In the bathroom with Jeff

By moc.loa@570tirW

Published on Oct 31, 2000



This actually happened to me while I was at college a couple of years ago, with some embellishment. It is also my first story and comments are welcomed. I hope you enjoy it. Matt.

In the Bathroom with Jeff

I had just finished up my last class for the weekend when I ran into my friend and former roommate, Bill. I had lived with Bill for three years, one year in the dorms and two years in an off campus apartment. Besides living together, Bill and I used to go to the gym together religiously, as well as parties and school functions. But in our senior year, he moved in with his girlfriend and I was forced to find a cheap apartment by myself or move into the shit-hole some of our other buddies lived in. I chose to be on my own and got a decent deal on a small apartment above a doctor's office which was also widely know to be an abortion clinic. Since we were no longer living together, we didn't get to see each other as often and as things go, we seldom talked. So we got some lunch together and he told me about a big party tonight which I was unaware of. We agreed to meet at his house at seven, to do some pre-party drinking, and then head out to the party.

Just to let you know about Bill, he is a totally straight dude. While we lived together, he brought home at least one new girl home a week, up until he met Cindy, the girl he lives with now. I'm not attracted to him, although he is attractive. He's more on the "bad-boy" side of attractiveness, whereas I'm attracted to the "jock" and "preppy" type. Not that I'm gay, or at least not totally gay. I put myself into that mysterious category of bisexual. I have dated and had fucked a few girls in the past four years, after losing my virginity at 17. In the last two years I began experimenting with men. No big deal really. I only hooked up with four guys, one of which was just kissing and some heavy feeling-up. With two of the guys there was some mutual hand-jobs involved, and the fourth guy I gave a blow job. It was actually a sixty-nine and very awkward but effective. No long term relationships, just guys I know from class or met in a bar. I still see a couple of them from time to time, but we never talk about what happened between us, I assume they are just as closeted as I am and just looking for a hook up from time to time.

Bill doesn't know I'm bisexual. I don't think he would care if he did, that's just the kind of person he is. The only people that know I'm bisexual are the four guys I hooked up with, and that's fine with me. But I haven't had a date in over three months, not even a one-night-stand. My only outlet has been my hand with the assistance of the Internet. So the party sounded real good, might even get to go home with someone.

I got ready for the party, deciding to go casual, I put on a black long sleeve T-shirt (a bit tight to accentuate my chest), baggy jeans, tan work boots. To let you know what I look like - I'm half-Irish and half-Italian but I look Italian with short brown hair and green eyes. I'm 5'-10"; 162 pounds, not real muscular but I have a lot of definition from going to the gym (I'm telling you the shirt looks good on me tonight); I'm not hairy at all but I do have a small sprout of hair between my pecks and of course - in the belly button region. So, I'm feeling real confident about tonight and make my way over to Bill's place.

"Hey Matt, right on time, come in." After greeting me at the door, Bill hands me a beer and then suddenly by surprise grabs my left peck with his hand and says, "whoa dude, looks like your still going to the gym, that shit's pretty firm. Hey Cindy, check out buff boy over here."

"Looking good Matt", says Cindy as she plants a kiss on my cheek. And all I'm thinking is "alright, I'm already getting the desired affect needed to make a hook up tonight. I'm glad I wore this fucking shirt." If that's all that's needed. So Bill, Cindy and I have several more beers and head off to the party. We had to take a taxi out to the party, which took about 15 minutes; it was in a part of town that I had never been to before. When I first saw the house I thought it was a fraternity house, I mean this house is so fucking big, it's like three stories, and has three living rooms. My whole apartment could fit into one of these living rooms. But it's a real old house, I would guess that it was built in the early 1900's, but in excellent condition, couldn't be a frat house. It even had nice furniture. I never did find out whose party it was or who lived there, but it was one hell of a party.

I had lost Bill and Cindy about an hour into the party, so I just wandered around for a while. I saw a lot of potential hook ups, both men and women, but there were a lot of hot guys there. There was this one guy that kept grabbing my attention. He was usually ten feet or so away, with a sea of people between us. He had dark blond, spiky hair, real smooth looking, with a single silver hoop in each ear. Thick lips and really smooth, chiseled features. He looked to be about my height, and was wearing a real baggy sweatshirt and baggy jeans, so I had no idea what kind of body he had, although from his looks, I'd bet that he had a smooth, lean, muscular body under all those baggy garments. Anyway, I could swear that he was checking me out too, but I was getting drunk and feeling more and more confident about myself with every sip of beer. I had seen this same guy about three for four more times in the next hour as I mingled and drank with the other people at the party. He was definitely giving me a hard on. In the meantime I did some shots with some guys from class; talked to some chick I used to fuck; talked to some chick I wanted to fuck; talked to some guy I wanted to fuck, but found out he was engaged; met some nice girls that weren't doing anything for me; met some nice guys that weren't doing anything for me. It was now about 11:30 and I was pretty drunk not to mention horny. I hadn't seen Bill or Cindy since 9:00 and figured they split. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen my blond stud boy in a while. I was figuring it was time to go.

I looked around to see if there was anyone there that I knew that could give me a lift back home, back to my computer, loaded with pictures of naked men. I couldn't find anyone so I started to look for a phone; I found one and called a taxi, thirty minutes. Shit. I grabbed another beer and headed for the bathroom to take a leak. The bathroom I had used before on the first floor was occupied and had a line of people waiting, so I went upstairs. I hadn't been on the second floor yet and found a lot of bedrooms, what looked to be like another living room and a couple of bathrooms occupied with couples making out. Lucky fuckers. I found stairs leading up to the third floor and decided to check it out. There were two more bedrooms on the third floor, one with people passed out on the bed and the other with a couple having sex, oops, sorry. Then I found the blessed bathroom. I went in and closed the door and took a leak. I opened the door to leave, and who was on the other side of that door, yes, my blond stud boy with the earrings.

"Oh fuck, you scared me." He said, as my jaw dropped. "I didn't think anyone was in there."

"Just me." I said, as I stared into his piercing blue eyes. God was he beautiful. Then he brought his hand up to his face and took a drag of a cigarette. After blowing the smoke out of the corner of his mouth, he said, "can I get in there?"

"Sure, I'm sorry." I stepped through the door into the hall and he stepped into the bathroom and began to close the door. Shit. I'm going to lose my chance of at least finding out his name. As the door was closing I put my hand out to stop it, "Yo dude, mind if I get one of them?" motioning to the cigarette.

"Sure, let me take a piss first." So I stood there like an idiot, and he stood there looking at me. I thought this guy had to pee. "Are you coming in?" Oh, I'm supposed to watch you pee first and then smoke, cool!

"Sure, sorry." I stepped into the bathroom and he closed the door behind me.

I stood with my back to the door as he walked over to the toilet and unzipped his pants and began to piss. I couldn't see anything, which was fine me, watching people pee isn't a turn on. You could hear the splash of the water and I could check out his ass, behind all that baggy denim. He finished up and zipped up his pants, flushed the toilet.

He reached into his pockets and fished out his pack of cigarettes, handed me one. Then he offered me his lighter. "Thanks man. I don't usually smoke, but when I'm drinking, you know, it's like cookies and milk" I said.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Hey, you don't mind if we finish these in here do you? Some of my friends from the swim team are downstairs and will give me a hard time if they see me smoking." He said.

"No problem dude. My name's Matt" I held out my hand.

"Jeff, nice to meet you Matt." He said and shook my hand, nice firm grip. Was I drooling? He then put down the toilet seat and sat down. "Do you go to State? I never saw you before", he said.

"Yeah, I'm a senior majoring in electrical engineering. You?"

"Political Science. I'm a junior, just transferred from Community College." He said.

"Oh cool. Your on the swim team I take it."

"Just intramural, no big deal, it fills the time and helps keep me in shape." He said. "You got a girlfriend, or anything?"

Anything, this is getting interesting.

"No, I've kind of been in a slump for the last few months. How about you?" I asked.

"No, not really." He said. The conversation went on like this for what seemed like and eternity. I stood there smoking staring at him. When he looked at me, I would look at the floor. He was using the sink to flick in his ashes so I walked over and flicked my ashes in there. Then he said, "I hope you don't mind me saying, but you are hot." Excuse me. I thought I was beginning to hear things. I snapped my head up and looked at him and said "What?"

"I said your are pretty fucking hot."

"Oh", I said kind of in a mumble. Now I was fumbling with my cigarette, looking at the floor. He stood up and opened the lid of the toilet and dropped his cigarette in. He stood there and said to me, "Does that bother you that I said that?"

Oh fuck. Here's my chance, and I know I'm going to fuck it up somehow. I took a drag of the cigarette and tried to regain my composure as he stared at me. Blowing out the smoke and looking at the floor I kind of mumbled, " don't bother me. I..ummmm...I ummm.. think your hot too, Jeff." Looking at the floor I saw his boots walk up to my boots. He was standing directly in front of me. I looked up and there was his beautiful face, just inches away from mine. Not a blemish on it except for a small scar through his right eyebrow, which made him look all the more sexy. Then he reached out for my hand and grabbed the cigarette from me and tossed it in the toilet.

There I was standing there in front of a beautiful guy, drunk and unable to move. I'm sure there was drool coming out of my mouth as I looked at him. He reached his hands up and put them on my shoulders. He left them there for a minute massaging them while looking at me. Then he let his hands drift down to my chest and rubbed them up and down. Then his left hand went around my waist and the right up around to the back of my neck. He stepped in closer to me and pulled me closer to him at the same time. I licked my lips and closed my eyes and then felt his lips on mine. I opened my mouth and let his tongue as my tongue went into his mouth. I was so fucking hard at this point, I could feel my underwear getting wet from all the pre-cum I was oozing. I finally got my limbs to cooperate and I put my arm around his waist, finally feeling his body through the baggy sweatshirt. We shuffled back so that my back was once again at the door and this hot guy was in front of me. Hands were everywhere at this point and we were grinding are crotches into each other. I could definitely feel his hardness as he ground his hips into mine. Without stopping our kissing, he put his hands under my shirt and felt around the front and then the back. Lifting up the taught fabric to just above my chest, he broke away from our kiss and went down on my left nipple, while caressing the other with his hand. I broke free from his embrace long enough to lift the shirt over my head and tossed it to the floor. He stopped, and looked at my body before rubbing his hands all over it. Then he kissed me again and worked his way to my neck, then down my chest. Licking all the way to my belly button, he paused and began to knead my bulge. I was about to cum in my pants. I made an attempt to pull him back up to me; he got the cue and licked his way up my body until he was at my lips.

He pulled back from our embrace to lift the sweatshirt over his head to reveal the most magnificent body I had ever seen, behind the confines of a wife-beater. He had wide, well formed shoulder; his biceps were beautifully developed with the veins popping out as he stood there; he had a very developed chest, not huge, but his pecs stood out underneath the cotton shirt like two slabs of slate, with a well defined crease between them. Below the taught fabric that clung to his chest was his abs that were clearly defined. Just when I thought I was cumming in my pants, it got better. He began to lift the wife-beater from his waist, and slowly it came up to his chest, then his arms up in the air, and his torso all stretched out before me, all the muscle visible behind his smooth as silk flesh. Before he had a chance to lower his arms from above his head, my hands were all over him. He dropped his arms to his sides and looked at me, letting me feel his body as he just stood there. I finally moved in to kiss him, and feeling aggressive, I spun us around so that his back was against the door. He reached down and unbuttoned my pants. They fell to around my knees and his hand went right to my dick. He was groping and jerking it off through the fabric of my boxers. I unbuckled his pants and undid the button and they fell to his anckels. His own cock was tenting out his black boxer-briefs. He released my cock and ground his hardness into me. I began to lick my way down his body and jerked his hard cock through the underwear. I stopped to suckle his dime size nipple, licked my way over the crease between his pecks, and then assaulted the other nipple. I licked under his peck and went down to his abs, paying special attention to the valleys between each muscle.

I was down on my knees in front of this stud chewing at the fabric of his boxer-briefs. I reached my hands around to his ass and kneaded the hard mounds of flesh before reaching for the waistband. I slowly lowered his underwear to his ankles. What stood out before me was a 7" cut cock leaking with pre-cum. I took a moment to look up at him, his eyes closed, head thrown back, his chest heaving in and out, with soft moans. I wrapped my left hand around his cock and slowly jerked him off, watching more pre-cum come out with every pull. I took the large mushroomed head and licked all around it, tasting the sweetness of him. I lowered my hands to his balls and rolled them around in my hand. I licked his cock, up and down the shaft a few times before taking into my mouth. He let out a louder moan as I enveloped him. Now I only sucked one other cock in my life, and I'm sure it wasn't that great, but I was determined to make this the best of his life. I got his cock in about half way before coming back up to the head, then I went down again, this time, a little bit further. I took more and more of him in my mouth before my nose was tickled by his pubes. I reached my hand around to rub his ass, while I let my other one go up to his hard stomach and chest. I went slowly up and down his cock, slick with saliva and pre-cum, getting it all the way down my throat while my toung circled his head. Jeff's breathing became heavier, and his moans a little bit louder. Soon he was slowly thrusting his pelvis in rhythm with my sucking.

His hand were now guiding my head on his cock and he moaned, "AAAhhh, fuck Matt, I'm gonna cum!" I'm sure he was warning me, but I wanted him to cum in my mouth. "AAAAAhhhhhhhh, fuuuuck, I'm cuming!" I felt his cock swell more in my mouth just as he released his first load down my throat. There were several more shots in my mouth before I released his cock. One small shot got my on the cheek and some of his cum was dribbling down my chin. I took his cock into my mouth again to clean the rest of the cum from him. He pulled me up to him and licked his cum from my cheek and chin and kissed me.

"Now it's your turn." He said. He put my back against the door and got down on his knees. Pulled down my boxers and took no time to get my 7-1/2" member into his mouth, all the way to the base. I was in pure ecstasy as a looked down at this fucking stud sucking my cock. It was no time at all when I was about to cum, but then he stopped. I was like, what the fuck; I'm about to bust a nut here! He stood up in front of me and kissed me deeply and passionately. And then he whispered into my ear, in a deep, low voice, "I want you to fuck me."

"Oh my god", was all I could say. I kissed him the way he had kissed me, the thought of me fucking this guy was beyond anything I could have dreamed of. As I was kissing him I was humping my hard cock up against his hard body. He lowered himself and me slowly to the floor. I was on top of him, and was totally oblivious that he was trying to get the remained of his pants off. My slick cock was sliding up and down his hard belly as he did this and I kissed him. All I could do was think that I was going to fuck this stud when it happened. I was so out of control with lust and an aching to cum that I came. I came all over his stomach and before I knew it I was just lying there on top of him, spent. Fuck!

"Jeff, I'm so sorry. I really wanted know..fuck you but I was caught up in the moment. You are so fucking hot!"

"That's all right, I enjoyed this. Anyway, this leaves room for a next time.", he said. With that said, all I could do was kiss him. After a few minutes, I tried to get up and almost fell down because my head was spinning. We got cleaned up and left the bathroom. Downstairs, most of the people had left, and we found that an hour had past. My Taxi had come and gone. Someone else took it. His friends had also left and he offered me a ride home. He took me home and we exchanged numbers. I told him to stop by tomorrow, if he wanted, and he did.


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