In the Swim

By william michael

Published on Jan 5, 2005


The characters in this story are fictional and depict no one in particular. This story contains depictions of male/male sex. If such depictions are not your interest or will offend you, don't read on. If you have any comments feel free to send them to me.

Mike had a lot on his mind lately. Three years as a widower had taken a serious toll on his sex life. It was only in the last six months or so that he had started showing any interest in dating and the few women that he had dated hadn't done much to solve his problem. It wasn't all their fault however, since he had been thinking of more then just women lately. He was 43 years old and with the exception of one brief interlude in college he had not been with a man. But he was thinking about it a lot. The reason he was thinking about it a lot was his next door neighbor. Mike had moved to this quiet neighborhood shortly after his wife passed away hoping the solitude would help heal him. For the first couple of years the plan worked well. The house on one side was in the middle of a double lot with a high hedge that separated their properties. On the other side and the last house on the dead end street before some woods was owned by an elderly couple who kept to themselves. However, over a year ago the elderly husband died and his wife sold the house to move in with one of her children. The house was bought by a middle aged divorcee with a teenage son. And the first change they made was the installation of a built in swimming pool. All last summer they young man spent several hours in and around the pool. He had just graduated from high school and was preparing to enter college on a swimming scholarship. At the time he proved to be little more then a curiosity to Mike, doing laps and lounging about. Occasionally his mother would join him. She was an attractive woman in her middle forties, and she filled out a one piece suit nicely. Her figure would have been more in vogue before the advent of heroin chic but that was more to Mike's liking anyway.

Mike's current dilemma didn't begin until this past spring when his young neighbor returned home during spring break and as the temperature had already climbed into the upper 70s, he spent his usual time at the pool. Mike took notice of his lean wiry frame, smooth skin and skimpy speedo. He found it troubling. He could not deny that his libido had started to resurface after it's lengthy hiatus but this was not the direction he had expected it to take. Working from home did have its perils. During that week he often found himself lingering by a window, glancing over into his neighbors yard, the low hedge on that side no impediment to a clear view of the pool and it's occupant. There had been little interaction between mike and his neighbors that first summer beyond an occasional wave. Over the week of spring break it had expanded somewhat since Mike had bought an old motorcycle and would spend a few hours a day tinkering with it in front of his garage. His young neighbor had on several occasions come to the hedge and look over and chat a bit about motorcycles. Mike was glad the low hedge was at least waist high but the closer look at the smooth tight chest and abs was enough to start his blood flowing.

So now that summer was here and the object of his interest was back again, Mike had to once more deal with his confused and intensifying feelings. He had finally gotten the old bike up and running and enjoyed taking it out in the mornings for a ride. On this particular day as he rolled to a stop in front of his garage he couldn't help but notice his young neighbor pulling himself up out of the pool, the muscles in his upper arms and chest tightly defined with the strain. As he stoop up, the water beading on his smooth skin, the skimpy tight racing suit barely containing a tight bulge and firm ass. Mike shut down the bike and pulled off his helmet. His neighbor looked over and waved and then started walking over. Perched on the bike Mike couldn't help but see all his young neighbor. The smooth skin rippled as muscles worked as he strolled across the grass and up to the hedge.

"I see you got it running finally. Sounds good."

"Yeah, thanks. It took a while but it was worth it.," Mike said, concentrating hard on maintaining eye contact.

"By the way, my name is Stan," the young man said extending his hand across the hedge.

"Mike." Taking Stan's hand he found his grip firm, sure and warm. Mike felt that familiar blood rush.

"You spend a lot of time at home. Are you retired or do you have home business," Stan asked as they released each others hand.

"Semi retired with a few things going from home. Keeps me out of trouble," Mike replied with a half grin.

"Nothing wrong with a little trouble now and then," Stan replied, a little glint in his eye.

"True, if you can find it."

They looked at each other for a moment and then Stan's mom called out to him that lunch was ready. He smirked. "Once a mom, always a mom. Talk to you later, mike."

"Yeah, sure."

Mike watched as Stan walked back to the house, almost mesmerized at the way his ass muscles flexed and relaxed as he strolled into the house. He left his helmet on the bike as he too went into the house, his walking somewhat hindered by the erection trapped in his jeans. He didn't remember them being this tight before. The next morning dawned bright and clear and hot. The temperature had risen overnight and it felt more like August then June. Mike went out early to do few yard chores before it got to unbearable and by mid morning he was sweating profusely. While on the other side of the yard he heard a splash and knew that Stan was out for his morning swim. He worked his way across the yard so that by the time he was finishing up and putting his things away in the garage Stan had finished his laps and was lounging by the poolside.

"You look a little warm over there Mike. Why not come over for a dip in the pool?"

Unable to think of an excuse why not, and not really wanting to find one, he shrugged and said,

"Okay, thanks, I'll go change." Stan waved and nodded.

Mike hadn't worn a bathing suit for quite sometime and had no idea where to look for one so he opted for a pair of cutoff jeans he had laying around. He walked around the back of the garage to where a gap in the hedge allowed him to move from yard to yard if he walked sideways. As he approached the pool he saw Stan was already back in, leaning on the side of the pool with his chin resting on his arms, watching Mike approach. If asked Mike would admit to being in okay shape, though in fact he had maintained a trim physique with well muscled arms, chest and legs. His chest and abdomen were covered in a fine layer of hair that matched the close cut brown of his head. He tossed his towel on the nearest lounge chair and walked down into the pool at the shallow end, slowly working his way into the deeper, cooler water. He had to admit, after working in the heat most of the morning, this felt very good. He ducked his head under and came up to wipe the water out of his eyes. Stan had turned around and was now lazily moving about with just his head and neck above the surface.

"Glad you could come over. It gets really boring in here once my laps are done."

"Thanks for the invite, this feels great. Don't you have any friends to invite over, I'd think they'd give a lot to be able to cool off."

"Nah, we moved here after I graduated from high school. Then it was off to college so I don't know anyone around here that well. Plus I'm not good at meeting people. Look how long it took me to get up the nerve to talk to you."

Mike was a little slow to pick up on the message here and frowned a bit.

"Why would you be nervous about talking to me? I figured it was just the generational thing."

Stan began to drift a little close. "Not at all. I've always found it tough to talk to new people." Then he paused and drifted back again. "Especially those I'm attracted to."

Mike blinked a few times and ran his hand slowly over his face. "You find me attractive?"

Stan nodded, his chin sending tiny ripples through the water. "Very much. I noticed you right away last summer but you didn't seem to be paying any attention. Then over spring break you seemed to take more interest. So I thought I'd take a shot. Did I misread anything?"

Mike had to think for a moment. He was his chance if he had the courage to act on it. "No you didn't. It has been on my mind quite a lot lately."


"You, me, men in general. The whole thing."

By this time Stan had backed himself to the side of the pool. He reached behind himself and pushed up and out of the water and came to a sitting position, his legs dangling over the side. "Maybe this will help you decide."

Stan's speedo had a significantly large bulge in the front then normal. In fact the bulge moved off to the left, a thick lengthy bulge that was clearly outlined by the thin nylon.

He leaned back a little to offer a better view. Mike stared openly at it, marveling how the shape and definition was so clearly evident. Stan looked down and then back at Stan again. "I'll show you mine if you show me yours."

Mike looked towards the house. "What about your mother?"

"Gone for the day, won't be back until late tonight."

To up the ante, Stan let his had move to his crotch, one finger running up the side of his thick nylon clad cock. Looking back at the house again, Mike nodded once and moved toward Stan. Not wanting to look like he was just following along, he added a twist of his own. As he got to within a few feet of his young studly neighbor, he reached down and undid his jeans shorts and slid them off underwater. He then threw them up alongside the pool. To give his part of the show he leaned backward until his legs floated to the surface, his own hard cock laying back along his stomach, poking above the water. Stan looked at and let the tip of his tongue wet his lower lip. He then hooked a thumb in the waist band of his suit and pulled it slowly down over the hefty bulge. Freed of it's constraint the young man's cock righted itself to stand tall and erect. Mike judged it to be at least 8 maybe 9 inches long. It was nicely thick as well. Stand then laid back on the concrete apron of the pool, lifted his hips and slid the suit to his knees. Sitting back up he lifted his legs and slipped the suit down and passed his feet, dropping it on top of Stan's shorts. He gave his hard cock a few slow strokes then slipped back into the water. Mike continued to float with his cock above the surface of the water. While not as large as Stan's it was still a good six and a half inches long and only slightly less thick.

As Stan moved slowly through the water toward him, Mike sank back under the water to stand on his feet again. Stan came to a halt less then an arms length away. He looked Mike right in the eye.

"It's great be naked in the water isn't it. I come out at night sometimes and do some skinny dipping."

He let his hand drift forward and lightly brushed over Mike's thigh. Mike's cock twitched but he didn't pull back. He had made up his mind and was committed to following through. As he felt Stan's fingers brush across his balls he reached forward and cupped the hot young studs large hanging balls in his hand.

"Mmmm, that feels great, Mike. I'm so glad I didn't scare you off." Mike simply smiled as you fondled the soft sack and two hard balls inside. Stan let his hand move up and run his fingers over Mike's hard shaft. Mike's hand slid up the long thick shaft of his young friend so that just he palm was touching the underside, pressing the fat cock against the washboard abs. They never broke eye contact. Going for broke, Mike let his other hand slide around Stan's hip and slide over those taught ass muscles. Stan let out a small groan and allowed himself to be pulled forward. Their hard cocks made contact first sending an electric spark up Mike's spine. Then for the first time he was kissing another males lips. They were soft, warm and tasted slightly of chlorine but it was the finest taste he ever found. They pressed full length against each other, their hips grinding as they slid their tongues in each other's mouths. Stan had his hands on Mike's upper back while Mike used both hands to grasp that oh so fine swimmers ass. Both of them moaned into each others mouths. Stan had begun to push them ever so slightly backwards until they had reached a shallow enough section so that they were both knee deep in the water. Breaking their kiss he slid down Mike's body until he was facing a hard, twitching cock. He looked up at Mike and said in a husky voice,

"I've been waiting for this for a whole year." He promptly slipped his lips over the head and let his tongue flick around the hole. Mike tipped his head back and sighed deeply. It was the most intense sexual pleasure he had ever felt and it was only just beginning. Stan slowly engulfed the cock in his warm willing mouth as he fondled the heavy balls beneath it. Mike could only hold the young man's head in his heads to steady himself. The head began to bob and his hips began to move in sympathetic rhythm. He could feel Stan's nose bump against his belly and he knew what it was like to be deep throated for the first time.

"Jesus, Stan, you're incredible." Stan simply looked up and smile with his eyes, never once breaking his stride. But Mike wanted his turn too so reluctantly he pushed Stan's head away and pulled him to his feet. Kissing him again he turned them both around and steered Stan to the steps at the shallow end of the pool. With some pressure on his shoulders, Stan was `forced' to sit down so that his torso and cock were out of the water. Mike settled down between his outstretched legs and eyed that big beautiful dick wrapping his hand around the base and squeezing it a bit. Stan squirmed a little and settled back on his elbows, spreading his legs wide. Mike leaned in to slowly bring his tongue into contact with a man's cock for the first time. He let it slide up the swollen underside of Stan's erection, guiding the tip to his mouth. Closing his eyes he let the head slip past his lips, the thick shaft stretching his mouth open. He stayed there a moment to savor the feel, the texture and the taste. He flicked his tongue over the head a few times, smiling inwardly as he heard Stan moan his pleasure. He let the shaft slide in some more, knowing full well he would never take it all in but wanting to fill his mouth as best he could. When he took all he could he slide back up until just the tip was there between his lips and then he repeated the trip, down and back, down and back. He continued to grip the thick shaft with his one hand, the other one sliding over the inside of those smooth, muscled thighs or cupping those hairless heavy balls. He wasn't sure on long he had been at it but eventually he felt hands on his head pulling him up and off.

"Damn, Mike, that feels so great. You really know how to suck cock, you must do this a lot."

Mike laughed and smiled, "Nope, first time."

"Really? You're a natural, but I want more of your hot cock. Let's put a towel out and do each other. I want to 69 with you."

"You got it."

The two naked men stepped up out of the pool, water glistening on their skin, their erect cocks bobbing in front of them. Stan grabbed a large beach towel off of a lounge chair and spread it out in a spot shaded by the house. As he stood up Mrek stepped forward and let his cock slide over the younger man's firm ass cheeks. His arms slipped around the narrow waist, one hand moving up to rub his chest, the other gripping the large cock in a firm grip. He let his own cock slip between the taut ass cheeks, his hips moving to rub it up and down as he gently stroked that amazing dick. Stan leaned his head back and groaned softly.

"That feels sooo good, but I want that dick in my mouth. Let's lay down." They broke apart and laid themselves down in the classic face to cock position. With a last look at each others faces they dipped their heads down and began to orally administer to each others raging erections. Mike couldn't get enough of the fat head and thick shaft, licking, sucking and slurping all over it's length and girth. One hand would stroke the lower section when he was sucking it and the other played with the heavy smooth ball sack. Stan had returned to his expert deep throating, occasionally slipping out his tongue to like Mike's balls while he had all six and a half inches buried in his mouth. The liquid sounds of sucking were mixed with the deep guttural moans of two men thoroughly wrapped up in each others pleasure. Mike could feel that familiar tightening of his balls telling him that he wasn't going to be able to resist coming much longer. He could also see and feel the younger man's balls begin to pull up closer to the immense shaft, signaling his proximity to orgasm. He had no intention of releasing his lip lock on that fabulous cock and was going to let Stan decide what he was going to do at the moment of release. Their sucking became more urgent as they approached closer to the edge. Then with a deep grunt Mike gave one last shove and began shooting a heavy load of cum into the back of Stans throat. Stan let go of his load before Mike had shot a third time and it soon overwhelmed the overstuffed mouth of Mike. Heavy white cream began to leak past his lips and run down the sides of his chin. It was the most intense orgasm Mike could ever recall and it wasn't just his balls that were drained. He felt is body loosen and sort of melt into Stan. He had let Stan's cock slip from his mouth but he held the still hard shaft against his face. As his head cleared he felt is own cock slip out of Stan's mouth. They lay on their sides, heads resting on the others leg, catching their collective breath. After a few moments Mike felt Stan pull away a bit and reorient himself so he was now face to face with his older neighbor. They stared at each other for a moment then leaned in for a cum smeared kiss. They pressed their bodies together, they semi erect cocks rubbing against each other. Hands slid over sweat moistened skin.

"I've waited a long time for that," Stan said quietly.

"I hope the next time won't be so long," Mike replied. Feeling a few twitches from between them both Stan smiled and said,

"I don't think we will have to wait all that long."

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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