In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Jun 18, 2020


Chapter 23

Quinton called around 5PM and told me that he was picking me up for my appointment with Dr. Winters at 8:30 the next morning. The snow stopped mid-afternoon and the storm moved out over the plains, so things were starting to get back to normal. Drago decided to ride along with us.

Friday morning rolled around and Quinton arrived a half hour early. Mom invited him in for breakfast. He seemed relieved. I don't think he's enjoying living in a hotel room over the break. His parents are in California so he doesn't have anyone to spend Christmas with except for me. I'm thinking that I may ask him to stay in the guest room. That may be too awkward, so I'm not sure.

Dr. Winters chatted with Quinton and Drago for about 20 minutes before I was shown into an exam room. Yao was there and he gave me a couple of sexy looks, but I was a good boy and didn't make any moves on him. Well, I grabbed his ass once, but other than that, I was a good boy. Drago and Quinton headed to the waiting room so that I could be alone with Dr. Winters.

"How are things?" he asked while shining the pen light in my eyes. Fuck I hate that more than just about anything.

"Great," I said, not elaborating.

"I hear you've been drinking? And smoking weed?" he asked as he looked in my ears and down my throat. I wondered if he could see Drago's cum since I sucked him off this morning. Ha.

"Yeah, here and there," I replied.

"Quinton keeping you in line?"

"More or less."

"Alright, Alvin, let's stop this right now. I don't want cliché answers and you don't want me to ignore that you've manipulated both Quinton and Drago into letting you get away with whatever you want. So let's cut the bullshit and get to the real deal," he said, suddenly angry. I knew this was coming, but I wasn't looking forward to it.

"So, what do you want from me?" I asked, somewhat defensive.

"I want the truth. You've been drinking--how much?"

"Most days. Sometimes a lot. Like half a bottle of hard stuff or a six-pack or more of beer."

"Okay. Jesus. How about marijuana? How often and how much?"

"Every day. Usually a couple of joints before I go to BJJ."

"Ahhh. BJJ?"

"Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. I train Monday through Thursday. I'm a red belt now."

"Uh huh," he wrote everything down in his pad. I wonder what he would do if I lit all of his pads on fire? "And boxing, is that right?"

"Yeah, I go to boxing after BJJ," I said. He put his pad down and looked at me with a very serious look on his face.

"No more," he said. I looked at him a bit confused.

"What do you mean `no more'?"

"No more booze, no more weed, no more BJJ, no more boxing. None of that is helping you heal from your head injury. Are you still playing guitar?" Well, duh!

"Yes, whenever I can. My new band plays most Friday and Saturday nights at the club," oh boy, that was a mistake. I just never seem to be able to keep my mouth shut, do I?

"Your new band. Didn't I tell you that I don't want you playing on stage with the lights and the noise?" he said undoubtedly exasperated.

"What do you want me to do? You won't let me go to college, you won't let me play in either one of my bands, you won't let me do BJJ or boxing. What am I supposed to do? Sit and stare at the wall?" I shouted.

"There are so many things that you could be doing. Those are just a few out of the millions of things that may help you," he replied coldly. "Your life is different than it was before the accident. I understand that it's hard to adjust after such a drastic and permanent change. But you cannot keep doing things that make things worse. You will die at a very young age if you keep fighting me on this," he yelled at me.

"Look, I know you care and all, but seriously, the only thing I want to do is play guitar. And playing guitar means that I will play in a band. If I play in a band we will do shows, we may record music, tour, make more music," I said with a tinge of desperation. He's taking everything I love away from me. Okay, I know that's a little bit over the top, but what the hell am I going to do without my music, BJJ, boxing, college...take up knitting?

"Alvin, I know this is difficult to hear, but you aren't getting any better because you refuse to take care of yourself properly. The decisions you make now will make your life difficult later. I don't want you to suffer because you drank yourself stupid while you were on anti-convalescents. I don't want you to suffer because you smoked yourself stupid while you were drunk. I don't want you to suffer because you stroked out while having yet another epileptic seizure," he ranted. Whatever. None of that's going to happen.

"I haven't had a seizure in a long time," I replied.

"We can't predict when or if you're going to have a seizure. We don't know what kind of seizure you may have at any given time. It's like earthquakes--difficult to nearly impossible to predict and when they occur it could be anything from no side effects to complete destruction. Why don't you see that? Why aren't you trying to help yourself?"

"I'm fine, that's why," I said. Even I knew that was ignorant. "I'm sorry," I said a moment later after he gave me the most incredulous look. "I don't want to be `special' or different. I just want to play guitar and hang with my friends. I'd be in college right now, taking classes with Drago, playing some local shows. Or I'd be in LA with my band, getting ready to record songs or play at a club. But I can't because my head is fucked up. Everything that I want or need to do is fucked up because my head is fucked up. I can't take it anymore!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face. Fuck me, I'm having a total breakdown. I must look like the biggest pussy.

"Alvin, you know that I care very deeply about you and only want what's best, right?" Dr. Winters grabbed me and wrapped his arms around me. I cried into his shoulder.

"Then why won't you let me do anything that I want to do?" I whined.

"I'm trying to prepare you for a life where you can do those things, but now you have to take it easy and heal your brain before any of that can happen," he said patting my hair.

"What if I never heal? Then what good was waiting?"

"Alvin, come on. You have to try healing before you throw your life away."

"Is that really what you think I'm doing?"

"Not exactly. But I want you to consider how your decisions now can hurt you later in life. Why won't you try?" he pleaded. I stopped crying and sniffled for a minute until he handed me a tissue. I thought about what he said. Why won't I try? What am I afraid of?

"I feel like all of these opportunities are passing me by...first college, then going to LA with my band, now boxing and BJJ. What's next? Guitar?" I said.

"I don't want to take your life from you. I need you to focus on healing now. The opportunities will be there when you're healed or new opportunities will arise. You will have so many opportunities in life besides these," he said and he hugged me again. "You'll see that my way is the best way to ensure a long and happy life," he told me. I rolled my eyes into his sweater, but I didn't say anything.

"So now what?" I asked after our hug ended. He gave me a serious look. Please no hospital.

"I want you to move back to Boulder," he said.

"What? No, come on," I said. I don't want to move back yet. This sucks.

"Yes, I think it's for the best. You do better when you and Drago are together. Which reminds me, are you still engaging in dangerous sexual behavior?" he asked. Jesus. Really?

"I don't see it as dangerous," I replied. As if that's what he wanted to know.

"So, that's yes?"

"I don't know. Yeah, I'm having sex with other guys besides Drago, if that's what you're asking," I mumbled looking anywhere but at Dr. Winters.

"Okay, what kinds of sexual activities have you engaged in and with how many people?" he asked. He had his pen and pad out again. Fuck me, is he really going to write this all down?

"I don't know," I mumbled. "Do you have to write it down?"

"It helps me remember if I record the details of our meetings," he said.

"I thought you were recording this anyway."

"I am, but I like having notes on paper, too."

"Fine, whatever, so I'm fucking Bax and Dex and Quinton gives me blowjobs, although we had sex a couple of days ago," I said quickly. He wrote all of that down in his notebook.

"Okay, refresh my memory, who are Bax and Dex? And by sex, do you mean anal penetration?" he asked. I blushed. I don't want to discuss this with him. I let out a huge sigh.

"Bax and Dex are my half-brothers that I live with up in Greeley. And yes, anal penetration. And blow jobs, and rimming," I said looking out the window. I still couldn't meet his stare. More writing.

"So you're engaging in incest?" he asked, more as a statement to himself.

"Yeah, so?" I asked. He didn't reply.

"Wait, you said Quinton, your Quinton, this Quinton?" he pointed to the waiting room with an alarmed look on his face.

"Yeah, how many Quinton's do you think I know?"

"Oh, okay," he said, sighing himself. "Do you use condoms?"


"I didn't think so. Anything else I should know about?" he asked.

"I can't think of anything," I told him.

"Use of any other drugs?"


"Other sexual encounters?"


"Okay. Let me think for a minute," he said thoughtfully chewing on the end of his pen. I started tapping my fingers on my lap like I was playing guitar. I tapped out a couple of songs before he reached over and silenced my hands with his own.

"I won't put you back in the hospital if you move back to Boulder," he finally told me. I shook my head `no'.

"You gotta do better than that, Dr. Winters," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I can't, Alvin. I need to monitor you better than what I've been doing. I can't do that if you're in Greeley. Move back here, and we can talk about you going to LA in three months," he said with an air of finality. Three months! He's crazy. What happened to January?

"So not until March?" I yelled. This is ridiculous! I have to get to LA before that. He can't keep me here.

"I was thinking April," he said.

"Yeah, I'll think about it," I said, jumping up off the examination table. I never got undressed so I walked to the door.

"What do you mean by that?" he asked. He grabbed my arm before I could leave the room.

"I mean that I'll consider what you've said and if I decide that I want to, I'll move back to Boulder. But for now, I'm staying in Greeley. So figure out what you want to do with me, but plan on me not being here," I said and shook myself free. I walked out to the lobby.

"Let's go," I said. Drago and Quinton both jumped up with confused looks.

"What about your appointment?" Quinton asked.

"Where's Dr. Winters?" Drago asked. I walked out of the office. Quinton ran after me but Drago turned to go find Dr. Winters. I went to the stairs and started jogging down to the street.

"Do you have another appointment?" Quinton called out from behind me. I didn't answer and opened the door to the street and walked outside. I took a huge deep breath when I stepped outside. The crisp air froze my lungs for a second. I took a couple more deep breaths and Quinton caught up to me.

"What's wrong, Vin?" he asked, very concerned. I shrugged.

"Everything, nothing," I said looking up into the sky. The sun was hidden under clouds but it isn't supposed to snow today. I started walking toward the music store.

"Where are you going?" Quinton called out and ran to catch up to me again.

"Let's go introduce you to Landry and his dad," I said on a whim. Quinton jogged to keep up with me.

"I'll text Drago to let him know where we're going," he said and stopped to text. I kept walking. My mind is going a mile a minute. I can't believe what Dr. Winters said. I won't believe it. I'm not doing it. He can fuck right off. I'm going to LA as soon as I can get someone to drive me out there. I'll get another doctor who knows what the fuck he's doing and get clearance to fly. Then I can do the whole rock star thing and everything will be fine. How dare Winters tell me to throw away my dreams? To get this close and have him take it all away...fuck him.

I got to Jensen's Music and went inside. It was nice and warm inside and Landry was behind the counter staring off into space.

"Hey," I said and he snapped back to it.

"Alvin!" he yelled and ran out from around the counter and picked me up and swung me around. I laughed and it felt really good.

"Landry!" I yelled back.

"I'm so glad to see you. I didn't know if you were mad at me or what," he said.

"Of course not. I thought you were mad at me, though," I told him. I wanted to kiss him, but I figured his dad was in the back and I didn't want to out him or something.

"I kind of was. I'm sorry. I had no right to be mad. I know you've had a lot going on," he said and he hugged me again. I nuzzled into his neck and gave him a quick bite. He yelped and jumped back.

"Hey!" he said, holding the spot where I bit. I raised my eyebrows a couple of times and he blushed.

"Sorry," I said grinning. Quinton and Drago busted in the front door a moment later, breaking up our moment.

"Alvin, what's going on with Dr. Winters? He wouldn't tell me anything except that he can't help you if you won't help yourself," Drago blurted out. Everyone turned to look at me.

"He won't approve me for air travel until at least April. Fuck him," I said looking at no one in particular.

"It must be for the best," Quinton said. I shrugged.

"Dr. Winters is a hack. I'm getting a new doctor," I said and went and flipped through a magazine in the racks by the cash register.

"He's the best in Colorado. Who are you going to get that's better?" Drago said like I was an idiot.

"Someone in LA. I'm sure there are better doctors there. Someone who will see how important it is to get me flying again," I said.

"I don't see that happening, Alvin. Dr. Winters has consulted with every specialist in the world practically. If he says no flying, then I don't think you can fly," Drago said. I stared at a picture of Yo Yo Ma in the magazine and tuned out everything the others said. I could hear some of it--have to take better care of yourself, can't ignore Dr. Winters, your brothers are a bad influence on you--but most of it I disregarded. I thought about Aiden coming. Maybe he can drive me to LA. He has a car. He'd mentioned wanting it in LA. I'm getting tired of having a handler. I need some time to myself. Away from Drago, Quinton, Dr. Winters. Away from everyone here. In LA everything will be better.

"Alvin! Alvin are you okay? Is he having a seizure? What do we do?" I heard Landry yell.

"Don't let him bite his tongue," Quinton called out. I realized I was laying on the floor. When did that happen? I leaned back and opened my eyes.

"Don't put your wallet in my mouth, dude," I said as Quinton tried to shove something in my mouth.

"Oh, you're back. Drago went to get Dr. Winters," Quinton leaned back on his heels and looked at me. "You're so pale. What do you need?" he asked.

"Fucking nothing, dude. I'm getting out of here before Drago drags Dr. Winters down here. They'll just want to put me back in the hospital and fuck if I'm spending Christmas in the hospital," I said scrambling up. I took off out of the store and ran down to catch the bus that just pulled up at the corner. I still had my bus pass in my wallet so I flashed it and sunk down in a seat in the back row. There weren't many people on board, an older couple sitting at the front and a guy that looked vaguely familiar sitting in the row in front of me. He turned to look at me.

"Alvin Jacobs?" he asked. I looked at him closely. Who the fuck?

"Yeah," I answered, still trying to place who this guy is.

"I'm Houston, Houston Rodgers," he said holding out a hand.

"Hey man, right you were a year ahead of me in high school," I said shaking his hand.

"Yeah, totally. Hey, I heard you're in a band," he said getting up to sit next to me.

"I am. We're called The Four Horsemen," I told him. He grinned.

"That's fucking awesome. I heard you play at the Palladium a few months ago."

"That was my first show with the band."

"Seriously? I never would have guessed," Houston said. Fuck me. Houston Rodgers. He was another dirt head stoner that hung out at the back of the school instead of going to class. I wasn't even sure he'd graduated.

"What you up to?" I asked. I took a moment to glance over my shoulder to see if there were any cars chasing the bus, but I didn't see any.

"Working at Trader Joe's during the day, partying at night. Same old," he said and we bumped fists.

"Cool. Still see the same kids from high school?"

"Naw, mostly people I work with at TJ's or some people from the Chili's in the parking lot," he said. "How about you? You still hang with the same guys?"

"No. Mostly Drago Jenkins, Landry Jensen, Malcolm Berry," I named off. "I live up in Greeley most of the time and I hang with my brothers," I added.

"Jocks, huh? Yeah, I don't really know those guys. Who are your brothers? You mean Aldon?" he asked. I guess he knows my older brother.

"Naw, I have younger brothers, Bax and Dex Ward," I said. He nodded.

"Don't know them. Aldon still around?" he asked with a certain twinkle in his eye. Huh. What does he know about Aldon?

"No, he's attending U of Penn out in Philly," I told him.

"Oh yeah? I thought he would stick around with Ethan," Houston said.

"Yeah. He and Ethan had a...unique friendship," I said and Houston started laughing. I laughed with him. I think he knows more about Aldon than I ever did.

"Unique, you're a crack up, dude," he said and we fist bumped again. "Aldon got fucked by every guy at school because Ethan told him to. I know he's your brother, but damn, what a slut," Houston kept laughing. Holy shit. Apparently I was the last person to know that Aldon was bending over for anyone and everyone.

"Yeah, he's still doing that shit at school. His roommate is his master these days," I said.

"Ha ha. He's such a fucking fag," I didn't say anything. I know I should defend Aldon and mention that I'm gay and that he should keep his filthy fucking mouth shut, but I don't want to fight this guy. I just sat there and thought of a million things that I should say to Houston, but couldn't bring myself to say out loud.

"Watch any football last weekend?" I managed to spit out a little bit later. My go to. Although the playoffs are starting and the Broncos are well out of contention so general football will have to do.

"Hell yeah, dude. I'm a big Steelers fan," he said. Ewww. He's really not endearing himself to me right now. First the whole fag thing and he's a Steelers fan? Jesus.

"Cool," I said instead of telling him what a loser he is. I guess he probably knows that considering he works part time at a grocery store and doesn't appear to have a girlfriend.

"You dating anyone?" he asked. It was like he could hear my thoughts.

"Naw, not since I broke up with Angelique Williams," I said. Again, I'm a chicken shit. This I know.

"Damn, she's one fine piece of ass. Why'd ya break up with her?" he said licking his lips. Damn this guy is a jackass.

"I'm moving to LA and I didn't want some long distance thing. How about you, gotta girlfriend?" I asked turning this conversation back to him.

"No, not for a while. There's this chick at work that I want to hook up with but she's got this boyfriend so I'm still working on that," he said. Sure. That's why she won't go out with you. I wonder if Houston is a virgin. I mean, what girl would want him?

We sat in silence as the bus trudged through the freezing snow on the streets. I wasn't actually sure where I was going. I didn't want to go back to the apartment. I don't want to run into anyone I know. I thought about who I could call but was coming up blank.

"Alvin, you wanna go get high at my place?" Houston asked, showing me a bag of weed he had in the pocket inside his jacket. Finally, he's speaking my language.

"Sure," I said. When he stood up to get off the bus, I followed him. Well, at least I have somewhere to go now. We walked a couple of blocks from the bus stop to a dingy looking house. He unlocked the door and we went inside. It was ice cold in there. Houston turned on the heater but didn't take off his coat.

"Sorry, can't afford to heat the house when no one's here, so it will be a while before it warms up," he said. I'm pretty sure that you're not supposed to turn the heater off during the day because your pipes will freeze, but it's not my house, so who cares.

"Wanna chip in for a pizza?" he asked, bringing out two beers. I don't have a lot of cash, but since he's providing the weed and apparently beer, I can chip in for pizza.

"Sure, who should we order from?" I asked as I tried to look around inconspicuously. There wasn't much furniture and what there was looked like it came from the garbage. A lot of rattan pieces in need of repair. It wasn't clean by any stretch but there wasn't any trash lying around. It had the smell of cat piss that never washed out of the carpet. Truly delightful, I assure you.

"Dominos?" he asked. I hate Dominos.

"Pizza Hut?" I countered.

"I think I have some coupons for Pizza Hut," he said and he disappeared into what I assume is the kitchen. He came back with a handful of coupons. Damn. I think he orders pizza a lot.

"Here we go. Buy one get one free on two topping medium pizzas," he held the coupon out to me. I took it, unsure what he wanted me to do with it.

"You call. They won't come if I call because the manager hates my guts. Hey, do you remember Trace Musgrave? He's the manager at the Pizza Hut," Houston told me. I thought about it for a second.

"You mean the quarterback from the football team?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's him. How the mighty have fallen," Houston laughed. I shook my head. Hmmm. Well, I guess that it's worse for the former football stud to end up working at Pizza Hut than it is for a dirt head stoner to end up at Trader Joe's. I wondered why Drago and his crew didn't hang out with Trace. He's too busy slinging pizzas apparently. Wow. I wonder if he even got into college.

"Alright, what do you want on your pizza?" I asked him, pulling out my phone.

"Pepperoni and mushroom," he said. "You can get whatever you want on the other one." Nice, I can get pepperoni and black olives and don't have to get a supreme to make Drago happy. I turned on my phone and ordered our pizzas. Houston went to the bathroom and locked the door so I sat on a rickety chair at the dining room table and scanned my messages. I suppose I'm currently missing, but I don't feel like letting anyone know where I am or that I'm okay right now. I'm too busy avoiding all of that.

There were texts and voicemails from pretty much everyone I know here in Boulder. I thought about deleting them all, but decided that I should leave them and pretend I never saw them. Just as I was about to turn my phone off again, a text came through from Aiden.

Aiden: I'm here motherfucker!!!!!!!

Me: Fuck yeah! How'd you get into town?

Aiden: Planes started taking off this afternoon and I managed to charm this chick at the ticket counter into getting me on the first plane to DIA

Me: Nice! I can't wait to see you

Aiden: Me 2

Me: Whatcha doin now?

Aiden: Not much. Literally just walked in the door at my mom's place. How bout u

Me: Hanging with a guy from high school at his place. Waiting on a pizza

Aiden: Cool. Want some company?

Me: Definitely. This guy is freaking me out

Aiden: Give me the address. I'll be over in a few

I typed in the address after going outside to see what the number was on the front of the house. I'd seen the street name as we walked up so I didn't have to search that out. Houston still hadn't come out of the bathroom and I didn't really know what to do about that. I mean, I don't really want to talk to him if he's taking a shit, so I sat back on the rickety chair and opened up a game on my phone.

About thirty minutes later the pizza arrived and as the pizza guy was walking back to his car, Aiden pulled up. I ended up paying for all of the pizza since Houston was still doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom. Even jerking off wouldn't take that long. Who knows, maybe it does for him.

I pulled Aiden into a big hug before we went inside. He looked, felt, smelled, sounded, and probably tasted amazing. I didn't kiss him yet, though.

"This guys a total homophobe, I'll explain later. So pretend that we're just some straight dudes hanging, kay?" I whispered in his ear. Aiden started laughing.

"Cool," he said. We went inside and Houston finally emerged. I think he hung out in there until the pizza came so he didn't have to pay. Whatever. Like I said, this guy is a total jackass.

"This is Aiden, he's the singer in my band," I said. "He just got back into town so I invited him over," I told him. He fist bumped Aiden.

"Sup, dude," he said and then he opened up the pizza box and pulled out a piece and started eating. "Sorry, no plates," he said with a mouthful of food. I turned to Aiden and shrugged. I opened the other box and offered it to Aiden. He took a piece and I took one, too and we started eating. No one said much. Just some generic chat about high school and people Houston and Aiden might have known in common, but neither of them did.

After dinner, we tossed the empty boxes and Houston finally pulled out the weed and a pipe. He loaded the pipe and took a big hit. He handed it to me and I followed suit. Aiden took a hit next. We went around the table like this until we'd smoked three bowls. The weed was pretty decent and I was definitely high. I've gotten out of the habit of smoking flowers since everyone up in Greeley smokes vape pens.

I was having some trouble keeping my hands off of Aiden, though because I'm so damn horny and the weed just made it worse. Plus, he looks fucking gorgeous and we've been sexting for months. I decided that Aiden and I needed to get out of there around 9PM.

"Hey, Houston, thanks for having us over and all, but we've gotta blaze," I said standing up and putting on my coat. Aiden hopped up and put his on, too.

"Yeah, thanks man. You rock," Aiden said and the two of them fist bumped.

"Awww, come on you two. Don't fag out on me now. I thought we'd smoke some more and maybe play some cards," Houston said. Aiden raised his eyebrows at me in surprise. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Naw man, gotta get going. Thanks for everything," I said and grabbed Aiden and pulled him out the front door before Houston talked us into staying. We got in the car and took off, laughing the whole time. It wasn't that funny, but we were high and Houston is a weird dude.

"What's his deal?" Aiden asked once we stopped laughing.

"I don't fucking know, but I needed a place to lay low for a while and I ran into him on the bus," I explained. Aiden shook his head at me.

"What were you doing on the bus?"

"Long story. I'll tell you later. Which reminds me, don't answer any calls from Drago, Laremy or Quinton," I said.

"Kay. Why?" he replied.

"They are looking for me and I don't want to be found yet."

"Huh. Kay. No one knows I'm back in town except you, so you're safe with me," he said and started rubbing my leg. Ahhhh. Finally, some alone time with my other boyfriend. I know, I know, I keep saying that he isn't my boyfriend, but right now I could really use some time with someone I'm close with.

"So where we headed?" I asked as Aiden was driving and I had no idea where he was taking us.

"I'm not actually sure. I just drove off from that fucked up dude's place," Aiden answered. We stopped for a red light and he leaned over and we kissed. The car behind us honked and we laughed and took off. I adjusted myself and moved Aiden's hand up to my junk. He's so yummy and I want him so much.

"Your mom home?" I asked pushing his hand against my cock.

"Yeah," he said.

"Fuck that feels good. There's gotta be somewhere we can go," I said and pushed my hips up into his hand.

"Jamie's parents are out in LA visiting him right now. I'm supposed to be feeding their cats while they're away so I have the key to get in the house," Aiden said.

"Let's go," I said and reached over and rubbed his junk. He moaned.

"I don't know if we're supposed to, you know, do it in their house. They trust me to feed the cats and get the mail and stuff," Aiden said. He was hard before I touched him but I swear he got even harder when I rubbed his cock through his jeans.

"C'mon, I need you so bad," I pleaded. "Is there anywhere else? I'd say that bathroom at the park, but it's like 5 degrees out," I said nearly humping his hand now.

"Okay, yeah, let's go. If we get caught, well, I guess I won't be feeding their cats next time," he said and turned around to head to Jamie's house. It took almost half an hour to get there because of the snow and ice, but once we got there we were all over each other. It took about thirty seconds to get naked and sucking each other's cocks on Jamie's parents' bed. They have a nice big king size bed so we did it in there instead of Jamie's room. Plus, most likely it's much cleaner than Jamie's room--even if he hasn't slept in there since October.

Aiden licked me from my cockhead, down the shaft, all around the base. He bathed my whole package in spit. He moved to my balls and to my surprise, he could take both of them in his mouth. He'd never done that before.

"Fuck, you fit them both in your mouth, you stud," I moaned. He pulled off and grinned at me.

"I've been taking singing lessons and the teacher taught me how to open my mouth properly," he said and sucked them both back in his mouth. I'll have to get that singing teacher a nice gift for teaching Aiden such a valuable lesson. All boys should be able to do this.

I sucked his cock down my throat and swallowed around it. He spit out my balls and groaned loudly.

"Fuck me, that feels so good. My stupid girlfriend won't even try to suck my dick," he said.

"Stupid girl. I hope you don't eat her out `cuz she doesn't deserve it," I said and then went back down on him. He arched his back and shoved his cock into my throat. I'm so glad I can give him this kind of pleasure and that she doesn't. Fucking slut. I hope she rots. Ha. Not really. I'm glad Aiden has someone in LA. But as soon as I get there, she's out.

"Well, I usually eat her out because she says that she can't cum unless I do that first," he said, back to working my cock. He licked up and down the shaft over and over.

"Is it really all that important that she cums?" I mumbled as I copied his motions and licked his cock from base to shaft. He giggled.

"She pays for everything. She's one of the executive's daughters and has money. Plus, she's got big tits and knows everyone," he told me.

"Sugar mama?" I asked and he giggled again.

"Pretty much," he said and moaned as I deep throated him again.

"Spin around, I want to eat your ass," I told him lustily. He scrambled around and laid on his back in front of me. I pushed his knees up by his ears and kissed my way down his inner thighs to his cock. I spent some time licking and sucking his cock and balls and then licked my way to his hole. I love eating ass and Aiden's is one of my favorites. He's always clean down there but he has a heady smell--kind of musky and earthy and manly. I made out with his ass until it felt relaxed and ready for penetration and then I probed him with my fingers. He is really tight and it feels so good to finger fuck him.

"Who's fucked this ass since I fucked it?" I asked him while I played with his prostate. He whimpered like a puppy.

"No one. I've fucked my girl, but no one's fucked me. Only you," he panted out as I rubbed his prostate over and over again.

"Good boy," I praised him. He moaned in pure pleasure. I pulled my fingers from his ass and wiped them on the sheets. His hole gaped open invitingly so I propped myself up on my knees and put my cockhead next to that beautiful hole. I spit on his hole and my cock a few times, stroked the spit all over my cock, and pressed in. I want him so bad but I don't want it to hurt. He hasn't been fucked in a couple of months so I can't just plunge into his pussy and start plowing him. Damn that sounds like fun, but I need to take care of my bottom boi.

I eased into his hole slowly, easily. I spit around my cock some more and tried to lube my cock and his hole as much as I could. I need to buy some lube packets and carry them around with me. My cock is too big to count on spit.

Aiden moaned and wiped some precum off the head of his own cock and used it to lube around my cock. He did that a couple more times and eventually my pubes pressed against his. This feels fanfuckingtastic. I start rocking my hips and then pulling back and thrusting in again and again. I pull back a little bit more each time and soon he's wet enough that I can fuck him hard and fast.

"Oh my fucking God this feels so gooooood," I drawled out as I fucked him in long strokes.

"Alvin, you're the best. You rock my fucking world," Aiden cried out as I increased speed. I almost came--wow, that doesn't happen to me very often, but Aiden's tight, hot hole is so amazing that I can't hardly help myself. I slowed down and thrust deep a few times. He yelped every time as I felt parts of his pussy that rarely get probed.

I fucked him fast again--like I said, I can't help myself--and I kept up a quick pace for about five minutes when I came in six bursts deep inside of him. He cried out and started stroking his cock so fast I could barely see his hand and then he came. Cum shot out of his cock so hard that it landed in his hair, below his right eye, and on his chin. The rest puddled under his cock. I licked the cum from his face and then we made out. I never pulled out of him and as soon as I was able, I started fucknig him again.

"You're insatiable," Aiden moaned as I slowly plunged in and pulled out fast. He was panting like crazy and sweat dripped from my forehead onto his head and chest. I licked up the droplets and we made out some more.

"You're sexy, so damn sexy," I growled into his mouth. He came in that exact moment. I could feel his cock, trapped between our abs, vibrate and suddenly it was very sticky as I humped against him. It took about two minutes before I came, too. I laid on top of him and kissed his neck and shoulder. My cock softened just enough to slide out of his ass and I rolled onto my back. We laid next to each other like that for a long time, murmuring words of love.

We made love, ugh, I hate saying that because I'm not supposed to be leading Aiden on, but it was straight up, 100% making love, the next morning. We kissed and fondled and my cock hit his prostate so sensually that we both came two times. I ate out his pussy and fed the cum back to him. We kissed until it was gone and then we laid wrapped in each other's arms until about 8:00AM.

I warmed up the shower and we got in together, leisurely washing one another. Aiden had just taken my cock in his mouth when we heard someone banging on the front door. I instantly recognized the voice. It was Drago.

"Alvin? Are you here? Please answer the door. Alvin?" he shouted. Damn, people three blocks away must be able to hear him. Seriously, I'm pretty sure his voice carried that far. I sighed and turned off the shower. I wrapped a towel around my waist and calmly walked to the front door.

"Aiden? I see your car out front. Are you with Alvin? Please answer me," Drago roared as he pounded on the door. I waited for him to stop so he wouldn't stumble inside and opened the door. He blinked at me a couple of times and then took me in his arms.

"Hey, too tight," I breathed out as he hugged me tighter than I've ever been hugged.

"Oh my God, Alvin, I'm so glad to see you. We've been so worried. Are you okay? Have you had any more seizures?" he held me back and peered into my eyes. "Have you been smoking weed?" he asked as I struggled to get away.

"I'm glad to see you, too, and no, haven't had any seizures and yes, I smoked some weed last night," I said.

"Where's your phone? We've been trying to call you since you disappeared after your seizure. Where did you go? Have you been with Aiden?" he pulled me back to him and he held me so that my head rested against his chest. His heart beat about 200 times per minute. I'd really scared him. I'm such a dumb fuck. Why do I do these things?

"Sup, Drago," I heard Aiden say as he approached from the back of the house. He was dressed now. Drago let go of me slowly but then he fist bumped Aiden.

"Sup," he said coldly.

"You want some coffee?" Aiden asked me.

"Definitely," I answered and Aiden left for the kitchen. "Come in, you're letting in cold air," I told Drago and pulled him by the hand. Once inside, he looked around and saw my phone on the coffee table.

"Hey, there's your phone. I thought you must have lost it," he said as he grabbed it and turned it on. "You haven't been checking your messages," he mumbled more to himself than to me.

"No, not really," I mumbled back. I stood there watching him still only wearing the towel now loosely wrapped around my hips. It slid down while Drago hugged me and barely covered the top of my ass and the base of my cock. Drago saw me staring at him and scanned me up and down. He bit his lip and met my stare. He looked horny but hesitant. I dropped the towel and his jaw dropped.

"Guess I'll go get dressed," I said picking up the towel and walking slowly toward the bedroom, shaking my ass just enough to keep Drago's attention. He put down my phone and followed me. I picked up my clothes from a pile on the floor and shook them out. Aiden had the foresight to open a window so it didn't stink like sex in the bedroom. He'd pulled up the bedspread, too, so no signs of sex appeared there, either. I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I look tired. My hair is fucked up from my half-shower. I'm skinny, like usual, only I look a little thinner than I did even a week or two ago. Drago came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I've been so worried," he said softly watching me intently in the mirror. "I don't know what I would do without you," he said. "I love you." I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened them a tear ran down my cheek.

"I love you," I said back. He spun me around and we started kissing. I heard Aiden drop a cup in the hallway.

"Fuck!" he yelled. I tried to break my kiss with Drago to see if Aiden was okay, but Drago wouldn't let me go. I heard Aiden go back to the kitchen mumbling various curse words along the way. Drago picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him. He slammed me up against the wall and we licked and sucked one another's tongues. I was hard pretty much the second I walked in the room and I could feel Drago's bulge with my naked ass.

"I want you so bad," I moaned into his mouth.

"I want you, too, but this isn't the time or the place," he said and then he kissed me hard.

"Probably not," I murmured as I pinched one of Drago's nipples. He squeaked and I thought of Malcolm and it broke my trance. I tapped his shoulder with my free hand and let go with my legs. He set me down and adjusted himself. I went back to the mirror and fixed my hair while I waited for him to say something.

"We need to see Dr. Winters after we leave," he said quietly.

"I figured as much," I replied, trying to keep my snarkiness at a minimum. I got dressed and headed back to the kitchen to find Aiden. "I'll meet you at the car in a minute, okay?" I said over my shoulder to Drago, who followed me out of the bedroom.

"Okay, love you," he said.

"Love you," I replied and turned to walk in the kitchen but ran into Aiden instead.


"Sorry." We said it at the same time. "Are you okay? It sounded like you dropped something?" I asked him.

"It was your coffee. I was bringing it in but you and Drago..." he trailed off looking sad and upset. I rubbed his chest and he shrugged away.

"Hey, I'm sorry about that. He's my boyfriend, ya know?" I said as if that explains everything.

"So am I and I'm getting sick of always being the second man in your life. I always get you second. I always have to wait for you," he said nearly hysterical.

"Calm down, babe. I'm sorry for all that. When I get to LA..."

"When?" he yelled, interrupting me. "When are you ever going to come to LA? I feel like it's getting further and further away and you're never going to actually come," he said. He doesn't even know about what Dr. Winters said yesterday--he can just tell that something is up.

"I was hoping that maybe we could drive out..." I started to say but he interrupted me again.

"Are you kidding me? You had a seizure yesterday--one you didn't even tell me about--and then disappeared. Do you even know how Drago found you? He was so worried that he called James and Jamie in LA because he thought you found some way to get out there. Jamie told him about me house sitting and in desperation Drago came here looking for you. You used me to hide from your other boyfriend. I'm not doing it anymore, Alvin. So, no, I'm not driving you out to LA against your doctor's wishes. And no, I'm not going to be your boyfriend on the side anymore. I have enough dignity left that I can say no to you," he yelled in my face.

"I thought you loved me," I said, doing my best to look sad.

"I do love you. That's why I have to say no to you. I need you to be in my life, but if you keep getting sicker..." he paused. "If you keep getting sicker and you die, I may die right along with you. And I can't take being your side piece anymore. I love you so much and to know that you only care enough to make me second in your life, it just hurts too fucking much," he said.

"I know I've hurt you and I'm sorry. But we can work this out. We can do it on the way to LA," I said, shooting for practicality mixed with concern for his feelings.

"No, Alvin. I'm not taking you to LA. I can't," he said pulling away from my grip. I hadn't realized it, but I was holding his arm tightly. He had white grip marks around his arm where my hand was. Jesus, I guess I was really squeezing him.

"C'mon, man. We'll take your car out to LA. You said you really wanted to have a car out there. We can figure out things, you know. Like how to be together and be in the band without pissing off James and Jamie too much. C'mon..." I said bumping shoulders with him and grinning.

"No!" he yelled and backed away.

"What the fuck, Aiden? Like thirty minutes ago you were telling me how much you love me and want to spend your life in my arms and what was it? Oh yeah, you want me to fuck you every day at least twice?" I yelled at him, suddenly very angry. He really means it--he isn't going to drive me to LA. He wants to break things off between us. Next thing you know, he'll be kicking me out of the band, too.

"That was before I walked into the bedroom and saw your real boyfriend pressed up against your naked body and the two of you kissing. You're never going to leave him and he certainly will never leave you. I've never seen such blind devotion in my life. And seriously, Alvin, do you really think that you can just waltz into LA and rejoin the band and everything is going to be okay? Really? Because it's not okay. It hasn't been okay for a long time. That studio guy is a total dork, but he plays all of your songs just fine. Or maybe we'll replace you with someone else, I don't know, but I don't think you're in the band anymore," he said. He read my fucking mind and kicked me out of the band! I cannot fucking believe that he just did that.

"Fuck you Aiden. You ruin everything you touch. Just as soon as The Four Horsemen is about to hit you fuck it all up. It started with Lenny and now me. You know, why don't you call Lenny up and see if he's available? Maybe he can join the band again and take my place just like I took his place all those months ago? Fuck you," I said and spit in his face. I stormed out of the house and got into Drago's dad's truck.

"Are you okay?" Drago asked. He'd been blasting the stereo and hadn't heard a word of my argument with Aiden.

"No. Aiden just kicked me out of the band," I said plainly and stared out the windshield at the street in front of us.

"That's probably for the best, babe. Until you get healed, you know?" he said patting my arm. What the actual fuck? Is he kidding? I turned and looked at him but he merely had a look of concern on his face.

"Huh," was all I could muster. I sat in silence all the way back to Dr. Winters' office. Drago started talking to me a couple of times but I either nodded or grunted a one-word response.

"Here we are," he said cheerfully as we parked. I rolled my eyes and got out of the car.

"Yep," I said. He had this infuriatingly concerned look that he kept giving me. I wanted to run for the bus again, but I didn't see one coming like yesterday. We walked over to the office building while Drago called Landry, Quinton, and his parents. I wondered if he'd called Bax and Dex and if they were worried about me. I haven't heard from either one of them since our scuffle when I left Tuesday morning and now it's Saturday. I'll call them this afternoon and let them know I'm coming home sooner than later. I can't be here anymore.

Once we got in the office, I noticed that no one else was working. Dr. Winters was the only one in the office. He hugged me as soon as I walked through the door.

"I'm so glad you're okay," he said. I patted him awkwardly on the back. I don't want his affection. I just want to go home--to Greeley.

"Thanks," I said flatly. He ushered me to Exam 2 and told me to put on an examination gown and he'd be back in a moment. He and Drago went back to the waiting room to talk about me. I debated whether I could climb out the window and decided against it because I don't think I'm up for a three-story drop. I don't feel like wearing that stupid gown-thing either, so I jumped up on the exam table and waited. I wish I had some weed.

Several minutes later, Dr. Winters came back.

"Oh, hey, Alvin, I must have forgot to mention the exam gown. Go ahead and get undressed. I can go to my office for a moment while you change," he said, beginning to leave the room.

"You didn't forget," I said. He stopped and turned to look at me.

"Oh? But..." he trailed off.

"I'm not wearing an exam gown so you may as well get started with whatever you're planning to do," I told him. He looked disappointed but plastered a fake smile on his face and came back in the room.

"Okay, then. Let's take a look," he said pulling out that fucking pen light. I took it from his hand and smashed the bulb into the metal of the exam table. It shattered and the light flickered out. His eyes widened.

"No light," I said. He nodded and turned to get the tool to look in my ears and up my nose.

"Say `ahhh'," he told me so I opened my mouth but didn't utter a sound. He sighed, but didn't say anything. He took out the little hammer and I shook my head at him. He put the little hammer away. He reached for my wrist and took my pulse while watching the clock. As soon as he was done I jerked my hand away. He had that same look Drago was giving me--the concerned but loving but kind of angry look.

"Alvin," he started but I interrupted.

"No, I'm not going to the hospital for more tests," I told him and jumped up off the table. I walked out to the waiting room and Drago hopped up out of his seat and threw down the magazine he was reading.

"Babe, is everything okay?" he asked as I stormed by him.

"Let's go, Drago," I said and walked right out the door. I went to the stairs but the door was locked so I punched the down button at the elevator and waited there watching to see what Drago was going to do this time. He looked from Dr. Winters to me and back again a few times and then ran after me. He just made it on the elevator.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Meh. I'm fine, just fine," I muttered. Could this elevator be any slower? I just want to get back to the apartment so I can pack my shit and get Dex and Bax down here to pick me up and take me home. Bax was right all along. I should have stayed up there for the holidays. I never should have come here and I won't return anytime soon. He's going to love hearing that.

"What did Dr. Winters say?" he asked, unlocking his dad's truck and opening the door for me.

"Same old, same old," I replied in a bored tone.

"What does that mean?" he asked. He pulled out of the parking lot and presumably headed for his parent's house. I didn't ask and he didn't say.

"It means that he wants to do more tests and I told him no, so we were done," I snapped at Drago. I don't feel like having this conversation. Why is he pushing it?

"Oh, okay. Maybe in a day or two?" he asked watching me out of the corner of his eye.

"No," I said. I pulled out my phone. I only had a little bit of time left before the battery runs out so I hurriedly texted Bax to have him come pick me up. He didn't answer back right away so I started deleting all of the texts and voicemails from Drago, his parents, Quinton, Landry, Aiden and Dr. Winters. It took like five minutes to get rid of them all and I didn't even read or listen to any of them.

My phone rang as we pulled into the driveway. I got out and answered as I walked to the house. It was Bax!

"Hey bro! Can you come get me right now?" I asked excitedly.

"Fuck yeah! I'm so psyched that you're coming home. Where you belong," he said.

"Yeah, I know. You were right," I said. May as well get that out of the way.

"Damn straight. You should know that by now," he said laughing.

"You at your place?" he asked.

"Yeah, just walked in the door," I said as I headed down to the apartment to pack up.

"Fucking stupid Drago called here like four times looking for you and I kept telling him that you weren't here. Guess he found ya, huh?" he said.

"Yep. I'll tell ya about it later. You bringing Dex?" I asked.

"Naw he's gotta stay and watch the girls," Bax said.

"Where's mom?"

"Jason's." Oh, Officer Lindsay's place.

"So you're leaving now?"

"Yeah, I'll tell Dex where I'm goin' and I'll be down to get you ASAP," he said. I could hear his keys jangle in the background.

"Fuck yeah, can't wait for you to get here," I said. "I can't wait to get home with you either," I said lasciviously.

"Oh yeah, what have you missed the most?" he asked in a low voice.

"I miss that big, fat cock of yours," I told him. "I want it in my mouth and then up my ass, stud."

"Fuuuuccckkk," he hissed. "I think I may want your even bigger and fatter cock in my holes more than you want mine," he said.

"We're gonna have the best Christmas, dude," I said. I had to cut off our sexy talk because Drago came downstairs.

"The sexiest, that's for sure," Bax said.

"Kay, Drago just came in so I'm gonna let you go. I'll see you in a few," I said.

"Yeah, figures that he'd come in a ruin a good time. Kay, love you," Bax said with just a little bit of snark. He really doesn't like Drago.

"Love you," I said and we ended the call. I turned to Drago who was giving me a curious look.

"Who's coming?" he asked. He didn't even pretend that he was listening to my conversation with Bax.

"Bax. He'll be here to pick me up in about a half hour," I said, pulling out my duffel bag and started stuffing my gear inside. Usually I take the time to fold my stuff and put it away nice, but I am so beyond ready to get out of here that I'm tossing it in there.

"Wait, do you mean you're leaving? Like you'll be back later, right?" Drago's look changed from curiosity to shock.

"Naw, man. I'm heading home," I said now getting my toothbrush and other bathroom gear.

"But, what about Christmas?"

"I dunno. Maybe we can do it before Bax gets here, or something," I said. Drago looked like he was going to cry.

"What the fuck, dude? Why are you leaving?" he asked.

"I'm just not feeling it here anymore. I should have stayed with my family," I said, unable to meet his eye.

"We're your family. Why are you doing this?" he asked, pulling my face around so I would look him in the eye.

"I know, babe, but I'm not comfortable staying over Christmas. I want to spend my first Christmas with my mom and my sisters, ya know?" I said.

"I guess I understand. You'll be back for your next appointment with Dr. Winters, right?"

"Sure," I said, although I have no intention of keeping that appointment. As a matter of fact, I don't want to come back to Boulder for a good long time.

"Good, then we can spend some time together before I have to go to school. I'll let Quinton know that I'll pick you up and take you back," he smiled at me and leaned in for a kiss. I may be pissed at the situation and probably a little bit at Drago, but I can't resist those lips. We kissed for a few minutes and then we were naked in bed and my cock was firmly embedded in his ass.

"I can't believe you're leaving," Drago panted out after I fucked him until we both came.

"I know, babe, but I'll be back soon," I lied. It's hard--I mean, I really like fucking Drago and I like when he fucks me. But I'm so sick to death of all the other stuff that I don't want to be here anymore. Maybe he can come up and visit me. If he promises to stop talking about doctor's appointments and responsibilities and all that other shit. Fuck. I don't even know if I'm in The Four Horsemen anymore, so maybe there won't be any other responsibilities to talk about.

We got out of bed and got dressed. I carried my duffel upstairs and Drago told his parents that I was leaving. They made a huge scene about me leaving and made sure to give me all of my presents. I had to promise that I wouldn't open them until Christmas. What a crock. Like I'm a little kid or something. Whatever. I promised, of course, even though I'll probably open them in the car on the way back up to Greeley. I don't want to make my brothers and sisters feel bad when I get presents and they don't. To my surprise, Mom and Dad gave me small gifts for my brothers and sisters, too.

"It's nothing big, but we wanted them to have something, too," Mom said, giving me a hug.

"Thanks, Mom, you're the best," I told her. I hugged Dad and he handed me an envelope.

"This is some cash to hold you over. I know that you're not making a lot of money right now," he said. I am so tempted to refuse, but I haven't really bought anyone Christmas presents or anything.

"Oh, uh, you don't have to do this," I said trying to hand the money back. I know it's the right thing to do regardless of wanting to stuff the money in my pocket and run.

"No, son, please take it. We have more than enough and we want to share with you," Dad said. Mom nodded and smiled. Even Drago was smiling at me. Jesus. Why can't I treat these people better? I'm such an ass sometimes. I'll make it up to them later.

"Thank you. I'll pay you back, I promise," I said hesitantly putting the envelope in my duffel.

"No, no. Don't worry about that. We don't expect to be paid back. It's a gift because we love you," Mom said.

"Right, it's a gift so no repayment needed," Dad followed up. This is weird. It feels so wrong taking money from them.

"Thanks, you're very generous," I said quietly. I was really glad to hear Bax honking at me a minute later. Saved by the bell, or whatever.

"Hey, there's Bax," I said happily. I grabbed my bag and gave everyone a quick hug. Drago walked me out to the car.

"I'm really gonna miss you," he told me and pulled me into a hug. My head pressed against his chest and I could hear his heartbeat. I wondered when I would hear it again. I'm not planning on coming back for a long, long time.

"Miss you, too," I mumbled into his chest. "We'll be back together, soon," I said. I don't mean it and immediately feel bad for saying it, but Drago seems happy to hear it, so I guess it was more for his sake than mine.

"Love you," he said and kissed me hard on the lips. I opened my mouth and our tongues battled for a short time. I can see Bax in the car tapping out the song he's listening to on the steering wheel. He has his eyes closed. At least he isn't honking at us this time. I kiss Drago one more time and then open the car door to get in.

"Love you," I say and sit down. Drago leans in.

"Make sure Alvin takes care of himself, will ya?" he said to Bax. Bax rolls his eyes at Drago.

"Sure, whatever, dude," he said as he started the car.

"No, dude, not whatever," Drago said, reaching in front of me and grabbing Bax's shirt at the collar. He yanked on him so that Bax had to face him. "Make sure he takes care of himself," Drago growls at him.

"Dude, call off your goon," Bax chokes out at me.

"Drago, I'll be fine. You don't have to threaten my brother," I said calmly. These two have been raring for a fight since forever and I'm not ramping things up even more.

"I'm gonna break your fucking arm if you don't let go of me like now," Bax said breathing heavy. I don't doubt he would and could for that matter so I tap Drago on the arm.

"Let go," I said and he looked from me to Bax. He's breathing pretty heavy now, too. If we don't get out of here quickly, Drago and Bax are going to throw down in the front yard, so we need to jet.

"Next time I'm gonna beat your ass, Baxter," Drago said through clenched teeth and he jerked Bax's head around before he let go. Bax fell back against the driver's seat, fuming. He reached for the door handle, but I grabbed his arm before he opened the door.

"Dude, it ain't worth it," I said, still maintaining my calm demeanor. On the inside I was fuming, too. Who the hell does Drago think he is? And I know that he thinks he could beat Bax's ass, but I'm not sure of that. Sure, Drago is huge in comparison, but I've seen Bax take down big guys in the ring plenty of times. I suspect that Bax would put on a great fight, if not win. Hell, there would be no winners in that fight. They would both come out bruised and beaten and absolutely nothing would be solved--they would still hate each other and I would be in the middle of it.

"C'mon, Vin, let me at that fucking piece of shit," he said.

"Seriously, dude, let's get the hell out of here before his parents call the cops," I said watching Drago pace in front of the car. Bax slammed his fists on the steering wheel, then slammed the car into reverse and took off at the speed of light. He burned rubber when he slammed it into drive and sped down the street. I looked back to see that he'd left black rubber marks on the street in front of Drago's house. Drago stood and watched us with an angry look on his face. Yeah, that was about as well as that could have ended.

Bax drove home angry and ranting. He was going at least 30 MPH over the speed limit. I was pretty sure we were going to get a ticket since the cops love hanging out on that stretch of highway, but thankfully we didn't. I totally understand why Bax is pissed. Drago acted like a fool back at his house. I think he may have taken his anger at me out on Bax but that's no reason to act like such an ass. Yet another reason why we need some separation.

"I get why you wanted to come home, bro," Bax said as we entered the outskirts of town. He lit up a joint and handed it to me. "Fuck, I was so pissed off that I forgot that I brought us joints," he told me. I took a big hit. We both really needed this before we got home. I don't want to show up all angry.

"We usually get along better," I said and took another big hit. I passed it back to Bax. "Let's go get pizza or something to eat before we go home."

"Definitely," Bax said and suddenly we were taking a U-turn in the middle of the street. He drove us over to the chicken and waffles joint. "Not feeling pizza, bro," he said and we fist bumped.

"No worries, man, I'm all about chicken and waffles," I told him. We finished off the joint and went inside. A bunch of guys were eating inside. They were so loud it was deafening.

"Sup Bax!" someone shouted and suddenly Bax brightened up.

"Hey asshole," he went over the guy and they fist bumped. Bax seemed to know all of these guys and they all greeted him similarly--lots of calling one another assholes and motherfuckers. I stood at the counter perusing the menu while Bax chatted up his crew. I ordered enough food that we could take a bunch home for Dex and the girls and paid using the cash Dad gave me. I was really glad to have it now that I could treat my family. Thanks, Dad.

"C'mere," this guy told Bax and I watched as my brother left with a guy who was probably 6'5" and weighed about 300 pounds. He had dark black skin and nearly black eyes and had a look like he would beat your trifling ass if you dared to get in his way. I wondered what he and Bax were doing outside, but didn't dare follow them or even watch from inside.

"Hey, are you Bax's brother?" one of the guys called out. I walked over to where they all sat.

"Yeah, I'm Vin," I said and the guy reached up to fist bump me.

"Cool, I'm Mason. I went to high school with Bax and Dex. Well, before they got kicked out," he said and the guys all laughed. I laughed, too, although I'm not exactly sure why.

"Don't you play in some band?" another guy asked.

"Yeah, I was in The Four Horsemen and I play with Zander Whitaker's band," I said. I hate the name of his band so I rarely say it out loud.

"That's where I know you from. I'm Zander's little brother Mattias," the guy said. He doesn't look like Zander or Joshua so there's no way to tell other than what he just told me.

"Nice, good to meet you," I said. A couple of other guys introduced themselves and then my food got done so I picked it up at the counter. I stood there for a minute and wondered if I should go outside and see if Bax is ready to go or if I should just wait here and start eating. I suspect Bax is either giving that dude head or is smoking that other joint with him. Or both. Fuck if I know.

"Come over and eat with us, dude," Mason called out. "Brad and Bax won't be back for a while," he said and some of the guys scooted over so I could sit down. I took my food over and sat down to eat. Mason leaned in to tell me something.

"Brad scores `roids off Bax, that's why they went out to the parking lot," he whispered in my ear.

"That dude's huge, why's he need `roids?" I whispered back. Mason laughed.

"I know, right," he said out loud this time. "He says he needs them to build muscle and lose weight but he keeps getting fatter and fatter," he said and now everyone was laughing. "But you didn't hear that from me," he said and I laughed, too. Huh. I didn't know that Bax was dealing steroids. Guess I'll have to talk to my lil' bro and see what else he's been up to. Or maybe I don't want to know. Culpability or something.

I sat there eating chicken and waffles and chatting with these guys for a while. They're alright guys but I'd really like to get back home and it's starting to get dark. I have no idea where Bax went with that Brad guy and it's been a long time. There's a video game machine--one of the one's with like 10 games--in the corner and guys are betting on the matchups. The talk shifted to girls that they were either banging or want to bang--a conversation I have absolutely nothing to contribute to, so I said nothing. I ended up winning $50 by beating a couple of guys at Street Fighter vs. Tekken.

"Sup, bro, you ready?" Bax finally returned. He was high as fuck. And not on weed. He seemed hyped and kind of flushed. He bounced from one foot to another.

"Cool, see you guys later," I said and fist bumped Mason and Zander's brother and a couple of other guys and grabbed the food.

"Le's gooooo," he said, looking all around with wide eyes. I could see that his pupils were dilated. He's fucked up on something, I just don't know what.

"Help me grab the food," I said somewhat irritated. He disappears for like an hour and a half and comes back super high and is bossing me around? Fuck that.

"Fuck the food. I'm not hungry anyway," he said and then looks at some kid whose name I can't remember. "What are you looking at, Felix?" he yelled at the guy.

"Nothing, sorry, nothing," Felix said and quickly averted his eyes to look at the video game. I rolled my eyes. Meth. He's on meth and he's getting all paranoid. I gathered the food and followed my brother out to the car. We got in and he took off toward Mom's place.

"So meth, huh?" I said after he didn't say anything for a minute. He was having trouble sitting still to drive. Even with my epilepsy we probably would have been better off if I'd driven. We approached a light that was turning red and he sped up and drove through the red light. Someone honked at us.

"Fuck you motherfucker," he yelled at them even though the window was closed. He flipped them off. "Yeah, man, meth. I feel fucking great. Brad said that he's lost like 25 pounds since he started smoking. I don't need to lose any weight, but Brad could stand to lose like 100 pounds, don't you think?" Bax blurted out. He didn't wait for my response. "He's always been fat, like super fat, even when we were kids. I don't know what he eats to be that fat. I think he eats chicken and waffles every day," he said. He tapped out a song on the steering wheel, but the radio wasn't on. He's acting like an ass right now, but I'll forgive him since he's too stupid to know better than to smoke meth. At least, that's what I'm telling myself.

"Dude, watch out," I yelled as he drove up on the curb in front of the apartment. He put the car in park and got out. He ran upstairs yelling something to Dex before I could even get off my seatbelt. He'd left the keys in the ignition and was now banging on the front door to get Dex to let him in. I re-parked the car so it wasn't on the curb and took the food upstairs.

"So then Brad tells me that he wants me to start dealing meth and other stuff for him. I was like, no way, I'm not getting into that again, so he offers to smoke me out and I was like, okay, so we got so wasted. Then he was like, c'mon dude, suck my cock, and I was like, no way, you're thinking I'm Dex, and he was like, no, I know who you are and I know you want my fat cock. So I totally sucked his cock and he bent me over and pushed it in my ass and was like, you're tighter than Dex, and I was like, what? So he fucked me good, I love me some big black dick!" he exclaimed all in one breath as I walked in the door. Thankfully our sisters were in their bedroom. He and Dex high fived.

"I can't believe he said you're tighter. Asshole. His was one of the dicks that stretched me out to begin with," Dex says.

"I know, he totally stretched me out. It felt really good. I want some more. C'mon Vin, fuck me," he said when he saw me standing there staring at me. I shook my head slightly. I turned to Dex.

"Uh, I brought dinner," I said holding up the chicken. "It's cold since someone was too busy getting high and getting fucked to get us back while it was still hot, but there's a ton of food, so here ya go," I handed Dex the bags. Bax grabbed my arm and pulled me to the bedroom. I wasn't going to go, but he has some kind of super strength and I had a hard time resisting.

He pulled down his jeans and bent over the end of the bed. I could see cum leaking out of his ass. "C'mon dude, stick it in now. I'm full of Brad's cum so you don't need lube or anything," he said shaking his ass at me. I seriously didn't want sloppy seconds after that fat dude seeded my brother. I can't believe that Bax bent over for that guy.

"Bro, I don't want to dip my dick in that dude's sperm," I said backing up toward the door. "Why'd you fuck him anyway?" I asked with a nasty look on my face.

"He's got a huge dick, dude. Like 12 inches. I had to try it once," he said. "C'mon, Vin, I'm so horny and I want to get dicked by another big cock," he said, now holding his ass cheeks open. I looked at him and then his hole. My cock was chubbing up. Fuck me. The things I do for my brother. I pulled my cock out and started stroking it.

"Here, get me hard, bro," I said and stuck my cock down his throat. He choked and gagged on it for a minute or two but it didn't take long before I was fucking his face hard. I kind of wanted to make him suffer for taking that dude's dick, but he seemed to really enjoy the rough face fuck I was giving him. Jesus. He always says that Dex is the slut but he doesn't seem to have any qualms about slutting around, either.

I pulled out of his throat and he coughed up some throat slime and spit. I slapped him hard on the ass and thrust inside of him in one fierce stroke. I started pounding his hole like it was a fleshlight. He was pretty loose from getting fucked by the 12" cock earlier so I could glide in and out with no trouble. I pounded him hard, again, a little bit pissed about how the afternoon went down. I'm starting to realize that Bax tells me lies a lot of the time. Like how he told me I was the only guy besides Dex to fuck his ass. He let Brad fuck him like it was nothing. I think Bax has taken quite a few cocks in his time. I wonder what else he's lied to me about? Oh well. I'm not always the most honest person, either.

I kept at it, plowing Bax's cock until Dex came in about thirty minutes later.

"Shove over bro, I want a piece of that," he said and pulled out his cock. I reluctantly pulled out of Bax's ass and dropped to my knees and sucked Dex hard. He looked surprised. "Thanks, bro," he said and we high fived. He thrust into Bax and started rabbit fucking like a madman. He doesn't have much technique fucking a guy. He's a talented bottom, but not so much when it comes to topping.

I stood there stroking my cock watching one twin fuck the other. Dex pulled out and gave me a devious look.

"Ride my cock, bro," he said to Bax. I grinned. I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

"Yeah, bro, I'll totally ride your cock," Bax said and he scrambled on top of Dex after Dex laid on the bed. He sat down onto Dex's cock until he bottomed out. He moaned and then started bouncing up and down. Once his leg muscles gave out he laid down and Dex started fucking him from below. I walked over and spit on my cock a couple of times. I stroked the spit all around the head and then started squeezing inside of Bax's hole next to Dex. Bax cried out.

"Oh fuck that hurts!" he yelled but he didn't stop me. I pushed hard and it didn't take long before I was balls deep inside of Bax, right next to Dex's hard cock. Dex held still while I slowly began fucking the stretched out hole. My cock popped out twice and I realized I was going to have to take much shorter thrusts. Once I got in a rhythm though, I was able to fuck hard and fast. Dex started moving back and forth, too, and we eventually got into a rhythm with one another.

"Oh, God, yeah," Bax yelled. Apparently the pain was gone and he was really getting off on getting double penetrated.

"Fuck, bro, I'm gonna breed your fucking pussy," Dex yelled. He started fucking hard from below so I held still and let him thrust his cum up inside of Bax. As soon as he stopped thrusting, I took over and pounded that pussy like it owed me something and then I came, too. Bax had three loads of cum leaking out of his cunt when we finally pulled out of him.

"Welcome to the DP club, bro," Dex said and the two fist bumped. Bax looked fucked out, but he was still hyper from the meth. He hopped up and went to the bathroom to look at his hole in the mirror.

"That's fucking hot," he said, dipping a finger in his ass and sucking on it. He did that about ten more times before I got kind of grossed out and finally looked away. I laid back on the bed, my cock still hard. I looked at Dex who was still watching Bax finger himself. He stroked his cock a few times and then looked at me. He was on my cock instantly. He took it in his mouth and started sucking the cock that had been in his brother's ass like a minute ago. I didn't complain, though, as he sucked me down his throat over and over again. Finally, he climbed on me and started riding my cock. He really threw himself onto my cock hard. I was moaning loudly and Bax came back in to see what was going on.

"Fuck, Dex, bend the fuck over Vin," Bax said and pretty soon he and I were sharing Dex's hole. I can't believe this. I've never done double penetration in my life and all of the sudden I've done it twice. It was different being on the under-side, but still felt great to be squeezed inside of a hole with another cock. Bax fucked erratically into Dex's hole and then came fairly quickly. I don't think he came while we were fucking him or when Brad fucked him, so he must have been ready. He jerked his cock around inside of Dex for another minute and then I started fucking up into Dex.

"Oh fuck, oh yeah," Dex said as I pumped in him. It was hard to keep up my pace so after a while, I slowed down and grabbed Dex's hips and forced him onto my cock, up and down, up and down. Dex squeezed my cock and I felt his jizz squirt out onto our chests.

"Aaaahhhhhh!" I shouted and I came, too. I pumped my load into Dex's hole. Bax pulled out and started dancing around, helicoptering his half-hard cock and singing a song about how good it feels to cum. Dex began laughing and even though I didn't want to, I joined him a minute later. I grabbed my phone out of my jeans and recorded him. I'm sure he'll be glad I did. I'm such a good brother. Ha.

I got up and took a shower. Dex joined me and we washed each other and made fun of Bax. Bax was back looking at his hole in the full length mirror on the door to the bathroom.

"Do you guys think that if you get fucked by a dick like Brad's every day that your ass will get a permanent gape?" he asked. I looked at Dex and we started laughing again. Bax is a total weirdo when he's high on meth. I've never smoked it so I have no idea what it's like from his end, but from my end it looks like he's a total dipshit. I still can't believe that he let that fat fuck Brad pound his ass with a 12" cock. And then he took two cocks over 7" in his ass at the same time! Of course, so did Dex, so maybe that isn't such a huge feat, but I'm pretty well freaked out by the whole thing. Remind me to never smoke meth. I don't want to be so far gone that I end up with two dicks in my ass. Or maybe I do, I don't know. Bax and Dex both seemed to like it pretty well, so who am I to knock it?

"Yeah, dude, I totally think you'd get a permanent gape. There's a guy at the club who only fucks guys who are at least 10" and his ass is always gaped open. He takes fists, too," Dex said. I looked at him like `what the fuck are you talking about?' and he shrugged with a big grin. He's bullshitting Bax right now but Bax is buying everything he's saying.

"Seriously, bro, he takes fists?" Bax asked. I pointed to Bax's reflection in the mirror over the sink that Dex and I could see from the shower. Bax was trying to shove his fist up his ass.

"Totally, bro," Dex said, trying not to laugh. "Usually two. He can take it really deep, too, like past the elbow," Dex said. Now it was my turn to try not to laugh. What a crack up. Bax looked like he was really concentrating trying to shove his whole hand in his hole. Fuck me. We're going to have to keep an eye on him. He loses all common sense when he's on meth. Not that he had a lot to begin with.

I got out of the shower and grabbed a towel for Dex and then one for myself. I am still hard and my cock is standing straight out from my body. Before I could even dry it, Bax turned and took it in his mouth.

"Damn, bro, back off, too sensitive," I told him and backed up into Dex. Dex was laughing so hard he almost fell in the shower. I grabbed him to keep him from falling and swatted Bax away from my dick. Dex and I managed to get ourselves out of the bathroom without hurting ourselves and dried off in the bedroom. I pulled on some clean clothes and headed toward the door. Bax came out of the bedroom and threw himself down on the bed.

"Dex, Dex, come here," he said. Dex hadn't gotten dressed yet and was standing naked looking for something to wear in the closet. He turned and walked over to the bed. I stopped to see what bullshit Bax was up to.

"Sup, bro?" Dex said looking down at his brother amused.

"Fist me," Bax said, throwing his legs back and holding them near his ears. Dex's eyes widened and he looked at me. `What do I do?' he mouthed at me. I shrugged.

"Bax, seriously, do you really want to be fisted?" I asked.

"Yeah, man, shove it up in there, hard and stuff. I want it bad. I've always wanted to be fisted but I've never asked anyone before. You do it, Vin, `cuz Dex is too chicken to do it," Bax told me. I stood there frozen in place. He's crazy if he thinks I'm going to fist him. I looked at Dex, who had picked up the lube from off the floor where he found it. He had that devious look on his face again. I think it pissed him off when Bax said he was too chicken. Whether he's ready or not, Bax is about to get fisted because Dex is lubing up his arm up to the elbow. I don't think he'll get in past the wrist, but what the fuck do I know?

"Dude, are you sure you want to do this?" I asked Dex. He grinned at me.

"Hell yeah. Usually I'm the one getting fisted so I want to be the giver for a change. Plus, I want to know how it feels inside of me and Bax is the closest thing to being inside of me, so he's getting fisted. Besides, he begged for it. You heard him," Dex said, now fingering Bax with three fingers. I walked over and pulled out my phone again. Yeah, Bax is definitely going to want to have this on video. Ha. He's going to kick my ass for taping all of this, but it's just so funny and weird and crazy. He needs to know how wild he gets when he's on meth.

"Oh, yeah, bro, that's it, give it to me good," Bax cooed. He rolled his hips around and he twitched whenever his prostate came into contact with Dex's hand. Dex tucked his thumb under and pushed his fourth finger into Bax's hole. Bax moaned and finally held still. I poured some more lube onto Dex's hand and rubbed it all around his fist and arm and then worked all around Bax's hole.

"Uh, uh, uh," Bax grunted continuously as Dex began working his fist all the way in.

"Here it comes bro, it's almost all the way in," Dex said excitedly. Bax was silent as Dex pushed harder and then his fist slid all the way in. He held still for a minute or so and then he started twisting his hand inside of Bax's well stretched hole. He moved his hand back and forth but didn't pull all of the way out. He rocked the hand around, twisted some more, and then pulled his hand free. He punched it back in and Bax yelled and then came in a strong streak from his cock. Dex pulled out and punched in again and Bax yelled again. This went on another five or six times before Bax collapsed on the bed. Dex's hand came free and then he stretched open Bax's hole to make it gape wide open with two fingers on each side. I'm not sure what came over me, but I spit into it. Dex giggled and he spit in the gaping hole, too. We both giggled and Bax looked over his shoulder at us curiously.

"What? What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing, dude," I said and he sighed and fell face first into the bed. "My ass feels so empty," he moaned into the sheets. I bet. Dex laughed and got up to wash his hands. I went with him since I was coated in lube.

"No more meth for Bax," I whispered in Dex's ear while we scrubbed in the bathroom. He giggled.

"He's gonna start getting itchy in a little bit. We should get out of here for a while so he doesn't upset the girls," he said. I nodded.

"When's Mom supposed to get back?" I asked after I remembered that Dex is supposed to be babysitting.

"She's already back. She fell asleep in her room, but I'll wake her up before we go so she can take care of the girls," he said. Oh. Mom's home and passed out. I said it before but we're quite a family.

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