In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on May 22, 2020


Chapter 19

Fifteen minutes later, the Uber driver pulled up to an apartment building in an okay part of town. It wasn't rundown and it wasn't upscale. It was just okay. The cars parked in the lot of the apartment complex and on the street were mostly late model economy cars or high mileage SUVs or work trucks. Lower middle class? Upper lower class? I don't know.

I approached her front door and prepared to knock, but the door flew open before I could. A pretty brunette woman answered the door. She had long, curly dark brown hair--very similar to mine when it was still long--and stunningly beautiful big brown eyes--also very much like my own. Fuck. I look like her. She ran out the door and had me wrapped up in a hug before I could utter a word.

"I've missed you so much! I'm so sorry it's taken so long for us to meet!" she exclaimed. When we finally pulled back, we both had tears in our eyes.

"I'm really glad to be here," I told her and we started hugging again. She gives the best hugs! She's got big breasts and is heavier than the pictures I'd seen of her on the internet. But it felt so good when she hugged me tight. I could fall asleep in her arms and feel loved and secure forever. Why wasn't I raised by this magnificent woman?

A few minutes more of us marveling over one another and three little girls came out to see what was going on. First they peeked out the door and watched us and then the littlest one burst out the door and hugged us, too. Before long, all three little girls, my mom(!), and I were wrapped up in a huge family hug. I've never felt such love from a family member. The closest I can compare it to is what I feel about Drago and that's much more, let's say romantic than that.

"Babies, this is your brother Alvin. Alvin this is Morgan, Evin, and Vivienne, your little sisters," Isabella introduced us to one another. I hugged each of them and told them how happy I was to meet them.

"You have grandpa's name," Morgan told me. She was the oldest. She had the same brown hair but hers was straight. She appeared to be darker than me. Possibly Hispanic? I wasn't sure. Looking at Isabella, I assumed that she was probably of Italian descent. Fuck, I'm Italian? I have so many questions.

"That's right, baby girl," Isabella told Morgan. I nodded, although I didn't really know. I looked to Evin and Vivienne. Where Morgan was dark with brown hair and eyes like me, Evin was improbably blonde, with long curly hair and big green eyes and Vivienne had straight light brown hair and big green eyes. They were each beautiful little girls, but looked virtually nothing alike. I wondered if they had different fathers.

"Their father is half Scotch-Irish and half Native American--Navajo," Isabella answered my unasked question. "Evin is the spitting image of her grandmother on that side, Morgan looks a lot like her dad, and Vivienne looks like both of them," she explained. I kept nodding. I could see the resemblance now that Isabella mentioned it, but they still didn't look much like sisters. "Technically, I'm still married to that loser, but he took off after Vivi was born," Isabella added. The girls looked sad for a moment.

"Alvin, will you play My Little Pony with us? We just got three new ponies and you can pick whichever one you want. Except Rainbow Dash, because Vivi cries unless she gets to be Rainbow Dash," Evin asked. I looked at Isabella. I have no idea what a Rainbow Dash is, although I'm aware that My Little Pony is a thing.

"Not right now, little ladies. Alvin and I are going to get to know one another better. You go play with your ponies in your bedroom and we'll play in a while," Isabella told them. They all groaned but begrudgingly went down the hall to their bedroom.

"How old are they?" I asked after they closed the door to their room.

"3, 5 and 7," Mom(!) said. She motioned for me to follow her to the kitchen. The apartment was bigger inside than I thought it would be. I saw four doors down the hall, making me think that it had three bedrooms and a bathroom. I wondered vaguely about the twin boys I'd seen in the picture on the internet. Were they in jail? I figured I should shut up about that and let Isabella tell me more about that if she wanted to.

Isabella made coffee and we sat in the kitchen and talked for like two hours straight. She's so awesome. I already love her. She told me how she dropped out of high school when she was sixteen after her mom died. Her mom was the one who kept her in school that long and after she died, Mom didn't have anyone forcing her to go anymore. When she saw the ad for a nanny position, she applied on a whim. She didn't have any experience with babies and barely knew how to cook. But she developed a crush on my dad almost instantly and was determined to get the job.

"How on earth did you have a crush on my dad?" I asked incredulously.

"Oh, Alvin," she giggled and slapped me on the arm. "He was very handsome back then. You look a lot like him," she told me. I gave her a look like, are you kidding me? She laughed. "Seriously! If your hair were cut differently and you were a bit taller...yeah, I can definitely see the resemblance," she said.

"I don't know about that," I said uncomfortably. I never really thought my dad was all that good looking so to be compared to him was sort of an insult. Except that she seemed to think my dad was a hottie or something. I don't know. I suppose most people don't really think their parents are all that hot. They're old and parental. Ha.

She explained the situation with her and Aldon and my dad. It sounded so romantic the way she put it. She and my father falling in love, raising Aldon as their own while Beth was away at broken brain camp. Then Beth came back and threw a hissy fit when she realized that my dad and Isabella were fucking and that she was going to be out the door unless she got rid of her competition. It wasn't until a couple of weeks after Beth scared her away that Mom realized that she was pregnant.

"It was the most difficult decision I've ever made. I didn't want to give you up. I wanted you so much. You were a part of me. A part of the man I loved. But I had no job. My dad told me he would kick me out if I kept the baby, and I had nowhere to go. Plus, they offered me a lot of money. I stupidly told my dad about it and he told me to take the money. I thought he had my best interests at heart and when you were born, I named you for him. They promised not to change your name, and I'm glad that they didn't even though I don't think my dad was right. I've thought about it for all of these years and I know I shouldn't have given you up. I'm so sorry, Alvin," she said to me, now openly crying. I wrapped my arms around her again.

"I know you wanted what was best for me. It probably seemed like I would be better off with a father, or whatever," I said, tears coursing down my face. Who can say what would have been better? A single mom with a baby and nowhere to go or parents who couldn't love me because of my origin?

"I should have stood up to everyone, but I didn't and I'm so sorry," Isabella was still crying. I was, too. We held one another and cried for a few minutes. I was glad the little girls went to their room.

"But we're together now and there's no time to cry. We need to get to know one another and make the most of the time we have together now," Isabella told me a bit later, a smile brightening her face. I smiled and reached out and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She got up and brought over a box of tissues.

We were both laughing and cleaning up from our little cry when two sleepy-looking teenagers emerged from the back bedroom. One scratched his ass and the other his balls. Mirror images of one another, and really, of me, too except for that they were both around 5'9", as opposed to my 5'7". Their hair was a bit longer than mine and was straight. They both wore theirs long on top and shaved in the back. One had his pulled back in a man-bun-looking thing and the other wore his loose around his face. Fuck. They are both beautiful. Which probably sounds strange since they both look so much like me. Hell, if I look anything like these two, I'm a bona fide hottie. Ha. They both wore tighty whities, which kinda cracked me up--I mean no one over the age of ten wears tighty whities anymore--but damn, they looked good in them. Both were well-endowed. Apparently that comes from our mom's side of the family.

"Hey mom," man-bun said. Loose-hair parroted him a moment later. They walked into the living room and stopped in their tracks. "Who's that?" man-bun asked nodding in my direction. Isabella put her arms around me and smiled.

"This is Alvin, boys. Your big brother Alvin!" she exclaimed. Both boys looked at me carefully.

"Sup big bro!" man-bun shouted and suddenly I was pulled into a hug with this mostly naked guy. Damn he felt good pressed against me. He's muscular and very strong. Deceptively so. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Sup lil' bro?" I said back.

"Check it, baby bro, it's our big bro, finally come to meet us," man-bun said to loose-hair. Loose-hair smiled at me shyly. I pulled away from lil' bro (better nickname than man-bun) and pulled baby bro in for a hug. Damn, he feels good, too. Softer somehow than lil' bro--a bit thinner, not as muscular. I can already tell these two apart--lil' bro is their leader and is all muscle and strength, whereas baby bro is the shy one, thinner and easygoing.

"Hey big bro," baby bro said. "I'm Dex and this is Bax," he told me. Suddenly I flashed back to the picture from the internet of the twins in a courtroom with Isabella. Dexter and Baxter. Dex is baby bro and Bax is lil' bro. I tried to commit that to memory, although I suspect I will be calling them Lil' Bro and Baby Bro until I learn their names.

"Oh, you boys are like three peas in a pod," Isabella claimed, beaming at us. We stood there smiling at one another for a minute or two when Isabella noticed that the twins were still in their briefs. "Oh for Christ's sake, go put on some clothes. I'll make some breakfast. Have you eaten anything, Alvin?" she asked me as the boys headed back to their bedroom. I watched them go, two tight, round asses moving away from me in a tantalizing saunter. Fuck. I wanted to follow them and watch them get dressed. For whatever reason, I really don't care that we're half-brothers. They are fucking sexy and I'd do either one of them. Or both. At the same time. Fuck yeah. God, I hope they are gay. Or bi. Or just curious. I can definitely help satisfy any curiosity they may have.

"Uh, yeah, I mean, no, I haven't eaten and yeah I would like something to eat," I finally answered. I shook my head to clear it and stop thinking about fucking Dex and Bax. It didn't really work, because I'm still thinking about it, so I followed Isabella to the kitchen and offered to help make food.

"Can you scramble eggs?" she asked, shoving a carton of eggs in my direction. "I need to make the girls a snack and I can get you guys some fruit," she said. She dug around in the fridge and found a package of bacon, too. "Here, make this. We normally save it for Sunday but since you're here, I'd rather have it today," she said with another smile. I think I already love her. She is so sweet and genuine. I want to do a little dance and chant `I have a new mom!' over and over.

I got the eggs and bacon cooking on the stove and Isabella made snacks for the girls. She disappeared for a few minutes to get them all taken care of. Bax walked in while I was stirring the eggs.

"Cool, you can cook. Are you going to be living here?" he asked, pulling out a carton of orange juice from the fridge and drinking about half.

"Uh, no, I live with my boyfriend in Boulder," I said.

"No way!" he said back, after finishing the carton of OJ.

"Yeah, actually. His name is Drago. We've been together since summer but we've been best friends since like kindergarten," I replied. Bax smiled this huge smile.

"Fuck yeah!" he exclaimed. "Me and Dex are gay, too. It's crazy that we're bros and we're all gay," he said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Drago and I were deep in the closet until the accident. I'd barely admitted it to myself and my closest friends until May," I explained. I started plating the eggs while the bacon crisped up.

"What accident?" Dex asked. He'd walked in while Bax and I were talking and had heard everything we'd said apparently.

"Drago and I were in a major car accident right before graduation. It was this three car thing on the highway and we were the only two to survive," I said. Isabella had now returned and she gasped as I explained.

"You were almost killed?" she cried out.

"Uh, yeah, I had a severe head injury," I told them. Isabella started crying again.

"You could have died and I never would have met you," she wailed. Bax put his arm around her.

"It's okay, Ma, he's here now. He didn't die," Bax said. I get the feeling he's like the man of the house. I wonder what happened to the twins' dad. It's hard to imagine how hard it must be to have five kids under one roof and no dad around. Which makes me wonder how long after I was born that she got pregnant with the twins. And why did she keep them and not me?

"You have a head injury?" Isabella asked through tears. She came over and I pulled my hair back to show her my scars.

"I nearly went through the windshield. The glass impacted in my skull and caused some damage that left me with epilepsy and something called Sudden Savant Syndrome," I told her. She stroked my scars lightly.

"Is that why your hair is so much lighter in the front?" she asked softly. I nodded. "Such a beautiful boy. I'm so sorry about your accident. Are you okay? The epilepsy, I mean?" she asked.

"Yeah, more or less. I don't have as many seizures anymore, well that's not exactly true, just I know what to do better now. My doctor isn't exactly sure if it's epilepsy or something else in addition to epilepsy. I'm like a medical freak," I said and laughed. The twins laughed with me, but Isabella frowned.

"No, those doctors will figure it all out and you'll be cured. I know it," she said, squeezing my hands. I turned to take the bacon off the burner.

"What's Sudden Savant Syndrome?" Dex asked.

"Ah, well, it has to do with my ability to play the guitar," I said. "I used to play and had a lot of talent, but after the accident I could suddenly play anything on the guitar. Beautifully. Like better than most people in the world, or something. I hear a song once, or maybe even just part of a song and I can play it. I write my own music, too. I play in a band. We're called The Four Horsemen," I told them. "It's hard for me to explain because I don't really understand all of it yet, but I play guitar constantly. I feel compelled to play. Only like 25 people in the world have been diagnosed with Sudden Savant Syndrome, so it's pretty rare, too." Mom and the twins looked at me in disbelief.

"So you have some kind of extraordinary talent at guitar?" Isabella asked. I nodded.

"Dude, We've heard you play!" Bax exclaimed. "You guys played a show in Commerce City a while back. We snuck in because it was an 18-plus show, so we were way in the back, but you fucking rocked," he said. I looked at Isabella but she didn't say anything about his cursing or that he and Dex had snuck into an over-eighteen show.

"Thanks Lil' Bro," I said and we fist bumped. He grinned at me.

"No prob Big Bro. So does everyone call you Alvin?" he asked, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Yeah. Don't really have a nickname," I replied.

"'Cause I just thought of the best nickname for you...Vin!" he said excitedly. I thought about it for a second and then wondered why I'd never come up with that. It was so much better than Alvin. I swear if one more person makes an Alvin and the Chipmunks joke, I'm going to rip their head off. But Vin. Now that I can work with.

"That's so cool, Bax," Dex praised his brother. "Like Vin Diesel," he added. I nodded. I'm not exactly a huge Fast and the Furious fan or whatever, but Vin Diesel is alright and I'm liking that nickname more by the minute.

"Yeah, you're Vin from now on," Bax said.

"Cool, man," I said and I fist bumped both twins.

"Well, now that that's settled, why don't we eat?" Isabella chimed in. I put some bacon on everyone's plate and we sat down at the small table in the kitchen. Isabella didn't eat much, but the twins and I scarfed down everything in front of us and then ate all of the fruit that she put out for us.

"Where do you guys go to school?" I asked. Actually, it was a Friday and they should be at school right now. So should at least two of the little girls.

"Aww, man, that fucking school was so full of shit. They kicked us out based on practically nothing," Bax said suddenly angry.

"Yeah, we didn't even get a hearing when they expelled us. Total bullshit," he added.

"What happened?" I asked.

"We were dealing some weed and they acted like we were giving heroin to three year olds or some shit. It wasn't even that much. It was that fucking weasel Vaughn who turned us in that should have been expelled. He only told the principal about us to get himself out of trouble," Bax said. Huh. Dealing drugs in high school didn't seem like something I would want to talk about in front of my mom, but these guys apparently didn't have the same reservations.

"Yes, but Vaughn got his when he got busted for selling `roids to those football players," Isabella said. My eyes widened in surprise. Sometimes it seemed like she wasn't much older than us. Like she hadn't matured much since being a high school dropout herself.

"Yeah, I kicked the shit out of him when he got to jail. Motherfucker never saw it coming, either," Bax said slamming his fist into his hand. This story just kept getting crazier.

"Which reminds me," Isabella said, narrowing her eyes at Bax. "You're not planning on fighting tonight, are you?" she walked over to him and held his face by the chin and examined his right eye. He was nearly healed from a black eye.

"Hell yeah. I've got three fights lined up tonight," Bax said excitedly. "I should get a chance at the grand prize."

"I don't know if you're ready," Isabella said, tilting his head up to see it better in the light.

"Shit, Mom, that guy caught me in a sucker punch. That won't happen again, don't worry," Bax told her. "Besides, rent is due in five days and we won't have enough to cover if I don't fight tonight," he said.

"You're right, Bax, but I worry about you getting hurt," Isabella said, kissing him on the cheek and letting go of his face. She turned to Dex.

"And you make sure that they all use condoms," she said. My eyes widened. What was that supposed to mean? Dex nodded.

"Bax will beat the shit out of anyone who tries to refuse, Mom," he said and Bax started punching his hand again.

"Yeah, that last bitch got knocked the fuck out when he tried that shit. Guys know that they gotta follow the rules or no pussy," Bax said. My eyes snapped to Isabella. There's no way she's going to tolerate Bax talking like that. There are children in the next room! But she just shook her head.

"I just want you two to be careful," she said. As near as I can tell, Bax is fighting for money and Dex is getting fucked for money, and Isabella is okay with that. I must misunderstand this whole conversation. She turned to me. "And I want you to keep an eye on these two. They need a big brother to watch over them," she said to me.

"Of course, Isabella," I said even though I had no idea what I was protecting them from. Well, I have an idea. But it can't be right. There's just no way that our mom would let these two get in that kind of trouble. They're only seventeen!

"Please, my love, call me Mom," she said and came and sat in my lap. She wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. "I want you to know how much I love you and I want you to be safe, too. Bax, Dex, take care of your big brother. We all love one another in this family and make sure that we're all safe," she said and she hugged me again. As crazy as this conversation became, I felt a love from these people unlike anything I'd ever felt. And, yeah, I feel a little bit of lust for my little brothers, but that was because we just met and I don't know them as my brothers yet. The lust will pass and we will develop a brotherly relationship. Regardless of the strange conversation Mom just had with my brothers, I am falling in familial love with them. I always wanted a close relationship like this and I'll do anything to keep it going.

"Thanks, Mom," I said and kissed her on the cheek. Dex and Bax leaned in and kissed her, too. They stink like sweaty teenage boys and my dick is starting to respond. I'm going to have to kick Mom out of my lap before she feels my hard cock pressing against her. I really want it to press against one or both of my brothers. Damn. I'm going to have to rein these feelings in quickly or I'm going to make a pass at one of my brothers and get my ass kicked.

"Alright, you boys need to go shower, you stink," Mom told the twins. "And Vin and I are going to get to know one another better."

"Awww, I don't wanna take a shower," Bax whined.

"C'mon bro, I'll take mine first and then you go," Dex pulled his twin by the arm and dragged him to the bedroom. The door slammed and it was back to being me and Mom. She sat in my lap and held me tight.

"I don't want to let you go. I'm afraid you'll disappear," she said softly. She stroked my hair and kissed my scars.

"I know, Mama," I whispered, nearly in tears. She's so beautiful and soft and motherly. I can't let go of her either. Eventually she got up and we cleared the table and washed dishes.

"So, tell me about your boyfriend, Draco, is it? Like the guy from Harry Potter?" she asked. I laughed.

"It's Drago, like, uh, a dragon, and he's the best. He's a linebacker for the football team at CU. He was redshirted this season because of his injuries from the accident, but he may start in the fall depending on whether their current linebacker returns for his senior year," I told her. Drago hates that Harry Potter shit. Ever since that book came out people get his name wrong. He's always saying how he was Drago long before there was a Draco. I try not to tease--with a name like Alvin I can't be giving anyone else grief about their name.

Mom and I talked about the accident, Drago, how I found out about her...we had an instant rapport. She told me about her and my dad and then how the twins came so soon after me. She had a broken heart after my dad chose my mom and took me, too. She slept with the first guy that came around and got pregnant pretty much instantly. The guy was a bull rider on the rodeo circuit and was gone before she even knew she was pregnant. By the time he made it back into town, she had twin boys and he gave her $5000 and took off, never to be heard from again. She chose to keep the twins and her dad supported her while the boys were young. It turns out that she named them after Dexter and Baxter--two of the nastiest bulls on the rodeo circuit.

When the twins were eight, she met Elliot, the father of my younger sisters. They fell in love and got married even though they only knew one another for less than six months. Mom left Dex and Bax with her dad and moved in with her new husband. Grandpa raised the boys and eventually Mom had the three girls with Elliot. He bailed after kid number three and Mom moved Dex and Bax in with her after Grandpa kicked them out after the drug dealing expulsion.

"I haven't been the best mom, Vin, but I want to do better. I almost lost you before I ever got to meet you and I don't want to let another minute go by without you knowing how much I've missed you," she said, tears in her eyes.

"Thanks, Mama," I said. I just want to scoop her up and squeeze her. No wonder the boys work so hard to take care of her. "Mama, why aren't the girls in school?" I asked. As long as we were on the subject of bad parenting...jeez, I've got to stop judging my mom. I don't know anything about her yet.

"I homeschool them," Isabella declared, looking proud of herself. "They are very bright children and after what Dex and Bax went through, I knew I couldn't trust the schools to do right by my baby girls, so I homeschool them. Usually we go on field trips on Fridays, but since you're here, we stayed home and they got to meet you instead," she told me. Wow. Just wow. I didn't know that dropouts were really qualified to homeschool. There I go again, judging. But seriously, how are these kids learning anything in this household?

"So, Dex and Bax work instead of going to school?" I asked. I didn't want to blurt out the whole fighting and whoring thing, so I tried to approach the subject lightly.

"Oh yes," she exclaimed. "My boys do so much to take care of me and the little girls. We get some welfare money and this apartment is Section 8, so some of our rent is taken care of. You should go down to the club with them tonight," she exclaimed.

"Yeah, definitely," Bax chimed in. He just walked in from the bedroom. He was dressed in jeans and a tee and Doc Marten's. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail instead of the man bun he wore earlier. He came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders. To my cock's delight, he had only rinsed off in the shower but hadn't used soap and he still had that sexy boy smell. I just want to knock him down and push his long legs back and eat his ass until he can't take it anymore. Fuck. I've got to get over this thing for him and his brother.

"Definitely, what?" Dex asked as he walked in. He'd pulled his hair back, too, wore the same white tee and jeans but had sneakers on instead of boots. His clothes were tighter than Bax's. I could just stack those two up and switch from one beautiful pussy to the next, sucking, fucking...damn. I'm all hard. I turned and adjusted myself to conceal my hardon while Bax explained that I'm going out with them tonight. To whatever the `club' is.

"Cool! You're gonna love the club, Vin. Tonight's a really good night to go, too, because Bax is gonna win the grand prize," Dex said looking at Bax with such love and reverence it made me wonder if he were in love with his brother--in a not so brotherly kind of way. It reminded me of my earlier feeling that Bax is the man of the house and both Mom and Dex look up to him and sort of treat him like a lover. But I can't quite tell if it's because these people actually show one another affection and my house growing up was so bereft of any affection that I don't understand how that works. Maybe when families actually love one another, it looks like this. That might be me justifying something that looks off to me. Especially since I've lived with Drago and his family long enough to see a functional family in action.

"Sounds awesome," I said. I knew that Landry was going to be upset that I was bailing on him tonight, but he'd understand that I'm getting to know my new family. Which reminded me that Aiden's been texting and leaving voicemails like crazy for the past several days. He said something about how the record deal is falling through because I'm not there. I've been avoiding him because I was afraid of this. I don't want to think about what happens when we don't get signed because I can't fly. I think that's half the reason why I fled for Greeley and put my focus on meeting my mom. I just can't handle the fact that it's my fault we won't get signed. And Drago keeps texting and I shoot out monosyllabic answers an hour after the fact. I'm deep in avoidance.

The afternoon went quickly as we exchanged stories and laughed and chatted with one another. I felt so close to them and that feeling grew as the day went on. I sent out cursory texts to everyone and turned off my phone. I didn't want to be interrupted and I didn't want to explain myself any more than I had already. I want to hang out with my new family and not have to worry about everyone else and their problems.

After dinner, the twins and I set out for Landry's dorm so that I could get changed and grab my gear. The truth is, I'm thinking about staying at Mom's place. The twins said I can share their room. They share the master bedroom, which has its own bathroom and Mom has her own room and the girls share the other bedroom. The rooms are small and there would be seven of us living there, but I want to be close to my family. It has the added benefit of getting Drago off my back about my medications and working out and all of the other things that he gets on my case about. I love him so much, but sometimes it feels like he's my dad instead of my boyfriend. Besides, what's the saying--absence makes the heart grow fonder, or something? Maybe I'm justifying everything again because I like fucking around and if we're not technically together it isn't really cheating. Fuck. I'm such an asshole. Then there's the fact that I want to fuck at least one of my brothers. Okay, I want to fuck both of them and as the afternoon wore on, my feelings only grew stronger instead of turning toward a brotherly kind of affection.

Landry met us at the curb and I introduced him to my brothers. He didn't look impressed. I think he's more pissed off at me than he let on. When we got to his dorm room he asked Dex and Bax to wait in the common room. When we got to his room, he locked the door and stared me down.

"What?" I asked, laughing. It looked like he was going to eat me or something.

"Are you coming back?" he asked as I packed my gear in my duffel bag. I looked down guiltily.

"Uh," I answered, basically confirming his suspicions.

"Oh. I thought this weekend was about us," he said sadly.

"Fuck, dude, I meant it to be, but you can't imagine how cool it's been getting to know my family. I want to spend all of the time I can with them before I have to go back," I told him.

"That's cool and stuff, but what about us?" he whined. I narrowed my eyes at him. I couldn't help but think that he's being really selfish about this. I mean, I just met my mom today. What does he expect me to do? Fuck his brains out instead of spending time with my real mom and my brothers? I'm worried that he has a bit more than a crush on me.

"Dude, we'll have plenty of time together at Christmas. I'm going to work at your dad's store, right?" I said and then hugged him.

"Yeah, that's true," Landry said, cheering up a little.

"So let me have this time to get to know my family and I'll make it up to you over the holidays."

"Okay. I want to see you a lot, though. I know you and Drago are a thing and all, but I want to be with you, too," he said. Damn. It was like Aiden all over again. I've got to stop leading these guys on. Or not. Landry has a sweet pussy and I want to fuck it a bunch over the break. And when, not if, I get to LA, I'm going to sink balls deep inside Aiden as soon as I get there. There's plenty of me to go around.

"Don't worry about Drago. I'll make sure that we get plenty of time together," I assured him. We kissed and groped one another for a few minutes.

"Can't you fuck me before you go? Your brothers can play foosball down the hall and you can pound fuck me for like fifteen minutes, right?" Landry begged. Damn, my dick was hard and I was all for it, but I knew that Dex and Bax had to get to what they called `work'.

"Next time, babe. My bros have to get to work," I said caressing his package through his jeans. He moaned. I unzipped his jeans and pulled out his hard cock and stroked it quickly. He started panting.

"Fuck, man, I'm going to cum," he whimpered. I stroked faster and aimed his cock away from me so I didn't get splooged before going out. He started shooting and I caught some of it on my fingers. I held my fingers to his mouth and he licked me clean. His room smelled faintly of cum as I grabbed my bag and kissed him goodbye.

"I'll see you really soon, babe," I said and then was off to find my brothers. I found them playing foosball half-heartedly.

"Finally, dude, let's go," Bax said. I grinned at the two of them.

"Sorry, had to take care of something," I said, making the jacking off motion with my hand. Bax high fived me and Dex slapped me on the shoulder.

"You dog," he said. I just kept grinning. We joked and teased each other on the way to the club' that they work' at and I could still smell Landry's cum on my fingers. Fuck that boy is hot. I definitely need to fuck him when he's home next.

The club' that the twins work' at turned out to be an auto body repair shop that turns into an underground club at night. It's in an industrial park on the south side of town where there aren't a lot of neighbors who like to call the cops.

"So the upstairs is where Dex works, we'll go up there later. The ground floor is where the bar is and there's a band that plays around 11. And downstairs is where we fight!" Bax told me. He was getting really hyped before his first match. I looked around trying not to look like a dork, but this whole scene was new to me. I thought this kind of thing happened in movies or big cities, not Greeley, Colorado. I mean really, who would even expect to find this kind of action in this shithole town?

"See ya in a few, Baby Bro," Bax bro hugged Dex. I did the same.

"Take care of yourself and we'll be there in a flash if you need anything," I told him. He smiled and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"You guys are the best brothers a guy could hope for," he said and turned and walked upstairs. Damn he's got a fine ass. After he went in the door at the top of the stairs I looked over to Bax.

"Now what?" I asked.

"We go downstairs and you get to see me fight! Yeah! I'm gonna kill this guy. He's some buddy of the guy who sucker punched me last week. Cost me $300 because I couldn't fight the rest of the night, prick. But now I'm ready and I'm gonna fuck some shit up!" he practically shouted. He pounded me on the shoulders and I pounded him back. His enthusiasm is contagious.

"Hell yeah, let's go," I said. Bax took off toward the stairs and bounded down into the basement. It was dark and dank in the basement. There were tons of guys hanging out in the shadows around a center ring--presumably where guys fought.

"So here's the deal. Everyone ponies up a $100 and that goes in a fund called the grand prize. Whoever wins all of their matches gets to fight in the last brawl and gets the grand prize. The last brawl is a free for all where all of the winners go in the ring but only one guy comes out the champion. I've never won but I've come really close. I've got a good shot at it tonight," Bax explained. A guy came up to us and Bax gave him $200.

"Hey man, you don't have to pay for me," I protested, but Bax wasn't having it.

"No way man, I've got you covered," he said. I wasn't sure that he should be paying for me, but I would make it even later. The guy, the task master was what Bax called him, went over some rules but I was mainly tuning him out. Bax shut him down after a couple of minutes saying that he'd filled me in already and the task master was wasting his breath. The guy shrugged and then rushed off to collect dues from other guys who came in.

As it grew closer to fight time, the place started filling up. There must have been 75 guys milling around, maybe more. Bax talked to a bunch of guys. He was well-known and well-liked. Not surprisingly. I took to him nearly instantly. He has this force of personality that makes you like him even if you barely know him.

At about 10:30 a guy stepped into the center of the ring and announced the rules and the first fight.

"Welcome to Fight Club gentlemen," his voice boomed out, and even though he didn't have a microphone everyone in the place quieted down and paid attention. "Tonight we have three rounds and a grand prize round. The grand prize is a big one guys, $11k!" he proclaimed. People cheered and were high fiving and fist bumping all around us. One guy slapped Bax on the shoulder. It seemed that Bax was unquestionably the favorite for grand prize tonight.

"Our first match of the night is Beau Brown versus Bax Ward. The winner gets $100 and moves on to round two. Good luck gentlemen," the announcer shouted over the din of shouts that erupted when he called Bax and the Brown guy down to the ring. All the ring consisted of were some cinder blocks stacked two high in roughly a circle shape in the middle of the room. There was a boiler unit in the corner and some shelves lined with auto body parts in a locked cage in another corner. The floor was packed down dirt in most places with some cement floor left in some places.

Bax and Beau Brown made their way to the ring. People cheered for their favorite, however Beau Brown seemed to have more than a few enemies in the crowd. He was taller than Bax and broader shouldered, but he seemed weighted down where Bax was light on his feet. Bax isn't a big guy but he has this confidence that makes him seem somehow larger than life. I wouldn't want to fight him. Not that I can fight, but still.

"Shake hands, gentlemen," the announcer said and Bax and Beau Brown bumped fists. "If you get knocked out or knock out the other guy, the fight is over. If the other guy calls it, the fight is over. If you fight after the other guy calls it, you will be disqualified. Otherwise, have at it and," the announcer backed his way out of the ring, "Begin!" he shouted when he was clear. Bax took one look at Beau Brown and with his left hand he waved goodbye and with his right he drew back and punched Beau Brown so hard in the temple that his head snapped back. The crowd cheered loudly.

"Fuck you, Brown, you deserve it," someone behind me yelled. Bax proceeded to punch Brown four more times in fast succession. I'm pretty sure Brown was knocked cold before he even hit the ground. Bax leaned over Brown's limp body and spit in his face.

"That's for your bitch," he growled. The announcer came back in the ring and raised Bax's hand over his head.

"Winner, Bax Ward," he shouted and the place erupted in cheers. Bax was bouncing off the fucking walls he was so excited. He ran over and grabbed me by the arm.

"C'mon dude, let's go upstairs. I need to get my dick wet before my next match," he yelled.

"Hell yeah!" I yelled back. I'd probably have a hard dick, too, after fucking a guy up that bad.

"That motherfucker is the best friend of the bitch-ass cunt that knocked me out last week. Fucking pussy!" he shouted. Bax had some pent up rage over the way his last fight night had gone and he was venting now.

"You took care of that dude in like record time, bro," I said. Bax had his arm around my shoulders and was leading me upstairs to where Dex was.

"Fuck that. I wanted to get him in one punch, but damn it was satisfying punching him over and over like that," Bax yelled. He was extra hyped up now--the fight actually got him more hyper than he was beforehand.

"Where did you learn to fight like that?" I asked. Beau Brown was bigger than Bax. If I had to choose without knowing either of them, I probably would have picked Brown to win the match. But Bax beat him senseless in no time.

"Jail," he said matter-of-factly. Of course. He's 17, why not jail? Fuck me. I really don't know my brothers at all.

"Jail?" I repeated in disbelief. I know he's telling the truth, but damn, who is in jail so much before they even turn 18 that they learn to fight like that?

"Yeah, me and Dex have been in and out of juvie and jail since we were like 9 or 10," Bax said laughing. "We're kind of fuck ups," he told me. I grinned at him, but inside I felt bad for them. Mom bailed when they were 8 and not long after that they were in juvie. We busted into a room bathed in red lights. There were a couple of beat-up couches and a couple rows of lockers in the room, and then a long hallway after that. Bax walked down the hall to the last room on the right. He didn't knock and burst into the room. I walked slowly behind him and noticed that there were two lights outside of each room--a red and a green and the one he went in was green. I guess green means go in this instance.

"Hey Baby Bro, I won!" I heard Bax exclaim. I rushed to go enter the room behind him.

"I never had any doubts, Bax, congratulations," Dex said. He hung from the ceiling in a sling. His legs were strapped straight up and his wrists were bound to his ankles. I stopped and stared, my jaw dropped wide open. Holy fucking shit. My baby brother is in a sling with his puckered hole exposed to the world. I managed to close my mouth and took a look around the room. On one wall was a condom dispenser and next to it was a lube dispenser. I mean, I knew from what they talked about earlier in the day that it was quite possible that Dex was selling his ass for cash, but for whatever reason I never thought that he'd be like this. I guess I thought that there would be a bed or something. Fuck me. And oh my fucking God, Bax has his jeans down and is sticking his beautiful hard cock down Dex's throat.

"Oh yeah, that's the stuff," Bax grunted out as he started fucking Dex's throat. My twin brothers are engaging in incest right in front of me. I'm trying not to be shocked, but failing miserably. I can't stop staring as Bax thrust his cock in and out of Dex's throat. Dex is leaning back so that Bax is standing behind his head and his nuts slap Dex in the head with every thrust. Bax reaches down and wraps his huge hand--I'm just now noticing that Bax has enormous hands--around Dex's throat and feels himself fuck his twin brother's mouth.

"Get you some of that pussy, dude, it's fucking primo," he panted out to me while he fucked away at Dex's throat. I looked down at Dex's ass. He was flexing it at me. It twitched open and closed. It was obvious that he'd been fucked at least once tonight. I caught sight of a trash can on the floor under the condom dispenser and saw two used condoms at the bottom. Well, I guess he's been fucked twice.

"C'mon dude, get some lube and fuck you some pussy," Bax encouraged me. I stood there watching Bax fuck our brother's throat and suddenly realized that I was rubbing my cock through my jeans. I was hard and started to leak some precum. I unzipped my jeans and walked over to the lube dispenser. I can't believe I'm going to do this, but I've been horny for that pussy all damn day long and here it is pulsating in front of me. And Bax is practically forcing me to do it. Okay, that may not be true, but he isn't helping. He watches me lube up my cock and whistles at me.

"Fuck yeah, Big Bro, that's a nice big cock you got there," he says. I grin at him. "Fuck, I think that's bigger than mine," he says picking up speed in Dex's throat. I walk over to Dex and start fingering his hole, using the excess lube to get him wet. Fuck, he's squeezing my fingers. He's got strong ass muscles and knows how to use them. I stroked my cock a few more times and then pushed the head against his hole. He pushed back against me and my cockhead slid inside of him smoothly. I groaned and kept pushing until my pubes rubbed against his bare skin. He is completely shaved and it feels really good to slap against him.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I chanted as I started pumping in and out of his ass. He's experienced, but not loose. It feels like he pushes me out and then sucks me back in every time I thrust inside of him. He's working his muscles on my cock and it feels almost like he's sucking my cock with his pussy. Damn it feels so fucking good. I can't even believe that this is Dex, my little brother, who is shy and sweet and loving and is letting me fuck his pussy rough. He's taking it like a pro. I guess he is a pro since it appears that he's getting paid pretty well for letting guys fuck him. I can't think about that right now. All I can think about is holding off my orgasm as long as I can. This is so fucking hot. Bax is fucking his throat at one end and I'm fucking his cunt from the other.

Goddamn, I am going to blow and I've barely been inside of him for five minutes. I slowed down and leisurely long-dicked him while Bax ramped up toward his own orgasm. I couldn't help it, I sped right back up again and Bax and I pumped in our respective holes together, pounding Dex into oblivion. We even grunted in unison as we slam fucked Baby Bro as fast as we could.

Bax and I stared into one another's eyes as we fucked our brother. We leaned in to one another and kissed. Our tongues danced together as we fucked and I could feel Dex's pussy twitching and squeezing my cock tighter than ever. When I leaned back and grabbed his hips to prepare for the last moments before my orgasm, I could see that he came on his stomach while Bax and I kissed. Fuck. He came before either one of us. Ha. He must really be turned on.

I met Bax's stare again and we fucked hard a few more strokes and then we both came. I couldn't tell who came first, maybe me, but maybe him, it was really close. I pumped jizz deep inside Dex's slutty hole and Bax dumped what seemed to be a huge load down Baby Bro's throat. He pulled out and shot the final jet onto Dex's lips. Dex sucked the remainder out of our brother's cock and held it in his mouth. Bax pulled out and then leaned down and they kissed. Fuck. I kept rutting into Dex's pussy while I watched them swap Bax's cum.

I finally pulled out because my cock was so sensitive. I've cum like four times since I've gotten to Greeley. Was that really this morning when I fucked Landry the last? I think it was. It seems like ages ago. I squeezed out the last drops of my cum onto Dex's pulsing hole. Bax broke off their kiss and moved around to Dex's ass. He got on his knees and started eating my cum out of Dex's hole. Fuck me. If I'd had any cum left, I probably would have cum again just from seeing that.

"Oh, fuck, your cum tastes really good, bro," Bax said in between sliding his tongue in and out of Dex's used hole. Dex pushed my load out into Bax's mouth and they both moaned. I stood there trying to keep my jaw from dropping and slowly stroked my cock watching them. Bax reluctantly got up from Dex's hole and walked over to me and pressed his lips to mine. Soon, we were swapping my load that he'd just eaten out of Dex's ass. Our cocks slapped against one another, already hard again and leaking. Dex watched us and thrust his hips up in the air, unable to stroke himself because his wrists were restrained.

When all of the cum was spent, Bax and I pulled apart. He turned toward Dex and laughed at Baby Bro trying to get himself off while restrained.

"Sorry, bro, but you need to stay horny for the rest of the night," Bax said and squeezed Dex's nuts hard. Dex screamed out.

"Owwww, dude, why?" he yelled as he twitched in the swing from the pain.

"You know, bro," Bax said, pulling up his jeans and tucking his cock down his left leg. It seems we all hang left, because I did the same thing and when Dex calmed down, his cock hung to the left. Bax and I cleaned up and I fixed my hair in the mirror by the door.

"C'mon, Big Bro, my next match is coming up," Bax grabbed me and we were out the door shouting goodbyes to Dex. A guy was waiting in the hall as we rushed out. He went right in and the light switched to red. Damn. Dex is a busy guy. I can't imagine being restrained while guy after guy uses my holes and then leaves some money in a box attached to the wall.

"Dex loves that shit, don't let him tell you any different," Bax told me as we headed downstairs. "He loves getting fucked rough. I've been fucking him since we were like eleven," he said. I don't know how I am shocked hearing anything out of my brothers' mouths anymore but I had to restrain myself from shouting, `what!' when Bax said they were eleven when he started fucking his own twin brother. Goddamn. What the hell was going on in their house when they were kids?

"He's gotta great pussy," is what I said instead of freaking out. Bax nodded and we fist bumped.

"Damn straight," he said. He peeked into the bar as we passed on our way to the fight pit. "Hey, check it. The band is setting up. They're pretty good, but all they do is covers--no original stuff," he said pointing out some guys setting up on the small stage along the far wall. I didn't recognize any of the guys. "My match isn't for another fifteen minutes or so, ya wanna go meet the band?" he asked.

"Hell yeah I wanna go meet the band," I answered. I had no idea a band was playing tonight. I haven't heard any live music since the Lenny incident. I haven't really played my electric since that night. Don't get me wrong, I love my acoustic, but I could really stand to play some amplified music. Something I need earplugs for. Bax pulled me over to the guy setting up the microphones.

"Zander, dude, whassup?" he asked, bro hugging the tall, black haired guy. Bax nodded in my direction. "This is my brother, Vin," he introduced me. I love the sound of that--Vin. The guy looked up with a bored expression but then broke out into a huge smile.

"You're Alvin Jacobs, right?" he exclaimed. We shook hands and he pumped my arm up and down.

"Vin Jacobs, yeah," I said.

"Sorry, I mean Vin. It's so fucking cool to meet you," he said. "I've seen you play a bunch of times." I finally pulled my hand away from him and laughed.

"Nice," I said. "This will be my first time hearing you," I told him.

"Aw fuck, we're nothing compared to you guys. I heard you guys were in LA getting signed."

"Yeah, the rest of the band is in LA working on that right now. I'm not medically cleared yet, but as soon as I am, I'll be right there with them."

"That's so fucking awesome!" Zander yelled. He turned and looked behind him at the other guys fooling around pretending to set up. "Dudes, get over here. This is Vin Jacobs from The Four Horsemen," he said. The other guys got super happy looks on their faces and hurried over.

"Hey Vin," one guy said, "Sup?" asked another, the third said, "Nice to meet you." I was officially introduced to Zander Whitaker, the lead singer, Joshua Whitaker--Zander's older brother and the guitarist, Oliver Larkin, the bassist, and Billy Thompson, the drummer. Together they made up The Zander Whitaker Experience. I suppressed a giggle at the name, but they were so impressed to meet me that I had to be cool and pretend that the name didn't make me think they were huge poseurs. It turns out that they were all pretty cool, so I chilled on the name thing.

"Fuck!" Bax shouted after we all chatted for a few minutes about music and our favorite bands and stuff like that. "My next match starts in like 2 minutes, gotta go," he yelled and grabbed me and pulled me to the stairs. He's remarkably strong for only being two inches taller than me. He's like a powerhouse of energy and strength. I bet he fucked poor Dex into the mattress every night. Damn, why am I thinking about that? I'm going to get hard again. I guess I can just head upstairs anytime I like...No! Jesus, I've got to focus. Bax has another match and he wants me there to watch. Plus, I want to see if I can get on stage with the band. I'm jonesing to play some guitar tonight. Teach these poseurs how a real guitarist does it. Ha. Not really. They are actually fine, just not especially into original tunes.

We arrived just as Bax was called into the ring. People bro hugged him and clapped him on the back as he walked up to the ring as if he'd been here the whole time. That over the top confidence made him look like he knew he was going to win. The other guy didn't stand a chance. Again, Bax's opponent was bigger than him--taller, heavier, bigger muscles. He looked like a gym rat. He was super muscled. He tore his shirt off a la Hulk Hogan, much to the groans of the audience. I heard a couple of Bax's supporters calling him `lame'. Under any other circumstances, I would have picked the opponent, some dude named Holland Garcia, but knowing Bax and seeing him knock that other dude out earlier, this guy doesn't stand a chance.

Bax and Garcia bumped fists and the fight began. Garcia had some skills and he moved around well, but Bax landed several punches early. Garcia continued to dance around and some guys started booing him. I'm pretty sure that guys are betting on the matches, outside of entry fees. Guys seem really invested in the outcome of these matches. Bax is a crowd favorite and for good reason. He's good looking, charismatic, and can beat the shit out of guys much bigger than him. And that's what Garcia found out about five minutes into the match. Bax got fed up with Garcia's dancing routine and started landing hooks and jabs. I knew he was done when Garcia threw up a desperate-looking haymaker and Bax tackled him. He rode Garcia to the ground punching him in the head. Bax straddled Garcia and whaled on his head, landing punch after punch. Garcia tried to pull his forearms up to block his face, but couldn't cover himself fast enough and Bax smashed his nose and blood spurted everywhere. Garcia cried out.

"Stop, stop," he yelled as blood poured through his broken nose and into his mouth. He nearly choked on the blood there was so much. Bax had already pulled back in a punch that would have destroyed Garcia's face but he stopped. I was impressed with his self-control. I'm not sure I wouldn't have landed that punch if it had been me. The announcer pulled Bax up by his arm and raised it high above his head.

"Victory Bax Ward," the announcer shouted. The whole place erupted in applause and shouting. I saw money passing hands and was sure that the amount of money being betted was more than what Bax would take home if he got the grand prize. There was a ton of money being exchanged. It made me think that Bax needs someone outside the ring placing bets for him so he can make some more money. I don't know if I'm that guy, but I'll ask him about that.

Suddenly Bax had me in a bear hug. "Fuck yeah, bro! Two down, one fucking pussy-ass motherfucker to go!" he was yelling. I laughed and shrugged out from under him.

"You fucking rock, bro," I told him. He smiled huge.

"Thanks, bro," he replied. We hung out downstairs between matches this time and chatted with other fighters and guys in the audience. There was a mix of hardcore dudes--gang member-types, skinheads, and mobsters (I think)--and guys with a fighting or martial arts background. It was an eclectic group but for the most part everyone was cool. A couple of the fighter-types were pretty full of themselves and came across as assholes, but otherwise it was a chill group. There wasn't a lot of bad blood between guys, except for those who pulled cheap shots or cheated. I found out that Danny Gains, the one who sucker punched Bax last week, got his ass beat after the match because he took a cheap shot. He didn't even have the guts to show up this week and his buddy took the brunt of that when Bax beat his ass first thing.

When it was finally time for Bax's third match, I actually got worried for him. His opponent was a guy called Thor and he was enormous. He had ham-fists and must have worn a size 15 shoe. He looked like a professional boxer. Bax didn't seem to notice that this guy towered over him. I said a silent prayer for my brother and wondered if I should start planning his funeral. Fuck. He told me that he was favored to win the grand prize but there was no way he was going to beat this Neanderthal.

Guys were placing bets all around me up until the bout began. The majority of the bets were on my brother. I was surprised. Maybe I'm not seeing something here. Maybe it's a fix, who knows?

Bax stood and stared at Thor for a moment sizing him up. I could tell Bax was reading the guy, picking out his weaknesses. I guess a boxer really does win with his brains and not his fists, because it took about five punches and a well-timed foot sweep and the Neanderthal was down on the ground. Bax grabbed him by the head and pounded it against a bit of concrete that poked out of the floor. The guy was out cold and Bax was declared victor yet again. I cheered louder than just about anyone there.

"You are so fucking amazing!" I shouted and hugged him tight. "That was so awesome I can hardly stand it!" I told him.

"Thanks, bro! I'm gonna take the grand prize tonight, I can feel it!" he shouted back. Guys came over and congratulated Bax and pumped him up even more. No wonder he participates in these fights. The adrenaline rush is like no other. Even blowing up the stage on guitar isn't quite the same. And I'm not even fighting!

I took some time before the final match to scout out Bax's opponents in the Battle Royale match--i.e. last man standing. Each round had three matches so there were nine guys left. Four of the guys stood with Bax and the other four hung out loosely on the other side of the ring. The four guys and Bax sized up the other guys and they formed a strategy to take them out one by one. The other guys obviously did the same, but there were only four of them, so I thought that Bax's team had the early advantage. I didn't know what would happen when it was down to the five guys on Bax's team--if it turned out like that. The other team had some good guys on it. I realized that Bax should have been down here watching the other fights instead of fooling around with his brother, but it's too late for that advice now. Maybe he needed to drain his balls to keep his head. He hadn't really taken a punch all night, so he was pretty fresh. I'm sure he knows what he's doing since he's been here before and this is my first time ever seeing this kind of thing.

"Fighters, gather in the ring," the announcer shouted when the match was about to begin. I grinned at Bax and he grinned back. He oozed confidence and I felt the same as him--he's going to win the grand prize. It's like it was ordained and everyone is here to see it happen. The announcer went over the rules--basically the same as the other matches except that the action doesn't stop until there's only one guy left. If a guy gets knocked out or throws in the towel, it's up to his friends to get him out of the ring. They aren't allowed to interfere with the match or else they have to enter the fight.

"The prize tonight is up to $12200 at final count, so good luck, gentlemen. And fight," the announcer ran from the ring and guys started throwing punches. Guys shouted advice to the different fighters and cheered loudly. It was chaos. I lost track of Bax as he was on the other side of the ring and the scrum in front of me was wild and seemingly out of control. Two guys bailed on the fight after getting their heads slammed together. One was knocked out and the other one had a goose egg starting on his forehead. His friends pulled him from the ring as he was dazed and kind of wandering around. We were down to seven.

I could see Bax again. A couple of guys ganged up on him but he held his own. He really knows his stuff. Apparently learning to fight in jail teaches a person how to take on several guys at once and knock guys out with one or two punches. He knocked down one of the guys, who landed on the ground and hit his head so hard he knocked himself out. His buddies pulled him from the ring. Six left.

Another guy came over and he and Bax took care of the guy Bax was fighting. Five left. It wasn't the five that was grouped with Bax in the beginning, instead a group that included three from Bax's group and two from the other. The audience was in a frenzy, the fighters were in a frenzy, the energy surrounding this event was palpable. I was so hyped. I want Bax to win this so bad. I called out to Bax when a guy snuck up behind him. Bax threw the guy over his shoulder even though it appeared that Bax couldn't even see the guy. Another guy approached Bax and tried to land a punch but Bax ducked. It looked like the remaining guys had turned on Bax.

Me and a couple of other guys on Bax's team shouted out instructions and Bax held his own even though he was fighting four other guys. I saw an opening for one of the other guys to take out the biggest guy left and decided to shout out to him. The guy looked at me in surprise but took the opportunity to knock out the big guy who was distracted by Bax at the time. Down to four.

With only four left, it was two on two. Bax and the guy who I helped and two other guys fought it out for quite a while. It seemed like these guys were pretty well matched. Then all hell broke loose when Bax landed the knockout punch on the guy he fought and now it was down to three. The three guys were all arms and wild punches. Suddenly they were down on the ground wrestling and punching and rolling around like animals. Bax straddled the bigger of the two guys and landed three hard punches before he was knocked out. Another guy got on top and landed another two punches and the bottom guy was out. Now it was Bax and a guy named Lucas Young.

Both guys scrambled to their feet and began circling one another. It was deafening as the crowd roared. Surprisingly, the crowd was fairly evenly distributed between Bax and Young. Bets were still being made. Young saw an opening and took the first punch. Bax backed away and Young's fist swept through the air unable to make contact. Bax followed up with a body/head combination where the head landed hard. Young shook it off and the two were circling again.

Bax started pushing Young back, the two exchanging blows. Young, a natural southpaw, led with his left and landed shots to the head and body. Young was bigger, but not by much. Bax had speed and stamina, though. Back and forth, hooks and jabs, sometimes landing and sometimes coming up with air. Without rounds to rest, both fighters looked to be slowing down. Young started backing up again and Bax took advantage, looking for his opening. He lunged in with a strong right hook that landed solidly on Young's cheek. Young went down! He was staggering trying to get to his feet. His right eye was cut and blood began pouring down his face.

"Ha!" Bax shouted out as he landed a swift one-two shot to the head. He laid into Young with several body blows. His hand speed and power overtook Young and with a final punch to the head, Young went down. His buddies rushed into the ring and pulled him back. Young was pissed off and didn't want to leave the ring. His friends struggled to hold him back. His swollen eye bled all over the place. Both he and Bax were covered in the blood. Young broke free. Bax was ready because he never took his eye off of Young and the announcer never came in to call the match. Young landed a couple of body blows and his friends backed off to let the match continue.

Bax countered Young's next punch and then went all out. He swung and hit Young in the head, in the body, back to the head, over and over again. Young reeled, backing up yet again. The guy next to me yelled, "You can't win backing up, Young," but Young was out of it. He didn't go down, but he looked confused. Bax drove him back and when Young ran into the cinder blocks lining the ring, Bax pulled back and hit him so hard we all heard a crunching noise and he fell over backwards into the crowd. Young popped back up but the announcer had already entered the ring. He stood between Bax and Young and grabbed Bax's hand. Young's eyes rolled into the back of his head and he dropped to the ground. His buddies surrounded him.

"Winner by knockout, Bax Ward!" the announcer shouted. I rushed into the ring and caught Bax around the waist and hoisted him in the air. The crowd was in a frenzy, cheering for Bax and celebrating his victory. Most everyone was ecstatic that Bax won, although there were several guys who looked like they were ready to fight because they lost big money betting on that match. In fact, several guys were already setting up additional matches--called after-hours fights. Bax and I went with the announcer and he was paid $12200 as the grand prize winner.

"I knew it, man, I knew it. I knew I was gonna win tonight!" he told me. "But we gotta get out of here so I can get this cash stowed because guys here know that I'm carrying all this cash," he said and we rushed upstairs to get Dex.

"You were fucking outstanding in the ring, dude," I told him. We had to wait for Dex's last customer to finish before we could grab him and go.

"Thanks man. I was feeling it tonight! I could see openings. I just knew what moves guys were gonna make and could get to them before they could do it. I'm so fucking psyched! I can't even believe that I just won grand prize!" he hopped around and hugged me and jabbed the air. He was over stimulated and so was I. Neither one of us could hold still. By the time Dex's customer finally exited, we were bouncing off the walls.

Bax and I unhooked Dex and got him out of the sling while we described the events leading up to the victory. Dex hugged Bax tightly.

"I'm so proud of you, bro. You are so amazing. I love you so much," he told Bax. Bax held his twin close.

"Thanks, bro. You are the best twin brother a guy could have," he said back and they hugged some more. Bax grabbed me and pulled me into their hug. "Love you guys," he declared and then howled. We were all so hyped up that it was hard to know what to do to release all of our pent up energy.

"C'mon, guys, we need to get to the car and then back to the house to put the money in the safe," he said and we all calmed down enough to get out to the car. It was a Chevy Impala from the early 2000's. Dex told me he'd saved up for six months to buy it used. Somewhere in the back of my mind I realized that Dex had taken it up the ass hundreds of times in order to pay for this car. Damn. I'm still wrapping my head around the fact that he gets fucked for money. And Bax fights for money. They both use their body so that their family has a roof over their heads and a car to take them places. It's not sustainable. There's no way that they can do this long-term. I can't worry about this right now, though. Tonight, we celebrate.

Next: Chapter 19

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