In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Apr 17, 2020


Chapter 12

The next day my mom took Aldon all over the place. They went to church and she introduced him to all of her friends there. They went to lunch. They went shopping. They went to the Boulder Museum of Art so that she could show him an exhibition one of her friends was putting on. He must have been miserable. When they got home, he passed out in bed and slept for almost three hours. He woke up looking like he'd been through the ringer. I laughed on the inside, but played compassionate brother on the outside.

My cock was pretty good, considering. Drago was really excited to see it when he got to the gym. He dragged me into the locker room and we snuck into a bathroom stall. He unzipped me and had it out in like two seconds.

"Wow," he said. I grinned. I started to chub up so I zipped up fairly quickly.

"Sorry, it was getting hard. I'm supposed to avoid that for the next week or so," I apologized.

"No worries. That's so fucking cool," he said. I guess he likes it! I do, too. At one point I thought I would take out the barbell and pretend that nothing had happened, but now I want to leave it in. "When you're healed, though, it's so on," he said and started kissing me. We made out for a few minutes while I pleaded with Little Alvin to keep from getting hard.

"One to a stall, guys," a voice called out to us and we pulled apart trying not to giggle. I poked my head out and didn't see anyone so I walked over to my locker. Drago came out a minute later. We broke into peals of laughter. We keep almost getting caught.

After our workout, I gave Drago a blow job in the sauna, like usual. My dick wanted to get hard so bad. I resisted stroking myself. Drago shot down my throat and moaned really loud. I pulled back and swallowed a couple of times and then I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm cumming," he said and suddenly my back was covered in cum again as the mystery shooter got me again. I started laughing and Drago joined me.

"Sup, dude," Drago said fist bumping the guy.

"Hey, what's up?" he said, breathing hard. "I'm Devlin, by the way," he said. I noted an Irish accent.

"I'm Drago and the cum sponge is Alvin," Drago told him. I slapped him on the thigh.

"Fuck you. Maybe you don't want your cock sucked at the gym anymore," I told him and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Sorry, babe. Just being facetious," Drago said and grabbed me by the back of the head and kissed me. I forgave him instantly.

"You guys boyfriends, then?" Devlin asked. Drago nodded.

"Yeah. Well at least when this one isn't off with his girlfriend," Drago sing-songed the word `girlfriend'. I gave him another dirty look.

"She's just for show so my parents leave me alone. Not really a girlfriend," I explained to Devlin, who nodded and smiled.

"I've got a wife like that," he said and winked conspiratorially. "I've got to get back to work guys, but I'm really glad we got together," Devlin said and he left the sauna after we said goodbye.

"That's just weird," I said, trying to wipe the cum off my back but not really able to reach it.

"Just a lot," Drago laughed. "Here, let me get it," he said and took my towel and cleaned off all of Devlin's load. "Seems like a nice guy, though," he said, throwing the towel back to me. I caught it by the corner and took it out to drop it in the laundry. I got a new towel and headed to the showers.

"You say that because he doesn't cum all over you," I said as I stepped under the water to rinse away whatever the towel missed. Drago snuck into my shower and pulled me close.

"I already miss our shower routine," he whispered.

"I know, me too," I whispered back. We stood under the hot water with our bodies pressed together.

"Don't get your dick pierced again, okay," he said sternly.

"Yes, sir," I said, copying my brother.

"I like that," he said, slapping me on the ass. He got into the stall next to me and we talked while we showered.

"So Aldon is a rent boy?" he asked.

"Yeah, apparently his master, or roommate, or whatever turned him out," I replied.

"What does it cost to fuck him?" Drago pondered.

"Why, you interested?" I teased.

"No, I just wondered. How crazy that he got into Penn and is a straight A student and has everything going for him and now he's a pussy boi for his roommate," Drago said. I could tell that this was bothering him almost as much as it bothered me. The change was so drastic. Apparently having indiscriminate sex with whoever your master commands changes a person.

Drago finished his shower before me and came back into my stall. We kissed some more until someone called out to us again.

"One to a shower, guys," he said. Jesus. They must have hired a bathroom monitor whose job it is to break up any and all sex guys might be having in the locker room. Good thing he was on break while we were in the sauna. Maybe that's not his zone. We tried to smother our giggles and Drago peeked out and then snuck out. I finished rinsing my hair and finished my shower. I met him at our lockers. He had his boxer briefs on and nothing else. Fuck. He's so sexy. His bulge is huge even when he isn't hard. I'm gonna miss that until I'm healed.

"Like what you see?" Drago asked, lowering his voice.

"Yes, definitely," I replied. I pulled off my towel and threw it aside and slowly put on my boxer briefs, giving Drago a bit of a show. He stared at my cock until it was covered up.

"I hate that we can't fuck, but your cock looks so fucking good with that piercing," he whispered in my ear. I grinned.

"Patience, son," I said and walked over to the mirror to do my hair. Not that I can do much with it. Drago came up behind me and rubbed his jeans-covered cock into my back.

"Here, let me help," he said and he ran his fingers through my hair several times. Somehow he made it look better. Not good, per se, but better.

"Wanna go to the mall this afternoon?" he asked. Aldon is going to be out with my mom all afternoon and I can ditch out of band practice today because I don't do that very often.

"Yeah. I can," I smiled at him in the mirror. He smiled back.

"Great. I'll pull the truck around and we can leave from here, okay?" he said.

"Sure," I agreed. I think I would have agreed to go anywhere with him at that moment. I fault Aldon for doing everything Ron tells him to do--or apparently what every man tells him--but I'm basically the same with Drago. I guess the difference is that Drago and I are in love. Who knows? Maybe Ron loves my brother, too. I really don't have a clue what their relationship is and it's not any of my business.

Drago picked me up out front and we drove over to the Twenty-ninth Street Mall and he had the truck valet parked. He'd just gotten it back from having the grumper installed. His truck was a fucking magnet for redneck assholes challenging him to races. It was a ridiculous looking vehicle but Drago loved it. He kept thinking of things to add to it. Every time he took it to the dealer it came out looking even more insane. The alarm went off if you stepped within ten feet of it. So, he trusted the valet to park it even though he wouldn't let me drive it. I guess they park people's fancy cars for a living, so whatever.

We started walking around and he dragged me over to some salon.

"Hey, I need to pick something up here for my mom. Come inside with me," he said. I followed him in, assuming his mom needed some shampoo and conditioner. However, once inside it was an ambush.

"Hi Karen. This is Alvin, the one I told you about," Drago said, holding my arm tightly. "Is Evan ready for him?" Karen, the receptionist smiled at us.

"You bet," she said and suddenly I was whisked to the back and placed in a salon chair. Drago told me to be good and he headed back to the front of the store.

"I'll be waiting out here so don't get any ideas about trying to leave," he said as he walked away. I just sat there with a stunned look on my face. What just happened here? I think I'm getting a haircut. A cape swooshed in front of me and someone started fastening it around my neck. I looked in the mirror and saw a tall Latino with what I would call a pompadour arranging his combs on a towel standing next to me.

"I'm Evan," he said with a strong accent. This is who is cutting my hair? Look at that mop on his head! What if he tries to do that to me? Oh, shit. I've gotta get out of here. But how? I'll never get by Drago.

"Hi, I'm Alvin," I said, conceding that this guy was going to cut my beautiful hair. I haven't had a real haircut in probably six years. This is very strange. Plus, I've never had my hair cut anywhere but Great Clips. Evan ran his hands through my hair and looked thoughtful.

"I've been cutting Drago's hair for a couple years now, and when he asked if I could fit you in today, I had no idea that this is what I would be working with," Evan said, now gently brushing my hair. It was still damp from my shower at the gym.

"Yeah, it's been pretty hard to deal with since the accident," I muttered. I wasn't sure about this at all. He was going to cut my hair off. And leave me with some fancy-pants hairdo. Fuck.

"Oh, yes," Evan said seriously. "Drago told me all about that. So scary," he said as he examined my newly white-blonde streak. "He mentioned that you have some scars here, yes, I can see that. And this color change, it's new, no?" he asked me.

"Yeah, it grew out like that where it was shaved for my surgery," I explained.

"So scary," he repeated. He seemed very nice and actually sincere. I suppose I should relax a little and just let him do his job. It's only hair. It will grow back. Eventually. "I've never actually seen this in person but I've heard stories about hair that changes after being shaved. Nothing like this though. This hair is pure white and it isn't curly like the rest. Oooohhh, I love a challenge," he said excitedly. Well, here goes.

Evan took me to a sink and gave me a head massage and shampooed and conditioned my hair. It smelled really good. This was pretty nice. I guess that's why Drago comes here to get his haircuts. When we got back to his station, Evan turned me so that I didn't face the mirror. Damnit. I can't see how much he's cutting off or if he's giving me some foofy thing on top.

He pulled my hair into a ponytail and then used huge scissors to cut off my hair. I stopped myself from gasping. He handed me the ponytail.

"Seven inches," he declared. I nodded.

"Nice size," I said with a wink. He gave me a naughty smile.

"Oh yes, very nice," he replied, raising his eyebrows. I laughed.

"Can I donate this or something?" I asked looking at this clump of hair in my hand.

"Unfortunately, no. They want the hair to be at least eight inches," he said sadly.

"Really? Huh. I guess I thought seven inches was big enough for most people," I said trying not to laugh. He gave me that naughty smile again.

"I think seven inches is just perfect. In fact, I would say I prefer seven inches," he giggled. We sat there giggling for a minute while he examined my head. I dropped the clump of hair and silently said goodbye to my high school hair. I probably should have done this after the accident, but at least it would be done when I start school next week.

Evan worked on my hair for at least a half an hour. When he got out the clippers I almost lost it. He's shaving my head? Oh my God. Even when I was a little kid I had some hair. Now I am going to be shaved. Maybe this was a terrible idea. I should have run for it when I had the chance. He ran the clippers up my head several times. I wanted to reach up and feel my head but I knew better than to get my hands in the way of the clippers.

"Okay, are you ready Alvin?" Evan finally asked.

"Yes, definitely yes," I exclaimed. This was the moment of truth. Evan turned me around and my mouth gaped open when I saw myself. Wow.

"What do you think?" Evan asked, clapping his hands together. I stared and turned my head from side to side to see my entire haircut. It was shaved in the back and on the sides but was longer on top. The white streak blended in perfectly and combed back in a wave. I couldn't even tell that I'd ever had curly hair. I looked so modern. I have model hair. I look like I belong in a magazine or something. He even trimmed my eyebrows. My eyes really stood out.

"It's amazing, Evan," I told him. I never thought I could look like this. I finally looked like I belong with a guy as hot as Drago. I might be a little bit too hot for him now, ha.

"I'm so glad you like it!" Evan said, clapping his hands together again. "I'm going to go get Drago," he ran off to the front of the salon. I stared at myself and felt my hair. The shaved part was so soft. I thought it would be rough. He put some product in the top that held it in place. I need to get some of that before I leave. Fuck. I wondered what this all cost. I had blown through most of my savings this summer. I hope it isn't more than $100 because that is going to wipe me out.

"Oh my God," I heard from behind as Drago approached. I turned around and gave him a cocky smile.

"Hey," I said. He immediately grabbed me and kissed me hard. I kissed him back. I think he likes it.

"You look so different. I'm in total lust of you. I mean, I was before, but now it's like, wow. I'm not going to be able to keep my hands off of you," he said. I laughed.

"And that's different, how?" I teased him. He reached up and rubbed the shaved part of my hair.

"So soft," he said softly. He turned me all around and checked out my new do. "This is amazing Evan," he said. "I knew you did great work, but this is absolutely amazing," he said. He couldn't stop gushing over my haircut. I guess it looks pretty good. The receptionist came back and ooohed and ahhhed over my new look. I'm feeling pretty good about myself right about now.

We walked to the front and I realized that Drago just kissed me in front of someone else. I'm conflicted--how cool that we kissed without worrying that we'd get caught, but also how scary that we totally threw caution to the wind and kissed without worrying that we'd get caught.

Drago paid for my haircut in spite of my protests. It was $150 after tip! I didn't have enough money to pay for it anyway, so it's a good thing that he did. I promised him that I would pay him back but he shook me off saying that he wanted to do it for me. Hmmm, having a rich boyfriend may come in handy until I can start working at the community college again and make some of my own money. I've never really thought of Drago as being rich before. I wonder if people think that my family is rich? We live in the same neighborhood as Drago and they are wealthy. Maybe we are rich--I just never see any of the money. Aldon sure seems to have plenty of money. And a credit card that my parents pay off every month. Whatever. Aldon also does all sorts of crazy sexual tasks for his master. Some of his allure has worn off, that's for sure.

Drago and I walked around the mall drinking iced coffees and talking about school next week. I purposely avoided talking about Aldon. That whole scene is still freaking me out. We arranged for Drago to pick me up at the bus stop Monday morning and we would drive in together. He managed to get an assigned parking space on campus. Some teacher that his dad is friends with offered to rent it to Drago since the teacher bikes to school. I swear Drago has this lucky streak that is unbelievable. What freshman gets a prime parking space in the teachers' lot? I can't complain, though, since I benefit from it, too. When it starts snowing I know I'll be more than happy to walk from the teachers' lot instead of somewhere in the neighborhood since freshmen usually aren't allowed to park on campus.

It was getting late and neither one of us wanted to leave, but my mom would be home with Aldon soon and I had to be there for dinner. I wonder what my family will say about my hair. We made out in the truck for a few minutes and then he drove me to the bus stop before the one that drops me off by my house. The bus driver looked at me funny when I only took the bus for one stop, but I was trying to make it look like I'd come home from the mall on the bus. Not that anyone was looking since no one was home when I got there.

My dad walked in the door at 6:15. He was super pissed off that there was no dinner and that I was the only one home.

"Where is your mother?" he roared. I walked downstairs slowly.

"Don't know. She didn't leave a note," I said as I entered the kitchen. He squinted at me and I blushed. I didn't mean to, but it's weird being looked at so intently.

"Huh, you finally cut all that hair off and this is the haircut you got?" he said waving a hand toward my head.

"Yeah," was all I could muster. There is seriously no pleasing this man. He gave me a stern look and then rolled his eyes. He opened the refrigerator and poked around.

"There is nothing to cook. What does your mother do all day? Certainly doesn't buy groceries or cook decent," he mumbled. I don't think he realized I could hear him, so when I laughed he pulled his head out of the fridge and gave me another one of his stern looks.

"What? Do you want to start cooking?" he asked. I thought about it for a minute. There's no way I could cook any worse.

"No," I said and wiped the smile off my face. He wasn't in the mood for humor.

"Go get shoes and let's go," he said slamming the fridge door shut. I took off for the front door and put my shoes on. We went to the garage and he tossed me the keys to his car. "Guess you need some practice before your test tomorrow," he said and got in the passenger side. Sweet. I've never gotten to drive my dad's Acura TLX.

I carefully backed out and my dad told me we were going to Bupa di Becco. Not my favorite, but it's a free dinner so who cares. I smoothly drove us to the restaurant and was happy that I found a parking space in front. My dad didn't notice. He was busy trying to call my mom and she wasn't answering. He kept mumbling about how he was going to take her cell phone away if she didn't start answering when he called. Controlling asshole much, Dad?

We got seated pretty quickly since it's a Thursday night. We placed our orders and pretty much sat in silence. I rearranged my silverware and organized the salt and pepper and sugar packets. I was running out of things to play with at the table.

"Good to have Aldon home," I finally said, not able to stand the quiet anymore. My dad more or less grunted at me. Okay. Guess this isn't the kind of dinner where people talk to one another. We'd just gotten our salad bowl when my mom and Aldon came rushing in.

"I'm so sorry Martin," she said breathless. "We got caught up with Darlene and John up at the church and time just slipped away," she told my dad.

"That sure seems to happen a lot these days, Beth," my dad said through clenched teeth. Oh, this was going to be fun--my parents having an argument at the Bupa di Becco. Whee.

"But we're here now. Which one is our waitress, Martin? I would really like a drink," my mom answered, seemingly oblivious to my dad's anger. Or ignoring it. Either way, it served to amp him up even more.

"I'll order you an iced tea," he said, still clenching those teeth. She shot him a look.

"I'll order my own drink, dear," she replied defiantly. The server popped up just then to greet my mom and Aldon.

"Hi, can I get you something to drink?" he asked cheerfully. I wish I could warn him of the impending doom.

"I'd like a gin martini, stirred, please," mom said.

"She'll have an iced tea," my dad said at the same time. Smiley Joe, our server, looked confused and that smile faded just a bit. He looked from one parent to the other.

"Martin, I've got this," my mother said, her façade starting to crack.

"I think you've probably had enough, Beth," Dad said. They stared at one another for a moment. Mom turned to the server.

"Steven, is it?" she said sweetly reading his nametag. He nodded. "Be a dear and bring me the gin martini I ordered."

"Right away, ma'am. And for you?" Steven, not Smiley Joe as it turns out, turned to Aldon.

"I'll have a martini, too," he said.

"You bet," Steven turned on his heel and took off quickly.

"You don't need another drink, Beth. I'll pour yours out when it gets to the table," my dad growled at my mom.

"You will do no such thing," my mother screeched. A couple of people looked over. Too bad there's no such thing as vanishing cream. Or a spell to make me invisible.

"We only had one drink at Darlene's house, Dad, it's no big deal," Aldon defended Mom. Oh, shit. Why was Aldon getting involved?

"Son, your mother may or may not have mentioned that she's been drinking rather heavily the past year or so and it's beginning to be a problem," my dad said. Really? She's done a pretty good job of hiding it from me.

"You know, Martin, it's been very difficult for me since Aldon left for school. And with Alvin's accident, I've been so stressed," Mom whined. Is she blaming me for her bad behavior? There's no way my accident stressed her out to the point of drinking! She barely acknowledges my existence.

"Beth, you know that drinking is a choice and it's one that you continue to make over and over again in spite of my protests. I'm putting my foot down. No more drinking," my dad roared. Now people were staring at us from all over the dining room. Even the hostesses at the front gave us a worried glance. So much fun. We're going to get kicked out of here before our entrees arrive.

"Leave Mom alone, Dad. She just wants to relax after a busy day," Aldon said. My dad turned bright red. I looked out the window and saw our car out in the parking lot. Interestingly, alright--not really, but I really need a distraction, there are three white cars parked in a row including our car. I stared out the window for a good long time.

"Alvin? Alvin!" I heard someone yelling my name. I snapped out of it and looked to where the voice came from. It was Aldon. Fuck. I'd just had an episode. I haven't had one in like a month. I thought maybe I wouldn't have them anymore. Fuck!

"What dude?" I said, playing it cool like I wasn't just having a weird side effect from my brain injury.

"Mom and Dad just bailed. What do you want to do?" he said, sipping his martini. I looked over and saw my mom's untouched martini. I took it and had a sip.

"Hmmm, should we stay and eat?" I asked and grinned at my brother.

"Sure," he agreed and we fist bumped. "So where were you just now?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, that. So I have these episodes," I explained. I told him about what happened since the accident and what the episodes were like. I also described what it was like to play guitar now.

"That's incredible," he said. "I can't believe Mom and Dad didn't tell me any of this. I'm really sorry I didn't come after the accident. They told me it was no big deal and that I should start my internship. I just didn't know," he said and reached over to rub my shoulder. He looked so concerned. I should have known that my parents never told him how serious the accident was.

"No worries, bro. I'm glad that the internship worked out and you're here now," I said, trying to console him. I vaguely wondered why I was comforting him when I was the one in the accident, but I shoved that to the back of my brain. No need to put too much thought into these things.

"I'm really sorry, Alvin. I should have been here. I know that they treat you differently from me. They didn't even notice that you were having an episode when they left," Aldon said sadly. He finished his drink and encouraged me to finish mine. Steven brought over more salad and Aldon ordered two more martinis. Steven looked around and then leaned in to Aldon.

"Look, without your folks here I can't really give you guys more drinks because you're underage," he said quietly. Aldon got this look in his eyes. I was starting to recognize the look. It is like he goes from being normal Aldon, the excellent student, athlete, and son, and shifts into slut Aldon who will get on his knees for any guy, any time, any place. He moved closer to Steven and whispered in his ear.

"I'll meet you in the bathroom in five minutes and suck your dick if you keep the drinks coming," he whispered. I pretended I couldn't hear what was going on and focused on my salad. Mmmm, salad. Suddenly, Smiley Joe was back.

"You bet!" he exclaimed. "I'll be right back with those drinks," he said happily. Wow. That was easy. My brother smiled at me.

"That works every time," he said as if he'd really accomplished something. Fuck me. He's going to suck some dude's dick in the Bupa di Becco bathroom so that we can get drunk. What the fuck?

"You, uh, do that a lot?" I asked. He nodded and smiled.

"Totes. It's the only way to get served when you're underage," he explained. I nodded like that was logical. He and Smiley Joe nodded at one another and Aldon got up and fist bumped me.

"I'll be back in a flash, bro," he said licking his lips lasciviously. I nodded and he was gone. A different server brought the martinis out a couple of minutes later.

"Hey, are you 21?" the server asked before setting down the drinks. I smiled at him.

"Of course. But if you want to check with my brother he's in the bathroom blowing Steven," I said in a conversational tone. This server, we'll call him Doubting Thomas, looked super surprised but then smiled and nodded knowingly.

"Ahhh, well I'll leave these here and go check with your brother in the bathroom just to be sure," he said and he hightailed it to the men's room. I took a sip of my martini and smiled to myself. Well, Aldon, if you do this all the time, you won't mind another guy coming in for some action. Fuck. At this rate, Aldon is going to spend the meal on his knees in the bathroom while I eat by myself. I should text Drago and see if he'd like to join me.

I saw Smiley Joe come out of the men's room a couple minutes later and about five minutes after that, Doubting Thomas exited looking pretty happy and relaxed. Aldon finally showed back up and downed his drink in one swallow.

"Thanks for sending that second guy, bro. His cum was really tasty," he told me. I raised an eyebrow at him. Really?

"Uh, you're welcome?" I said. I guess I like Drago's cum, so that's not totally unusual, but some stranger? Our food arrived and Aldon ordered another round of drinks. We are definitely getting hammered tonight.

"How are we getting home, dude?" I asked while I swirled pasta on my fork.

"Mom left her car here," Aldon said.

"Yeah, but we're past being able to drive," I said giggling after I slurped the pasta down.

"Oh, well. We'll call an Uber. Or maybe Ethan can come pick us up," he said. Ethan is his best friend from childhood. I nodded and went back to my dinner. We ended up having four drinks with dinner and Aldon had another one with Mom earlier, so we were pretty much wasted by the time we staggered out of the Bupa di Becco. Ethan pulled up just as we walked out the front door.

"Whassup muthafuckas," he yelled out the window.

"Whassup cocksucka," Aldon yelled back. I can't decide if that's irony or not. We were getting looks from family types waiting outside for their table so I ushered Aldon into the backseat of the car and got in the passenger side myself. Ethan and I fist bumped.

"Sup little bro?" he asked as he pulled out of the parking lot. Someone was yelling at him to slow down so he flipped them off out the window and then turned onto Flatiron.

"Sup, big bro?" I said back. We'd always joked about being brothers since Ethan had two sisters and had always wanted a brother.

"Nada. Glad you texted, Aldo, because I was bored out of my mind at home," he said. He always calls my brother Aldo, although if anyone else were to call him that, I'm pretty sure Aldon would punch them in the face.

"No problem, man. Hey, you're 21, let's keep this party going. Buy some gin and we'll make our own martinis," Aldon declared. Being as drunk as I was, I agreed. Ethan laughed.

"Alright, but we've gotta go back to my house. I can't get another DWI," he said. Hmmm. That was news to me. I had no idea Ethan had gotten a DWI. We stopped at a liquor store and he came back with a bottle of Gordon's Gin. Aldon and I cheered. Ethan drove us back to his house and we went into the garage. His parents converted the garage into a hangout--there was a pool table, foosball, and a gigantic TV. There are a couple of couches to crash out on. Ethan and Aldon spent countless hours in this garage while growing up. Even I had been there plenty of times. It was a bit nostalgic to be back. Then things got weird. Real weird.

"C'mon man, time to pay up for the gin," Ethan was saying. I turned around and saw Ethan pushing my brother down on his knees. Aldon eagerly unzipped Ethan's shorts and pulled out his cock. It was in his mouth instantly.

"Mmmmm," Aldon hummed around Ethan's six inch cock. It wasn't too long or especially big around and Aldon swallowed it down his throat instantaneously. My eyes widened. I had no idea that these two were into--whatever this is. Fuck. I turned away and looked for the remote for the TV.

"Think the Rockies game is over?" I asked. When the fuck was baseball season finally going to end? There isn't even a preseason football game on because it's Thursday night. Oh God, I can hear Aldon slurping on Ethan's member. He's really giving him a sloppy blow job.

"Check channel two," Ethan said. He'd dropped into a recliner and Aldon had crawledin between his legs and was face fucking himself. I turned to channel two and sure enough, it was the bottom of the seventh inning and the Rockies were behind by four runs. I grabbed some glasses from the makeshift bar set up by the refrigerator and poured some gin into each of them.

"Pour some soda in those. Can't stand gin by itself," Ethan called out. Like we're just chilling here, nothing else going on--like my brother sucking off his best friend. No, nothing unusual here at all. I opened the fridge and found some 7 Up and added it to the gin. I took one over to Ethan.

"Thanks, little bro," he said. "Hey man, you get any of this action?" he asked, referring to my brother's sucking skills. I shook my head no vehemently.

"No, not me," I said and blushed. What the fuck? No, my brother hasn't sucked my dick. What kind of question is that? Well, apparently a legit question considering my brother is a huge slut. Am I the last person to know this?

"You should definitely try this, because Aldo is a fucking sucking machine," Ethan said, putting his hand firmly on the back of Aldon's head and held him down on his cock. Aldon sputtered and gagged a little, but Ethan didn't let up. He finally let go and my brother came up and gasped for air. Ethan pressed down again and held Aldon there even longer the second time. Aldon slapped him against the legs several times to indicate that he couldn't breathe, but Ethan seemed content to wait. When it looked like Aldon was going to pass out, Ethan pulled him up by the hair and let him suck in much needed oxygen. He did this like five more times, holding Aldon down longer each time.

"Fuck, I love how your throat feels when it's spasming around my cock, bitch," Ethan said. He pulled Aldon up and as my brother tried to suck in air, Ethan spit in his mouth. Aldon choked on it and started coughing. Once he composed himself, he dove back on Ethan's cock. I tried not to stare with my mouth hanging open. I wasn't successful. I turned to watch the game but I was back to staring about thirty seconds later. It was like a car accident or something. I couldn't tear my eyes away.

"You've gotta give this a try, little bro," Ethan smirked at me. I shook my head `no' again.

"No, man, I can't. I got a, well, a piercing last night and no sex until it heals," I said, super grateful to have a reason to refuse a blow job from my brother. This was just too weird. What the fuck?

"No way, what did you get?" Ethan said. He sat up and Aldon choked from the sudden movement. Ethan slapped him across the head. "Shut up, cunt, and get back to sucking," he said. I can't believe my brother lets him talk to him that way. But it looks like Aldon is really getting off on being treated this way.

"It's an ampallang, or a barbell through horizontally," I said.

"Can I see?" Ethan asked. He looked so curious and he'd stopped talking about me getting a blowie so I pulled down my shorts and boxer briefs and pulled out my cock. The ends of the barbell shined in the light.

"Fuck yeah!" Ethan exclaimed and we high fived. I tucked Little Alvin away before he chubbed up anymore. Jesus. This is like the worst possible time to get a hard on.

"Totes," I agreed. "Aldon got some piercings, too," I said with an evil grin. Aldon mumbled `no' around Ethan's cock but it was too late. Ethan pulled my brother off his cock by the hair.

"More piercings, huh?" he said. "Let's see what you've added to that PA, slut," he said and spit on Aldon's face. The spit ran down his cheek slowly. I could tell he wanted to wipe it away but wasn't allowed. Aldon pulled down his shorts. He wasn't wearing underwear. I get the feeling he rarely wears them. He pulled out his cock and showed Ethan the magic cross piercing. Then he lifted it up further and the three rings in his scrotum were on display. Ethan reached out and flicked the top one. Aldon cringed but didn't say anything.

"Is this is, slut?" Ethan asked. Aldon shook his head no. He pulled his shorts down further and leaned back awkwardly, lifting his nuts carefully. Ethan leaned in and could see the perineum piercing.

"So that's it, sir," Aldon said with a small smile. I watched Ethan to see what he was going to do. He reached down and flicked the guiche piercing hard. Aldon cried out. Ethan flicked it again.

"When are you getting a ring put in that?" he asked, sitting back up again. Aldon pulled his pants back up again but looked a little bit like he was going to cry.

"As soon as it heals, sir," he said. Ethan nodded.

"That's right, you will," Ethan said. Then he grabbed Aldon by the back of the head and shoved his face back down to his crotch. "Get back to sucking. This time I want to cum all over your face, slut," he said. Aldon quickly took Ethan's cock back into his mouth and started sucking. Aldon moaned and slurped at his best friend's hardened member as if it were the best tasting Popsicle in the world. And who knows, maybe to him it was. I watched his technique and wondered if Drago would like some of the things Aldon did. Not from Aldon, of course, but from me. It's different seeing these things in person.

This time Aldon brought Ethan to the point of cumming rapidly. Ethan pulled out and sprayed cum all over Aldon's face. He hit his right eye with the first shot and then painted him with cum stripes across his nose and cheeks. Aldon whimpered but didn't touch any of the cum. I could tell the squirt in the eye was really bothering him.

"There we go cuntface. Hold on while I take a pic," Ethan said and pulled out his cell. He took several pictures and then texted one to Aldon. "Make sure you sent that one to Ron. I think he'll really like that," Ethan said. Aldon kneeled on the floor waiting for Ethan to tell him what to do. The cum started running down his face. So did a couple of tears from the doused eye, but Aldon didn't move. I looked down and saw that he was hard and his cock pressed against his pants. I could see the PA ring clearly through the material. Ethan reached out and slowly scooped cum from Aldon's face and fed it to him. He left the eye shot for last. Once most of the cum was in Aldon's mouth, Ethan slapped my brother on the ass.

"Go clean up, slut. Then you can come back and serve us," he told Aldon.

"Yes, sir," Aldon called out. He really gets off on the domination and humiliation. He took off for the bathroom leaving me and Ethan alone. We sipped our horrible-tasting drinks and watched the game. When it went to commercial, Ethan flipped through some commercials but couldn't find anything worth watching. He turned on the PS4 and threw a bundle of discs at me.

"Here, pick something to play," he said and he rearranged two recliners to face the TV. I picked out Madden and he put in the disc. We were sitting in the chairs chatting about school when Aldon came back. He kneeled on the floor next to Ethan. I watched him out of the corner of my eye. I wondered why he wasn't playing with us or sitting in a chair like we were. I guess this is part of the act.

"Get us more drinks, slut," Ethan commanded and Aldon shot up and ran over to the kitchenette and began making Ethan and I more drinks. He brought them over and served us and was right back on his knees. I sipped my drink and noticed that it tasted a lot better than the ones I'd made. Maybe it was better to have a servant like Aldon to take care of all of these things. Ha.

"We need snacks, cunt, go get some from the kitchen. You know what I like," Ethan said a few minutes later. Again, Aldon was up and running. It was obvious that he'd done this for Ethan many times before. I'm still wondering how I was the last person to know that my brother is a slave-slut who craves humiliation. It seems like something I would have noticed before now. And it appears to have been going on for years, not just with his roommate at college.

Ethan and I were super competitive and played hard. We chatted and cheered and harassed one another for the next forty-five minutes. It was as if Aldon wasn't even there. He kneeled the entire time and only moved when Ethan ordered him to. The only thing Aldon was allowed to say was `thank you, sir'. I don't think his cock softened at all the entire time we were there. Then, things got weirder. Yes, I know I said that earlier, but I never could have anticipated this. Which probably shows how sheltered an existence I've had, but wow, this was really something to see.

"Get over here slut and take care of this," Ethan said and I glanced over to see that he had his dick out. It wasn't hard, but I figured that he wanted another blow job. But that wasn't exactly it. No, Aldon took Ethan's cock in his mouth about halfway and then waited. I had to look up to see what was going on in the game. It was the fourth quarter and I was up 45 to 41 but Ethan was driving. I picked a defensive play and then looked down again. Holy fucking shit! My brother was drinking Ethan's piss. He kept swallowing as Ethan poured what appeared to be a gallon of piss down Aldon's throat. My jaw dropped open. I've really got to stop doing that, but oh my fucking fuck. This is too much. But Aldon just swallowed every drop and then tucked Ethan's cock back in his pants.

"Touchdown motherfucker!" Ethan cheered. He'd scored while I stared at my brother's degradation.

"Awww fuck," I exclaimed. I couldn't believe I'd been so distracted by my brother playing urinal that I'd let Ethan take the lead. He kicked the extra point and went up 48 to 45. I don't know if it was watching Ethan take a piss, or what, but suddenly I had to go. I threw my controller down.

"Be back in a sec, nature calls," I said walking toward the house.

"Dude, let slut boi take care of that," Ethan said. I stopped. I couldn't do that. No way. But Aldon crawled over to me and started pulling down my shorts. Oh fuck no.

"No way, dude, I'll just hit the head," I said, pulling slightly back from Aldon. He moved forward and suddenly my cock was halfway in his mouth. He nodded at me and smiled around my cock. My cock is in Aldon's mouth, my brain screamed at me. That apparently didn't matter because I really had to go now and Aldon's mouth was warm and he massaged my piss slit with his tongue and, oh fuck, I let loose and started pissing in his mouth. I just stared at my cock and my brother's face in disbelief. He gulped down every drop with a happy look on his face. Oh my God this is so fucked up. What the hell am I doing?

When I finished my piss, Aldon sucked the last drops from the tip and then licked the piss slit clean. Like really clean. I stepped back again and he put my cock back in my boxer briefs and pulled up my shorts. I was like a statue.

"It was delicious, sir. Thank you so much for the privilege of drinking your pee," Aldon said and bowed down and kissed my shoe. I stared at him with an astonished look. This is outrageous. I couldn't think for a minute.

"Dude, get back over here so we can finish this game," Ethan called out. I looked at Aldon one more time. He had that happy smile and stared up at me like a dog that had just been praised. I patted him on the head and went back over to the recliner and sat down. I picked up my controller, my movements somewhat robotic. Ethan unpaused the game and it was time for me to pick a play. I was back on offense. I selected a deep pass. There were only fifteen seconds left in the game, so I basically had to score on this play. The center snapped the ball and the quarterback launched the ball deep. My receiver jumped up and caught the ball! I won!

"Fuck yeah!" I yelled and threw down the controller again. "Victory is mine!" I did a little dance. Ethan threw his controller down and looked angry.

"God damnit," he said. "You're way too good at this game," he said dejectedly. I get the vibe he doesn't lose much. Well, I don't lose ever.

"Thanks, man," I said and we fist bumped.

"Well, usually the winner gets a blowjob from slut boi, but since you're not interested, how about I take your blow job and you can go watch movies with my sisters until we're done in here?" Ethan said. I raised an eyebrow. Huh. Well, no, I do not want a victory blow job from my brother, so yes, I will go watch movies with Ethan's sisters Frannie and Gretel.

"Yeah, whatever," I said and poured a healthy shot of gin in my glass and walked into the house. My only excuse for this night is that I'm drunk. And I need to be super drunk to pretend that none of this ever happened.

"Alvin!" Gretel squealed and Frannie echoed her as I entered the family room. They were cuddled up on the couch watching some cartoon movie. They are probably sixteen and seventeen now, but seem a bit immature. They jumped up and suddenly both girls were hugging me from each side. I hugged them back.

"Hi Frannie, hi Gretel," I greeted them. They each kissed me on a cheek.

"Oh my gawd, Alvin. Are you seriously dating Angelique Williams?" Frannie cried out. She and Angelique are both seniors this year.

"Well, yeah," I answered but didn't elaborate. Both sisters went `ooooohhhhh'.

"That's so cool," Gretel said.

"You two must look so good together," Frannie said.

"I love your haircut," Gretel told me. It was like they were twins the way that they talk.

"Me, too. You look so handsome," Frannie cooed. I blushed.

"So handsome," Gretel echoed. "I heard you play in that band The Four Horsemen," she said.

"Uh, yeah, I'm the guitarist," I said.

"Soooo cool!" they exclaimed at the same time. My head was beginning to hurt from all the squealing and yelling they are doing.

"So, what movie you guys watching?" I asked. They pulled me down on the couch in between them and wrapped us all up in a big, fluffy blanket.

"Inside Out," they said, again at the same time. One of them started the movie again and they were finally quiet. The movie was mildly entertaining. I kept wondering what my brother and Ethan were doing, though. Ugh, why do I want to know? I kept thinking about it and finally decided to go see if they were done.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I whispered so that I didn't interrupt the video and then stood up.

"Hurry back!" Gretel said and Frannie nodded eagerly. I smiled and then went back out to the garage. My brother was bent over the pool table and Ethan was fucking him from behind. Oh yeah. I really didn't need to see that. I turned around and tried to walk back to the living room unseen, but Ethan caught me out of the corner of his eye.

"Hey little bro," he said panting. He kept thrusting inside of Aldon. I tried looking anywhere but at them. I didn't think Aldon was supposed to be having sex because of his piercings, but that didn't seem to concern him as Ethan pounded away at his ass. "Little bro, get over here and shove your ass in slut boi's face. He's gonna eat your ass out," Ethan said. Uh, he is? I don't think so!

"Naw man, I'll just wait out in the family room," I said backing up. Ethan turned to me looking pissed.

"Get over here and shove your ass in slut's face!" he commanded loudly. Jesus, what if Frannie and Gretel heard him? I walked very slowly over to them. Ethan swung Aldon around so that his face was down low. I stepped in front of Aldon and pulled my pants and boxer briefs down. I think I'm about to have an episode. Drago is the only person who's licked my ass before and I really liked it when he did it, but I don't want my brother doing this. Even if he is a total slut who does whatever he is told. Fuck me. I felt Aldon's tongue licking my ass cheek. He pulled my cheeks apart and leaned in and started licking my hole.

"Oh!" I said inadvertently. It felt really good. But I didn't want it to. I wanted to get the hell out of there. What if Frannie and Gretel walked in? Or Ethan's parents?

"Mmmmm," Aldon moaned into my ass. "Soooo goooood," he said and then he started tongue fucking me like crazy. He thrust his tongue in and out and then licked in long strokes all up and down my hole. I started moaning too. I could feel Aldon thrust forward every time Ethan pumped into him. Suddenly Ethan started fucking wildly fast and Aldon pointed his tongue and poked it in my hole, going back and forth with every thrust Ethan made. My dick was hard now and it hurt around my piercing.

Ethan kept up the fast pace for a few more minutes and then pushed as deep inside Aldon as he could and came in several short bursts. He grunted and Aldon moaned and I bit my lip hoping that my piercing didn't burst or something while Aldon fucked deeper in my hole with his tongue. Ethan slapped Aldon on the ass a couple of times and then pulled out.

"Turn around," he growled, and Aldon pulled his head from my ass and took Ethan's cock in his mouth to clean it. He sucked the remaining cum from the tip and licked the shaft clean. Then he sucked the remaining cum and ass juices from Ethan's pubes. I stood up and pulled up my shorts. I willed my cock to go down and hoped that it wasn't damaged from getting hard. Ethan gave me a high five.

"Good job, slut," he said, slapping Aldon on the ass again. Aldon had the happy puppy look again as he kneeled on the floor next to Ethan. "Go clean yourself up," he said and Aldon hopped up. "Wait!" Ethan called out before Aldon left the room. "Get over here and clean up your mess," he commanded pointing at a puddle of cum that had dripped from Aldon's ass onto the floor.

"Yes, sir, so sorry sir," Aldon said and then licked up the cum. Right off the floor. My jaw hung open again. Maybe there's an exercise I can do that will keep that from happening. Aldon looked up at Ethan expectantly and waited. Ethan nodded and Aldon jumped back up and took off for the bathroom. I could see more cum running down his legs. Wow. Just wow.

"Fucking slut," Ethan said, downing his drink. "Gotta tell him what to do and how to do it. Sometimes I can't believe he's my best friend," he said. Yeah, me either.

"How long, uh, have you guys been doing, uh, this for?" I asked hesitantly. Again, why do I want to know? Stupid curiosity.

"Since middle school," Ethan said. Middle school? Holy shit. This has been going on a lot longer than I thought. "He begged me to let him suck me off. It sort of evolved into this dom/sub thing. It's nothing like what he and Ron do, though. Fucking Ron has him wearing a collar and leash most of the time. And I never sold his pussy to anyone the way Ron does. Aldon has been fucked so many times that his pussy feels like a girl's cunt. Kinda looks like one, too. He's getting pussy lips, ha ha," Ethan started laughing. I really, super don't want to know this about my brother's pussy. I mean ass. Or whatever. Fuck.

"Oh, okay," I said. Aldon came back and kneeled next to Ethan. Ethan patted him on the head but didn't say anything to him. We talked for a few more minutes and then I decided that it was time to walk back to our house. My parents were going to be pissed off about us leaving the car behind, but I was too tired to care. And weirded out. I could still feel Aldon's tongue on my ass. In my ass. Ahhhh. I've got to stop thinking about this.

"Get up, slut," Ethan said to Aldon. Aldon stood up and waited for Ethan's command. "Good, slut. Now go ahead and follow Alvin. Be a good pussy boi and do everything Alvin tells you," Ethan told my brother. I grabbed Aldon's arm and dragged him out the door. He followed right along with that fucking stupid happy puppy look. I don't know how to deal with this.

"Permission to speak, sir," Aldon said when we were about a block from Ethan's house. I had no idea he was waiting for me to give him permission to talk to me. This is going to take some getting used to.

"Yes, slu...I mean bro," I said. I almost called him slut like Ethan did. Crap. I don't want to call my brother a slut. That's just so wrong.

"You can call me slut, Alvin. Or anything you want. I'll do anything for you, I promise," he simpered, holding my arm tightly. I pulled it away.

"I'll just keep calling you Aldon," I said and started walking faster.

"I want you to be my master, Alvin," he told me. I stopped and looked at him hard.

"Snap out of it, Aldon. I don't want you as a slave. I don't want you to be a slave period," I told him angrily.

"Why not, Alvin?" he asked, sounding so sad.

"I just want us to be brothers. I don't want any of this other stuff. I have a boyfriend," I said loudly. I looked around hoping no one just heard me. I didn't see anyone. I turned and started walking again. Aldon caught up.

"All I've ever wanted is for you to take care of me. To tell me what to do so that I can do it and make you happy. Don't you want me to make you happy?" he said, practically in tears. I stopped again.

"Jesus, dude. I told you already, I don't want that," I said. He started crying. He pulled me close and I awkwardly patted him on the back.

"You don't have to break up with Drago. I'll be a slave for both of you. Mainly for you, but I'll make sure that he's happy, too. You can sell me, too. I'll make you good money. And I'll never complain no matter what you ask me to do. I need this, Alvin, can't you see?" he pleaded. Good Lord.

"No, I can't see. This is all too fucked up for me to think about right now. I just want to go home and get in bed and sleep until my driver's test tomorrow. Fuck. I didn't study tonight. C'mon, let's go," I said and started walking again.

"Please think about it," he said. I grunted a response. We walked in silence for a while.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" he asked when we were a few houses away from ours.

"No," I said, annoyed that he'd asked.

"Please," he pleaded. I am starting to hate his begging.

"No. I don't want to have to explain that to the `rents in the morning," I said. He looked all sad again. Like a puppy that had been slapped with a rolled up newspaper.

"I'll do all of the explaining, please don't leave me alone," he begged.

"Whatever, but no sex," I conceded. I just want to go to bed. I briefly wondered if I could command him to sleep on the floor. I shook that idea off and went to open the front door. "Quiet!" I whispered to him and he nodded. We snuck inside and headed up to my room. I detoured to the bathroom and took care of my business.

When I returned to my bedroom, Aldon had pulled down the sheets on the bed and then stripped and waited for me naked and kneeling. I rolled my eyes and started to strip my own clothes off. He hopped up and started taking my clothes off for me. I held still and let him take my clothes off. He put them in the hamper and then kneeled by my side. I sighed big and then crawled in bed. He didn't move.

"Come to bed," I said exasperatedly and held up the sheets and blanket and patted the bed next to me. He eagerly hopped up and got in bed. I can't believe we're naked and in bed together. This has got to be illegal or something.

"Can I please suck your cock? Or finish eating your ass? Please?" he started up that fucking begging again.

"No, go to sleep and stop pestering me," I said almost too loudly. I didn't want to wake up our parents so I rolled over and pulled the sheets up over my ear and closed my eyes. A few moments later I could feel him crawling under the sheets and suddenly I felt his tongue on my ass.

"I told you no, now stop it," I whisper yelled at him.

"C'mon Alvin, let me finish. I know you'll feel better if I do," he said kissing my ass cheeks in between words.

"No, for the last time! My piercing hurts and I don't want you to eat my ass," I told him. It wasn't exactly true. My piercing was more uncomfortable than painful and I did want him to eat my ass, but I wasn't ready to admit that. He frowned and pouted, but then pulled up next to me and spooned me so tight I could barely breathe. I closed my eyes and hoped that in the morning all of this had been a dream. Or a nightmare. Donate to Nifty!

Next: Chapter 13

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