In School

By Anony Mous

Published on Apr 26, 2003



--------------- Quick note: The two names in this story that you probably will confuse are "Chantha" and "Chanthon". Read them closely to make sure you get them apart, and don't get confused.

If you are against homosexuals, or extremely pleasurable literature, turn back now. If it is illegal for you to view erotic literature in your area, leave. If you are against intercultural sexual relationships, fuck you. If they turn you on, quit reading this part and skip to the story. If you're still reading, you seriously need to skip this. I'm really not kidding now. What the fuck? Why are still reading this part? Fool! ---------------

In School

I'm a junior in high school, and failing it horribly. I don't care, I don't plan to stay much longer. I was always really horny, and had a thing for about 3 different boys at school. Only one of which was in any of my classes, and he was pissed at me. The math teacher asked what 10 to the fourth power was, and the guy said 40. It was a pretty idiotic response, so I said so. He gets pissed when people talk about his issues in math. He's not bad at it, but sometimes he'll make a strange mistake. So, he's pissed at me. He's not even an option for sex.

The other two are brothers. One is a senior, and the other I think is a freshman. He may be a sophmore, but what do I care? He's fucking hot! He's basically his brother identical, but with a more-cute face. He's younger, so it's a little rounder, and smaller. His name is Chantha (yeah, you may have seen that name in another of my stories). His older brother is Chanthon (yup, that name, too).

They're both part Hispanic, part Cambodian, with a pretty even mix of the two. Both have black hair, both pretty tall for Asians (about 5'11 and 6'1 respectively), and both are lean. They have nice, sturdy frames, but still lean. They're not very muscular, but they can certainly defend themselves. Okay, that still makes them sound more strong than they are. They are in no way weak, but their arms and legs don't have "defined" muscles... damn, I suck at describing this... just keep in mind, they're both VERY hot!

Chanthon is cool, but he has a touch of the Senior classman's seniority complex. Plus, he's clearly not gay, as much as I first wished he was. So I've turned my focus to Chantha.

Chantha isn't in any of my classes, I just see him in lunch or the hallways from time to time. I've always wanted to taste and feel his cock in my mouth... so warm, so delicious... For some reason, I've always fantasized about having his flaccid penis in my mouth. Not completely flaccid, maybe 10 or 20% erect. Only a little. To feel the smooth flesh of his penis in my mouth, resting on my tongue, while a create a small sucking pressure on his penis, enjoying and savoring the juice left-overs on his dick. Stretching my tongue the length of his cock, holding it from underneath while I keep my lips around his cock, holding him in, loving the sensation of warm, smooth, tasty man meat in my mouth. Not even sex... just passionate penis love. I day dream about this from time to time, more recently now, I've been thinking about it more often...

One day in particular, I was dreaming about him more often. I had to relieve the tension mounting in my pants. Since I was skipping third hour, I had a chance to do just that.

There was a little room underneath one of the sets of steps in the school. The room was only five feet tall, and was large enough to house another computer lab. The door to it was old, and if handled just right, could be opened without a key.

I wandered down the hall, half in a hurry, half slow. I didn't want to draw attention, but I also wanted badly to get started. When I reached the door, I looked around to make sure no one could see me. At this point, it was either up the steps or down the hall, and I couldn't see down the hall from this angle. However, there was a classroom down here with a window in the door through which someone could see me enter the basement room.

After making sure that no one in the room could see me, I began working on the door handle. If you pulled up, then forced it down, then pull up real fast, it would open with a little effort. I discovered this one day while talking with a friend.

I quickly slipped in and shut the door quietly, in case anyone was withing earshot of the door. I noticed the lights were on, which was strange, because the only thing down here was a ladder that appeared as though it had been there since 1920. The room was shaped some what like a 'U', with the door in the end of one of the branches. Around to the other branch, there was another door. That one led down a small flight of steps, at the bottom of which was dirt. That part was unexcavated.

I stooped around towards the other side to see if someone had gone down there. But as I neared the corner, I could hear someone breathing heavily. The light was dim, but I snuck around to the backside of a pillar just in case. I peaked around the corner and found Chantha beatin' his meat and leanin' up against the wall.

Like anyone else, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He had his hand wrapped around his 7" cock, beating at a leisurely pace. He was cut, just the way I like 'em. Uncut cocks had always been a huge turn off for me. I watched him for a few minutes, my cock straining harder and harder at my jeans with each passing second. I continued to watch for another minute or two before I noticed something else. Every so often, he looked up at the wall. I looked over and saw the second hottest thing ever.

He had taped a picture he'd printed off his PC on the wall. It was a photo of his brother... except, there was another bonus. It was a photo of Chanthon sleeping, but with all his covers off to the side, and with a hard 8" boner. Another shot printed on the paper just beneath that one was apparently a self-timered shot of Chantha wrapping his mouth around his brother's cock in his sleep. It was so fucking hot that my penis strained so hard that my jeans began to rip. They were old jeans, so it wasn't to difficult to rip them.

Another shot was taped to the right of those, a candid of Chanthon in the shower. Chantha had reached up over the curtain while Chanthon had his eyes closed and snuck a shot of his bro beatin' off.

I watched Chantha continue to beat off, stroking fast, then slow, then fast, then slow. He repeated this pattern for a few more minutes, until he began to make a little more noise and began to beat furiously. About ten seconds later, he shot his jizz at least two feet into the air, making me think he hadn't done this before. But he must have. His next shot wasn't nearly as far, only going about eight inches. I could now see that he had indeed been down here before, as there were a lot of dried puddles on the floor between his legs. He continued to stroke slowly after he had finished. When he was done, he sucked the remaining cum off his hand, thoroughly licking iat all up. Afterwards, he used his fingers to scrape the cum off his cock and balls, and any that landed on his pants, and clean it all off his finger with a qucik sucking of that lucky digit.

After he sat there for another minute, he packed up, zipped up, and sat up. He pulled the shots off the wall and stuck them in a folder he had on the floor to his side. He got up, and started heading my way. I took that as my que to duck behind the pillar again, as he continued to the other side of the room, and out the door. I quickly walked over to the spot where he had been and scooped up some of his cum from the floor. It was cold, but it was better than nothing. I popped it in my mouth and savored the taste of his salty cum on my finger. I scooped up some more, and repeated the same thing. I found myself doing this until there was no more left. I looked at my watch, and saw that I had only thirty seconds left before the end of the period. I ran to the door and slipped out, still sampling the taste of his cum from the residue in my mouth.

I continued out the day anticipated the last bell. I wanted to go back down there to see if he was there again. I didn't think he would be, but I figured I should check.

It was the last hour. The normal teacher was out, and a sub was showing a movie, since they never know what to do. There were ten minutes left in class, and I was just screwin' around, bullshittin' with a friend of mine. We normally wasted away all the hours we had together, efficiently giving both of us an F in each class. We were well on our way to one in this class as well, no exception. We had been butchering the lyrics to many commercials and songs for some time, and we were working on screwing with a Klondike commercial's theme. We were repeating our new lyrics when the bell rang. As usual, everyone piled out the door, and me and Ron lagged behind, slowly wandering out the door. I wasn't in any particular hurry today. I knew Chantha would need some time to get his shit together, and wait for most students to leave, before he went down there, if he did.

In the meantime, me and Ron went to the computer room, where I was the Assistant Administrator of the Windows portion of the network, and we continued talking. After ten minutes had gone by since the bell, I told him I had to run to my locker real quick, and that I would be back. "Allright." he replied.

I walked down to the little room, and slowly manipulated the handle so I would not bother him if he was actually in there. I slowly made my way over to behind the pillar, only to find he wasn't there. I tunred and left.

As I was walking up the steps near the door, I saw Chantha pass me, going down. I got to the first floor landing and waited about two minutes before I went down there again. When I got into postion, I found him jacking off to the same photos again. Of course, this raised the flagpole immediately. He was stroking slowly, taking his time. He appeared as though he didn't care if it took more than half an hour to cum. It was after school, so it really didn't matter. I sat down and watched him silently, not bothering to pull out my sausage.

After a while, he put his head back against the wall, slowly caressing his meat. He had his head back against the wall for probably a minute or so, maybe a minute and a half. After another thirty seconds or so of string at his cock, he put his head back again. I took this as my invitation to join in on the festivities.

I slowly and silently crept over to him. I laid down next to him, and checked to make sure he was still oblivious to my presence. He still had his head back, so I prepared to put my lips on his cock head. He was jacking off only a little, so getting my mouth around his cock wasn't gonna be real hard.

Just as his hand when down, so did my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his member, which startled the shit out of him. He jumped, but I kept my mouth on his rod. Once he realized what was going on, he relaxed and began to play with his balls with his right hand, and put his left hand on my ass. I enjoyed what was happening.

As I slowly went up and down the length of his penis, he slowly began to slip his hand underneath my pants. While I continued to clean him, re felt my mounds, squeezing each one, feeling up and down the crack through my boxer briefs. I savored the taste of his manly juices in my mouth. He hadn't cummed yet, but I was enjoying the taste of the sweat and piss residue that had accumulated in course of the day. Every so often, I would dig my tongue into his piss slit.

After some time of sucking, I wrapped my left hand around the base of his penis, and began to jack a little while I sucked him. Eventually, I swallowed the whole thing, getting my lips all the way down into his pubes, and digging into them. I coated his member with as much saliva as my mouth would produce.

By this point, he was working his hand underneath my boxer briefs. He was sliding his hand in, with his middle finger sliding through my crack. To do something different, I focused on his head. I licked all around it, sucked it, and swirled my mouth around it. He was still playing with my ass, and it had been at least ten minutes since we began together. He still wasn't showing any sign of cumming. I worked my magic on his cock, while he played with my ass. His cock was a hard as could be, and had been that way since the beginning.

I rolled slightly on my left side, exposing my front to him. He began to unbutton my jeans, which was a good idea, considering my cock's pain as it strained against the fabric. He pulled down the jeans as far as he could with me laying on them and him using only one hand, then reached under the elastic of my boxers. He grabbed my hard meat and pulled my meat out. It stood at it's full seven inches, while he stroked me, milking the man for me, while I cleaned his.

After a few more minutes of stroking me, he began to play with my balls. I could feel him getting closer to cumming, It couldn't be more than a minute away. He began to moan and stretch his body. I wrapped my left hand around the base of his cock again, stroking it as I sucked. He enjoyed this even more. He continued to stroke me, as I brought him closer and closer to unloading into my throat.

Then I felt it coming...

He tensed up...



I sucked harder...

the stream came forth.

He unloaded the first one with so much force, that it was already half way to my stomach by the time that I tried to swallow it. He unloaded several more shots, each as delicious as the first. The salty taste tingled my tongue, and the creaminess was a delight. I kept some in my mouth, washing it around, savoring it. After a few seconds of this, I swallowed it. He continued stroking me as I layed on my back, my head in his lap on his now semi-hard cock, as I moaned in pleasure with what he was doing. He stroked me for another twenty seconds or so before I shot my load clear into the air. It landed on my shirt, my pants, my face, and on him.

After I was finished shooting my load, he scooped all of it off my face, popping his finger into his mouth after each round, sucking the cum clean off. Afterwards, I used my tongue to clean my cum off of his arm, and slowly worked my way up his arm. I raised up and sat on my knees, each on both sides of his lap and looked him straight in the eyes before shoving my tongue down his throat. We swapped spit for several minutes, both exploring each other's mouths and lips and tongues... He shoved his tongue into my mouth several times, returning the favor. I sucked on his tongue, pulling it deeper into my mouth. We continued for quite some time in this manner.

Once we were done, I packed up and zipped up. He did the same, then kneeled down in front of me. Using his tongue, he cleaned the remaining cum off of my jeans, then stood up to get the rest off of my shirt. We were on our way out, when I remembered and reminded him about the photos on the wall.

"You want 'em?" he asked me.

"Can you print more for you?" I asked.

"Sure. They're digital, and I wrote them to a CD." he said with a wink.

I smiled at him and gathered them off the wall, and inserted them into the folder on the floor. We both left and went our ways.

We continued these "encounters" two or three times every week until I graduated. I got his number, and every so often I pick him up in my Durango and we head over to a spot under a bridge where we make out in the comfort of my truck.

Hope you liked this story. It's a one parter, so there won't be anymore, unless of course everyone goes nuts and emails me asking for more. Email me at with any comments, feedback, questions, etc.

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