In the Shadow of the Pyramid

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 27, 2019



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


"Wake up." came the harsh call of the jailer. I opened my eyes and looked up at the form darkened into a shadow by the overhead sun. I had prayed to that golden orb, Ra, begging him to rescue me from this place, take me with him to his Realm of Night, but Ra had not heeded my call. Why should he, when I was a member of the Cult of the All? So I had eaten the food and drunk the drink the jailers had lowered to me (they did not starve me in my prison, at least, though the foul stench of my night-soil over the last three days was getting unpleasant), and was giving myself more and more to my despair.

So I was unsurprised to hear the words, "The High Priest has decided. You are a heretic and are to be executed."

"When?" I asked him, for there were days when the gods forbade killing. Many, many such days could postpone this so that....

"Tomorrow." came the answer, and I sagged. So little time. I had hoped for a week or so, even, for more life even here, it was sweet, but if I must die, then...

"May I be allowed at least to give up my final prayers to the gods in their temple?" I begged him for this small boon.

"And why should the gods be interested in any prayers of yours?" the jailer said heartlessly. "You are a heretic. The gods turn their face from you."

He was right and I sank into my grief once again.

A bit later, there was a clunk overhead and I looked up, more in idle curiosity than anything else.

They were lifting off the grid. They were lowering a ladder to me. "Up here." came the order from the dark shadows overhead.

Were they going to let me recant the All and gain forgiveness? Maybe, I prayed, maybe they would, some young priest, unfamiliar with the conspiracy, had interceded for me. I could hope, at least, I could hope!

I got to the top, stumbled on my feet which had not supported my weight for three days, and looked at my jailers for the first time on eyes level with each other. Two of them, with the rough cruel manner of jailers, for was not a man consigned to the prisons already as good as dead? So had I reasoned before my own incarceration.

"Hold out your hands." came the command.

I did so and they brought out ropes, bound my hands together tightly.

"This way." They led me like they would an ox with a rope through his nostrils through the courtyard, and up to a point I had seen briefly upon my arrival, but knew it through the horror of it. I had seen it in use. A prisoner tied up while they whipped him hanging by his bound wrists spread-out upon the bar, his feet dangling, his back raw and red with blood, screaming. I had heard those screams since, they went on and on, for the rule was to whip the man a proscribed number of strokes however long that may take. Sometimes, the rule was to whip the man until dead.

So I looked at my jailers with fear. Their words, however, were not what I expected.

"Would you like to have a chance to escape?" they asked me.

"What?" I couldn't believe it. The jailers of the High Priest were known for two things. One was their devotion to their master. The other was their cruelty to those condemned by the High Priest. They had bragged about their activities, while I cowered in the pit beneath them.

"Would you like a chance to escape?" the jailer said again.

I nodded the barest amount, unable to believe this offer. But what other choice did I have but to believe it? What did I have to lose by believing?

"We'll give you your chance." the jailer said. "For the right price."

Price. My heart sank. "I have nothing to offer you." I said. "You know I have nothing to offer you. My family are poor villagers, they cannot redeem me, and in any event, my home village is far away."

"But you do have something to offer us." the jailer said. "Myself and Horheb, we would like what you have to offer."

"You would?" I asked them, still disbelieving. After all, they could simply take me, bound as I was, without my consent. I knew that the rape of prisoners occurred (not all the screams I had heard were from whip-lashes), and that the jailers were among those who committed the rapes. When a man has been condemned to death, his penalty is more than the mere loss of life. He is deemed to be lost to the sight of the gods, he is considered to have lost his soul and become a beast. One can do what one likes to a beast, after all.

"Haul him up, Horheb." the jailer said.

Horheb tossed the rope over the bar at the top of the poles, and I was soon suspended off my feet. The strain in my wrists was extremely uncomfortable and I groaned, trying not to cry out. Not if I was to be given a chance to escape, I shouldn't draw attention to us! They did not tell me to be quiet, I chose to be quiet.

Rough hands on my legs lifted at my body, and I gasped as I was swung by my rope bindings, the rough texture of the rope fibers scraping my skin raw. My legs found the waist of the jailer as he shifted his grip to my ankles and hauled at me, and I ended up with my legs around his waist. The other jailer caught hold of his friend's cock and guided it to my anus. There was no preliminary, no lubrication, given to me. I would have been more surprised if they had. I gritted my teeth and let only hisses slide out between them as he shoved his hard dong deeper into me. The thick head felt like it was the diameter of the poles near me, and I looked up at the unforgiving sky-god of the sun and I clenched my my jaw muscles, pulling my lips down at both corners, and I let the jailer do as he wanted to me.

His mate steadied my body as the jailer rammed his prick into me and I looked down as best I could, to see that I was facing...and being fucked by...the first jailer and it was Horheb who was holding me by the waist to keep me in place.

"That's got the most of it in him." the first jailer said. "Your turn now."

I didn't understand at first what he meant. "If you will but lower me, I shall please you with my mouth as much as I am able." I said.

Horheb laughed, and there was no kindness in his laugh. "That wasn't the deal." he said. "Toseferi gets to fuck you and so do I."

"Then I shall be ready for you when he is done." I said, still not realizing.

"I'll take you right now."

The first jailer (Toseferi) pulled away from me and in doing so I was pulled with him, the two of us connected by his cock inside my ass. I felt like I was being stretched apart...and the stretching was what Horheb needed to try to stick his cock in alongside Toseferi's! I had only thought that the hard cock in my ass was hurting was a minor irritation compared to the ripping-apart feeling I now had screaming its way up my body!

I couldn't keep it in any longer, I let out a yell that would curdle the skin of anyone lying in the pits like I had, listening. I don't know why we scream when pain is great, it doesn't diminish it at all. It doesn't stop the one hurting us from continuing to do so. It is only noise and yet we all do it, every time.

My yells of pain were matched by the wet feeling of my blood running down from my ravaged ass, but that only slicked up my insides, and in the wetness, Horheb and Toseferi plunged into me and ripped me open further. Neither of them hesitated at all, but in synch with each other, they began to pump back and forth, it was like having a huge, double-sized cock in my ass, and it was tearing me apart!

I yelled again and again, and when I paused after a time to catch a few breaths of air, Toseferi said, "Do you want us to stop?"

"Yes, please, yes, stop, please!" I begged them.

"If we do, then we won't help you escape." Horheb reminded me and he and Toseferi chuckled.

What a choice to have to make. I was silent for that reason.

"Do you want us to stop?" Toseferi asked me again.

I whimpered and shook my head. "No. Please don't stop. I want to live."

And they resumed their assault upon my violated buttocks. I ground my teeth hard against each other as the rough pounding continued, and managed to not scream any longer. After all, it didn't help.

"Tell us you like it." Horheb ordered me.

"Moan for us." Toseferi put in.

I moaned, but it was the keen of pain.

"No." Horheb said. "Moan like you love it. Moan like you want us to keep doing this and never stop."

I did what I could, I moaned as well as I could mimick pleasure, while their own groans were more real if less kind in origin.

"Are you near, my brother?" Toseferi said to Horheb."

"I am ready." Horheb said.

"Let's splatter this heretic together." Toseferi said as he leaned around me to kiss Horheb on the lips. I wasn't a part of their affection, only the container for their lust. Their arms met around me, stroked each other's forearms as they continued to hunch in unison into my butt.

Toseferi came first, he clung tight to Horheb's arms and breathed his ferocity into my face, and none of it was the loving breath of a lover, it was just his exhaust as he raced toward his climax.

He hunched into me harder than before as he ejaculated, his hot seed scalding my violated innards, and I looked at the cruel face twisted so briefly by passion into tenderness, the softening of the facial outlines, and then he saw me watching him and the cruelty returned and he smiled as his mouth parted to show his teeth, his chest heaving as his hard seed pelted my bowels.

His satiated cock slid out of me and that left Horheb in the dust and alone. My ass, so distended, barely touched him as he fucked at me still.

"He's too damned loose now." Horheb complained.

"Need to tighten him up and I think I know how." Toseferi said.

His solution was to keep me up with my legs at his waist, and he held me up with one hand around the small of my back while with his other, he caught hold of my cock and began to pump it. It had become semi-erect during this violation, but under his jerking motion, it stiffened soon enough.

And in that stiffness came an astonishing amount of pleasure, it was like it had been rising up in me, but not identified as such until this moment...not of tenderness, but at least of stimulation...was given to me and when he did, my cock seized upon all that had gone before, or perhaps my body wanted this much dignity, the act of joining in their climax would give this the patina of willingness. So my body, the pragmatic, amoral body, gripped this small ounce of pleasure and converted it into a tonnage of orgasmic bliss.

As Toseferi intended, the act of pleasure caused my body to tense, and that brought the muscles of my ass back together, for at least a moment, and Horheb lunged at me with an intensity borne partially of desperation, and he vaulted into his climax and began to spray me with his hot man-juices.

That was all my body needed, it took hold and wracked me with a climax that was half joy and half desperation, I shot my load all over Toseferi's chest and he laughed as I squirted his body with white globs of jism that ran down his body in sticky streams.

Horheb was panting with his spent load, and Toseferi ended this by letting my body drop, the impact of my swing down knocked Horheb onto his rump in the sand, and I was swaying back and forth like a child's toy.

"Let him down now." Toseferi said and Horheb moved to obey. As he was undoing my ropes, Toseferi said, "Just take off through that door over there." he pointed. "It'll take you down a corridor that leads to the outside. From there, you're on your own."

I didn't have any clothing on at all, I was battered from the inside by the rough treatment, my wrists hurt even when Toseferi undid the ropes about them. I limped rather than ran, but the further I moved toward freedom, the faster I could move. Toward the end, I was really moving, a sprint, I was going to be free, I was going to be free!

I got to the door and opened it and inside, which was dark. He had said it would be a corridor, and my eyes, blinded by the sunlight, couldn't see the walls on either side, maybe it was a large corridor. I moved forward into the room and as I did, my eyes adjusted and when they did, when I could see, I froze.

A room filled with guards. "What have we here?" one of them said with a tone that meant he knew of this all along, the mean smirk on his face spoke volumes. "One of the prisoners trying to escape."

"This one is to be executed tomorrow." another said. "Let's make his last day on this earth something to remember."

And the clubs they swung were aimed at my body at various parts and my limbs and chest and thighs exploded with pain all at once...

But I didn't pass out from that, though I fell to the ground, writhing. I didn't pass out for quite some time, even though the beating went on and on and on....


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 10

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