In the Woods

By Mike C

Published on Jun 24, 2002



Once an average teenage boy Part one - In the Woods

By Michael Curtis forward all comments, good or bad (But please, no flames) to Also, if your in the Norwich area and you want to chat and perhaps meet with the guy whose mind makes up this stuff, get in touch.


This story is intended for adults 18 or over. Don't read if below that or easily offended. Of course, if you are easily offended it begs the question as to what on earth your doing on a site with this story on in the first place. This isn't a true story, its more of a fantasy of mine. I really am named mike, and the character is me, but the events haven't happened. Yet. anyway. onto the story....

Allow me to introduce myself. My names Mike. I'm 18 years old, and am currently a student for....ooh. A week, until college finishes and I have to go get a job. I live in the city of Norwich in the UK which is, for those who don't know...hmm. How best to describe it. If you look at the map of england, on the right is the bit that can be described as Englands arse. We're slap bang in the middle of it, in the middle of nowhere. (Comically, at the end of Englands arse is Gt. Yarmouth, which can best be described as a shithole) I'm pretty average looking, short brown hair, blue eyes, a bit chubby. I am, in essance, your normal everyday teenage student.

I've never been quite sure what my sexuality is. One day I'm straight as an arrow, the next I only have eyes for other guys. In the long term I'll probably turn out to be an average straight guy, but at the moment hormones have me ready to fuck, or be fucked by, just about anything. Anyway. Enough babbling about me. Onto the story of how I changed from the sort of guy old ladies called 'Such a nice boy' to the sort of 18 year old every pervy old guy dreams about.

Saturday was the day. Saturdays are probably the most eventful day of my otherwise kinda drab life. Much of the day is spent working at the local co-op, dealing with senile old people who, after 80 years, still haven't figured out quite how this whole 'shop thing' works. Saturday nights are spent in true student fashion - drunk and dancing around like an idiot. Anyway, this saturday night in particular was kinda normal. We'd been turned out by the best club in the city because it was 20's night and, being 18, getting in was not always a certainty. We we're left with a choice between the old slappers club or the students club. We chose the latter, knowing full well the chances of pulling we're pretty much non-existant, but content in the knowlage that if we did on the off-chance pull we wouldn't wake up in the morning with crabs or anything.

Nothing much happened at the club. I thought I'd pulled one 24 year old named Anne, until after buying her several drinks she introduced me to her fiance, who clearly found the whole thing hilarious. Bitch. I got a few dances with other girls, but..well. It wasn't to be my night. I left the club that night drunk, horny and a bit pissed off, and began the long walk home. Being somewhat merry on booze it didn't occur to me like it normally does that taking the road through the woods home wouldn't be a good idea. If I'd known then that these particular woods are known gay meeting places even drunk I probably wouldn't of taken that route home. But I didn't, so off I went. It was during that walk that things got interesting.

About half way through my walk I heard some grunting from behind some nearby bushes. At first, I thought someone was hurt, and I began walking over towards the sound. As I got towards the bush I began to hear voices murmering from behind it. 'Yeah, thats it, you little slut, take my big cock....mmm...yeah....'

I should point out that when I said I left the club horny, I meant it. Now, I presumed that one of three things we're happening behind the bush. First, a couple we're enjoying a private moment together, in which case I'll have something to wank over when I get home. Secondly, two people we're just mearly fucking, and if she really was a slut I'd get the chance to join in. Thirdly, a girl was being raped, in which case I could dash in, save the day and be a hero all over the local papers, which by extension ment that for a few weeks my sort-of-semi-fame could be the difference between going to my bed or someone elses bed next time I went out. (As I said, I was pretty drunk)

When I got to the bushes, I wasn't prepared for what I saw. One guy was on his knees, head in the crotch area of another guy. I couldn't see the guy on his knee's all to well, but the guy standing I got a good view of. He was about 6"4, with short brown hair. He was fairly well built - not fat, but stocky - and had no facial hair or anything. And, as I stumbled drunkingly round to have a look, he was looking straight at me.

"Hey, matt, stop a minute...look what we got here" he said with a grin on his face. The other guy turned his head and looked at me. He was a bit smaller and skinnier than his friend, with a shaved ginger head and ginger stubble. I wasn't really paying much attention to him though. It was hard to when the guy he was sucking off had a somewhat large 8" thick piece of cock staring at me. Suddenly my situation - in the middle of the woods with two strange older horny guys, hit home with me, and I began to panic slightly

"I...erm....I'm sorry, guys, I'll...erm..." I murmered out starting to walk away. "nono, thats ok" the bigger guy said, walking towards me. "Why don't you stay?". I turned away and began to walk, but the guy was following me.

"cmon, you might like it" he said, grabbing my sholders and turning me round to face him. Normally I would of been struggling and shouting rape at this point, but I was too drunk, and we were in the middle of the woods at two in the morning anyway, so that probably wouldn't of done any good anyway.

"No...thats...thats ok" I managed to squeak out as he pushed me gently back against a tree moving his body close to mine. I began to protest, I can't remember exactly what I said, but he ignored me and I felt his hand drift down over my crotch, before squeezing. Memories of the bitch a few hours before, who danced for 5 minutes with her hand down there before mentioning that its 'too hot' and that she 'needs a drink' came flooding back and I felt my cock tweak. So did he, and he responded by rubbing it a bit harder while pushing his body close to mine. Again I attempted to protest, but a combination of drink and nerves ment I probably wasn't even making real words. Then I felt the zip on my trousers come down.

"Wha...wha...what are you doing?" I asked, as his hand went inside and moved the fabric of my boxers aside, allowing my semi-hard cock to spring out free. He didn't answer, instaid choosing to grab my cock and fondle it in his fingers. I noticed then that his hard thick cock was rubbing slowly against my leg. Between this and his fondling my cock began to harden despite my nerves. I began to moan softly, not quite sure whether to try and get him to stop or just to let him carry on. suddenly, he stopped what he was doing, pushed the top of my chest roughly against the tree with one hand, and lowered himself down before engulfing my cock in his mouth and sucking hard.

I think my mind was made up at that point. I was going to let this guy have his way with me. I stopped what little attempt at stuggling I was making and relaxed. I'd never felt anything like this. Up until this point, the only experiance I'd ever had was a few gropes in a club. This was like nothing I'd ever experianced. I began to moan, fairly loudly. Both his hands were on my hips at this point, and he was moving them back and forward, making me push my cock into his mouth then out again. Through all of this I didn't notice that we'd moved away from the tree nor that the ginger guy who's mouth had earlier been full of cock had moved in the space behind me until I felt his hands move round my chest and undo my the button to my trousers. He pulled them down, taking my boxers with them. I gasped a bit - it was a cold night and I wasn't prepared for the cold on my lower body. Hell, I wasn't prepared for any of this. A few minutes earlier I was walking home, still straight and still a complete virgin.

I began to feel a familer feeling in my groin. It wasn't going to be long before I came in this guys mouth. when the ginger guy went down to his knee's behind me and began to tounge my asshole I knew I wasn't going to last much longer. I stood there, between two heads, my back straight, swaying back and forward gently while two mouths and tounges brought me rapidly closer to orgasm.

"ugh...I'm.....I'm gonna cum....ugh" I moaned as I felt squirt after squirt of my jizz full the hot mouth that was milking it. My legs almost buckled as my whole body spasmed with pleasure.

"mmm, you enjoy that?" the ginger guy asked behind me. All I could manage was a nod and an 'mmm'

"Good" The ginger guy said. "Now our turn". Before it could sink in what this guy had just said I found myself being pushed to the floor and the ginger guy pin me down on my back. I began to struggle but the alcohol and the strength of my orgasm had weakened me to the point where I felt like I was made of jelly. The bigger guy of the two then positioned his head over my asshole and I felt something warm and sticky fall into my ass. This guy was spitting my own cum into my hole. Then I felt a finger force its way in and begin rubbing my cum into my ass. Being a complete virgin to guys my ass had never even been streached this far. I gasped in a mixture of pain and pleasure as his finger worked inside of me. The ginger guy meanwhile sat on my back and began to undo his trousers. I caught a glimpse of his cock. It wasn't as big as his friends, but it was a respectable 7". He sat up, but before I could move I felt the bigger guy climb on and lay down on my back, his cock rubbing against one of my cheecks.

"This is going to hurt, but relax, you'll love it eventually".

Then I felt him penertrate me. He didn't go gently, instaid slowly but forcefully pushing his entire 8" rod into my ass. I felt like it was on fire. I began to scream, but before much sound could come out, the ginger guy pushed his cock into my mouth. He grabbed my face and began fucking my mouth at a fairly fast pace. I didn't really pay much attention though, I was too busy focusing on the huge cock that was splitting my hole open. I began to gasp and tried to scream again, but all that came out was a gurgle as the ginger guys cock slid in and out of my mouth.

This kept going on for a few minutes before I realised that the pain in my ass was going away, and being replaced by a strange but enjoyable sensation. Gradually I began to fuck my ass back, trying to match the guys strokes into my ass. Don't get me wrong, it still hurt, but not as much as before.

I didn't enjoy having my face fucked like this though. The guys cock smelled funny. I wished it was the bigger guys cock in my mouth, as well as my ass. In fact, I wished the lanky ginger guy would just vanish altogether. But there he was, still fucking my face and causing me to gag at every stroke, preventing me from enjoying the fucking I was getting in my ass. So I did the only thing I knew how to do. I began to suck his cock, in the hope that maybe I'd either make him cum quickly and he'd go away, or that he'd slow down and stop ramming it down my neck.

Fortunatly, the latter came true. As I sucked and tounged his cock and balls, he stopped his fucking altogether, instaid just kneeling and letting me do my work on his cock. I couldn't belive my situation. 5 minutes earlier I was walking home, never stopping to think about my sexuality, next thing I know two strangers are spitroasting me.

"shit...this guy likes it...he really likes it...." the ginger guy murmered as I gulped half way down his shaft. "Fuck his ass is tight...jeez.....shit....I think I'm going to cum already" he said as he pounded hard down on me. Then suddenly he pulled out of my ass, stood up, went over to the ginger guy and shoved his cock into the ginger guys mouth.

"Remember what Mark and John did last week?" the big guy said, to which the ginger guy nodded a reply while sucking. I through all this layed there and sucked on the ginger guys cock as hard as I could, trying to bring the smelly bastard off as quick as I could. I heard a groan above me, and I saw a bit of cum dribble out on the side of the ginger guys mouth. Then I felt his cock spasm in my mouth, and I braced myself for cum....

...and then the ginger guy pulled out. The bigger guy knelt down and began to suck his cock. I saw the 7" cock surrounded in ginger pubes spasm and heard a huge sigh. Presuming I was no Longer needed, I began to sit up. The big guy, his mouth now full of cum, made a 'Hmmm!' sound, and grabbed my shoulders, pinning me back down to the ground. I layed there, wondering what was next for me. Then I discovered what Mark and John had done the previous week, as these two older guys began to dribble and spit their mouthfuls of each others cum down on my face. Then they pulled their trousers up, and walked off laughing together, while I lied there, worn out and well fucked in a pool of cum.

That was my first fuck with men, but it wouldn't be my last. I've just swallowed my own load (Hey, it beats using tissue) thinking about this story, and I'm warn out. I'll write up the next one on another day.


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