In the Air

By Mike Matthews

Published on Jul 1, 2008



The names in the story have been changed because I'm paranoid lol.

Inspired by a true story.

...heart beating, I took control, wrapping my hand around his throbbing dick. Leaning back, Chris closed his eyes emitting a soft moan through his perfect lips. This had been the first time I really hung out with my old best friend since first starting high school with him four years ago. Our 14 year friendship had culminated at this one unbelievable moment just before the summer of our senior year.

Chris and I had for all essential purposes had grown up best friends at a small catholic school. Taken to be somewhat of a sidekick I was the brains and he, as many girls noticed, was the beauty. His athletic build and sport skills combined with astonishing eyes had formed a perfect teenager.

After 8th grade we both made the transition from private school to public high school. Freshman year I (Mike) found that, though I still hung around with my old best friend in school, outside we began developing a different circle of friends. While I advanced in football, Chris found himself among the basketball stars. Even within classes I began branching out into the honors classes, becoming vice president while Chris remained with the "popular kids," all of whom I was friendly with but never really hung out with. The times I would visit school parties I was welcomed with cheers and multiple beers. Quite frankly I was pretty likable within my school. Through the years Chris and I lost contact though rumors floated back to me about drug dealing and partying. While I never really found myself in his partying circle, I had made most of my friends in the next town through my stepbrother, becoming somewhat of a pothead in my junior year to the surprise of most of my classmates =P.

By senior year, four years of varsity football as a lineman had shed the former chubbiness of my eighth grade years. I grew into my 5'9 frame with a toned stomach and fairly defined pecs. My light brown hair and green eyes had complimented my molded body transitioning me from, "cute" to "hot."

The old looks of mere friendship from the girls in my classes had faded into looks of surprised interest. While this interest from these the girls did have me excited, it was my guy friends that I hoped to catch looking at my new body. For a while now (I'd say since 8th grade) I've known I was Bi. Throughout high school I have dated my fair share of girls. While feeling up them up had always boned me up, it was thought of guys that really got me excited. Many a nights were spent jerking off to the massive world of gay porn online. I had never gotten a real chance to experiment besides an occasional circle jerk when I was younger. What I experienced, I liked.

By the end of my senior year my two best friends from the adjacent town had both adopted girlfriends who they fervently hung out with 24/7, 7 days a week. With this new development I had plenty of time to begin hanging with my old friends that I hadn't seen outside school in a while. Talking to Chris in the hallways, I got excited as we discussed the prospects of smoking a blunt together. Though quite a hidden secret, seeing a guy smoking had always been a big turn on for me.

Grabbing him around the shoulder I said, "Chris, we have been friends since preschool and have have never smoked or drank together. I think we need to do something about this."

Laughing he looked up, "Dude, totally Mike, I had no idea you even smoked, hit me up this weekend."

With the coordination of another catholic school friend, Jeff, I picked up some ganja and headed over to Chris's house. Smoke in the air, me Chris and Jeff sat on Chris's porch passing the dutch around. The next half hour was spent discussing which way the sun would be going if the world was upside down combined with memories of the past.

Staring at my old best friend as he smoked a cigarette I noticed how gorgeous he still was. Thin and athletic he sat with the same smirk he had all his life. As the laughter ensued I couldn't help my eyes from wandering down to his crotch. High as hell, I stared at the opening in his shorts wondering what was hidden beneath that fabric.

After a minute or so Chris laughed, "Ha, it looks like I'm boned up," as he pushed down the bump that forms in khaki shorts around the crotch. Averting my gaze I wasn't sure if he had caught me staring, but I was almost sure for a fleeting moment I caught site of a smile on his face. I felt something of my own stir within my shorts.

"Guys no homo," Chris proclaimed, "But I am so sore from last night with Ashley."

We all laughed.

"No seriously we fucked like 5 times."

Jeff joined in, "Yeah it can get tiring, the most I had sex with Caroline was like 4 times."

Having been without a girlfriend most of the year, and still being a virgin my sarcastic humor took over.

"Yeah I know what you mean, I jerked off at least like 30 times last night, I'm exhausted." I jokingly proclaimed.

Laughing, Chris ensured me, "Don't worry dude after a while the novelty of it wears off. I'd rather just sit on the couch and watch TV while she gives me a handjob."

Playing along I agreed, "Pshh, fuck doing any of the work."

"Guys don't say anything, but its funny we're always talking dirty to each other. She likes it, I'll be giving it to her and just fucking whisper 'Oh yeah baby I'm going to cum in your dirty cunt.' Haha, she likes it."

Though used to our 7th grade hushed talks about sex and girls, It was definitely new to hear him talk like this. As surprised as I was, I was even more horny Shifting a little, I mentioned our plans for tonight..

Grateful for a change of subject, we decided the time was right to drive to Adam's party across town. Making the trippy drive was somewhat of an astonishing feat that I hardly remember. Getting to Adam's house, we discovered a room full of sweaty people. His family owned a cottage on a lake during summer, so they had never bothered with air conditioning at their local home. Staying in the basement which was like 10 degrees cooler, I made small talk with everyone. Ashley whispered something in Chris's ear and with a grin he announced they'd be leaving. As I walked upstairs to mingle Adam looked at me asking, "Is it possible to drink cooking wine?" Laughing to myself I told him it was worth a shot. 45 minutes in, a lack of alcohol combined with the heat had the party calling for a house with a pool. A little while later we got a confirmation from Ashley that the party could head to Chris's pool.

Driving Jeff and Adam, we parked a little down the street and smoked a roach. Adam had equally striking looks with blond hair, perfect blue eyes, and a body built for wake boarding. Arriving at Chris's we found everyone jumping in and out of the pool. Chris was sitting up on the deck looking pretty pissed. I figured that whisper of Ashley's had not been fulfilled with the giant group of people arriving at his house. Me and Jeff sat with him making jokes about the continuing crowd that was arriving.

"Yo, I don't mind if its just a couple people like you me and Jeff, but I really don't want all these people here." Chris said with a sigh.

Eventually Chris and Jeff left to buy some cigarettes and another cigar for us, leaving me in charge of making sure no one got out of control. While they were gone a got a call from Chris telling me to have Ashley let everyone know they had to leave in 10 minutes. As the crowd slowly dried off and left, Chris returned with Jeff, said goodnight to Ashley, and we headed inside.

I assured Chris "It happens." as he continued to rant about the people who had showed up and left his carpet dripping wet as they ran to the bathroom..

Calming down he settled onto the couch and rolled another blunt. Before we lit up Jeff said his goodbye's and got a ride to his girlfriend's from his friend. Chilling in the backyard we sat, smoked and starred at the stars.

"I missed ya bud, its been a fucking while.." I said as the blunt was passed back to me.

"I know dude, where did you disappear to?"

I had always been slightly bitter that we grew apart, but this feeling quickly vanished. I had attributed our split to him not calling me enough to hangout, but I realized it was mutual. I never made any attempt to ever call him.

"I guess we just grew apart, I miss those old days at St. Agatha's. Sitting in the back of Mr. Ross's class in eighth grade talking about the meaning of "gangbang."

He chuckled, "I'm pretty sure you had it right."

"Ha, all the good that did me. All the sex knowledge in the world and not a fuck to show for it."

As the smoke billowed from his mouth, I felt the familiar twinge as he said, "Dude you're cute as fuck," he laughed throwing in a "No homo."

"Bullshit, faggot!" I joked, punching him in the arm as I stood up. "Let me get a Newport."

I had never been much of cigarette smoker but my desire to see him smoke more had already formed a small wet spot in my boxers.

As we smoked our stoges and reminisced, my eyes wandered up and down his backside and briefly rested on a beautiful bubble butt.

Blazed out of our minds we settled downstairs to watch the big screen. His dad, as usual, was away on a business trip so we pretty much had free reign over the house. He said it was cool if I stayed the night so I texted my mom letting her know and got comfortable as Chris went up to his room for a second. Chris returned from his room shirtless.

I thoroughly examined his rippling abs and treasure trail that ran down into his khaki's that rested low on his waist.

Pulling out a bottle of vodka Chris refilled a drink that had apparently been out when he and Ashley were alone.

"You want a drink?"

"Of course, dude." I said with a smile, pointing out that I was mostly Irish.

After three cups of sufficient vodka to SunnyD proportioning, I could tell I was pretty smashed. I hadn't drank in a few months and the weed and alcohol was making me feel pretty good. I could tell Chris was in the same state with the goofy smile he had on his face as he stumbled around. The conversation wandered back to what happened early in the night.

"Dude! I had her on the bed naked when Tonya texted her. She actually got up!"

"Hahaha, suckkkkks," I replied laughing. "Ha, its not funny! I'm so fucking blue-balled you have no idea."

"At least you've been getting some, be happy for that."

He smiled at me slyly, "Cmon now I heard about you and Amanda, what happened with that?"

"Not much, Casanova. Just some touching, you know," I replied with an influence I knew was from the alcohol.

"Fuck what I'd give to be touched," he exclaimed grabbing his crotch.

"Uh oh, where's Ashley."

"Eh, who gives a fuck," he responded with a wink.

Not sure if I was again imagining things, or the alcohol was setting in, I played the wink off as a joke. Grabbing his glass, he sat down next to me on the big leather couch.

As he flipped through the cable menu the cursor came to rest on one of those late night HBO pornos.

"Dude, fuck it! I need to get off," Chris said already rubbing his crotch, eyes closed in his drunken horniness.

"Yo,you can jack it if you want." he said, looking me in the eyes.

With that the seven inches in my shorts was standing at attention. I had always admired my thick shaft and bulbous mushroom head. I reached in my shorts and began to slowly stroke myself.

My heart raced as I watched Chris slowly unbutton his shorts. His hand rummaged through his boxers and pulled out a magnificent 8 inch cock. The thick shaft had a faint vein running up its side, spiraling to the glorious head, which was already slick with the precum that was pouring out.

Switching views from the fucking scene on TV to my best friend's schlong, I was horny beyond belief as I pulled my dick out in the open air, stroking up and down. I noticed that Chris's gaze had switched from the porn to my hand going up and down. He looked me straight in the eyes with his beautiful baby blues and smiled. "Go ahead, I know you want to bud. I always figured you wanted me."

I removed my shirt and looked down at the beautiful penis hesitantly. Less than a foot away with my heart beating, I took control, wrapping my hand around his throbbing dick. Leaning back, Chris closed his eyes emitting a soft moan through his perfect lips. Letting go of my own boner I concentrated on servicing this beautiful boy. His big cock felt massive in my hand. The softness of the skin contrasted the hardness of his member. Reaching over with my free hand I took a finger and tasted the flowing precum. His groans soon turned to grunts as he eagerly thrust his hips upward. Prompted by this approval, with my thoughts swimming, I lowered my head and licked the tip of his dick.

"OHHHH YEAH! Fuck dude, eat my cock." Chris yelled out.

Taking his dick into my mouth, I swirled my tongue around the dripping head before taking in more of his shaft. I felt his strong hand on the back of my head pushing my mouth down deeper onto his dick. With a brief gag I took all of him in my mouth. My nose buried in his trimmed dark pubic hair, my head was filled with his wonderful scent. With his cock down my throat he began to slowly fuck my face. Working into a rhythm his breathing increased.

"Oh shit dude!" he exclaimed

I could feel he was close. With one final thrust he began unloading his hot creamy cum down my throat. Pulling back, he filled my mouth with the salty tang of his seed. I couldn't get enough as I barely managed to swallow it all.

Collapsing back into the couch, I caught my breath. Looking down I saw a friendly hand closing around my immensely swollen dick. After a minute of having my dick pumped, I shot a hot load across my chest. The sensation sent a wave of pleasure through my body. With one last groan I passed out with my best friends hand still on my dick.

I woke up that morning

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