In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Apr 10, 2020


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Chapter 10

The next morning I couldn't wait to see Drago so I can tell him about the weekend with the house to myself. When we finally met up, I didn't even say three words to him before I was in between his legs and he was shoving his cock down my throat. I moaned and he moaned and I went at it hard and fast. Then I let him fuck my face until he came in huge spurts, first in my mouth and then he pulled out and sprayed my face.

"What the hell, dude?" I said laughing and wiping the cum off my cheek just below my eye. "Were you aiming for my eye?"

"Maybe," he said laughing.

"That shit burns! Don't do that," I said pretending to be serious. He leaned over and licked a streak of cum from lower on my cheek.

"Is this a bruise? Did you get in a fight?" he asked running his finger along where Lenny decked me.

"Oh yeah, Lenny sucker punched me at the club Saturday night," I said, trying to downplay the event.

"That motherfucker. I'll kill that sorry fuck," Drago said, suddenly quite angry. I was surprised. I didn't think he'd care this much.

"Naw man. I got three good punches in before security dragged him off," I explained.

"Damn straight," Drago said fist bumping me. "We need to build up some more muscle so that you can kick that piece of shit's ass," he said. I laughed.

"I told Aiden I was going to hire a bodyguard. Wanna apply for the job?" I kidded with Drago.

"I just might take you up on that offer," he said, still looking serious. Lenny better watch his step. Drago could snap him in two.

"Hey, I've got great news, by the way," I said as we walked back to the locker room. He slapped my ass while we walked and I jumped up. "Hey!" I said looking around to see if anyone saw us. There were a couple of guys walking in the other direction, but otherwise we were in the clear. That shit always scares me--public displays.

"What's up?" Drago asked with a smirk. He's never concerned that anyone thinks he is gay.

"So my parents are going out of town for the weekend and I'm going to have the house to myself from 5:30 Friday night to 3:30 Sunday afternoon," I said while we stripped down for the shower.

"Fuck yeah!" Drago high fived me. "We can go to Malcolm's party Friday night and stay as late as we want," he said. I'd forgotten about Malcolm's party. I'd hoped that Drago would spend the night at my house, but a party was cool, too. And there's still the rest of the weekend.

"Nice," I said, stepping under the hot water. Drago pulled me close from behind. I could feel his semi-hard cock press against my back. He leaned down and started kissing and biting my neck.

"Ow," I mumbled when he bit too hard. "Don't leave a mark," I said but he just bit me harder. Asshole. Never listens to me.

"Can I stay over?" he murmured in my ear and he began stroking my cock.

"Yes, I would like that very much," I said and moaned as he stroked faster.

"Can I do whatever I want to you?" he growled. I was breathing so fast and his words brought me so close to cumming. Precum leaked continuously from my cock as he slid his hand up and down my shaft, paying special attention to the head every few strokes.

"Yes, yes, do whatever you want," I groaned and then came in a huge jet that splattered the shower wall. I gasped then shot out six more strong jets and one that dribbled out over Drago's hand. As was our norm, I grabbed his arm and held his hand to my mouth. I sucked and licked all of my cum from his hand. He pulled my face to his by the back of my hair and licked my lips. We started kissing, sloppy, wet kisses full of cum and lust.

"I can't wait, Alvin," he whispered into my mouth.

"I can't wait, Drago," I whispered back. We paused as I caught my breath. Suddenly, two men walked into the showers and were talking loudly. I froze. What if they saw us? What if they noticed that there were four feet in our stall? What if they knew my dad? Drago, totally nonplussed, peeked outside the curtain and snuck out. How come this isn't bothering him? I would think that it would be awful if he were outed. And I don't think he's gay, anyway. I think we're just fooling around. At least that's what I keep trying to convince myself. I've been having all these feelings about him that I've been stuffing down. Deep down. We may fool around, but there's no way he'd want me as a boyfriend if it turned out that he was gay or bi and wanted to date a guy.

I took my time with my shower. I could hear Drago finish his and head out in about three minutes. With my hair being so long it takes me longer, plus I was thinking about this weekend. He said `whatever I want' and I couldn't cum fast enough. What does that mean though? I think that I know--he wants to fuck me. I am so on board for that, but it's also kind of scary. What if he fucks me and then tells me to fuck off? I've seen him do that to girls over the years. Is that really something I need to worry about? I mean, I'm so horny all the time and he's so fucking hot. Would it really be all that bad if we fucked and then never spoke again?

I got out of the shower and dried off in front of my locker. I saw Drago out of the corner of my eye checking me out. Legit! He was watching me with that look...the one that I swear means he's attracted to me. Lust, attraction, something along those lines. Fuck. I don't know what to think of Drago. With Aiden, I know we're hot for one another. I think Landry might have a crush on me. Bellamy was definitely hitting on me at church. With Drago, I just can't tell. Are we going to be fuck buddies or is it more? I really need to think about something else. Anything else.

We stood next to one another at the mirror. I slicked down my cowlicks in the front and tried to do the comb over thing. It is getting harder to do.

"You need a haircut," Drago said, messing my hair up.

"Awww, c'mon, I just got that part to lay down," I groaned. He laughed and ran his hands through his hair a couple of times. It looked perfect. Of course. He didn't even comb his hair and it looks great.

"Maybe we'll go get it cut this weekend," he said, running his hands through my hair.

"It will grow out fine without getting it cut," I snapped and pulled away from him. Amazingly, my hair looked better than usual when he was done with it. Maybe he has some secret talent because I'd never gotten my hair to look this good. Not that I tried all that hard.

"I think you'll come around to my way of thinking," he said, slapping my ass and walking away. There it was again--him not caring who was around when he touched me. I looked around real quick and there wasn't anyone close enough to see. I'm so freaking paranoid that I can't even enjoy these moments. Stupid parents. Stupid me for not relaxing for a minute.

My mom drove me up to CU that afternoon. I was shocked all to shit that she made the effort, but I was really glad that I didn't have to take the bus. I finally had an appointment with a counselor to discuss my fall schedule and financial aid. My mom dropped me off and presumably went to church. I'd scheduled with Aiden to pick me up later and we'd check out the campus. There are summer classes in session so some of the campus is open for us to explore.

"Alvin Jacobs," a harried-looking woman called out to me about thirty minutes after my appointment time. I stood up and headed over to her office.

"I'm Loretta Knight-Larsson, you can call me Loretta," she said, sinking into the chair behind her desk. She shuffled some papers around until she came across my file. "So you're getting the Survivor's Scholarship, I see," she said more to the papers than to me.

"Uh, I am?" I asked. This was the first I'd heard of a scholarship since Drago mentioned it in the hospital.

"Oh yes!" she said excitedly. "After the accident, God rest their souls," she crossed herself and then continued, "the families and the community pooled together money for you and Mr. Jenkins to attend college. You will both get $25,000 a year for four years. That will go a long way toward paying for your education, Mr. Jacobs," she said nodding seriously. Fuck yeah! $25,000 was a ton of money! That had to mean that I could live on campus. And have a ton of money to spare.

"So when can I move on campus?" I asked, jumping the gun a bit, but that was what I really wanted to know.

"Oh dear," she said with a frown. "I think there's been a misunderstanding," she shook her head. Crap.

"What misunderstanding?" I asked, trying to keep from panicking.

"Well, when we spoke to your father he indicated that you would live at home so we didn't reserve a dorm room for you. Now, it's too late to get you into a dorm room," she told me. I closed my eyes and tried not to freak out. What the fuck? Why did they talk to my dad and not me? Why did my dad have to say that?

"So there are no dorm rooms left?" I asked. She nodded sadly. "Is there a wait list or something?" I pleaded. There has to be something.

"Unfortunately, the wait list is full, too. You see, we're building a new dormitory, but we had to tear down the old one to replace it. So we don't have as many rooms as we normally would. That also means that most of the apartments in town have filled up because there are so many more students looking for housing than normal," she explained. Well, fuck me running. This is like the worst news in the world. Not only will I not be living on campus, but there was virtually no shot at finding a room in an apartment, either.

"Oh, I see," I mumbled. What a load of shit. Loretta started asking about my course load but I was pretty distracted. I started drifting and was on the verge of an episode. I realized what was happening, though, and forced myself to come back to attention. I blinked my eyes and stared at Loretta's mouth. I wanted to understand the words coming from there so I focused on that instead of losing focus.

"Do you have a major in mind? I know it's early going but we can start you in the right direction now if you know what you want to major in," she said. I heard what she said! I didn't lose focus and have an episode. I'm so damn proud of myself I could just puke. Alright, not puke, maybe cheer? Obviously not in Loretta's office, but this is huge. I've never been able to pull myself out of an episode before. I've never been able to recognize I was having one before it was over with. Hell yeah. My brain is getting better. Of course Loretta had no idea why I stared at her weirdly and she gave me a questioning look.

"Oh, uh, music," I blurted out. Screw my dad. I want to major in music. I don't have to declare a major until my junior year, anyway, so what he doesn't know won't hurt him. Plus, with this scholarship, I will be able to pay for school anyway.

"Wonderful, do you play an instrument?" Loretta asked, now typing some information into the computer on her desk.

"Guitar," I answered. The only reason I didn't have it with me was because my mom picked me up from the gym and I had walked over to the gym that morning.

"Oh how nice," she mumbled as she kept working on her computer. She printed out a few forms and handed them to me. "So, here's an example of a course plan for music majors and another one for engineering majors since your father told us you would major in civil engineering," she said. Jesus. My dad sure did a lot of talking with these people that I knew nothing about. Apparently he has my whole life planned out for me.

I glanced at the forms and noticed that the first year schedules were pretty much the same. I handed the music one to Loretta.

"I'd like to try these courses out," I said with a smile. I can do this. I can take the courses I want if I have to live at home.

"Great! Do you prefer morning or afternoon classes?" she asked.

"Can you check Drago's courses and see if we can be in the same classes?" I asked.

"Well," she said looking around conspiratorially, "we're not really supposed to, but since you're a special case, I'll do it just for you," she told me. I didn't especially like being called a `special case' but if it's going to get me what I wanted, who am I to complain? She entered a bunch of information on her keyboard.

"Okay. I think that'll do it," she said and printed out my class schedule and handed it to me. "So, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday you will have English Composition I at 9:30 AM and American History at 11:00--both with Drago. At 12:30 you will have History of Music and a one-credit music lab right after, but of course Drago isn't taking those courses. Then on Tuesday and Thursday you will have College Algebra at 9:00 AM and Biology I plus lab time at 11:00. Drago is taking Calculus I but you will both be in the same biology course. What do you think?" she smiled.

"That's great," I said looking over my schedule. For better or worse, I am going to be in three classes with Drago. One thing I wonder is how the hell he is in calculus. He must be some kind of math whiz to skip ahead of algebra and trig and go straight to calculus.

"Any questions?" Loretta asked, straightening up the papers on her desk and looking like she was about to kick me out.

"What else is Drago taking? I mean, if you can tell me," I asked. I was really curious now. That calculus thing really threw me for a loop.

"Let me check," she said and gave me a wink. I smiled a slightly phony smile back. She was doing me a favor but she came across kind of cheesy. I suppose I should cut her some slack. I sure as hell wouldn't want to sit in this dingy office all day. "Okay, he's taking Philosophy on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and a physical education course in the afternoons," she told me. Wow. We're both taking fifteen credits. Plus he has football and I've got my band. Bands, I guess if you count worship group. We're going to be really busy in the fall.

"Thank you," I said and stood up. She stood up, too, and shook my hand.

"Best of luck, Alvin. We're all pulling for you," she told me. I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that. Sometimes I get the vibe that people think that I should be much worse off after the accident. It's like they are surprised that I'm not wheelchair-bound or have to wear big casts or something. I guess my injuries were much more internal. Besides my weird hairline scars. I've caught a couple of people staring at them, so maybe it's more obvious than I think.

"Thank you," I repeated and walked down the hall to financial aid, thinking about the big money scholarship I'd gotten. How cool is that? I'm going to have a ton of money. I won't have to work.

I walked inside and took a number. There were about ten kids in front of me. I pulled out my phone and texted Landry. I haven't really gotten to see him much as of late. He is getting ready to leave for UNC in the next couple of weeks. He is going to stay with his aunt and uncle so that he'll be closer to the school for football practice. It sucks that he's leaving. I wish that he were going to CU with me and Drago. I hope that he comes home on the weekends so that we can see each other.

I texted Aiden next and told him to get his fine ass up to campus so we can go exploring and get some food. He texted back that he is on his way.

I didn't have much else to do so I played a couple of games on my phone while I waited. Then I got a surprising text. It was from Bellamy.

Bellamy: Hey, whassup?

Me: Hey, just waiting at financial aid. Whassup with u?

Bellamy: Lame on the fin aid. I'm on campus, too--in the music lab. U should come check it out

Me: I will as soon as I'm done here. I've got a music lab on Mon Wed Fri

Bellamy: I'm going to be your TA for the lab

Me: No way! Right on

Bellamy: Can't wait. Do u want to get lunch?

Me: I'm meeting Aiden as soon as I'm done. Maybe we can both check out the music lab and then the 3 of us can get lunch?

Bellamy: Sounds gr8

Me: I'll text you as soon as I can

Bellamy: I'll be waiting

Wow. I can't believe that Bellamy texted me. I'm really excited to see him. Lucky me getting to have lunch with Aiden and Bellamy.

"Number 45?" a man called out from the counter. I jumped up and headed over to his window.

"Hi, I'm number 45, uh, Alvin Jacobs," I said.

"Student number?" he replied.

"Uh..." I answered smartly.

"It's on your schedule. You should memorize it now because you're going to need it a lot," he said. I pulled out my schedule and he pointed to a nine-digit number at the top. Huh. I doubt I'll be memorizing any number any time soon, much less a nine-digit one. Maybe I can write it on the back of my hand or something. I read it off for him and he pulled up my account.

"Okay, you have a scholarship that will cover most of your tuition. I'll print out your bill," he said. Wait, what bill? I have a scholarship. What is he talking about? He handed me the paper and I looked it over. The cost for fifteen credits, plus fees and lab costs is $14,028.52! Fuck me! If I take fifteen credits again next semester my total cost for this year will be $28,057.04! My scholarship won't even cover my tuition. What the hell good is a scholarship if it isn't even going to cover all of my costs? Plus, I still need books and pens and paper. It isn't even going to cover my bus pass.

"So the remainder of your tuition and fees is due August 28, one week after school starts. The drop date is August 30, so be sure to get your schedule finalized before that," the guy said in a bored tone. I stood there staring at the bill in my hands. I'd really hoped I wouldn't have to rely on my parents and do what they wanted, but now it looked like I would need them to pay the rest of my tuition and for books and stuff.

"How much do books cost?" I asked, really having no clue. My guess was around $200.

"Usually around $600 per semester, depending on the classes you take," he told me. $600! How could books cost that much? When he saw my look of disbelief, he laughed. "Yeah, I know. It's a total scam. You can sell some of your books back at the end of the semester but you won't get much for them--maybe half if you're lucky," he said. I shook my head.

"Wow. Well, thanks," I said slowly walking away from the counter.

"Number 48?" I heard him call out behind me. I moved out of the way as some girl rushed past me to get to the counter. I wandered outside in a daze. I had no idea college would cost this much. What the hell is my brother paying at Penn? It's private and he's out of state, too. I guess he got a bunch of fancy scholarships, so who knows? Plus, I'm sure my parents give him money all the time just because. I'll be lucky to get the money I need to cover my bills and I'm sure I'll have a lengthy list of chores to do to earn it. I seriously can't believe I won't be living on campus. This trip up to school hasn't turned out the way I'd hoped at all.

"So the guy throws his saxophone down and storms out of the room and we're all like, what just happened? The teacher is all, hold on, I'll be right back. He doesn't come back so we decide to leave when class ends. I went to the bathroom and guess who's in there? The teacher and the saxophonist and the saxophonist is giving the prof mad head!" Bellamy tells us. Aiden and I crack up.

"Did they see you?" I asked and took a bite of my sandwich.

"No, I pissed and then ran for it. I think they had a lover's quarrel in class and then made up in the bathroom," Bellamy said.

"That's so fucked up," Aiden howled. I can't believe that a professor and a student would be so blatant, especially a male professor and a male student.

"No doubt," Bellamy said and we all laughed again. College is going to be so different. People are out here and no one cares. Students date professors and no one cares. People give blow jobs in bathrooms on campus and no one cares. Well, I suppose someone may care about that, like if they have to clean up afterward or something.

We finished up lunch and Bellamy showed us around the music department. We also got to see the Loft Theatre and one of the acting studios. I picked up a flyer listing their upcoming auditions. I really want to take a theater class in the spring, but maybe I can get into a performance in the fall, too.

Around 2:30, Aiden and I said goodbye to Bellamy and headed to Jamie's house for band practice. It was really fun getting to hang with Bellamy and Aiden. We all got along so well. Plus it was really nice to get to stare at two sexy studs.

"Dude, I'm so jealous that you get to go to school in the fall," Aiden said while we drove. I was really surprised. I mean, working at Dick's wasn't really a career or anything and he still lived at home, but I had no idea that Aiden wanted to go to college.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah, man. You're going to be having all sorts of fun with your college friends and leave all us dirt-head stoners in the dust," he said. I laughed.

"Oh yeah, I'll forget all about you while I'm up here doing co-eds and matriculating at wine and cheese get-togethers," I said.

"More like masturbating in your dorm room," he said and laughed.

"Fuck that, dude. There's no room at the Inn this year. I'm gonna be living at home," I told him.

"No way! That sucks," Aiden said, pulling up in front of Jamie's house. Jamie's dad's truck was parked in the driveway. That doesn't bode well for practice.

"I know. And my scholarship isn't even going to cover my tuition," I said as we got out of the car.

"Boo hoo, poor rich boy can't afford a fancy steak dinner and has to eat hot dogs with the rest of us," Aiden teased. We started getting my guitars out of the trunk when Jamie came jogging out of his house.

"No practice today, guys," he called out as he approached us. I gave Aiden a dirty look for his earlier comment, and then looked at Jamie in surprise.

"What's up?" Aiden and I asked at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Keep it down, shitheads!" Jamie's dad yelled from inside. We got quiet real quick and Jamie nodded toward the car. We all got in and Aiden started the engine so we would have air conditioning.

"My dad got hurt at work. He's in a pissy mood and says we can't practice here until he's back at work," Jamie said.

"Lame. Wicked lame," Aiden said.

"Is he alright?" I asked feigning concern.

"I guess he'll be okay, but for the next week he's going to be here watching TV and eating all of the food," Jamie said sourly. He and his dad don't have the best relationship, so a week being together will probably drive them both nuts.

"Sorry dude," Aiden said and they fist bumped. Then I fist bumped him.

"So what do we do about practice?" I asked. I'm sure that they've dealt with this before.

"Well, we can't practice at my place because I live in an apartment and it's too loud. James' dad said we couldn't come back after last time. And your parents would probably shoot us on sight," Aiden said looking at me and laughing.

"Yeah, my house is definitely out," I said. "So I guess we practice on our own until next week?" I asked.

"Pretty much," Jamie said. Well, this sucks. We have a gig coming up in less than two weeks and we really need to practice our original songs. I guess we'll see how we're doing when we can get together next. I almost offered to host a practice over the weekend while my parents are gone, but I want to save as much of the weekend for me and Drago. Oh Jesus. I'm really stuck on him. Jamie's dad started shouting from the house.

"Crap, my dad is calling. I gotta go. I'll text you guys lates," Jamie said and got out of the car.

"Lates," Aiden and I called out. We looked at each other, unsure what to do now.

"Wanna go make out at the park?" he asked.

"Yeah I wanna go make out at the park," I replied. We drove out to the park by my house and parked under a bunch of trees at the back of the parking lot. I was all over him by the time we got our seat belts off.

"Fuck dude, you are so hot," he said in between kisses. I licked the end of his tongue and then sucked it into my mouth. He moaned and started stroking my cock through my jeans. It feels so good. I reached over to return the favor and stroked his cock through his shorts. It wasn't long before we both had our cocks out and were stroking one another. His cock is smaller than mine, probably 5 or 5 ½ inches long and not as thick, but a nice circumcised cock.

He ran his thumb over my piss slit and rubbed my cock in short strokes. I stroked up and down his shaft in long motions. He moaned and I felt him get harder and thicker. Then he came in several short bursts, most of which ended up on my hand. I pulled my hand away and started licking his cum from my hand while he used two hands to jack me off. He sped up his motions and stroked the shaft with one hand and the tip with the other.

"Oh, fuck, that feels so good," I groaned. He kept going but I wasn't ready to cum yet so he dropped his head and started sucking just the tip. He jammed his tongue into my piss slit and stroked the shaft with his other hand. I felt my balls tighten up.

"I'm gonna cum," I managed to whisper. He didn't pull back but instead sucked even harder on the tip, increasing his speed stroking my shaft. I came into his mouth and he swallowed my entire load. I sat back in the seat and blinked my eyes, recovering from the intense orgasm I'd just experienced.

"Yum, you taste so good," Aiden whispered, seemingly to my cock, as he licked and sucked the last of the cum out. I shivered and shook a little and pulled away from his mouth.

"Sensitive," I said and he sat back up grinning at me. I caught my breath and leaned in to kiss him. His mouth tasted like my cum. I had to admit that it did taste pretty good, especially when combined with the taste of his cum left in my mouth.

"That was awesome," I told him between kisses.

"Definitely better than band practice," he said and we both laughed. We cleaned up and zipped up and Aiden started up the car to drive me home.

"What are you going to do during the afternoons this week?" I asked as we made our way to my house.

"I think I'll pick up some shifts at work. They've been bugging me about working more and I could really use the money," he said.

"Yeah, that's cool," I said. Most likely I am going to play guitar whether we practice or not. I want to see if Angelique wants to come to worship group practice on Friday night. Maybe have lunch with Bellamy again. See if Landry is available to hang out before he moves up to UNC. It is fun having so many friends to socialize with. It was usually me and Shel before, which was cool, but now I feel like maybe I missed out on some good times because I didn't have that many friends. Even when we hung with Romeo or Tinsley and Emma, it wasn't like now where I have a big group to choose from. Well, that and the fact that I am having sexy-time now. Ha. If only I'd had that in high school!

"Text me and we'll do something if I'm not working," Aiden said as he pulled into my driveway.

"Hey, do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked. We usually have dinner together after practice. My parents will be disappointed if he doesn't come over. Not that I care if they are upset but it takes some of the pressure off of me when Aiden's around.

"Sure, why not?" he agreed.

"Cool, park in front and we'll go up to my room so I can play that new song for you," I directed. We practiced a few songs and screwed around a bunch before dinner. He left after playing Madden on my PS4. We always have a good time. I'm going to miss him this week.

Pastor Guy made it to worship group practice Friday night, but we didn't get to fool around because Angelique and I are practically attached at the hip. Guy doesn't seem especially excited about that turn of events. I wasn't super excited about it either. I like his blow jobs! But I also wanted some time with Angelique because I want to get closer to Bellamy. Oh well, there's always next Friday. I was pretty distracted anyway because Drago is picking me up after practice to go to Malcolm's party.

I walked Angelique out after practice and waited with her until her mom picked her up. She kissed me on the cheek again after I opened the door for her. Her mom smiled real big when she saw that. I have a feeling Angelique has never had a boyfriend. Not that I'm her boyfriend, but possibly the closest thing to one she's ever had. Crap. That makes me feel like such a jerk since I'm not interested in her that way. Am I an asshole for wanting to get closer to her brother through her? Or for needing her to convince my parents that I'm not fucking around with guys? Ugh. I think I might be an asshole.

Drago pulled up as they drove away. I didn't even realize it was him at first because it was a brand new Ford F-250 pickup truck.

"Hey fuckwad, get over here," Drago yelled out the window at me. I cringed and looked around hoping that none of the church people heard him. I walked up to the truck checking it out appreciatively. I hopped in the passenger side.

"Wow. This is fucking amazing," I said, now taking in the interior. It has every bell and whistle--push button start, the most sophisticated sound system I've ever seen in a car, you name it, that truck had it.

"Thanks, man. We picked it up this afternoon. Check it, it only has 36 miles on it!" he said, clearly ecstatic about his new truck.

"So cool. I guess the insurance finally came through?" I asked as I ran my hand up and down the leather seats.

"Actually, no," he said. "One of the boosters for the football team found out that I'd been waiting all this time to get a new truck so he told me to come pick one out at his dealership. When the insurance comes through he wants my parents to come in and use it to get them a new car. I get to keep this one, regardless," he said with a huge grin. I shook my head.

"Fuckin' A dude that rocks!" I told him. "When do I pick mine up?" I asked, laughing. Although I meant it as a joke, I was a little bit serious. I mean, I was in the same accident that he was, why don't I get a new car? Or a used car? I'm not picky.

"Sorry man, this is just for football players," he said laughing, too. I rolled my eyes and then smiled back.

"I guess I'll just have to have you chauffeur me around," I said.

"No problem. But you'll have to pay for gas," he teased.

"Uh, maybe I'll just stick with my bus pass. I don't think I can afford gas for this tank."

"I don't know if I can afford gas for this thing. Need a booster with a gas station to hook me up."

"That or a sugar mama," I said and we laughed. I can't get over how nice this truck is. The exterior is red and the interior is black. He must have picked the most obnoxious-looking truck on the lot. He is going to get challenged at every stop light with this truck.

"I'm thinking that I'll get a customized grumper, and maybe some other custom stuff, too. The booster said that I have a $5000 credit to really make it mine," he said.

"What the fuck's a `grumper'? I asked.

"A grill plus bumper," he told me.

"Oh," I replied.

"You can help me pick it out," he told me. I've never been much of a car guy, so picking out a grumper isn't exactly my idea of a good time, but it is cool that Drago offered.

"Yeah, and we'll pick out the best grumper we can find," I said and we laughed again. I wondered how much insurance costs on a truck like this. Especially after $5k in customization. My parents would have made me pick the crappiest piece of shit on the lot and then charged me to park it in front of the house. Or they would have made me get something for them and still take the bus when I needed to go somewhere.

We pulled up about two blocks from Malcolm's house and parked. There are cars lined up on both sides of the street and it isn't even 10:00 yet. If many more people show up, it is a given that the cops will get called. Party patrol, the police's party-busting unit, will probably be by even though fall semester hasn't started yet. Oh well, that just means that it would be an epic party.

Drago seemed reluctant to leave his truck parked so far from the house. I understood. He didn't even have an alarm on it yet. I finally convinced him to go in after we sat in the car for ten minutes and no one stopped to fuck with it.

"I'll come check on it in an hour," he told me as we walked into Malcolm's house. I laughed at him, but it probably wasn't a bad idea. Boulder isn't exactly known to be crime-free. Drago was loudly greeted by kids throughout the house as we made our way to the backyard. We got beers shoved in our hands and Drago started telling everyone about his new truck. I sat back and listened and downed my beer.

Marcus caught up to us as we walked back to the truck to make sure it was okay.

"Nice penis-mobile, Jenkins" he hollered when he saw Drago's truck. "Boy, you're compensating for something, aren't ya?" he said laughing.

"Hell no, man. I ain't got anything to compensate for," Drago replied, grabbing his junk. Marcus turned to me with a questioning look.

"What do you think, Jacobs? Is Jenkins compensating for a wee willy, or what?" he bumped me with his elbow. I froze for a second. Why would he think I knew anything about Drago's cock size? Or was he still teasing Drago? I had to play this cool. He probably doesn't know anything, he's just giving Drago trouble.

"Oh yeah. With a big red truck like this, I think he's definitely got something to prove," I said.

"Fuck you guys," Drago retorted. "I've never gotten any complaints."

"Yeah, because the girls you fuck have such huge pussies that they couldn't tell one way or the other," Marcus said back. Drago shoved him and he stepped off the curb and ended up in the street.

"So what are you driving these days, Marcus?" Drago asked.

"Oh, uh, a Toyota Corolla," Malcolm said quietly.

"Uh huh, total chick magnet," Drago said, nodding his head. Marcus laughed a little and then changed the subject.

"So did you guys hear about Corey Jackson's DUI?" he asked, the three of us now standing on the curb by Drago's truck drinking beer from red cups.

"No fucking way," Drago said, pulling out a vape. I had no idea he vaped, but when I smelled the tell-tale scent of weed in the air, I knew that it was a weed pen. He handed it to me and I took a hit and passed it to Marcus.

"No thanks, man," he said, handing it back to Drago. "U of Wash is going to drug test us before school starts so I've gotta stay clean," he told us. Drago nodded and took another hit and passed it back to me.

"So what's up with Jackson getting a DUI?" Drago asked.

"He totally fucked up, dude. He got wasted at some party he went to with his girl and ended up getting pulled over like a block from his house. He was like thirty seconds from his front door. He said that he would have been home already if his girl wasn't puking in the bushes before they left the party," Marcus said.

"That's so fucked up. I can't believe they didn't let him just walk home from there or something," Drago said.

"I know, right. I mean he's supposed to be leaving for Utah next week. Now they are all pissed off about this DUI and talking about rescinding his scholarship and shit. He doesn't think they actually will and most likely his dad's attorneys will get the charges reduced, but right now his life is hell. Plus, the girlfriend got all bitchy because he blamed her for the whole thing and she broke up with him," Marcus explained. That sounded so lame. But Marcus was probably right--Corey's dad is an attorney and would most likely get him out of the DUI before school started.

"Damn, and she was hot, too," Drago commented.

"Hey, she's available now," Marcus said and the two fist bumped. Drago passed the vape to me one more time and we started walking back to the party.

"Dude, when are you playing another show?" Marcus asked me. I thought that he'd forgotten I was even there, so I was surprised when he started talking to me.

"Next weekend we're playing at the Bluebird Theater with a couple of other groups. We're closing out the show, so I guess we're headlining," I said.

"Nice," Marcus fist bumped me. "You fucking rocked when I saw you at the Palladium. Can you get me tickets to that show at the Bluebird?" he asked.

"I'm not really sure. I'll check and let you know," I answered. No one has asked me that. I suppose that I can probably get a couple of tickets for my friends. That seems like something a venue would offer the headliner.

"Cool," Marcus said. We talked about some other shows that were coming up. There were a couple at Red Rocks Amphitheater in late August that looked pretty good, but Marcus would already be at school by then. I was really surprised that the football players were so into rock music. I guess I thought that they all listened to rap and pop music. But Marcus and Drago prove that they like rock music as much as I do.

"Let's do some shots," Marcus said when we got back to the house. We went in the kitchen and found numerous bottles of alcohol lined up. Drago grabbed the Bulleit bourbon and Marcus took a stack of plastic shot glasses. We downed three shots each and then some girls came up and wanted to join us. It was the ever familiar trio of LisaAnne, Calista, and Sophia. Apparently LisaAnne had gotten over Landry breaking up with her for the millionth time because she was all over Marcus and Calista was on Drago like white on rice. Sophia latched on to me again.

"Uh, Sonny isn't going to dump beer on us again, is he?" I asked, looking around nervously. I could probably get away with being seen with Sonny's girlfriend or ex or whatever once, but twice is pushing it.

"Fuck Sonny. I dumped him two weeks ago and I'm not taking him back," Sophia said slurring her words. She is pretty hammered but that didn't stop her from putting her arms around my neck and then rubbing my chest. "I love how we're practically the same size," she slurred. I wasn't sure if that was a complement or not. I don't think I like being compared in size to a cheerleader. I could hear Drago smothering a laugh. Asshat.

"Let's go upstairs, Alvin. I want to suck your cock," she whispered in my ear. I was in shock. I didn't think girls said that to guys. I thought girls always played hard to get and never offered themselves sexually until they were married, or something. Sophia rubbed my cock through my jeans. Again, shocked! "Oooh," she cooed. "You're so much bigger than Sonny," she said loudly. As great as it felt to know that I'm bigger than Sonny, I mean `so much' bigger, I didn't want her going around announcing it to the world. If Sonny hears her talking like that, he'll kick my ass--not hers.

Before I could respond--I mean verbally, because Little Alvin was plumping up nicely because he doesn't care who gives him attention--Drago grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Hey, where ya goin'?" Sophia called out. Calista looked pissed off, too, as Drago dragged me down the hall.

"Stupid sluts. I don't want chlamydia or whatever," he mumbled as we went upstairs. I didn't even know there was a back stairwell at Malcolm's house. This place is deceptively large. From the street it doesn't look that big, but now that we're inside it just keeps on going. Drago tried a couple of doors but the rooms were all taken. The third room he tried was empty so he pulled me inside and locked the door. I looked around. It was Malcolm's sister Teresa's room. Everything was pink and there were posters of boy bands up all over the walls. I guess she's only twelve, but her taste pretty much sucks.

Drago took a swig from the bourbon bottle that he brought along and passed over to me. I took a drink and cringed. It is so strong. I don't think I'll ever get used to the burn of alcohol. I handed the bottle back to Drago and he put it down on Teresa's dresser. He turned to me. And there it was. That look of lust or attraction or whatever it was. Fuck, he looks so sexy in his black wife beater and white basketball shorts. He developed a dark tan this summer and his hair was almost white from being out in the sun. He walked up to me. I took a deep breath to keep from hyperventilating.

"I don't want those nasty girls. I want you," he said and pressed his lips to mine. It took me a second to respond because of my disbelief. He wants me? Why? I mean, I guess I'm good looking and my body has filled in a bit since I started working out. And I suppose it's hot when I play my guitar. That's half the reason most guys join a band--to score hot chicks, or in my case hot dudes. But Drago could have any girl or guy he wants. I thought he was just using me to get off when there weren't any girls around. I kept hoping that he wanted something else and when he gives me that look, I get all confused, but he's not gay. At least I don't think he is. I really have no idea. I don't trust my instincts when it comes to this stuff. But his kiss is telling me something that I can't deny--he wants me. And I want him. This is it. He's going to lay me down on Teresa's hot pink comforter and he's going to fuck me until he blows a huge load in my ass. Am I ready? Fuck if I know, but the time is now.

"Mmmmm, Drago," I moaned. So eloquent, but I'm having trouble thinking about anything but how my dick is super hard and it's uncomfortably trapped in my jeans. He gets more aggressive and starts kissing my neck. He's sucking and biting. I reach down and undo my jeans and let Little Alvin out. It stood out from my body, stiff with a bead of precum already forming at the tip. It is too heavy to stand straight up so it poked at Drago's thigh, the precum smearing on his shorts. Drago reached down and started stroking me. I moaned really loud this time.

"You feel so good," I said and began rubbing his cock through his shorts. It was rock hard already. Fuck, he'd gotten so hard, so fast just from kissing me and stroking my cock. He must want me. He's not just saying that.

"So do you," he said as he exhaled into my mouth. We were both getting worked up quickly. I had to try and slow this down or I was going to cum before we got naked. I sucked in a few deep breaths but then we were kissing again--tongues mashed together, me sucking his tongue into my mouth. He picked me up and we spun around. He laid me on my back on Teresa's bed and got on top of me. We ground our cocks together while we made out. I was leaking precum like crazy. Suddenly Drago pulled away and started stripping off his clothes.

"C'mon, take yours off, too," he rasped. He was naked in like an instant. I hurriedly stripped off my clothes and he grabbed me again, pressing our nude bodies together. I sighed as our cocks touched for the first time. He reached down and stroked the two cocks as one, his enormous hands enveloping them both. Then he dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth. Oh my God. I never thought in a million years he would suck my cock but there Drago was in front of me taking as much of my seven inches in his mouth as he could.

"Uhhhh," I whimpered. This is so incredible. I can barely register the intense feelings coursing through my body. He pulled back, spit bridging from his lower lip to my cock. We were both breathing hard at that point.

"I've never done that before," he panted. I wondered but hadn't wanted to ask.

"You're pretty fucking awesome for a beginner," I panted back. "Yours is the only one I've ever..." I trailed off when he took my cock back in his mouth. Is it possible to die from getting a blow job? I don't want to die now. Not before I've gone all the way and that's so close now.

"Seriously?" he asked from around my cock moments later. It took me a second to figure out what he was talking about.

"Oh, yeah. Just your cock. In my mouth," I managed to gasp out. It was all I could do to keep from cumming at this point.

"I'm so glad that we saved ourselves for one another," Drago said, my cock having fallen from his mouth and all of the sudden we were kissing again.

"I didn't even know I was saving myself for you," I whispered as he kissed down my neck to my right nipple. He teased it with his tongue and then sucked on it. Electrical shocks shot down to my cock, making it bob in the air as he sucked and bit my nipple. He moved to the other one for more of the same. I reached out and pulled him up so that I didn't cum and sucked his nipple into my mouth. I sucked and bit it, copying his movements. He groaned and reached down and stroked his cock a couple of times. I wondered if he was about to cum, too.

"I've wanted you since we were like seven years old, Alvin," he said to me, peering deeply into my eyes. Again, it took a few seconds to register what he was saying. He's wanted me all this time? What?

"But..." I started to protest.

"When we started middle school I knew I was..." he paused and blushed. Holy fucking crap, Drago is blushing at me. " with you," he said the last three words so fast I almost didn't hear. In love? With me? But, why all the bullying?

"You didn't really treat me like you were in love with me," I said rather petulantly. I was having a difficult time figuring out what he meant by all of this. His behavior certainly hadn't matched his feelings.

"I...I am so sorry," he said, pulling me into him and hugging me tightly. "I was in such deep denial. I knew I was in love with you but I didn't think I could be gay. I wanted to play football. I thought I'd date cheerleaders and all that bullshit," he said into my hair. He's so much taller than me that he can look over the top of my head without leaning down.

"So why treat me like shit?" I asked, holding my arms to my sides and not returning his hug. This is very confusing.

"I thought that if I pushed you away I wouldn't have those feelings anymore. And I couldn't bear the thought that maybe other people would see my desire for you so I had to make it look like I couldn't stand you," he said in a soft voice. I could practically feel his pain as he said it. It started to make some sense. He didn't want to be gay. He thought his friends might notice that he had feelings for me and would say something or out him. And he tried to refuse his feelings for me by pushing me away.

"I had no idea," I finally said after thinking about it for a few moments. "So why now? Because we graduated? I mean, you still play football and you're still friends with the same people," I said.

"After the accident, I realized that life is short. I couldn't stop my feelings for you anymore, no matter how hard I tried. And I had to try to be with you. What if I never said anything? What if I died without telling you how I felt? What if I never knew if you had feelings for me?" he pulled back and looked me in the eyes. "Do you? I mean, have feelings for me?" he asked. His eyes showed his fear. He was really putting himself on the line here.

"I've been trying to deny it to myself," I said staring into his eyes. He didn't look so scared anymore. "I didn't understand my feelings, but I have been falling for you since the accident. It seemed so stupid to like you after all that you said and did over the last several years. But I couldn't stop falling in love," I whispered, unable to say it out loud but knowing it was true.

"Oh my God, this is so fucking cool!" he yelled. He grabbed me and we were kissing again. This night had taken a crazy turn. We're in love with one another? I didn't have much time to think about it because he threw me down on the bed again and we were going at it pretty hot and heavy. He stopped and grabbed his jeans.

"I had no idea if we would even get to this point ever, much less tonight, but I brought something," he said pulling packets of lube from his pocket. My eyes widened. This was it. The moment we'd worked up to--he was going to fuck me. My ass actually twitched. I squirmed as feelings of lust and sexual craving washed over me.

Drago threw the packets on the bed next to me and then grabbed my ankles. He kissed the arch of my foot and then my calf. He pushed my legs back so that my knees were almost next to my head. He moved down and then he pressed his head in between my legs.

"Ahhh," I said, half in shock and half in desire. He kissed my thighs and then my ass cheeks. I slightly thrust upward and he took the opportunity to spread my cheeks apart. He looked at my hole intently. Then he dove in and licked all around it sloppily. I couldn't help moaning. He flicked his tongue all around my hole and then over it again and again. I writhed on the bed, overcome by feelings of sexual hunger. Fuck I want him inside me. I want him to fuck me so hard. I know that it will be phenomenal sex. He sucked my hole and stuck his tongue in as far as it would go.

"You're so tight," he groaned in between driving his tongue in my hole. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I had to pull away because I am still about to cum. This whole night is me pulling away because I'm so close to cumming.

"Hold on, just a sec, don't want to cum yet," I panted out. He nodded, but was back at it only seconds later.

"Can't stop, need you so bad," he said into my hole. He fucked my hole with his tongue for another minute or so and then sucked his middle finger into his mouth getting it really wet. He pressed solidly against my spitty hole. It went in slowly but surely and soon was buried up to the second knuckle inside me. I tried my best not to tense up or clinch his finger, but it was difficult. My body fought between expelling the intruder and sucking it in further. He waited a few moments and then he started finger fucking me slowly. In and out, in and out, his finger finally pushed all the way inside of me. I was almost shaking from the anticipation. He pulled out and sucked his ring finger in his mouth and got it wet. He pressed both fingers inside me. I could hardly stand it. That feeling of wanting to clinch and push the fingers out and the desire to pull them inside as deep as they could go--fighting against one another. The desire to have him inside me won out and both fingers were soon fucking me steadily. I grunted loudly.

A third finger entered me and Drago could barely move his fingers inside me. He spit on his hand and again on my hole and tried again. I was breathing in fast bursts, knowing that soon his fingers would be replaced with his hard eight inches. His long, thick cock. I don't know if I can take it. Three fingers barely fits. Oh, God, I have to take it. I want to take it so bad, but I'm more or less freaking out at this point. Then he rubbed against my prostate and my whole body spasmed.

"Oh fuck, man, that was so hot," Drago breathed out. He is feeling this nearly as intensely as I am. He spit on his fingers again and started plunging them in and out of my ass faster and faster. He hit my prostate several more times and precum leaked from my cock each time. He finally leaned back and pulled his hand free and started stroking his cock. He opened a lube packet and poured it onto and into my hole, which had a slight gape from his finger fuck. I shuddered from the sudden coldness of the lube. He rubbed the lube all around my hole and then thrust two fingers inside to spread the lube. He then opened another packet of lube and coated his cock with the slippery substance.

"I'm gonna go slow, okay?" he asked as he pressed the head against my hole. I couldn't speak, so I nodded. He steadily pushed and the head popped inside of me. He stopped and looked at me intently, determining if I was okay. After several moments of intense pain, I grew used to his cockhead penetrating me and I nodded again. He began thrusting again and this time he fit nearly half of his huge cock inside of me before I pressed my hands against his chest.

"Just a sec," I choked out, my breathing ragged. I sucked in air and tried to remain calm. I moved my hands away from his chest and he pushed slowly again.

"Oh yeah," he grunted and then he thrust all the way inside and then stopped when I cried out in pain. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry," he said but he looked pretty fucking happy as he was balls deep inside of me.

"It's alright," I said a few moments later. I was trying to get used to the full feeling inside. Drago didn't move although I felt his cock twitch a couple of times. "It's okay, I think you can go now," I mumbled and he didn't hesitate. He began fucking me, gradually increasing the length of the strokes he took. I held my breath for the first few because it still hurt. I let the air out slowly and with every stroke I started to feel better. In fact, I started to feel good. Then great. He kept hitting my prostate every couple of strokes. We both groaned.

Soon, the sound of his hips slapping against mine rang out in the room as I whimpered and he grunted. Every so often one of us would call out an oh fuck' or a goddamn' as he slammed his cock inside of me. Once or twice he bottomed out in me and I'd cry out in momentary pain, but otherwise the pain was gone, replaced by intensely amazing feelings. I'd suspected that anal sex would feel this good and I'd played with my ass a couple of times, but for the most part I'd avoided any kind of penetration. Why I did that, I no longer know. I should have been shoving something inside of myself for years. Or maybe I was meant to wait--wait for this unbelievably fantastic feeling of loving Drago and having him be my first. That seems so sappy, but I wouldn't give up these feelings for anything.

I leaned over the bed and tried to keep my ass up in the air for Drago to fuck. It was slightly challenging because he is so much bigger than me. He grabbed me by the hips and held me tight and fucked into me rapidly. We've been going at this for a while now and we'd both been close to cumming when we started. I swear I could feel him get bigger, thicker I think, inside of me.

"Oh fuck!" he shouted and he came. "I'm cumming so deep inside you," he yelled. Again with the yelling when he cums. At least this time he didn't say my name. He thrust as deep as he could inside me and shot off a huge load in my ass. It was so powerful that I thought I could feel each jet spraying my insides. Suddenly I shuddered and came on the bed. Drago laid on top of me and we collapsed onto the bed with me landing in the cooling pool of cum my dick just shot out. I didn't care in the least. Drago stayed embedded inside of me and we both breathed hard. We were sweaty and trying to catch our breath and our bodies pressed together as if trying to become one.

Once we were both breathing normally again, Drago pulled his cock out of me and rolled over onto his back. We laid on the bed like that for at least five minutes, reliving our fucking. Or dare I say, lovemaking? Ugh, sounds so sappy. I don't know if I'm ready to go there.

"I love you Alvin. I always have and I always will," Drago said and pulled me on top of him.

"Uh, I'm all wet from..." I couldn't finish that thought because he was kissing me.

"I don't care," he said and went back to kissing me. I pulled away.

"I love you Drago. I didn't know it until a few weeks ago, but I love you now and forever," I told him. If he can be sentimental, so can I. He smiled so big. I smiled back. How crazy that the accident brought this on. I thought I hated Drago and now I laid with my naked body pressed against his professing my everlasting love for him. And him doing the same for me.

Next: Chapter 11

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