In the Confessional

By Naked Justice

Published on Oct 25, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is gay erotica intended for male adult readers. If you are underage, delete this story unread or ask your parents for permission. I highly recommend to strip naked before reading this story as most characters don't like clothes and stay nude whenever they can.

You are kindly requested to ask me for film rights, I myself will apply for the role of David. If you intend to make a comic strip or a photo story out of it, you are welcome to send me the results.

Although it might happen that the characters in this fiction do not consequently observe the rules of safe sex, please do so in real life. It's better for your health.

In The Confessional

by Naked Justice

Chapter 5: The Gym (Nudity, MM, MMM)

I woke up early Monday morning. Quickly I folded the blanket, I had used to cover. As I hadn't prepared to sleep in the office, I had nothing here for the usual morning needs. No toothbrush, no shaver, no breakfast. And in addition I had no shirt. My shorts which I had left here Saturday were still in the drawer. So, I took them on and went bare-chested to the supermarket around the corner. Now, at half past seven there were almost no customers in the shop, so I didn't get much attention for my lack of clothing. I grabbed the stuff, I needed: a razor, shaving cream, a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, cereals, yoghurt and some fruit. So I went to the cash-desk. The cashier was a young student of about 20 with black geled hair, dark-brown eyes and brown skin. He smiled at me.

"Forgotten your shirt?", he asked while he started to scan my purchase.

"One item of clothing is more than enough", I answered.

"More than enough?", he replied. "So you'd rather leave the shorts off, too."

"I'd feel better without", I answered.

"I wouldn't mind", the cashier said. "I usually work here every morning except Thursday and I am alone here until 9 o'clock. So, if you dare, you can come naked the next time."

"Really? And what about the camera surveillance?"

"The tapes are only saved for about an hour. If nothing has happened, we reuse them immediately."

"Okay", I said. "It's worth a try. Next time, I come in the buff."

"That would be great", said the cashier. "I like naked men."

"I suppose so."

The cashier told me the amount, and I paid and left. Back in the office, I took of the shorts immediately and put them back into the drawer. Then I prepared a ration of yoghurt with cereals and ate it. After this breakfast I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and shave. While I was there, I heard the door open. I saw in the mirror Marc entering. He wore nothing but white boxer briefs which he took off immediately to put them in his bag. Now he wore only his shoes and a cockring. Then, he recognized me.

"Good morning, boss", he said.

"Good morning, Mr. Reuter", I answered. "I see, you take the non-clothing option in office serious."

"Well", he replied, "as I remember we agreed that clothing isn't an option in this office. And I see that you respect our nudity policy, too. But please call me Marc. I don't think it's appropriate to call me by my last name when we work together in the buff."

"Of course", I said. "So I am David. And concerning the nudity policy: I'd never wear any clothing voluntarily if there is a nude option."

"The same with me."

"So, what were the briefs for?", I asked him.

"I think that was the minimum clothing required to come here."

"You could have come naked here."

"Do you seriously suggest that I cycle naked?"

I laughed. "It would be a dare."

To my surprise he answered: "I could do that. But then I wouldn't have anything to cover up if clients come."

"You don't have any clothing with you but these boxer briefs?"

"Exactly", he said.

"But that wasn't the deal. I said that I'd allow you to stay naked if you prove a naked- shopping-tour of at least two hours at daylight. As long you have to wear suitable clothing you'd wear in public."

"I went here in my briefs. And I have no problems to wear nothing more in the city. So, that's the deal."

I smiled about my sexy clerk. In fact if I had to decide, he could stay naked around the clock as I would. But I was not sure how my clients would react on the sight of a clerk wearing no more than white boxer briefs.

"Touché", I said. "But in fact I think that it would be better to have at least clothing that is generally considered as suitable and this includes as I told Saturday pants and shirt."

"Okay", he replied looking sad. "Then I will bring some with me tomorrow, or do I need them today?"

"I don't expect clients today. And by the way; I don't have a shirt with me neither."

"Why not?"

"I went here yesterday evening wearing exactly the same what I wear now."

"Naked?", Marc asked. "You have no clothes here?"

"Yes, I came naked. And I have only the shorts here, I wore Saturday morning."

"How did it come?"

"I spent yesterday at the Cranach Wood. There I met a cute judge and we decided to go for a drink to The Confessional. And as I had drunk some beer there, I stayed here on the couch overnight."

"That explains why you shaved when I came in but not, why you don't have any clothes."

"Well, none of us saw a need for dressing after we left the river."

"You and the judge were starkes in The Confessional?"

"Well, I have an agreement with the owner of the bar and therefore no access if clothed."

"That's hot", commented Marc. "Obviously my boss is even more exhibitionist than me. I suppose the owner would be open for the same deal with me?"

"For sure", I replied.

"What a pity that the bar opens so late", Marc said. "Otherwise we could go there for our lunch break."

"That would be a nice idea", I agreed. "But they don't serve food in The Confessional."

"Okay, I have never been there, so I didn't know. Then we have to find another restaurant for lunch."

"I am sure, we will. But now, we have to start working", I decided.

So did we. At noon, Marc brought up the lunch-topic again.

"As both of us don't have the appropriate clothing to go out for lunch, what about pizza?", he asked.

"Pizza would be okay", I said. "Do you have something special in mind?"

"Yes", Marc said. "a friend of mine works for a pizza service. And he wouldn't mind seeing us naked. I could ask him whether he works there today."

"Give it a try."

We were lucky. Marc's friend was in duty and able to deliver personally, and so we ordered pizza.

Half an hour later the doorbell rang. Marc let the pizza boy in.

"Hello Christoph", Marc called the pizza boy.

"Hi Marc", the pizzaboy answered. "Why are you naked?"

"I feel more comfortable without clothes, and my boss allows it."


Marc led the guy into my office where we would eat the pizza. Obviously, Christoph was even more astonished seeing me in the buff.

"This is my boss David", Marc introduced me. "And that's my mate Christoph."

"Wow, that's really hot", Christoph commented. "You are naked, too."

"Yes", I said. "Marc and I agreed that there is no use for dressing up for work. So we made this office clothing-free."

"So I have to strip for the delivery, too?", Christoph asked.

"Well", I offered, "you are such a short-time visitor, that we can handle your clothing."

"Okay", he replied, "but it would be a thrill to deliver pizza naked."

"In that case", Marc proposed, "we expect you in the buff the next time on delivery."

"I will", Christoph agreed. "Hey Marc, how do you do that? If I worked naked together with such a cute naked boss, I'd have a hard-on around the clock."

"In that case", Marc teased his buddy, "I kneel in front of my boss, suck his cock hard and then fuck my ass with the boner."

Christoph laughed. "Okay, that's great. What about tomorrow at 2 pm. That would be my last delivery. I bring the pizza naked and get both of your cocks."

We smiled, too, but I am a friend of permanent change of meals, so pizza was off records until next week. So we agreed to a delivery next Monday at 2 pm. I handed Christoph the money for the pizza. Then he left.

"Okay Marc", I said after the door was shut. "We have a problem. I am horny now."

I knelt down in front of him and snapped at his dick. His manhood grew fast under the caressing of my tongue.

"What are you doing?", Marc asked.

"You said that you get me hard to fuck yourself with my boner, when you are in a mood. That's what I try now."

"That was not the deal", my clerk answered. "It is me to suck and get fucked."

"Who has ordered that?", I doubted. "In my opinion it should be equal rights here."

I continued sucking his prick. When I considered it hard enough, I led my clerk to the couch in my room. On the way I took the lube and a condom out of a drawer in my desk. I laid him down on the couch, rubbered and lubed his boner. Then I lowered my butt on his dick. Fast and roughly I fucked my hole with his rod. Finally, Marc shot his load into the rubber. I raised my ass and tore the condom off his dick. I poured the milk out onto my clerk's belly and led my own prick to his face.

"You want to suck?", I asked.

Marc nodded and caught my hard-on with his mouth. While he sucked it, he shoved a finger into my ass and massaged my hole.

It didn't take long until I called: "I cum!"

Nevertheless, Marc continued sucking. So I shot my cream into his throat. Willingly, he swallowed everything.

This clerk was really amazing: cute as hell, good at work and a sex devil. We cleaned ourselves before we ate the pizza – which had gotten a little cold – and returned to our work.

When it was time to leave the office, Marc took his briefs on. I left my shorts in the office and went naked to the parking lot.

At home I found a letter from the public prosecutor. It read:

"Mr. Keller, I stayed the investigation against you according to section 170 (2) of the Criminal Procedure Code."

As I had been sure before, he found nothing criminal in our naked jogging and stated that this was no case of indecent exposure under German law.

Tuesday morning, I had much to talk about with Ralf when we jogged naked. He gave me good counsel. After showering at home, I packed a pair of chinos, a tight net-shirt and a suit. Besides, I had prepared lunch for Marc and me which I could warm up in the microwave. I didn't see a reason to take some clothing on for the drive to the office and stayed therefore naked. Shortly after I entered the office, Marc arrived. Again, he wore nothing but white briefs which were off as soon as he was inside the office.

"What about shirt and pants", I asked him.

"I brought some with me", he answered and showed me a pair of tight white shorts and a white slim-fit short-arm shirt both seemed to be slightly translucent.

I told Marc that these would be okay for dressing in the case of need. And we started our work. I had some clients but only at phone, so none of us had to dress up. Marc was very happy about this and welcomed very much that I had cared for lunch. After lunch, I fucked and sucked my clerk before we went to the bathroom for mutual golden showers. We let the piss dry on our bodies and worked then. But the smell of dried male piss which filled the office made both of us horny. So we went for another 69er and showered then.

It was time for a phone call.

"Möller", my call was answered.

"Commissioner Benjamin Möller?", I asked. "This is David Keller calling. The naked jogger of May."

"Oh Mr. Keller, I remember. What about your case."

"I received the 170-(2)-decision yesterday", I answered.

Ben laughed. "I see, so it's jogging-time for Andy and me."

"That's why I call. My friend Ralf and I are jogging every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning."

I heard him calling his colleague: "Andy, do you have time for naked jogging Saturday morning?"

Andy answered: "Saturday fits best to get our clothes off for some sports."

Ben told me: "We will meet you Saturday morning in the buff. Where?"

I gave him my address and added: "After running you are invited for showering and breakfast."

"Golden shower?", he asked.

"If you want, we can piss on you", I replied.

"Wow, that was not the answer I expected", he reacted. "I think I am again in duty – as naked jogging."

"You don't have to get a golden shower if you don't want. But I wouldn't mind pissing on you at all", I said.

"I will piss on you", Andy called in the background.

"You see, I will get the showering", Ben said. "See you Saturday."

When Marc and I left the office in the evening, Marc looked at me.

"I am jealous that you go home naked. I'd like to do that, too."

"What's the matter", I answered. "Leave your briefs here."

"You say, I should cycle home nude?"

"If you dare it."

"That's indecent exposure", he objected.

"It isn't. Section 183a of the Criminal Code only prohibits sexual activities in public. Public nudity is no sexual activity."

"Public nudity isn't forbidden?", he doubted.

"There have been cases handled as public molesting according to section 118 of the law on regulatory offences which might be feed up to 1.000 Euros. But in these cases the nude was really acting in a very molesting way. Usually the worst which may happen is that the police require you to cover up and not doing it again."

"Okay", my clerk said after a short wile of reflection. "I leave my briefs here."

To my astonishment, Marc left the office as naked as I. While I had only to go down to the parking lot and drive home without clothes, he went to his cycle and rode it totally bare- assed.

Later at home, I called my friend Oliver.

"Hi David", he answered my call. "Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes", I said.


"I do it. Under the condition that I do the campaign and not the party."

"Why that?", Oliver asked.

"It's an experiment with a gay candidate. If I fail I want it because of my campaign and not because of a party campaign which doesn't fit to the constituency."

That was the counsel Ralf had given me in the morning and I had agreed totally. Of course, I had something in mind – as did Ralf. We would see that later.

"I see", said Oliver. "And I will try to convince the committee. Of course, I will argue a little differently. But it is obvious that this special constituency needs a special campaign. But of course we will not totally exclude the constituency from the general campaign."

"If you help me to keep the party in their limits, I am fine with that."

"I will. And I am glad you agreed."

Now, I had to face the nomination assembly in 18 days. If the delegates voted for the proposal of the committee, I would be candidate to the city council. What a challenge!

Wednesday morning, I took no clothes on before leaving my house either. At noon I would be more than 50 hours clothing-free in a row.

Marc and I arrived at the office simultaneously. My clerk was also naked. We went in, and I asked Marc: "Did you really come here starkers this morning?"

"Yes", he responded. "It was a great proposal you made yesterday. It felt sensationally to go home totally clothing-free. Only a few people seemed to recognize my nudity. And nobody objected. A few girls and guys even applauded. Besides there was an old lady who said that I was the best view since her wedding night."

"I know", said I. "Old ladies like cute young men naked. I've had the same experience with a neighbor when I served at another neighbor's party."

"You did that naked?"

"I'd do almost everything naked", I replied.

"Everything?", he doubted.

"Challenge me."

"I will some day. And so will you."

I agreed and thought about a naked challenge for Marc.

Wednesday was our short day in office. We worked only until noon. At about 11.50 the doorbell rang. We didn't expect clients – at least Marc didn't. He hurried to cover, but previously I had closed his drawer where had deposed shorts and shirt by key. So Marc didn't manage to get his clothes before I pressed the door-opener. On the contrary to Marc, I knew who came to see us: Ralf. Marc seemed to be very surprised to see this visitor inside the office while he and I were naked. That was what Ralf and I expected as reaction.

"Hello Mr. Reuter", offered Ralf his hand to Marc. "I am Ralf Lehmann, a friend of Marc."

"Hello Mr. Lehmann", replied Marc. "I am sorry for the lack of clothing."

"I hope that not", Ralf said. "It suits you best, and if I stayed longer I would follow suit. But David and I have an appointment outside. David, I fear you have to take something on."

I grabbed my shorts and said: "I will take them on later in the car. Are you ready for today, Marc?"

Marc nodded yes.

"So let's close the office now."

"May I ask what kind of appointment you have?", asked my clerk.

"We have a trial training at Hercules Gym", Ralf explained.

"Hey, that's cool", said Marc. "I am member there. If I had known before, I would have brought my gymwear with me."

Ralf offered: "We could pass by your home, you grab some shorts and shoes, and we take you with us."

"No, unfortunately that doesn't work. I will meet a friend at two. Tell me if you become member, and we can work out there together."

We agreed. Marc and I left the office as naked as we had arrived in the morning. When the lift reached the ground-floor, Marc stepped out to cycle home. Ralf and I went down to the parking lot and stepped into my car. Before, Ralf took of his suit, tie and shirt and wore only shoes and his briefs. The Hercules was a gay only gym where all coaches worked bare-chested and members were encouraged to leave shirts off at practice, too. It had also a wellness area with pool, Jacuzzi and sauna which was naked only. When we reached the parking lot, we grabbed our sport bags. I forgot that I was still naked, and Ralf didn't remember me either. So we went in the gym and headed towards the reception desk. The about 35-year old athletic guy asked us how to help.

"I am Ralf Lehmann and this is David Keller. We have an appointment to trial training."

"Oh yes", said the brown-haired guy at the desk. "I am Ronald Schmidt the owner of Hercules." He reached out to shake our hands. "May I ask why you only wear a pair of briefs the one and nothing the other for the purpose of training?"

"Sorry", Ralf said. "We forgot. Of course we have sport-shoes and shorts with us. It's just the fact that my friend and I are nudists. David hasn't dressed yet and I was in a hurry to get out of my suit."

"Well", replied Mr. Schmidt. "we encourage our members to work out bare-chested as you might know. I wouldn't mind if you stay naked for work out except the sport shoes which you need for security reasons."

"Really", I wondered. "We can work out naked here?"

"You can wear that", Schmidt answered. "Nudity suits you. I'd agree to make it part of your membership that you work out naked. This means: always naked, no clothing allowed for you in this gym. Never."

"I am in", said I immediately without even thinking about it.

"Me, too", Ralf agreed.

"Perfect," said Schmidt. "So take your briefs off, Mr. Lehmann. And perhaps both of you step into your sport shoes. I will call a personal trainer for you."

Ralf didn't hesitate to get out of his last item of clothing, and we changed our shoes. Then a very muscular bare-chested hunk of about 25 years, blonde, suntanned with tattooed biceps arrived.

"Roman," told Mr. Schmidt him. "Would you be so kind and show the gym to these two guys, Mr. Lehmann and Mr. Keller?"

"Of course", said the trainer. "Will they get in their sportswear first?"

"They are", explained Schmidt. "We agreed that their membership will be without a clothing option. They will every time work out in the buff."

"Hey, they have fun", Roman said. "Probably I will feel overdressed in their company."

"In that case", his boss offered, "do whatever you consider necessary."

"Taking my shorts off?", the athlete doubted.

The owner nodded silently with a smile on his face.

"You never told me that I could work naked."

His boss answered: "You never asked for it. Did you really fear that I would blame you for that wish as I request you to work bare-chested? I absolutely don't mind if you work naked."

Roman hesitated a little moment and said then: "Hell the fuck; that will be fun."

So he grabbed the waistband and tore his shorts down. He showed a long prick of about 14 cm soft and deep hanging large balls. The cock was to my surprise circumcised which is rather unusual in Germany but looked hot on him. Roman's crotch was smoothly shaved. And finally, his intense suntan showed no tan lines.

After handing the shorts to his boss, Roman led us through the gym and showed us all machines and installations. It was a silly feeling walking around naked with lots of mostly bare-chested gay guys looking. Fortunately the gym wasn't very busy as Wednesday noon is not exactly working-out-time. Nevertheless we three nudes caught some attention. Finally, we did some exercises. Roman's cock grew harder and got softer several times during our instruction, and Ralf and I also fought against getting a full hard-on.

After about 45 minutes, I asked Roman: "Isn't there a wellness area? Show it to us, please."

Roman smiled and went with us to a glass door, opened it and led us through.

"Here it is", he said. "On the left are the changing rooms. On the right you see the wellness area. Usually, I'd have to inform our first-timers that this is a non-clothing zone. But so, I have only to request you to take of your gym shoes."

Ralf asked: "The wellness area is really naked-only?"

"Yes", answered Roman. "It's a pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and a sun-terrace. We see no need for clothes there and consider it more hygienic without them."

"I agree totally", said I. "Would you like to go to the pool with us for the rest of our hour?"

"With pleasure", he replied. "But I have to admit that it is really difficulty looking at you and not getting your cocks in my holes."

"You want us to fuck you?", asked Ralf.

Roman answered: "Hell, guys, we have been working out naked for nearly an hour and I am really horny now. But I fear, it's not enough time left for a good fuck."

"That's why it would probably not help if you get fucked", said I. "So, chose one of our four holes to get lucky."

"Here and now?"

"I wouldn't mind in the gym itself in front of your boss, either", said Ralf.

"No, please not there", begged Roman.

"So, it's here and now", told I. "Or we can go out to the terrace."

"That's better", the coach decided. "And then, I'd like to get blown by you."

He pointed to Ralf and continued towards me: "And then I'd like to blow you."

I answered: "Sure, but in that case it would be appropriate for me to give Ralf a blow- job."

So we moved outside. We lay down in a triangle and Ralf put his mouth over Roman's cock. Then I stuck mine into Roman's lips and grabbed Ralf's dick with my jaws. Immediately, all of us started sucking the cocks in our mouths. Roman showed as talented cocksucker, and I was horny as hell after our training with two handsome naked guys in the sun. Our masculine smelling sweat was a kind of aphrodisiac. Soon I felt the urge to blow a load into his throat. I was just about to shoot, when Ralf announced:

"I cum!"

"Me, too", said I.

And just in the moment when I tasted the first drop of my mate's semen, I ejaculated, too. As usually, I swallowed Ralf's cum, and so did Roman with mine. Finally Roman reached his point and announced his orgasm continuing licking my glans clean. Of course, Ralf didn't waste this stuff either and drank the whole load. We stayed lying on the terrace for a short time to recover our breath. A short look on the clock at the wall showed us, that our trial hour was to be over in a minute. So we went back inside.

"Do you want to shower?", asked Roman.

I replied: "Yes. But I think that we have to sign our membership first and take care for a naked coach next time."

"I hope this will be me", answered the athlete.

"Of course", confirmed Ralf. "You and perhaps another of your colleagues."

I agreed "That would be fun."

Roman laughed and led us then to the reception desk. Mr. Schmidt was smiling when we approached.

"Hey Roman. You are not paid for getting blowjobs", said he.

Roman looked clueless.

"I could see everything through the window", clarified he. "It was a nice threesome to watch."

"And I think as long as it was part of our test training, it should be okay", added I.

"You are right", agreed Schmidt. "So will I see you again?"

"I think so", said Ralf. "We'd like to sign in under the condition of our non-clothing agreement."

"You really want to make it part of our contract?"

"Yes", answered I. "Something like the member will be naked at all times and without any exception. The member is neither allowed to wear other clothing than sport shoes nor required to do so."

"I am okay with that clause."

So he filled the membership forms for both of us and added by hand the clause I had formulated before. Ralf and I signed and exchanged our copies with Mr. Schmidt.

"I hope we can get Roman or another naked coach next time", mentioned Ralf.

"That should be possible", said the owner.

We said goodbye and headed to the door when Schmidt asked Ralf: "Didn't you forget something?"

And he waved Ralf's briefs.

"Oh yes", said he. "Thank you."

Ralf took his briefs but didn't take them on.

"And what about my shorts?", asked Roman.

"Do you need them?", replied his boss.


"Well, as far as I'm concerned, you don't need them."

"You mean, I shall work starkers the rest of the day?"

"If you like to show off, I am fine with that. And I am sure you like being naked as I see you don't have tanlines."

"Well the idea is hot."

"Decide now. But if you want to stay naked then it's for the rest of the day."

Roman considered a while. Finally, he asked his boss: "What would you prefer?"

Schmidt laughed. "I think it would be a shame to cover any part of your body."

"Okay, then I'll stay nude for the day. And this evening I will decide whether doing it again or keep my shorts tomorrow."

"Fine", said Schmidt.

Roman said us goodbye and went back to the gym. I was curious to hear the next time about the experiences he was about to make as naked coach. Ralf and I left the gym still naked and went to Ralf's car.

"You're amazing", said my friend. "You just appear naked at any place and make the people throw their clothes away. Klaus at the Confessional, me, your clerk, Roman."

"The cops from May", I added.

"Really?", asked Ralf while both of us entered his car.

"Well, I called them yesterday. And they remembered the bet about them jogging with us in the case of a 170-(2). They will join us Saturday."

"You are great", said Ralf. "And by the way, I feel totally comfortable without clothes in your company. I could get used to nudity around the clock."

"Me too. I wish I could live without any clothes around the year."

"Well, you are close to it. How long have you been wearing clothes this week?"

"Since Saturday morning less than 30 minutes."

"You see?", asked Ralf. "Hey, I am jealous. Especially as you do not only work in the buff but have a cute clerk wearing the same."

"Well, you could become my partner in a no-clothing law-firm", I offered him.

"Nice idea, but not yet."


"You've told me about you meeting this nudist judge of the family court."

"Jens Jensen", I confirmed.

"Okay, I have a client who is in a gay marriage and wants to get divorced."

"That happens."

"Yes, but he and his husband are nudists and their family-name starts with D."

"I see, so it will be a case of Jensen. But how do you know they are nudists?"

"They have a house on Ile-du-Levant."

"Isn't this that nudist island in France near Marseille?"

"The one and only."

"And what is my role herein?"

"Yesterday they came together to the first meeting as they want a consensual divorce. As they had heard that in that case one lawyer can do the divorce for both, they thought this might be cheaper."

"Well, they are not too wrong with it. Only one needs a lawyer, the other can face the divorce alone."

"Of course, but I don't like doing that. If there is finally one question on dispute left or even forgotten, the other one would blame me. So I told them that it would be better to do it with a second lawyer, too."

"I handle it the same way", said I. "I think nobody should face the family court without legal assistance."

"That's it. And that's where you come in. I told them that a friend of mine is lawyer and nudist and would for sure agree as second lawyer. I offered them to ask you and then make an appointment with four at your office which might be clothing-optional."

I laughed. "Now it's you undressing people."

"Guilty", he said. "They liked the idea especially when I told them that there might be even the chance for a naked divorce at court."

"Fine. Let's phone tomorrow morning and check when both of us have time for such an appointment. Then you can call your client and fix it."

"Great idea", said Ralf.

"But not too early. I have a trial at the court at 9.30 tomorrow morning. So I'd call you at about 11."


We talked about some other things before we reached my home. We said goodbye until our naked jogging the next morning and then I went in. Was I really about meeting clients in the buff? Hey, actually my life was great.


Thanks for your attention. I appreciate your feedback and if you have a good setting to place David, Ralf, Marc and Jens naked, I will try to write about it. I still have ideas for at least three more chapters but there are hopefully further chapters to come. And remember: David needs the challenge of most public exposure.

What will happen to Marc? He has still the target to do a 2-hour-shopping-tour in the buff. Will he do that and be able to stay naked when clients come into the office? Or does he need more encouragement?

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