In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Mar 26, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Part 6 The Lost Boys

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 6 The Lost Boys

On Sunday after we got back from our trip I had down loaded my pictures from my digital camera. I e-mailed the outdoor editor of the local newspaper a copy of Gordon posing with the big brownie he caught and a short story of how he caught it. It told how I had taught Gordon to fish, and how on his first ever fishing trip, he had caught this Monster 24 ½ inch brown trout. I conveniently left the part about me finding the fish and telling him where to cast out of the article. I wanted him to get all the credit. On Monday morning I ran out to get the paper to see if they put his photo in the outdoor section. They usually put some pictures of the big fish caught on opening weekend in the Monday edition. It wasn't in the outdoor section; it was on the front page above the fold, with my story below it. They had even listed me as the author of the article. I took the paper to school with me, I didn't care what my stepfather would say when he got home from work and there wasn't a paper there for him to read. I would get in trouble but it wasn't every day you get an article published and your pup gets his picture on the front page of the paper.

Gordon was waiting for me on the school bus, in our usual seat. He was beaming, his own copy of the newspaper in his hand. He gave me a bear hug (we didn't kiss because life would be a living hell at our school if people thought you were a tail raiser, even for or especially for a sports hero like me).

"I can't believe it made the paper!" he exclaimed.

"Not just the paper, the front page!" I reminded him.

"I've never even had my name in the paper, let alone my picture!"

I knew that this would be a big deal for him. My name had been in the paper after every meet since ninth grade, and my picture frequently accompanied it. I had been on the front page holding the state trophy with Bob and Mitch the previous year and last fall I had made it for my second place in cross country at the state meet. But this is the first time I had ever had an article published.

"Well, you deserved it; you caught the biggest fish anyone has seen in a while on that creek."

"I noticed you didn't mention that you found it and told me where to cast." He whispered to me.

"It wouldn't have added to the story. Besides YOU caught it all by yourself. You fooled it, you hooked it and you got it in without it breaking you off. Not a lot of kids could have done that."

"Other kids don't have a great teacher like my Alpha!"

"OK, I'll take that much credit. But I had a great student, I'm sure they were also impressed by the 16 trout you caught too."

"I also see you didn't mention the 68 you caught."

"The article was about you, not about me. Besides nobody believes me when I tell them how many fish I catch, they would have thought I made the rest of the story up." I reasoned, "I told you I'd take care of my Pup."

I noticed that Gordon smelled different today. Typically us furs wear scent masking agents, otherwise other furs would know when we were afraid, aroused or any number of embarrassing personal feelings that are better kept hidden. This wasn't his usual scent mask.

"What's with the new scent mask?"

"Well, no matter how long I showered, I couldn't get your scent off me. I mean, you shot an awful lot in me over the weekend. I loved being able to smell your scent on me, but I couldn't go to school like that. Everybody in school would have known I'm your bitch. I started to panic, then I remembered some cans that I saw in my dad's junk drawer out in the garage. I know he would use them when he came home from "business trips". I'm sure my mom knew he was screwing around, but this made it less obvious. They work pretty good!" he said with a wry grin.

"Good thinking." I said. It was kind of silly but, something inside made me proud that I had marked my pup so well. "But just remember, just because you can't smell me anymore doesn't mean that you aren't still my bitch. My seed's still in you, you're still all mine."

"You don't have to remind me, every time I think about it, I sport major wood." He said with the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen. "I think you are going to have to remark me frequently or I might forget."

"Don't worry, you're going to have to start buying that masking spray by the fucking case. I think my balls are working overtime to make more."

By the time we got to school it seemed like everybody had seen Gordon's picture and my article. Gordon would be a celebrity for the next couple of days. Quite a few guys razzed me saying things like, "I thought you were supposed to be such a great fisherman and you let Gordon beat you."

Gordon tried to set the record straight, but I cut him off. I could deal with the teasing, especially when for once in his life my Pup was the center of attention. I just replied that, "I must be a better teacher than a fisherman." I knew what I could do, that was all that mattered, no way was I going to rain on my Pup's parade.

But Terry, a pit bull, went over the line and said, "How could you let a LOSER like Gordon catch a bigger fish than you."

He wasn't expecting it, but I lost my temper and sucker punched him, bloodying his nose, splitting his lip, and loosening a couple of teeth. As he picked his sorry ass off of the floor I said, "You can say anything you want about me, but if I ever hear you call Gordon a LOSER again you will be drinking your meals for about a month."

"Chill dude, I was only messin' with ya."

"Like I said mess with me all you want, leave Gordon alone."

As we walked to history class Gordon said, "Thanks for sticking up for me, but you didn't need to do that. I don't want you suspended for fighting."

I put my arm around his shoulder and replied in a whisper, "Nobody is going to talk like that about my Pup and get away with it. There were no teachers around anyway." Then I said much louder so everyone could hear, "Besides no one messes with "The Pack'." This gave our relationship a little cover since it sounded like I was protecting a group member not my lover.

That was the end of people razzin' me. I had always been easy going, even self-deprecating most of the time. Gordon still got lots of attention though, especially by the other Pack members. He stood a little straighter and carried himself with more confidence than I had ever seen. Between the notoriety of catching the big fish and the fact that his hero had now acknowledged him as his best friend and lover, Gordon's confidence was starting to blossom. Several teachers even mentioned his catch in class. By the end of the day, the other furs were treating him with a lot more respect.

Practice that afternoon was a light one since we had a meet the next day. The distance runners went out on a nice 3 mile recreational run, to get ourselves limbered up for the next day. We were about half way through the season, but we were running against a school who had a new track with a SBR crumb rubber surface. It would be very fast, so I decided that I was going to rest up and try for a personal record. This would help me get a good seeding when the big meets rolled around. The good thing was that, even though this was a team we should have no trouble beating, they had a good distance team. Their top 2 miler was the second best runner in the district, he should be able to push me enough to get a good time. So instead of doing my after practice sky hill runs that day I planned on going straight to the bakery and cleaning up so I could get to sleep early. Gordon followed me down to the bakery and helped me clean up so we got done in about an hour. That meant there were 2 hours before his mom came home from work so we had the house to ourselves.

I came through the door and closed it behind me. When I turned around Gordon was on his knees in front of me, already unbuttoning my jeans. He was grinning up at me, his eyes ablaze as if I was some god he was worshiping. He unzipped the fly and gravity pulled them to the floor. He took the waistband of my briefs in his paws. Licking his lips, he pulled them over my hips. They caught on my semi erect member and pulled it down as he continued sliding them down my legs. The briefs finally cleared my erection, which sprang up and smacked Gordon under the chin, which elicited a giggle from him.

He took my sheathed cock in his hand and said, "I've been waiting for this all day." He peeled the sheath back, exposing the head and took a deep breath. "Adam, you smell so, umm so Alpha."

I moaned as he stuck his tongue out and lapped at the head. I could never get tired of seeing my pup on his knees, eager to do ANYTHING to please me. He was slowly sliding my sheath half way up and down my shaft, pausing to give an little extra pressure at the base of my knot, which really hadn't started to expand yet. Every time he did, my dick would twitch. He then took me into his muzzle, following his paw down the shaft, until the head of my cock slipped into his throat and his nose hit my pubes.

I grabbed him by the ears and started to fuck his face slowly and sensuously, the constriction of his throat massaging my head at the apex of each thrust. It was obvious that he liked me to take charge, and show my ownership of him in no uncertain terms. My pace had picked up tremendously and my balls were slapping a rapid rhythm on his chin, obviously much to his delight. I could smell his submission pheromones, which just made me fuck his face with even more intensity. It had been almost 24 hours since I had last shot my load, so I was on the edge quickly. I pulled out and started stroking myself wildly with my right hand while I cradled his head with the left. I could hold back no longer, I grabbed the base of my knot and pointed my dick head at his forehead.

"Here bitch! That will teach you not to mask my scent when I mark you!" I cried out as my dick spat out its thick white cum all over his face and head. The thick white pearls of cum really stood out against his black head fur. It wasn't a pearl necklace, more like a pearl tiara. I tilted his head back so I could shoot the last couple of shots into his mouth. He eagerly swallowed them and took me into his eagerly sucking mouth. He caressed my balls, while he eagerly continued nursing on my member.

Part of me felt guilty treating my Pup like he was a worthless bitch, I sure didn't think of him as worthless. But I knew Gordon wanted me to completely dominate him, he was enjoying this as much or more than I was. I could no longer take the stimulation on my cock, so I pulled out of his mouth. I tilted his head up so I could look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry I masked my Alpha's scent, any pup should want the whole world to know they had a great Alpha like you."

He would have looked ridiculous down there if it wasn't so obvious he was sincere. As it was he made me feel a whole lot more important than I really was. He truly believed that I was the greatest fur in the world, and that getting marked by me was an honor that he wasn't worthy of, but that he would gratefully accept.

I pulled him to his feet and pulled him close to me. I hugged him tight to me. I licked his nose and licked up some of my cum that was dripping into his eyes. "No Gordon, I'm the lucky one, I've got the greatest pup in the world. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but I'm damn sure not complaining." I could feel his erection filled sheath against my thigh. I reached down and ran my hand up and down it. "I feel something that hasn't been taken care of yet."

"Let's head up to my room." He said.

I stepped out of the jeans and briefs that were down around my ankles and then picked them up. I was dragged upstairs to Gordon's room and then over to his bed. I stripped him down and he used his boxers to wipe my cum from his head. He fell back onto his bed, pulling me down on top of him. He started grinding his cock urgently up against mine.

I said sternly, "Is the pup trying to mark his alpha?"

He froze in mid grind. "No sir, I'm sorry. I'm just having a hard time controlling myself...."

I couldn't keep from breaking out in laughter. "Relax Pup, you have just as much right to come as me. You're my pup, but you're my partner too. Besides I find it quite flattering that I turn you on so much that you can't control yourself." I said as I licked his nose.

He smiled back up at me and resumed thrusting. I ground back at him. I could tell he wasn't going to last long.

"Aaarrrghhhh! Gordon grunted as his orgasm overtook him. His toes curled, he gripped me tight and went rigid as I felt his seed pulse through his puppyhood, as he shot his full load of spooge between us. When his orgasm was complete I knelt between his legs and started lapping up my pups sweet cream. His salty sweet cream was laced with submission pheromones. I was beginning to get addicted to them, they made you feel so powerful. But they also made you feel protective of the one emitting them.

"Adam, your my alpha, you shouldn't lick up my cum." He said as he tried to catch his breath after his orgasm.

"That's right, I AM your Alpha! You belong to me, that includes the contents of your balls. If I want your tasty puppy juice, I'm going to take it. Do you have a problem with that?" I intoned with an exaggerated snarl as I moved up to get in his face.

"NO SIR!" He giggled. "I'm your pup to do with as you please." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a loving embrace. "Adam, since I have been your pup, I have been the happiest I have ever been in my life." He buried his face into the hollow of my neck and started crying.

I rolled us onto our sides, hugging him closely. "I'm glad I make you happy pup. You're a good kid, you deserve to be happy." I kissed the top of his head. "Gordon, all my life I've felt alone. Even when I've been the center of attention I've been lonely. The only time in my life when I haven't felt that way is when I'm with you."

He pulled his head from the hollow of my neck and looked into my eyes. "How can you possibly be lonely. You are the most popular fur in the whole school."

"Being alone when there are tons of other furs around is the loneliest feeling in the world. I feel the least lonely when it's just you and me together. I love you Pup." Then I pulled him close and kissed him. It wasn't a possessive kiss, it was a deep sensuous kiss, my tongue caressing his not conquering it. I could taste just a hint of my seed in his mouth, but mostly just the taste of my lover. It was a unique and satisfying taste that I really can't compare with anything else, but it was quickly becoming my favorite, because I was beginning to associate it with being with the pup I loved. We broke the kiss and I pulled him back to my breast, resting my chin on the top of his head.

We rested contentedly for a while but being two 16 year old furs, that didn't last too long. We both started to get hard eventually and were soon rubbing against each other. Gordon sat up and said.

"Adam, lets do it in the hot tub."

"You have a hot tub?"

"Yeah, it's on the back deck, behind the lattice. My dad loved it. Sometimes I would peek out the window and see him and my mom making out in the tub. I definitely don't take after him, his dick was almost as big as yours." Gordon said with a giggle. "One time he had her bent over the back rail of the tub and he was taking her doggy style." He reached over and grabbed my already stiff doghood, and started to slide my sheath up and down my shaft. "I could see it sliding in and out of my mom, his big balls slapping against her on each stroke. At first it was kind of slow and sensuous. Then it got faster and more urgent," he started stroking me faster, "until he was knotted in her and let out a loud moan as his big balls emptied into her. She was begging him for it like a bitch in heat. I came at the same time he did. I have to admit he was pretty good, and it made me understand why he had women waiting for him in all the cities he did business in. He was definitely a stud, almost as good as you."

I grabbed his wrist to pull his paw off of me. "If you don't stop I'm going to blow right here, before we get to the hot tub."

We made our way to the back deck and Gordon turned the hot tub on. "It's going to take about 10 minutes to heat up." We were face to face again and I pulled my pup close to me. Our scents were powerful and mingling together. The combo was starting to become a single scent in my mind, the scent of our love. Just standing there gazing at the heavens was with my pup in my arms was so comforting. But Gordon broke our reverie with, "It should be ready now."

He broke away from me and started to remove the insulated cover. You could see it steam in the cool spring air. Gordon got in and I followed. He reached over to the rail and picked up a tube of water proof lube, squirted some on his paw and proceeded to lube me up. I sat on one of the molded seats and pulled Gordon towards me. He was facing me, straddling me on his knees. He centered his hole on my pole and lowered himself down on his Alpha. Within a few seconds he was working himself up and down on me, nice and tight, hot and velvety. My dick was built to fill this pup perfectly, and my balls were floating weightlessly in the hot roiling water. He leaned forward and started to kiss me passionately, opening his mouth to try to entice my tongue to come over to his mouth to play. It didn't take much persuading, my aggressive tongue was soon on the hunt for it's subbie counterpart. I soon had his tongue pinned. He surprised me by starting to suck on my tongue like it was a dick.

I was starting to knot up and I was popping in and out of his sphincter, when all of a sudden he stood up, grabbed me by the hand and pulled me over to the back edge of the hot tub. He bent over the rail, leaving his unprotected little pucker gaping at me begging to be filled. I lined myself up, grabbed his hips and hilted myself in one thrust. I was almost out of my mind with lust by this point and I started hammering my big dick balls deep in my pup, my knot forming rapidly while I pistoned in and out of my pup. I finally drove it in one last time and got down to the intense short strokes of the tie, when Gordon cried out, "Yes Daddy, make me yours!"

That was all I needed to hear, I erupted like a volcano into my son/pup. My knot growing so large and hard that it was painful. I was cumming hard in my Pup's tight little ass. I know he was imagining I was his father hammering him just like he had hammered his mother right in this very spot.

"Yes Son, your mine now. I'm locked in you real good. I'm so proud your my kid." I cooed breathlessly as I started to relax after the intense orgasm.

I was still pulsing my seed in my Pup and would for another 20 minutes or so. I straightened Gordon up and walked us slowly backward to the seat and sat back down on the seat to finish pumping my pup full of my seed in a more relaxed position. I licked his ear, and reached around to fondle my pup. Somewhere in the proceedings he had knotted up and cum also. He was pulsing in unison with my orgasm, the clenching his sphincter with each of his spurts milking another shot out of me.

"There isn't a better kid in the whole world than my son, I wouldn't trade him for any in the whole world." I cooed reassuringly into his ear. "That's why I wanted to mark you, so everyone would know you were my son."

"Thanks Daddy."

I continued licking his ear and filling him with my seed. The intensity was gone, just the pleasant lassitude and bonding that you feel during the tie remained. Finally my knot started to deflate and I was able to slip out of my Pup. He turned around on my lap and faced me.

"Adam, I'm sorry I called you Daddy. I shouldn't be thinking of him, he was such a jerk. You've been more of a father to me than he was, and you're just my boyfriend."

"'Just' your boyfriend, I'm your alpha and that is just like being a Dad, so don't you forget it. I understand why you miss your dad, you don't have to explain it to me."

"I don't really miss him, I just wanted his approval and he never gave it to me, I was just never good enough." Gordon said as he started to tear up.

"You were TOO good for him. He may have had a lot of talent, but he wasn't a good person. He was selfish, he thought only of himself, not of his beautiful wife and great son. Who, by the way, I think is the best pup anyone could have." I said, then licked the tears from his eyes.

Gordon looked at his watch and exclaimed. "My mom is going to be here in 20 minutes. I need to get cleaned up and put on some scent mask, before she gets home."

I got out of the tub and we stood over the high speed fur drier built into the deck next to the hot tub. It seems like Gordon's dad had been able to afford all the special toys he wanted.

"I'll see you tomorrow on the bus." I said as I waved goodbye.

I went home and got into bed at 9:00 pm. I tried to get my game face on for the Track meet the next day, but all I could think of was having Gordon there to hold. I fell into a restless sleep hugging my pillow imagining it was Gordon.

I awoke at 11:30 to yelling. My stepfather was screaming at my mom. "The little bastard took the A section of the paper to school with him. I didn't have anything to read when I got home. I had to watch the cable news to find out what was going on in the world."

"But he had an article he wrote about his little friend catching a big fish that got published on the front page. He was all excited, he wanted to show everybody."

"You always stick up for the little mother fucker. The little asshole is always showing off, of course he had to show it off, the little fucking egomaniac. You spoil him, he's never going to amount to anything. And who is this new pup he's been hanging out with. They're with each other so much, I think their fuckin' queer on each other."

"Don't say that. Gordon seems to be a nice kid, it's good that he has someone to hang out with."

"There you go sticking up for him again, he needs his little ass whipped, maybe then he'd learn some respect. And I don't like that Gordon or what ever his name is. He seems like he's a little kiss ass pansy. Maybe that's why they get along so well."

He slammed the door and left for work. I tried to go back to sleep, but when I tried to think about Gordon beside me I had troubling thoughts. I was jealous of him, he had someone that was a father figure to look up to, even though it was only me. And despite how much I loved Gordon, I longed for someone to take me under his wing and protect me. All I could picture in my mind was Coach Bart holding me and protecting me. I wanted so badly to have someone to look up to, who could take the weight off of my shoulders. Instead I had Gordon, who put more weight on my shoulders while I sheltered him. Some small part of me hated him then, and part of me hated me for hating him. It wasn't his fault that I was broken and needed an alpha dog to fix me. It took a long time to cry myself to sleep.

Oral, M/M, Domination/Submission, Bukkake, Athlete, Doggystyle, Highschool, Canine, Anal, Knot

Next: Chapter 7

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