In the Shadow of the Pyramid

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 20, 2019



By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


I had bathed my sun-sweatened body in the river before going to see the High Priest, but that wasn't enough for his attendants. Once I had established that I had valid business with him, I was bathed yet again by them, and this time, my body was also shaven clean of all hair upon my face and body, and perfumes were lavished upon my shoulders until I was as fragrant as any courtier that waited upon the Pharoah. It was only upon their completion of this, and I was the cleanest that I had ever been, when they ushered me into the High Priest's presence.

I was surprised when I saw him. I thought the High Priest was Memhamtepeh, but it was not. The man who wore the priestly garb was only a few years older than myself, and I was quick to make my obiesance and go down upon my knees to him.

"O gracious Priest of all the land." I said to him. "I beg thee for an audience to speak of a matter of great importance." He knew this already, of course, but he had to give his permission before I could speak any further.

"Speak to me, then." he said loftily.

"Most grand one, I bring to you news of a grave danger to the Pharoah and his lawful worship...." And I went on to explain to him of the danger he faced from the Grand Builder and the variations of the Great Architect, whose worship was permeating the land and taking worshipers away from the ancient gods. "They have become most powerful." I concluded. "They are beginning now to make their power known and forcing themselves into positions of authority. They must be stopped now, or it will soon be too late." I concluded by giving him the papers from Anamaton which confirmed my words. I had not looked at them, for they had been sealed upon their delivery to me. The High Priest studied them carefully.

"It seems to be as you say." the High Priest said, and I smiled up at him gratefully, and he regarded me solemnly, and then he returned my smile. When he did, he was a quite fetching young man, very accessible and relaxed, even with his shaved head and highly decorated adornments.

His smiled vanished suddenly and he looked up at his attendants and clapped his hands harshly. I looked around and saw his attendants retreating from the room, bowing as they left. I was surprised by this and I looked back at the High Priest with some concern.

His smile returned to his face, but more slowly. "Come, arise, Kephrin, and tell me of the pyramids." he said to me. "I have but newly taken on my duties, but the pyramids in which our gracious Pharoahs shall begin their journey to their new kingdom are a source of fascination for me."

I was bidden by him to take a seat and he sat nearby me and I began to answer his questions about the pyramid. His questions were fairly mundane ones, how well were we fed, how hard we worked, how the labor was divided up, how the dressing of stones was done to make them fit tightly without the need for filler between them.

After some time, and after he had summoned a steward back into the room to fetch us wine, and after he had poured me several cups (which I felt duty-bound to drink), he said, "Now tell me of the worship of the Great Architect and the rituals."

"Most certainly, Honored One." I said to him, then foundered. "Of what part should I speak of first?"

"Tell me of how you were brought into their religion." he said.

I explained of my invitation and first visit, and when I reached the initiation, his smile increased. "It is as I thought." he said. "And does he confirm the loyalties of his followers with more such...formalities?"

"It is a part of our worship." I said bashfully. "Or was, as I have fled from it in order to warn you of his plan."

"Yes, his plan." the High Priest said to me. "Yet there are parts of his ritual that I would feign introduce into our own if I were able."

I didn't need him to come over to sit beside me or to place his hand upon my thigh to understand him, but his doing so made it clear beyond any hesitation on my own part. There was not only the fact of his being the High Priest of our country, nor of his body, which was firm, graceful, clean and without blemish as only one who has lived a life of comfort can truly attain. There was also my own situation; I was now a man without a profession or a place to call my home. In this High Priest and his favor, I saw a chance to build a new life, in his service. If I seem to have clung to this hope too quickly, remember that I had grown up and lived my entire life up until two days before without ever questioning my position in society. I felt completely without guidance and purpose in life, so I grasped at this chance eagerly.

When the High Priest reached over to kiss me, I dared to put my own arms around him. His hand came up under my loin wrap and grasped my cock and I shivered, my lips quivered upon his own as I breathed out my sigh of delight that raced through my body upon his touch. His fingers were silken and smooth, so much that I regretted that I had only my own work-horned hands to stroke this velvet-framed body of his.

Smooth, my fingers glided upon him, and his skin, moistened by the finest oils from many lands, let my tips skitter across without hindrance. There was a roughness, but it was my own fingertips that held the roughness, not his skin, that was smooth as the finest-woven of cloths.

My cock, as well, was held in his fingers as he pumped my pud up and down, and he needed no lubricant for this soft touch to make the motion velvety delicate and yet firmly stimulating, and my loin wrap fell away and I was nude upon a length of cloth at his side, and the sight of this made him smile again.

That smile gave me the boldness I needed to reach under his own wrap, and there was stopped by an undergarment, which puzzled me. I spent some time trying to lift up what I thought was an extra layer of the loin wrap, and was confused by it. The High Priest laughed after a moment at my bafflement and then he stood up and reached under himself and undid it. I stared stupidly at the material and then back up at the High Priest, and found myself staring at his hard cock, nearly at my face.

"Was this what you were looking for?" he teased me and I smiled.

"Certainly, Honorable One, but what was that?" I pointed.

He smiled, "Merely a convenience for a man who must stand and sit with some dignity. I cannot interrupt a ceremony to reach down and adjust myself when I fall into an uncomfortable position. You should try it yourself."

I shuddered at the thought of binding my privates so, but didn't pursue it. Instead, I reached out with my tongue and kissed the tip of his glans with my tongue. I got the taste of salty precome and when I lifted away, a string of shining clear fluid connected the two of us, before it sketched itself a dewdrop in the middle of the arc, and then stretched down to the floor.

I took his cockhead into my mouth and suckled on it, the rich taste of the flesh was like dining upon a roasted pig, the way the juices seemed to flow into your mouth, though in this case, the juices rose from my own saliva, flavored by his cock. And so I dove deeper onto it, the luscious flesh slick and svelte and delightful upon my tongue!

The High Priest stood and let me love upon his prong, I sent the hard shaft deep into myself and drew upon it hard in my withdrawal, and was rewarded with his grunts of desire, sounding so much like a liturgical recitation, and I let his prayers of passion play upon my brain, gaining my pleasure from his own.

As his cadence increased, so did my own eagerness and in my enthusiasm I reached down and began to yank my prick hard and fast.

"Enough of that." the High Priest quickly said. "I have not forgotten that you are my guest at this moment, and so I would ask you to now recline upon my couch that I may pay my respects as your host."

I lay down as bidden and he crouched over me, and now we were sucking each other's cocks, a joining of passion that let us both give full attention to the rising of the light of creation within us, this light that was born in the beginning and passed among us all to give us life, and that spark gleams when fanned by the body with the joys of sexual expression, and when the light gleams within us, it must burst forth, there to possibly spark new flames to feed its fire.

And as my orgasm grew within me, I grunted urgently up to the High Priest, but he was the one who surprised me, without a sound that I could discern in my own frenzy, he suddenly ejaculated into my mouth and I was caught unawares, and there was this sudden flood of salty jism into my throat from its pulsating fount, and I coughed, choked, forced my body to drink it down without ejecting it, for this was the High Priest, and he deserved all my honor, and if I should drown in his passion, then that was a privilege for me and earned me a place of distinction in the afterlife.

So I managed his strong flow of fluid, and as I did so, my sperm-drenched senses turned this salty, raunchy smell into itself, and my own climax seized upon me, and I gave a final, if muffled, roar of caution, and then I squirted upwards.

The High Priest at least had my warnings, and he was thus able to swallow my own offerings of my body's life into himself without the disgrace of gagging, and I felt him nursing upon my pud, sucking down my vital juices, and I let myself be transported upon this nurturing river of sensation into an orgasm that did not extinguish itself at once, but instead drifted downwards through my body as smoothly as a ship upon calm waters, and as that boat shrinks with distance, so did my delight, and it was not gone, only departed and it could return when it would and I sank into the languor of post-coital exhaustion.

"It shall be time for the evening meal soon." the High Priest informed me. "I shall summon my servants and they shall show you to a room where you may refresh yourself."

"I am honored." I said and gave him obeisance as he clapped his hands yet again. The immediacy at which his attendants appeared told me they must have heard everything, but their countenance was as neutral as if we had been discussing the rise and ebb of the seasonal floods.

I went with them and marveled at what I saw as we walked. And the richness of the walls and decorations diminished, vanished, were replaced by much more common stone.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a time, for these did not look as a place where an honored guest of the High Priest would be placed, even one of such a low station as myself.

"We are taking you to your quarters." one of them said. "As the High Priest ordered."

"Does he intend to place me in such conditions as this?" I asked. "If I am a guest and not a servant, then I should be given better rooms than these around me appear to be."

"You'll get what's coming to you." came the answer and then we reached the courtyard, a square of yellow light that screamed a warning to me, but it was too late for me, the attendants bore spears, ceremonial in design but deadly just the same, and I was their captive, for this was where they had brought me, the High Priest's quarters for prisoners.

"What sort of betrayal is this?" I demanded to know, my voice trembling in either rage or fear...or both.

"You still haven't figured it out?" one of them asked me.

"Tell me." I said and now the quiver was stronger in my tones.

"You didn't bring the High Priest any warning he needed to hear." the man said. "Why do you think he is our High Priest. That places him as the third most powerful man in the kingdom. And as soon as the rest of it is ready, he has only a short trip to be the next Pharaoh."

I gasped, and this time my fear was not for my own safety. The Pharoah had only a single son, that and four daughters, two of whom were far too young for anything but to be cared for by their nannies. If the High Priest was in fact raising up an insurrection against the Pharaoh, it would be very bad for my country for with his power, he commanded nearly as much loyalty as the Pharaoh himself! The High Commander of the Armies held more weapons, but was he ready to swing his weight for the Pharaoh or the High Priest?

If the latter, then the Pharoah may be taking up residency in the pyramid faster than it would be ready for him! The workers at the pyramid may have to seal him in and then finish the job of construction!

And so in fear for myself, my family, my country and my god-king, I sank down onto the platform for sleeping in the filthy room to which they showed me.

My warning had been for nothing. Now, even if I could escape from here, what was I going to do next?


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Next: Chapter 9

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