In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Jun 16, 2020


Chapter 22

It's Christmas break now and Drago wants me to come home for a week or two. I managed to come home a couple of times since Halloween--once at Thanksgiving and once last weekend. I've been playing with the Zander Whitaker Experience featuring Vin Jacobs most weekends on Fridays and Saturdays while Bax fights downstairs and Dex fucks upstairs. The audience is rough and oftentimes guys get kicked out for being assholes, but for the most part I'm having a lot of fun as the lead guitarist for a heavy metal cover band.

We started writing our own music but haven't really gotten anywhere. I'm not sure that we will ever play our own music. As for my other band, Aiden and I text a lot. He's coming home in a few days for Christmas--yet another reason I want to stay with Drago over the break. The Four Horsemen has been playing with some studio guitarist named Henry Larsson since early November. He sounds like a total tool, but he can play all of the songs I wrote. He's in his mid-thirties and is half bald so I don't think he's going to take my spot anytime soon, but I still don't like him. Not that I've met him or ever will.

Bax and I are virtually inseparable and he's really not taking my trip to Boulder well. We've actually argued about it twice even though we've never argued before. He's quite territorial. I've noticed it with Dex, too. Bax dictates everything that Dex does and Dex is submissive to Bax. I can't imagine Dex ever deciding to move out or get his GED or even dating someone of his own choice. Even Mom seems to be under Bax's spell. She doesn't seem terribly motivated to do anything else than be supported by Bax.

I packed up some of my shit in a duffel and waited for Quinton to pick me up on the Tuesday before Christmas. Bax came in, grabbed my duffel and took it back to our bedroom. He locked the door behind him.

"Dude, Quinton will be here in like 3 minutes, give me my stuff," I yelled banging on the door. He let me in and handed me the empty duffel.

"Here ya go," he said and shut the door in my face. I managed to turn the knob before it locked and shoved my way in.

"Where's my stuff?" I demanded. He pointed to the floor where he'd dumped out all of my gear on the floor. I sighed angrily and then kneeled on the floor to repack my bag. Everything was crumpled up so I just shoved it in the back and went back out to the living room. Out there, Bax stood in front of the door blocking it. Quinton knocked but Bax wouldn't move so that I could let him in.

"Move, Bax, I've gotta go," I told him and tried to shove by.

"No! You're not going, I already told you," he said like a petulant child. I shoved harder and he shoved me. I went flying backwards and landed on my ass.

"Hey!" I shouted. Dex rushed in from the kitchen.

"Bax! What have you done?" he yelled as he put himself between Bax and me. He thought we were fighting and was trying to protect me. So sweet, although misplaced.

"Shut up Dex. I'm doing what you want, too, you know," Bax yelled. "Vin isn't going anywhere and you should be helping me keep him here instead of getting in the way," he snapped.

"He's going home for Christmas, dude. He'll be here for New Year's. It's not that big of a deal," Dex said.

"He is home and he's staying here for Christmas and New Year's. Drago can fuck off if he thinks that he gets to have our brother for the holidays," Bax announced. I rolled my eyes.

"It's not fair that you're leaving. You should stay here for Christmas," Dex said, suddenly changing allegiances. Fuck me.

"I'm here the rest of the time, so when Drago is home from school I need to be there," I told him for seemingly the millionth time. It was like they refused to understand. Dex went and stood by Bax at the door. I swear Bax told him to do it without uttering a word. Fucking twins.

"Like I said before," Bax said, "Drago can fuck off. I don't know why you stay with him anyway. Aren't we good enough for you?" he said manipulatively.

"You guys are the best. But Drago is my boyfriend and I will be with him regardless of how awesome you are," I said. We'd been over this, as well.

"No," Bax said.

"No," Dex parroted.

"Boys, let your brother go. He'll be back in a flash and you three will be as tight as ever," Mom came out from her bedroom in her nightie. I had to look over her head to keep from seeing her naked body since she wasn't wearing anything underneath and the nightie was see-through.

"But Mooommmm," Bax and Dex protested together. I moved toward the door quickly and managed to get out before they could stop me. Quinton scrambled up to his feet. He'd been sitting on the steps outside listening to our argument.

"Thanks, Mom," I yelled and then turned to Quinton. "Let's go before they start chasing me," I said running down the stairs. Quinton followed close behind and we hopped in his new car. I'd told him that he needed a cooler car if he was going to be driving me around so he traded in the Mazda sedan and got a Mazda Miata. It was tiny, but much cooler. I threw my bag behind the seats and Quinton took off like a light.

"I didn't think you were going to get out of there. I debated calling the cops," he said as he headed for the highway.

"Ha. Would have served them right. I'm glad Mom stood up to Bax. It doesn't happen very often," I said. I reached over and pinched his nipple. He moaned and swerved slightly. I laughed.

"Don't do that in the car. I'll wreck," he said so I twisted it hard instead. He yelped.

"Ow! That hurts!" he exclaimed. I still didn't stop. He finally pulled off in a vacant parking lot. He leaned over and took my cock from my pants and started sucking. We'd fallen into a routine when he drove me around we would find somewhere to park and he'd give me head. He had no idea how to suck cock when I had him do it the first time, but he got pretty good after a few tries. Now, he can deep throat me and doesn't have any gag reflex anymore. I put my hand on the back of his head and pushed him all the way down.

"Fuck yeah. Suck that cock bitch, suck it deep," I said and he moaned around my cock. He shifted around under the steering wheel to try and make room for his boner. He always gets hard when he's sucking me. Especially when I treat him like shit and call him names. And I don't mind using his mouth as a pussy and calling him names while I do it. It's a win-win situation.

He sucked and licked and bathed my cock in spit. Then he lifted the shaft and took both of my balls in his mouth. It's a talent that so far only he possesses--taking both balls in his mouth. Not even Dex because my balls are quite large. He pulled off and spit out my balls and was about to go back at it on my cock but instead I reclined my seat and slid down. I lifted my left leg up and exposed my asshole to him. He worked his way around my leg and started eating my ass.

"Aaaahhhhh," I sighed as he tongued my hole. He's also very good at rimming. I don't know how he went so far in his life without sucking cock or rimming assholes but I'm really glad to be the first and only recipient of his talents. I held my leg back and let him feast at my hole for at least five minutes. I don't actually know how long it was because I never wear a watch and rarely look at my phone. I make Quinton take care of my phone messages and texts and stuff. He's a very good assistant as it turns out. Or is it slave? Hmmm, maybe it's slave.

Quinton backed off finally, holding his jaw. "Can I take a break, please?" he asked. I nodded and he sat back up in the driver's seat. His cock poked out, tenting his jeans. I'd managed to get him to wear jeans, too, instead of his favorite--slacks. He adjusted his junk and made a face like he was super uncomfortable. I waited about a minute and then shook my cock at him.

"Ready?" I asked, although it was more of a command than a question. He looked sad for a moment but leaned back over and sucked my entire cock in his mouth. He sucked hard and then fucked his own mouth. He wanted to make me cum fast. I was tempted to edge myself and make him really work for his creamy reward, but I wanted to get going so I could see Drago. I thrust up into his throat a few times and then held his head to my crotch tight and came down his throat. He moaned and rubbed his cock through his jeans and then came in his pants. I let go of him and he pulled back and gasped trying to catch his breath.

"Nice wet spot," I laughed as the cum spread in his jeans. He looked down and flushed with embarrassment.

"Sorry, I couldn't help myself," he said quietly.

"You never can, bitch boi," I said and leaned over to kiss him. He eagerly responded and we kissed for several minutes. I rubbed his jeans all over his junk, spreading the wet spot.

"Thank you, sir," he said when I ended our kiss and sat back in my own seat.

"I told you, you don't have to call me `sir'," I admonished him.

"It just feels right. I'm sorry," he mumbled.

"The correct answer is `yes, Vin'."

"Yes, Vin," he said and started the car again. He cranked up the heater because the car got really cold while we were fooling around and it started snowing again. I leaned back in my seat and closed my eyes. I wasn't asleep but I didn't feel like chatting right now. It was nice to have some quiet time to myself. It's rare these days. Bax and Dex keep me busy most of the time and Quinton ferries me around to appointments every other day, or so it seems.

He takes good care of me, which is awesome because I wasn't doing it for myself and Drago couldn't do it from Boulder. I really appreciate that Drago doesn't have to do it anymore. He took himself way too seriously when he was doing the job. Quinton does pretty much everything I ask but still takes care of business. Of course, I seduced him and he serves me sexually as well as in the business-sense and he has no ability to say `no' to me, so I get away with a lot.

The first time he came to the club was a crack up. He walked around with his mouth hanging open. He was shocked when he watched Bax take down six consecutive opponents. Bax hasn't won grand prize except for the one time, but he makes a ton of money betting on the side. I suspect he throws matches and gets paid well to do so, but he doesn't talk about that with me. I didn't take Quinton upstairs to where Dex works because I thought he would probably faint. Ha. He's so square. Maybe someday I'll tell him what Dex does up there, but for now I told him that Dex is a bartender in the VIP section. Well, I guess he does tend to something, just not drinks.

"Vin?" Quinton said softly a bit later. I guess I was more tired than I thought because I fell asleep.

"Yeah, bitch boi?" I answered and stretched out. I returned my seat to its normal position and looked around. It was almost dark and the snow was falling harder than before.

"I'll pick you up at 8:30 sharp tomorrow morning to take you to your appointment with Dr. Winters. Then I'll take you to Jensen's Music so you can fill out the paperwork to work there over Christmas break," he said.

"Cool, thanks," I said distractedly. As soon as he mentioned Jensen's Music I started thinking about Landry. He was pissed off at me because we never see each other even though I live in Greeley. He thinks I used him for sex and then bailed. I didn't mean to do that exactly, but I get sex from Dex and Bax so often, and Quinton takes care of me pretty much all of the rest of the time so I don't have a lot of cum to spare, so to speak.

"Is there something wrong?" Quinton asked, apparently noting my distraction.

"Not exactly, but I don't really want to work for Landry's dad this Christmas," I said. When I agreed to that I thought that the money would be nice and that me and Landry would have a good time together but now it just feels like work. I know, duh, but I don't want to work over the break if I don't have to.

"But Mr. Jensen is relying on you," Quinton exclaimed.

"Yeah..." I said watching Quinton. I hoped that he would volunteer to work at the music store so I wouldn't have to bring it up myself.

"Maybe he could cut your hours, or something," Quinton said, trying to figure out a solution. He's getting close...come on Quinton, put it together.

"Hmmm...maybe," I said slowly. Then I saw the light go off in Quinton's eyes. He sighed.

"Maybe I could work there for you?" he offered. Bingo.

"You'd do that? Awesome, you're the best, Quinton," I said and rubbed his arm.

"I don't really know much about music..." he said trailing off as it dawned on him that he was going to be working at a music store over Christmas break. Plus taking my ass around. Can't let him slack on that.

"Sure you do, you've been hanging around me enough. Plus, Landry didn't either and he works there so it can't be too hard," I assured him. I smiled big and nodded a lot. He finally let a little smile appear on his lips.

"Okay," he said hesitantly. Not exactly what he had planned for the break, I'm sure, but it's all good. He's taking care of business for me and that's his real job. Now I've got a bunch of free time and time away from my handler so that I can do more fun stuff.

"Cool. Just tell Landry and his dad that Dr. Winters wouldn't let me work, or something. They won't care as long as someone is there to help out. Besides, you're a good worker. They will like you right away," I told him. I know he won't do it because lying gives him a stomach ache, but at least he knows now not to blame this on me.

"I'll think of something," he mumbled deep in thought. A couple of minutes later we took the exit for Drago's house. The snow was really coming down and the roads weren't plowed yet. Quinton was going about 2 MPH and his Miata still slid all over the place.

"Did you put kitty litter in the trunk?" I asked. Pretty much everyone around here has cat litter in the trunk of their car but Quinton is from California so he probably hasn't heard of that before.

"Do what?" he asked, confirming my suspicion.

"Weighs down the back of the car to help with traction. Plus, if you get stuck, you can sprinkle some under the tires for extra grip," I said, ever the source of helpful knowledge. Okay, that's not true at all and I'm not really sure where I even heard that stuff about cat litter before. Probably Romeo when he made us carry our gear up front because the back of his shitty car was full of bags of cat litter. RIP Romeo. Sorry the cat litter didn't help when it actually mattered. Of course it wasn't snowing that night, but whatever.

"Is that for real?" Quinton asked me, dubious of my claims.

"I've lived here my whole life, dude," I answered. I assume it's true, but I'm not staking my life on it or anything.

"I'll get some after I drop you off," he said leaning over the steering wheel and wiping down the windshield. Even with the defrost on, it's still wet and steamy inside the car. We slipped and slid down the side streets until we finally got to Drago's house. Quinton grabbed my bag to carry it inside. He's so good to me. We parked in front of the house and had to shuffle through the snow to get to the front door without falling on our asses. This is one hell of a storm and it's supposed to snow all night.

We got inside the warm house and Dianne-Mom had us stand by the fireplace to warm up while she made us hot chocolate. Drago and Bill-Dad are out at Grandpa Wyatt's ranch helping him secure some fencing that came down before the storm hit. Chances are they aren't going to make it out of the Ft. Lupton area tonight. I'm super bummed out. I won't get to see my man until tomorrow. Lame.

"Quinton, you should move your car into the driveway so that the snow plows don't bury it in snow when they come by in the morning," Dianne-Mom said as she came back into the living room with two hot steaming mugs.

"Oh, I'm not staying here tonight, Mrs. Jenkins. I have a hotel room," Quinton said blushing slightly. He's so cute. Dianne-Mom didn't even say anything that should make him blush--unless he's having naughty thoughts about us sleeping together tonight. Hmmm...maybe I should be having naughty thoughts about him sleeping over. Dianne-Mom laughed.

"Of course you're sleeping over tonight," she said, still laughing. "I can't let you go out in that go-cart of yours in this weather. I never would have let you boys leave Greeley except that it wasn't like this even an hour ago," she concluded. Quinton and I exchanged looks.

"Uh, well, thanks, Mrs. Jenkins. I appreciate your offer," he said. "I'd better call the hotel and explain my situation to them." He pulled out his phone and I pointed the way to the kitchen where he could make his call without us interrupting him. Dianne-Mom came over and hugged me tight.

"Alvin, honey, your hair is soaked," she said, pulling away and shaking her hands.

"Yeah, we got coated in snow walking in from the car. Must have melted," I said shaking my head. Water droplets went everywhere. "Ooops, sorry," I said when I saw Dianne-Mom's angry look. She quickly changed over to a smile.

"No worries. Go get changed into some dry clothes. I'll have dinner ready for us around 6PM," she said. I glanced at the clock. It was already 4:30. A drive that normally takes an hour and fifteen minutes took over two hours today. Quinton walked back in the room as I headed for the stairs down to my apartment.

"Hey, come on down to my place after you move your car and we can dry off and change clothes," I told him. He gave me a curious look and then blushed again. Ha. He knows me well by now. I'm sure he's aware that he's going to be on his knees in like five minutes.

"Will you come with me just in case my car gets stuck? The extra weight and all?" he asked nervously. He doesn't like to ask me for anything.

"Sure," I said and zipped my coat up and pulled the hood on my hoodie on. He grinned and did the same thing. We managed to get the car in the driveway, although it wasn't easy. We were parked sort of sideways but it was out of the way of the plows so we didn't worry about it too much.

We headed down to the apartment and I started stripping off my clothes. I was hot and sweaty on the inside from pushing the car and cold and wet on the outside from being snowed on. I turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot. I stood naked in front of the mirror and flexed. I love this mirror. It makes me look taller for some reason and I always feel like showing off my body in it whenever I'm home. Quinton came in behind me and gasped.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were naked," he said covering his eyes and walking out backwards. Ha. He's sucked my cock like a million times and he's worried about seeing me nude.

"Dude, no worries, come back in," I said, turning to admire my backside in the tall-mirror. Quinton was blushing like crazy. He'd also taken off his clothes and was only wearing his boxer briefs and socks. His hard cock was tenting out the front of his briefs. He's pretty sexy when he's not wearing his glasses or any clothes. I walked over, my own cock now thickening. I pulled his head down to mine and started kissing his lips.

"Mmmm, Vin, mmmm," he mumbled into my mouth as I flicked his tongue with mine.

"What bitch boi?" I asked, pulling back to kiss his neck. I started sucking a hickey on his collarbone.

"Your, or uh, Drago's, or uh, Dianne?" he stuttered out as I bit and sucked on him.

"We locked the door, don't worry. She won't come down," I assured him. I grabbed his ass and squeezed tight. He moaned.

"It's just, this is your place with Drago..." he trailed off as I pulled his briefs down and tapped his feet for him to step out of them. I tossed them aside and started kissing his thighs. He's skinny, not like me, but thin and not very muscular. I'm all muscle but still skinny. Bax and I will start a cycle of steroids right after the new year. We were going to start sooner, but Chris wanted me to wait just in case I decided to get into organized boxing. Bax is waiting until I start so that we can do it together. I really don't know if I want Chris setting up boxing matches for me. I still worry about my hands regardless of how well he wraps them before putting me in gloves.

"You know we have an agreement. Plus, this isn't that different from what we usually do, is it?" I asked as I kissed around his legs to his ass. Fuck yeah, I'm gonna score me another virgin. I love stamping those v-cards. I can't believe that Quinton and I get to spend the night together like this. I never thought I'd actually end up hitting that ass and now we're going to have all night for me to break him in. I also can't believe that guys keep believing that bullshit story about me and Drago having an agreement. What a load of crap that is, ha.

"Ooohhhh," he moaned as I had him turn around and bend over so that I could tease his hole with my tongue. "No one's ever done that, ooooohhhh," he squealed, louder this time.

"Good, I'll be the first and you'll have it done right," I said to his hole and licked around it in little circles. I spread his cheeks far apart and licked him in long streaks along both sides of his hole.

"Viiiinnnnn," he cried out. "Please, I haven't taken a shower since this morning," he whined. I laughed.

"Bitch boi, that's when you taste the best," I said and licked over his hole five times fast. He almost collapsed onto the floor. "C'mon," I commanded and pulled him by the arm back into the bedroom. I shoved him backwards onto the bed and climbed on top of him. His hard cock leaked pre so I licked up what was there and then sucked his five plus inches for a couple of minutes.

"I never knew that would feel so good," he said writhing on the bed. He told me once that I'm the only person who's ever kissed him! Poor guy. Oh, well, after tonight he won't have to worry about being a virgin anymore and maybe he'll loosen up and actually ask someone out on a date. Or he'll continue to be my bitch boi.

I sucked his cock for another minute or two and then had him flip over. I went back to eating his ass. He kept moaning loudly. For someone who was worried that Dianne-Mom was right upstairs, he was getting loud. I stopped when his ass was coated in spit and got the lube out of the nightstand. I slicked my cock and then worked his hole for a while. He opened right up to my surprise. I guess he is just now getting around to losing his virginity and he's almost 22 years old. I don't know how I waited until I was 18!

"Hold here, and here," I told him, moving his hands to each side of his ass. He rested on the side of his face and held his ass open and high in the air for me. I kneeled behind him and stroked my cock a few more times. Then I pressed the head up against his hole. I waited to see how it responded. It wasn't long before I could feel it pulling me inside. I pushed as slow as I could inside of him. To his credit, he didn't tense up. We stared into one another's eyes and I pushed my hard cock in until I was completely buried in his hot hole. I held still and kept his gaze. I very slowly started thrusting in and out in very shallow motions. He squinted his eyes closed and I stopped and waited again. My patience is waning, but I want to fuck him again after this, so I'm not going to tear him up.

"It feels so full," Quinton said calmly a few moments later. I'm really surprised that he's taking this so well. He's usually so anxious anyway and anal sex isn't for everyone, but he's really embracing the experience. I nodded and sucked on his nipples for a little bit while I tried rocking my hips into him. He rocked back into me and soon we had a rhythm going. I pulled out just a little bit further each time.

"How's this feel?" I asked.

"Amazing, sir. You have a glorious cock, sir," he panted out. Ha. Still calling me `sir'.

"Ready for more?"

"Yes, please," he said politely. He's such a crack up. I picked up my speed and started pounding into him harder. He didn't flinch so I increased speed again and the sounds of our hips slapping together rang out. He didn't make a sound at this point, but he smiled at me so I kept at it. I sped up and slowed down and threw him a fuck that he would never forget. I don't think I'll ever forget it! He took everything I tried like a champ. Only Dex could take it harder in my experience. Landry was almost this easy to fuck but even he put up some resistance. I have no idea why, but Quinton could really take a fuck.

Too soon, I felt my orgasm working its way up from my nuts. I pulled out and had him get on his knees. I went back at it slower this time trying to put off my impending orgasm. My hips slapped into his and suddenly, after virtual silence the entire time I'd been inside him, Quinton cried out.

"Oh no!" he said. I could feel his hole convulse on my cock.

"Ride it out, bitch boi," I growled.

"But I just came all over the bed," he said, nearly in tears.

"That's fucking awesome, boi. Next time wait for your top to cum and then you are allowed."

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Fuck that. Oh, goddamn your pussy is twitching and gripping my cock so hard. Keep doing that," I ordered and he kept working my cock with his ass muscles. I came so fucking hard inside of him less than a minute later.

"Oh yeah, I'm filling you with cum bitch boi," I yelled and grunted and thrusted my load into his no longer virginal hole. "That ruled so hard," I moaned as I leaned down and laid on his back and panted.

"I'm sorry I came first, sir," Quinton said a moment later. I eased my cock from his ass and rolled him over so I could look in his eyes again.

"You don't have to apologize. You did amazing and I haven't cum that hard in ages," I told him and then kissed him all over his face. He started giggling.

"Sir! Stop," he said when I started tickling him. He's so easy to please. A little tickle, a kiss here and there, and he's happy as a clam. He giggled and squirmed under me.

"You ready to go again?" I asked giving him my sexiest look. I reached down to stroke his cock and found that it was still hard and leaking pre.

"Oh, sir," he purred as I rubbed his cockhead with my thumb. "I don't think I'm ready," he said although his cock told me a different story. I moved my hand down to cup his balls and caressed them.

"You liked what we did, right?" I asked.

"Yes, sir, very much. But I need to clean up my mess. It's going to stain your sheets," he said sheepishly. I laughed.

"There's no way your cum will stain my sheets any more than any of the other thousands of loads that have been shot on them," I told him and started kissing his mouth again. He pulled away.

"You won't think I'm a slut for doing it again so soon?" he asked earnestly. I wanted to laugh again, but he looked so cute when he asked. I think he's legitimately concerned.

"No, I will never think that," I said and licked his lips. "We're going to spend the night doing this and the only thing that will change in how I think about you is how great a lay you are," I said with a grin. He looked alarmed for a second but then realized I was just giving him shit.

"Vin!" he exclaimed and blushed bright red again.

"Boys? Dinner's on," Dianne suddenly yelled down the stairs. My eyes widened when I realized that I hadn't locked the door. Possibly hadn't shut the door. Oops. I hope I shut it. Quinton looked at me with wide eyes.

"Is she down here?" he asked, pulling the sheets up around himself. I shook my head `no'.

"Naw, she's at the top of the stairs," I said pretending like it was nothing. Damn I hope it's nothing.

"We'd better get up there quick," he said climbing out of bed. His ass is so beautiful. I watched him walk over to his duffel bag and get out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. He turned to me with an alarmed look on his face. "I can't find my underwear!" he exclaimed. I laughed and got out of bed. I went to my dresser and pulled out a pair of boxer briefs and tossed them in his direction.

"Here, wear mine," I said. He looked at me like I'd grown another head.

"But they're yours," he said. I laughed again.

"So? You just had me inside of you. I don't think my clean underwear are going to harm you," I told him. He nodded his head and looked vaguely ashamed. Whatever his parents did to him growing up should be punishable by law. He's so skittish about sex, germs, touching--it's really terrible that he has to overcome all of that to let go and enjoy himself. Even then it all comes rushing back to make him regretful.

"I guess," he said, pulling the briefs on. They were tight on him. Geez. He's skinny, scrawny even, and my boxer briefs are tight on him. They aren't even that tight on me, which is another reason I don't wear any these days.

We got dressed and went upstairs. Dianne cooked chicken and roasted potatoes served with salad. I love her cooking so much. We both ate two servings because it was so good and because there was a ton of food. Cooking for Drago is like cooking for two or three regular people, so she just made a normal dinner that there is no way three people can possibly finish. Even with seconds.

We helped clean up after dinner. Dianne didn't act weird or anything, so I'm guessing that she didn't hear anything. She asked if we wanted to watch a movie with her, so we stayed upstairs and watched a couple of recent movies on Netflix. I had a hard time focusing on the movies, so I texted a few people instead.

Drago was exhausted and only texted for a few minutes before he crashed for the night. He told me how they had to fix the fence and then round up a bunch of cattle that made their way to the other side while the fence was down. He said that they were probably going to have to run Grandpa's plow all over the countryside tomorrow helping people out. Grandpa usually does that stuff, but he's gotten older and can't do all of the stuff he used to. Grandma moved to an assisted living home in Brighton about two years ago when she started suffering from early onset Alzheimer's. Ever since then, Grandpa has slowed down.

We barely got to say `I love you' before Drago fell asleep. He's such a good guy to help out with Grandpa. It amazes me how he finds the time to help everyone around him. I'm so lucky and blessed that he chooses me as his boyfriend.

Next, I texted Aiden. I am so excited to see him. It's been so long since we've seen one another. I'm a bit worried about his expectations. He often tells me how much he loves me and will make comments about us being boyfriends. I know he's been banging some chick that works for the label but he's told me she's only a diversion until we are together again. Something to maintain a certain image with not only James and Jamie, but the music community they've become a part of. I'm wicked jealous that they have a music community that I'm not a part of. I love my new community, but music is supposed to be my life. I need to get to LA and join that community. My plan is that Bax and Dex will eventually come out to LA once I can find them jobs. Maybe roadies or something. Then Drago can transfer to one of the schools in the area--UCLA or USC, maybe. I'll bring my new community with me to be part of my music community. When I start making some real money, I'll move Mom and my sisters out. Maybe Drago's parents can move out there, too. I can always dream, right?

Aiden let me know that he's hoping to get out of LA in two days. The storm is delaying flights into DIA, so he won't be able to get on a plane for at least that long. Stupid snow. I can't even enjoy the snow like I used to. Dr. Winters told me that I'd have to wear a helmet to go snowboarding. Or skiing. Or biking. Or just about anything fun. I'm waiting for him to make me wear a helmet for walking around. I'll really be pulling in all the guys then. Hey babe, wanna go mess around? No, my helmet won't get in the way. What's that? You think my helmet's sexy? Let me give you a helmet job. Yeah, that's never happening.

Aiden and I started sexting. He's always sending me nude pics and pics of him with his fingers in his ass or this pink dildo he has. I've been trying to convince him to try one of those vibrators that I can control from my phone. If I had any money, I'd get him one for Christmas. My cock got hard again while Aiden described himself jacking off and I told him all of the kinky things that I'm going to do to him when we see one another in person. I told him that I want to tie him up spread eagle on the bed and then tease him and fuck him until he cums so many times that it hurts. I also told him that I bought a cage for his dick and that I'm going to teach him to cum from getting fucked up the ass. I haven't really, but he got really excited about that. Ha. Maybe I should get him a cage.

My cock is so hard right now. I looked over to Quinton, who's sitting at the other end of the sofa. He's totally into this movie that Dianne picked. It's some intense drama where everyone takes themselves too seriously. So obviously he likes it. I adjusted myself and stretched out in a big, obvious yawn.

"Sorry guys, but I'm gonna go crash. You can sleep downstairs if you want Quinton. Don't worry about waking me, I sleep like the dead," I said. Dianne paused the movie and came and gave me a hug.

"I'm so glad you made it here safely, Alvin. Sleep as long as you need to. Take care, honey," she said while she rubbed my back. I love my Dianne-Mom. She's so cool.

"Thanks, Mom," I said. "Love you," I told her.

"Love you, too," she said with the nicest smile. I'm so lucky. I headed down to the basement, brushed my teeth and washed my face and got in bed. I was really hoping that Quinton didn't let Dianne talk him into sleeping in the guest room. Sure it made more sense and would be more comfortable than `sleeping' at my place. But I had something entirely different from sleeping in mind.

Around midnight, Quinton slipped downstairs. I heard him fumbling around in the bathroom but he didn't come to my room. I got out of bed, still rock hard with my cock poking straight out from my body, and found him curled up on the couch with a lap blanket and a couch cushion as a pillow. I had to resist laughing.

"Bitch boi," I whispered loudly, shaking him by the shoulder. "Come to bed," I told him. He looked at me through bleary eyes.

"Sir?" he said. "I didn't want to wake you."

"C'mon, I was waiting for you," I told him with a big grin. He's too considerate for his own good. Or mine, for that matter. He nodded and followed me to the bedroom. We got in and I spooned him. I kissed his neck and pressed my boner into his ass crack and lightly humped him. I want in that ass so bad.

"Are you going to fuck me again, sir?" he asked, sounding a bit scared.

"Yes, bitch boi, I'm going to fuck your faggot ass so hard you won't be able to sit right for a week," I growled in his ear.

"Oh, sir, please don't. I'm already having trouble sitting. You fucked me so hard already," he whined.

"What?" I asked, somewhat confused. He barely made a noise while we fucked earlier. "Did I hurt you?"

"Well," he mumbled. He paused and I flipped him on his back so I could look in his eyes. There's a nightlight in the hall so there's just enough light to see one another's faces.

"Yes?" I prompted.

"Well, sir, yes, it hurt a lot when you fucked me earlier. But it felt good, too. Especially when you made me cum," he said softly.

"Why didn't you say anything? You didn't even cry out or anything," I asked.

"I didn't want to be rude. You were having such a good time and I didn't want to interfere with that," he told me.

"Oh, bitch boi, you can tell me if it hurts. You don't have to endure being fucked. It's supposed to be fun for both of us," I said and kissed him on the lips.

"It makes me happy when you're happy, Sir," he said in between kisses. Damn, he's so submissive that he just wants me to use him any way that I please and he gets off on that. Crazy. But he said he doesn't want me to fuck him hard because he's in pain. I don't know if I get what he wants right now.

"Do you want me to fuck you slow?" I whispered in his ear. I went back to work on the hickey on his collarbone and he mewled.

"Yes, Sir," he gasped as I bit and sucked his neck and shoulder.

"But not rough," I asked and then took his nipple in between my teeth and gently bit down. Quinton moaned.

"Maybe a little rough," he whispered. I grinned around his nipple and bit harder. He cried out a little. His nipple was hard now so I sucked and played with it. I switched over to the other one. He thrust his hips up and I could see his cock standing upright, hard and throbbing. I went down on him and sucked the whole thing in my mouth. He leaked some pre and I swallowed it down. His cum is so yummy but that isn't what I'm here for. I moved down from his cock to his balls and sucked on them. He moaned and groaned as I pushed both mounds into my mouth. I pulled back and they popped out and he let out a yelp.

"A lot rough?" I asked and licked his taint. Then I worked my way to his ass and licked around it. I could taste the remnants of my cum and his ass juices from when we fucked earlier so I went back to his nuts and then his cock. I used my fingers to play with his hole. I fingered him a few times and then stuck both of my thumbs in and stretched him from side to side. He wiggled around and whimpered.

"Yes," he finally answered thrusting against my fingers in his ass. I've got him wrapped around my little finger. I pulled free from his hole and got the lube. I worked a lot into his ass hoping that it didn't hurt him too bad and then stroked my cock with some more. My cock pushed into his hole easier this time. He pushed out more this time and my cock dived inside until I was completely buried. I rocked back and forth slow and easy.

"You like that, Bitch Boi?" I asked gruffly. He nodded but couldn't seem to form words. I varied between deep and shallow thrusts and he moaned and whimpered fittingly. "I like it when you're noisy, Boi," I told him and started fucking him harder. I reached over and hit the `on' button for the TV in the living room. We can actually see the TV from our bed so we have a remote in here, too. I didn't turn it up too loud but loud enough to muffle the sounds of sex coming from our bedroom. No need to tip off Dianne that I'm fucking around on her son. Her righteous and good son.

"Yes, yes, fuck me hard, Vin. Give it to me hard," he begged and I thrust hard and deep into his chasm. I pounded him over and over again, his ankles over my shoulders and my arms tight next to his head to keep him from thrashing around too much. He started shuddering and his hole twitched all around my cock. I slowed down and focused on his prostate. He cried out and cum streamed from his cock in a long, hard spurt. I stopped and then thrust powerfully into his cunt as hard as I could and another spurt exited his cock. He whisper-screamed as the cum flowed out. I pounded into him again and more cum streamed out. Then I couldn't take it anymore and slam fucked him for about five minutes straight while his cock spurted jet after jet of cum. When I finally came, I bit him on the shoulder and screamed into his skin and pumped my cum as deep into his bowels as I could. Then I fucked him again for another couple of minutes. I just couldn't stop.

Quinton was practically in tears from when I bit him so hard when I came. I actually drew blood. I licked up my blood and kissed the bite marks. A little bit more blood appeared, so I licked it up until no more blood leaked out. I collapsed on top of him, totally spent. I rested my head on his other shoulder and was asleep in about thirty seconds, still embedded in his pussy. He wrapped his arms around me and sighed. I don't know if or when he fell asleep, but I know that I am content exactly where I am.

Quinton took off sometime after the plows came the next morning. There was so much snow that they pushed a ton of it into the driveway and buried his car anyway. We went out with shovels and cleared the driveway and his car. We said goodbye in the basement so that we could kiss and fondle one another. We fucked again before breakfast, just a quickie. Quinton walked bowlegged but I didn't tease him about it because he took me rough fucking him so well.

After he left I spent most of the day with Dianne. The sun was out but it was bitter cold so nothing melted. Dianne and I stayed in and talked and she made me treats. Neither of us let on, but we were both worried about Bill and Drago. Around 5PM, when we hadn't heard from either of them for hours, we started getting fidgety.

"Do you want to drive out to Grandpa Wyatt's place?" Dianne asked, pulling on her coat at 5:30. Neither of our men were answering the phone or texts. We hadn't heard from them in several hours. Hell yeah I want to drive over there.

"Sure," I said, trying to keep my emotions in check. We're both freaking out to a certain extent, but I don't want to let on that I'm starting to lose my mind. Soon we were both bundled up and sitting in Dianne's Honda Accord. The radio said that no one should leave wherever they are currently located unless it's an emergency. Dianne turned off the radio and backed out of the garage. Snow was falling again and the driveway was slick. We slid sideways a bit. Dianne and I looked at one another. She pounded the steering wheel with her fists.

"What do you think?" she asked me. I looked out the window at the starless sky and I saw the snow swirl around the car. In just the couple of minutes since we backed out, snow already coated the windshield.

"Pull back in," I said firmly, but sadly. She nodded and did exactly that, although we almost took out the side of the garage door because the back wheels slid around so much on the icy driveway. She shut the garage door and we went back inside silently.

I went downstairs and stripped off all of my winter gear and just laid on the bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Quinton to make sure he was okay and staying in place. He, of course, was tucked in tight at the hotel he'd checked into earlier today. They have covered parking so he's just fine.

Next, I texted Aiden, who is still in LA and probably won't be on a flight until Saturday now. Two more days before I get to see him. Frustration! He's good, which I'm very glad about, but since the weather is actually in the 60s there, he's going out to a club tonight. So I told him to be safe and that I love him. He texts back how much he loves me. As much as I say that I'm going to stop leading him on, I never stop. I suppose that will come back and bite me in the ass someday, but for now, he's my side-boyfriend.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, my phone was blowing up with texts. I found my phone buried under the covers and hurriedly checked my texts.

Malcolm: Dude, you there?

Malcolm: Alvin? Answer me, please

Malcolm: Drago's been in an accident! Answer me, please!

I nearly lost my mind in that moment. Fuck, fuck, fuck! Not another accident!

Me: Malcolm! What's going on?

Malcolm: Can I call you?

Me: Yes!!!!!!

My phone rang 10 seconds later.

"Malcolm, talk to me," I answered. I could hear what sounded like a hospital emergency room in the background. Was he at the hospital with Drago? How was that possible?

"Alvin, Drago's okay, but he and his dad were in an accident. The truck was totaled, but they are okay. The first responders insisted that they come to the hospital to be checked out, but neither one has any injuries," he said all in one breath. He stopped and caught his breath while I said a silent prayer that they were safe.

"Are you with him?" I asked.

"No, he's in a room being examined and they made me stay in the waiting room," he said. I'm so glad that Drago is okay, but I'm kind of weirded out that Malcolm is there and I'm not.

"But he's okay?" I confirmed. I just needed to hear it one more time. I started walking up the stairs so I could talk to Dianne.

"Yeah, he's good. The truck has a roll bar that protected him and his dad. The truck looks like shit, but they are both okay," he said.

"You saw the truck?" I asked. Malcolm didn't say anything for a moment. "Hello?" I asked. I could still hear the hospital background noise so I knew that the call hadn't dropped, but he wasn't saying anything.

"Yeah, hey, I'm here," he finally said. "So, they're going to release Drago and his dad pretty quick. The ER is filling up and they need the room, so once they finish the concussion protocol, I think we'll be able to get out of here," Malcolm said. He totally avoided my question about the truck. It sounds like he's driving Drago and Bill home. I don't know what to think about all of this. I'm getting a really weird feeling about Malcolm being there and me being at home. Jealousy? Yeah, maybe a little. Anger? Yeah, that, too. And definitely fear. Drago's truck is totaled. He's okay but going through concussion protocol? Is he really okay or is Malcolm trying to sugar coat things? Or does he not really know?

"Okay. So you're driving them home?" I asked somewhat frantically. The more I think about it, the more I'm freaking out. Dianne sees me at the top of the stairs and rushes over.

"What's wrong?" she whispers. I hold up a finger to let her know I need a minute.

"Yeah, man. Hey, there's Drago, I've gotta go. Don't worry, we'll be home soon," he said and the call cut off. I stood there staring at my phone for a moment.

"What is it, Alvin?" Dianne asked, clearly worried.

"They were in an accident, but they're okay," I said slowly. "Malcolm is with them at the hospital." I walked over to a chair by the fireplace and sunk down into it.

"What?" Dianne exclaimed. I snapped out of my reverie and jumped up out of the chair to comfort her. As much as I was worried--and not exactly about the accident--I knew she needed me in that moment.

"They're okay, just being checked out in the emergency room. Malcolm said that Drago's truck has some kind of roll bar that protected them, but that the truck is totaled. Drago and Dad are being released soon and Malcolm will bring them home as soon as they are," I explained.

"But...shouldn't we...the hospital?" Dianne stuttered out. I pulled her into a hug.

"There's no way we'll get to the hospital before they're released, plus it's really nasty out. We should stay in place and make sure that we're ready for them when they get here," I said, nuzzling her hair.

"Thank you, Alvin," she said. I held her for quite a while. We were both scared, but trying to hold it together. We can't be all sad and sloppy when Dad and Drago get here. We have to be strong and take good care of them.

"Everything will be fine," I murmured to her. I rubbed her back the way that Drago always does when he's comforting me. We finally broke apart and she went into the kitchen. I trailed behind. She warmed up some frozen pizza in the oven. Then she pulled out a bottle of Chivas Regal 25 and poured some into two glasses. She handed one to me.

"Help calm us down," she said and downed her glass. I smiled and then downed my own. She poured us another. We clinked glasses and downed the second one just as quickly. This time I poured us another, but I gave us a much larger portion than she had. We sipped our scotch whiskey and nibbled on pizza.

When nothing happened for an hour, we cleaned up the kitchen and took the bottle and our two glasses into the family room to watch TV. I avoided the news because I didn't want to hear anything terrible and settled on some sitcom. We drank our scotch and waited. And waited. We were well drunk by the time the front door opened and the wind blew in Drago, Bill, and Malcolm.

"Oh my goodness," Dianne exclaimed and she ran over to Bill. In her drunken state, she started kissing him all over. "Bill, I'm so glad you're here," she slurred and kissed him firmly on the lips. She held him arms-length from herself and looked him over. "Where are you hurt?" she demanded. Bill laughed.

"I'm fine, Dianne. A little shook up but okay. Are you okay?" he asked with a smirk. Dianne smoothed her hair back and straightened her posture.

"Of course," she said indignantly. She turned to Drago and hugged him tightly. "My baby," she said into his hair. Drago blushed.

"Mom, I'm eighteen, not hardly a baby," he said.

"Oh, honey, I didn't mean to embarrass you," she slurred.

"Come on, Dianne, let's get you upstairs," Bill said, laughing again. "Next time, Alvin, don't let her get drunk," he admonished me.

"There better not be a next time," Dianne said loudly. "And Alvin didn't do anything wrong. He's an angel," she said before stumbling up the stairs. Bill caught her and picked her up.

"Come on, love, I've got you," he said and Dianne wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thank you, hon. I love you so much," she said as they disappeared into their bedroom. The door slammed and we couldn't hear them anymore.

"Man, Dad is going to fuck Mom so hard. She always gets horny when she's drunk," Drago said and he and Malcolm fist bumped. He offered me his fist next and I bumped it, although much less enthusiastically. There is something fishy about Malcolm and Drago. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there is definitely something going on between the two of them.

"Hey, babe," Drago said and he leaned down to kiss me. I didn't close my eyes and could see Malcolm turn away disgustedly. Suspicious. Like he was jealous. Of me? I pulled back and squinted at Drago.

"You okay?" I asked. He smiled.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Totally pissed that the truck is totaled. That's two this year, dude," he said. I didn't smile back.

"I bet," was all I could manage. I'd been so scared about the accident and then Dianne and I got wasted on scotch and now he stood here in front of me exhibiting weird behavior. His body language made it look like he was with Malcolm instead of me. I think that's what's going on here--they look like and act like a couple. Are they fucking? Going out? Falling in love? What the fuck is going on here? And Malcolm keeps looking at Drago with such concern and dare I say, love? Maybe I'm looking into this way too much, but something is definitely up with those two.

"So Malcolm, you want to stay over? The roads are shit," Drago said. Oh, great. He's staying. Maybe I can stay in the guest room and you two can fuck downstairs. I bit my lip before I said something I may regret. I really have no ground to stand on considering I was balls deep in Quinton like hours ago, but Drago has never cheated on me. And he probably isn't now--looks can be deceiving. But it feels like something is going on.

"Naw, man, I only live a few blocks away. I'll keep it in second the whole time and I should be fine," Malcolm said looking at me cautiously. Yeah, that's right. Get out of here.

"Seriously, man, it's no problem," Drago said. He put his arm around Malcolm's shoulder and my stomach dropped. It looked so natural. Like he does it all the time. Malcolm sort of snuggled in next to him and then pulled away when he saw me giving him a dirty look.

"No, I've gotta get back or my parents will have a cow," he said and began pulling his winter gear back on.

"Thanks for bringing Drago back safe and sound," I said to Malcolm with false cheer. I smiled a big phony smile to top it off. Malcolm smiled back nervously.

"Yeah, anytime. Hey, I'll check on you, I mean you guys," Malcolm stopped after he corrected himself. "Uh, tomorrow," he said. Drago hugged him and Malcolm patted him on the back awkwardly. I wanted to ask if they wanted some privacy, but I bit my lip again and turned to stoke the fire before it went out. Drago stepped outside with Malcolm and I could hear them whispering but I couldn't make out the words. Probably professing their love for one another. Again, I have no room to judge here since I've told Aiden that I love him like 500 times, but Drago hasn't done this to me before. Especially right in front of me. And I've never done it in front of him. When we're together it's always about him. I leaned forward to see out the window. They were still hugging and now Malcolm was holding onto Drago. He looked up and saw me watching and he let go of Drago.

"See you around," he said loudly and waved to me. I resisted flipping him off and merely shook the fireplace poker at him. He looked a little bit concerned as he turned and slid his way to his truck. Drago stayed outside until Malcolm disappeared around the corner. Drago paused and looked a bit sad. Jesus. Are they fucking, or what? He finally turned and walked inside.

"You sure you're okay?" I asked, trying not to sound sarcastic.

"Yeah, babe, let's go downstairs and go to bed. I'm exhausted and today has been a seriously shitty day," he said putting his arm around me. I couldn't help but notice that it was similar to how he put his arm around Malcolm. Fuck me.

"Kay," I agreed and we headed down the stairs. "The fridge is empty at our place," I said, emphasizing `our,' "So if you are hungry, we should eat up here," I told him.

"Yeah, let's grab some food real quick," he said, changing direction and heading to the kitchen. I know my boyfriend well. It turned out that he must have been starving because he ate all of the chicken and cheese enchilada leftovers, a bag of tortilla chips and a ton of salsa, and took a bag of microwave popcorn down with us to snack on. I nibbled on a couple of chips but didn't eat anything. I lost my appetite when all he had to talk about was, you guessed it, Malcolm. Malcolm really came through today, Malcolm made all the difference, Malcolm this, Malcolm that. I wanted to throw up. And not just because I drank half a bottle of Chivas.

When we finally got downstairs, I let him get ready in the bathroom first. He climbed in bed and was asleep before I finished brushing my teeth. I was not happy, but I couldn't really do anything about it. I'm a total hypocrite and I know it. But I'm still pissed off. I went back upstairs and got the bottle of Chivas out of the cupboard and poured myself another healthy shot. It tasted so bad since I'd just brushed my teeth, so I swished some in my mouth to get rid of the taste. I sat in the chair and watched the fire burn itself out in the fireplace. We should have put it out before we went downstairs. It was a good thing I came back up.

"Hey, Alvin," Bill-Dad said softly at about midnight. I'd never fallen asleep. I just kept going over things in my mind and tried to figure out what, if anything to say to Drago.

"Hey Dad," I said. I tried to smile, but failed with a little smirk. I was pretty drunk, but more angry and sad drunk than happy drunk. Bill took the bottle out of my hand and took it back to the kitchen. He brought back a bottle of water.

"Here," he handed it to me. I took it and set it on the end table beside me.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"Hey, they aren't sleeping together, if that's what you're thinking," Bill said and sat down in the chair across from me. I just shook my head.

"Then why are they acting like it?" I asked. Bill put his hand on my knee and squeezed it.

"Drago misses you terribly. He relies on Malcolm as a friend, but nothing more. I don't know what changed, but Malcolm seems to have...well, a crush on Drago. He may be having a sexual awakening of his own and he's turned to one of his only gay friends to help guide him," Bill explained. I don't buy it. And I totally think they are fucking. Why is Bill even talking to me about this? I'm feeling really uncomfortable about this.

"Huh," I said. Bill patted my knee.

"Really, Alvin, he loves you more than life itself and he's lonely with you being up in Greeley. And the thought of you leaving for LA in a month or so disturbs him greatly," Bill said, scooting his chair over next to mine. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to him. He smells just like Drago. Wow. I've never noticed before. How weird. But my cock is kind of twitching as I breathed in the scent I love most in the world. Bill's isn't quite as, well, musky as Drago's. But it's really nice. I calmed down a little. I'm probably not thinking this through in the proper way. I am really drunk and I haven't even talked to Drago about it yet. I don't even know how he and his dad ended up in the accident. He's too good for me. He's too good for this world and I'm convicting him of cheating because he and Malcolm are good friends. I'm the one who cheats. Now I'm projecting that onto him. Maybe he's better off with Malcolm anyway. At least Malcolm wouldn't cheat on him and run off to live somewhere else. I get the feeling that Malcolm is very loyal. Fuck. I should just let the two of them fall in love and then I can go back to Greeley and not feel so guilty when I'm plowing Bax or Dex.

"I love him, too," I said after a couple of moments. Bill nodded and smiled.

"You two will work it out and be stronger for it," he told me. "Make sure the fire is out when you go to bed, okay?" he said as he stood up. I nodded and tried to smile again. It was closer to a smile this time, but I still couldn't make my face do a real smile.

I woke up a couple of hours later. The fire burned itself out and I was freezing cold. I poked at the embers to ensure that nothing was going to reignite and closed the screen. I finally crawled into bed about 3AM and laid there unable to sleep. Drago rolled over and threw his arm over my shoulder. I wondered if he did that to Malcolm, too. I can't stop thinking about the two of them. I'm such an asshat. I'm making myself miserable because I refuse to stop thinking about this. Whatever this is. According to Bill, it's nothing. And yet I won't let it go.

Apparently I dozed off because I just woke up with Drago's hard cock poking me in the back. He's still asleep but has wicked morning wood. He keeps poking me so I reached back and tilted it up and then backed up to him so that it's tucked between my cheeks. It feels very good, I have to admit. I wiggled my ass a little and then fell back asleep again.

A couple of hours later, I felt Drago fingering my hole with some lube. I didn't move, figuring that he didn't need to know he woke me up. He stroked some lube on his cock and then pushed his cock head up against my hole. It slid in very slowly. I pretended to be asleep. I'm not sure he bought it, but he kept pushing his cock in my tight hole until he was completely inside. He started fucking me slowly. It felt fucking perfect. I don't care anymore if he's fucking Malcolm. I know that we're meant to be. Malcolm may be the flavor of the moment, but he'll never take my place.

"Fuck," I grunted as he fucked me faster and thrust in me too hard for me to pretend anymore.

"Morning, babe," he said, kissing my ear. He licked the lobe and stuck his tongue in my ear. Damn, he knows how to turn me on.

"Morning," I said back, now thrusting my ass to meet his hips. Our hips slapped together for the next fifteen minutes or so and neither one of us said a word. The only sounds were moans and grunts and bodies slapping together. He pushed me over onto my stomach and mounted me. He fucked into me so hard that the headboard actually came loose from the bed. We both giggled but he didn't stop.

"Oh God, oh fuck, oh, Dragohhhhh," I moaned and came onto the bed where I'd been humping it. He roared and came in my ass so deep I thought it would come out my mouth. He laid on top of me, both of us panting. He pulled out and rolled over, still breathing heavy.

"Damn, Alvin, that was fucking fabulous," he said. I grinned and rolled over so that we laid on our backs next to one another. "I came buckets up your ass, dude," he told me. No kidding, I'm already leaking on the sheets. "I couldn't jack off at Grandpa's place because it's so damn quiet up there, everyone in the house would have heard, so I had a lot pent up," he told me. He leaned over and kissed me and then got up to get something to clean up with.

"Ha. Yeah, sharing a room with two other guys makes it hard to beat my meat in peace," I said. I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom to turn on the shower. "Wanna take a shower with me?" I called out into the living room.

"Yeah!" he yelled back and came jogging into the bathroom a minute later. His junk was flopping all around. He looks so cute and eager. God, I'm such an ass for doubting him. He's mine and he always will be. So stupid of me. I got on my tippy-toes and kissed him. He leaned down to me and we made out while we waited for the water to get warm.

Once in the shower, I washed him and then he washed me. We both used the bulb to clean our asses out so that we'd be ready for some more fun later. We got ready in the bathroom and then got dressed. We'd cranked the heat up down here because it's unusually cold--even for a basement in Colorado. We headed upstairs and found Mom and Dad sitting by the fire sipping coffee.

"Hey, guys, coffee's fresh," Dad said.

"Thanks, Dad," we said in unison. We grinned at one another and then bumped shoulders on our way to the kitchen. We poured mugs of coffee with lots of creamer in them and headed back to the fireplace. It was definitely the warmest place in the house. I looked outside and noticed that the snow had stopped but it was still dark and cloudy.

"It's only 27 degrees with a wind chill of 19. It won't start snowing again until it warms up a little," Mom said. She was wrapped in a quilt and had a hat on. It seems like overkill, but it's freaking freezing. I can see that the wind is blowing all of the snow into drifts. When Drago and I were kids we would tunnel through the drifts and build snow forts and have epic snowball fights.

"Wanna build snow forts and have a snowball fight?" I asked him and bumped his shoulder with mine. He grinned at me.

"I always let you win," he said with a mischievous look in his eyes.

" baloney," I said glancing at Mom out of the corner of my eye. She smiled at me.

"Oh, yeah. I knew that you wouldn't play with me anymore if I didn't let you win sometimes," he said.

"Now I know that you hit your head yesterday because that is totally not how it happened. I beat you because I pack snowballs faster than you," I declared.

"Ha! You have terrible aim. I used to wonder if you needed glasses," he said. I shoved him away from me.

"You're the one with no aim! You couldn't hit the broadside of my uh my bottom, if you tried."

"Ready to put your money where your mouth is? How about a challenge?"

"You're on."

"Okay, we'll both build forts in the backyard since it's flat. Whoever scores ten hits gets to pick his prize," Drago announced. I thought about it for a second.

"Like you'll be my slave for a day?" I asked.

"Whatever you want...if you win," he said with a glint in his eyes. I don't really trust him because he just looks like he's plotting something evil, but I can't resist the challenge. I know he didn't let me win. I won because I'm damn good at snow ball fights. It's my long fingers, or something. Plus, he really can't throw. People used to ask him why he isn't a quarterback because he's the right size for that position. It's because he can't throw! At all.

"Let's do this," I said and we downed our coffee and then bundled up. The wind pretty much slapped us in the face as we headed outside. Mom and Dad repositioned themselves at the window in the dining room so that they could watch. I hope at least one of them is cheering for me, their underdog son. Ha.

I headed to the north end of the yard and staked my claim. It's slightly uphill so I would be throwing downhill. Drago shook his head at me.

"Need to be uphill from me, huh?" he said with a smirk.

"Hey, you have like 10 inches on me. I get to be uphill," I called back. He rolled his eyes.


"Yeah, GO!" I shouted and we went to work on our forts. Fucking-A it is like a deep freeze inside of a wind tunnel on Antarctica out here. I never want to go outside ever again. I cannot wait to move to LA. I hope that we only tour in the summer so that I never have to come back to Colorado in the winter.

I used a rectangular plastic box to make the walls of my fort and was done before Drago, who was building his by hand. I started rolling snowballs in advance. I watched as he finally completed his masterpiece, or piece of shit--art is in the eye of the beholder after all. His was taller than mine, but the walls were thin. I could knock that shit down in like a minute. He was rolling snowballs, too, and even though the walls were higher, I could see his head poke over the top every so often. He's just a massive human being, especially since he's been at CU. The coach wants him big and big he is.

"You ready, snow pussy?" he called out. I looked toward the window to see if his parents heard him but they didn't react so I don't think they heard.

"Yeah, snow bitch, you ready?" I yelled back. I could hear him snickering and I started laughing, too.

"Then GO!" he yelled and threw his first snowball. It knocked off one of the corners of my castle-like fort.

"Oh no, my parapet!" I exclaimed in fake dismay. I threw my first snowball and it pegged him right in the shoulder. "One to nothing, snow bitch!" Drago roared and started throwing snowballs like a machine. I managed to duck and hide from all of them and then started a barrage of my own.

"Fuck!" he shouted when he got hit again.

"Two, nothing," I shouted with glee. Hell yeah. I'm gonna win. Just as I was gloating to myself, I got pegged in the chest. I groaned loudly. I could see Drago's parents laughing.

Our battle went on for about fifteen minutes before we called it and went inside. The score was 5 to 5 but our hands and feet were frozen solid and it started to snow again. The snow was tiny flakes that stung when they touched our skin. Drago walked in the door ahead of me and I couldn't resist pegging him from behind.

"Oh yeah! 6 to 5, victory is mine!" I shouted. Drago turned to face me slowly.

"You sneaky little shit!" he yelled and chased me back into the yard. I ran for my life, but he was faster. He may not be accurate and he may be a hulk of a man, but he's fucking fast and he caught me so fast I wasn't ready for it. He speared me into a snowbank with both of us laughing hysterically.

"I still won, you know," I said when we stopped laughing long enough for him to hear me.

"Fuck you, we already called the game," he said, suddenly serious.

"I had my fingers crossed," I said. He looked at me through narrow eyes.

"Cheating son of a bitch," he mumbled through clenched teeth. I kept laughing.

"So first of all slave, help me up and after I get settled by the fireplace, get me some hot cocoa," I gave him my first command.

"I can't believe that you think I'm going to be your slave after you cheated..." he started to say before I interrupted.

"No complaining, slave. Now let's get to it, help me up now," I told him. He looked like he wanted to snap me in half. Instead he got up slowly and pulled me to my feet. Actually, he picked me up and set me on my feet. He's way too strong. He picked me up like a sack of potatoes.

"I'll do this, but only because I think it might be fun," he said as we walked back inside. "Make it fun, okay?" he warned me. I pretended to think about it.

"Alright," I agreed. We stood on the top step before going in the house and he stared me in the eyes. He shook his head and grinned at me and we kissed. We would have kissed longer except for the blizzard that had formed around us. We went back inside and slammed the door shut against the wind.

"So, who won?" Dad asked when we made it back to the living room.

"I let him win again," Drago said. I smacked him in the shoulder.

"The hell you did," I said. We both laughed.

"Drago's going to be your slave today, huh?" Dad asked me with a smirk. I nodded.

"Oh yeah. He's going to be very busy today. Let me know if there's anything you need. I'll make sure it gets done," I told Mom and Dad.

"I'll keep that in mind," Dad said with a thoughtful look. Drago gave me a dirty look. I smiled my most innocent smile.

"What?" I asked as if I didn't know. Ha. I have my very own slave. I'm going to wear that boy out. In every way, shape and form. Aw yeah!

"You know what," Drago said. I kept smiling.

"C'mon babe, hurry up and get me some hot cocoa," I said. "Mom, Dad, do you want some hot cocoa?" I asked them.

"Sure," Mom agreed.

"You bet," Dad said with a grin. Drago grumbled all the way to the kitchen.

"Seems like you two are on good terms," Dad said after Drago was out of hearing.

"Oh, yeah. It's all good," I said. They both smiled at me.

"We're really glad to have you home. It's wonderful to see you and spend time with you. Plus, Drago is so much happier when you are here," Mom said. I hopped up and hugged her.

"Thank you. Thank you for everything, Mom," I said, nearly in tears. How did I luck out so much with Drago AND his parents? Dad came over and hugged both me and Mom.

"It's good to see you, Son," he said. If I wasn't in tears before, I definitely am now. Stupid head injury making me all weepy-eyed.

"Thanks, Dad," I said. Drago came in and saw us all hugging and the tears and the love. Jeez, it's like something on the Hallmark Channel or something.

"Alright, break it up. Here's your hot chocolate. Let's see, this one is for you. I made it special," he said with a gleam in his eye. He handed me my favorite mug. "I put the poison in that one," he whispered to his parents. We all laughed.

We warmed up by the fire and chatted about the accident yesterday. It turns out there wasn't that much to know--Drago got hit from behind by a car driving too fast. The truck spun out on the ice and then rolled down the embankment a couple of times. He and dad were strapped in by the seatbelts and the roll bar saved their lives. The truck was totaled--the cost to fix it exceeded its insured value. He was going to be waiting for another insurance check.

"Hey Dad, do you have your phone?" Drago asked. He'd looked everywhere for his own and couldn't find it.

"Yes, it's plugged into the charger upstairs. Can't find yours?" Dad replied.

"No. I don't know if I had it at the hospital," Drago said.

"Weren't you using the map program? Is it still in the truck?"

"Oh uh, uh oh," Drago said.

"As soon as the weather clears, I'll take you out to the truck and you can see if your phone is still inside. They won't be able to load it on a tow truck until Saturday at the soonest. My phone started buzzing while they discussed the missing phone. At least I knew why Drago hadn't called. But how did Malcolm know about the accident?

I went downstairs to our apartment and checked my texts and it was Quinton.

Quinton: Hi, just checking in. Dr. Winters called and said that his office is closed today, so your appointment is postponed until next week.

Me: Thanks, just let me know when and I'll be ready

Quinton: You bet. Hey, by the way, thanks for yesterday.

Me: Anytime, bitch boi

Quinton: By the way, I talked to Landry. He made it home before the weather got too bad. He said that I'm going to start working at the music store on Sunday. He's going to train me.

Me: Right on. Landry is a great guy and I think you'll like working with him

Quinton: Thank you for the opportunity, sir.

Me: Quit calling me sir

Quinton: Sorry sir (just kidding).

Me: Your sense of humor is getting better

Quinton: Thanks, sir. I'll text you tomorrow to check in. Is there anything you need today, Vin?

Me: No and don't worry about texting me every day. Just text if there's something important

Quinton: I will text you every day, Vin. Talk to you tomorrow!

Me: Whatever. Lates

Quinton: Bye, Sir.

I closed the program. If that little shit keeps calling me `sir,' I'm going to start treating him more like a servant. I mean, more than I already do.

I texted Aiden to say good morning and he didn't respond. It's an hour earlier where he is so he's probably still asleep. I can't decide if I hope he hooked up last night or if I want him desperate and horny when he gets here.

When I didn't hear back from Aiden after a couple of minutes, I texted Landry. We haven't been on the best of terms, but I wanted to thank him for getting a hold of Quinton. And I wanted to apologize for not working this Christmas. I feel like a jerk for flaking out on that.

Me: Hey, Landry, you there?

Landry: Sup

Me: Not a lot, just chilling inside waiting for the storm to pass. U?

Landry: chillin, too

Me: Hey, I'm really sorry about not working this xmas. I hope that Quinton works out well

Landry: he seems like a nice enough guy. doesn't know shit about music, but he'll learn fast enough

Me: He's super smart. He gets straight A's in law school

Landry: seriously? he didn't even mention it

Me: Yeah, my lawyer in LA hired him to be my assistant. He goes to CU law school

Landry: cool

Me: I'm sorry I've been such a jerk lately. I miss texting with you

Landry: thanks

Me: We should meet up over break. Have dinner or something

Landry: yeah, maybe

Me: Come on, dude. Don't leave me hanging. I want to make up for my bad behavior

Landry: take me to Flagstaff House and I'll consider it

Me: Okay, but I expect you to put out afterward

Landry: fuck you

Me: Oh, no, fuck you

Landry: alright, you made me laugh. i don't really want to go to Flagstaff house but I would like to go to dinner with you. pizza one night?

Me: Definitely

Landry: cool. I'll text you later

Me: Lates

I checked to see if Aiden had texted after I was done texting with Landry, but still nothing. I turned off my phone and stuck it on the charger. I heard Drago bounding down the stairs. When he reached the bottom, I held up my hand and he stopped.

"Strip, slave," I demanded. He cocked his head to the side as if to ask `really?' I glared at him. He shrugged and took off all of his clothes.

"Now what?" he said, giving me a lascivious look.

"Did you lock the door when you came down?" I asked. We both looked to the top of the stairs and saw that the door was open. "Go on," I urged him.

"Fuck," he said and he ran up the stairs. I resisted laughing. I kind of hope his parents see him running up there naked. Then again, maybe that's too awkward. I was pretty freaked out when Mom--Isabella--was running around in that see-through nighty. She didn't care, but she's also got different standards than I do. Than most people do.

Drago shut the door and locked in and ran back downstairs. I watched his dick bouncing up and down. He was starting to bone up. So was I. We're so horny together. I think we're both pretty excited about a day trapped in the basement with me forcing him to do my bidding.

"Now take off my clothes," I commanded. He smiled and stepped up to me. He pulled my hoodie off first, careful to not get it caught on my nose. Next, my thermal long-sleeve shirt, then my flannel jeans and my thermals underneath. He left my socks on. I fucking hate winter. Way too many clothes.

"Very good, slave. Now suck my cock, but don't make me cum. I'm saving that for your beautiful ass," I told him. He dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth.

"Mmmm..." he moaned around my cock. The vibrations made me hard so fast. His mouth was hot--probably from the hot cocoa--and it felt like velvet around my hard cock. I let him do all of the work, and didn't force myself down his throat. I rested my hands on his head gently. He worked my cock in his mouth for several minutes and I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to make him do it for a lot longer. Like until his jaw ached and his knees were sore and red but I want inside him now.

"Get up slave and bend over the end of the couch," I said and my cock flopped out of his mouth. Spit bridged from the end of my cock to his lower lip. I watched it until it finally broke and then I went to the bathroom to find some lube.

When I came back, he was bent over the couch just like I'd asked him. I poured the lube in my hands and rubbed them together to warm the lube a little bit. It was ice cold from being under the sink. We need a lube warmer. I don't know if that's a thing, but I'm going to invent one if there isn't already one on the market. Lube is somehow colder than the air around it. No one wants that on their asshole. Seriously.

I rubbed my lubed up hands all around his hole and fingered him for a couple of minutes. I focused on his prostate and pretty soon he was moaning and squeaking a little bit. I've never heard him squeak like that. I do know someone who squeaks when they get fucked--Malcolm. Huh. Alright Alvin, quit reading into things so much. Especially now that you're about to be balls deep in your boyfriend.

I shook my head to help clear my mind and stroked my cock until it was well lubed. I wiped my hand on Drago's ass cheek and then pointed my cock toward his slightly gaping hole. He reached back and held his ass open. Fuck me. A second ago I almost called him out for his squeaking and now he's holding his hole open for me to fuck. Even if he is fucking--getting fucked by?--Malcolm, he's mine now and I want in there bad. I shoved in about four inches before I made myself stop. He cried out. I held as still as I could but it wasn't long before I rocked my hips and started fucking him slowly. He stopped squeaking and moved his hips back and forth with me.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard," I said. He moaned again and then the fucking squeaking started again. This has to be more than a coincidence. No one starts making different noises while they are having sex out of the blue. I slid in and out rapidly and our hips slapped together. Suddenly I realized that I couldn't say shit about the squeaking. How the hell was I supposed to explain how I know what Malcolm sounds like when he's getting fucked? Oh, by the way, Drago, I fucked Malcolm a while back and he makes the same squeaking sounds that you've been making. Are you fucking Malcolm? Yeah, that's not going to happen.

I pumped in and out of Drago's ass, our hips slapping together rapidly. I rubbed around his hole with my thumbs and he squealed in absolute pleasure. I continued rubbing and then pushed one thumb in his hole next to my cock. He rocked his hips up into me.

"Fuck me Alvin, oh God, oh fuck," he cried out. "I'll be your slave forever," he moaned. I grinned. I love him so much. I've been so scattered thinking about Malcolm and forgetting what's really important--we're in forever love. Regardless of whether we fuck other people or get fucked by other people--whatever--we are soul mates.

"Alright slave, get ready to take the hardest fuck of your life," I growled and let loose. I power-fucked Drago's ass like I was possessed. He cried out, whimpered, moaned--and yes, squeaked--but never asked me to slow down or stop. I pounded him into the arm of the couch and he took it. I roared when I came and shot so much jizz up his ass that it leaked out around his cock. I pulled out and shot even more on his hole. I pushed it back in and kept fucking him for a few more minutes. My cock slipped from his ass and I stepped back somewhat dizzy.

"That was fucking intense," Drago said from where his face was smashed into the couch cushion.

"You okay?" I asked, stumbling back but catching myself on the chair next to the couch. I managed to sit down, my cock still standing out from my body like a steel rod.

"Yeah, I think so," he mumbled. He hasn't moved from his position from over the arm of the sofa. "What got into you? That was...I don't even know what that was. You've never fucked me so hard," he said. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing from his tone.

"Did you like it?" I asked, wondering if I liked it. It felt good at the time, but it was rough. Like maybe too rough for someone I cared about so much. I don't want him to think he's just a piece of meat or a cum dump or something.

"I...well," I looked over to him as he tried to find the right words. He was blushing.


"I liked some of it, but it hurt more than usual. Is your dick bigger or something?" he asked, clearly embarrassed. I smiled at him and moved over next to him on the couch. I stroked his hair.

"Maybe. The last time I checked it was 7 ¾ inches and 5 inches around," I told him.

"Didn't it used to be 7 ¼ inches?" he asked as he struggled to sit up. I offered a hand to pull him up.

"Yeah but that was a while ago."

"Let's measure you again, because I think you're bigger than me now," he got up and went into the room with his desk and came back with a tape measure. He grabbed my rock hard cock and measured me.

"It's still 7 ¾. I don't have a way to check the circumference," he said. I put my fingers around my cock and held out my hand so he could measure how far my fingers went around my cock. "5 ½," he said. I stroked my cock a few times.

"Yeah, it feels bigger. Here, hold yours up to mine. Let's compare," I said. We both stood up and he stroked himself hard again. Fuck that was hot. I almost got on my knees and took it in my mouth, but we were doing something here. I took his cock and mine in my hands and stroked them together. We both moaned.

"Fuck, it is a little bit thicker now," he said and he took over stroking our cocks. My cock was officially thicker than his now. A little bit shorter in length, but thicker. Goddamn. How does that happen? I thought that cocks stopped growing at some point, but mine has gotten longer and thicker since the accident. Am I growing because it's natural or did the accident change something in my brain? My brain has changed in a lot of different ways since the accident, so maybe it's that. Damn, what if it never stops growing. I'll have to do porn. Ha.

Drago continued stroking our cocks together. It felt so good but I want inside of him again. I tapped his hip to indicate that I want him bent over the back of the chair now. He gave me a look like, `really?' but I wasn't having it. I tapped his hip and began turning him toward the chair.

"Not so rough this time, okay?" he asked looking over his shoulder. I grinned at him.

"Okay," I replied and then thrust my cock deep inside of him in one motion. He cried out and looked over his shoulder at me somewhat alarmed. "Sorry, except for that," I said and I held still to let him get adjusted.

"You're stronger, too," he said with a pained look on his face. "I'm going to have bruises on my hips," he told me. I looked down and realized that he was right. I was gripping his hips so tight that they were red with white marks where my fingers pressed into him.

"My hand strength must have increased with the boxing," I said as I started slowly fucking him. "And the BJJ is giving me the skills I need to toss you around like a rag doll," I growled out and began long dicking him with my hands behind my head. Drago had to hold himself steady as I fucked him hard with only my hips. I didn't hold him in place at all, just thrust my hips into him over and over again.

After several minutes of that I pulled out and fell back onto the sofa. I patted my lap and Drago scrambled up and then positioned himself to sit on my cock. I held it up and he slowly sat down and my cock disappeared up his ass. It was so hot to see my cock vanish inside of him. I let him take over and he fucked himself at a moderate pace. I wanted him to go faster, but this was about him being in control and not me pounding his ass to a pulp.

He rode me until he couldn't lift himself up anymore--probably more than thirty minutes. He sat on my cock and shifted his hips in circles, rubbing against his prostate over and over again until he came hands-free. He shouted and then grabbed his cock and stroked it as several jets streamed out. His ass muscles squeezed my cock and I knew I was going to cum soon.

"Lift up, babe," I said and he bent forward enough that I could fuck him from underneath. The angle wasn't ideal, but it was sufficient for me to erupt inside of him a few minutes later. Drago sat back down on my cock, squishing me in the process but I didn't care. I felt amazing. He could sit on me all day like this. Well, maybe not all day. I mean he's like 100 pounds heavier than me so eventually he'd probably crush me. I'm currently sitting at 124 lbs. and he's at like 230. Wow, he's more than 100 pounds heavier and 10 inches taller. But our cocks are nearly the same. I bet mine looks bigger because my frame is so much smaller. All I think about is my cock these days, ha.

Drago stood up and my cock slid out of his abused hole. He cringed when the head made a popping noise as it exited and cum started dripping out. He was wide open back there. I leaned forward and started eating my cum, first licking up what ran down his legs and then feasting on his hole.

"Ahhhhh!" he cried out as I thrust my tongue in to get all of the cum I could reach. "Oh, fuck, Alvin," he moaned. I used my finger to dig out what I couldn't reach with my tongue and he tried to suck my finger in by closing his ass against it. I inserted two fingers and started playing with his prostate, pressing it, rubbing it between my fingers. He put his hands on his thighs and I licked and teased his ass until he came again, cum dribbling from his cock onto the floor. We were going to have quite the cum clean up today. There was cum on the arm of the sofa, on the floor, I don't even know where all there was cum but I have a feeling we're going to be finding deposits for the next couple of days. I think I know a slave that's going to be very busy licking up cum. Ha. I won't make him lick it up.

"Fuck, babe, that was incredible. You are incredible," Drago panted out. He crashed down on the couch next to me. I pulled him over and we kissed. I pushed as much cum from my mouth into his and he moaned. We kissed for a while and then I got up and headed for the shower. It would be my second of the day. Drago followed me and we ended up in there together. He played with my ass some, but we were both pretty wiped out so once we were more or less clean, we got out and got dressed. It was lunch time and since our fridge was pretty much empty, we went upstairs to see what Mom and Dad were up to.

"Hey guys, can I make you something to eat?" Dad called from the kitchen. Mom was asleep on the couch so we left her there and went to the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm starving," Drago announced.

"Sure, I mean yes, please," I said suddenly remembering my manners. Dad smiled and cracked a few more eggs into the pan.

"I'm making bacon and eggs since that's pretty much the only thing I know how to cook," Dad told us as he started a pan of bacon. "Mom is very hungover so we should let her sleep," he said. We both nodded. Drago had found a bag of potato chips and some dip so we were already eating. Dad helped himself to the chips and dip, too. Pretty soon we'd eaten two pounds of bacon, a dozen eggs, a bag of potato chips and the whole thing of onion dip. And Drago was still hungry. I was, too. I'd had quite the workout already this morning.

We rummaged around the cupboard and found a box of crackers and we munched on that until the tater tots we cooked were ready. We talked about walking to the grocery store but decided against it because the TV said that virtually everything was closed because of the storm. The state patrol told everyone to stay in place or get ticketed so no one was expected to go to work.

Drago warmed up a bowl of nacho cheese to dip the tater tots in and we went out to the family room to watch TV. Being that it's a Thursday in the middle of the day, there wasn't much on so we ended up watching a rebroadcast of the Saints vs. Panthers football game from Sunday.

After Drew Brees threw an infuriating interception, I headed back down to our apartment. Just when I think I may become a Saints fan, Brees goes and does that. I turned on the PS4 and got set to play Injustice 2. Drago came down after the game finished.

"Saints lose?" I asked while trying to line up a combo to take out The Joker.

"Yep," he replied. He got out his controller and as soon as I finished my match we switched up to play against one another. We were whooping it up as I beat him and then he beat me. We're pretty evenly matched when it comes to video games. We once played Marvel vs. Capcom 3--me as Ironman and him as Wolverine--100 times in a row and ended up exactly even.

I don't know why I did it--we were having such a good time--but I brought up Malcolm. It's like I wanted to bring us down. Not that it had to, but I want to know how Malcolm found out about the accident. I want to know why he was at the hospital. Why Drago gets this dreamy look in his eyes whenever Malcolm is mentioned. Alright, that one may be my imagination. If anything, he gets that look in his eyes when I'm around, so I probably should have shut the hell up and just played video games.

"So what's up with Malcolm finding out about the accident before me?" I asked as I picked Harley Quinn to his Aquaman.

"What do you mean?" Drago asked. I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye and he looked a little nervous.

"I mean, why did Malcolm know about the accident while your mom and I sat here worrying," I said.

"Well, I pressed redial on my phone and his was the last number I called, I guess," he said.

"Bullshit. You couldn't find your phone and you said that it must be in the holder in your truck. You never called anyone," I said as I beat down Aquaman with a brutal combo. I stayed as Harley and he picked Superman.

"Oh. Well, uh, my dad must have called him," he said.

"He didn't even call your mom, why would he call Malcolm?"

"I don't know, dude. We'd just been in an accident and Malcolm called 911 and then we were at the hospital, I don't know."

"You sure you want to stick with that story?" I asked calling out Harley's hyenas to finish Superman.

"Fuck!" he exclaimed and he picked The Joker and I stayed as Harley.

"Classic," I said. We played in silence for a few moments.

"He came to Grandpa Wyatt's with me and Dad," Drago said quietly. I knew something more was going on!

"Oh?" is all I could manage to say.

"Yeah, we've been really close since you've been gone and Grandpa Wyatt really likes him. He's a hard worker and it helped having someone so strong to help with the fence," Drago said. He almost pulled off the win, but I pulled Harley's super move again and beat him last second.

"Uh huh," I said and picked Harley again. No use changing characters if I keep winning. Drago picked Batman.

"We're not fucking, dude, but we've, uh, done some stuff," Drago admitted. He paused the game right before I destroyed Batman.

"Hey!" I exclaimed and threw down my controller. I turned to look him in the eye.

"Some stuff, huh?" I said angrily.

"Like jerked off together and stuff," he said, obviously uncomfortable. I'm not letting him off the hook, though. Regardless of my behavior.

"You jerked him off?" I asked. He nodded. Fucker. "You suck him off?" He shook his head this time.

"No, but he's sucked me off. I'm so sorry Vin. I didn't mean to, but we're together all the time and I miss you so much. He's sorry, too, Vin. He said that he doesn't want to fuck things up between us and all..." he trailed off. I glared at him.

"You let him put his mouth on your dick and you're sorry?" I asked. Drago looked like he was going to cry.

"I am sorry, Vin," he said and grabbed my hands and held them tight. I noticed that he was calling me Vin instead of Alvin. Unusual. He's trying to placate me with my nickname. There a few names I can think to call him. Asshole. Fucker. Slut.

"Sorry and $2.00 buys me jack shit, dude. What the fuck am I supposed to do with sorry?" I asked and got up and walked over to the fridge. As usual, the only thing inside was beer. I popped the top off the bottle and jumped up on the counter.

"Alvin, you're not supposed to drink!" he exclaimed. I downed half the bottle and stared at him.

"And you're not supposed to let other guys suck you off," I said.

"Touché," he replied. I glared at him some more.

"So?" I asked.

"I'm just so sorry, Alvin. I don't know how to make it up to you, but I will. I'll stop seeing him so much and I won't jerk off or let him suck me anymore. I'm so very sorry," he wailed.

"Whatever," I said and drank the rest of the beer and then jumped off the counter. I pulled two beers out of the fridge this time and then hopped back on the counter. I opened one and drank some. Drago reached out for the other one but I moved it out of his reach. His shoulders slumped and he walked over to the fridge to get his own.

"I miss you so much. I think it clouds my judgment," he told me. He opened his beer and hopped up on the counter next to me. "I'm so jealous of your brothers and even of Quinton, I can barely take it. Malcolm made me feel better short term, but in the long run it was such a fuck up. I'm so sorry," he said. He obviously regrets his `relationship' with Malcolm. And he doesn't even know the half of it regarding my brothers and Quinton. And Aiden. And Landry. And for that matter Malcolm. I think I know who the slut is. Drago basically sought comfort in his close friend and let things get a little bit out of hand. I've been fucking my brothers silly over the past couple months and threw fucks in several other guys. I have no business being mad at him, but I can't let on that I'm guilty of anything or he'll start to put two and two together.

"I'm sorry, too. I left abruptly and expected you to go along with it even though we never discussed it," I said.

"I understand, though," he told me. We looked at one another and smiled.

"It was still a shitty thing to do and I apologize."

"Thank you. I'm sorry for all the stuff with Malcolm. I didn't even know he was bi or gay or whatever he is these days until he offered to suck my cock. He said that you wouldn't mind since you're gone all the time and I am too hot to go without sex for so long."

"Well, that's probably true. You are too hot to have to wait for sex. I should be here more often."

"It's okay. What's really gonna suck is when you leave for LA. When will we see each other then?"

"Spring break, summer...maybe you could transfer out to a school in LA?"

"I've been thinking that, too!" he exclaimed looking really happy. "I was thinking that Dr. Winters could write me a letter of recommendation for USC since he went there and maybe I can talk to their football program and do something with the team, even if it's just management or something," he said talking fast.

"Slow down, babe. I don't want you giving up football," I told him.

"I'd rather be in LA with you, hands down. Football is fun and whatever, but I love you," he told me. I leaned over and we kissed.

"Well, let's start talking to people and see what we can work out. I'd rather you were in LA, too. Dr. Winters hasn't cleared me to travel yet, so we've got to see what he has planned first," I said.

"Totally. I think you're doing really well. I wish you wouldn't drink so much, but as long as you're doing okay, I guess it's alright every so often," he said and he hugged me. Huh, does every so often mean every couple of days or a couple of times per day? I'm just wondering for a friend, ha.

"It's all good, babe. I've been doing BJJ and boxing most days, so I'm building up strength," I said.

"That reminds me, are you getting hit in the head during boxing? Does Dr. Winters know that you're boxing, of all things? And what about BJJ? What are the chances for head injury in BJJ?" he asked. Fuck. I hate when he's concerned about me. He's almost always right, too. Super infuriating.

"I don't get hit in the head much and if I do I'm wearing a helmet. My coach says that the helmet will keep me from getting hurt," I said. Even I am aware that this explanation is pretty lame.

"Talk to Dr. Winters, please? For me?" he asked. He hopped down from the counter and he looked me in the eyes. He's that tall--I'm up on the counter and he is still taller than me.

"Yeah, okay," I agreed. "Quinton is supposed to call once my appointment gets rescheduled," I said. Drago nodded and we started kissing again. We pulled apart a few minutes later.

"Hey, you owe me on Injustice. I was about to beat you and..." he started saying but I covered his mouth with my hand.

"Bullshit! I call total bullshit! You know you were about to lose. I'm surprised you didn't turn off the game because you were losing so bad," I said laughing. I walked over to the couch and discovered that he had in fact turned off the game.

"What?" he said when I gave him a look. "You shouldn't leave the console running, it can overheat," he said. I shook my head at him.

"You are so full of it. So, rematch, I guess?"

"Yeah," he agreed with a big smile and he turned the PS4 back on. He sat down with me and we sat with our legs touching while we played. I guess I'm glad I brought up the whole Malcolm thing because it needed to be addressed and I think we're in a better place about LA. I really hope this all works out.

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