In The Airplane Bathroom With My Nephew

By Alex James

Published on Mar 24, 2023



Hey guys! Took a long haul flight recently and started fantasising, so took the time to write this little one off story. I hope you like it!

As always, please send any feedback or comments to I really appreciate your emails!

This story involves a grown man taking part in raunch activities with his nephew. If that sort of thing isn't your sort of thing, then don't keep reading!

I don't usually tend to mind long haul flights by myself. If I've prepped myself with books and movies then generally it's just nice to catch up on a bit of me time, albeit quite uncomfortable me time... With food that isn't so great. Anyway, the basic thing is that I traveled a lot, and I started to get used to those 10 hour flights by myself.

This time was a little different. I was flying from London to Los Angeles to see my brother for his 40th birthday. This was a trip that I usually made once or twice a year to visit him since he lived there part time on business, but the caveat this time was that I would also have to bring his 10 year old son with me - Sebastian. Now, I love being an Uncle, and I absolutely love Sebastian, but there was something about the idea of being stuck on an 11 hour flight with a 10 year old that scared me a little. I'm very happy to entertain myself, but how could I entertain a kid? I have no idea what they like.

Well, I have to say... It actually started out pretty great. I haven't spent much time with the kid recently but I'm happy to say that we get along really well - he's quite easy to hang out with, for a 10 year old. I also bought him some treats at the airport like some fast food and some cake, which he says that his mum doesn't usually let him have. Hopefully he would think of me as the fun uncle! There was, however, a slight uneasy feeling I had...

I hadn't exactly wanted to address this so soon, but I couldn't help myself. The whole time I was spending time with Sebastian in the airport, I just couldn't stop thinking about how cute he looked. His medium length brown hair falling over his rosy cheeks, his wide eyes always looking up to me as he grinned from cheek to cheek with a toothy smile. The kid was absolutely fucking gorgeous, and I couldn't get the images out of my head. But hey, I thought... These were only my thoughts. I am free to think what I want to think, as long as I don't try to act on anything.

Anyway, we boarded the plane no issue, and he was super calm all through the take off. Luckily on a long haul we all had those little TVs in the backs of the seats, so I set him up with some headphones and he was almost completely absorbed into some animated movies. Ah, kids these days - so easily entertained by technology! It was lucky for me because he was absolutely engrossed for about an hour or two, but then... Something unexpected happened. "Uncle..." Sebastian whined to me slightly, tugging at my shirt sleeve. I was jolted out of the little daze I'd fallen into.

"What's up, little buddy?" I looked back at him, remembering how cute he looked.

"I need to go to the toilet..." He replied. Oh brother. This is something I don't exactly miss about having kids.

"Can't you go by yourself?" I asked him. "You're a big boy now..."

"Yeah, but..." He replied, looking a little embarrassed. "I need to go poo."

Now that one word hit me like a train. There was something else I hadn't exactly told you, but... I'm kinda into scat. Well, when I say into, I mean that I masturbate over scat porn almost daily. And sometimes I meet random guys from Scatboi who feed me. It's a real guilty pleasure of mine, and I swear I only do it when I'm super horny, but... There was something about the way Sebastian said his needs to me that just hit all of my pleasure areas in my brain and drove me into shit eating mode. I couldn't let him see.

"Well of course, buddy! You can go poo by yourself, can't you?" I asked him, trying to hide my growing erection, and trying to do what I thought was the right thing by avoiding the situation.

He looked up at me a little sadly this time. "Yeah... I guess..." He replied. Fuck, now I felt bad. I didn't want to upset the kid. But this was probably for the best. He took off his headphones and slowly got out of his seat, shuffling slowly to the toilet at the end of the aisle. Yeah, this was for the best, I thought. I don't want to give away that the idea of him shitting is driving me crazy with lust,

I sat back in my seat and tried to forget all the images that were flooding my head of Sebastian in the toilet, and instead focused back on the film that I was trying to watch. Something about time travel, I don't know. I wasn't massively invested, but I guess that's also the point with an airplane movie... It doesn't have to be a box office hit, just has to help me pass the time until we land.

I was just about getting back into the time traveling hijinks when I noticed a little hand waving at me from down the aisle. It was Sebastian... Of course it was! I took off my headphones and tried to mouth to him, "What's wrong?" But he didn't seem to understand. Instead he kept waving his arms and gesturing to me to come over. This is exactly why I didn't want to have to look after a kid on such a long flight.

Hesitantly I packed up my headphones, unbuckled my seat, and walked over to where Sebastian was, just outside the toilet. I knelt down to his level and spoke a little quieter since I didn't want to embarrass him. "Did you manage to go poo?" I asked him, my dick jumping a little in my pants at the thought.

"No, I just can't do it Uncle!" Sebastian replied in a cute little baby voice. Oh boy, the things I would do to this kid if I had the chance. "Please can you come in with me?"

Now, this was a bit of a shock to my system. Was this a normal thing for a 10 year old to want, an adult to occupy them in the toilet? Especially a plane toilet, those places are so... Cramped. I'd never raised kids before so I had no idea if this was a regular request, but obviously if it's something that will help him then I'm happy to do it... The other problem is that I think I would get hard if I went in there with him taking a shit. But I was kinda backed into a corner now. I guess that was a risk I was willing to take. Maybe if I was sneaky I could rub one out afterwards with the beautiful smells of his boy shit.

"Of course I can, buddy." I replied, and watched the joy fill his face. Bless him, my caring side certainly seemed to make him happy. I looked around to judge if anyone was watching and if they thought it was strange that I was entering the toilet with my 10 year old companion, but nobody really seemed to even be paying attention. Probably all of them engrossed in their own terrible movies.

We entered the cubicle together and I locked the door so that the lights would come on. The first thing I noticed is just how cramped it really was in those things... Even with one person it's a struggle to do anything, so with two it was definitely worse.

"I want to poo but I can't do it on this toilet. Can you help me?" Sebastian said to me, staring up with puppy dog eyes. How could I say no to that face?

"I'd love to... Just tell me what I can do to help." I honestly had no idea what he wanted me to do, I was just excited to be there with him.

"Well... I need a different toilet." Sebastian said defiantly.

"I'm not sure how I can make that happen, buddy..." I replied, confused by his request.

"Can you be my toilet, Uncle?" Sebastian asked.

I must admit I was quite taken aback by that question. "What do you mean?"

"Well... If you sit down there and lay your head back... Then I can use your mouth as the toilet instead! That way I can do my poo much better." He grinned at me while he explained the process.

I was in absolute shock at what my nephew had just suggested. I have to admit I was intrigued by the idea, but what if it was some sort of prank? I didn't want to seem too keen otherwise he might rat me out to his dad. "I beg your pardon? Why on earth would you want to do that?"

"Well... Daddy usually does it to help me go poo. I don't like pooing in new toilets so it's easier to use daddy's mouth."

Haha, incredible! It seems that my brother and I are more similar than I initially thought.

I honestly couldn't believe my luck. This sick little bastard wanted to shit in my mouth! I have no idea where he would have ever gotten the idea for this, but I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity like this that easily. He didn't even have to tell me twice - I quickly pushed him out of the way as I sat down on the floor of the tiny toilet compartment, with my back to the toilet, and laid my head back, resting it on the toilet seat so that I basically became a toilet. "Like this?" I said enthusiastically.

Sebastian's eyes filled with glee. "Uncle... You're the best! This is perfect!" I felt so happy that I could make the little boy comfortable, because really, that was my only goal. Well, that and to feast on his delicious asshole... It was a win-win situation, really.

Sebastian quickly pulled down his trousers and pants, freeing his short 4 inch lil pecker, which was standing up rock hard. The little bastard was enjoying this, I bet. He turned around and straddled my chest until his bare arse was directly in line with my face, and then without any warning, he pulled his cheeks apart, hopped up a little and landed his booty hole directly on my waiting mouth.

Sebastian sighed loudly as he wriggled his butt on my face, pushing me right in between his crack and positioning his asshole directly with his mouth. "Ahhh... That's the stuff." This boy was an absolute class act. I'm surprised he didn't pull out a newspaper to start reading. "I hope you're comfortable!" He said, obviously enjoying the dominant aspect of what was happening. Oh I was so comfortable, more than you could ever know. I was in absolute heaven and I could feel my whole body pulsing with excitement of what was about to happen.

Then... Nothing. I waited and waited for what felt like an eternity, my open mouth glued to Sebastian's ass. "Uhm..." Sebastian started, a little awkwardly. "Daddy usually helps me out, with his tongue." Fuck me, this kid was something else... And my brother too, what a fucking pervert! But I was in it now, and I was very happy to do whatever this kid said. I slowly reached out my tongue and lapped gently at Sebastian's puckered anus, as he shivered slightly from the contact. "Ooohh... That feels good, Uncle!" He moaned with pleasure. I flattened out my tongue and increased the intensity of my licks, wanting him to feel all the possible sensations I could give him. Then I strengthened it as I slowly delved deeper inside his anus. I felt it relax slightly more with every lick, as his whole body melted slightly and I could feel myself enter him.

"Okay, I think I'm ready now!" Sebastian announced with glee. My heart rate quickened as I remembered that this rim job was just about to become a feeding session.

I reached my hand up and slowly pushed it underneath Sebastian's t-shirt, lightly rubbing his belly for encouragement, and squeezing slightly to ease the process of his bowel movements. I wanted to make him feel comfortable as he pushed out his little boy turds into my mouth. Seemingly not needing the encouragement, he tensed his body up as he pushed hard, and I felt his pucker bubble in and out against my tongue as he let out some stinky farts into my mouth. They tasted tangy on my tongue and I think I must have moaned slightly as I swallowed them down.

In this moment I was no longer Sebastian's uncle - I was merely a receptacle for his delicious boy turds, a vessel in which he could comfortably deposit his waste. He must have known that because he really was not going easy on me - as quickly as those farts came out I felt his asshole widen as he started to push out a thick turd. "Oooohhh that's a big one!" He giggled, forcing his pre-teen shit down his uncle's waiting throat. I tightened the suction of my lips against his asshole to create a waterproof seal, not wanting any of his waste to escape.

The first turd hit my tongue and instantly I was mesmerised with its flavours, salty, tangy, sweet, and bitter... I could taste the fast food we'd been eating in the airport earlier. It turned me on immensely to think that I had bought him all that food, witnessed him eating it, and then he had turned it into shit... Shit that he was now forcing me to swallow. The turd quickly pushed down into the back of my mouth and hit the back of my throat before Sebastian cut it off with his rectum - he was seemingly quite good with the timing of this, probably from all the practice he'd had with his dad. I took that as a cue to start chewing. The first bite was heavenly, filling my mouth with complex flavours of his boy guts. Now, I've tasted a lot of shit in my life, but there's just something about Sebastian's shit right now that just tasted... Right. As if this is exactly where I was meant to be, sucking on his asshole as he pushed it into me.

I started chewing more on his firm log as the flavours took over my mouth, swallowing them and feeling the grainy bitter taste slide down my throat. "Oh... There's more coming!" Sebastian warned me, so I swallowed everything in my mouth quickly to make room. Sure enough, his hole blossomed again and out came another load of hot boy shit - this time much softer and, to my surprise, much sweeter. Maybe that was all the cake that he'd eaten right before we flew. This time he didn't cut it off and it pretty much filled every cavity of my mouth as I masticated, pushing it all around my tongue and my cheeks to savour the beautiful flavours. He sighed as it finished coming out of him, clearly enjoying the feeling of letting it all go.

I slowly chewed as Sebastian started humming himself a little song, presumably a toilet ritual. I loved the feeling that I was not even there to him - he was treating me in exactly the same way as he would treat the porcelain throne, nothing but a piece of furniture built for human waste. As I tried to chew the load that was in my mouth I realised just how much shit it was... How could this little boy have produced so much waste?! Not that I was complaining. I savoured all of the flavours and slowly swallowed little bits, feeling his shit flow down my throat and into my stomach.

As I finished my mouthful, Sebastian jumped up off my mouth, giving me room to breathe. I chewed noisily and he just stood and watched, his little dick as hard as a rock. I swept my tongue across my mouth as I delved into all the nooks and crannies to dig out the delicious morsels of boy shit. Swallowing the final dregs of his waste I sat up and looked at him, solely as his toilet. He looked back at me as my feeder, but he was so much more than that - he was a beautiful young boy, with rosy cheeks, and a huge grin plastered across his face. He certainly enjoyed that, maybe even more than I did!

"Can you help me wipe, Uncle?" He said, as he turned around, bent over, and spread his cheeks at me. His hole was tight and pink, speckled with shit, and his whole ass was completely hairless. Truly a beautiful sight to behold. In and around his hole there were little streaks of brown where his shit had obviously gotten stuck on his skin - I consider myself a great shit eater but I'm not always the cleanest!

"Of course! Don't worry." I said without hesitation, as I leaned over, spread his cheeks a little wider with my hands for easy access, and licked him from the base of his crack to the top. He wriggled slightly with a little giggle and told me that it tickled. Then I dug deeper into his asshole with my tongue to pull out all the last dregs of his shit, going slowly as to make him feel the widest range of available sensations. I'm sure I cleaned him up pretty quickly, but I figured I'd keep going until he told me to stop. After all, it isn't every day that you get to rim your beautiful ten year old nephew. As I was delving deeper and deeper with my tongue, feeling his insides as he moaned with pleasure, he reached around and started furiously beating his little dicky. It only took a few seconds before he seemingly brought himself to orgasm, shivering furiously before turning around and showing me the tiny speck of semen he had caught in his hand.

Without saying anything, Sebastian rubbed his cummy hands in my mouth, and I savoured his sweet seed. Then he stood towards me and replaced his hands with his softening pecker, which I gladly took into my mouth. It barely even reached the middle of my tongue. We stood like this for a little while as Sebastian closed his eyes and raised his head to face the ceiling. I just sat there with his dick in my mouth, breathing heavily through my nose as I still couldn't exactly believe what was happening. Then I felt the familiar taste of piss hitting my tongue, and I latched onto his dick tighter and started swallowing.

Drinking piss directly from the tap was like second nature to me now, but there was something so fucking horny about the way Sebastian forced this onto me without even saying anything. I almost didn't want this to end... I wanted to be the sole receptacle for all of his waste from now on. I wanted him to come to me whenever he needed to poo or pee, and just use my mouth as his own personal toilet. My mind was racing with ways that I could make that happen as I happily gulped down his golden nectar. He sighed a big sigh of relief as his stream trickled down.

"Wow... Now I feel much better. Thanks Uncle!" Sebastian said to me, pulling his soft dick out of my mouth as I smacked my lips and savoured the delicious taste of his urine. He pulled his pants up and completely returned to normal, looking at me almost as if I'd just... Bought him a lollipop or something, instead of be his personal toilet for him to shit and piss into. And eat his pre-teen cum!!!

I looked back at him, almost unsure of what to say. I stuttered a little. "Of course." I managed to choke out. "Happy to help."

"How much longer until we get to Los Angeles?" He asked me ever so sweetly, clearly his mind had completely departed from the depraved act he just committed.

"Uhh..." I replied, checking my watch. "Only 5 hours!" Damn. How time flies.

"Oh goody." Sebastian came back. "I'm excited to see daddy."

"Me too..." I replied, still flooded with images of what had just happened, and still desperate for it to happen again. "I'm excited to ask him about how he's been helping you out in this way!"

"Oh..." Sebastian looked down at the floor a little and scuffed his feet. "Well... Daddy hasn't actually ever done that for me. I'm sorry I lied. But I really wanted you to do it for me..."

My jaw hit the floor. I can't believe it. The little fuck had tricked me into eating his shit and drinking his piss.

And I loved every single second of it.

The end.

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