In the Still of the Night

By dino alpacino

Published on Nov 28, 2007


Aargh, Monday morning. I woke up at seven so I could shower and have a decent breakfast before class. But first I had to go run. Definitely not the same without Thom by my side. But maybe for the better 'cause I would've jumped him.

Class at nine o'clock, until eleven thirty. A quick lunch and then off to my second class. Mondays ware always crammed for me, and it was an unpleasant contrast to the weekend.

Around three I had an hour in between classes and I went to my favourite spot on campus. The lawn between the Administrations office and the auditorium. It had really old oak trees and in the afternoon the sun was in just the right place. I lay down under a tree and enjoyed the last warm rays of the season. The birds chirped, squirrels chattered and students loitered around. Perfect.

'Did you miss me?' someone whispered in my ear.

I jumped and found Thom crouched at my side. Ah, to kiss him right then and there...

'In moderate amounts.'

'I was about to invite you up to my room, but I guess it could wait then...'

'I was lost without you.' I grinned.

'Like a Pavlovian bitch.' He smirked and I barked in response.

'I was just playing with you; I've got class in ten minutes. But imagine my delight when on my way to a lecture on Roman translations of early Greek prose, I saw you stretched out in the sun.'

'I know, I'm a welcome surprise.'

'That you are.'

'I've got class until six, you?'

'Five thirty, but there's practice at six, sorry.'

I pouted and made a discontent sound.

'Tell you what. After practice I'll come by your room and we'll head out for something to eat.'

'Sounds good.'

Thom got up and looked at me lustfully before he turned around and jogged to the auditorium. God, was he sexy when he ran. That bouncing ass, swaying hips, delicious torture.

Everyone filed out of the lecture hall, beat after a day of classes. Professor Graben had reviewed and returned our essays. It had been a long arduous two hours of listening to other people's mistakes. I reminded myself to always get an excuse for skipping review classes.

'Mister O'Keafe. A moment of your time please.' Her stern voice stopped me. 'I have reserved some tickets at the Boston Theatre, Friday evening, three weeks from now.'

Speaking of German efficiency. I nodded.

'One of them could be yours, if you're interested.'

'I am.'

'Excellent. I didn't mean to jump on you and force a subject. You are still free to choose another if you would like.'

'No, that's fine. I'm definitely interested.'

'Good. Now, you will have to arrange some accommodations for the night. It will be too late to catch a train back to Newbourn.'

'Oh, uhm I think I can arrange something.' An idea came to mind, although I would have to bring it up with him first. 'Would you have another ticket available?'

'I do, you're bringing someone?'

'Maybe, I'll let you know before the end of the week if that's alright?'

'Quite alright, Mister O'Keafe.'

'Thank you, Professor. I'll see you Thursday.'

She smiled and went back to her papers. I walked out and wondered if Thom wouldn't mind. I had two hours to kill before he would come by.

Edward was in our room, reading.

'How was the party, excuse me, soirŽe?' ha asked, with a hint of sarcasm.

'Very soirŽe-ish. Thank God they served drinks.'

'Real drinks? How unbefitting.'

'Come on Edward, they're not that bad. As a matter of fact, you introduced me. I recall you saying they were 'a splendid beacon of stability and value amongst this riff raff'?

'Sounds like I something I would've said before you saw me sucking cock.'

He was back to normal.

'I've sent them a card by the way.' He said, while turning a page.

'You what?'

'Well, a telegram actually.'

'Saying what?'

'Owe you an apology, stop, will make up over drinks, stop, still my favourite couple, stop, kind regards, Edward, full stop.' He recited, very pleased with himself.

'Very smooth.'

'I'm sure Rosie can appreciate the dramatics of telegram.'

'And who can resist drinks with Edward?'

'No one, darling. Speaking of which?'

'Sorry, I'm having dinner with Thom.'

'Hell and damnation!'

And sure enough, there was a knock at the door at about eight thirty. I was starving by the time, for food and for Thom. So I jumped up and was at the door in a flash. It felt like unwrapping a present. I yanked it open and smiled broadly at my boyfriend. Or whatever he was, I didn't care at that time.

'You're happy.' He stated, smiling as well.

I took him by the wrist and dragged him inside, slamming the door shut. I had him off balance and took advantage of it. With a swift shove he was pressed against the door, and I against him. His surprised yelp was silenced by my lips as I lost no time I going for what I wanted. He very quickly recovered from the shock and kissed me back. His hands held me close and I even made this little purr. A feeling of intense warmth and comfort washed over me and I really didn't care about anything else. I just wished we could do this in public, like the rest of them.

'Don't mind me.' Edward said and added a polite cough.

We broke our kiss and turned towards him. He was sitting in his armchair, watching us without any reserve.

'Sorry Edward, want a kiss?' Thom asked with a smile on his lips.

'I'm fine, thank you. Besides, Dylan's a bit needy tonight.'

'I am, give me one for the road. I'm hungry.'

Thom obliged real quick and we kissed passionately. I was very aware of Edward's eyes though. I opened mine and looked straight at him, over Thom's shoulder. That freaked him out a bit and I had to laugh.

'What's so funny?' Thom protested.

'Let's get going, I'm actually starving.'

'Okay, bye Edward.'

'Don't wait up.' I grinned.

Edward gave me a wave and a wink and turned back to his book.

'Hey uhm, does Edward have a problem with me?' Thom asked as we walked out of Barstow Hall.

'I don't think so, why?'

'Don't know, he's just always a bit...curt'

'No, that's just him. He'll warm up.'

'If you say so.'

'Don't mind him, he just likes being in the centre of things.'


'What do you feel like?'

'Burgers.' He answered very decidedly.

'That was fast.'

'The idea of two burgers with cheese and fries got me through practice. If that's okay for you.'

'Sure, I just have no idea who serves the best.'

'That would be Patty's Patties.'

'Cute name.'

'It's a bit cheesy in there. Very family style, but at this time of night it's mostly students.'

'Sounds good. Patty's Patties it is.' I said and repeated the name a few times and laughed.

'See, you ARE happy.'

'Yeah, I'm happy to see you.' A pretty average expression but it felt like a declaration of abiding love or something. So I suddenly got really nervous.

'So am I.' He replied softly and squeezed my hand.

Feeling all fuzzy we walked into town and I had to control my shit-eating grin. It popped up every two seconds anyhow. Patty's Patties was not on the square where all the other student hangouts were. Probably why I hadn't ever noticed it before. Not that Newbourn was that big. Quite the contrary. But it was sort of an understanding between the townies and the students that we kept to our square. Considering the amount of hammered students every night, not a bad agreement.

As Thom had said, it was a bit cheesy. The comfortable atmosphere was really pushed to the limit. Cosy to the third power. We took a table by the window and ordered quickly.

'So, how was your weekend?' he asked.

'Well...turbulent.' I answered and decided it was a fitting description. Thom raised an eyebrow and I explained the entire situation. Leaving out what had transpired during the night, though. Maybe later.

'Jesus Christ, that is turbulent.'

'How was Boston?'

'Horribly boring. As expected.'

'That'll teach you.' I smiled and was about to whisper something over the table but was interrupted by two plates of mouth-watering burgers hovering in front of us. Thom's eyes locked on their target and a big smile crept on his face. He looked real cute and I laughed.

'What?' he asked, grabbing the first burger.

I waited 'til the waitress left and said he looked real cute, real boyish.

'Hungry.' Was his defence, in between two bites.

I dove in on mine and immediately understood. Tasty grilled meat, crunchy salad, ketchup, fresh buns, onions, the works. We finished out first in two minutes I think and took some more time on the second.

'This is our first date.' Thom said soft enough so the music would cover us up.

'Well, I don't wait until the third to put out.' I replied.

He choked on a bite, laughing.

'Good, I would hate to drop you back off with Mother Edward.'

'That makes two of us.'

'Oh, before I forget. You're coming to the race next weekend, right?'

'Of course.'

'You can stay over at my house, I'll show you around town. If you want to.'

'Oh, uhm wow. Sure, that'd be great.' I answered and added, 'Meeting your parents.'

Oh God.

'Yes, Sunday brunch. Hooray.'

'Now I've got a question for you.'


'Two weeks after, I'm going to that Berthold Brecht thing. You know, the one professor Graben tricked me into.'


'It's in Boston.'

'I know.'

'I need to find some accommodations for the night.'

'Dylan, just ask me.' He chuckled.

'I just did.'

'No you didn't.'

'Would you perhaps, know of any...oh screw it. You want to go with and then maybe we could stay over at your parent's house? Oh god that sounded so wrong.'

'Don't worry, I would very much like to. And my room is in a remote part of the house, no one will bother us.' He said in conspiring tone.

'Great. Damn, isn't that a bit much? Of your parents I mean?'

'No, they're happy if we just make an appearance. We can do what we want.'

'And they won't think anything of it when they see me twice on such short time?'

'Would your parents?'

'Good point.' And I took the last bite of the burger, alas.

'Oh, I met a friend of yours yesterday. Calvin.'

Thom's face suddenly went serious and very attentive.

'What's up with him?' I asked, curious about his sudden change of mood.

'Cal's an old friend, a good friend.'

'I got that impression. He told me tons of stories about you guys.'

'Did he?'

'What's up with YOU?' I asked very interested.

'Uhm, this isn't the time or place or something. I'll tell you about him later.' He answered, somewhat uncomfortable.

'Sure, no problem.' Uh oh.

So I changed subjects. But I was really curious. And Thom knew it.

Walking back to campus I had to restrain myself not to put my arm around him. Or kiss him. Or run my finger over his face. Or grab him and push him against a wall and...I blushed.

'What's that for?' he asked.

'What's what?' I replied, a bit dazed.

'The blushing.' He chuckled.

I smiled. In my head I was being really seductive and maybe I was. His eyes shone with lust as I put my hand on his chest and moved in closer. We were standing in the middle of the street, where everyone could see us. The blood pounded in my ears and I put my mouth at his.

'I'll race you.' I whispered and blew in his ear.

He looked at me with an unsure look. But when I turned around and sprinted off he caught up quickly. Hearing his feet beating on the ground just a few paces behind me I turned it up a notch. I kept going and revelled in competing with him. It was a game. A contest. That was one of the things I liked about us. We could switch from one mindset to another. I needed things like this to take off the pressure. I wasn't about to let this become too intense. Thom was a good runner though and before we even got to Duquesne he gained on me, one step behind. I could hear his heavy breathing. The tap of his feet on the grass. And I felt his presence, like magnetic energy.

We passed into the shadows, leading up to the service entrance. I was about to throw up my arms in victory when he got me. He must've lunged at me because in a flash I was on the ground, Thom wrapped up tightly around me. We rolled over a few times and bumped our heads. The crash knocked the air out of my lungs. I ended up on top and caught my breath.

'Couldn't let you win, now could I?' Thom smiled between breaths.

'I'm on top, I win.'

He considered it for a second, then pulled me in for a kiss.

'I don't care.' He whispered.

I wanted to stay there a while longer but approaching voices pulled us out of our reverie. I reluctantly got up and pulled Thom to his feet. We sneaked to the service entrance and Thom fished out his key then put it back.

'What?' I asked.

'It's not even eleven. Lots of people around.'

I was disappointed, fearing he would blow me off. My old insecurities popped up their head.

'We better take the front door, it would look a bit suspicious.'

Relief. We walked around the building and up to the front entrance. I tried to act normal. Play it cool, like Thom. After all, who would think anything of it? In my head though I could see heads turning, and everybody knew I wouldn't leave until tomorrow morning.

But in a way it was exciting. The feeling of doing something secretive. Sharing a secret.

'Hey Dylan!'

Coming right at us was Robbie, the Evans Jesuit. Oh no, if there was a God, he was definitely putting his men to work.

'Hi Robbie.'

'Didn't see you at mass yesterday.'

'Uhm, yeah well...'

A mischievous smile crept on his lips. 'Just pulling your leg there. I don't really care, besides you've got better things to do on a Sunday morning.'

'I wasn't in town. And I don't really...go to church.' I mumbled.

'An Irish catholic that doesn't go to church?'

'Yeah, I'm not really...'

'Don't worry.' He laughed, 'None of my business anyway.' He gave Thom the once over.

'Oh, this is Thomas. He's on the team.'

'We're already acquainted. How's it going Eli?'

'Great, Patrick. You?'

'Dead tired actually. I'm off to bed, a good night's sleep will do wonders.'

'Sleep tight.'

'You as well guys.' He said, and was that a wink?

'Did he just wink at us?' I asked confused as we climbed the stairs.

'That he did.'

'So he knows you by your second name?'

'Does it bother you you're not the only one?' he joked.

'No, it bothers me you know his.'

'Are you serious?'

I didn't say anything. Was I? No, but something was off.

'He has a great body by the way.' Thom said.

'I know. Big balls.' I replied.

Hah! That got his attention.

'What do you...I mean...' he asked befuddled.

'I promised I would be discreet, he is a man of God after all.' I said and did a fake cough.

We had come to his floor and there were some people in the hallway so we didn't continue our conversation. We greeted the guys and went in to his room.

'Seriously, did you...?' Thom asked.

'Don't even ask.'

'It's just that I would like to know if you...with whom, that is.'

'I didn't take you for the jealous type.'

'I didn't take you for the boyfriend type.'

'And here we are. Alone.'

It dawned on us, that we finally were alone. No one to watch out for, no more faade.

'Lock the door.' I said and shed my vest.

'You look really hot in those Y-suspenders.' He said and snapped them.

'I can keep 'em on if you want.' I grinned.

'Nooo, lose the trousers.' Thom sighed in my ear.

I laughed and turned around. We kissed slowly, knowing time was on our side. His hand held me by the back of my head, lightly stroking. I unbuttoned his shirt and it fell to the ground. Letting my hands roam over his back I felt his firm muscles were all tensed up.

'You alright?' I asked softly.

'Fine, just a little stiff from practice.' He looked for my mouth again, 'Felt like drill.' he mumbled.

'Go lie on the bed. You got some lotion or anything?'

'In the cupboard over the sink. Am I getting treated to a massage?'

'Take everything off.'

When I turned around he was sprawled out on the bed, his boner jutted out and Thom had a sly smile on his face. I lightly ran my fingertips over it and was seduced by its heat.

'You can hump the mattress. On your stomach boy.'

'Oh my, look who won the contest.' He chuckled, but flipped over anyway.

I took off my own clothes and turned off the main light. The diffuse bedside lamp lighted his body and soft shadows followed the ridges of his musculature. Putting some lotion on my hands and warming it up, I straddled him. He moved his ass a bit, trying to get a reaction. But I was determined to make this last as long as possible. I put my hands on the small off his back, my thumbs at either side of his spine. With enough pressure I rubbed them upwards. I felt each vertebra as I passed them and Thom sighed. The gentlemen's club my father, Ian and I were members off had a masseur. I knew exactly what I needed to do. I had spent many hours on the table myself.

Reaching his neck I fanned out and with a firm but tender touch I loosened it up. Some more lotion and I got to work on his shoulders. The muscles between his shoulder blades were really tight and it took some work to get them relaxed. From then on it was easy. Thom gave over completely and after fifteen minutes he was like putty. I moved off, hard and horny as hell.

'Mm, don't stop.' He sighed and remained motionless on the bed. I did really enjoy getting my hands over every inch of his body and taking the time. His legs could use some attention. So I sat at the foot of the bed and put his left foot in my lap. Thom pressed my hard cock between my stomach and the sole of his foot, rubbing it up and down. I let out a little moan and he giggled. But in some way I liked taking control in servicing him, so I took his foot and massaged it. He liked that, so when I was done with the left I went over to the right. A few satisfied grunts later my hands moved up on his legs, taking a short time on his calves. Not really being a leg man, they didn't hold much interest to me. I moved up higher and went for the thighs. Thom spread his legs a little and my attention was drawn to his ass. The firm globes divided by a deep crevice and in between a hint of what lay hidden. I roamed the mounds and kneaded them. The hairs in his crack looked fuzzy and concealed his pucker. Charlie's words came back to mind.

My thumbs moved inside and spread his cheeks. Thom was suddenly very silent, no doubt considering my next move. I slid down between his legs and parted the cheeks so I could have a better look. The smell of musk and sweat wafted through my nostrils and I inhaled involuntarily. I could see his arsehole, bare and rosy. My warm breath travelled down that valley and Thom's hips twitched a little. I moved in took a deeper breath. The heady aroma and the heat compelled me to go for the kill. Cautiously I moved closer and kissed the crack. With a few bites I claimed his mounds and spread them further. My outstretched tongue touched the sphincter and it twitched. I gave it a few furtive licks. Thom moaned. I circled around and then jabbed at it. There was a hardly a taste, only the scent of his musky crack. Sliding my tongue up and down I tasted his sweat. I soon concentrated on the entrance and jabbed at it. He gasped as I softly forced myself in. The tightness relented and I slipped in my wet tongue. Thom raised his ass off the bed and pushed it into my face. I took that as a 'go for it', and so I did. I slipped in and out, the hot tight muscle a sudden and intimate friend. With low moans he showed his appreciation and I took his hips in my hands. I pulled his ass higher up and dove in frantically. One of his hands searched for my dick and got a grab of it. With some tugs he determined I was hard and ready to go.

'I want you to fuck me.' He hoarsely commanded.

'Are you sure?'

'Very.' He replied with urgency.

'I've never...uhm. I don't really know what to do.' I said unsure.

'I'll tell you.' He said, and I heard lustfulness in his voice I had never before encountered. It turned me on even more than I was already. He wanted me to fuck him. He wanted me to possess him. Take him. It was only later I would really understand to what extent this desire housed in Thom.

'You need to loosen me up first, with your fingers. Use a little lotion.'

Catching his drift, I squirted some lotion on my index finger and rubbed it on his bud. His muscle reacted with a little jump and I was startled. When my face had been buried between his cheeks I didn't have the chance to really see it. But this was different. The fact that I was about to penetrate my friend seemed strange. I put my thoughts aside and tentatively pushed. I slid inside him and the contrasts surprised me. The strong hold his sphincter had on me was strange compared to the moistness of his insides. The velvet smoothness seemed contradictory to the heat in which my finger was enveloped.

'Move it around a little bit.' He gasped. So I did. I turned slowly, pulled it out a bit and moved back in. At some point I bent my finger and on finding that lump Thom reacted with a low and long drawn moan.

'What?' I asked.

'That's the spot.'

'Oh.' I replied, once again amazed. I experimented with it. Pressing, rubbing, scratching. I began to find pleasure in Thom's reaction. And the experience of reaching inside him felt inexplicably hot. Raunchy, but damn hot.

'Another finger, Dylan.' He breathed.

Soon I had two fingers inside and began my job of loosening him up. I figured this was going to take some time, not that I minded. I looked down at my throbbing cock and figured I needed at least three fingers and a whole lot of work.

'That's enough.'

'Are you sure? You're still really tight.'

'Wouldn't want to spoil the fun, now would we?' Thom said with a chuckle.

When I had pulled out, I still wasn't sure how to go on. Was I just supposed to put my dick in his ass, or was there some trick? Thom rolled over and propped a pillow under his head. His face was all flushed and he must have seen the confusion on my face, because he grinned.

'What's the matter, clueless? Come here.' He pulled me on top of him. He was a bit sweaty and I loved the feel of his damp skin on mine. I kissed him softly. Another chuckle.

'What?' I said exasperated.

'Oh God, you really don't have a clue what to do, don't you?' he smiled.

'Well, I figure I'll just put it in then.' I said with staged indifference.

'Shhh, relax. You're under no pressure. You'll see there's hardly anything you can do wrong here.' Thom whispered and ground his cock against mine. I got into the rhythm

and while we kissed our rubbing became more passionate. He curled his legs around mine and I got really caught up in it. Breaking our intense liplock he moaned in my ear.

'Time to mount me, stud.' He gasped, but I could hear the joking tone in his voice.

I sat up on my knees, reluctant to leave his warm embrace but anxious to finally do this.

Thom lifted his legs on my shoulders and I took a minute to look him over. His eyes were pleading, but there was a naughty smile on his lips. The sheen of sweat on his body, the glistening helmet and finally his moist pucker, fully exposed.

I pulled down my dick and moved closer. When the head touched his bud we both shuddered. I pushed but he seemed to resist. I decided I couldn't just break through without a little coaxing. Instead of simply pushing I rubbed it around the bud and teased him with it. A soft moan escaped his lips and at that time I sunk inside. I watched with increasing amazement and excitement as the head disappeared inside of him. The tight ring of muscle giving in to my invasion and then the welcoming moist warmth. I crooned and my eyelids fluttered. Instinctively I stopped, assuming he needed a moment to adjust.

But Thom met my move with a countermove and pushed himself on my shaft. When I saw his face I knew he wanted all of me. His eyes were wide open, focused. Biting his lower lip he told me without words he needed more and he needed me to give I to him.

I leaned forward and pushed myself inside of him. It seemed as if I pushed the breath out of his lungs, a deep sigh left his lips. The heat enveloped me and I hit home. My pubic bone pressed against his bouncy globes.

'Oh god, Dylan. Just like that, yeah.' He gasped.

My hands rested on his chest and massaged his muscles. I pulled back just a little, trying out this new environment. Pushing back in I felt the need to just stay buried deep inside of my man. With small movements of my hips I churned around in his insides. Thomas moaned and inhaled at the same time, which sounded weird but assured me I was doing all right. We were connected by my dick but I wanted to feel his body against mine. I wanted to be one heap of hot flesh. I lowered myself on top of him and in doing so retreated almost halfway.

Thom kissed me and with a blissful voice told me to go for it. I raised myself on my hands and hovered over his delicious body. With slow thrusts I started working him, revelling in the sensations. His moans and whimpers caressed my ears, and ego.

Soon I felt the urge to go harder. But wasn't sure if I should.

'Are you good?' I asked.

'Take it up a notch, or two.' He smiled encouragingly.

So I did and damn, did it feel good. My pumping hips ran ahead of any worries I might have about Thom. The smacking of flesh joined in with the rocking of his bed and Thom's constant moan.

'Fuck me harder.' He grunted. I licked my lips and bit down. Everything about my body was tense but subtle at the same time. His hands held on to my biceps and squeezed. I went to town on this boy and rode him hard. There was no more room for thinking, no more room for talking. I was propelled by sheer lust and animal need. Leaning on hands and toes I was stiff as a board and then plunged down, deep into his body. I must have changed angle or something because Thom's expression changed to one of pleasure bordering on agony. No longer did he moan, he took sharp intakes of breath and I kept pounding the shit out of him. The air between our bodies was hot and humid. I smelled the sweat from my armpits, the scent of his ass. This is what man sex smells like, I thought and grinned.

'Harder Dyl! Pound it.' He said in a voice that came from real deep.

So I rammed my dick down his arse, it rose and it sunk back in. I gained some speed and Thom let out a long groan as his dick spewed forth a load of thick white cream. Some of it hit me on my chin and I licked it off in a quick swipe. The clamping of his ass slowed me down but brought me further to cumming. With another few hard and deep strokes I felt my balls tense up. I buried myself deep inside my lover's body and blasted out the biggest load in a long time. My face was right over his and I attacked his mouth with fierce passion. Letting myself fall down on his chest I had a headrush and for a few seconds everything went dark. Intense joy overwhelmed me. I was a lucky bastard for having him.

I rolled off of him and on my back, panting. The ceiling was blurred and our shadows on the wall blended with the furniture. Thom's hand reached over and caressed my chest.

'So, how was that?' he asked, still out of breath.

'Different. Good.' I answered. I was really out of it.

'Just good?' He laughed and gave me a playful tap in the face. 'You need some lessons in pillow etiquette.'

'What? You came first, didn't you?' I replied smugly.

'Don't let it go to your head.'

'Too late.' I rolled into his armpit and put my head on his chest. 'If you must know, I never had sex like this before.'

'Up my ass?'

'Funny. And I was about to overwhelm you with compliments.'

'Oh please, don't hold back.'

'Nah, the moment 's passed.' I joked and looked up at the ceiling. 'So, any tips or corrections in mind?'

'Aren't you eager to learn?' he teased and ruffed up my hair.


'Well, next time...I'll do you. It'll clear some things up. If you're up for it.'

I thought of it. It looked like a big step. But I wanted to.

'I have my doubts, or something. But you liked it, so I'm curious.'

'I'll be gentle.' He said in his most suave tone and we both laughed.

'You better.'

Next: Chapter 10

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