In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Mar 13, 2022


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In My Wildest Dreams Part 3 Opening Day

I took 2 weeks off from training to allow some very minor injuries to heal. Then my five new teammates and I began training together. We started referring to ourselves as the pack, and I was the pack leader. We ran three miles together after school. Most days we did an Indian run. This is where you run in single file and the runner at the end sprints to the front and takes the lead, only to have the next runner who is last do the same thing. It keeps the pace fast, gets you to change pace and gives everyone a feel for running in the lead. I tried to make sure the group broke its record, on our course, at least twice a week. When we were done I would run the mile and a half home. When I got home, I would run Sky Hill from bottom to top to bottom three times. Since it was about a mile bottom to top I was putting in about 11 miles a day, which would be enough to build a great base. Every time I would run up Sky Hill, I would think about losing to the Shorthair, which really helped me give it everything I had, no matter how tired I was. By the Christmas Holidays I had built an incredible amount of endurance, power and speed. I wanted to destroy the Shorthair, I wasn't even going to let it be close.

Christmas vacation was tough. My stepfather, who owned a bakery, decided that even though I wouldn't be 16 for another month, I should help him at the bakery. He would pay me half of minimum wage. I didn't get paid any extra for overtime, and it was the busiest time of the year, so there was lots of overtime. The hours were awful; we started at midnight and worked until somewhere between 10 am and noon. It was hot, repetitive and boring, plus I had to listen to country western music which I hated. My feet were sore from standing on the concrete ten to twelve hours a day, and I was usually exhausted when I got home. I usually ran as soon as I got home from work, because as soon as I sat down I didn't want to get up again. Every time I thought about blowing it off, I thought about the Shorthair beating me by a step. I wasn't going to let that happen again. I let my anger at my stepfather and my determination to humble the shorthair mingle, it was good motivation to push even harder when I trained.

Fortunately the holidays were soon over, and I was back at school. It seemed like a picnic compared to working at the bakery. I was doing well in my classes; I was tied with 3 other students at the top of the class. But best of all Polar Bears started again. The surprising thing was that, even though over half of our team had been seniors last year, twice as many furs came out for track this spring. There were 54 furs, most of them were underclassmen, with quite a few sophomores. I guess that the team winning the state title last year had really increased interest. Coach Socrates had me show all the new guys the course we ran, and then we were all on our own. The pack and I trained together running the mile and a half course 3 times each day before getting in a good session of strength training on the weights.

After practice, I didn't bother changing out of my workout clothes. Chuck had a car and he drove the six of us home each day after practice. We all pitched in for gas. When he dropped me off at my house, I would drop off my books and school clothes on the porch and head back out to do my three sets of Sky Hill runs. This was where I really turned it on, I was getting to the point that I was effortlessly flying up the hill. I had never been in better shape in my life, and we hadn't officially started practice yet. I would be able to concentrate on speed work then.

It wouldn't be long before the first official Track and Field practice. I had been looking forward to it like a kid at Christmas because I would be working with Coach Bart again. Even in class I was having trouble keeping from daydreaming about that walking wet dream. I was completely infatuated with him.

It was the first day of practice, finally. Things were relatively uneventful, at least until after practice. As I was heading down to the locker room, to get changed, Coach Bart called to me.

"Adam, why don't you come up to the coaches' room, and clue me in on what you guys have been doing in your training sessions."

"Sure thing Coach." I said with enthusiasm.

I explained what we had done over the winter in detail. The longer I talked, the longer I had an excuse to stare at the handsome Dobie. Initially, there was a lot of noise coming from the locker room, but gradually it got quiet. When I finally finished, it was silent in the locker room.

"Sounds like everyone's gone, sorry I kept you so long. Anyway, let's go get our showers and head home. Do you need a ride?"

"Yeah, coach. I'm sure my ride must have left already."

I usually tried to hurry in and get my shower before Coach Bart got his, so I didn't have to worry about boning up in front of everybody. I had chosen a locker where I could see the area in the shower that Coach usually used, so I could watch him shower as I dressed. But today we were going to have to shower at the same time. I got undressed, put my shower flip flops on, grabbed my towel and headed for the shower. Coach got there about the same time. We were facing each other and both of us started lathering up. I noticed that Coach was starting to get a woody, the sight of which had me starting to harden also.

"It looks like we have the same effect on each other Adam." Coach said as he approached me. "I wish I wouldn't have chickened out at the motel last fall. We wasted so much time because of that." He pulled me into an embrace.

Putting his big hands on my shoulders he pulled me close to him. We were soon grinding against each other, the lather lubing our movements. I could feel his rigid cock as it rubbed against mine. He peeled back his sheath and turned me around. I thought he was going to take me. Instead, he slid my legs together and slipped that huge Dobie Cock between my legs. He started to slowly thrust between my legs, that mammoth dick rubbing across my cock and balls, threatening to set me off at any moment. He was starting to get down to the short strokes when I bent over and took the head of his cock into my mouth, letting him fuck my face. He had a musky flavor and his pheromones were intoxicatingly filling my sinuses. I was holding back as best as I could when I felt Coach Bart grab the base of his knot and start milking himself. He shot that hot huge load into my mouth as my own spooge sprayed onto my chin and throat. His cum was thicker than mine, but salty sweet, with just an undertone of bitterness that mine didn't have. It tasted very Alpha and when I swallowed it, it went down very smooth.

He released his knot and it very quickly went down, but to my surprise he stayed hard.

"That should calm me down enough to be able to work it into that tight virgin ass without blowing prematurely. I'd hate to disappoint you on your first time, and have a premature ejaculation. I imagine that tight virgin setter ass is going to be as tight as a vice. Get on your knees and raise your tail for me. Get ready to be my bitch."

I did as I was told, I got on my knees and eagerly raised my tail. I looked back at him. He stood there stroking that big Dobie salami, with a big shit eating grin on his face.

"That is the sexiest sight I have ever seen. You are one hot looking piece of ass Adam."

"I doubt that I am as sexy as the big Dobie that's behind me. I am ready for you to start training me coach. More than ready."

He maddeningly took it in for a few more seconds, then he knelt behind me. He soaped up his finger and then traced my rim with it. After a few slow laps around my track, he worked that big digit into me. I moaned loudly and begged for more. After I was loosened up a little more he added his middle finger and started working them both in and out, slowly at first then more rapidly. He pulled them out and used that hand to guide the real thing to my pink puckered target. I knew it was going to hurt at first, I bit my lip getting ready to lose my cherry. I felt it pressing harder.

"ADAM, GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP!!! IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT, WE'VE GOT TO GET DOWN TO THE BAKERY." my sorry-ass stepfather yelled up into my room. I guess I forgot to mention that I was expected to work at the bakery every weekend now, in addition to spending two hours every day after school and practice cleaning and mopping the bakery. How I hated him. How was I supposed to keep straight A's, practice for track, and clean the bakery every day after school and help with the baking on weekends. It was really getting to me but when ever I said something he would tell me, "You can always quit Track. You aren't any good any way, you can't even beat the stupid Shorthair, so why don't you just give it up." he would always say.

I also realized that I had blown a load all over my sheets. I would have to change and wash them when I came home. It would be too embarrassing if my mom saw them.

The first day of practice came, I couldn't wait for school to end. I hurried and got changed into my practice clothes. I was changed before Coach Bart arrived, so I was free to watch him as he changed. It had been 4 long agonizing months since I had last seen that glorious Dobie body in the raw. He came in, saw I was already dressed, and called me over to him, as he started to change. I hoped I could keep him distracted, which would keep him undressed longer. He had stripped already and was bent over fishing for his jock strap, his little docked tail was up and wagging jauntily, exposing his sexy asshole. I half wondered if he was doing it intentionally to give me a hardon. If he was it worked like a charm, I was hard as a rock.

"Adam, we have quite a few new runners this year. I may need you to help me train them."

"Don't worry Coach; I have been working with the distance runners all winter. They are doing pretty well."

"Great! Since you're our best runner, maybe we can get together a couple of times a week and plan the team's workouts together."

"That would be great coach." I said as I used the time to surreptitiously get a nice long look at the body, I so wanted to get intimate with. It had been a long time since the last time I had seen it, and it looked even better than I remembered.

He found his jock and put it on, but he was still hot standing there, in just a jock, his member threatening to burst out of the inadequate piece of cloth. I didn't want to appear like I was staring, so after he put his track shorts on I said; "If that's all you wanted, I'll meet you up in the team room."

"OK. I'll see you up there soon."

Coach Socrates was up in the team room getting ready to give his standard first day of Track practice speech. I used my new status, as a team leader, to commandeer a chair in the back corner. Soon after the last of the stragglers had made it up from the locker room and Coach Socrates started his speech. I daydreamed while he welcomed everyone to the team. He talked about how we won the state championship and how, if we worked really hard, the sky was the limit. Then he said; "I've never done this before, usually the honor goes to a senior, but this year our team captain is Adam. Adam stand up so everyone can see who you are."

Chuck yelled out; "Hey coach, everyone already knows who he is. He is the reason half of us came out for the team."

Everyone laughed. I'm sure my skin turned as red as my fur. I stood up as everyone applauded. "Just in case any of you don't know Adam placed third at the state meet in the two mile last year as a freshman. If he would have placed fifth we wouldn't have won the State championship. He also missed winning the state championship in cross country by less than a second. If you guys all work half as hard as him, we will have a good season."

Now I was really embarrassed.

We headed out to the track. Coach Socrates taking control of the field event guys while Coach Bart took the runners.

"Adam, why don't you run the distance guys through their workout while I work with the sprinters today. Do five one mile runs with a quarter mile jog in between. And Adam, don't kill them, it's only the first practice."

"They don't have to keep up Coach. I'll make sure every one makes it through the first practice.

I compromised in practice by running the first half of each mile with the team then going all out in the final half. It really felt good to be on the track again. We had an old fashioned cinder track, and even though you couldn't get the fastest times, I loved the feeling of running on that forgiving surface. It was so old school.

The distance runners were shaping up pretty well, none of them could really keep up with me. But then their competition hadn't been able to last year either, and I was already much better than last year. Our distance team would do well this year.

We finished practice and I hurried to get my shower done before Coach Bart made his entry. I was at my locker drying off when he arrived. Most of the team had never seen him naked. When he walked into the shower, you could hear a pin drop, just like the first time last year. Gradually the conversation in the shower revived but I was chuckling inside.

When we got into Chuck's car I was waiting for one of the guys to bring it up. Chuck hadn't even got out of the parking lot when Ron blurted out; "Did you see the dick on Coach Bart?"

"How could you miss it?" Keith asked.

I broke out laughing.

"What's so funny they all said in unison?"

"It's just that when I was riding home after the first day of practice last year this same conversation broke out. Even though I saw it all last year I do have to admit it is quite impressive."

"I'll say it's impressive. Its no wonder all the bitches at school drool over him." added Ron.

"Why didn't you warn us?"Jim asked.

"I'm used to it I didn't even think about it." I lied through my teeth. That was all I had been thinking about for a year now.

I noticed that Gordon was completely silent on the subject, just like I had been last year. I filed that piece of information away for future reference. But I didn't have too much time to think about is since as soon as Chuck dropped me off I had to do my Sky Hill runs, before I had to go to the bakery to play janitor.

From the first practice, it was obvious that while some of the freshmen and sophomores had potential, most didn't have the maturity or technique to be much help to us this year. The exceptions were the distance runners that had been working with me. Jim was almost as good in the half mile as I was, and if he worked hard he had a chance to beat most of the locals in the mile. Chuck was the best quarter miler of the group and was right behind Jimmy in the half. Ron was the best 2 miler of the group and was respectable in the mile. Keith was decent in the quarter and half miles and would be able to take my place in the 2 mile relay against all but the best teams, freeing me up to concentrate on the mile and two mile in local meets. Gordon was the least talented of the group, but he worked his ass off in practice, in meets he would run the mile and two mile. That gave us depth and maybe he could pick up a third place in the two mile against the weaker teams.

Even though Gordon was the least talented, he was fast becoming my best friend. All five of the guys looked up to me; but in his eyes, I could do no wrong. He followed me around like a puppy and hung on my every word. The funny thing was I could tell he looked up to me with the same hero worship I had for Coach Bart. I had seen guys like Gordon, who look up to another guy their own age. For the most part, they got treated like shit and taken advantage of by the kid they looked up to. I vowed I would never treat Gordon that way. He wasn't considered one of the cool guys, but I made sure he was included in everything I did. The other furs accepted him because he was with me. If anyone made fun of him, I made sure I defended him.

Actually, it was really nice having him around. All my life, despite my new found popularity, I had been somewhat of a loner. Gordon's house was on the top of Sky Hill so he only lived half a mile away. That's right next door for a couple of distance runners. He was not a bad looking setter but he lacked confidence. He had the same black fur with tan markings as a Doberman except he had long fur like a setter. He was about my height but not as muscular or athletic. He had a really nice healthy coat with profuse feathering. It was fluffier than mine which was very silky. He also had a nice square muzzle with long, low set ears with lots of feathering on them. Being a Gordon, he had a much more serious expression than I did. This matched his personality also, he was very serious. I, on the other hand, had a softer expression and a mischievous twinkle in my eyes. In this way we were opposites, which worked for both of us. His seriousness kept my mischief from going too far, while I helped him loosen up a bit.

Our traditional opening meet was against our cross town rivals the Spartans. We had beaten them last year for the first time in seven years, so they were gunning for us. I didn't think our chances were good, since we had a bunch of young inexperienced furs on the team. I wasn't wrong, we got hammered. The only group that made a good showing was our distance runners. We swept the half mile, mile and two mile runs. I won all three events, I wasn't really challenged. I did beat my best times on our track in the mile and the two mile. Pretty good considering how soft the track was in the early spring. When a cinder track is that soft it is hard to get a good time. Jim took second in the half and the mile. Ron took second in the two mile and third in the mile and Chuck won the quarter mile and third in the half. Gordon out kicked their best two miler to take third, I was proud of his effort, he didn't give up. I told him he did a great job, and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.

Still it was a disappointed group when we got to the locker room. I felt like it was time to assert my leadership, that was why coach made me Team Captain.

"Hey!! Everybody listen up. There is no reason to hang our heads, that is a good experienced team. Probably the best one we will face all year. We have a lot of young guys on the team and you did well for your age and experience. We have a chance to have a good team this year and a great team the next two years if all of us use this as motivation to work harder. You just got shown how good you have to be to compete at the highest level, let's work hard to get there."

The guys were still disappointed, but the mood was much more upbeat after my speech. The look on coach Socrates face showed that he realized that it hadn't been a mistake to make me captain.

Two weeks into the season was the first day of trout season. I couldn't shut up about it. Gordon asked if I could teach him how to fly fish and wanted me to take him with me opening day. I managed to get my stepfather to let me have the weekend off. He knew I would be preoccupied and useless, so it made more sense to let me have the weekend off than have to pay me and have me screw up everything.

We decided we were going to camp out on the creek, so we packed a tent and our sleeping bags into our back packs and rode our bikes down to the creek after practice on the day before the season opener.

We went to my favorite spot and set up the tent, and spread our sleeping bags out in the tent. We then made a fire pit, collected wood and made ourselves a nice campfire. We made the fire close to a fallen tree so we could use it to sit on. The sky was clear and the stars were out accompanying the three quarter moon. It was kind of romantic, it made me think of Coach Bart. It was early enough in the year that there were no mosquitoes but it was a rare warm night for April. We dressed in gym shorts and tee shirts as we sat around the fire. Gordon had brought some marshmallows to toast over the fire and we took turns feeding them to each other.

We talked for a little while, then Gordon said. "I still find it hard to believe that you are so nice to me, I mean your Adam, the most popular kid in the school and I'm a nobody."

"Don't you ever say that again. Your my best friend. I wouldn't be friends with you if you were a nobody."

"I'm your best friend?"

"Of course you're my best friend, you're out here camping with me. I'd rather have you here than any of the other guys."

"I bet I know someone you would rather be camping with than me." he said with a sly smile.

"Oh yeah, who?"

"Coach Bart."

"What makes you say that?" I said trying to act innocent, but all the while my heart was pounding.

"I've seen how you watch him, especially in the locker room. I have to admit he is HOT. If I wasn't so busy looking at you, I would probably be checking him out a lot more often."

"You've been checking me out?"

"Yeah, I can't help it. Please don't be mad. I'm not like other guys, females don't turn me on. I just thought that maybe you were the same way. Please don't hate me." He looked like he was on the verge of crying.

I put my arm around him and said; "Relax Gordon, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. You're my best friend. I'm just surprised, it was kinda out of the blue." I noticed that when I put my arm around him he started to bone up. I pointedly looked down at his crotch and added, You really are attracted to me aren't you.

"Yeah, sometimes you're all I can think about for hours at a time. Even in class I daydream about you. I was hoping it could be more than a dream. I'll understand if you don't want me though, I mean you're Adam, Big Man on Campus, Track and Cross Country superstar. And I'm a nobody."

"Quit calling yourself a nobody! I'm just surprised that's all. I didn't know there were any other tail raisers in school. I thought I was the only one."

"From watching the others in the locker room, we're not the only ones. There are several that sneak peeks at Coach Bart, but none of them think they have a prayer, he doesn't even know they are alive. He doesn't look at any of them like he looks at you. Besides even more of them look at you with lust in their eyes. A lot of them are freshmen and sophomores, they all look up to you, but there are several juniors and seniors that make sure they get an eyeful whenever they can sneak it."

"I don't know what to say."

"Don't say anything then." He said as he slipped his hand down my shorts. It was the first time a hand other than mine had caressed my cock. I stiffened immediately and Gordon started to slide my sheath up and down over my erect cock. I let out a moan. Gordon took his hand away and got up from the log we were sitting on. He moved in front of me, then dropped to his knees in front of me. He grabbed the waist band of my shorts and started removing them. I lifted up enough to let him slide them off and sat back down. I looked down at him, it was such a ego stroker to see him kneeling in front of me worshiping his hero. He gently took me in his hand and peeled back my sheath, exposing my whole member. Then he brought his head down and ran his tongue around my dick head. I moaned. He pulled away just long enough to say; "Adam, you don't have to reciprocate. All I know is I want you, I want to please you. After they way you have treated me, it's the right thing to do." and with that he brought his muzzle down and started working it over my cock.

It felt un-fucking-believable. I don't think he had any previous experience giving a blowjob, but he was putting his heart and soul into pleasing his hero. Every now and then he would glance up, hoping to see that he was pleasing me. I was young and hadn't jacked off since the previous night, for a sixteen year old fur, that was an eternity. I wasn't going to last long my knot was already starting to form. Gordon grabbed the base of my knot and took me all the way down his throat. I couldn't take any more, I was ready to give him what he wanted. I yelled out; "Yes Gordon, swallow it all." and started cumming straight down his throat. I felt moisture on my leg and looked down to see that Gordon was cumming also, his seed jetting out to hit my leg.

Gordon had a death grip on my knot. It was obvious that he had no intention of letting go until he had milked every last drop of seed from my balls. And I fully intended to let him. It felt so good and made me feel so powerful and important. I caressed the back of his head and said; "That's a good pup, swallow it all."

And he did. Eagerly. Reverently. Lovingly. My praise seemed to please him almost as much as my seed. Who am I kidding. It was obvious that he had wanted this more than anything in the world. Eventually, I didn't even have a drop more to give, no matter how hard he milked me. I went limp, and he finally let go.

I kept expecting to wake up, but this time it wasn't a dream.

I grabbed him under the arms, raised him up, and let him sit on my lap facing me, his legs around me and our limp cocks nestled together. Before I could pull him into a kiss he said; "Thank you Adam."

"Gordon, I should be thanking you, that was the most wonderful feeling I've ever had."

"Well it fulfilled my biggest fantasy." he managed to blurt out before I managed to put a liplock on him and start chasing his tongue around his mouth. He made sure I caught it quickly. He sucked eagerly on my tongue. Neither of us was experienced, we were learning from each other as we went along.

We turned the electric lantern on in the tent and decided to zip our sleeping bags together to form one big one. We both stripped all the way down to our fur and crawled in. We lay facing each other and I pulled him close to me.

"Gordon, I don't know what to do. That was wonderful, and I really like you, but I don't want to use you. I like you too much to use you or hurt you. I should have stopped you before it went this far."

"Adam, I know you are in love with Coach Bart. I can accept that. But what if he just likes you and he isn't into guys? Why not be with me and if you two ever get together, I will step aside, I won't stand between you and the Dobie you love."

"But Gordon, that's not fair to you. I told you I don't want to use you. I like you too much to ever want to hurt you like that."

"I'll take my chances Adam. Who knows maybe if I'm good enough you won't be able to do without me." He said with a wry smile.

I kissed him goodnight. He snuggled against me and quickly fell asleep. It wasn't so easy for me though. What should I do? I really did like Gordon, maybe I was even starting to love him. I didn't want to use him and I didn't want to hurt him. And it had felt SOOOO good. He was here for me now, not maybe someday in the future. And he was right, Coach Bart might never want to be my lover. I was so conflicted, it took a long time for me to slip into a very restless sleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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