In the Arms of an Angel

By W.B. Harrell

Published on Aug 16, 2001


In the Arms of An Angel Chapter 2

Diclaimer: Same as the first one. If it's illegal where you're from, don't read it (don't get caught) ect. ect. ect. (P.S. No sex in this moan... at least no sex between people. Self sex may be included, you never know.

Thanks to Matt for encouragement.

Dedication: To Zarah, thanks a mil.

Besides the fact that I was pissed, I felt pretty good. My friend Callie didn't tell everyone that I was gay. I didn't get expelled for causing a riot in the cafeteria, and my guidance counselor, who was very good looking by the way, had bid on me.

Now, to face my mom. It took a while to come up with a good excuse. It wasn't too far from the truth, but it obviously didn't telll the whole story. "Okay," I told myself as I made my way to the lobby, "this is how it's going to go: Hi mom, I've just been sent home for today; Callie tried to auction me off during lunch, and it kinda got outta hand, I kind of encouraged her, so it's my fault." (World famous puppy-dog look engaged here.)"

Knowing my mom, she would laugh so hard that whatever she was drinking would come running out of her nose. She would take time to get serious for the space of about a second and tell me that I shouldn't have done it and not to do it again, and then she would have to lay on the steering wheel for a while until her laughter subsided.

I sat down on the leather sofa and smiled to myself. Callie was a Grade "A" Nutcase. In one instant she had ingratiated me with the entire sophmore female population, threatened to drag me out of my proverbial closet and made (from the rumors I heard) over two hundred and fifty bucks for the Junior Varsity Cheerleading Squad.

I promised myself to never reveal another secret to her again. Chris eventually found me.

"Dude," he sighed breathlessly as he plopped down on the couch beside me, "you've got all the sophmore chicks in detention for that food fight that went on while you were in there with Mr. Flowerdy (most guys at school called Mr. Flores by this name, it was meant as a slur, like "swishy pants"). I inwardly flinched. I hated gay slurs, especially at Mr. Flores.

"Really?" I asked trying to sound interested, "any hot ones?"

Chris grinned. "Nah, just these prep school skanks...OF COURSE THEY'RE HOT YOU RETARD!!!"

I rolled my eyes and rearranged my bookbag. "So who won?" I asked.

Chris grinned wickedly. "Guess," he said.

I laughed and thought for a second. "Well, I don't care as long as it's's not her is it?" I asked.

Chris gave me an evil grin. "Kieyla Hernandez," he hissed evily.

"Achhhh!" I moaned as he burst into one of his signature bouts of laughter.

"It's easy for you to laugh," I said, "you don't have her practically drooling over you twenty four/seven."

He rolled his eyes. "Shut up, dude, your mom's here," he said, pointing outside. Sure enough, there was the black Ford Expedition that my Mom drove.

"See you, dude," I said as I slung my bag over my other shoulder and walked toward the door.

"Don't sleep to hard and no spankurbating while you're thinking about what you've done," he said just loud enough for everyone to hear. I turned beet red and ran the rest of the way to the car.

When I opened the door, I noticed my mom was fighting back a smile. I couldn't help but to smile back. "Rioting, Jason?" she asked in her best shocked voice. I nodded, surpressing a giggle. She shook her head and headed home. "Well, I was tired of work today anyway," she said, "take my advice, kiddo, don't do other peoples' taxes for them."

"Math...A carreer of math? Mom! What. Were. You. Thinking?" I asked jokingly.

She groaned. "Don't ask," she said, "you're to young to know about that kind of thing."

"Whatever," I said, "home, driver." Mom spun out of the MA parking lot for good measure. Don't you wish your mom was this cool?

"Don't think you're getting off easy on this, son, because you're not," said my dad, trying to keep a straight face. "It's a...giggle very bad giggle thing you..." he said right before he burst out laughing.

"You are not helping the situation any, Dave," said my Mom, who was succeeding at her straight face a little better.

"Aha,ha ha ha, I giggle know, but giggle, he was actually auctioned off?" said my dad between laughs.

This broke my mom's resolve and we all collapsed into a laughing fit. This was one of the happier times in my family. We struggled to eat at dinner, it was nearly impossible to swallow while laughing, and true to my prediction, mom spurted iced tea out of her nose not once but twice.

After dinner, I sat down at the computer and got online. A bunch of my MSN buddies were on tonight. We chatted for a while and I got on my web browser to check my mail. Unfortunately, I mistyped hotmail as hotmale and the rest

I sat motionless for a moment. There, before me, was a naked stud. I took one look at him and my dick was standing at attention. Through some links, I came across a few good free sites. Wow. I had never been so turned on in my life! I had never used the internet to access gay porn before.

As soon as I was sure that my parents were occupied elsewhere, I unzipped my pants and let my rock hard six and a half inch dick slap up against my belly. I loved how it did that, I had usually pictured most dicks as sticking straight out, but mine was one that stood straight up. Don't ask why, I dunno.

I slid my hand down to my pubes and started lightly kneading my balls, not hard enough to hurt, but not lightly enough to just feel. I was looking at some black haired guy going down on some young blondie. It was sooo hot. I moved my hand back up to my hard member and wrapped my hand around it. Precum had already began to form and collect. Pretty soon, I'd have a mess. So I pumped.

I think I moaned, I'm not sure, but it was intense, the best jack-off I had had in a long time. I was getting closer and closer and began pumping faster and faster and then...I exploded. I shot six times, gobs of cum littered my keyboard and monitor. I grabbed some tissue and cleaned up the best I could, but the place reeked of my sex.

It was kinda hard to explain to mom why I needed the air freshener, but I eventually got it after a long line of bullshitting. I managed to cover up the smell, though it took half the can of the stuff. I managed to take a shower and crawl into bed before I went to sleep, but in my euphoria, I made a (as it turned out) near-fatal mistake. I forgot to delete my history and temporary internet files.

So that's chapter 2. I love cliffhanger endings. Heeeheeehee. I'm sorry that my chapters are so short, but I do have a lot to do between getting my schedule for fall semester in order at SCU, but one does tend to find time for the important things in life, so let me know if you want these chapters shorter. Please feel free to send flames, critiques, and tips. Don't be shy. I won't bite...much.

Next: Chapter 3

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