In the Middle

By Frank McMee

Published on Aug 8, 2023


This story is complete fiction. Any resemblances to persons or events in real-life are purely coincidental. Please leave now if you are underage or don't like stories of a homosexual nature. Otherwise, please enjoy the story. Please consider making donation to Nifty as they are needed to provide these wonderful stories.

Hi, my name is Kurt O'Rourke I am 5'5" 110 lbs. with a swimmer build and I also am a ginger. I am gay, my brother and our best friend knows but that is it. I 18 now but this takes place when we were 16. I also have a twin brother Kyle and he is like me but is muscular. Our best friend is Maxwell Sullivan he is 6', 16 and 130 lbs. muscular and he wrestled in high school with my brother, I did swimming.

So where to start,

Kyle and I are your typical twins, sleep in the same room do everything together with exception of sports, I like swimming and boys, he like wrestling and girls. We kept are hair cut short and really no body hair other then on our head, underarms, and pubic hair we were smooth. Our childhood friend Maxwell, he prefers to be called Max, he is 6' black and very muscular and very hot, he is on the wrestling team with Kyle, now Kyle has told me in passing the Max's cock is long and thick, (he has seen it the showers at school) but he has not see it hard, he said it could be about 8 to 8 ½ when hard. Our parents always said we are as thick as thieves because we hung out together all the time and more so when school was out. The three of us all had out birthdays within day of course me and Kyle were the same day and Max's was 2 days later. This all takes please just after we turned 16 and it just recently ended after our 18th birthday.

Chapter 1:

The Wrong Place,

It was just after we all had celebrated our birthdays and it was during spring break. Our parents decided to take a vacation with out us, there were going to be gone 8 days and we would get to miss one day of school while there were away. They trusted us to be some what on our own. Max would stay with us at our house and our grandmother would stay for adult supervision.

So, that night we talked, Max and Kyle were meeting up with the guys from the wrestling team to work out and practice for the day. Kyle invited me to come along but I told him I would go bike riding and we would meet up later for diner. We all got up around 9 in the morning got read for our day and headed out. Max and Kyle off to the gym me off past our housing devilment to the bike path in the woods then to the old trucking road then to the old canal on the other side of a wildlife preserver. I made to the old trucking road and followed it up the abandoned factory complex. I locked up m y bike near the canal dock to the complex. It was near noon and it was about 85 degrees, so I took a dip in the canal. While I was swimming and boat came up the canal to the dock dropped a bag and left fast. I waited before I climbed out and walked over to it, I picked up looking around and no one in site so, I unzipped it and found some drugs and cash and dropped the bag I ran over to my cellphone to my brother but he did not answer so I put on my shorts and went back over to the bag and just as I got there an SUV pulled in and kame speeding to me. I stumbled back words and fell just as 4 guys jumped out and came at me. One guy grabbed me and the other took the bag and a 3rd guy spoke in a Jamaican accent yelling what I took from the bag who else is with me, this went on for about 10 mins until he took my picture and sent it to someone. As he waited, he told a 4th guy to go and collect my bike and stuff and put them in the SUV. Just as the guy finished putting my stuff in he got a response and the next thing I know he is telling the guy holding me that "he" is coming with them that the boss want to see "him" referring to me. I was dragged into the SUV and them a black hood was put over my head and we drive off. I could tell we never left the old truck road and when we stopped, I was dragged out of the SUV and into some building because it got cooler then my wrists were chained to a wall and slightly up almost above my head and then the hood was removed, I was in a room, I am not sure where I am but this room is dimly lit and 2 small windows at the top near the ceiling bring in more light the one in the room. The 2 goons left the room and I heard a slid lock on the outside of the door. I was scared and did not know what was going to happen to me, I was near panic, then the door was unlocked and at the sound of the slide lock I was so in a panic I leathery pissed my pants. (ugh so embarrassed I thought to myself) An older man came into the room, he looked to be about 30 or 35 and must have been a bodybuilder he was massive. He took one sniff and leaned out the room and the a 2nd guy walked over to me pulled out a knife and grabbed me by my shirt and in broken english said don't struggle our you'll get hurt, he then preceded to cut and rip my shirt, shorts and underwear off me, leaving me in sneakers. He left the room and returned was a, well what looked like a fire hose. He turned it on me and hosed me down the came up to me and told, me to kick off my sneakers leaving me completely naked. The older man comes back in and walks up to me and studies me like I am a piece of meat. He reaches out and grabs my chine and forces my head up to look him in the eyes and he starts to ask me, what I was doing at the old dock, what dealer am I working for, how did o know about the drop today. I answered that I did not work for any dealer nor did I know anything about the drop, and I was out riding my back and I had nothing to do with anything. He laughed at me say no matter you trespassed into my business and you will have to pay for that and that my little friend is a costly bill to burden your self with so if you tell me who your boss or dealer is I'll collect from them, if not you will be working for me are a long time and I can be a sadistic man. So, if this was truly an accident, you stumbled into my business and you are solo your ass is mine till you pay of the debt for trespassing. Just to be clear and a little taste of what you can except. I hope this will loosen your tongue. He stepped out and was talking to 3 other guys, I could not overhear what was said but I could see his hand gestures. He put his had to his neck and moved his hands down his body and them to his ass, then he left. The 3 guys wheeled in what looked like an old personal steam sauna the one where your head stick out. I was unchained as the put it in the middle of the room, I was positioned over a hole in the seat with my ass hanging out of it then my arm were stretched to shoulder length and my hands and head were outside the box. They attached a hose to one set of connecters on each side of the box and I felt a pushing at my ass and given the way is was seated it had little resistance and just slipped into my ass without any pain it was thin and slippery. They turned on some valves and a wat vaper filled the box, then I felt warm water entering my ass and the tube in there expanded with some pain. I was being to feel full and need to push out the water but could not and I was feeling a tingling and slight burn on my body. I was squirming around trying to push out the tube and get out of the box, when the men cam back and laughed at me as the flushed the box with warm water and removed the tube from my ass, I felt the water flush out me and the water washing over me and it all washed out the bottom of the box into the floor drain. Once they finished this it was repeated 2 more time. I have no clue what time it is or how long I went through this all I know is that I am existed and thirsty. I asked for some water and the came in with 2 bottles and told me to drink up, I was so thirsty I drank both bottles. A few minutes later the older guy comes back and I am lifted out of the box and now my hands are chained to a pulley from the ceiling and I am lifted slightly of the ground my toes can touch but just barely, it's then I notice that all my body hair is gone not a single hair except on my head. The guy walks over to me and then grabs my dick and balls smiles and say nice and smooth, he then takes something out of his pocket and starts putting it on my dick. I hear a click and fell pressure on my dick, I look down and see he has locked up my dick. He holds up my phone and tells me someone has been calling me a texting me, he shows me, it is Max and my brother. He then holds the phone to my face to unlock it. He took a photo of me and shows me it, it me from the chest up. He then showed me what he was doing, he sent it to Max and my brother. Then he told them meet him at a spot and to bring something for me to put on. The responded thinking it was a joke and he then took one of me fully and sent it. They responded they would meet, he told them to come alone and no cops or they would never see me again.

End Chapter 1

Coming soon Chapter 2: The Price.

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Next: Chapter 2: The Price

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