In the Shop

By George U

Published on Aug 17, 2008


The story has been written for entertainment purposes for consenting adults only. It contains escapades of male on male sex. If you are not of legal age or if you consider this type of writing to be morally offensive, then do not read the following story. It is your own responsibility to adhere to these terms. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author at:

I always wondered about my friend, but never really knew that he was bi until the other day. Ed and I have been friends for years. We hang out with the local car club, some of us own hot rods, some of us collector cars, and some of us just like the old cars. Ed has a wonderful automotive shop behind his house. He is serious about cars. He lets me come over and work on my 69 Mustang convertible. I use his tools and work bay. Much easier than struggling with my car port.

Anyway, Ed is a hot 40 something. Nice build. Good bulge in his crotch. I have never mentioned that I am gay, but I am sure he suspects as once in a while when he stops by my place in the early morning to pick me up for the car shows, one of my male "friends" is usually just leaving. But he has never asked. And I never suspected that Ed was bi or even liked guys in that manner because he was happily married and had two kids.

A couple of weeks ago when I was over using his shop, I noticed a wooden contraption in the back, behind some junk. I only caught a glimpse of it and I thought it looked like a set of stocks. Weird looking, but a set of stocks. But then I got involved in my car and completely forgot to ask Ed what that was.

This weekend, I was over helping Ed with his hot rod and the wood contraption was sitting in the next work bay. While we were taking a break, I walked over to it to take a closer look. Sure enough, it appeared to be a set of stocks. But set up differently. The arm and the head holes were horizontal. Not vertical. And at crotch height, there was another board going across. And then there at the bottom were the places one would have their feet restrained.

Ed came over and asked if I liked it. I asked him what it was for. He said that it was a set of stocks, designed for restraint. But designed to be easier on the prisoner as they could stand upright instead of bending over. The prisoner could "last" longer this way. Would I like to give it a try?

I put my beer down and stepped up to it. He opened the top and I stepped in. He placed my hands and neck, then just closed the top. Didn't latch it. Asked how it felt. I said that it was good. I felt a wonderful tingle start in my crotch. I couldn't imagine Ed's prim wife being in this. She rarely came out to the shop.

Ed came around front and asked if I trusted him. I said sure. He walked over to the workbench and came back with two paddle locks. He snapped the tongue over the catch and clicked shut the locks. He asked me again if I really trusted him. I said that yes I did. Ed went over and shut and locked both the big bay doors.

Ed walked around front of me once again and asked me again if I trusted him. I saw the look in his eye and knew what he was up to. I said that he could do whatever he wanted. I trusted him. I asked him what production these stocks were built for and he asked if I hadn't noticed. They were built for me. Notice the height?

He went over to the workbench and came back with a pair of scissors. He cut my T-shirt up the front. Then ripped it off my body. He reached down and unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my shorts and unzipped them. Then yanked them down. My cock jumped to attention. He laughed when he saw I wasn't wearing underwear. Asked me to step out of my shorts.

He then guided my feet into the slots and closed and locked them in too. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I heard him messing with the cross brace. Then he grabbed my cock and balls at the base and gave a good tug. I knew what was happening. This was a cock and ball holder! He dropped the top over and I heard the lock snap shut. This effectively held me in place. I was truly trapped. My cock throbbed in anticipation as to what he was going to do.

I heard him rummaging around he came up behind me and reached around front. Grabbed my nips, twisting and tugging them to attention. It felt so good. Then suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left nip followed by my right. Then felt a chain drop to my chest. He grabbed my cock and gave it a few strokes. Asking if I was "comfortable". I grunted out a yes between strokes.

He dropped my cock and started in on my balls. Gently squeezing them. He reached around with the other hand and grabbed one ball in each hand. Tugging them apart, squeezing them one at a time, together, pulling. My cock drooling the whole time. I grunted out that I was close to cumming. Ed dropped my balls right then. Said that he wanted me to suffer a bit.

He then started caressing my ass cheeks. Slowly working his hands/fingers into my crack. Started playing with my hole. Telling me for years he wanted to get in there. Now was his chance. I couldn't move as I was trapped by my cock and balls, so he was getting more forceful. I heard him squirt a glob of lube on his fingers and then it was easier going. First one finger, then two, then three and then all four. He used both hands. Going in and out. He stopped for a bit and I heard him again rummaging around. Wish I could see.

Then I felt someone firm being pushed against my hole. I resisted at first, but then he reached around with one hand and yanked on the chain. My nips burst into a deeper pain and I yelped. My ass unclenched and I felt a huge butt plug lodge itself firmly in my ass. Ed said that it was there to stretch me, getting me ready for his cock. I would need it! I always wondered about that bulge and I was going to find out!

Ed slapped my butt and said that he had to go take care of something, don't go anywhere, OK? Like it could. Ed went to the side door and picked up his keys, opened the door and turned out the lights, closed the door and I heard the lock click. It was dark. I was here alone. My cock still rock hard, drooling. My ass adjusting to the plug. My nips tingling, aching. Needing something more! I found myself clenching and relaxing my ass hole around the plug. Felt good. Kept my mind off of what might happen next.

I knew it was a long time, but had no idea, as it was dark. I heard the door and then suddenly a burst of light. Ed flipped the lights back on. I was blinded. Ed came over to me and asked how I was doing? I said my nips needed more attention then they were getting. He laughed. Said he would get to them soon enough. He reached up and said that he was going to gag me as he didn't want my screams to alert the neighbors. I asked where the wife and kids were and he said that I could relax. They were at her sisters for the weekend and we had the place to ourselves. Ed double-checked to be sure that I had no where to be? I said I had all weekend.

Ed placed a ball plug on my lips and told me to open wide. He shoved it in. I noticed there was an airhole so I could breath easier. He strapped it on. Then he took out some ear plugs and said that he wanted me to always wonder what was happening. He pushed them in. Then he took a hood and covered my head. I was now blind too. Couldn't hear him much at all. I was disappointed that I wasn't going to see him reveal that weapon between his legs.

He must have sensed my thoughts and I did groan when I thought that. He peeled back the hood and stepped away in front of me. He had a wicked look on his face. He was standing there in only his shorts. And that wonderful bugle. He unbuckled his belt, pulling it out of the loops. I think he said something about saving it for later. Then unsnapped and unzipped and then just let them fall. What a sight! Nice smooth HUGE balls hanging way low. Would love to get my tongue on them! And hanging there, slowly inflating was a beautiful specimen. Looked to be 9 inches SOFT. It slowly filled and grew, starting to stand proud. I think it was at least 11 inches now and looked to be as thick as my wrist. His wife is so lucky. To get fucked by that regularly. Ed gave it a stroke or two and then came back and pulled the hood back over my head. I groaned again! So frustrating. Wanting to feel, caress and lick that wonderful tool he has in his shop!

Whack! Oh SHIT! He did tell me he was going to use the belt later. On my ass! Whack! Whoa! He managed to alternate between cheeks. And not lightly either. Each hit would cause my cock to bounce. I couldn't really go anywhere so my ass was taking the hits good and hard. Each bounce of my cock would shake the drool off. Some was hitting my legs.

My legs were spread apart and his strokes were getting closer to my hole. WHACK! Right on the plug! That made my cock lurch. The plug was hitting my prostrate right dead center. Ed managed to get the belt right between my legs. Each stroke was making its way deeper. First on the taint line, which stung, and now I felt the tip just brush my balls on the other side of the support. OUCH! That one landed square on my balls. So each stroke was landing on the butt plug, onto the taint and my balls. I was on fire. I was groaning, grunting with each slap. My balls ached something awful. But my cock was still at full mast.

Then it stopped. First I felt Ed's hands caressing my bottom. It was on fire. Then I felt what had to be his cock slowly going up and down my ass crack. Then I felt Ed come up behind me, his cock traveling up my ass crack. He pressed himself tightly to my backside. Sort of humping me. His hands traveled to my nips and suddenly I screamed into the gag. He had pulled off the clamps! He grabbed my nips and twisted and taunted them. SO not only was my ass on fire, but so were my nips. He did this for quite some time. When my nips were just getting calmed down, Ed replaced the clamps again. This time closer to the tip so they really dug in. SHIT! I was gasping for breath. Tears were running down my cheeks. But again, my cock was rock hard! Betraying me.

Ed pulled away and left me alone. I felt sort of "abandoned". It must have only been for a couple of minutes, but when your ass is on a slow burn and your nips are hurting, you feel even a second is an eternity.

Then I felt something on my cock head. Just a light touch. My cock twitched away. Then again. Then whatever was touching it got closer and covered more. It was a tongue! It was washing my cock head. It was getting a gift of my precum. Wish I could taste Ed's. Around and around it went. I was grunting with frustration. I was trying to buck my cock onto his tongue, into his mouth, but I was trapped. I could only jiggle around. And if I pulled too hard, it hurt my balls! Then he stopped. Didn't want me to cum I bet.

Then suddenly he engulfed my whole cock in his mouth right to my balls. I am only 6 1/2 inches, so it would have been easy. Nothing compared to Ed's tool. Ed had me right on the edge. If he moved too much, I was going to explode. I wanted to. I was grunting loudly hoping he would get the idea. His mouth was so nice and warm and wet. Please let me cum! He just held himself there on my cock. His nose buried in my pubes. Slowly, ever so slowly I calmed down. I felt that urge to cum deflate. Then he pulled completely off.

He came around behind me and I felt him push my ass cheeks apart. I felt him grasp the plug and suddenly he yanked and I screamed and out it came. My ass lips spasmed. They were empty! Fill them again! Please! By now I was jumping up and down, within the limits of the cock lock. I wanted something shoved up there and NOW!

Ed's fingers soon replaced the plug. Gently working their way in and out. I suppose checking for looseness. Then I felt a nozzle going in and felt a nice cool feeling of lube being pumped in. Felt like he pumped the whole bottle up there! Then his fingers again making sure the ass lips were well lubed.

Then I felt the head of that cock at my ass lips. It teased me, going in circles. Then he gently pressed the head against my opening. I pushed back and suddenly he was in! SHIT! That hurt despite the butt plug opening me up. My eyes hadn't deceived me. It was HUGE! Ed let it rest just inside my opening. I took deep breaths. Soon the pain subsided and my hole relaxed. Ed sensed this and pushed in another couple of inches. Then paused again. I wanted to push back, but was held in place by the cross beam. I was so frustrated. I wanted to "help" but wasn't able to. Wanted Ed to hurry things up but wasn't able to communicate this to him. Arrgghh!

Ed pulled out and then pushed in farther. He did this for quite some time until suddenly I felt his pubes tickle my ass cheeks. He was all the way in! I was stuffed. I felt like a log was shoved up there! He held it there for quite some time. I worked my ass lips, hoping to get him to move! But he held still.

Then Ed started to move! AT least. I was almost crying I wanted it so bad. This is what Ed wanted I am sure. Not letting me cum. Working me to a frenzy so I would enjoy that cock in my ass. And it was working!

Soon Ed would pull all the way to his head and then shove those 11 inches back in. He was going at a nice steady rhythm. I tried bucking against him, but again, was held back. This was part of the torture I am sure! I was trapped. I couldn't contribute to my pleasure. Soon Ed's hands came around front and grabbed the chain on the nips clamps. The chain was just long enough so he could sort of use it as a handhold. Like riding a horse. He would pull hard on the down stroke and release on the out stroke. Soon he was pounding into me! My cock was drooling. He was working my prostate. Suddenly I went over the edge! I must have shot a gallon of cum. I saw stars before my eyes.

My ass clamped down on his cock and I felt him grow even bigger if that is possible. He yanked one last time on the chain and held himself deep. I felt spurt after spurt.

When he was done cumming, he released the chain and sort of hugged me. I could feel him panting. As we both calmed down, I could feel his cock softening. He finally pulled out.

My ass felt empty. My ass lips sagged open I am sure. I felt Ed's cum running down my legs. Ed came around front and pulled off the mask, then pulled out the ear plugs and removed the gag. He asked if I was OK.

OK? What a silly question. I was in heaven. Ed removed the nip clamps and I almost screamed but was able to bite that back. He gently massaged the pain away until it was just a dull roar. He bent to slowly lick them "better". He went over to the work bench and picked up a ring of keys. When he turned around, I got a look at his cock. It was still huge, glistening with my ass juices. It bounced against his thighs as he walked.

He released my cock and balls first, giving them a gentle caress, then unlocked my feet. When he opened the hand/head restraint, he was ready to catch me when I dropped. He gently helped me over to the couch against the wall and held me until I was calm.

He got up to get me a water and told me to rest. We would be doing more later? My cock gave a lurch at that. . .

Next: Chapter 2

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