In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Mar 28, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Part 7 That's the Breaks

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 7 That's the Breaks

School dragged, because I was so excited about the meet. I was hoping to run below 9 minutes and 40 seconds in the 2 mile. It would be the best chance I had to get a good time before the district qualifier. I didn't remember much of the day leading up to the meet; I was so focused on the race. I did just enough to win the mile, trying to reserve my energy for the two mile.

The two mile, finally, was ready to start. Because we were the visitors; I had the inside position at the start. At the gun, I burst off of the starting line to keep from getting boxed in. I got a clean start and took the lead from the start. Joey, an English Setter and their best runner, was running on my shoulder. This was exactly what I hoped; I wanted him to push me to a fast time. We finished the first lap in 75 seconds; I needed to average 72.5 seconds a lap to reach 9:40. I was planning on running a negative split, meaning I was going to try to run the second mile faster than the first. I was running comfortably as we cruised through the next two laps in 74 seconds. Joey seemed like he was laboring a little, I hoped he could hold on a little longer before he fell off the pace, then I would have to run on my own. I was feeling pretty relaxed as we hit the mile mark at 4:56, while Joey was starting to falter. I couldn't afford to try to drag him along any longer. I picked up the pace and started pulling away. I started concentrating on my form and was soon in a good rhythm as I pulled through the 5th lap in 72 seconds. I still needed to pick up the pace, so I imagined that the Shorthair was right on my shoulder. I was really starting to fly now and I churned out the next two laps in 70 and 69 seconds, which meant I needed to hit 68 on the last lap to break 9:40. I had lapped all the runners except Joey, and as I hit the last half lap I took of in an all out sprint. The crowd was cheering, and as I came off the final bend I could see Coach Bart jumping up and down cheering me on. I ran hard all the way through the tape and heard the timer call out 9:37. I had done it. I was slowing down when I heard screaming. I turned to look just in time to see an errant discus skip across the infield grass towards me, but not soon enough to get out of the way. It skipped up and hit me in the shin. I heard a sickening crack and then crumbled to the track in pain, clutching my leg.

The next thing I knew Coach Bart was there. "Adam, are you all right?" Tears were in my eyes, not just from the pain but because I knew my season was over. I would never get a chance to get my revenge on the Shorthair. "I think it's broken Coach." I saw my teammates, including Gordon trying to get to me but the track officials were keeping everyone away while they summoned the paramedics. The paramedics splinted my leg and loaded me into the ambulance.

As they were closing the door, I heard Coach Bart say, "I'll follow you to the hospital."

When we got to the hospital they wheeled me into the emergency room. Coach Bart was there waiting for me. The emergency room was crowded, and since my leg wasn't life threatening, I was a low priority. We were going to be a while, so Coach wheeled me over to the pay phone to call my folks. I called and my mom picked up the phone.

"Hi Mom."

"Hi, where are you?'

"I'm here at the hospital, I think I broke my leg."

"How did you do that?"

"I got hit by a discus at the meet."

"How are you getting home?"

"I was hoping you were going to come." "Your father won't want me to be gone that long, can you call me when you are ready to come home?"

"Sure Mom."

I hung up the phone. Coach Bart was wheeling me back into the waiting room so he could take a seat. "So, are they coming?"

"Yeah, I'm supposed to call my Mom when they discharge me. Thanks for coming in with me and getting me settled in. You may as well go home; it looks like I have a long wait here." I said dejectedly. I was sure my season was over and my folks didn't even care enough to be here with me.

"What are you talking about? I'm not leaving you here alone." He put an arm around me, pulling me into a comforting hug. "I can't believe your folks aren't coming! Aren't they worried about you?"

"I'm sure my mom is, but my stepfather would have a cow if she came here and waited. He thinks she spoils me too much already. If he was awake my stepfather would just be worried that I won't be able to work at the bakery until it heals."

He gave a disgusted snort. After a 3 hour wait, I finally got in and got an x-ray. It showed that I had a hairline fracture in my shin. They put me in a cast from my knee to my ankle for 6 weeks. My season was over. Coach called my mom. He told her that it was late and if it was alright with her, I could just stay at his place for the night. She sounded relieved that she didn't have to wake my stepfather up to watch my sister, while she came to pick me up.

Coach looked furious.

"Coach, you don't have to do this, I don't want to put you out."

"You are not going home to be by yourself. I can't believe them not coming to see how you were. Don't they care?"

"My mom does but Wilbur, my stepfather, screams at her any time she does anything for me."

"Well you need someone to be with you tonight. I know you must be devastated. I know how much you wanted another chance at the Shorthair. I know you would have beaten him this year."

"But I'll never know. Will I?"

With that said, there was nothing else to say for a while. It was a short ride to Coach's house. Coach helped me out of the car, grabbed my crutches out of the back seat and helped me get them under my arms. It took me a minute to negotiate the short distance to the front door since I wasn't very adept at using the crutches yet. Coach helped me sit down on the couch and elevate my left leg onto the coffee table. He handed me the remote and went into the kitchen. I turned on a basketball game, but I couldn't concentrate on it. I was still in my track uniform, it was warm in the house so I took off the singlet and was just lounging in my shorts. He grabbed us each a large glass of iced tea and ordered a pizza. We hadn't eaten since lunch. "I'm going to get the guest room ready for you while we wait on the pizza."

I sat there, unable to concentrate on the game. All I could think about was that I would never get a chance to beat the Shorthair. It was everything I could do not to cry. It didn't help that my folks didn't care enough to rush down to the Hospital when they found out I was hurt. I really hadn't expected them to, but it still hurt to have it confirmed. The doorbell rang, signaling the arrival of the pizza. Coach came out of the room, putting his robe on as he went to answer the door. All he had on underneath were those sexy tighty whitey briefs. He paid the delivery guy, put the pizza on the coffee table and grabbed a piece for each of us. I hadn't realized how hungry I was. I inhaled my piece, and coach handed me another since it was hard for me to reach the pizza with my foot on the table. Soon we had finished the whole pizza. "I'm sorry to put you through so much trouble Coach. Thanks for everything."

"I still can't believe your folks didn't come to the hospital. You're a good kid, you deserve better than that." He said as he draped his arm over my shoulder and pulled me against his chest.

"My stepfather thinks I'm a major disappointment." I said and finally broke down crying.

"Don't get me started on that motherfucker!" I was shocked I had never heard coach curse before. "I would be so proud if you were my son. I would be bragging to everybody what a great boy I had." He finished as he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I wish you were my dad, you seem to care about me more than my real parents do." I pulled him close and buried my face in his chest fur. He rubbed my ears. I finally got myself composed, pulled back and looked up at Coach.

He was gazing back intently at me, those piercing eyes and those towering erect ears; were all I could see. He pulled closer, our lips were almost touching. Then they were. Coach took the lead and kissed me, gently at first, then more urgently. His tongue brushed against my teeth, I opened up letting him invade and conquer my mouth. He finally pulled back and said; "Adam, I can't be your father, but I can be your mentor and your lover." I sat there staring at him my mouth agape. He looked unsure of himself, then embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have assumed. I hope I haven't ruined our relationship."

I pulled him back to me and this time I kissed him, passionately. "Coach, you assumed right. I've been in love with you since the first day I saw you. I've wanted that very thing for so long."

Coach's hesitation disappeared, and he leaned over me taking charge, ravishing my muzzle with his. I surrendered unconditionally. When he broke the kiss he stood up, picked me up and carried me to his bedroom. I was hoping all his work in preparing the guest room was going to be wasted. He stood me beside the bed just long enough to remove my shorts. I sat on the edge of his bed while he shucked his briefs and stood in front of me. His big beautiful cock was erect and staring me in the eye. I gasped as I reached out and wrapped my paw around as much of it as I could and started sliding his sheath up and down that glorious shaft. My mouth was watering. I stared down that big barrel as I got ready to play Russian roulette with his large caliber loaded gun. With my other hand, I cupped those big full balls that held the elixir that I had desired for so long. I could smell the musky dominance pheromones that were oozing out of every pore of the dog I worshiped, while for the first time in my life I was secreting submission pheromones. There could be no confusion as to who the dog was and who the pup was, and we both knew it. I had waited long enough and I reached out with my tongue, gently teasing my stud's head. He let out a low passionate rumble deep in his chest, which made me shiver in anticipation of what was to come. The time for teasing was over; I took him into my mouth. I ran my tongue around and around his head. Now, I not only smelled the dominance pheromones, I could taste them too. They made me submissive to the point that I would have given him my soul if he would have asked for it. He could hold back no longer. He griped the back of my head firmly and took charge. I finally had a real dog to lead me, like I had wanted all my life. He pulled my muzzle further down his shaft until it hit the back of my throat. It was so thick, I wasn't sure it would fit in my throat. I tilted my body forward to change the angle a little, and that was enough to get it to slip into my throat. He started thrusting even faster, his breathing getting more and more labored and uneven. I could taste his precum when he pulled back and I could feel it dribble down my throat when he thrust forward. His knot was starting to form, so I gripped the base tightly. That was all it took. He gripped my head tighter and gave one final thrust. His balls slammed up against his body and I felt his seed blast down my throat. He moaned loudly, pulled back and shot a couple of spurts in my mouth before pulling all the way out and shooting the rest all over my face. I licked up all that my long tongue could reach. The dominance pheromones were almost making me swoon. I was so proud that I was being marked by the stud of my dreams, I would gladly service him whenever he desired. He stood there catching his breath, and then he knelt at the side of the bed. He took me into his muzzle, working me to the edge masterfully. Right before I was ready to blow he took his muzzle off of my boner, and worked his way down. His tongue explored my balls on its way down to my virgin pucker. His big tongue laving my sensitive tailhole made me moan, but that was nothing compared to when he penetrated me with it. I instinctively opened up for this big sexy dog as he lubed me up for my deflowering. After getting me loosened up and lubed, he positioned me face down on the middle of the bed and knelt between my legs. I eagerly lifted my tail, like a classic tail raiser. He lined that massive 12 inches of doghood up with my pucker as he prepared to take the last of my innocence.

I knew it was going to hurt at first, but I relaxed as much as I could. He started to put pressure on my ring, but despite the fact that Coaches piece was slightly pointed, I was still having a hard time accommodating him. He pushed harder and I tried to loosen up, but it HURT. I was starting to tear up and Coach backed off. "We don't have to do this tonight. I know you are a virgin and I'm pretty big."

"Don't you even think about stopping. My day has sucked so far, I want to feel my hero deep inside me. I don't care if it kills me, at least I will die happy."

"If you change your mind, stop me." He said as he reapplied pressure to me. He started swaying side to side, which was opening me slowly. He was working his way in millimeter by millimeter. Finally his corona popped into my sphincter. Damn it hurt, but Coach rested with just the head in me, allowing me time to get used to his size. The pain was receding; slowly the grimace was leaving my face.

"Are you ready for me to go further?"

"Yes, just go slowly."

He worked another two inches in, and then pulled out an inch before he resumed pushing in. Soon his rod was doing a minuet with my sphincter, two inches in, one inch out, repeated until I felt his balls tap mine and pubic bone snug against me. Now that he was full in me, he leaned forward until he was lying on top of me. "You are one tight sexy piece of tail Adam." He said, then licked my ear as he rested and let me get comfortable with accommodating his huge member. After a few moments he started to slowly work in and out of me. On each thrust, that massive member jostled my prostate, causing me to spurt precum each time it did. I was trying to hold back, but by his fifth thrust; I couldn't help myself and blew a huge load on the comforter. I stayed hard, as he continued to thrust slow and deep.

"Liked that, huh?"

"Oh, damn yes Coach."

With that he started to pick up the pace, and I gasped with each progressively sharper thrust. We were both close now and he was down to the short urgent thrusts that worked his knot against my sphincter causing his knot to expand. It was so big it was painful, but along with the pain, his huge knot put constant pressure on my prostate and both of us exploded. I think I passed out for a moment from the intensity. The next thing I realized was that he had pulled us over on our sides. He was spooning me, still tied firmly to me. He was continuing to fill me with his dominance pheromones, as his seed was continuing to shoot into me with gentle spurts. He was holding me protectively to his chest, licking my ear. It was an instinctive dog maneuver used to calm a bitch, so she will submissively stand there and let you blow your load into her without a struggle. Although there was absolutely no chance I was going to try to struggle, it made me feel that I was his and VERY wanted.


"I'm not Coach when we are like this, call me Daddy when we are alone like this."

"I've got the best Daddy in the world."

"I've got the best son in the world." He pulled me even closer and said, "Adam, I will always be here for you. You need someone to guide and protect you. It's obvious you aren't getting that from your stepfather. You're mine now and I won't let you down."

"I love you Daddy....

Beep....Beep.... Beep....Beep.... Beep....Beep.... Beep....Beep....

Canine, Highschool, M/M, Knot

Next: Chapter 8

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