and what made him feel alive.

Alex found his tongue pushing itself further into Clark's mouth, hungry for everything this man had to give, thankful that he was the one chosen to receive it. However, he couldn't stop his hands from reaching up to clutch at Clark's back, opening up the wounds that had started healing. Grimacing when he was grabbed too roughly, Clark pushed himself further into him as punishment. `I don't deserve such happiness' Alex thought and he was right.


Next: Chapter 2

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