In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Jun 19, 2020


Chapter 24

Christmas came and went in a blur. Bax scored some killer weed from his new boyfriend Brad. Ha. He gets so mad when I call Brad his boyfriend, but seriously Brad practically lives here now and fucks Bax like every fifteen minutes. Alright, I'm exaggerating. Sometimes he fucks Bax and sometimes he fucks Dex. It's pretty fucked up watching that huge 12" cock going in and out of their holes over and over again. A lot of the time I end up fucking one twin while he fucks the other. I don't want him coming near me with that fucking baseball bat he calls a cock, so I've established that I'm a top.

So anyway, we smoked out pretty much from breakfast until bedtime every day. I went shopping on Christmas Eve with Brad, oddly enough. He's a pretty cool guy. He's still trying to talk us into selling drugs for him, but we've resisted so far. He took me to the Greeley Mall and I bought everyone presents. The lines weren't as bad as I thought they would be. Everyone must have shopped online except for me.

I got some cool stuff and my family loved all the stuff that they got. The girls hooked up on toys. I have no idea where they are going to put them all, but Bax, Dex, and I spoiled them like crazy. Mom and Jason bought them a bunch of crap, too, so it's like a fucking toy store in our apartment.

Drago and his parents got me a new smart phone with an unlimited data package. I was shocked. I've never had a state-of-the-art phone before. It's freaking beautiful. I called them right away and thanked them like a million times. They told me that they expect me to call more often. Yeah, I can see that. Drago and I talked for like an hour that afternoon. I do miss him. In a moment of weakness I invited him up for New Year's Eve. It's a Friday and I'm playing at the club that night. I don't know what possessed me to invite him since I planned on keeping it a secret, but it's done now. He eagerly accepted. Of course he did. He loved the digital photo frame I got him. I scanned in and loaded up a bunch of pictures of us from when we were kids that Mom showed me. I also loaded all of the pictures I had of us together on my old phone. Well, not quite all of them because I didn't include the naked ones or the ones of us fucking. I did, however, jerk off to those after I got done.

The day after Christmas, Bax, and Dex, and I were back at the club. It was a Saturday night and the band played together for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was so cool to be back. I'm glad to be with them since Aiden is being such a bitch about The Four Horsemen. He flew back to LA on Christmas. Jamie told me he got back safe. I'm still texting with him and James. They said that they don't know if Aiden was serious or not, but that he told them that I am out and that they will need to start interviewing new guitarists. I hope that he calms down and that Jamie and James can talk some sense into him.

Dr. Winters called and left about 25 messages on my phone before I finally called him back. He apologized and said that he'd help me find a new doctor if that's what I want. I felt like shit. I apologized, too, and told him that he didn't have to apologize because it's my fault that I'm an asshole, not his. He told me that it's not my fault at all and that after what I've gone through it's not surprising that I'm having difficulties. I'd like to say it's more than difficulties, but I don't want to go back to the hospital so I held my tongue.

Truthfully, I'm having a lot of headaches and I've started seeing auras all the time again. I'd stopped seeing them unless I had a seizure, but they are back full time. It makes being in crowded rooms difficult. I've found it hard to stop reading everyone's aura even if I don't care. And I so totally don't care! I can't mention it to anyone, so what's the point? Playing the club isn't too bad because the way that the lights work, I can't see much beyond the second row of people. After we play, I usually take off downstairs where it's pretty dark and there aren't as many people until the fights start.

Bax broke things off with Brad on the day before New Year's Eve. It wasn't surprising, but Bax has been coming down from all the drugs he was taking that Brad gave him for free. He doesn't seem like he's going to be ready to fight on New Year's Eve. Dex actually seemed sadder about the breakup than Bax did because he was really liking all that big cock he was getting. He's been riding mine particularly hard trying to get off. I offered to fist him, but he declined saying that he needs to keep his hole in shape for work.

Drago showed up around 3:30 on New Year's Eve. I was so happy to see him that I pretty much embarrassed myself hanging all over him after he got here. Bax is a fucking mess from withdrawal and has been an insufferable ass for two days so I am really glad to see Drago. Dex started flirting with Drago from the get go so I decided to take Drago out for dinner--just the two of us--in order to get some peace and quiet.

We ended up at Olive Garden of all places. I called ahead and we actually got seated about fifteen minutes after we got there. Everywhere in town is booked for the holiday. I think everyone has cabin fever after all the snow we've had the last week or two and now that it's stopped snowing, they are out in force.

"I'm so hungry I could eat at Olive Garden," Drago said and we laughed. It was an old joke, but pretty apt considering. The server brought out our salad and breadsticks and it tasted pretty good.

"What's the plan for tonight?" he asked after we scarfed down a bowl of salad and ordered another.

"So, here's the deal," I started. Drago gave me a concerned look. "I've been playing in this other band," I said. He looked angry now. "And we're playing a set tonight at an underground club where we play most Fridays and Saturdays," I told him, wrapping my silverware in my napkin and unrolling them again. I rolled them back up and finally looked up to meet his eye.

"Oh. So we're going to this club and you're going to play?" he asked quietly. I could tell he was trying his hardest to keep from losing his temper. I nodded, unable to speak.

"Okay," he said and began eating again. I watched him eat to see if he was going to yell or start an argument or something else, but he just ate salad and breadsticks. I shoved a breadstick in my mouth and started chewing. Best not to say anything and break whatever truce we've developed.

"So you're alright with this?" I asked. Why? Why can't I keep my mouth shut? He nodded.

"Yeah. I guess. I mean, I know you love to play and I love to watch you play. You know the risks and you're doing it anyway, so I guess I may as well be there to hear your set," he said matter-of-factly. The server brought our main courses out and we dug into those and talked about a bunch of different things, but not the show. God, I hope that I don't have a seizure tonight. I really want to show Drago that I can do this.

We wrapped up dinner and ended up going to the bowling alley to play video games afterward because we had time to kill. A couple of guys that I'd met while living up here came over to say `hi' and Drago was pretty friendly with them. In all, it was fun. Around 9, we headed out to the club. Drago was driving his mom's Accord again since the accident. He told me that the booster from the dealership was really cool about the accident--as he should be since it wasn't Drago's fault--and offered him a new truck. Drago is supposed to go special order something as soon as he gets back from seeing me. I asked him if he's getting the same thing and he laughed.

"Not exactly. I know I went a little bit over the top with that truck. The dealer wants me to get an F-150 Raptor," he said. I laughed.

"Yeah, not even a little bit over the top," I said. He was still laughing so I started, too.

"But, seriously, I'm not getting many extras. Custom paint, probably, but no red this time," he told me. I grinned at him.

"Do I get to drive this one?" I asked all excited.

"I think you already know the answer to that one, dude," he said. I scrunched my face up and gave him a look.

"I figured as much," I said. We laughed again. I directed him where to park and we walked up to the club. It was fucking cold out so we didn't really talk until we got to the door. I told the door guy that Drago was with me and he let us in no trouble. Everyone here knows me--either because of my brothers or the band, so I'm in with all the right people.

"C'mon," I said and dragged him over to the stage where Zander and Joshua were setting up.

"Hey guys, this is my boyfriend, Drago. Drago, this is Zander Whitaker and Joshua Whitaker, the lead singer and guitarist for the Zander Whitaker Experience," I introduced everyone.

"Featuring Vin Jacobs," Zander finished for me. He came over and shook Drago's hand. Joshua nodded in our direction but he headed backstage to grab some more equipment. Since this place is an auto body shop during the day, we have to set everything up from scratch on Friday nights. It can take forever, so we all work together to get it done. I'll set Drago up in the audience and come back to help in a minute.

"Featuring, huh?" Drago said to me. I blushed. I totally didn't mean to, but when he said that I got embarrassed. It's been awhile since I've had to explain that to anyone.

"Yeah. They offered to add my name to the band when I joined. They know I'm probably temporary, so they wanted to capitalize off of my fame, you know," I said and then swept my hair out of my eyes dramatically. Drago laughed.

"That's cool, man. Are you playing original stuff?" he asked.

"Naw. I tried to work on writing some new songs with them, but it never panned out. We play heavy metal covers and we're pretty good at it. I play some solos and other stuff that I've written, but for the most part it's just covers," I told him. Drago nodded. We went up to the bar and I told the bartender that Drago is with me and to add him to my tab. The bartender grinned at me and nodded his head. My `tab' is actually not a tab at all. The club serves us as part of our pay. We don't get a lot for showing up, but we can pretty much drink ourselves stupid when we're here, so we usually do exactly that. I ordered us shots of Wild Turkey 101. It's nasty stuff, but I feel like getting wasted. It's almost the New Year! Drago's here with me! I'm ready to party!

We downed our shots and then I had to go to help set up the stage. Drago tagged along with me and helped carry the heavy stuff, which was really cool of him. We weren't due to go on stage until 11. We're going to play up until midnight and then do the countdown with everyone. After that, we'll play Auld Lang Syne and maybe one or two more songs and then we're free to celebrate. Some DJ is supposed to take over and play songs the rest of the night.

Drago and I were at the bar doing another shot when he got a funny look on his face. He pointed toward the door.

"Who's that with Bax?" he asked. I looked to where he pointed and started laughing.

"That's Bax's boyfriend Brad," I said. I was a little bit surprised that Bax ended up calling Brad. I think the withdrawal was bugging him more than he let on so he gave in and called Brad so he could get high again. I waved and they came over.

"Sup, bro?" I said and fist bumped Bax and then Brad. Brad looked Drago up and down and then at me.

"C'mere," he said and pulled me over to the other end of the bar. He ordered shots for us.

"So that's Drago Jenkins, eh?" he said.

"Yeah, that's him," I answered.

"So do you like, ya know, fuck him or does he fuck you?" Brad asked. I nearly fell off my barstool. I kept it together though.

"Both, actually," I told him. He nodded. His pupils were really tiny and it made his eyes look a little crazy. He and Bax must have smoked a ton of meth before they got here.

"But you're a top. You told me so," Brad said, clearly confused.

"Usually I am, but with Drago I let him fuck me every so often," I explained. Brad nodded, his movements exaggerated.

"Yeah. Okay. I can see that. So can I fuck him?" he asked.

"Noooo. He's not like that," I said.

"But I let you fuck my boyfriend. Why can't I fuck yours?" he said really loud. I wanted to shush him but didn't want his ham-fist pounding my face in so I hurried up to answer.

"We have an agreement," I said really fast. "I can fuck around with Bax and Dex, but that's it."

"Oooohhhh," he said and winked at me.

"Get you some brother-love, huh?" he nudged me in the shoulder. I grinned at him.

"Hell yeah," I said hoping that this conversation was almost over with.

"You sure I can't tap his ass?" Brad threw Drago a longing look. Wow. Drago's really lucky I'm looking out for him because Brad is lusting after him pretty hard. As much as I think Brad's a decent guy, I still can't imagine getting fucked by him. He's so very fat. I've seen him rest his huge gut on Bax's back while he fucks him. It's truly something to behold. Or not. Yeah, definitely not.

"Yeah, man. If I change my mind, I'll let you know," I told him and we bumped fists again. Drago came over and we kissed. I'm starting to get pretty drunk and we haven't even been on stage yet. Bax came over a minute later. He and Drago hadn't said a word to each other even though we left them together. They crack me up with their jealousy routine.

"C'mon, it's time for my first fight," he said and then he turned and headed for the stairs. Drago looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I guess you were going to find out sooner or later. C'mon," I said and I followed Bax and Brad down to the basement. Drago rushed to keep up.

"What did he mean when he said `fight'?" Drago asked.

"You'll see in just a minute," I said. Brad paid all of our entry fees, which was very nice of him. Either he's trying to butter me up so I let him in Drago's pants or it's his way of making up for asking me in the first place. Either way, I'm glad we didn't have to pay. Bax took off for the bathroom and Brad went with him.

"How the hell are those two together?" Drago asked me and I started laughing.

"I don't know. Don't say that Brad is Bax's boyfriend in front of Bax, though. He gets all upset about it. He claims that they are just fuck buddies, but Brad is totally his boyfriend," I said. Drago laughed, too.

"Where's Dex?" Drago asked while we waited for the first fights to begin.

"He's upstairs, I'll show you later," I told him. Just as I said that, the announcer entered the ring.

"Can I get everyone's attention?" he shouted. People were still trying to get in the door and everyone pushed toward the ring. The people in back were jockeying for position to be able to see the fight.

"Tonight's first match up is between Bax Ward," Bax entered the ring. I hadn't even seen him come out of the bathroom. He looked good, which surprised me because I was pretty sure he went in the bathroom to shoot up meth with Brad. He rubbed his nose a couple of times and I wondered if they were in there snorting coke instead. What fun. This should be an interesting night.

"And Mammoth," the announcer continued. Some guy that I'd never seen at one of these events came rumbling into the ring. He was...well, mammoth. The guy was huge. Like Brad huge. I wondered if he were hung like Brad. Then I wanted to slap myself for wondering such an inane thing. Jesus. My mind is always on cocks. Anyway, Mammoth and Bax bumped fists and the announcer went over the rules. I watched Mammoth intently. What were his weaknesses? I was going to have to help Bax anyway I could because he's looking distracted. I don't want him getting his ass beat tonight.

"What the fuck is this?" Drago leaned over and yelled in my ear. It was super loud as everyone finalized their bets and some shit talk went down. Brad stood outside the ring watching Bax carefully. I think Brad will beat Mammoth down if he hurts Bax.

"Fight club," I answered. "I've seen Bax beat big guys before but none this big. Bax is good, so I'm hoping he's got this."

"Fight club?" Drago said more to himself than to me. I kept watching Mammoth. He's got huge feet. He looks slow but strong. His reach isn't great, so Bax might have him there. Bax's best bet is to get him on the ground fast. Then his BJJ skills will pay dividends.

"What do you see as the big guy's strengths?" I asked Drago. He looked thoughtful.

"Well, his punches are going to be more powerful because of the weight behind them. He's got decent reach so his distance attack will be key. If he rushes Bax, he loses that advantage, though," Drago said. I nodded. "The big guy is going to wear out fast, too. He's not just big, he's fat," he continued. I don't think it's in Bax's interest to let this fight go on too long because he's got two more fights after this, plus the grand prize fight if he makes it that far. But, if it does stretch out, that will be to Bax's advantage because the other guy will tire out and Bax is full of energy. Especially since it looks like he's coked up.

The stakes are really high tonight. The place is packed and that means that the grand prize will be a ton of money. Close to $20 grand if my estimate is right. Bax could win that if he can get past this fat fucker. The announcer finally called everyone back to attention. He waited a minute for everyone to calm down and stop calling out bets. He backed out of the ring.

"AND BEGIN!" he thundered and Bax smiled big. He looked crazy as shit. I waited to call any instructions out. Guys were yelling stuff out all over the place but Bax didn't look like he heard them. He circled the other guy, who stood still and watched Bax walk around him. Frankly, the guy doesn't look all that smart. My guess is that he can take a million punches but never goes down. I don't think he's got a good ground game, so Bax needs to get him down as soon as he can.

As soon as Bax sized the guy up, he went for a take down. The crowd roared and Bax almost immediately brought Mammoth to the ground. Mammoth looked surprised and tried to take a swing. Bax leaned back and the big fist caught air. Within seconds Bax had the guy in an arm lock and suddenly I heard a sickening snapping sound. Mammoth was screaming his head off. His aura suddenly went black. Bax let go and Mammoth's arm fell with a sickly thud to the floor. Bax broke Mammoth's arm and quite possibly dislocated his elbow. Mammoth passed out, thankfully because he stopped screaming. The announcer rushed back in the ring and threw Bax's hand over his head.

"Winner, Bax Ward!" he shouted. A mix of cheers and boos erupted in the crowd. People had put a lot of money on Mammoth, apparently, because a couple of fights actually broke out in the crowd. The club's medical crew rushed the ring and bouncers appeared to break up the extraneous fights. Brad wrapped his arms around Bax and lifted him in the air. Bax had his fist up and was grinning that crazy grin again.

It took about twenty minutes for Mammoth to wake up and then to have his arm immobilized so he could get to the hospital. One of his friends would have to drive him because no one was calling an ambulance out here. That's how this place would get shut down. I had to get upstairs to start my set with the band and couldn't stick around to see if Bax won his next fight. Drago came with me. When we got upstairs, everyone was talking about Bax's victory. Well, the few people who were up here. Nearly everyone was crowded downstairs to watch the next fights.

Once we started playing, more people filed in. A lot came in from upstairs. I saw Dex join Drago about fifteen minutes in. I guess business isn't so hot upstairs tonight. We rocked through our set list and at about 20 minutes before midnight we heard the roar of the crowd from downstairs. Word filtered in that Bax won his second match by knocking some dude out. He's on a fucking roll tonight. One more fight and he goes to the grand prize fight. I'm totally psyched for him. I really want him to win this. I've got to get down there to give him instructions. Or not considering that he's winning handily.

At midnight Zander and I called the countdown and I jumped into the audience and kissed Drago to ring in the New Year. Bax had worked his way up to the front of the crowd and he and Dex put their arms around one another and sang Auld Lang Syne. They were a bit cautious about public displays of affection and although it seems like a lot of people knew about their incestuous relationship, the truth is that virtually no one actually knows about it. I wondered where Brad was but then realized that Bax was keeping that on the down low, too, so they wouldn't celebrate together until later. I, on the other hand, had my very public boyfriend right here and right now, so I made the most of it--kissing him, sucking his tongue, rubbing his ass. Hell yeah! Happy New Year!

I got called back on stage and the band ended up doing three more songs until we were replaced by the DJ. I rushed downstairs with Drago and we managed to catch Bax slug it out with his third opponent of the night. This guy was roughly the same height and weight. He was super built on the top half of his body but had spindly legs. It was odd to see a guy who was so developed on his upper body but so skinny below the waist. I can't figure out why he isn't working his legs more. Like who is this guy training with that he's so totally neglected his lower body like this?

For some reason Bax was trading punches with this guy. My immediate thought was that there must be money on dragging this match out longer than necessary. His earlier fights ended in less than two minutes, so chances are someone told him to extend the match so that money would exchange hands in the proper way. To confirm my suspicion, Bax took the guy down and had him in an arm lock just after the match reached five minutes. The guy tapped out almost immediately afterward because he'd seen Bax break that Mammoth guy's arm earlier. Bax was victorious! He's going to the grand prize round.

I looked around for Dex but couldn't find him. I guess he had to go back to work after midnight. Brad was nowhere to be found, either. Bax ran up to me and picked me up. He's still so hyper. I have no idea what he's on, but it has turned him super strong and super energetic. I hope it holds for the final match. I haven't seen any of the other matches so I don't know who he's fighting against in the battle royale but it's usually bigger guys with some training. A lot of the guys who come in here have very little formal training and those are the guys who get knocked out in the earlier rounds. But the final round is usually guys with experience either boxing, MMA, or martial arts, and often some combination of all of those things. Here, there are fewer rules and the chance for injury is pretty high.

"Fuck dude, I'm feeling it again tonight," he told me. He gets these hunches, or whatever you want to call them, where he's certain he's going to win no matter the odds. He was right last time and he may be right tonight, but we need to scope out the competition and get some guys over here to work out some strategy like we did last time. I see a few guys standing in the corner by the auto body parts lock-up and they are pointing at Bax. Looks like some of the guys are already working out some tactics to beat my brother. That means he must be favored to win, or at least go until late in the fight. I see some other guys, money guys--possibly gang-related, possibly mob-related--talking with a couple of other fighters.

"Fuck yeah, dude. Who's fighting with you?" I asked. Bax started pointing out guys discreetly. The guys in the corner for sure--there's four of them, two of the guys talking to the gang/mob guys, and a tall guy standing by himself about six feet from us. We call him over and start talking about a plan to take out the other guys. I've seen this guy fight before but Bax has never been in the ring with him. His name is Bryan Wilder and he seems familiar for some reason other than fighting. I can't place him, though.

Bryan and Bax put together some ideas and before long the gang/mob guys come over and talk to them, too. I'm not invited and they talk just far enough away from me that I can't hear the conversation but the gist of the conversation seems to be that if Bax throws the fight to one of the other guys, he'll take home the same amount as the grand prize. We haven't heard the amount yet, but the place is filled way past capacity, so it must be getting close to $25,000. That would be enough that the guys could take some time off.

So once it appears that the fix is on, Bax actually relaxed a little bit. He was getting really tense when he and Bryan were discussing the match. Brad finally turned up. He's been selling all sorts of illegal substances in the bathroom for most of the night and eventually sold out of everything. He's a happy man. He took Bax to the bathroom to `celebrate', whatever that means. I probably don't want to know. Drago and I got in position to watch the fight.

Once the gang/mob guys were certain that everyone was on the same page, the announcer was allowed to go into the ring. I can't quite figure out why anyone bets on this stuff when it seems to clear to me that it's a fix. I guess other people aren't watching the way that I am. And it probably doesn't hurt that half of everyone is higher than a motherfucker off the shit that Brad was slanging in the bathroom.

The announcer called all eight guys into the ring. One of the guys dropped out due to injury, so instead of nine, we're at eight. Bax and Bryan are standing together to the announcer's right and the other guys are scattered in the ring. I see the guy that is supposed to win. He has a boxer's build and moves like a boxer. He doesn't look like he does much grappling or floor work so I'm guessing that he relies on knockouts. He's probably the most experienced guy in the ring. There's a couple of guys in there that look like they got lucky beating their opponents. This whole thing looks rigged. I'm seriously hoping that those gang/mob guys were being straight with Bax. If they fucking lied to him and he gets hurt, I swear to God I'm going to do some damage. How, I don't know. Sic Brad on them, maybe.

The match started and Bax and Bryan took out the first guy almost immediately. It was comical. The guy basically didn't know what hit him. It was two fists from behind. That's why you don't let guys get behind you. The fight went on for another ten minutes before someone else was eliminated. Guys were getting tired. They had to be pretty tired to begin with considering it's after one in the morning and they've already fought three matches of varying lengths. And now they are rolling around in some sort of fight to the death.

The second guy eliminated was held down and beaten by two guys that were in on the gang/mob deal. The guy's friends threw in the towel since he was getting beaten so mercilessly. I had a feeling there was a grudge behind all of that. I kept calling out instructions to Bax, but he seemed to have a pretty good feel for his opponents. He hadn't been knocked down or taken any real damage. Drago was really into the fight. I didn't have the heart to tell him that it's fixed. He never heard Bax tell me because he always walks off in a huff when Bax and I talk. Plus, the fewer the number of people who know, the better.

The next three guys went out one after the other. One got a tooth knocked out and bailed on the fight. He wailed to his friends that his parents were going to kill him. I wondered how old he is and then remembered that Bax is only 17. He and Dex's 18th birthday isn't until May 5th. Sometimes it dawns on me that this is really wrong. But then Dex landed a huge knockdown and had the guy in some kind of hold. He actually cut off the guy's air supply and the guy passed out. The third guy was held by Bryan and the guy who's supposed to win the match punched him until he fell down and wouldn't get up again. He sort of crawled out of the ring. The guy who's supposed to win kicked him really hard in the ass on his way out. He rather comically held his ass and rolled around on the floor.

So it was down to Bax, Bryan, and the guy who's supposed to win. I'll call him Joaquin because he's got a lip thing going on that reminds me of Joaquin Phoenix. Anyway, he and Bax are ganging up on Bryan, who's actually putting up a pretty good fight. He landed a few punches and then went down hard and it looked like he was knocked out. His friends pulled him out and it was down to Bax and Joaquin.

The two circled one another and each took a few hits as they felt each other out. I could tell that Bax wanted to take him down, but was waiting for Joaquin to make his move. They had to make this look convincing and unfortunately, Joaquin was huffing and puffing and looking weak. Bax was going to have to pretend to get knocked out on a lucky punch, or something like that, because under normal circumstances Bax would kill this guy.

Drago leaned over to me. "What's Bax doing? He has this guy," he said just loud enough that only I could hear him.

"Maybe he's coming down from whatever he was on," I told him, knowing that I was full of shit, but again, it's not my place to give away the secret.

"Dude, he needs to make a move," Drago said and then he started shouting instructions to Bax. I grinned. As much as he claims he hates Bax, here he is helping him out on this match. He loves helping people, even people he can't stand.

Bax took the guy to the ground and they rolled around trying to get the upper hand. Bax basically laid there and let the guy get an arm bar on him and he held out for quite a while before he finally tapped out. The match was over. It felt anticlimactic. I ran over to attend to Bax. He kept up the act claiming that his arm was all fucked up and that the guy must have cheated. I followed his lead and gave the guy dirty looks and pretended that Bax's arm didn't look good. It was all for show, though. I really hope those guys weren't bullshitting Bax and actually come through with the payment. Because he would have won that match otherwise. Or not. I have no idea of knowing which matches were fixed.

The announcer called the match for Joaquin, who turned out to be named Tyler something or the other. It sounded Polish, but what do I know? I pulled Bax up by his `non-hurt' arm and we went to the bathroom. Drago waited outside. Some guys came in and kicked me out. I was hesitant to leave but did anyway since I don't want to get my ass kicked.

About ten minutes later, Bax came out with a zipper bag under his arm and a big grin on his face. He told me that we need to get the hell out of here and now, so I informed Drago that we're leaving. He looked suspicious but didn't seem to mind leaving, so he went along with it without asking any questions.

Bax went upstairs to find Dex and Drago and I sat on the edge of the stage. A few minutes later Bryan Wilder, the fighter from earlier, came over to chat.

"Hey man, sorry about The Four Horsemen. That really sucks," he said. What the hell does this guy know about my old band?

"What do you mean, dude?" I asked. Drago was talking to some guy on his other side--I swear he makes friends wherever we go--so he didn't hear my conversation with Bryan.

"I heard you got kicked out. At least that's what Lenny said before he left for LA with Aiden," he said. Fucking Aiden! I told him to go get Lenny out of anger. I didn't think he would really ask Lenny to come back as guitarist.

"How do you know Lenny?" I asked looking at him closely again.

"I play drums in Trampoline--Lenny was our guitarist before he bailed on us, you know, LA, like I said," Bryan told me. Fuck. That's why I recognized him earlier. The fucking drummer from Lenny's lame-ass band. That he apparently ditched already. I wondered for a moment if they needed a new guitarist, but then I remembered that they pretty much suck and play shitty music.

"Oh yeah, sorry dude, I remember now. Context, right?" I said and we fist bumped. "Yeah, I don't know anything about Lenny being in the band or whatever, but I can't fly yet so the band is moving on," I said. That fucker Aiden! I'm so pissed right now but I have to pretend that I'm not because I don't want Bryan telling Lenny that I got all angry about him and Aiden leaving together. And I don't want to let on that I'm pissed off about Aiden for Drago's sake. I cannot believe that Aiden went right to Lenny. He told me that he was done with Lenny and then at the first opportunity, he ran right to the guy. Plus, Lenny can't possibly take my place in the band. What are they going to do? Keep that guy Larsson to play my parts and let Lenny take all the credit? Which reminds me, those are my songs. I need to talk to that attorney guy and see what happens to all of the songs that I wrote or co-wrote with Aiden. Seems to me that those songs belong to me and if I'm not in the band, then they shouldn't get to use them.

Bax and Dex came running up to us just then, so I didn't have to talk to Bryan anymore. I pulled Drago along with me and we all took off to our cars. Drago and I followed Bax and Dex out of the parking lot and headed for home. Bax took a long and convoluted path, but eventually, after deciding that we weren't being followed, he drove home. Drago and I went upstairs with them, but we have a hotel room waiting, so we're going to take off soon. I just wanted to make sure that they made it home safe and to find out how much Bax made tonight in the fight.

Bax locked the zipper bag in the safe and came out to the kitchen where the rest of us chatted and drank waters. Dex said that he cleared $2000 tonight even though the first half of the night he wasn't even upstairs. A guy that's a regular gave him a $1500 tip. I think the guy's sweet on my brother, but Dex doesn't seem interested. I think that if he weren't so attached to Bax he may be more interested, but the twins are connected so tightly that Dex may never leave Bax's side. And vice versa. For all of Bax's big talk, he needs Dex as much as Dex needs him.

"So, bro, what's the number?" Dex asked Bax when he came in from the bedroom. Bax grinned.

"Any guesses?" he asked, looking from me to Dex. I don't think he cares what Drago thinks, but Drago called out a number anyway.

"$20 grand?" Drago said.

"$27 grand?" Dex said.

"30 grand?" I said. Bax pointed at me.

"Winner, winner, chicken dinner," he said and started laughing. Dex and I shushed him since our sisters are asleep in the next room, but we were really excited, too.

"They paid you $30?" I asked. I wanted to add `to throw the fight' but I wasn't sure what Dex knew and I know that Drago didn't know about the fix. Bax nodded vigorously.

"You got that much just to throw the fight?" Drago asked. When did he figure that out?

"Hey, you weren't supposed to tell him," Bax smacked me on the arm.

"I didn't," I said and shoved him back.

"I figured it out when you let him get you in that hold. That hold was so weak," Drago said. Bax laughed.

"I know. I basically had to lay there and tell him what to do. He had no clue what he was doing, but I didn't want to piss off the people who set up the match. Those are not people you want to get on the wrong side of," Bax told us. Dex nodded.

"Yeah, they pay me to do stuff, too, and I always do it because the guys that tell them to fuck off always end up getting kicked out," he said.

"What do you do?" Drago asked with an interested look on his face. Fuck. This was why I didn't want him coming to the club. He already knows way too much about what goes on there. This is the last thing I want him knowing. Dex blushed.

"I uh, well, I..." Dex stumbled over what exactly to tell Drago, so Bax stepped in.

"He works a swing. You know, taking dick for cash," Bax said. Drago laughed. He thought Bax was kidding. When no one else laughed, Drago stopped.

"Oh. Uh, okay," he said, obviously embarrassed.

"So, on that note, we're heading to our hotel. Don't bother me until Monday morning," I said, first hugging Dex and then Bax. "Give Mom and the little sisters love for me, okay?"

"Yeah. Love you, bro," Dex said.

"Love you, bro," Bax parroted him.

"Love you guys. Happy New Year!" I said and then Drago and I were out of there. When we got to the hotel, Drago went to the vending machines to get some snacks and sodas. I turned on my phone to see if I had any important messages. I had a bunch of texts and emails and several voicemails. But it was a text from Aiden that nearly pushed me over the edge. It was a picture of him and Lenny kissing with the Hollywood sign in the background including a note below that said, `Replaced.' I almost threw my phone, but it was the fancy new one that Drago got me for Christmas.

I stared at the picture for a minute or two before Drago came back to the room with an armful of junk food and sodas.

"I didn't know what to get so I picked out a little of everything," he said. I deleted Aiden's text and turned off my phone. Fucking dickhead. I can't believe he's back with Lenny or that Lenny has taken my place in the band--damn, now I know why Lenny was so pissed off at me. This really sucks. I'll need to do something about this later, but for now I'm going to have a good time with Drago. We have this hotel room until checkout Monday morning and worrying about Aiden and all the terrible decisions he's making is not on the agenda.

"Cool," I said, hopping up and grabbing the sodas. I put all but two in the mini fridge. Drago dumped all the food on the round table that sat in the corner by the window. He dug through his overnight bag and pulled out a bottle of Grey Goose vodka.

"I know that I'm not supposed to be a bad influence on you, but a guy on the team hooked me up with this," he said looking at the bottle cautiously.

"Right on, let's have a couple of drinks. I have a couple of Mountain Dews here. Does vodka go well with Mountain Dew?" I asked, holding up the bottles. Drago grinned at me.

"I doubt it, but I don't really care, either," he said and brought the bottle over. We opened our sodas and took big drinks out and then poured in the vodka. I'm not too worried about the taste. What I'm interested in is getting Drago in bed. Not that it takes alcohol to do that.

"So, were you ever going to tell me that Dex is a professional..." he paused trying to find the right word. "Uh, prostitute?" he said.

"I think the term is `rentboy' but I'm not really sure. And I was never planning on telling you," I said, laughing.

"Fuck you," he said and smacked me on the shoulder. We sat at the table with the chairs turned toward the TV. Drago brought his old PS2 and a bunch of games so we'd have something to do in between fucking and sleeping. There's also a gym, so we may hit the gym at some point, too. He turned on the TV and flipped through the channels while we talked.

"I'm sorry I never said anything. I feel like it's his story to tell, not mine. Plus, how does that come up in normal conversation? Hey, interesting fact, Dex gets paid to let guys fuck him silly in a sling at this illegal underground club we've been going to," I said pretending to be excited by my `news'. Drago laughed.

"Yeah, I guess that isn't exactly something that people talk about in regular conversation. So, as long as we're on the subject of things people don't talk about, have Bax and Dex, you know, fooled around?" he asked. He turned red immediately afterward. He took a long drink of his soda and looked at the TV instead of me.

"Okay, you didn't hear this from me, but yeah, they fool around," I said. I really need to change this conversation because it's getting a little bit close to me telling about my part in the fooling around.

"No way! Seriously?" Drago exclaimed. Ah, to be innocent again, ha.

"Yeah. Bax told me once that they've been doing it since they were like eleven," I said. Fuck. I need to change the subject and quick. Is this a good time to ask about the Broncos? Crap, I really need to learn some new small talk.

"Damn. We should have started when we were eleven, dude," Drago said, slinging his arm around my shoulder. His scent is right in my face now--sexy Drago smell. God, I want him. I don't know what it is about his smell that gets me so riled up, but it really does. I need to wipe him down with a towel and keep that towel under my pillow, or something. Bax would probably wipe his ass with it, if I did, and ruin that pure Drago scent.

"I know, right? We never would have gone outside, though, and you probably never would have gone out for the football team. We'd be all weak and pale with big ol' hardons," I said and we started laughing.

"I could have lived with that," Drago said and we kept laughing. I looked over at him and watched as he laughed. He's so fucking attractive. He's tall, muscled, fantastic looking, hung so very well, he makes me laugh...we're perfect for one another. So why do I keep looking for excuses to fuck it all up? I love him and once I figured that out it was like the missing piece to the puzzle in my life was found. But for some reason I keep turning the piece the wrong way and refuse to put the puzzle together properly. Times like these I just want to put the puzzle together and walk away happy. Everything else is wrong. Like Aiden. I've always known that having a sexual relationship with him was a mistake and yet I kept going back and leading him on and eventually developing feelings for him. I so totally blew that. And ruined my chance with a great band and a great group of guys. What will I fuck up next? Who knows?

"Yeah, me, too. That's what welfare is for, right? We fuck all day long and welfare takes care of the rest?" I grinned at him.

"Sure, why not? I don't need college when I've got an almost eight inch dick to ride," he said.

"What a coincidence, me, too. Except the dick I get to ride is actually eight inches," I said and we started laughing again. The people in the room next door banged on the wall. I forgot that it's after three in the morning. "Sorry!" I called out as Drago and I shushed each other.

"Let's take a shower and go to bed," he whispered to me. I downed the rest of my soda and nodded, pulling my shirt over my head.

"Yeah, let's do that. Turn up the heat in here, would ya? I'm freezing my ass off," I said heading to the shower to turn on the water. We took a fairly long shower, partly because we were cold and trying to warm up under the hot water and partly because Drago had his cock up my ass about two minutes after we got in.

"Fuck, you have the perfect ass. I love it so much," he said, rubbing all around my ass and down the backs of my thighs. His touch is rough because his hands are calloused from football, weight lifting, repairing fences at his grandpa's place. But they feel almost electric as they caress my skin. I shuddered as he thrust inside of me. He sneakily brought the lube with him and fingered my hole before we even got into the shower.

"Your cock is so perfect, dude. I love how it feels inside of me," I moaned as he began pumping in and out of me faster and faster. The water sprayed my back and he held onto my hips as he fucked me. The rest of our conversation was a series of grunts, groans, and moans. I came first and roared out with an exclamation of pure animalistic pleasure. Drago kept going for another couple of minutes before his own animalistic cry. He thrust inside of me deep about a dozen times after he came. I didn't want him to let me go.

"C'mon, let's go to bed," he said after a few more minutes of rutting. I moaned when his cock slid out of my ass and he got under the water. Cum rushed out of my ass and I squeezed my ass tightly to keep some of it inside. We washed one another leisurely and then got out and dried off. Even with the heater in the room on and the hot showers, we were still freezing so we hurried up and got into the king sized bed.

"Love you," I said after Drago cuddled up behind me.

"Love you," he said back. He wrapped his arm around me. For once, I was glad that he's a furnace, because he kept me warm. In these moments all I want is for things to be like they were before I met my mom and brothers.

Drago drove me home Monday afternoon. We checked out of the hotel at 11 and then had a long lunch before he drove me back to the apartment. We hung out with Dex and Bax watching TV for a couple of hours, but Drago wanted to get home before it got dark, so he took off. I'm so lost without him. I really love being with him.

"What's wrong?" Dex asked me after Drago left. Bax was in the bedroom with Brad and Mom took our sisters to the movies, so it was just me and Dex cuddling on the sofa.

"I miss Drago already," I said and sighed. Dex grinned at me.

"I know. I'd miss him, too, if he were my boyfriend," he said and he sighed. I smiled back at him.

"So now that Bax has Brad," I sing-songed Brad's name because we do that to piss off Bax, "when are you getting a boyfriend?" I asked. Dex looked sad and I instantly felt like an ass for asking him.

"I don't know that I'll ever have a boyfriend, Vin," he said.

"Why not?"

"Who would want me, Vin? I get fucked by strangers for money. I've had sex with both of my brothers like a million times. And I've had sex with guys who were strangers like a million times. No guy wants a boyfriend who's such a huge slut," he said. He never took his eyes off the TV. I turned it off and made him look at me.

"Look, lots of people have a past and yet they find someone who loves them and who they love. It won't matter to the other person because they love you," I told him. He smiled at me like I'm an idiot and patted my leg.

"Yeah, but I'm never going to find that person with Bax around and you know that. Bax will never let me go. And I'm okay with that, but it means that I won't fall in love the way that you and Drago did," he said. I shook my head. He's totally resigned himself to this life where Bax will boss him around forever and he accepts it because he thinks that he's an unloveable slut. I don't get it. Except that I do. Bax has fed his head full of lies all this time. It's Bax that keeps telling him that he never needs to find a boyfriend because the two of them will always be together. Bax has convinced Dex that there's no need to find love outside of their relationship because Bax can't stand being alone.

"Dex, you are an awesome person and you will fall in love. Probably sooner than later. You just need to forget all the bullshit that Bax has told you about being with him. He's the one who can't stand being alone. He's the one preventing you from making healthy choices in your life. Keep looking, dude. Besides, Drago and I didn't even get together until we were 18. You have tons of time to meet someone," I told him. He still looked sad.

"Would you date me? I mean if we weren't brothers. Would you want a guy who's had over 200 dicks up his ass? Who's had three-ways with both of his brothers?" he asked. I nodded.

"Yeah. Because you rule," I said. "I thought you enjoyed our three-ways," I said with a note of irritation. I thought that he had all of this sex because he liked it, not because he's forced to. Of course it was always Bax who told me that Dex loves sex.

"I do. Some of the best sex I've ever had was with you and Bax," he said. My cock started getting hard when he said that. I guess it's some of the best sex I've ever had, too.


"Well, what if I can't give up having sex after I meet someone? What if I cheat on them like you do with Drago?" he said. Ahhhh, stick the knife in deeper, bro.

"Drago and I have an agreement," Jesus, it's like I have that statement on replay in my brain and it isn't even true. I'm such a prick.

"You're so lucky. Drago understands you and you get him. I don't know. I want to keep having sex like I do until I see you two together. Stop throwing your relationship in my face," Dex said and he smacked me on the chest. I grabbed his hand.

"If you want sex so much, why don't you climb up on this cock?" I said pulling my cock out of my sweatpants and shaking it at him. It's time to end this conversation. Dex will find love, I have no doubt, and Drago and I will be together eventually. It's how things are supposed to be. Dex went down on me enthusiastically. Yeah, I think he wants dick alright.

Bax and Brad spend a lot of time away from the apartment these days. Dex and I are pretty much inseparable. Which is good in some ways, and bad in others. I love Dex with all my heart, but he's not as charismatic as his brother. He relies on me for practically everything. I'd say that he's turning me into Bax. It's not a role I want but Dex is so used to being told what to do that he doesn't seem able to take care of himself.

Without Bax around to drive me places, I had to make Dex do it.

"Hey, Dex, you need to drive us to BJJ this afternoon," I told him as we were finishing up the girls' schooling for the day. Mom took the opportunity to ditch out as soon as Bax wasn't around and left the girls with me and Dex. I decided to help with their homeschooling since there wasn't a whole lot else to do and Dex was letting them watch TV all day.

"But, I can't drive. You drive us," he said nervously. I laughed.

"Dude, I can't get a license because of my epilepsy. Besides, I'll wreck the car if I have an episode while driving," I said.

"But you haven't had an episode in a long time. I don't want to drive," he whined.

"Do you know how to drive? I mean, I've seen your driver's license so I know you know how to drive, but I haven't seen you drive."

"I hate driving and Bax always does the driving. You drive. You won't have an episode in the car. We're only driving a couple of miles."

"I'm not risking it, dude. You will drive us," I said with an air of finality. Goddamn, Dex is whiny when he wants to be.

"Okay," he said dejectedly. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Dex, I need you. You'll do great, okay?" I said trying to boost his ego.

"Thanks," he said sadly. He's really dreading this and all he has to do is drive us down to BJJ and after boxing he'll drive us home again. I would drive us but if I get pulled over it will be a real hassle. Or if I do have an episode, we could end up dead. And Dex is wrong--I've been having episodes rather regularly lately. I just don't talk about it when it happens. Like if it happens when I'm with Bax, I make him promise not to say anything. Or if I'm alone, I make sure that no one finds out about it. That's the scariest, though--when I'm alone. I've heard stuff about guys biting their tongues off or hitting their heads on something and bleeding to death when they fall to the ground. I need to go see Dr. Winters to get my meds changed but it would mean telling him that things aren't working and then he'd want to do tests and I just don't want to go there right now.

Dex drove about five miles under the speed limit the entire way to the dojo. I thought we'd never get there. How two twins could be so different in some ways and so alike in others, I'll never know. We did our BJJ and then he sat and watched my boxing lessons. If I need anything, he jumps to get it. He's starting to get, well, obsessive. I have to admit, I don't hate it. He's like my valet, or something.

He drove us home, obviously more comfortable now because he actually drove the speed limit. He also took us to the drive-through at Taco Bell and paid for our food. He's always had this little crush on me that I've done nothing to dispel, but it's intensified since Bax got with Brad.

Bax wasn't home when we got home, so we ate and crashed out on the sofa and played video games until about one in the morning. Bax never did show up, so we went to bed. In bed, Dex rubbed his ass up against my cock until I was hard and humping against him. He reached back and led my cock into his ass. No lube, no spit even, just my precum and his desire. He and Bax both have a little bit of the pain pig in them. Okay, so do I. I don't know what it is, but we all like it rough. I guess that's why Bax is off with Brad--his huge cock tears a guy up inside. I'm not going there, but Dex has a bunch of times.

I leisurely fucked Dex on his side for a long time. Short, deep strokes that stimulated his prostate. He was hard the whole time and begged me to fuck him rough. I thought about Chris, my boxing instructor while I fucked Dex. I still want to bend that guy over. Maybe let him bend me over. But we've never gotten past the flirting or whatever it is that we do with one another. Too bad, really, because he's sexy fucking hot.

Oh, fuck, Dex just came. I fucked him and thought about someone else the whole time. Jesus. I need to take better care of him. If he's made me into Bax, I've taken on a lot of Bax's characteristics, too. Bax loves Dex, but uses him, too. And I'm pretty sure that Dex's crush on me is definitely increasing the more time we spend together.

I rolled him on his stomach. "Get on your hands and knees, boi," I growled in his ear. I need to get off quick since he's already cum.

"Yes, Daddy," he said and was on his knees in an instant, but his head and shoulders stayed on the bed. Fuck. He's calling me Daddy. My guess is that he does that with so many of his clients that it's habit by now, but still...alright, I have no right to be all judgy about this considering I'm fucking my brother.

"I'm gonna seed this pussy so full it's gonna overflow," I said into his ear. He moaned and started jerking his cock. He's going to cum again. Damn. He loves getting fucked. Hell, I love fucking his pussy. He never complains that I'm going too deep or hurting him. He just moans and begs for more.

"Yes, Daddy, breed my pussy. Make me pregnant with your babies," he groaned. Now that's one I haven't heard before. Dex wants my babies. Well, he's going to get them because I'm cumming.

"Oh yeah, bitch, here comes my load. Take it, fucking A!!!!" I yelled and poured about a ton of cum into Dex's ass. It actually did overflow around my cock and onto the bed. Dex is still jerking his cock. I kept fucking his ass, churning up the cum into cum butter until he came for the second time.

"Oh, Vin, that was so amazing," he said contentedly. I pulled out and he immediately went down and cleaned every bit of cum from my cock and my pubes. Once he was done thoroughly cleaning me, he cleaned up all the cum off the bed and went to the bathroom to clean himself up. I fell asleep before he came back. I could feel him shake his little ass up against me again but I didn't fully wake up. I wrapped my arm around him and we slept together for the rest of the night.

We woke up pretty much in the exact same position the next morning. Bax never came home. Dex and I got up late and found that Mom was gone and the girls were watching TV in their jammies. Mom left a note that said she had taken off for Vegas with Jason and wouldn't be back until Friday. Well, that certainly changes our plans for the week. I guess the girls will come to BJJ and boxing with us. I hope Mom left her car since she's got all the car seats in the back.

Dex got the girls ready while I made breakfast. Afterward, we took them to the park to play before it snows again. Evin, the middle sister, has a birthday February 3rd, then Morgan, the oldest, has a birthday February 11th, my birthday is February 15th, and Vivienne's birthday is February 22nd. I'm going to buy them all guitars and start giving them lessons. I've been playing for them every day and they seem so eager to play. A couple of weeks ago someone moved out and left behind a piano in their unit. Brad helped a couple of the complex's maintenance guys bring the piano upstairs so I'm going to give them piano lessons, too. I think my musical aptitude must have come from Mom's side of the family because my sisters have it, too. Bax and Dex don't seem to have as much interest, but I'm thinking that Dex may want to learn, too, once he sees the sisters playing.

The weeks flew by. The month of birthdays came and went quickly. It was crazy having birthday parties every week for a month. I've been teaching the girls guitar and piano and like I thought, even Dex has been learning some guitar. He seems to have more of an aptitude for the piano. I'm not all that great at piano so I'm thinking we're going to hire a piano teacher to come out and give lessons.

I've been playing with the band every weekend and Dex is working upstairs like usual. He's saving his money although I have no idea what for and he won't tell me. Bax is never around. I haven't seen him since Vivienne's 4th birthday. He and Brad showed up with armfuls of presents but were higher than motherfucker and made everyone a little bit uncomfortable. At least all of the people who weren't kids. The kids had a blast with all of the toys they brought.

It's St. Patrick's Day and Dex and I are working tonight. Drago is supposed to drive up to stay the night. We've booked our room at the hotel again. He did that for my birthday, too. He and his parents gave me cash to help fund my new acoustic guitar. It's a Gibson Acoustic Hummingbird Deluxe that some guy was selling on Craigslist for $1,500. It probably cost almost $5,000 new but he said he didn't buy it new and now he needs the cash. I had to take it to a guy who specializes in refurbishing guitars to have it repaired but for $500 it came out better than new. It's so gorgeous I can barely stand it. Tonight is my first night playing it on stage. I usually play my electric, but tonight I'm doing an acoustic thing by myself before our set. Zander has a date with some chick that he's been pining for and she finally agreed to go out with him if he'd take her to some art show. Hopefully, he gets here before our set or else I'm going to be singing lead tonight. Which isn't a terrible thing, I can sing a little, but I'd really prefer not to.

I played a few songs for a very small crowd before Zander showed up and we started our set. He said that he was so bored by that chick that he ditched her early to come play with us. Ha. Stupid girl. She could have scored the awesome Zander Whitaker but failed. He has the worst luck with girls. I keep telling him he'd do great with guys but he doesn't seem interested.

After our set, I was downstairs checking out the fights when I saw Bax come in. He wasn't fighting tonight, but was, like me, checking out the competitors. He hasn't fought since New Year's. He and Brad seem to be cleaning up selling drugs. I'm worried that they're going to get busted, but they don't seem all that concerned.

I went over to talk to them when a bouncer came over and grabbed me and Bax and told us that Dex was in trouble. We ran upstairs full speed and busted into the room where Dex was working. Some dude had blocked the door to Dex's room and we could hear Dex yelling at him to stop. We finally managed to bust the door down.

"Bax! Vin! Make this guy stop. I told him no and he said that I'd do what he wants. I told him that there are guys who would be more than happy to let him fist them but he said that he wants to fist me and me only. I don't want to be fisted," Dex blurted out and started to cry.

"Motherfucker! I'll kill you," Bax screeched and landed a punch to the back of the guy's head. The guy went down and Bax held him by the shoulders and slammed his head into the floor. The bouncer pulled Bax off the guy after a couple of minutes. Then he knocked the guy into the door jamb on the way out. I was at Dex's side unhooking him from the sling. I held him as he cried on my shoulder.

"He tried to rape me with his fist. I kept telling him to stop and he wouldn't," Dex wailed.

"Did he get in all the way?" I asked because I didn't see that the guy had actually penetrated Dex with his fist.

"No, I fought him the whole time, but it hurts where he kept punching me. He said that I needed to relax and he made me snort a bunch of poppers to get me to stop clenching," he said. I held him tight.

Bax and the bouncer, Lance, came back about twenty minutes later. Dex had finally calmed down and we were having drinks at the bar.

"We beat that sorry piece of shit's ass across the parking lot. He won't be back anytime soon and if he does come back, he'll get his ass kicked again," Bax exclaimed. He and Lance high fived. Dex looked relieved but still shaken by his experience. He's been lucky that he's had very few incidents with guys trying something he wasn't interested in. Especially since he likes it a little rough and is at least somewhat kinky. I wonder if this guy hadn't been such an asshole if Dex would have let the guy fist him.

Dex, Bax, and I ended up back upstairs after about a bottle of whiskey. Dex was off for the rest of the night but he'd left some of his stuff upstairs. When we got up there, lust pretty much took over and Dex ended up in his swing with my dick in his ass and Bax's down his throat. We switched and Dex eagerly sucked my cock down his throat. I knew those poppers were going to make him horny, but after what he'd been through I didn't think he'd want to fuck. I was wrong. I saw that they guy had left the poppers behind so I picked up the bottle from the floor and we passed them around a couple of times, making sure that Dex got a big dose.

I was back in Dex's ass and Bax was in his mouth when we heard someone pounding up the stairs in the hall. We were really high at that point--Bax also brought some blow, so we were fairly well fucked up. We kept fucking Dex because we figured whatever it was didn't affect us. Suddenly the door to our room starts opening.

"Hey, occupied! We're using this room," I yelled and tried to slam the door shut. Apparently we were a little bit too wasted to lock the door.

"Police, step away from the door!" a gruff voice shouted from the other side. My eyes widened and I pulled out of Dex with a loud popping noise.

"Hey!" Dex yelled. "That hurt!" he said. Bax had pulled out of Dex's throat just as abruptly. I guess Dex didn't hear the cop outside the door. "What are you guys doing? I haven't got off yet," he whined.

"Shut up, Dex, there's cops all over the place," Bax said after peeking into the hall.

"What? Oh fuck, get me down, quick," Dex said. Whatever high we were a minute ago was fading fast and we got dressed as fast as we could. A cop stood outside the door and told us that once we were decent he needed to book us and take us down to the police station.

"We were just fooling around, sir. Can't we go home, please?" Dex pleaded with the guy.

"No, son. Everyone's getting arrested and the legal system will figure out what to do with you after that," the officer said.

"Call Jason," I whispered to Bax. He moved to the corner furthest from the door and placed the call. The cop was getting impatient but we held him off until Bax got off the phone.

"Jason said to go along with whatever they want but Mom is going to have to bail us out. He told me that most likely the charges will get dropped Monday morning but we'll have to stay in jail until then unless Mom can bail us out," Bax said with an annoyed look on his face. I've never gone to jail, but Bax and Dex have been several times. This is totally fucked up.

We called the officer in and he placed us under arrest. He zip-tied our hands behind our backs and led us out to a police van. We were the last three to get in the van and the driver took off to the jail. I didn't recognize any of the other guys in the van.

No one was really talking except some jack off who kept saying things like, my dad will be so angry when he hears about this, heads will roll' and don't you know who my father is? He'll have your job for this.' The driver told him to shut up or he was going to stop the van and shut him up. The guy kept talking, but wasn't as loud after that.

Once we got to the jail, they fingerprinted us, took our pictures and measurements, checked us for identifying marks like tattoos and stuff. They took particular interest in my cock piercing. Assholes. Seems like everyone wanted to come take a look at it. I wished at a certain level that I could have pissed in their faces, but that wouldn't have helped my situation. Plus, Bax said we weren't going to get charged anyway, so we needed to be chill.

We were placed in holding cells in the basement. The cells were packed to the brim. It seems that they'd shipped about 100 guys, maybe more, from the club. Word was that the guy who tried to fist Dex had been so pissed off about not being able to fist Dex, and then getting his ass beat, he went to the cops. They were more than happy to shut the club down. I hope to God that no one touched my guitars or any of the band's equipment. I hope I can go and get my gear as soon as we get out of here. That fucking prick who fucked with the club! Now that it's been shut down, who knows if or when it will open again. I can't believe this. If the people who run the club can't get it back and running at the auto body repair place, they'll have to find another place to start a new club. That could be months. Fuck.

At about 1AM, Mom came in and bailed out Bax and Dex. She was crying and carrying on and Jason was trying to comfort her. She told me that she's sorry but that she doesn't have enough money to bail me out. I looked at Bax and he said that he gave all his cash to Brad to buy a bunch of meth and other stuff for resale and that this was all the cash he has. Dex started crying, too. He told me that he spent all his cash on a watch. A Rolex watch, specifically. I'm stunned. No one can bail me out. I'm stuck here until Monday. I can't believe that Dex spent all his hard earned (or is it hard-on earned?) money on a fucking stupid watch. He claims that some guy gave him a really good deal but I can't imagine wasting that kind of money on a fucking watch. Who even wears watches anymore? Where is he going to wear it? He's going to get his ass beat and have it stolen if he wears it the places we normally go.

Jason told the guys that they needed to get out of the station and take Mom home. He offered to let me make a phone call. I stared at the phone for a couple of minutes and decided to call Drago. I never did see him at the club and we were supposed to spend the night together. The cops confiscated my phone, so I don't even have it to see if he texted or called or anything.

"Hello?" he answered, obviously awoken by the phone.

"Hey, I've only got a couple minutes here. I'm in Weld County jail, can you come bail me out? I'm so sorry to have to ask, but my mom and brothers didn't have the cash to get me out. Otherwise I'm going to have to stay here until Monday morning for my arraignment," I said all in one breath.

"What?" Drago asked. It sounds like he's sick. His voice is froggy like he's got a cold or something.

"Weld County jail. There are bail bonds places up the street from the jail. I'll pay you back as soon as I can," I told him.

"Oh my God, Alvin! What happened? Nevermind, I'll be up there as soon as I can. I love you," he said.

"I love you, too, " I whispered and then hung up. Fuck I hated doing that. I never want to make a call like that again. Jason took me to a smaller holding cell. He told me that this one would be quieter and that I should try and get some rest until Drago gets here. He also assured me that the charges would be dropped Monday morning, but that there would be no way to get the bail money back. That sucks large. It's going to end up being like $2000 down the toilet by the time all of this is said and done. And I'm going to owe Drago big time.

Against all odds, I fell asleep. At about 4AM, Jason came to the cell and woke me up because Drago was here to get me. He'd driven up in the middle of the night, secured bail from some bail bonds place and then got me released. Once all of the paperwork was complete and the jail felt like it, apparently, they came and let me out of the cell.

We had to go down to some window to get my stuff that they confiscated when they arrested me. There was a huge line, but Jason came through again and got me taken care of as soon as we got down there. I was really glad to be out of there, obviously, but Drago was seriously pissed off.

"What the fuck, Alvin! Tell me what happened and don't leave out any details," he said once we got in his truck. He'd gotten the new F-150 Raptor in early March. This was my first time riding in it. Drago looked even sicker than he sounded. I felt horrible for dragging him into this but I didn't want to spend the weekend in jail.

I told him what happened, leaving out the part where Bax and I were fucking Dex. I tried to sound as sympathetic as possible, but Drago wasn't having it.

"I knew that club was trouble. The things that were going on there were fucking illegal as shit and you guys were right in the middle of all of it. I'm not surprised by this at all. And you are high as a kite, dude. I'm taking you home with me. We're going to Dr. Winters' office or the hospital or whatever as soon as I can get a hold of him," Drago told me in his crackling voice. What the fuck! I don't want to go to the hospital. I certainly don't want to see Dr. Winters. Why is Drago always such a goody-goody?

"Naw, man, just take me back to my Mom's place. I'll make an appointment to see Dr. Winters this week," I said. I am still pretty fucked up even though I haven't had anything to drink or any drugs in several hours, but I know enough that I don't want to go anywhere but home.

"Seriously, Alvin, I can't do that. Tonight was a warning. You need to see a doctor right away," Drago said. I don't know where he's getting that, but I've gotta figure out a way to get out of this. I'm not going with him if he's going to insist that I go to the hospital.

"How was this a warning? I got arrested being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I didn't have a seizure. I haven't had a seizure in a long time," I said crossing my fingers in my lap. Like that negates my lie, but hey, maybe it will help.

"But you've been making bad decisions, Alvin. Your brothers make terrible decisions with their bodies and their lives and you're doing the same thing. I can't watch you flush your life down the toilet," Drago said, stopping for a red light. I didn't stop to think about it, I just acted. I silently unlocked my door and then just as Drago stepped on the gas when the light turned green, I hopped out of the car. I rolled into the curb and then hopped up and ran for it.

Drago slammed on the breaks and got out of the car and started yelling my name. I ran for as long as I could--which turned out to be a long time. I guess all of my training is really paying off in that regard. I figured that Drago was going to go straight to my Mom's place, so I ran in the other direction. The only person who I know that lives in this area of town is Chris, my boxing instructor. I knocked on his door just before 6AM.

"Vin, what's going on?" he asked when he finally opened the door. He wore nothing but boxer briefs and looked sexy as fuck. I never got to cum earlier and suddenly that was all I could think about.

"The club got shut down and we all got arrested. I got out on bail, but my place is being watched. Can I hang here for a while?" I said, and brushed my hair out of my eyes. I gave him my sexiest look and licked my lips and stared at his crotch for a minute. Then I met his eye again.

"Of course, Vin, come in," he said and stepped aside to let me walk by. As soon as the door was closed, I made my move. I slammed him up against the door and pressed my lips to his.

"You are so fucking hot. I can't help myself," I said and stuck my tongue in his mouth. He protested and pressed against my chest.

"Vin, I'm not into that..uhhhh, you should stop," he said, his objections lessening as I sucked on his neck. He moaned as I licked his ear lobe and probed his ear.

"I think you'll really like everything I do to you, so just let me do my thing and we'll both be very happy," I said. He stopped pressing against my chest as hard and I went back to kissing his mouth. He opened his mouth to say something but I stuck my tongue inside his mouth instead. As soon as our tongues touched, he grabbed my shirt and pulled me into him. I rubbed my cock against his and I could feel his cock getting hard in his briefs. Our hard cocks yearned to be free.

"Where's the bedroom?" I growled at him.

"This way," he grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to the bedroom. I shed my coat and took my t-shirt off. I had my jeans unbuttoned by the time we got to the bed. He grabbed me and pulled me on top of him on the bed. We kissed passionately. He kisses so good. I ran my tongue in circles around the tip of his tongue. He moaned and leaned back and I kissed down his neck. I sucked a nipple in my mouth and sucked hard. His cock pushed up against me. I want to suck it but I'm taking my time.

"You turn me on so much," I said as I teased his other nipple with my tongue.

"Oh fuck, no one has ever played with my nipples before. I can feel it in my cock," he said and I sucked his nipple hard and gently bit the tip. I moved down his stomach, kissing all the way to the end of his cock. It was long and thin--probably 7 inches long and about 4 inches around. I worked the head with my tongue and then grabbed the shaft and started stroking it.

"I'm gonna take this all the way down my throat, but I don't want you to cum yet, okay?" I growled. I'm in a seriously animalistic mood tonight and I'm having trouble resisting the urge to shove my cock up his ass in one swift motion. He's a virgin, though. I've deflowered enough guys to know that I can't just fuck the living daylights out of him the first time. If I do it right, he might even cum and hopefully he'll come begging for more.

"Yes, sir," he moaned. Ha. Sir. I'm really liking that. I sucked his head in my mouth and worked my tongue over the backside. Then I took his cock in my mouth and pushed until it entered my throat. Fuck. This is so hot. I've wanted him for so long and I could never tell if he wanted it or not. I'd think that he did, but then he'd tell me about his girlfriend or the girls that he thinks are hot. I'm so glad I came here tonight.

I held his cock in my throat for a moment and then I started fucking myself with it. My gag reflex kicked and I nearly threw up, but caught myself. I kept working at it until I didn't gag anymore. He thrust up against me a few times. I could tell he was getting close. He kept spurting out precum into my mouth. I swallowed it all and worked his slit with my tongue to get more.

"Oh, God, Vin, I'm going to cum!" he said, alarmed that he was ready to cum already. I pulled off his cock and squeezed his nuts just a little bit too hard to bring him down. He cried out, more from frustration than pain.

"You got any lube?" I asked and he looked alarmed.

"Uh, yeah, but I've never done this before, so I'm not exactly sure..." he trailed off. I licked his cock and he yelped. "Fuck! Okay, it's in the bathroom in the drawer next to the sink," he said. I walked to the bathroom. My cock bounced along the way, standing out straight from my body. I found the lube and was stroking it onto my cock on the way back into the room. He watched me and bit his lip.

"What, babe?" I asked, although I knew what he was thinking. He sees my big cock and can't decide if he can take it or not.

"I had no idea you were so big," he said, still staring at my cock. Some pre leaked from the head. I caught it before it dripped on the floor and fed it to him. He hesitated to lick it from my fingers so I wiped it on his lips. He licked it from his lips and looked surprised.

"Tastes good, huh?" I said, straddling him. I started rubbing his hole with lube and he jumped a little. I grinned. "It's okay, just relax and let me do all the work. When the time comes, push out and keep pushing out until it's all the way in. Then we'll wait a little bit until you get used to having me inside of you. I'll go easy for your first time and we'll try to get you to cum," I said, now pushing a finger inside his ass. He was already pushing out.

"I kind of have an idea of what to do because I've done anal with my girlfriend a couple of times," he said. I squirted more lube and pressed a second finger inside of him.

"Have you used toys in your ass before?" I asked. He seemed to take what I was doing with him easier than I thought he would. He nodded.

"My girlfriend wanted me to try a dildo in my ass before I got to fuck her in hers. I kind of liked it, so I've done it a few times since then," he said blushing. I grinned at him.

"Good. The real thing will feel even better," I said and thrust a third finger in. "Do you still have that dildo?" I asked. He nodded toward the nightstand so I pulled out of his ass and opened the drawer. Inside was a dark blue vibrator. It was fairly standard--five inches, smooth, with an adjustable motor. I lubed it up and slowly pressed it in his ass. When it was all the way in, I turned on the power. He cried out and some cum spurted from the end of his cock. He does like it! I moved it in little circles and then bigger circles as he whimpered and writhed on the bed. He grabbed the sheets and held on so tight that he had white knuckles. I held it in his ass with one hand and pushed his leg back near his ear with the other. I pulled the vibrator out and shoved my leaking cock inside of him.

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh fuuuuucckkkk," he said as he adjusted to my full seven and three-quarters inch cock. I slowly rocked back and forth until he felt nicely opened up.

"You ready, babe?" I asked as I started pulling back.

"Yes, oh yeah."

"Here we go, the pain won't last long, so just go with it for a couple of minutes, okay," I said as I nearly pulled all of the way out. Then I pushed back inside and he had tears running down his cheeks.

"Okay, yeah. I'm already feeling so good and full," he told me. I pulled out and pushed in steadily for a long time. My head cleared and all I could think about was fucking. Pushing Chris' guts around with my powerful cock and making him want to cum from being fucked. Making him feel so good that he begs me to fuck him over and over again. I forgot about all that bullshit with Drago trying to take me to the hospital or whatever he was planning and focused all my energy on giving the best fuck ever.

"Oh my God, oh, oh, oh," Chris called out. I picked up my pace and my hips slapped into his. My balls were heavy with cum and I wanted to paint his insides so bad but I'm not ready to cum. I want this to last longer. I finally got up in Chris and I'm not just going to pump and dump him. I went back to the slow steady motions. I hit Chris' prostate and his hips bucked forward.

"That's it, babe," I growled and he started breathing heavily as I pounded that spot. Suddenly cum shot from his cock like an arrow. He practically screamed and then it happened again. I didn't let up on his prostate and he shot another three strong streaks. I roughly rolled him onto his back and thrust inside of him will all my strength. It took about a minute of fucking him hard from behind and I emptied my balls into his newly minted pussy. I let out a shout of my own as cum burst from the end of my cock at least seven times.

After a few minutes of erratic thrusting in his hole, I let go of his hips and pulled out. He clenched shut around my cock and none of my cum escaped. He's going to have bruises on his hips because I gripped him so hard. That won't be easy to explain when he showers at the gym. I grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled it around so that I could kiss him. He moaned appreciatively.

"That was so great. The best," he mumbled into my mouth. "I always knew that I liked having something in my ass but I didn't know it could be like that," he told me when we broke apart from the kiss.

"It just keeps getting better, too," I told him and slapped him on the ass. He grinned at me and I smirked back.

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower. Unless you want one first?" he asked me. I like that he's asking me. Like we both know who's in charge in the bedroom. He may be my trainer in the ring, but I'm the boss in bed.

"Naw, go ahead. I'll take the next one," I said, propping up the pillows and leaning against them on the bed. I took out my phone and went through my messages. Chris got in the shower and I could hear him singing. This is nice. I'm really glad I came to his place tonight. With everything else going on in the rest of my world, it's cool to have somewhere to escape.

I texted Bax and Dex to see what was going on at our apartment. Bax texted me back first. He said that Drago was sleeping in his truck out in front of the apartment.

Me: Why didn't he come inside?

Bax: I went out to the truck after he got here but he said he would wait out there. I went back again and woke him up and told him to come inside to sleep in our bed but he refused.

Me: Stubborn

Bax: Not like you at all

Me: Ha

Bax: When are you coming home?

Me: Let me know when he leaves

Bax: Kk, love you

Me: L Y

There were a few other messages that I responded to, including one from Aldon who I rarely hear from. Ron keeps him on a short leash--literally and figuratively. He (or they, since I don't think Aldon makes any of his own decisions) wants me to come out and visit over spring break. I texted him that I would consider it, but that I'm broke and would need him to pay for it. He texted me back right away that he would take care of all of my expenses. Hmmm, looks like I may have a trip to Pennsylvania in my future.

Chris came out of the shower looking sexy as fuck with the towel wrapped low around his hips. He's pretty bushy down below and the hair stuck out in tufts above the towel. I pulled it free and dropped it on the floor. His cock was already hard and bounced up.

"Ready for round two?" I asked and pulled him on top of me. We made out for a few minutes and my cock and his rubbed together.

"I really want to but I was supposed to be at the gym almost thirty minutes ago. I'm supposed to open today," he said while I sucked a hickey on his neck. "Hey, are you giving me a hickey?" he asked, moving away from my lips. "Fuck, how am I going to explain that?" he said. I laughed and he gave me a dirty look.

"I'll give you a ride wherever you want," he said, "but I have to get to work," he did an exaggerated frown. I licked his lips and we kissed a little bit more.

"Okay. Let me check my messages and see if the coast is clear at home," I told him. He got back up and squeezed the precum from his cock. He swiped it off and then sucked it from his fingers. Damn that's hot. This guy is so unintentionally sexy. God he turns me on. I did the same but made him eat the pre from my fingers. He sucked them in and I swear I almost made him drop to his knees to give me a blowjob. I have a feeling he gives fucking amazing blowjobs.

I had a text from Bax that said that Drago left about five minutes ago. He apparently woke up and left without saying anything to them. Weird, but whatever. He probably realized how angry he is with me. I texted Bax that I'd be home in a few. That Chris is driving me. I hadn't mentioned where I was before and Bax went batshit when I said his name. Ha. I don't like to kiss and tell, but in this instance, I have to brag to Bax that I bagged our boxing coach.

Chris and I chatted amicably on the way to my apartment. He's a fun guy and smart, too. Under other circumstances, I'd be trying to get him as my boyfriend. Who knows? Maybe I will anyway. I watched out for any familiar vehicles as we pulled up, but didn't see any. Chris and I fist bumped and I got out.

"See you tonight for lessons," I said.

"Yeah, be ready. I'm expecting you to be ready for everything I throw at you," he said with a wink.

"As long as you're ready for everything I have to give," I said, returning the wink. He grinned at me. I turned and started up the stairs. I looked back and we both waved and he drove off. When I got upstairs, Bax was waiting at the door, practically bouncing up and down.

"Oh my fucking fuck, Vin. That was totally Chris. You dog. You motherfucker," he exclaimed. I shushed him since I could see that our sisters' door was closed and they were presumably still sleeping. He grabbed my jacket and pulled me into the kitchen.

"What, dude?" I played innocent.

"You can't come in here and pretend that you don't know what I want to know," he said. I grinned at him and turned to the coffee maker.

"Where's the coffee?" I asked, getting out the makings for the darkest coffee we have. I just realized how tired I am. The only sleep I got last night was in that jail cell and that was fairly chaotic.

"Sorry, didn't think of it," Bax said looking at me expectantly. "So, did you pop that pussy?" he asked, not in the mood to wait for me to tell my story.

"Yeah," I said and smiled big.

"I knew it!" he yelled and he hugged me tight. I shushed him again but then started giggling. He joined me and Dex came in with a curious look. His cock pushed his briefs out leading the way.

"What's so funny?" he asked as he stretched.

"Vin fucked Chris," Bax whisper screamed at him.

"No way!" Dex said to me with an envious look now. I don't know if he was jealous that I fucked Chris or that Chris got fucked by me.

"Yeah, but it's not like news to spread around so let's keep it between us," I told them firmly. I finished my coffee and stuck another cup in the Keurig. "Coffee?" I asked Dex. He shook his head `no'. I turned to Bax and he nodded. I loaded the machine for him and then put cream in my own.

"I don't even know why we're awake. I'm going back to bed. C'mon, Vin, come with me," he said needily. My cock stirred.

"Damn, lil bro, why don't you get on your knees and suck him here?" Bax said. I shot him a dirty look.

"Fuck off Bax," Dex said and he grabbed me by the hand. "I missed you Vin, come to bed," he said. I set down my coffee and took off to the bedroom with Dex. Yeah, Dex is acting pretty horny but Bax always tries to make him feel like shit for it. I wish he didn't feel like doing that. Dex is too good to his twin.

"I want you so bad, Vin," Dex whispered in my ear and he started taking off my clothes. I let him strip me down to nothing and then he started kissing me all over my body. He led me over to the bed and I laid down. He started at my feet, massaging them and then he sucked my big toe in his mouth. I moaned and threw my head back as he sucked each toe individually and then a few at a time.

"That's so goooooddd," I drawled out.

"I'll do anything you want, Vin. I'll do anything to make you happy. I love you so much. Don't ever leave me, Vin," he said, looking me straight in the eye as he sucked my toes. He licked and kissed his way up my legs until he got to my package. He gently lifted my cock and then sucked my balls into his mouth. He still couldn't get both of them in his mouth, but he loved to try. He worked them with his tongue and lips. Then he licked underneath, to my taint, and then he pressed my legs back and feasted on my hole. Fuck. It's been a while since anyone has rimmed my ass. I forgot how good it feels to get tongue fucked.

I was really moaning and making a lot of noise while Dex thrust his tongue in and out of my hole. He got deep inside and fondled my balls at the same time. Bax came in and watched us while he stroked his cock.

"Lube up your pussy and ride my cock, Dex," I commanded. Dex immediately hopped off the bed and got the lube out of the nightstand and started working his fingers into his hole. He had three inside of himself and was pushing a ton of lube up there. Hell yeah. This is going to be fun. He climbed on top of me and sat down slowly on my cock. I put my hands behind my head and watched as he started fucking himself on my pole.

"Yeah, lil bro, ride that fucking cock," Bax said from the doorway. He kept stroking his cock watching us. I beckoned him over.

"Dex, get on your knees, Bax, eat my ass while I fuck Dex," I ordered. Both guys were in position upon my command and soon I was having my ass rimmed while I was embedded inside of Dex's pussy. Fuck it felt amazing. I swear I could cum like this and never thrust once.

Bax pulled back and started moaning. He was cumming. He had stroked himself to completion while he ate my ass. I began slamming my cock into Dex and soon I erupted inside of him. His cock stood up straight, a hard rod pointing to the ceiling. I pulled off of him and took his cock in my mouth and sucked him off. He whimpered and then cried out loudly as I swallowed his load. He kept cumming and I had to swallow two more times to stop it from leaking out of the corners of my mouth.

"I've never cum so hard," Dex panted out. "That was so incredible. Sex is so much better when you're in love," he practically swooned. Hmmm. I'm not sure this is exactly what I was going for with Dex. I love him and want to treat him special--the way that Bax should but doesn't. But I don't necessarily want him in love with me. I've had problems with that in the past, ahem, Aiden. But our sex was great and we do already live together. I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon. Plus, I kind of like what he said about doing `anything' to please me. I could use someone to do all of my bidding. Quinton used to do that for me, but now he's with Landry. I still can't figure that one out. They're both so submissive, who the hell tops? I found out about those two getting together after Christmas. Apparently working together at the music store brought them closer together. Then they compared notes and discovered that I'd popped both of their cherries. That was all they needed to fall madly in love. Or something like that. I don't really know, but they are a couple now. I was really surprised that Landry came out. I thought he was too deep in the closet to make it public, but he and Quinton have made it known that they are a couple. Good for them, I guess.

So anyway, maybe Dex can be my new Quinton. It's going to take some effort to get him to be more proactive. He's so used to being told what to do and how to do it that he doesn't seem able to make decisions on his own.

"That was so hot," Bax said after he came back from the bathroom. I took my turn in there and then got in bed with Dex. I cuddled up against his ass, sliding my cock between his cheeks. Bax got in behind me and did the same and soon we were all asleep.

Next: Chapter 24

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