In the Lonely Hour

By Ree

Published on Jun 19, 2014


WARNING: This story is an act of fiction as well as fragments of reality and is protected by copy right laws. If you wish to post this to any other site or write a spin off of this series then please ask my permission. This story will eventually involve sexual relations between males; if that bothers or offends you, please hit the escape button. Since this is partly fantasy there may be unprotected sex, this does not give anyone reason not to use condoms, be wise and always condomize. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to view this material in your country then you do so at your own risk. If you are looking for a quick 'get off' story then this is not for you. Comments and criticisms are appreciated as this is my first attempt at writing. Please feel free to email me as it is encouraging to know people do read your work. You can contact me at I hope you do enjoy.

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In The Lonely Hour: Chronicles of Ree Chapter 2 *****************************************************************

I was slightly anxious as I pulled into a parking space at varsity, partly because of classes, partly because I had no idea what to expect but mostly because I knew that I'd see Sam today. He had skipped the rest of orientation last week but I knew he would not skip class, like me he had always been a straight A student and took academics seriously. As I retrieved my laptop and protein shake I scanned the crowed hoping I'd spot the mop of unruly, long black hair that was Sam. The area was packed with students, sitting in various spaces; most were socializing, playing a few ball games on the grass patch or lounging in the morning sun. "He probably went straight to the spot our orientation group agreed to meet" I thought out loud, with all of us being on such a large campus the guys all agreed to stick together till we could successfully navigate the campus grounds without getting lost.

In total there were 5 of us, somehow we all found one another on the first day of orientation, clicking immediately when we expressed interest in similar varsity activities. All new students were divided into groups by the faculty administration; while we were categorically not put in the same group that did not stop us from doing our own thing. Walking up to the designated spot I saw Keenan, Josh and Mark already shooting the shit, but no Sam. Let me describe the guys; Keenan is the tallest in the group, at 1.83 meters he also had the body mass to go with the height as he had recently started competing in body building competitions. He was naturally a brunette but had highlighted his hair; his facial features suggested Latino origins that went well with his creamy complexion. He was also the hot head of the group, pissing him off was super easy but generally resulted in the antagonist being turned into pulp.

Josh was the typical skinny, white skater boy. He had long orange hair that hung to his shoulders; pale face filled with freckles and weighed in at 56 kilograms. He was 1.68 meters tall and had the whole grunge look going but was seriously the sweetest and most thoughtful in the group. Mark was a native African guy; his family were descendents of the Xhosa Dlamini clan as he frequently liked to remind us with pride. He had a round face while sporting horn rimmed glasses, a freakishly ever present white smile and slender build framed by baggy clothes which made him look rather nerdy. Sam and I were the final two; together we looked like an odd ball of characters, random but interesting.

Strolling up to the guys we greeted with the slip, dap and fist pound salutation while talking about our weekends. Mark was the first to voice his thoughts on the whereabouts of Sam, "I haven't seen Sam since last Tuesday, think he's got a lot going on at the moment but hopefully he'll get his shit together before we get loaded with work" I replied as I nervously shifted around. Taking the lead, Mark nodded his head before proceeding to the anthropology lecture auditorium while the rest of us followed. Once again I hoped that I would see Sam but scanning all the different faces seated in the lecture hall, once again I was disappointed. Having to put all distractions out of my head I flipped open my ipad while pretending to listen to the lecturer drone mindlessly about the syllabus for the term. An hour later we all exited the class and separated, as the rest of the guys had opted to go to the indoor pool for a swim with me having begged off going.

Heading straight to the library I rode the elevator to the 10th level then sauntering the rest of the way to the 14th which was the pinnacle of buildings on campus. Taking a seat at the huge glass window I gazed out over the courts down below watching students bustling from one place to the next. Sighing I wondered what to do about this Sammy situation, "If I don't see him by the time I'm done at gym I'm marching over to his house and busting down his door" I whispered before slumping my head in my arms on the table. I hadn't exactly been sleeping well the last couple of nights. I figured I could do with a short nap.

I was running passing tall grass and reeds blocking my view, in front of me there's a raised mud wall serving as a barrier for a dam in the distance, power cables to my left and a vast field to my right. "I recognize the area but what am I doing here, no time to think about that, no time for anything but running." I'm petrified, theirs someone chasing after me so I keep running. I could hear footsteps hammering behind me, deep breathing and the sensation of warm, foul-smelling breath on my neck causing my heart to pound noisily in my chest. "NO, I'll be caught if I don't run faster", so I push harder, "if only I could reach the dam I'll be safe." Suddenly I feel a strong hand grip on my right arm causing me to trip and fall, the fall jarring me awake from the nightmare.

Feeling sticky with perspiration, breathing deeply I close my eyes in an attempt to slow my breathing and heart rate. It's been years since I had that dream but quickly shut down those thoughts as I scan the room to see if anyone noticed. Everyone seemed too engrossed with whatever they were doing to be paying me any attention. "Pull yourself together Ree, you've dealt with all that shit already, it can't hurt you anymore", but fuck it seemed so real. "They can't hurt you anymore" I softly repeated over and over as I stood to check the time on my cell phone. Realizing I only had 5 minutes to get to my next class, I raced down the stairs, leaving the library and all thoughts of that hellish nightmare behind.

Meeting Keenan at the psychology auditorium we took our seats and repeated the process of setting up our desk space for taking notes. He seemed to want to say something but was hesitant, which was fine by me since I was in no mood to talk to anybody about anything. "Dude I know we aren't close and we don't know one another well but if you ever need someone to talk to I'm told I'm a good listener" Keenan whispered. Typical of a psychology student I thought while mentally rolling my eyes, before giving a tight lipped smile without bothering to look in his direction. I know his intentions were pure but if I wanted to talk to someone I'd see shrink.

After a long day of classes the drive home seemed peaceful, driving my baby always relaxes me, "not too bad for the first day" I thought as I cranked up the volume to the song 'All Me' by Drake Ft. 2 Chainz & Big Sean while twerking in my head. Arriving home in less than 30 minutes I decided to repay my brothers kindness and slapped together a light snack for the two of us since he had not arrived home from classes yet.

After stuffing my face on a chicken mayo sandwich I figured this would be a good time to rub one out as I made my way up to my room. Stripping totally naked and laying on my bed I grabbed the bottle of baby oil strategically placed on my bedside table for this exact purpose. I generously lubricated my dick as it grew hard, "hehe always ready to go aren't ya" I laughed as my dick throbbed, expanding to full mast in reply.

The first sensation I experienced when waking up was the sticky, cold feeling left by my earlier solo exploits, "hmm I must have fallen asleep before I could clean up, might as well get ready to hit the gym with Rick then check up on Sam." I started stretching out the kinks in my muscles before standing up and cleaning myself. Hearing commotion in my brother's room I tip toed down the hallway, swinging his door open I saw Sam and Rick sitting on the bed having a heated conversation. Rick was the first to recover "uhm Ree, what's up bro... I thought you would still be napping, was gonna wake you up but Sam came over. We were just discussing some things." Since I had walked in Sam had looked everywhere in the room except at me, I gaze at him questioningly, hoping he would glance at me but all he did was stand up facing Rick and stutter "uhm I uhm gotta go" before brushing past me.

Ignoring my brother I dashed down the hallway after Sam, intent on speaking with him. "Sam, Sam wait up" I called, but it fell on deaf ears as he continued to storm down the stairs. "SAM, FOR FUCKS SAKE WAIT OR I WILL TACKLE YOU AND PIN YOUR ASS DOWN" were the words that left my mouth. He stood dead still on the last step giving me a chance to catch up and position myself between him and the front door.

"What do you want?" he asked me, I steeled myself before making eye contact with him. "I just want to talk Sammy. I'm worried; this is the longest we've ever gone without talking. You're my best friend so what went wrong? You ran out of my room the other night and have been avoiding me since. You even skipped class which is unlike you." I already had tears dripping down my cheeks; the steely look in his eyes seemed to melt away making him look younger but exhausted at the same time. "Gawd I'm so pathetic, can't stop freaken crying" I muttered as I walked to the lounge knowing that he would follow me. Plopping down in the lazy boy I leaned back and pulled myself together for the second time that day, he had followed me but only to the threshold where he leaned against the door frame. "Sammy no more running, hiding or avoiding me" I said, to which he nodded while slowly shuffling further into the room and sprawling over the loveseat next to the lazy boy.

The silence that followed bled into the room as thick as congealed blood; neither of us knew what to say to break the awkwardness. Quickly I realized I'd have to break it before he up and left again, "I got your wake up call this morning" I said in reference to the alarm tone. At first there was confusion written on his face, giving way to understanding, unexpectedly the room was filled with a burst of his laughter as I attempted to pout which only lasted a few seconds before joining him in laughter. For a split second I watched the twinkle in his eyes illuminate his features before it faded and with it his smile. Deciding to get straight to the point I asked him to explain what happened a week ago.

Sam and I sat in silence for what must have only been a minute but felt much longer while he attempted to gather his thoughts, I observed as the internal battle raged within his mind and was expressed in his features. His jaw would clench then unclench while his temples would throb, he must have been thinking pretty hard because perspiration had started to form on his forehead and drip down the side of his face. Licking his lips he turned to look at me before opening his mouth.

End of Chapter 2 *********************************************************************

I would like to thank my boyfriend as well as my two close friends Teddy C and B for their encouragement, proof reading, comments and criticisms (amazing when your straight male friends can read and comment/crit your work.) I'd like to thank Paul for his comments as well as a special thanks to Pan for the harsh but well-founded criticism. Thanks guys.

"All Me" by Drake Ft. 2 Chainz & Big Sean is off the album Nothing Was The Same. Produced by Key Wane and as such are the sole rights of the artist/producer.

Next: Chapter 3

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