In the Confessional

By Naked Justice

Published on Sep 1, 2013


In The Confessional (MMMM, exhib)

by Naked Justice

Hello. This is my first submission to NIFTY.ORG. I hope, you like my story and those which might follow. I promise you that there will be lots of male nudity in my stories as I really believe that only the naked skin is the appropriate dressing for a guy. So, please strip naked before reading and remember that I was writing this story naked.

The usual disclaimers apply. The story is gay erotica. You should be a gay male to read this story. If you are underage, leave now or ask your parents for permission.

I am no native speaker, so I kindly ask you to excuse any mistakes in language use. Feel free to make any correction. As am German and live in Germany, most of my stories will play there.


It was again one of those days. My boss had lots of different ideas what to do urgently. Although I had been in the office at 8 AM, it was 9 PM until I got out. A day like lots of, but a kind of day I couldn't stand.

I went to the metro. Just while I was waiting, my cellphone rang. I saw, it was Ralf calling. Ralf was a lawyer like me, but we didn't work together.

"Hi Ralf", I answered.

"Hello David", he replied, "I had a long day. What about taking a Kölsch in The Confessional?"

[For those who don't know: Kölsch is the local light beer of our hometown Cologne in Germany which is served ice cold in cylindric glasses of 0.2 liters]

Spontaneously, I agreed. The Confessional was a pub downtown. It was really tiny: the bar itself, a dozen of chairs, no tables. During the summer the large windows allowed to be opened and integrate the large courtyard as terrace.

Instead of driving home, I took the metro to The Confessional. When I arrived, Ralf wasn't there, yet. I chose a table in the middle of the terrace. It didn't take long until Ralf came, just a moment before the waiter came to take our orders.

Both of us ordered a Kölsch which fortunately didn't take long to come. When the waiter came, Ralf suggested: "Your and my suit cry for a game of strip poker."

The waiter flashed his eyebrows and left to the bar. But just a moment after Ralf and me had taken the first sips of our beer, he went back and gave us a deck of cards.

"I want to see your strip poker. The first being naked gets a drink for free."

Ralf looked at me, hesitating. But I replied: "Why not, I will be happy to get out of the suit."

"Stripping down to nothing", Ralf asked me, doubting.

"That's the waiter's rule", I said.

"So, until one of us is naked?"

"No", I decided, "until both of us don't wear anything."

"You're crazy", Ralf said. But I was firm in my decision.

"Compromise: we play, until I am naked. If you are still wearing anything, you can decide whether you are still in the mood to play further."

"I am fine with that."

I shuffled the cards and gave five cards to each of us. When I looked on my cards, it was a poor hand, 10 and Jack of Diamonds, Queen of Crosses, 5 and Jack of Spades. Ralf changed three cards, and I held the Jacks and also took three cards. 3, 6 and 4 of Diamonds didn't help me. I stayed with the couple of Jacks. Ralf showed a couple of 5s, a couple of 10s and an Ace.

"What shall I take off", I asked him.

"Well, I think the jacket", Ralf replied.

"Why? You are free to choose. You might also select the pants, underpants or shirt."

"The shirt sounds interesting."

"Fine", I agreed. I took of the jacket, loosened my tie-knot and unbuttoned my dress shirt. I tore the collar out of the tie and took off the shirt. Then I refastened the tie-knot and took on the jacket again.

"Hey guys", a slim Latino sitting on the next table, who also wore a suit, called us. "What are you doing there?"

„We are playing strip poker", I answerd.

„Which rules?"

„A five card stud. We change up to three cards, and then is the call. The loser takes off one item which the winner chooses. We are playing down to full nudity."

„Sounds cool. May I play with you?"

„Sure", I said.

The Latino went to our table and introduced himself as Ricardo. He was a software developer form New York and actually for the trade fare in Cologne. He had been on a business meeting and decided to go to a gay pub for taking a beer or two. He wasn't able to explain why he had just come to The Confessional, a bar which wasn't listened in the gay guides. He only had seen the rainbow flag at the door and given it a try.

After we had introduced ourselves to Ricardo, Ralf shuffled the cards.

On my hand, nothing matched. I kept the two highest cards; an Ace of Hearts and a Queen of Diamonds, for taking three new cards after Ricardo had also taken three cards. Eight, Nine and Trhee of different colors didn't help at all. Ralf took two cards. It was Ricardo winning with a Triple of Twos. But it wasn't me who lost. Ralf's cards didn't match either, and his highest was a Ten.

Ricardo pleaded: „It's very sexy with David with his bare chest under the jacket. So, I want your shirt."

Ralf took off his jacket, loosened the tie-knot and dropped his tie and dress shirt. He placed both items on his chair and finally slid in the jacket.

The next round, Ralf changed three cards, Ricardo two. Again, there didn't match anything on my hand. I held the Ten of Hearts and the Ace of Spades. I drew good cards: Fives of Crosses and Diamonds and an Ace of Diamonds, so I had two couples.

Ralf only had a couple of Fours, Ricardo three Kings. Again, the Latino had won and Ralf lost.

„Your pants", he demanded.

So Ralf dropped his pants. The picture of him in underpants and jacket looked silly.

Ralf won the next game with three Sixes, I had a couple of Sevens, the Latino a couple of Twos. Ralf let him take off his pants.

Then, I won against Ralf. That cost his underpants, so that he sat at the table wearing nothing but a jacket.

Again, Ricardo won, and Ralf lost his jacket. He was the first naked.

„Okay, Ralf is naked. How far will we go?", I asked Ricardo.

„I think, until both of us are nude", he replied.

We agreed that Ralf should play further with us. If he lost the one of us wearing more items would take off an item of clothing instead. In exchange, Ralf would give him a blow job later.

The waiter had immediately recognized that my friend was starkers and brought him his free drink. "A Kölsch for free for the young Sir who just has lost everything at strip poker", he called loud enough for everybody else on the terrace to understand and so directing everybody's attention on us.

Next, I lost against Ralf. He let me take off my underpants. So I had to take off my suit pants first, which I could take on again after the other players had taken their chance to catch an eye on my cock and balls.

With a Full-House, I decided the next round in my favor. The Latino lost his Underpants and only wore T-Shirt and Jacket. The game got thrilling.

Again, I had a good hand: three Kings, an Ace, a Jack. I dropped the Jack and unfortunately took another Jack, again. At least, I had three of a kind. My co-players changed three cards, each. Showing the cards, Ralf had nothing, the Latino a couple of Threes. Ricardo and I had two items of clothing, each: me jacket and pants, he jacket and T-Shirt.

„Who will take an item off, to get the blow job?", I aked.

„Let's take a card. The one with the higher card strips and fucks Ralf's mouth."

I was fine with that proposal.

I had a Four of Diamonds, Ricardo a Seven of Spades.

Being the winner, I decided that Ricardo had to give his jacket for the blowjob. He dropped it and Ralf knelt down to blow the Latino's cock.

„Stop", he said. „If you lose again, I will take off my T-Shirt and fuck your ass. Okay?"

No question, Ralf and me both liked the idea.

The next round, I had again only scrap. I exchanged three cards and it didn't get better. Ralf and Ricardo also took three cards, each. Finally, none of us had anything matching on his hand. We decided, to call the game a tie and mixed again.

I still hadn't anything matching, which didn't get better when I took three cards. Ricardo wanted only one, Ralf three, too. Both of them showed a Couple each, but Ricardo's Jacks were higher.

„I want to see your cock", Ricardo said. „Pants down."

So I took off my pants. The only items of clothing which remained worn at the table were my jacket and Ricardo's T-shirt then. This was when the waiter came again and brought us another round of beer.

"Shall I bring your clothing away for not getting dirty?", he asked helpfully. Ralf and I nodded, and the Latino didn't complain either when the waiter left with his clothes.

Ricardo won again, Ralf had the worse hand. Happyly, the winner ripped his T-Shirt off. He really was strong enough to rip it in two pieces.

„I will fuck you", he said smiling to my friend.

„Yes, but first we have to play for my jacket", I insisted.

I offered for my last piece of clothing that I would fuck the looser if winning. If I was losing, the winner could fuck me. If in the middle, I would give the winner a blowjob and get blown by the looser. My co-players agreed.

All of us changed three cards, each. I had kept a couple of Sixes and got two Aces. Therefore, I was sure that I wouldn't get fucked.

Ralf showed a Couple of Jacks and a Couple of Queens, slightly a worse hand.

Roberto wasn't able to show more than a Couple of Fives. So he was in the middle of a sandwich: fucking and getting fucked.

I threw my jacket away, and instantly the waiter came to catch it.

"Now you three nudes have to show yourselves to all guests here", he requested.

"With pleasure", I said, "are we allowed to fuck here?"

The waiter hesitated a moment. Then he said: "Well, I adore it, that you are naked, and I would be glad if you presented yourselves the whole night to the other guest. And of course, I would like to see you fucking. But I fear that it doesn't work here."

We looked disappointed.

"There are two alternatives. Either you go to the staff room. But I wouldn't be able to peep. Or ..."

"Or?", I asked.

"It's 11 o'clock now. In about half an hour the terrace will empty. When most guests have gone, you may start."

"And which alternative do you prefer?", Ralf asked.

"No question: I would like to watch you fucking."

We asked the Latino whether he was about to wait with fucking and staying naked for some more beers. He had no objections.

"Well", Ralf told the waiter, "we wait until you can watch us. But at one condition."

"Which is?"

"You strip naked, too."

The waiter got great eyes but quickly regained his composure. But then he surprised us:

"Dear guests", he called. "our naked friends want me to strip, too. Who is in favor?"

"Some guests raised their hands.

"No", he said", we do it differently. Our nudes go from table to table and ask you individually whether you want me to take my shirt off, to strip naked or remain dressed. And you", he looked at us, "go around and take notes."

He handed us coaster and a pen. Ricardo whom we explained why we had to interview the guest, had another idea:

„Isn't it boring to just ask all the other guys? Isn't it better, they have to grab one's dick for voting? Mine if they want the waiter naked, Ralf's if he only shall take the shirt off and David's if he shall stay fully clothed."

„Good idea", Ralf agreed, and asked the waiter: „Do you have anything to write on our bodies? A lipstick or something like that?"

The waiter looked around and finally found some make-up in a drawer and gave us a pink stick.

Ralf took it an wrote "NAKED" on Ricardo's belly. Then he asked me: "Do you prefer collecting the votes for the naked chest or the prudish votes?"

"Well, I think the one collecting the votes for full clothing wouldn't get a single grab on his cock. That's why I'd like to take the votes for the bare chest."

"I fear the same, and that's why I also prefer taking the T-shirt-votes."

"Your decision if I have one wish free."


I whispered my wish in Ralf's ear. Ralf looked very surprised, considered it and finally nodded.

"Great, pig. If you really don't get a single vote, I do that. But if I don't get a vote either, it's vice versa, too."

I agreed.

Armed with the pink lipstick we went to the first table. All guys rubbed Ricardo's prick. Ralf painted four strokes on his ass. The next table showed no difference, and finally Ricardo had two dozens of strokes, nobody had stroked Ralf's or my cock. On the other hand, the Latino had a full- grown hard-on and was leaking some precum.

Proudly, we showed the result to the waiter. He went to the entrance door, turned the Open- Closed-sign around and lowered the blinds at the windows to the road. Finally he draw the curtains at the door. Then he left to the staff room. Only a few moments later, we went back stark naked. He didn't even wear shoes and had taken off his watch and bracelet. Then he filled a tray with different liquors and spirits. He went from table to table and gave out a round of free drinks. Finally he came back to us. A Grappa, a herb liquor and a Tequila were left on the tray. Each of us took one glass, and the waiter told us:

"Distributing the spirits I had asked the guest who was in the mood to see you fucking. Some don't care, but most are anxious to see you. So hurry up. I only prepare a stage for you."

Again he left to the staff room and came back with a pique-nique blanket. He ordered the guests at the tables in midst of the terrace to move a bit. So he gained an open space to unfold the blanket. Then he handed a packet of lube and a condom to each of us. Ralf opened his condom and rolled it over Ricardo's hard-on, while I was preparing myself. Finally, Ralf smeared some lube on our cocks. Ralf lied down on his back and raised his legs to present his rear hole to our newfound American friend. He didn't wait a second to put his cock on it and inserted into my colleague. At this very moment, I pushed my hard-on into his ass.

Entering Ricardo's butthole was easy. But although his muscles seemed to be trained, the hole was nicely tight. This raised my excitement. But it didn't hinder me to see the waiter bowing over Ralf to take his cock in the mouth. Simultaneously he shoved his own tail through my friend's lips. I was only cock. I fucked the Latino like in an Olympic competition. And thanks to the tight muscles and the excitement of our game, I quickly reached the peak. I was just able to take my phallus out of the American's hole, throw the condom off and spread my cream over Ricardo's rear.

Next was the waiter who took his penis out of Ralf's mouth to shoot his load over the lawyer's chest. Nevertheless he didn't rest blowing my friend who got Ricardo's cum on his own rear. Finally Ralf moaned while the waiter was swallowing, obviously a serving of lawyer-cream.

The guests applauded. The waiter raised and asked:

"After cumming I always have to piss. Anybody wants?"

Ralf translated for Ricardo. The Latino and I volunteered. The waiter turned to Ricardo and started pissing on his muscular, hairy chest. Slowly he tore the cock upwards, but when the stream reached his chin, the American shook his head no. So our host turned to me. I opened my mouth immediately, and he understood what I wanted. Tasty piss flew into my throat, and gladly I swallowed the herb juice. When he had finished pissing, the waiter stood up. As if nothing had happened, he asked us whether we wanted more drinks. We ordered another Kölsch each which we got quickly.

Neither we nor the waiter dressed again. One by one the guests left until Ralf, Ricardo and me were the last ones. It was time to go.

I beckoned the waiter.

"Ralf and I have an open bet left. Can you call a cab for us? Please male driver, no Turk."

"No Turk?", he doubted.

"The bet is about leaving our clothes at yours. Probably, a Turkish driver wouldn't appreciate that."

"I see", he said. "A friend of mine is taxi driver. I will call him. Then there won't be any problem."

Ten minutes later we heard a honking. When we left, the waiter told us:

"Come back, soon. Naked if you want. It was a nice view tonight."

For my disappointment the cab driver didn't show any sign of surprise when Ralf and I entered his car starkers. First he brought my colleague home. Butt naked Ralf left to his house. When we drove to my house, I asked the driver whether he wasn't irritated by our nudity.

"Not at all, Klaus had warned me. Honestly, I had a call for a 50-km-drive at the same time, but I considered driving two naked guys more attractive."

Finally we reached my house. I took the purse that I carried in my hand. But the driver shook his head no.

"Let it be. Klaus has told me that the next time you will go to The Confessional you'll be naked again. Promise me that you will call me then for the drive."

He handed me his card. I got off the cab and went to my house. I opened the door and climbed the steps. I had no doubts that I wouldn't meet anybody on the two floors distance. But I was wrong. Half the way up to the first floor, I heard a door clapping. Before I had a chance to be sacred, the student girl of the flat under mine showed up.

It would have been less embarrassing meeting a guy. But the girl who seemed to bring out the litter smiled.

"Whow, that's an attractive surprise", she said. "Such a tasty view. Can I engage you as naked waiter for my birthday party?"

Should I say no? How could I explain to the girl, that I was stark naked in the staircase if I wasn't willing to do this favor. So I simply stammered: "Yes, sure."

"Great. So we see next Monday at 8 pm. Bye."

I was too confused to reflect about any objections against the arrangement, my neighbor had made. She left out with the litter, while I stepped up to my flat. I brushed my teeth and fell naked as I was on my bed.


This story is based on a real event but I made some changes. Nevertheless, I can tell you that I really played strip poker in a gay bar down to nothing once. You only need to give me a deck of cards – and I would do it again.

I have no plans to continue this story yet, but if you like David and Ralf and want to read more about them, there is a chance to change my mind by writing me with suggestions

Next: Chapter 2

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