In the Confessional

By Naked Justice

Published on Sep 11, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is gay erotica intended for male readers. If you are underage, delete this story unread or ask your parents for permission. You should be naked reading this story as well as the author and the described characters proudly are.

You are kindly requested to ask me for film rights, I myself will apply for the role of David. If you intend to make a comic strip or a photo story out of it, you are welcome to send me the results.

And don't forget donating to!

In The Confessional

by Naked Justice

Chapter 2: Running lawyers (MMM, exhib, ws)

It took one week and a half until Ralf and I were able to go to the Confessional again for getting our suits back. Friday, my boss had a day off work. That was why I could leave the office early at 4 PM. I called Ralf:

"Hey Ralf, what about taking our suits back?", I asked him.

"Good idea", he replied. "I have no plans for this weekend and a cold beer would be great."

"Well, I am sure it will be more than only one beer. And remembering last week it could get hot."

"You're up for naked things?", Ralf asked.

"Absolutely, although I think that a dress suit suits me fine, it's the birthday suit which is most comfortable. So, I'll catch you at 8?"

"8 o'clock is fine."

"I give Peter, our last week's cab driver, a call. So there is no need to dress for going to The Confessional. See you."

"Yes, bye", Ralf finished the call.

Peter gladly agreed to drive us to The Confessional. At 7.50 he was in front of my house and honked. After the events of my neighbor's birthday party there wasn't any reason for shyness about walking naked down the staircase. It was nearly disappointing that I didn't meet anybody on my way down to the cab. The only thing I carried with me when I stepped into the cab was my wallet.

Ten minutes later we were at Ralf's home. I called Ralf and told him to come down.

"And don't dare to wear anything, even no shoes and no briefs", I ordered.

After about a minute the house's door opened. But it wasn't Ralf who came out but another guy. It took a while until Ralf finally showed up. At least he had followed my order. The credit card in his hand was the only item he had with him. He had shaven off all his body hair: chest, belly, crotch, ass, legs, and arms. What a pity as I adored his dark chest hair.

"That was close", Ralf said after closing the car. "Just when I opened the door of my apartment, my neighbor came out of his."

"So what?", I replied.

"It would have been very embarrassing if he had seen me naked in the staircase."

"Well, everybody in my house saw me naked on Monday at my neighbor's birthday party", I answered.

"What happened?", asked Peter the driver from the front seat.

"After you had dropped me last week, I met a neighbor in the staircase. As you remember I wore exactly the same as now. And she asked me whether I would help her as waiter on her birthday."

"And you did that in the buff", Ralf stated.

"That's what she asked for", I defended myself.

"You said that the whole neighborhood saw you there?", Peter asked with interest.

"Yes, although she hadn't planned that initially. But after I had agreed to do the naked job Caroline invited everybody from our house."

"Did you know that before", Peter wanted to know.

"No. In fact, I agreed to only her request because I didn't see any chance to say no when she met me stark naked in the staircase. Of course, I had supposed that she would invite some friends from university. But I didn't expect anybody from the neighborhood. At least, I hadn't recognized any friendships with other neighbors before. Monday, when one by one everybody from the house showed up, it was too late to refuse."

"Even if you had known it before, you'd have done it", Ralf said.

He was probably right. In fact, if I had known that before I would have had my doubts whether I should dare. Therefore, I was glad for not having had any chance to think about it.

"And your further neighbors, were they astonished seeing you serving in the nude?", Peter asked.

"Not at all. Caroline had invited them with an announcement that I was up to serve drinks naked there."

"Hey", Ralf interrupted us. "Isn't there living a grandma of about ninety in the flat next to yours? Was she also there?"

"Yes, Mrs. Becker was there. She said that it had been a long time that she had seen a naked man live as her husband died about thirty years ago. And a naked man as young as me – it's up to you to calculate. Probably 60 years."

We were about to reach The Confessional. Peter stopped just in front of the bar. So it wasn't a long distance for us inside. Again, Peter refused to be paid for the trip. Nevertheless, I gave him a 10- Euro-note, as I knew that the price for a trip between my home and downtown was about 8 Euros. Ralf and I stepped out and went to the bar. There were only a few steps distance and we were almost hidden behind the cab. So it was almost sure that nobody could see us.

When we entered, Klaus was at the bar again. As the bar had opened at 8 PM, there were no other guests inside, so far.

"Hey", he addressed us, "what a nice surprise. My favorite naked guests have come back."

"Yes", replied Ralf. "We wanted to get back our suits we forgot here last week."

Klaus laughed. "Of course, it was just forgetting. Don't tell any tales. You left them here willingly."

"Guilty as accused", I confessed. "What is our punishment?"

Klaus reflected shortly: "You have to stay here until closing time before I give you back any clothing items."

Ralf answered: "I agree to that punishment as it concerns me. But I think David as instigator has to be punished more rigorous. He even didn't allow me to take some clothes on to come here."

Klaus agreed: "Well, clothing wouldn't have helped you. I am not about to allow you entering this bar again if not stark naked. And as I remember, you suggested the poker game. In fact, I think that you should be punished instead of your friend. You have to walk home naked again as punishment for your proposal."

"That's unfair", I interrupted him, "if you only make Ralf walk home naked. That would punish me."

"Well", agreed Klaus. "You are free to leave your clothes here as well. Peter might bring them to you tomorrow. And now get a seat."

I chose the table in the front row of the terrace which every guest had to pass by. So it was guaranteed that everybody would remark that Ralf and I were naked.

Klaus asked us for our wishes. Ralf ordered two glasses of Kölsch. But I had an additional request.

"And one serving of waiter's piss for me, please."

Klaus turned his head for a look whether any other guests were about to come in. Then he opened his pants, took his cock off, and said: "With pleasure."

I put my lips around the waiter's prick, and Klaus immediately started pissing into my mouth. I swallowed every drop of the tasty drink, and it was a large load. Finally, the stream stopped. Klaus closed his fly and left for the beers.

When he brought us the fresh, ice cold beer, Ralf asked: "It was a pleasure to see you naked, last week. What about a repetition?

Klaus answered: "It was a pleasure for me, too. And I'd really like to work naked here. But unfortunately, it's forbidden by law to handle drink and food in bars naked."

I remembered that the European Regulation on hygiene of foodstuffs ordered that every person working in a food-handling area is to wear suitable, clean clothing. But in my opinion clean naked skin was suitable clothing in a gay bar. Nevertheless we accepted Klaus' decision.

"But you are right", said Klaus. "At least, I can work bare-chested tonight. And perhaps I will even take my jeans off later."

We smiled in anticipation. Klaus took off his shirt immediately. Ralf drank his first glass of Kölsch – remember, it's only 0.2 l and it was a hot summer day – in one sip. I was less thirsty as I had gotten a huge load of piss only a few moments before. Nevertheless, a second sip was enough to empty my glass of beer. The bare-chested waiter brought us two beers more.

A group of guys entered the bar and went onto the terrace. As intended, they passed by our table and remarked our nudity.

One of them called the waiter laughing: "Hey Klaus is this naked night today?"

Klaus answered: "I should call it a naked night. Perhaps I will do so next weekend. But today there is nothing special."

"And what about these naked guys?", the guest asked.

"Ask them. But why should I force them to wear any clothing if they don't want to. Doesn't their nudity fit them best?"

"I didn't know that it's a nudist bar here", the guest insisted.

"It isn't nudist", replied Klaus. "We don't have any dress-code here. As well as you might wear whatever you want, these guys are allowed to wear nothing."

In the meanwhile the guys had sat down at the table next to us in the second row on the terrace. Klaus brought them a round of Kölsch.

"Okay guys", he said serving the beer. "As you have been laughing about my dear guests sitting next to you, it's either one of yours to strip naked, too, or all of yours to take off your shirts."

The guy who had requested about our nudity didn't reply, but one of his mates reacted.

"As no other of us has blamed the nudists, there is no reason for us to take our shirts off. It's Martin's matter. If you insist in the one naked or all bare-chested thing, there is no alternative for Martin to strip naked."

The guy who had blamed us and was obviously called Martin, looked shocked.

"Fine", said Klaus. "So take everything off, Martin. I will bring your clothing to the staff room, so it will stay clean no matter what happens later."

"I am sorry", said Martin. "I didn't want to blame the naked guys. In fact, they really look sexy without any clothes. But please don't make me strip."

"It's up to them", replied Klaus. "Perhaps they allow you to stay clothed in exchange for a blow job."

Martin looked cute, and I liked the idea of seeing him nude. On the other hand, a blow job would be fine, too.

"Your decision, Martin", I said. "Undress or blow me; whatever you prefer."

Obviously, Martin felt very uncomfortable. "Okay, I give you the blow job", he finally decided and stood up to come over.

"Perfect", I said. "But not now, later. I'd prefer getting the blow job with plenty of people looking."

"No, never", Martin was scared. His friends laughed.

"Please", Martin pleaded. "Help me. Let's all take our shirts off."

"No way", the guy answered who had insisted that it was up to Martin to clear the reaction. "We want to see you naked."

Martin gave up and took his shirt off. He hesitated before he stood up and dropped his pants.

"Don't make me do that", he pleaded.

I looked at him. Martin was about 25 years old and had a well defined muscular body. He must work out a lot as he had a perfect six-pack. It was obvious that he must have been shirtless outside a lot as his body was well tanned without any differences between his face and his belly. And he had a big bulge in his briefs.

"No way", I insisted. "Take your briefs off or I'll do it myself."

Looking worried Martin grabbed the waistband. He tore his briefs down, and his hard-on sprung out. Finally the naked guy stepped out of the briefs. Klaus went by to take the clothes immediately and brought them to the staff's room. When he came back, he brought another round of beer for us and the guys. He looked at Martin's boner.

"You can't show a hard-on the whole night", Klaus said. "Probably you should jerk off."

Martin's boner looked tasty, so I proposed: "Or I could blow you."

His friends cheered. "Yes, let the guy give you a blow job."

"Can I decide on my own?", the naked guy asked.

His friends accepted. I hoped that Martin would agree with my proposal and let me suck him off. But he stood up and went inside. After a while he came back with his cock softened.

"I jacked off in the washroom", he explained. "It's hard enough for me to stay naked here, so please leave me this little bit of modesty."

Of course, we had to accept that decision. Martin and his friends started talking with each other, and so did we. We talked a lot about our jobs, about the interesting cases, Ralf was working on, and about my stupid boss. Time passed by and the bare-chested waiter brought us more and more beers.

"Do you remember how we befriended?", Ralf asked.

"Of course, it started with you running into me when I came back from jogging."

"Indeed", Ralf agreed, "but you have to add where it was and what you were wearing."

"The second month of our freshman year in the residence hall", I said, "I was starkers."

"Yes, you didn't wear anything, not even shoes", Ralf added.

"I jogged every morning at 6 AM before most students thought about getting up. It was a great time and I was in great shape then. After running shirtless the days before, it was the first time, I dared to do it bare."

"Yes, and I came back from my first night in a gay club. I was totally drunk and horny as hell. There had been so cute Gogo dancer in the club and several guys had flirted with me. But finally, I went home alone. And then, there was this cute student whom I had admired from the first day of our studies stark naked in front of me."

"I was kind of shocked. I hadn't met anybody the weeks before when I had run bare-chested. But this very morning there was this charming guy coming home totally drunk to see me in my naked glory."

Ralf laughed: "I was so drunk that I thought it was an illusion.

"Yes", I said, "your eyes seemed to fall out of your face."

"And then you said `Good morning' and left the hall."

Now it was me to laugh: "Some days later we met after our classes and you looked at me as if you wanted to strip me naked."

"That was your question: `Why do you strip me naked by your eyes as you have seen me starkers the other day?' And then I knew that it hadn't been an illusion."

"It got a funny evening in my room. We must have drunk three bottles of wine."

"Yes. And of course you stripped naked as soon as we entered the room. I told you that I would have a hard-on if we jogged together and you were naked then."

"So I suggested to do exactly that", I said.

"We had a good wank every morning after our common naked jogging."

"Until winter came. It got too cold in the mornings before anybody was outside. Unfortunately we didn't start our jogging practice the next spring", I regretted.

"Well", Ralf said, "although both of us are still in good shape, we should probably restart our jogging practice."

"Are you sure?", I asked. The idea was nice. "But when and where?"

"Well, both of us live near a park. So we can meet at one's home at 6 AM, strip naked, an run."

"I'd like that", I replied. "Do you want to start tomorrow morning at my home?"

I have to admit that the simple idea of restarting our naked jogging routine together with my sexy friend turned me on. I got a hard on, and looking over to Ralf, I saw that also his cock grew to a boner.

"Yes", Ralf agreed. "Especially if I could come with you tonight."

"Feel invited for a fuck", I answered.

In the meanwhile the terrace had filled with guests. As intended earlier, everybody recognized our nudity. Again, someone asked Klaus whether it was a clothing optional night.

Klaus answered: "For my guests, I have a feel-good-policy. Wear whatever you feel comfortable with and leave off everything you don't like. So if you want to take your drinks naked, you're welcome."

Did I tell you that in Cologne the waiters bring you more beer without your order until you put the coaster on the glass? Well, Klaus did so, too. But the next time, he had taken off his pants. I had expected him to wear briefs or boxers then, but I was wrong. He had only a very tiny apron on which hardly covered his cock and balls and left his butt free. After serving our beers, he called loudly:

"Friends, take these two guests as example. Feel free to take off any clothing which you don't need. The earlier I see some naked asses here, the earlier I will take off this lousy apron."

Unfortunately, nobody took this announcement as order to strip.

So I asked Klaus: "Do we have to give blow jobs to get the crowd hot?"

"Sure this would work. But it's 11 PM. You can't perform a sex show that early."

I replied: "Who would complain?"

Ralf interrupted us: "For sure, I wouldn't if Dave is about to eat my cum."

The waiter's apron moved a bit forward. Obviously he got a boner.

"Okay", he said. "I ask the guests."

Then he asked loudly: "Who wants to see these guys fucking?"

I was astonished as we had spoken about blow jobs before instead of fucking. Some of the guys murmured, but I couldn't understand what they said. Then Klaus continued:

"Everybody who doesn't want me to take off my apron and those cute guys to fuck in front of you has to raise his hands immediately."

All hands remained on or above the tables or were only used for consuming beer. No question, the terrace was full of voyeurs. Nobody objected to the proposal of us fucking.

Although it was too early to close the bar, Klaus went to the entrance door, turned the "Open- Closed-Sign" and lowered the blinds. So it was a private party now. He came back without the apron.

"Okay guys", he told us. "Do you know who is fucking whom?"

Ralf answered: "I think, this time, I have to get my ass filled with a boner."

I was disappointed as I was up for a good fuck, too. I don't know whether Klaus saw my disappointment or was just horny.

Nevertheless he said: "Perfect, then I can fuck David."

He slid a condom on his hard-on and offered me another. Ralf shook his head no, so I refused the condom. Ralf and I knew that we had no STDs and barebacked only together. Klaus lubed Ralf's and my ass in front of the audience. Then he shoved his boner into my ass. Immediately, I turned forward and inserted Ralf's lawyer-butt. It felt great being in the midst of a sandwich especially as Klaus fucked me very hard. Finally Klaus spouted his jizz into my guts. That was all I needed to come over the point of no return. As well as Klaus filled the condom with his cum, I pumped my own into my mate. We fell on each other. Klaus was the first regaining his breath.

He whispered to me: "You remember my needs after cumming?"

I smiled. Indeed, I remembered. So, I turned forward to loosen the connection between my ass and his cock. He slid the condom off his prick. Then I turned around and caught his cock with my mouth. The same moment, he started pissing, and I swallowed everything he gave me.

After having gotten dry, Klaus left us. He turned to his guest and said: "My show is over for tonight but feel free to do naughty things now. Everybody who is naked within one minute gets a beer for free."

It's silly what the offer of a free beer does. A glass of Kölsch only costs 1.40 Euros but more than half of the guests stripped bare naked just because of this offer. And it went really funny. Most guys got really open being naked, and finally, when Klaus decided that he was up to close the bar at 3.30 AM, we hang in a round of a dozen naked guys. Klaus and 10 other guys took on their clothes, but Ralf and I hadn't any. The guests left, and Ralf was cleaning up the bar. Ralf and I stood in the entrance area of the bar and didn't know what to do or where to go.

So I asked Klaus: "Would you call a cab for us, perhaps Peter?"

He answered: "I am sure that Peter would proudly give you a drive home. But we had another arrangement."

I reflected about the evening, and finally got the idea: "You told us to walk home in the buff."

Klaus smiled. "Yes, naked. Perhaps you get your clothing back tomorrow."

Did we have an option? If yes, Ralf and I didn't see it. So, we asked Klaus to open the door and left. Slowly, we walked to my home. It was a walk of about 20 minutes, and mostly passing a park where nobody was around 4 o'clock. So, we reached my home starkers without having met anybody.

I hope, you understand why Ralf and I weren't able to go jogging Saturday morning at 6 AM. We stayed in bed until noon, but not without Ralf fucking me twice that night.

Ralf had some chores to do the afternoon, so he borrowed a pair of shorts of me and went home. But he came back later. Although we emptied tow bottles of white Bordeaux that evening in my apartment, we managed getting up at 6 AM Sunday morning. So we left for jogging.

Absolutely naked wearing nothing at all but the watch Ralf had, we started our round. Nobody saw us the first 200 meters until we reached the park. We ran for half an hour without seeing anybody and then left the park. We had to cross some traffic lights to come to my apartment. And while we were waiting for green, a police car approached. The lights turned green, and so we crossed the street in front of the police car. We ran further until I heard somebody shout: "Stop, or we'll shoot."

Both, Ralf and I took our arms up. The cops approached us. One of them had a rainbow-badge at his collar; the other one was looking rather likeable, too. They didn't scare me. Nevertheless the situation being stark naked in front of a couple of cops wasn't very comfortable.

"You know why we stopped you", the straight (or pretending to be straight) one asked.

"No", I answered, although I was rather sure that it was the lack of running shorts.

"We got a call about indecent exposure", the `straight' said.

"I don't see any indecent exposure", I answered.

"I do so", the gay one replied. "There are two of yours naked here."

I looked into his eyes. "Yes, we are. But that's no indecent exposure. You should have learned that section 183a of the Criminal Code only restricts any sexual activities in public."

"That's up to the public prosecutor to decide", the cop answered. "May I get your ID now?"

Where should I have had my ID? I was starkers. So I said: "No problem, but I have it at my apartment. You have to come with me."

The cops followed us unto my apartment's door. There, I stopped and turned to the cops.

"This is my apartment", I said. "Leave out, please."

The cops insisted in entering. So I requested: "I have a strict no-clothing rule in my home. Anybody entering has to strip naked inside."

Of course I knew that the policemen could enter my home in their uniforms if there was a reason to enter. But on the other hand they had to respect my right of inviolability of my home. The cops looked at each other.

Finally the gay one said: "Okay, we stay outside if you leave the door open and will take no more than two minutes to show us your IDs."

We were faster finding our IDs and came out to the staircase again. The cops noted our names, birthdates, addresses and ID-card-numbers. And gave us our ID-cards back.

"Well Ben", the `straight' said taking another eyeful of our naked bodies, "I think we should start a jogging-routine, too."

"Yes, Andy", the gay cop answered, "we should. Okay guys, I give you my card. If the prosecutor really states that it wasn't forbidden for you to jog in the buff. We will apologize by running with you."

"Naked of course", Andy added smiling. "Give us a call then."

Although it was only Ben with a rainbow badge on his uniform I now was rather sure that both cops were gay. They said us goodbye and I closed the door.

"Shower?", I asked Ralf.

"Shower", he answered, "if you want golden."

I grinned. Of course, I wanted. Ralf wasn't much into watersports, but he knew that I liked them much. So sometimes he donated me some of his piss as today. We went to the bathroom. I knelt down, and immediately Ralf started pissing on me. He soaked all my body with his golden water and finally I could even get a sip to drink. Then I stood up and he joined me in the cabin. We turned the shower on, and soaped each other which let our boners grow.

"Your hard-on and my ass seem to match well", Ralf whispered to me and turned around.

That gave me immediate access to this hall of lust. His hole was well lubed by the soap, and so my cock slid easily inside his guts. I started fucking him gently, but Ralf increased the speed and pumped his buttocks urgently against my dick. So I fucked harder and feel my balls tighten until my cum erupted into my friend. At the same moment he reached his peak and shot a huge load of sperm on the walls of the shower.

We continued our cleaning and finally went out of the shower. As we toweled off, Ralf said:

"The naked jogging today was so fucking hot. I needed my ass plugged urgently and if it's on the cost of pissing on you."

"Well I would have fucked you without the golden shower, too", I answered. "But thanks for the donation. You know, that I would like to get it habitually. Whenever you have to empty your bladder there is no better place than me."

Ralf laughed. "I know. Just let's see. What about our next jogging? Tuesday at my house?"

"You don't mind that the cops caught us today?", I asked.

"Well, I know what you've said on section 183a. It's perfectly right. So there is no need to worry but to look forward on our jogging together with the cops."

That's typical for my friend Ralf. But he was right. So we agreed to meet again on Tuesday morning. Ralf took some shorts on which he brought the day before and went bare-chested home. I stayed naked the whole day until the next morning when I had to get into my suit for office. I even did the laundry naked. As all my neighbors had seen me naked on Caroline's birthday party, I didn't have to worry about somebody seeing me in the laundry room without clothes.


Thanks for your feedback. First of all, I have to apologize to all who booked a trip to Cologne to go to The Confessional. Unfortunately this bar doesn't exist (or if it does, I haven't found it the last 20 years). As I have written last time, I played strip poker until everybody was naked (even the waiter) in a bar, but that was inside. And there is a bar which is like I described The Confessional, but not gay and for sure they (and their neighbors) wouldn't appreciate guests playing strip poker.

All laws mentioned in this story exist and have the described content (this might differ in coming chapters). Nevertheless the reality of public nudity in Germany is different as there are many prejudices about what is to be considered as indecent exposure.

Those of you who are not used to European measures: 0.2 liters (the size of a glass of Kölsch) is about 7 fl. oz. Then, 1.40 Euro (price of a glass of beer) are about 1.85 US$, 1.20 GB£, 1.90 CAN$ and 2.00 AUS$.

Next: Chapter 3

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