In the Arms of an Angel

By W.B. Harrell

Published on Nov 7, 2001


In The Arms of An Angel: The Angel's Tale

Chapter 1 By: W.B. Harrell

Disclaimer: Okay kiddies, you know the drill. Don't read this if it would be illegal due to your age or the laws in your state, country, territor, ect.

The Deal: Okay, here's "The Deal". This is part two of my original story.

It features Chaz as the narrarator instead of Jason. I already know how this will end, but any other suggestions would be appreciated. As with ItAoaA, plan on getting ten chapters. I may or may not write a sequel to this, it depends on the input...well, we'll burn that bridge when we get there.

Wisdom for Today: Never underestimate the power of the human experience.

Thanks to Cyan for editing this. I love you dude! (Relaaaaaax, only as a brother...he he he.) For those who don't know him...Cyan is my roomie at college. He has to be the most liberal human being I know. He is the nicest straight guy I know and his parents are....HIPPIES! I am serious. His parents are the original flower children. I can see Cyan blushing now!!! Heeeeheeeheeeheee.

As my fellow writer, the author of Mutant High (great story, read it [in the celebrity section]) says: Stick a fork in me, I am done.

Chapter 1

I woke up Saturday morning at around ten or ten-thirty. I stretched out in bed, I felt warm skin. In an instant, last night came rushing back. Hardon alert! I turned, and there, sure enough, lay the most beautiful boy on the face of the earth. That silky brown hair of his surrounded his pillow like a halo, his beautiful, kissable lips...dammit, I was making myself horny!

I ran my tounge around in my mouth, tasting the slightest hint of his cum. God! I pulled the sheet down to his waist, taking in his beautiful body. His quarter sized nipples were the color of light chocolate (and just as sweet, believe you me) and his skin was had a light tan. I wish I could tan. I am either white or red...never tan.

I had hoped that last night wasn't a dream, though I did live it over in my dreams...several times. Jason was smiling in his sleep. And I knew why! God, I loved him! He had told me that he loved me too!!! Whasabi!!! All of a sudden, I was so happy. I hated to disturb him from his beautiful sleep, but I wanted to look into those gorgeous blue eyes and tell him I love him.

I leaned over and, as gently as possible, I kissed him on the lips. I let my tounge snake out and lick his lips. He groaned in his sleep and opened his mouth. I slipped my tounge into his mouth and playfully flicked his tounge. I licked the roof of his mouth and picked up a scoetch of a taste of own. If this was morning breath, I would never complain!

"Mmmmmm," mumbled Jason. I pulled back and kissed his strong jawline. I kissed his cute little nose. I kissed his eyelids.

"God, I wish I could be woken up like that every morning," he mumbled a bit sluggishly.

"I love you," I said and kissed his lips again.

"Mmmmhmmm," he mumbled into my mouth. We kissed strongly, hungrily, passionately.

"Hey Jason," said someone as the door swung open, "oh shit!" "Sorry guys!"

I jumped back and pulled the covers up to my chest. Jason did the same.

"Dammit, li'l bro, you go boy!" he said to Jason then winked at me. He closed the door, "get decent, we gotta go."

"For fuck's sake," mumbled Jason.

"Who was that?" I asked, I knew what could happen if someone found out you were gay that you couldn't trust.

"That was my older brother Wil," he said. I guessed he saw the scared expression on my face. He put his hand to my cheek affectionatly.

"He's cool, he won't tell anybody," he said soothingly. That didn't exactly take a major weight off my shoulders.

"Are you sure," I said.

"He's gay," he said with a tired laugh. Okay. NOW, I felt better.

"I had a great time," he said and kissed me. It wasn't one of those breathtaking tounge-in-cheek kisses he gave, just a sweet little peck on the lips that said "I love you" like nothing else could.

"I had a better time," I said and playfully grabbed his dick. It hardened instantly.

"Mmmm," he moaned, "you better not do that, I want to make it out of here WITHOUT being a lusty puddle of goo."

"Sounds nice," I said before nibbling on his ear for like, four seconds before jumping out of bed and stretching. He stared at me and his eyes sort of glazed over.

"God, you're beautiful," he said. I felt myself blush all over. He laughed and jumped out of bed and pulled on his boxers and went over to his overnight bag and pulled out some clothes and put them on.

"You wanna come over?" he asked.

"DO I!" I exclaimed and pulled on my boxers and tee-shirt and went to ask mom and Wil.

"I guess you could go," said Mom, "if that's okay with Jason's family." She turned to Wil.

"Fine by me," he said and winked at me again. Major blush!

"Um, thanks," I said a bit unsurely. I went back to my room and told Jason.

"That's great!" he exclaimed, "I'll help you pack." So we took about five minutes and packed an old duffel with some clothes and overnight stuff. We were done in a few minutes and were out the door.

Jason's brother was leaning against a black Nissan Frontier smirking at us.

"My little brother...and his boyfriend," he said teasingly. I could feel myself go into blush mode again.

"Dammit, Wil, can't you see you're embarrassing him," hissed Jason.

"Sorry," said Wil sheepishly as he drew his fingers threw his black hair, "just couldn't resist picking on my brother and his BOYFRIEND."

Jason jumped on his brother's back and began to pound his chest playfully. I laughed as my lover and his brother acted like they were beating each other up. Life was good. The brothers eventually broke it up and we left for Jason's house. Wil abandoned trying to embarrass me and began to be a good sport.

When we arrived, Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me through the door. His mom was sitting on the couch watching the Food Network.

"Why hello, Chaz!" she exclaimed in a motherly tone.

"Hi Mrs. Porter," I replied and gave her a level two smile. (That's right, I rate my smiles. First, there is my level one smile, that's the "I'm an innocent kid/nice to meet you smile". Next, there is my level two smile, that's the "you seem like a nice person/you're great smile". Then, there's the level three smile. It has many meanings, but doesn't come up much. Lastly, there is the level four "I love you and want you passionatly". That smile is reserved for Jason :).

She smiled at me and...oh god...she winked! Jason turned red as a beet.

"For christ's sake, is there some kind of sick family joke going on here?" he exclaimed and ran his fingers through his long brown locks. I felt something stir in my crotch when he did that.

"Now, now," said Mrs. Porter and ruffled...actually RUFFLED!!! hair, "you boys go on to Jason's room nice."

I felt like I was going to burst a vessel blushing.

"Jesus Christ!" exclaimed Jason as he grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs into his...he he he...bedroom.

That's Chapter one, let me know what ya think. It's good to be writing again. No SPAM please. No forwards either (that means you ricky). Ciao!

Next: Chapter 13: Angels Tale 2

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