In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Apr 1, 2020


Chapter 8

My phone started buzzing at 7:30 Sunday morning. I'd just woke up. My mom is driving me to the church so that I can practice with the worship group before we perform for the congregation. It was Aiden texting me.

Aiden: Sup dude

Me: Sup, just waking up

Aiden: I woke up a while ago. I don't sleep much

Me: I'm playing in our church band for the 1st time this AM, going up to practice early

Aiden: What church?

Me: Boulder Baptist

Aiden: My grandpa and Landry's grandma go there--William and Trish Humbolt

Me: Cool. I'll see if my mom knows them. Make it easier to introduce you

Aiden: You still on to practice Monday afternoon?

Me: Totes. Can you pick me up?

Aiden: Yes, be there around 2:30?

Me: Great. Can't wait

Aiden: Me, either

Me: My mom is calling. She wants to get up there early, gotta go. See you tomorrow

Aiden: C U then

I put my phone down and yelled to my mom that I will be out of the shower in five minutes. I rushed through my shower and got downstairs in time to grab a breakfast bar and a to-go cup of coffee. My mom had me out the door and in the car before I'd acknowledged that I was even awake.

"Mom, do you know," I paused and looked at my texts from Aiden, "William and Trish Humbolt?" I asked.

"Oh, yes. They are elders at the Church. William is a deacon, you know," she said nodding.

"I met their grandson Aiden last night and we're putting together a band," I told her.

"That's wonderful. It's good for you to get to know people from the Church. I prefer you to make friends with other Christian boys," she said smiling at me. That's rare. She almost never smiles at me. Or around me. Or in general. I didn't mention that Aiden probably hasn't stepped foot in the church in his life.

"Trish is Landry's grandma. She's married to Aiden's grandfather," I said instead.

"I think I knew that!" my mom replied and nodded some more. "Yes, I knew that Landry was a good boy," she said. I cringed again when she said boy'. We're eighteen, not twelve! I don't know why everyone keeps calling us boys'.

My mom babbled on about some of the other uppity-ups at the church for the rest of the drive. I nodded and agreed with her but didn't really listen. I was thinking about a song I want to play with Aiden. I need to take some time to write down these songs I've worked out in my head. I have a feeling that they are very good, but I don't seem to have the time to put anything down on paper. My focus hasn't returned as of yet, but I haven't had an episode in almost a week.

At the church, my mom dragged me over to a group of older folks and introduced me to Aiden's grandpa and Landry's grandma. I knew that it was a good idea to mention them to my mom. She really seems to be in her element with these church people. It still weirds me out since the religion thing is so new and such a departure from our previous life, but if it makes her happy, who am I to judge? I wish that Drago had some religious relatives that I could introduce her to so that she and my dad wouldn't hate him so much.

I saw Pastor Guy across the courtyard and excused myself to join him.

"Hey, Alvin!" he greeted me enthusiastically. He stood with a couple of guys I knew from school--a couple of sophomores, soon to be juniors. "Do you know Mike and Devin?" he asked.

"Yeah, hey, whassup?" I said and fist bumped both of them. The said `sup' back and we chatted for a few minutes about school and church. They are in the youth group that Pastor Guy leads.

"Alright guys, we'll see you inside. C'mon Alvin, let's go get set up," Guy said and he grabbed my acoustic guitar. I took my electric and we headed up to the stage to get plugged in. The stage was deserted since it's early and no one else from the band has arrived. Pastor Guy stood close to me as he pointed out some of the audio-visual equipment. And when I say he stood close, I mean way too close for normal conversation. Close like two people who are about to kiss would stand. It is uncomfortable to a certain extent. Well, uncomfortable to my brain because I don't want to come across gay at church, but my cock has definitely woken up and was paying close attention to the, uh, closeness.

"That's where Diane sits," he was saying. I wasn't really paying attention. I wasn't quite zoning or having an episode, but was instead focused on keeping from getting an erection. I didn't mean to, but I breathed in his scent--I mean, he's standing so close that we are touching and I couldn't help but smell his hair, his skin. He smells pretty good. I like his cologne or aftershave. I had this urge to reach out and rub his cock through his jeans, but I kept myself in check.

"And that's everyone who works the lights," he concluded as I tuned back in. Well, hopefully I would never need to know anything he just said because I hadn't heard a word of it. I smiled and nodded affirmatively.

"Cool," I said and looked him up and down. His blue eyes sparkled when I met them again.

"Let's go to my office," he said suddenly. He grabbed my arm and gently pulled me with him up to his office. He locked the door behind him and sat down on the couch. He patted the seat beside him. I sat down and he scooted close enough for our thighs to touch. My cock is definitely getting excited by all of his touching. He rubbed my thigh again. Fuck. I am going to cum in my pants if he keeps this up. Maybe I can return the favor.

"Is there anything you want to talk about before we practice? Any questions?" he asked me in his best pastor voice. I suddenly wondered if he seduced all of the young guys in the youth ministry. What about Mike and Devin? They sure seem like they play for the same team.

"Uh, no, I'm good," I said as he rubbed further up my thigh. He touched my cock last time he played this game. I wonder if he will do it again and like last time, pretend it hadn't happened. I leaned back and put my hands behind my head and he moved his hand up, up, up. Fuck, he grazed my cockhead and it was instantly hard.

"Can I blow you?" he asked in a low voice, lowering his head toward my lap. Holy fuck! He wants to give me a blow job? Here? Now? I didn't know what to think for a second. My cock is like, hell yeah, but I'm not sure that this is the time...oh fuck, he is already unzipping my jeans. My cock popped out, a bead of precum already at the tip. He quickly licked it off and then he devoured my cock. He is very experienced with sucking cock. He swallowed nearly all seven inches after going down a couple of times to get my cock wet. I moaned and pressed down slightly on his head. I thought back to when I sucked Drago's cock. I copied what Drago did to me. Fuck me, this feels better than anything I can remember. Even the show last night doesn't quite compare.

"Mmmmm, you are so big," he moaned. "And it tastes soooo gooooood," he started bobbing up and down, working the head with his tongue. He slid his tongue in between the foreskin and the tip and I moaned. I knew to keep it quiet so I bit my lip while he sucked and licked my cock like a hungry man.

I grabbed his head and started fucking his face. He whimpered and reached down to free his cock from his jeans. He started stroking himself rapidly while I pounded his face, my balls slapping against his chin, my cockhead slamming the back of his throat.

"I'm gonna cum," I said moments later and let go of his head. He didn't move so I kept thrusting up into his mouth and let loose with a huge load. Six, seven, eight spurts erupted from my cock into his mouth. He greedily swallowed every drop and then he came all over his chest. His load was smaller and kind of watery. I wonder if he's cum already today. We sat there breathing heavy and looking at one another. He dragged his finger through his cum and sucked it from his finger.

"I haven't done that in so long," he said in between tastes of his cum. We were both breathing normally again. I squeezed the last drops of cum out of my cock and he licked them up before I could wipe them off with a tissue.

"You're really good at it," I said as I tucked my cock back in my jeans and zipped up. He sat back up again and cleaned up his own cock and zipped up. He looked down at his shirt and then peeled it off over his head. He pulled another t-shirt out of his backpack and hid the cum-covered one behind the couch.

"Thanks. I got caught sucking dick in high school and my parents made me go to Christian college and pursue a Christian life. I married Shayla as soon as we graduated from undergrad and she got pregnant right away. But I still crave cocks and cum," he said staring at me lustfully. Yeah, he definitely likes cocks and cum.

"You don't get a chance to do this much anymore, huh?" I said, not really sure what to say.

"No, you're the first guy that's old enough but not too old who's given me the right cues. I'm so glad you were willing. I wanted your cock in my mouth the second I saw you Friday night," he said as he stood up. "We've got to get downstairs before we're missed by someone. But whenever we're alone, I'll make it worth your while," he said, leaning in and rubbing my cock through my jeans. Little Alvin was sensitive but also very interested in what Guy was saying. Fuck me, lots of blowjobs from Guy would make playing in the worship group definitely worth my while.

He opened the window in his office and we headed back to the stage. We kept grinning at each other and bumping into one another on purpose. Anyone watching would have to notice that we were flirting with one another, but all those church folks were totally oblivious. I guess if you're not looking for two gay guys flirting with one another, it simply falls under the radar.

The rest of the band showed up in the next few minutes and we ran through the set quickly. We were better than Friday night and it feels good to form a bond with the other members of the group. I tried not to take too many liberties with my solos and didn't dress up the songs too much. Guy shook his head at me a couple of times, but for the most part he just let me play. I want to rock this church, but that doesn't seem to be what is required of me. Guy and I play quite well together and it feels like we did a good job getting all of the parishioners fired up and ready to receive the message. At least, that's what Darlene said while she did announcements after we played. The worship group sits together at the front, which I am glad for because I don't want to sit with my parents.

We wrapped up our set once Pastor John completed his sermon. He was big and tall. Kind of bear-like in his own right. How he found his lady-bear Darlene, I don't know, but they seem well matched. It was a good sermon and he is an excellent speaker. But it came across kind of, well, cultish. It's no wonder my mom was sucked in so quickly. Maybe I'm just not used to church, but I got a really creepy vibe. Everyone sang together and shouted `amen' together. I don't know. I suppose that's what a church family does. It's not for me, that much I do know.

After we got done playing, a lot of people came up and congratulated me and the rest of the worship group. Several people mentioned that they hadn't enjoyed worship group so much in years. Or ever. My parents stood to the side and watched with forced smiles as the church family shook my hand and fawned over my guitar playing. People congratulated my parents, as well, and I could see it made them uncomfortable. It seems as if they still can't be proud of me because they don't approve of my guitar playing. It kind of makes me glad that everyone in their social group appreciates my talent and it irritates them.

Guy and I talked for a few minutes and then agreed to meet again on Friday night to practice again. I'm not thrilled to meet on Fridays, but we will get done early enough that I can still go out afterward. I hope to have plans with someone that my parents approve of. Or that I can see Drago. Just thinking about seeing Drago made me stiffen up a little below the belt.

I walked into the gym at 8:00 sharp Monday morning. I wore my tightest workout gear and pulled my hair back into a low ponytail. The personal trainer, Sven, met me at the front desk a few minutes later. He is tall, has blonde hair cut short--almost a buzz cut, and is all muscle. He is hot, but I can't help comparing him to Drago. And Drago comes out on top. I just can't get Drago out of my head. Even when Guy sucked me off--my first blowjob--I still thought about Drago. Even when Landry kissed me, I thought about Drago. Fuck me, I've got it bad for him. And of course, that's the one person on earth that my dad has banned me from seeing.

"Hey, Alvin. I'm glad you could make it. Let's go ahead and get some measurements and weigh you," Sven said, shaking my hand. I looked around but didn't see Drago. Maybe I won't see him today. That thought depresses me.

"Hey Sven, let's do this," I said, trying to be enthusiastic. I actually am really happy to be here because Drago is right--I am too skinny. Plus, I could really use an outlet for some of this anger that's built up around my parents. And maybe I'll feel more clarity. I have high hopes, let's just say that. Sven took my measurements and weighed me.

"Nice, you're proportionate," he said, trying to find a complement for my scrawny bod.

"For a fourteen year old," I finished his sentence, and we both laughed.

"Well, I guess," he said back and shook his head. "Maybe one still in eighth grade," he quipped.

"Awwww, lame," I groaned, but I kept laughing. I told him a little bit about the accident and he took some notes with my measurements. He finished up by having me get on the scale.

"Okay, looks like 109," he announced. I couldn't believe it. I hadn't been under 110 pounds since my freshman year. He wasn't kidding about me being the size of an eighth grader.

"Seriously?" I asked, wishing I'd worn heavier clothes. Bigger shoes, or something.

"Yeah, man. 109 pounds," he confirmed. Crap. A strong wind could blow me off my feet. I can't believe I've lost that much weight. I guess all I've been eating lately is cereal. "Don't worry, though. We'll get some muscle weight on you fast. Just eat lean chicken, brown rice, and vegetables for lunch and dinner and keep working out with me in the mornings and you'll be all muscle in a matter of weeks," he told me. I need him to write that down. I won't remember a diet, even one that simple, ten minutes from now.

"Alright, let's get out on the floor and start with your arms and abs today. Tomorrow, legs and abs," he said. This sounds pretty familiar. Sven and Drago have very similar styles.

Sven ran me through sixty minutes of arm and ab work and I was sweating profusely by the time we were done. It feels good, even though I am already sore. I headed into the sauna to relax afterward. I closed my eyes until I heard the door open and someone else came inside and sat down next to me. I looked over and it was Drago.

"Sup," he said and fist bumped me. I can't wipe the grin off my face. I am so stupid happy to see him. He grinned right back. We stared at one another for a couple of minutes just smiling and checking one another out. He looks like he's gotten in a workout already, although I didn't see him out on the floor.

"Been here long?" I asked.

"Yeah, just got out of a boot camp class upstairs. Fucking intense," he said, flexing his arms for me. Ahhh, he was here the whole time. Nice. We're going to have to meet in secret like this for the time being, so I am glad he is being discreet.

"You look jacked," I said, reaching out and rubbing his pecs through his tank. He took off his tank and flexed some more. I kept rubbing his chest and then tweaked his nipple. His cock twitched in his shorts. Fuck. He is so hot. His body is prime and when he smirks at me so sexy it makes my dick twitch. I used both hands to feel his chest and his abs. They were hard and formed perfectly. He has an eight-pack, so tight and separated. I kept moving my hands down to the next hard thing on his body--something else with eight in its description, his eight inch cock. I stared in his dark blue eyes and rubbed his cock through his shorts.

In moments, I was down between his legs and had that cock out and started worshiping it with my tongue. I licked up and down the shaft getting it shiny wet with spit. Then I tried to take the whole thing in my mouth and swallow it down my throat. I'm not there yet, and I choked on it. I pushed myself down a few more times until I gagged and had to pull off.

"Damn, Alvin, you are so good at sucking my cock," he moaned. I went back to work, now circling his cockhead with my tongue and sucking the tip in and out of my mouth. He moaned again and I really worked the spot where his foreskin met the tip with my tongue. I ran up and down and then in circles. I want to make him cum buckets into my mouth.

I kneeled between his legs and worked his cock every way I could think of. I jacked it and sucked the head. Then I just sucked it without my hands. He held out for as long as he could and then I felt his cock thicken. I caressed his balls and they pulled up tight to his body. He is going to blow and I am so ready to swallow the whole load.

"Alvin, oh fuck Alvin, I'm going to cum babe," he roared. Babe? All I can think about now is that Drago just called me babe' as he unloaded down my throat. Cum started to spill out the sides of my mouth and run down my chin--again--before I remembered to swallow. I was so distracted by him calling me babe' that I lost focus. I got to it and swallowed the remainder and licked the head clean. Drago pulled me up to his face and licked the cum that had leaked out into his mouth and then he kissed me. We swapped the cum back and forth until it was gone. My dick was so hard I thought I would cum hands-free, but I stopped just short.

We pulled away from one another breathing hard. Then he pulled me close again and we kissed one another again, this time almost violently. It was like we tried to crawl inside one another's mouths. We pulled away again and tried to catch our breath. He grabbed my hand and hauled me up and we practically ran for the showers. We stripped and I got in a shower stall. He got in behind me. No pretenses, no sneaking around, we shared a shower not caring if anyone saw.

He tilted my head up by the chin and leaned down to kiss me. The hot water pounded my back as he and I kissed and licked each other's mouths. I love how he tastes, whether it is his salty skin or his sweet spit. It reminds me of Gatorade. He started stroking my hard, throbbing cock. It didn't take much to bring me to orgasm and I exploded all over his cock. Fuck it is so sexy seeing my cum coat his cock. I leaned down and licked off as much as I could before it ran down the drain. He pulled me back up and we kissed again, this time swapping my cum.

After a few minutes, we stopped and he poured out some shampoo and started washing my hair. I can't get over how sensual it is for him to wash me. He scrubbed me from head to toe and then I washed him. He had to lean down for me to get his hair and shoulders, but it is still sexy as fuck to wash him. My cock was hard pretty much the whole time even though I'd just cum. And so was his! I am so tempted to suck it again, but I know that we have to get out of the showers soon. I have to call my dad and let him know how my personal training went.

I turned off the water and Drago peeked outside the shower. He slipped out silently and I waited a moment or two before I followed him out. There was no one else in the locker room, luckily. I couldn't believe that we'd been so careless when we got in the shower together. I don't want to fuck this up and I just about did on the first day. Our lust clouded our thinking. We're going to have to be more careful in the future.

We got dressed watching each other slowly pull on our clothes. We teased one another and our wicked hard cocks showed how much we desire one another. Finally dressed, we arranged to see one another tomorrow and I left the gym first. Before I left the locker room, though, Drago stopped me.

"Let's try to meet up this weekend, okay babe?" he said and after looking around carefully, he leaned down and kissed me. I kissed him back with my eyes open in disbelief. Is this the real Drago? Why has he hidden this from me for all of these years? I kept my eyes on him as if he would disappear if I closed my eyes.

"Yeah, I want that, too, babe," I answered back with a smirk. Babe. He grinned at me and slapped my ass.

"Go on, get out of here and call your dad. Tell him what a good boy you were," he said. I rolled my eyes at him and turned to go. I walked out and then turned back to say goodbye. He was watching me intently. I blushed. He was checking me out. Fucking-A. I just can't get over this change in Drago.

"Lates," I called out.

"Lates," he said back. I said goodbye to Sven as I walked out the door. My phone rang as soon as the door closed behind me. It was my dad.

"Hey dad," I said. He just couldn't wait for me to call. He really doesn't trust me. And I can't for the life of me figure out what I did that inspired this lack of trust. It's like I told a lie when I was three and he never trusted me again. I don't remember him ever treating Aldon like this. Of course, Aldon was always borderline perfect. I guess I'll never live up to Aldon.

"Hey son. How was your workout?" my dad actually sounded somewhat relaxed. He was so uptight all of the time, I wondered what was up with him. Maybe he got laid. Ha. More likely he had a bloody Mary with breakfast.

"It was good," I said, trying not to be too enthusiastic. I want to sound realistic, not ecstatic. He would surely suspect something if I was too up.

"Great. Are you going to get a membership?" he asked in a distracted tone. I imagined that some chick was blowing him, but it was probably that he was reading his email. I really have sex on my mind a lot lately. Probably because I'm finally getting some. I wondered if my dad would be cooler if he got his nuts drained on the reg. Gross.

"Yeah, I think so," I said. I started walking toward the bus stop. I wish I had a car. This walking and busing crap sucks.

"Well, I may be able to subsidize your membership as long as you go regularly," he said. I am shocked. My dad is actually offering to pay for something for me. Wow.

"That's awesome, Dad," I said.

"I have to get back to work now, but we can discuss this after I get home from work tonight," he said.

"Okay, sounds great," I said. I need Aiden to drop me off at home after band practice. I hope he doesn't mind. I am really looking forward to seeing him again. I ended the call with my dad and then got a text from Aiden. It's like he knew I was thinking about him.

Aiden: Sup

Me: Sup. What u up 2?

Aiden: Working. Need to sell some shoes to make my sales quota

Me: Where u work?

Aiden: Dick's Sporting Goods at Flatiron Crossing

Me: LOL you said dicks

Aiden: Fuck u lol. Why doesn't Justin Bieber shop at Big 5?

Me: He likes Dicks better, ha ha

Aiden: Did u no that Dicks came out against circumcision?

Me: No

Aiden: they're changing their name to Dick's Sporting Hoods

Me: BOOOOO!!!!

Aiden: Alright, I'll stop. I gotta go take my lunch but I'll be over to get you at 2:30, if ur kewl with that

Me: Totes, c u then

Aiden: Lates

Me: Lates

I put my phone away and stared out the bus window. Aiden is fun. I'm glad we're going to spend some time together. I wonder when we're going to play our next show. Maybe I will invite Drago. I can't help it if he shows up places I'm going. I wonder what Landry is up to. We haven't talked much since Saturday. I'd have to see if he wants to hang out this weekend, too. It feels so good to have my friends around me. I almost forget that Shel and everyone else died. And that I almost died. Jesus, Drago almost died. What if he would have died and we never had whatever it is we're having? Would any of this have happened if not for the accident? Maybe I do need Dr. Khan.

Aiden pulled up at 2:15. I was ready but still needed to get dressed. I invited him up to my room while I changed clothes. I don't like playing guitar in basketball shorts. My guitar rubs all sorts of things wrong if I'm not in jeans. I stripped out of my shorts and pulled on some jeans. I didn't really think about it, I just did it. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden checking me out. I am pretty sure he is gay or maybe bi, but it was still a surprise that he checked me out. His eyes rested on my bulge. I'm not hung like Drago, but I've got over seven inches of fairly thick cock hanging between my legs. I think it looks bigger because I'm so skinny right now. He licked his lips and then watched me pull up my jeans. He is definitely checking out my ass in my jeans. Nice. It made me want to see what he is packing.

We got out the door and packed up my gear in his car. He drove us to Jamie's house. It is a small, ranch-style house in Broomfield. We parked in front since Jamie's van and a pickup truck were parked in the driveway. Aiden helped me carry my gear to the garage.

"Hey," Jamie said as he opened the garage door. We went inside and started setting up our gear. James came in from the house. He had on some shorts and that was it. Jamie was wearing some jeans without a shirt. I soon realized that even with the garage door open, the garage is like a furnace. I pulled off my t-shirt and Aiden took his off. We are four sweaty guys playing rock music in a sweltering garage at the beginning of summer. It is so cool. As much as Shel and I talked about starting a band, we never came close.

We played a few songs together and then we talked about potential playlists. Then we took a break and ate ice cream sandwiches and drank sodas. We played some more and talked about the direction we want to see the band take. I am getting to know them and they are getting to know me. Even though we played well together Saturday, we don't really know one another.

After we played some of their, I mean our, original songs together, James and Jamie headed into the house for some air conditioning. Aiden and I pulled out our notebooks and talked about the songs we've written. He has some amazing lyrics and he seems to really like the instrumentals I've written. We started to pair up some of the songs and talked about other songs we want to write together. We made jokes and laughed.

James and Jamie came back out with bottles of water for us. I saw them exchange a look. I wonder what that was about. I guess Aiden and I were sitting pretty close and we were having a pretty intense conversation when they showed up. I'll ask Aiden later what the look meant.

We wrapped up practice at 5:30. After we stowed all of the gear so that Jamie's dad could park in the garage, Aiden drove me home.

"Hey, I wanted to ask you, what's up with the look Jamie gave James when they came back in the garage?" I asked after we chatted for a few minutes. Aiden sighed and had a pained look on his face.

"So, they are kind of worried that you and I...well, here's the deal," he said, having a hard time getting to the point.

"Okay," I said, trying to put him at ease.

"Alright, I'm just going to come out and say this," he began again. I waited for him to finish his thought. "So, Lenny and I started fucking about six months ago. James and Jamie are worried that if you and I start fucking around it will mess everything up like it did when Lenny and I started up," he said. Ahhhh, confirmation that he's at least bi and also more information about his relationship with Lenny.

"Oh. I mean, we're like two different people from you and Lenny. And we're not fucking around or anything. Although..." I trailed off and gave him a sexy look. I couldn't help flirting with him. Even if I am seriously crushing on Drago, I am hot for Aiden, too. Who knows what is going to happen with Drago, at least I can be seen with Aiden. He grinned without taking his eyes off the road.

"Soooo," he said. "I think they are just worried that it's going to fuck up the band if we are together or whatever. They don't know as much about Lenny and his drugs, so to them it seems like it was our relationship that fucked up the band and not the drugs," Aiden said.

"That makes sense. You never told them?" I asked.

"No, not really. I mean it had to be obvious, but it sort of coincided with Lenny and me fucking. I don't know, it was such a mess and I probably shouldn't have let him fuck me or whatever..." he trailed off. Wow, did he just admit to being a bottom? I am learning all sorts of interesting things on this car ride. Before I could say anything to that, my phone started buzzing. It was my mom saying that dinner was in ten minutes. I texted her back that Aiden Jaxley was driving me home and we'd be there in five minutes. I also asked if he could come to dinner. To my great surprise, she said yes. I guess she wants to hobnob with Aiden's grandparents and having their grandson over to dinner will look good.

"Hey, my mom said you can come over for dinner. Do you want to have dinner with us?" I asked excitedly. I hope he will agree because I have fun with him and I want to have friends my parents aren't all freaked out about.

"Yeah, that's cool," he said, also excited. "My mom works nights so I'm on my own for dinner," he explained.

"Well, you are welcome at my house," I said, somewhat presumptuously. I don't know if that is true, but I am hopeful that he will make a good impression on my parents and it will be true in the future.

We pulled up to my house and parked out front. He helped me carry in my gear and then we washed up for dinner. We sat down at the table at 6:00 on the dot for dinner. My mother smiled her big phony Christian smile when she saw us there. My dad came in with a fresh martini. He sure seems to be downing those a lot lately. We all joined hands to pray. Aiden and I glanced at each other as we held hands and smiled. My hand dwarfs his. It feels good to hold hands with him. I am really starting to like holding hands with guys.

My mom actually kept the prayer reasonably short and dinner wasn't too cold by the time we started eating. She'd made one of the only dinners of hers that I like--spaghetti and meatballs. Aiden cleaned his plate and my mom beamed as she served him seconds. I can't remember me or my dad ever asking for seconds. I suppose Aiden is glad to have a home cooked meal since he's always on his own for dinner. This is going very well.

My parents finished and started clearing the table while Aiden and I finished eating. Aiden looked around and saw that they were occupied in the kitchen and put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him in surprise, but he grinned at me and started rubbing my leg. I moaned a little when he got up around my cock. Fuck me. First Guy and now Aiden. He ran his hand lightly over my cock and then started rubbing harder. I had to suppress another moan as I boned up quickly.

My parents came back in a few moments later and I composed myself quickly, although my cock was still tenting out my jeans. Aiden snatched his hand back and snickered at me. Jerk. He did that on purpose to tease me in front of my parents. Fuck. I had to adjust myself without calling attention to my hard dick situation. Aiden kept laughing as I managed to tuck my cock into the waistband of my boxer briefs. I gave him a dirty look and he winked. I started laughing, too. He makes me laugh.

We picked up our plates and took them in the kitchen. I saw my mom give my dad an approving look. Apparently they didn't catch on to anything that happened while they were out of the room. And they like Aiden. Thank God.

"Mom, Dad, is it okay if Aiden and I go to my room so we can write some music together?" I asked. I figured they'd say no since they were so down on the whole music thing. They looked at one another and my dad nodded.

"Yes, but he should head home at 9:00," my mother agreed. I am shocked. She was letting him stay. They always made such a big stink about letting Shel come over and then were such assholes about Drago. Maybe they are actually going to be okay with Aiden. Maybe that church isn't so bad, after all.

"Cool, thanks Mom and Dad," I said and took off for the stairs. Aiden thanked my mom for dinner and then followed me upstairs. When we got up there, I spread out some of the music I hadn't brought to practice.

"This is really good, Alvin," he said after we'd talked about songs and lyrics for about an hour. He stared into my eyes and I smiled a big, goofy grin because he liked my songs so much.

"Thanks, man. It's really nice to hear," I said and bumped shoulders with him.

"You have a lot of talent and I'm really looking forward to playing with you," he told me. Fuck. He says the nicest things. I feel so good when I'm with him.

"I really like singing with you but you have an outstanding voice. I think that together we will fucking rock," I said.

"Well, hopefully we will be fucking, for sure," he said with a wink. "I mean fucking rocking," he said, even though we both knew he meant the first thing. Damn if my dick wasn't hard again. I knew we needed to cool it since it was almost 9:00 and he would have to leave. I am already excited to practice again and he hasn't even left yet. I am so drawn to him. Again, I felt a little bit guilty. Like when I kissed Landry the other night. It feels vaguely like cheating on Drago. I don't know what to think of that. I mean, Drago and I aren't boyfriends and it is so hard to see him anyway. Keeping all of this straight is fucking with my muddled brain.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to your car," I said after we gazed into one another's eyes for a minute or two. God, he turns me on. From the look of the tent in his pants, he is pretty aroused, too. We managed to get outside without obvious boners and we bro hugged before he got in his car.

"So I'll pick you up again tomorrow at 2:30?" he rolled down his window to ask.

"Yeah, that would be great," I said. "Thanks for driving me around."

"No problem," he replied.

"See you then," I said, prolonging our goodbye.

"See you tomorrow," he said. I want to kiss him so bad, but I know we were being watched becuse my dad started flashing the porch light. God, like I'm a kid or something. I'm eighteen and it's not even dark yet. I turned and walked back to the house. Once on the porch I waved goodbye and Aiden took off. I went inside with a big smile. My parents were on the couch watching TV. I headed for the stairs.

"Alvin, you need to finish cleaning the kitchen," my mom said before I could get up to my room. Fuck. I was hoping that was done already. I walked into the kitchen and it was hammered. Had she used every pan and plate in the house? I started unloading the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and thought back on my day. One of the best I can remember.

Next: Chapter 9

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