In the Park

By sjtw69

Published on Feb 2, 2012


Hypnotized by Stephanie Silver

Part One

It started out as a game. Dirk and I were just teenagers at the time. One day he showed up, in the tree house where we played together, with a book called Hypnotism for Dummies. "I've been reading it," he told me. "I'm only about halfway through, but I think I can do it."

"You can hypnotize someone?" I asked in awe. We'd had a hypnotist do a program at our school a couple months before, and the things he had the volunteers do - the ones who got hypnotized - was just hilarious. I was already imagining the fun we could have.

"Well, sure," he said.

As his closest friend, I could detect the lack of confidence in his voice, but I didn't say anything."That'd be so cool," I said. "We could hypnotize people and make them do all kinds of funny stuff."

Dirk stopped me. "It doesn't work that way, Dennis. It only works if they want to be hypnotized. And even then..." His voice trailed off.

"Even then what?" I asked.

"Well, you really can't make someone do something they don't want to do," he said. I could tell he was repeating something he'd read in the book.

"Oh," I sat back, my excitement a little deflated. That certainly put a limit on what we could do with such a talent. My thoughts of hypnotizing girls and then inviting them up to our tree house to take their clothes off in front of us quickly faded.

For a while we talked about other things, and then I asked, "Do you think you could hypnotize me?"

"Do you want to be hypnotized?" he asked.

I shrugged. It sounded like fun. I mean, I figured we at least had to give it a try. "Sure," I said. "You won't make me do anything too stupid or embarrassing, right?"

"No," he assured me. "And plus it'll only be right here in the tree house." He sounded excited. "So even if I have you do something kind of goofy, nobody else is going to see it. Just me."

That was reassuring. "And you won't tell anyone?" I asked, my tone serious.

"I promise," he said.

"Okay then. Let's do it," I said. "What do I have to do?"

"Well, just relax," he told me. "And... I'll be right back. I need to get a few things."

"What kind of things?" I started imagining him making me dress up in a rubber chicken suit or something while I was out.

He laughed, sensing my concern. "I just need a candle," he said. "To hypnotize you with. You have to have something to concentrate on while I use the power of suggestion on you."

"Oh, okay," I said. He left and I tried to relax a little while he was gone.

After a few minutes it occurred to me that he'd only read half the book. What if he got me hypnotized and then didn't know how to get me out of it? What if someone snapped their fingers at school or someplace, and I suddenly started acting like a chicken? Or doing whatever instruction Dirk might have me do in the privacy of our tree house?

When he got back, I asked him about that. "Dirk, you said you've only read half the book. Don't you think we should wait until you've read the whole thing. Just in case?"

"Just in case what?" he asked.

"In case you get me hypnotized and then don't know how to get me back?" I said.

He laughed. "That won't happen. I already read the parts about getting someone unhypnotized once they're under."

"Oh, okay," I said, and tried to relax again. Dirk had already lit the candle and was telling me to focus on the flame while he told me how relaxed and sleepy I was getting.

And I was. No, really, I was! Dirk, with enough practice, could probably have a career as a real hypnotist. He had a soft, relaxing, monotone voice that, to be totally honest, was kind of putting me to sleep with all his repetition. But I wasn't that relaxed, and despite being good, remember I said he'd be good at it with "enough practice." Since this was his first time, it didn't work.

But I had no intentions of letting him know that. I decided to play along. Besides, I was curious to see what kind of things he would have me do. Following his voice instructions, I acted as if I really was getting sleepier and sleepier. The hardest part of acting, I realized, was going to be keeping myself from laughing.

Fortunately that wasn't as hard as I thought. Dirk was true to his word, and didn't have me do anything too embarrassing. Once he was convinced that I was under his spell, he was quiet for a moment, presumably while he read the next chapter of the book.

When he was ready, he touched my foot and said, "Once I take my hand away, your foot will start to twitch. You won't be able to stop it. It will start to wiggle, and you'll be helpless to do anything about it. Only when I bring my hand back and touch you again will you finally be able to control it."

And with that he took his hand away, waiting to see my response. With my eyes still closed, I started acting out my part, shaking my foot as if I couldn't control what was happening to me. The twitching slowly got worse until finally Mark reached down and stopped it by touching my foot again.

He repeated that on my other foot, with similar results. And then he touched each of my hands and told me that my arms would suddenly go stiff and start moving around on their own once he took his hands away. So, still acting as if I was asleep, I let my arms windmill around my head until he stopped me.

When he finished, and before waking me up, he told me how relaxed I would feel, and that I would remember none of what had happened. And with that he tapped me on the forehead and I was wide awake again.

"What happened?" I asked, pretending not to know. "How long was I asleep?"

"Just a few minutes," he said.

"Did I do anything stupid?" I asked.

"No, I just had you wiggle your feet and move your arms around," he said.

"Really?" I asked. "You really hypnotized me?" I purposely made my voice sound incredulous.

"You don't remember anything?" he asked.

"No, nothing," I lied. "It was like I was staring at the candle, and then I suddenly woke up feeling really relaxed. Are you sure you hypnotized me?"

"Positive," he said with a grin. "You did exactly what I said."

I grinned back. "Wow! Cool!"

Dirk Roberts was a little more than one year older than me, but we were two years apart in school. Since we lived right next door to each other, we spent a lot of time playing together. At the time, I was in my last year of junior high school while Dirk was a high school junior. We both liked sports, but since he was the taller and bigger of the two of us, whenever we played basketball or anything like that, he usually won. We tried to make rules that gave me a better chance of winning - like forcing him to play left-handed and stuff - but with Dirk's size advantage he could still win whenever he felt like trying. It was only when it came to skill games – shooting games like H-O-R-S-E or Around-The-World - where Dirk couldn't use his size-advantage, that I could consistently beat him.

Although he was my best friend, there was one thing I never told him, and probably never would - I had a huge, secret crush on him.

While Dirk was bringing me out of the hypnotic trance he believed he'd put me under, he gave me an instruction that I would lose to him when we played basketball later. "No matter how hard you try," he added, "You won't be able to beat me today."

So when he asked if I wanted to play a game of H-O-R-S-E, I laughed and said sure. "How many letters do I have to spot you today?" I teased.

"No letters," he said seriously.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "You know I'll win," I reminded him.

"Don't be so sure," he said.

And he was right. All my shots were just a little off. "I can't figure out what's wrong with me today?" I said. "Are you sure you didn't hypnotize me to lose on purpose?"

He laughed. But only when I'd missed the final shot that gave him the victory did he tell me the truth. "See," he said with a triumphant grin. "I told you I could hypnotize you."

It was about a week later, I guess, a Friday, when we decided to try some more hypnotism.

"Want to try hypnotizing me again?" I asked.

He nodded. "Okay. Do you want to be hypnotized again?"

I nodded. "Yeah. I mean... I think it's good practice for you, I mean. As long as you don't make me do anything I'll be embarrassed about, and don't make me lose at basketball, it's okay. I don't mind. I don't really remember anything from it." I was talking fast, trying to make sure he didn't suspect that he hadn't really hypnotized me the first time.

"Okay, I'll light the candle," he said. "You get comfortable. Okay?"

I made myself as comfortable as I could on the hard plywood floor of our unheated club house, using the two pillows we'd managed to obtain from his parents' house. "What're you going to have me do this time?" I asked.

"Maybe this time I'll have you put on that rubber chicken suit," he teased. "Now gaze into the candle."

He didn't have me put on a rubber chicken suit, but he did have me act like a chicken. I don't know how I managed not to laugh while I was strutting around on bent knees - the tree house roof was only about three- or four-feet high - with my hands tucked into my armpits to make my arms resemble chicken wings, and clucking like a chicken.

After that he had me act like a dog for a while, and then a cat. "Now, curl up next to me and I'll pet you till you purr," he instructed. I wasn't sure how to make myself purr, but I managed a pretty good imitation of one before he woke me from the trance. It felt a little weird, snuggling up to my best friend like that and waiting to be petted - like it was the kind of thing a couple of gay guys might do - but I didn't say anything, since I was pretending to be hypnotized. I figured a cat wouldn't complain about appearing to be gay.

And, to be honest, his hands on the back of my neck and down my back felt incredibly relaxing, once I decided not to think too much about the possibility of it seeming gay. It was the kind of thing I could really get used to. In fact... I might have actually been purring before we stopped.

When it was all done and we found ourselves on the basketball court with my shots once again refusing to go in, I protested, "I know you're hypnotizing me to lose." Of course he denied it.

For a while the cat routine became one of our favorite activities. We both liked it. I liked pretending to be a cat, and Dirk liked treating me like one. It was incredibly relaxing. For both of us. Maybe that hypnotism thing really did kind of work.

He even gave me a saucer of cream once that I pretended to thoroughly enjoy, lapping it up with my tongue just like a real cat. When I was finished I curled up next to him again, and waited excitedly to be petted, pressing against him as tightly as I could. As I did, I started to wonder if maybe I'd crossed the line into being gay, and that maybe it was time I told him that he hadn't really hypnotized me.

But why would I do that? As long as it was just the two of us, in the privacy our own little tree house fort, there didn't seem to be much harm in it. As long as it was just me acting like a cat, and him petting me and treating me as if I was one, there didn't seem to be any real reason to stop. We were just enjoying a harmless little fantasy with one another.

After a while though, I guess Dirk got lonesome for someone to talk to while I was busy being a cat, so he started telling me that I should be a talking cat, but that I was only able to talk to him. That wasn't much of a restriction, since there was no one else there to talk to. Just him.

Curled up beside him, being petted, he said, "You're such a pretty, little kitty. I wish I knew what your name was."

I thought a moment and said, "Snowflake," giving the name of a pet cat we'd had years before.

He laughed. The way I was dressed, in blue jeans and a dark-blue t-shirt, there wasn't anything white about me other than my socks. "You don't look very much like a snowflake," he said.

I shrugged and snuggled closer to my owner. "It's one of those opposite names," I replied.

He kept petting me. "Do you like to be petted, Snowflake?"

"Yes," I purred. Yes, seriously, I purred when I said it. I tried not to think about how gay that must have sounded, or how much I might have been giving away the secret about having a crush on him. As long as Dirk didn't mind, I guessed it was okay.

"Snowflake sounds kind of like a girl name," he said. "Are you a girl cat?"

Snowflake, the real snowflake, had been a girl. If I was a girl cat, I figured, that would make what we were doing seem a little less gay and more natural. Besides, there didn't seem to be any harm at the time in pretending to be a different gender as a cat than I was as a human, as long as it was just while I was pretending to be hypnotized. Furthermore, I knew a little bit about tomcats, and the way I was acting with Dirk - snuggling up with him and purring every chance I got - I figured, wasn't anything like a tomcat would act. "Yes," I purred softly.

It's interesting how we transgenders eventually lose our grip on our male identities. For some, it's a lifelong dislike for the gender nature so cruelly assigns us. For others, like me, it happens one step at a time. Choosing to be a female cat that day, I feel, was my very first step in losing that grip.

Outside of the tree house, we never talked about what went on during those times when Dirk supposedly had me hypnotized. I guess it was kind of like that advertising slogan: What happens in the tree house, stays in the tree house. But I was more than a little surprised when the next time we were together and I was pretending once again to be Dirk's cat, he gave me a collar to put on. Actually he put it on me, since it wasn't possible for me with paws to do it myself.

It was pink and studded with dark blue rhinestones. Very pretty, actually. I realized it was probably a dog collar, since it would have been difficult to find a cat collar that big, but that wasn't an important issue just then. What was an important issue was whether I should wear it at all. Maybe it was time, I thought, to stop pretending I was hypnotized.

But Dirk's soft, warm fingers on my neck felt so good as he checked my collar for fit. And then when he scratched me tenderly behind my ears and on my neck, I just didn't have the heart to tell him I wasn't really a cat. Instead I curled up and purred happily, slipping my hand - my paw, I mean - over his leg.

And suddenly I realized I was just inches away from touching his privates. Less than inches, even. I didn't move. I didn't even pull my hand away. With my face resting on Dirk's tummy, I opened my eyes and looked down. His bulge was right there, just inches away from my curled up paw. Bulge? Maybe. I think, yeah, I think I detected a slight bulge. I was, to put it mildly, terribly confused just then.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, Dirk rescued me from my confusion by asking, "Snowflake, if you're a cat, why do you wear human clothes?"

Well now, that was a good question. Because the game, to this point, had never involved taking my clothes off? "I'm not wearing clothes," I insisted. "I just have blue fur that looks like clothes," I said.

He nodded thoughtfully and said, "Oh."

I went back to staring at that bulge. Okay, this hypnotism game had to quit, I thought. It was getting too hard for me to control myself. I was just getting ready to say something, to say that, when he asked, "If I brought some cute clothes for you, would you wear them?"

It was another good question. Well, would I? Something told me if I said yes that they wouldn't be regular boy clothes. Oh, why hadn't I told him I was a tom cat? "Cats don't wear clothes," I said finally.

I'd worn girl clothes a few times in my life before that. Not a lot. It wasn't like a habit or anything. Or an obsession, like it is now. Just, you know, sometimes when I was bored, and there was no one else at home, I'd sneak into my sister's room and borrow some of her panties or a bra or something, and try them on, and then secretly send them back by way of the laundry basket once I was finished.

So there was that.

But I'd never done anything of a sexual nature with another guy. Not even with Dirk. I'd thought about it a few times, of course – sometimes with Dirk and sometimes with other guys, but most of the time it was with Dirk - and I'd slowly come to the realization that I wasn't as repulsed by the idea of having sex with a guy as I thought I should be. I wasn't as turned off by it as most guys my age were. Most normal guys. What I'm trying to say is that, although I had never acted on any of those impulses, I didn't mind thinking about them.

And then there were my relationships with girls. Or should I say non-relationships? To be honest, I'd never had a girlfriend. At all. Girls just made me uncomfortable for some reason. I liked looking at them, of course, but the idea of having a relationship with one was totally beyond my comprehension.

Which could have explained my thoughts and feelings as I lay there hypnotized - or at least what passed for being hypnotized with Dirk and me - staring at what appeared to be a bulge in his pants and wondering if I was about to reach out and touch it, and give myself away to him, or if I'd somehow be able to control myself.

Before I could do anything, though, Dirk leaned over, reaching across me to adjust one of the pillows behind me, forcing my hand toward his crotch. Embarrassed, I quickly pulled my hand away, but not before feeling it. It was stiff.


Just like mine.

He rolled back and that ended our hypnotism session for the day. After waking me up, Dirk challenged me to a game of one-on-one basketball, and even let me win for a change. Neither of us talked about what had just happened – or almost happened - up in the tree house.

For a while, with the holidays and stuff, we were too busy to get together much. At least not for hypnosis. I guess it was just easier for both of us to be busy than it was to deal with the feelings and emotions that had somehow started presenting themselves.

It was a cold winter's day in January when we finally found ourselves in the tree house again, both of us shivering from the cold. Although I think I might have been shivering more from nervousness than from the cold.

It's not that I was scared. Or was it? Part of me looked forward to being hypnotized again, and to being Dirk's cat again, and to curling up next to him again and being petted by him. Another part of me dreaded it, because I was afraid I might not be able to control my feelings with him for much longer.

So we sat there, talking about nothing, really. School, homework, teachers, girls we thought were cute. Only we didn't really talk about girls. Perhaps we talked about girls in general terms, but we didn't talk about anybody specific. It was more like what about them we found attractive. And telling Dirk my thoughts on the subject made me begin to realize that what I really wanted was to have some of those traits myself.

But how could I tell Dirk that? What if he laughed at me? What if he found it disgusting? What if it ended our friendship? Or what if he told someone else? I knew I'd never be able to live it down.

For some reason, neither of us suggested the hypnotism game we were used to playing. Our normally friendly manner had turned awkward. Like we were both trying to avoid the same obvious subject.

And although it was right there, sitting next to the hypnotism candle all the time since he'd first put it on me, Dirk and I had never discussed the pink collar with the blue rhinestones. I never asked about it, and he never explained it. Never.

So finally, amidst all the awkward feelings roaming around just then, I brought it up. "What's the story behind the pink dog collar, Dirk?" I asked.

Dirk looked at it, as if it was the first time he'd ever noticed it. "Actually it's a cat collar," he said.

"It's kind of big for a cat collar. Don't you think?"

He shrugged. "She's kind of a big cat."

I noticed his choice of pronouns. Hesitating briefly, I lowered my voice and asked, "Do you ever make me wear it when I'm hypnotized?" I pretended not to know.

He hesitated. "Sometimes."

I nodded. "Sometimes I can kind of remember bits and pieces of what happens when I'm hypnotized," I said.

"Like what?"

I shrugged. "Like the collar. And pretending to be a cat."

"Sorry," he apologized weakly.

I shrugged again. "It's okay, I guess."

With neither of us saying anything for a while, I slowly reached for the collar and fastened it around my neck. "How do I look?" I asked.

"It looks good on you," he gulped.

"Will you hypnotize me?" I asked, hesitating.

"Do you want me to?"

"Yes. I think it's fun," I said.


"Yes. Why wouldn't I?"

"I never know how much you really get from it," he offered.

I thought for a minute, and then said, "I just like that you like it. It doesn't matter if I don't remember any of it."

"I could make it so you remember all of it," he offered.

I shook my head. "I think it's better this way, with me not knowing."

As he was reaching for the candle, I said, "Dirk, one thing?"


"I don't want to be a cat this time. Okay?"

"What do you want to be?" he asked.

"Something else," I said. "Surprise me."

Dirk disappointed me when he started off the session the same way he usually did by having me act like a cat. For a brief second I thought about rebelling, telling him that I wasn't really hypnotized and never had been, and reminding him that I'd asked him not to turn me into a cat this time, and that since he hadn't kept his part of the bargain, I was through keeping my part.

But that isn't the kind of thing a naturally submissive person like myself goes around doing. Before I could get up enough nerve to say it, he excused himself, saying he would be back in a few minutes, that he had to get something from the house, and that I should be a good kitty while he was gone.

Okay, so... maybe his power of suggestion was stronger than I gave him credit, because I did what he told me. I curled up and waited for him, just like a good kitty.

While I waited, I fumed silently. What was I doing? Why was I pretending I was his cat? Okay, maybe part of the reason was because I still had that secret crush on him. But what was the point of what I was doing? It's not like it was ever going to blossom into anything more than a stupid game of pretend. And he certainly didn't show any signs of returning those feelings to me. Meanwhile, I was embarrassing and humiliating myself for him. For what? For a bowl of cream? For his personal amusement? What?

I rehearsed what I would say to him once he got back, and how I would tell him that I was through pretending to be hypnotized by him. And all the time I stayed curled up as if I was a cat, waiting for my human owner to come back and play with me. Sometimes it's embarrassing to be so weak-willed.

When he returned a few minutes later, I greeted him the way I was supposed to, by brushing up against his leg and purring. My thoughts of rebellion were pushed temporarily to the back of my mind.

He scratched behind my ears a few times, and stroked me, telling me what a good kitty I was, and how happy I made him by not running away or getting into trouble while he was gone. Okay, so I was a sucker for flattery and compliments too. And then he slipped his fingers under my collar, feeling it for a while as he told me what was going to happen next.

" Snowflake, I have a new collar for you today, girl" he said.

A new collar? I looked up, excited.

"I think you'll like it," he said. "It's a little different. It's more like something a human would wear."

You mean a necklace? I waited for him to show me what he had in mind. He reached into the sack he was carrying and removed a silver chain necklace and showed it to me. Hanging from the chain was a snowflake pendant. "See?" he said. "It's a snowflake. Just like your name."

Okay, this was interesting. Maybe I could play along a little longer. So was he really planning on having me wear a girl's necklace?

He didn't put it on me right then. "This is a very special necklace, Snowflake," he said. "It's going to change your life. As soon as I put it on you, you'll stop being a cat, and you'll turn into a human. Just like me. Does that sound fun?"

"Yes," I said, remembering that I could speak.

With as much ceremony as he could muster, Dirk took the cat collar off of me - for a few seconds I actually felt naked without it - and then replaced it with the snowflake necklace. "What do you think?" he asked.

I looked down. I was wearing a necklace. And I was no longer a cat. I held out my arms and looked at them, studying the way I looked now that I was a human. I looked at Dirk and compared myself to him. "I look just like you," I said, making sure to add a touch of marvel to my voice.

"Almost like me," he grinned. "There's one difference."

"What?" I asked. "I mean, I know you're bigger and our hair's different colors, but..."

He interrupted, which was a good thing, since I didn't have any words with which to complete my statement. "I'm bigger, because I'm a boy."

"Oh." I blushed as the full impact of his words sank in. "You mean, I'm... a..."

"Well, you were a girl cat. I assume that didn't change. Right?"

I wasn't sure what to say. Did he really want me to act as if I was a girl now? Wasn't that a little kinky? I mean, being a girl cat had been mostly innocuous. It just gave me an excuse to snuggle up with the guy I had a crush on without looking too obvious about it. Being a girl human was going to be something completely different. "Uh, I don't know," I stammered.

"Maybe we should check." he teased.

Only he wasn't teasing. "Pull your shirt open so I can see inside," he said.

I did, pulling my shirt out from my chest while Dirk looked down through the neck opening. "Hmmm, your boobs aren't very big," he said. "Maybe you just haven't grown any yet. Let me look down your pants."

I blushed. Seriously? I think that was one of the few times I ever actually slipped out of my character when he was hypnotizing me.

"Don't be shy," he coaxed. "I saw you when you were a cat, remember?"

I shook my head. "No."

"Sure I did. Remember? You told me that cats don't wear clothes."

I did remember that. Still blushing, I undid my pants and pulled them open so Dirk could look inside. It never occurred to me that if I really was a human girl, I should object. I wondered what he'd say when he saw my penis, which was actually growing stiffer as he helped me hold them open so he could look inside.

"Hmmm, kind of a big clitty," he remarked, "but definitely not a boy. Okay, you can put your pants back on."

I zippered my pants back up and fastened the top button, confused. Was his power of suggestion really that strong? Was I really supposed to start acting like a girl from now on? For some reason, I actually kind of believed him. As long as I was with him, there in our tree house, something about it just felt right. Natural. Like it really was the way he said. Who knows? Maybe I really was hypnotized. Maybe my titties really would start growing someday.

Ultimately, though, I think it was the earrings that got to me. Dirk reached into the sack that I had assumed was now empty and pulled them out. "These are for you, too," he said.

They were clip-ons - a necessity, since I didn't have pierced ears - with tiny little snowflakes on them that exactly matched the pendant necklace I was already wearing. There was no way to hide my surprise. "Oh, they're so cute!" I bubbled, doing my best imitation of a teenage girl.

"I'm glad you like them," he said. "I got you these, too." He reached in the sack once more and retrieved an anklet and a couple of bracelets. "Put them on," he said as I took them from him.

I put the bracelets on first, sliding them on over my hands, and hearing the happy clink of metallic bands as they settled into place. I wasn't sure what to do with the anklet just then, since I was wearing white athletic socks - it was too cold to be barefoot just then. "Uh, can you help me with the earrings?" I asked.

My feelings at that moment were a mixture of excitement, embarrassment, and happiness. Did Dirk mind that it made me happy to get jewelry from him? Did he mind that I wanted to wear it? No, that was what he'd expect if I really was hypnotized. Could he tell that I wasn't really acting? Could he tell that I was stunned to get such a gift from the boy I secretly had a crush on? Could he tell I was actually thinking about kissing him just then? I mean, a teenage girl, a real teenage girl, would have given her boyfriend a kiss if he'd given her a gift like that. Wouldn't she?

But this was Dirk. My best friend. A guy. And despite the hypnosis and pretending to be hypnotized, I was a guy, too. I wasn't sure how he would take it if I went and kissed him. All I know is I wanted to, and it seemed to me that doing so would be totally in character.




"Thank you," I said, in my girliest voice, putting all my emotions into it as I did. And then, before I could chicken out and before he knew what I was up to, I put one arm around his neck and pulled myself toward him until our lips met. Almost met. At the very last minute, one of us or both of us turned aside, and the kiss landed harmlessly on his cheek.

Disaster averted.

Being a hypnotized-girl wasn't a lot different from being a hypnotized cat, I guess. I snuggled up against him, just like I'd always done, and he put his arm around me, just like he'd always done. The positions were slightly altered, since I no longer had to pretend I was a cat, but the result was similar. Although in some ways, that subtle change in our physical positions was huge from an emotional standpoint. It made us less like a pet and owner and more like boyfriend and girlfriend.

And I was the girlfriend.

My jewelry proved it.

It's hard to say what Dirk thought about all this. I mean, obviously, as the hypnotist, all of this was his idea, and I was just doing what he told me to do. Technically, I wasn't even supposed to remember any of it once we left the tree house. But, at the same time, I had my free will, as he had once pointed out, and so there was no denying that I was just as responsible for what was happening as he was. There was also no denying, at least in my view, that Dirk was responsible only for the general concept. The actual implementation of that idea - the details of it, if you will - were all my doing.

Well, other than the earrings. That was his idea.

Which really made me think. Dirk gave me earrings! Dirk! My secret lover. Gave me earrings! That deserved a kiss. Or something. of course, I'd tried the kiss, and it had failed. It still felt like I owed him something.

Which is why one day, not too long after he gave me the jewelry, I slid my hand slowly across his leg and touched that bulge in his pants.

He looked at me questioningly. I smiled back. I guess we were both asking if it was okay. Or like he was wondering if I really wanted to touch him there, and I was wondering if he would mind if I did.

Well, I did. I might not have kissed him yet, but that didn't mean I couldn't be attracted to him sexually still. The question was, was he sexually attracted to me? I wasn't sure. I mean, maybe... Maybe he was just not sure what to do with me, once he had me hypnotized.

With neither of us flinching from the intimate contact I had just initiated, I kept my hand there, slowly stroking his growing erection with my fingers through his jeans. It was the first time I'd ever felt someone's erection other my own. It felt familiar in most ways. There was the tip, with the thick, hardening shaft. Somewhere below that, I knew, were two balls that were hard for me to do anything with while he had his pants on.

What was different, of course, was its size. Already I could tell it was bigger than mine - both longer and thicker - and every time I touched it, it seemed to get even bigger.

"Take it out," he breathed.

I looked at him. "Really?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I got up and went over to the door to make sure no one was about to walk in on what we were doing. Satisfied we had enough privacy, I went back and knelt down beside him, caressing the bump in his pants that I knew was his cock. I looked at him again for reassurance. Did he really want me to touch his penis? His eyes told me nothing, but the way he tilted his hips toward me told me exactly what I needed to know. I caressed him again, wondering what it would feel like when I touched it for real.

I'm not sure if I went slow, or if it just seemed that way because my brain was recording every single detail. I remember undoing his belt, followed by the snap beneath it. It's like I could hear every barely audible click of the zipper teeth as I pulled down on the fastener. Dirk lifted his hips to help me get his pants off. I pushed them down to his knees, amused by the way his throbbing erection made a tent in his boxers, making it go up and down with every heartbeat.

Dirk groaned as I slid my fingers beneath the waistband of his boxers. "Oh yeah."

I pushed them down slowly, revealing the thick, black curls surrounding his pubic region. "God, you're hairy," I said quietly.

He grinned. A sexy, happy, relaxed kind of grin that melted my heart and made me so want to kiss him again. This time, I decided, I wouldn't screw it up. "Dirk," I said, pausing with his boxers still covering his manhood.

"What?" he sounded slightly annoyed that I was talking instead of doing.

I hesitated. "Dirk, will you kiss me first?" I said it quickly, before I could not-say it.

His eyes flashed open to stare at me. "Sure," was all he said.

Okay, well at least it wasn't no. Our first kiss wasn't as spectacular as I wished it would have been. Our lips met, and his arms went briefly around my shoulders, holding me there for a moment, and then releasing me. But at least I'd done it. I'd kissed Dirk. I grinned, happy, and went back to freeing his cock from its cloth prison.

It was indeed massive. At least compared to mine. Easily six inches - it's grown some since then - and so thick that my fingers just barely touched when I wrapped them around his shaft. More important, it was gorgeous. The smooth, glistening tip jutted out of the dark band where his foreskin had been, and a thick ridge of loose skin connected the tip to the shaft on the underside. All of it emerged from a thick cloud of black curls. "God, that's sexy," I whispered, making sure he could hear me.

"Thanks, Snowflake," he whispered back.

"Do you want me to jerk you off?" I asked.


It took me about five minutes. Just when my hand was getting tired and I was starting to wonder just how long I'd have to do this, he groaned loudly and thrust his hips upward. "Here it comes, baby. Get ready."

I wasn't sure what I needed to do to get ready. I knew what was about to happen, though, and so I tried to stroke him the way I thought I would want someone to stroke me if I was close to cumming. Slow, deep strokes that would keep the feeling there without overwhelming it.

I'd seen myself cum, of course, but only from the position of cock-owner. This time I was staring straight at the gaping slit from which I knew semen was about to emerge. When it happened, it was like super slow-motion. I saw the narrow opening grow wider, followed immediately by a blur of white that hit me right in the face. In my surprise, I titled his cock away from me so that the next jet landed on the plywood floor, while the rest landed on his leg.

When he was finished, he apologized for hitting me in the face. "It's okay," I grinned. "I should have known."

He didn't say anything, but I could tell there was something else he wanted to say. Or was at least thinking about. Probably about how much he'd like it if his cum went in my mouth and I swallowed it. Or something like that. But not then. Not on our first time.

"Snowflake?" he said.

"What?" I smiled softly as I wiped his semen from my face.


"Sure. No problem."

A kiss, I knew, would have been the perfect ending, but with my face covered with sperm, I wasn't sure if he'd like that.

(End of Part One)

Next: Chapter 5: Hypnotized 2

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