In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Jun 23, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 23 Worst Fears Realized

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Not a good day for Adam and Gordon

In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 23 Worst Fears Realized

I felt guilty about dreaming about Logan all night while I was working at the bakery. At least with Sunday being our busiest day I didn't have as much time to think about it. Wilbur was his typical pain in the ass self but it got even worse when Max and Bubba marched their sorry carcasses into the bakery at 4 AM. They marched in with the newspaper hot off the presses which of course had my picture, with the trophy I had won at the road race, plastered across the front page.

"I see your pup won the Road Race over in Chippewa. Has he been bragging about it all night?" Bubba needled Wilbur.

"First of all the little asshole isn't my pup, he's my steppup! Second I'm not important enough for him to tell me that he won." Wilber shot back. Talk about a two faced bastard. If I would have told him he would have complained that I was being show off. I just couldn't win where he was concerned.

"Oh we forgot that you aren't important enough to tell. I mean you only put the clothes on his back and the food on his plate..." Max added gleefully stirring the pot.

"It's no big deal. What do I care what him and his little tailraiser friend are up to any way." Wilbur replied.

"Well we hate fucking tailraisers. One of these days we'll catch them and show them frontier justice!" Bubba said as he fingered his stiffening cock.

"It would serve the little fucker right. Maybe it would teach him some respect for authority..." Wilbur concluded.

"We'll keep an extra special eye out for them." Bubba chuckled as he fingered his 'one eyed trouser trout'.

I had stayed in the back filling the jelly and cream filled donuts so I wouldn't have to be out by them, even though I could still see them. Lately I had started to get a chill when they looked at me, it was obvious they REALLY didn't like me. I was so glad when they left. It was really getting worse every day it seemed.

The next set of cops that came in were Arnie and Jacques who were my favorites. I took my break while they were there. All three of us grabbed a cinnamon roll. They grabbed a cup of coffee and I grabbed a big glass of milk. Fortunately right before they came in Wilbur had gone in to take a dump. As full of shit as he was that was always a 15 minute proposition. I didn't expect him to hurry out while Arnie was here. He had been kind of cold towards Arnie because Arnie didn't hide the fact that he liked me.

"Congratulations Champ! I see you won the race yesterday." Arnie said as he reached over to tousle my head fur.

"It was no big deal, it was just a small race." I said trying to deflect the praise. "Please don't say anything about it if Wilbur comes out." I begged.

"No problem. When do you think you'll be able to give my pup some pointers?" Arnie asked.

"Why don't you have him meet us at practice today at 1 PM. We're gonna have a relaxed run since it's the day after a race. If he can't keep up with 'The Pack' he can run with the other pups. Then after practice I can give him some pointers." I replied.

"I'll drop him off then. I really appreciate this, he really wants to get better but the coach there knows nothing about distance running and none of his teammates want to train hard."

"I'll do what I can do Arnie." I called to him as he and Jacques walked out the door.

The rest of the morning went normally. At noon I ran up to my house, changed into some clean running gear and I left for Gordon's house. When I looked down the street I saw a cop car parked by the side of the road about 200 yards away. I couldn't tell for sure but it looked like there were cops in it. My mind immediately raced to Max and Bubba but I couldn't see from here if it was them. Almost immediately I put it out of my mind. I picked up Gordon and we made our way over to the field house. A couple of the pups were there stretching and a cop car with a familiar face in it was in the parking lot. I jogged over to it as Arnie rolled down the window. I walked over to the window and Arnie stuck out his paw for me to shake. He took my extended paw in a firm grasp and pumped it a few times before releasing it.

"Thanks for taking the time to do this Adam." Arnie said.

"It no big deal, we're going to run anyway." I added lamely, as the passenger door opened and Ted emerged.

"After you guys are done can you show him where there's a pay phone so he can call his mom to come and pick him up. And Adam thanks again!" Arnie said as he rolled up the window and drove away.

I walked over to Ted who looked nervous as a long tailed cat in a roomful of rocking chairs. "Just relax. No one here is gonna bite."

"I'm just worried I'm gonna hold you up." He replied barely meeting my eyes.

"Look today is our easy day after running a race yesterday. We have all levels of runners here. If you can't keep up with the lead runners there is no embarrassment in falling back with the slower runners. Just do the best that you can."

"OK. I really appreciate this Adam." He added shyly as we started to do some stretching exercises.

As soon as I was done talking to Ted, Logan came sidling up to me. "Hey Adam! Do I still get to run with you guys today?" He said, his tail wagging so fast it was literally a blur. I couldn't help but think about how I'd planted my boner in that cute little tailhole in my dream.

"Of course you can. You aren't gonna get better if you keep running with the slower group." I replied as I ruffled his head fur. I watched him as he sat on the grass close to me to do his stretching exercises.

Gordon glanced at me, chuckled and whispered to me, "Do I have competition?" My response was to punch him playfully in the arm.

It wasn't long before we started our run. We had a nice leisurely run. Gordon and I traded chuckles as we watched Logan do his best to lead the pack in the run. He was obviously trying to impress us, or should I say impress me. Ted also kept up with us but he was struggling a bit. I watched him a while and notice that his form could use some major improvement. We ran our 8 mile training course and finally got back to the field house. Ted was kind of out of breath but Logan was bouncing around with excitement as if he had downed a double espresso.

"Did I do OK Adam?" He finally blurted out, looking up at me expectantly.

"You did fine pup!" I said as I tousled his headfur. I turned to Ted, "You have some issues with your form that we can fix that should really help you." He looked obviously embarrassed so I added. "There's nothing to be embarrassed about, when I first started my form was much worse than that."

He grinned and replied, "Don't bullshit me Adam, you have the best form I've ever seen."

The second group of runners, led by Coach Bart, was just finishing up at that moment. "Have being the operative word. Coach tell Ted how 'wonderful' my form was when I first started."

Coach rolled his eyes and kicked in, "Before I fixed his form he ran flat-footed and he moved his arms like an eggbeater. It was amazing that he could even move..."

"Oh come on Coach, I wasn't THAT bad." I said in embarrassment.

"You were WORSE!" He added then concluded with a smirk, "I don't know how I ever fixed up all that was wrong with your form..."

I showed Ted what he was doing wrong. Then I asked "The Pack", "You guys wanna stop at Joe's?" It was unanimously agreed that we would head to our favorite hangout. Ted would be able to call his mom from the pay phone there. I noticed a cop car sitting at the far end of the parking lot and I strained to see who was in it. But before I could tell I felt a tugging on my shirt and turned around to see that it was Logan.

"Do I get to come?" he asked uncertainly. He looked so damn cute making the big pleading puppy eyes at me.

"Sure. You're a probationary member of 'The Pack'". I informed him.

"I won't let you down." He said, an ear to ear grin across his muzzle and his tail wagging joyously.

We went to Joe's, had some pizza and hung out for a while. Ted called his mom and after she picked him up we all headed home. Gordon and I started running toward his house and as we passed a side street I saw a cop car parked on the side of the road. This whole Max and Bubba stuff really had me on edge, to the point that I was seeing cop cars everywhere. There had probably been that many scattered around all the time, I just hadn't noticed them before. We finally got to Gordon's front door and just as I was about to follow him in I saw a cop car come around the corner. I ducked into his house and quickly shut the door behind me.

"What's wrong Adam?" He asked. I explained to him how aggressive Max and Bubba were becoming and how I had been seeing cop cars everywhere I looked today. The final straw was the one that went past the house as we were going in the door. "I think you're letting your imagination run away with you. Besides Max and Bubba work the night shift."

"I guess you're right." I said feeling a bit silly for my concerns.

"I'm horny!" Gordon enthused as he turned and ran up toward his room with me in hot pursuit. It only took us seconds before we were both out of our running gear and engaged in a hot and heavy 69. We were both laying on our sides on his bed face to groin. I peeled back his sheath exposing my best friend's doghood. Even though it was only average size I treasured it because of who it belonged to. My tongue knew every crevasse and ridge along it. I also knew the best ways to pleasure him after daily practice. And I did just that. I pulled his sheath all the way back up, stuck my tongue into it and ran it around and around his sensitive corona. He loved to be tongued while he was in his sheath and his moaning as he sucked my dick caused a vibration that really turned me on.

I pulled out of his muzzle and crawled between his legs. He went to pull his legs up but I pushed them down and lay on him so we were cock to cock. He got the idea real quick and wrapped his paws around both of our shafts as I started thrusting against him. We were both spurting pre and he covered both his paws with it and regripped our cocks as we both thrust against each other. What was really cool was when either of us had a spurt of pre the other could feel it coursing through his boner. It wasn't long before our belly fur was a sloppy mess.

But I needed more than just a quick frot. So I got back up to my knees, hooked both of my arms under Gordon's knees, lifted them to my shoulders, then lowered myself back on top of him. I didn't even use my paw to guide myself in I just thrust gently a few times until I found his pucker and slowly pushed my way in. Soon I was balls deep in the pup I loved and from his murring I could tell he was enjoying it as much as I was. I knew just the right angle to jostle his prostate as I hammered away at him, I could feel his boner twitch against my belly and spurt pre each time I hit it. It wasn't long before I was down to the short strokes, locking my knot into him. "You're Mine Pup!" I cried out as I exploded into the tight warm confines of my pup. He was rapidly stroking his boner and he came soon after me.

We rolled onto our sides and lay there locked together. He buried his head in my chest fur and snuggled up against me. We didn't even have to say anything, we just felt comfortable being together. He looked up to me so much, at times it made me feel 10 feet tall and at other times it made me feel so inadequate. And for some reason that made me think of Max and Bubba and their threats this morning. They were getting more and more hostile and it was beginning to scare me. But we were safe locked inside Gordon's house. We fell asleep in each others arms, exhausted from our run and from our little sexual dalliance...

BOOM! There was a crash and Gordon and I both woke with a start. I looked at the door, or what used to be the door which was splintered and hanging off of one hinge. Just inside the door was Bubba and he was being followed into the room by Max and then even more surprising by Wilbur.

"I TOLD YOU THEY WERE FUCKING TAILRAISERS!" Wilbur screamed with glee as Max and Bubba charged at us.

We were still somewhat tangled in the covers by the time they got over to the bed. Max grabbed Gordon and dragged him off of the bed while Bubba jumped on top of me, pinned me down and cuffed my paws behind my back. When I was finally able to look up I saw that Max also had Gordon's paws cuffed behind his back. "Let me..." Gordon started to say when Max slammed his fist into his muzzle causing blood to fly everywhere as Gordon crumpled into a heap on the floor.

"Leave him alone!" I screamed.

Bubba slapped the side of my head from behind and said, "Shut the fuck up you little tailraiser! You're gonna watch while we have our way with your little friend." Then he forced me into a chair and he and Wilbur tied me down to it. Gordon was just starting to come around when Max picked him up and bent him over the his desk, while Bubba removed his shirt and dropped his drawers.

"You got to do the last one, it's my turn this time! Bubba said to Max. His huge doghood was straining at the front of his tighty whities and 5 inches of it was already above the waistband. He frantically pushed them down and stepped out of them. Gordon was still slumped over the desk semiconscious and moaning in pain. I had a feeling his jaw as broken. In the meantime Max and Wilbur were also getting undressed. When they finished Wilbur stood beside me stroking his pathetic 5 inches while Max went over to the desk and held Gordon's shoulders down pressing his chest against the desk. Bubba positioned himself behind Gordon, then kicked his legs apart spreading him wide open. He had his massive dick in his huge paw, guiding it to Gordon's pucker. "This is gonna be easier than with the Poodle, he's already nice and lubed up from their little romp. This is gonna be great!" He added as he found Gordon's hole and thrust the first 6 inches into him viciously.

Gordon who had been only half conscious, immediate came to his senses and let out a blood curdling scream. I fought my bonds futilely, I felt so impotent as all I could do was yell "Leave him alone you fucking bastards!", while Bubba pulled back a couple inches than drove all thirteen inches into Gordon's abused tailhole, his huge balls slapping brutally up against Gordon's delicate little ones. Gordon screamed again even louder.

Wilbur smacked me upside the head and laughed. "Save your breath Fuckhead after they're done with your little friend I'm gonna have some fun with you." I paid no attention as I continued to struggle with the ropes holding me to the chair as I watched my best friend being brutally raped.

Bubba gave Gordon no time to adjust to his massive cock, he immediately started jackhammering it into him brutally and sadistically. Soon you could see blood dripping off of Gordon's balls where it had run out of his tailhole. Gordon had quit screaming, he was just sobbing and moaning in pain as Bubba sodomized him. By this time there was no need for Max to hold him down so he let go so he could get in better position to watch his partner in crime mutilate my pup. I was still struggling but even if I got loose what could I do with my paws pawcuffed behind my back against the three of them.

Wilbur smacked the back of my head and chuckled, "Watch real close because when their done that 's what I'm gonna do to you." He moved in front of me a little, stroking his little boner in my face and added, "This is what's waiting for you."

But I wasn't distracted for long because I could see that Bubba's knot was starting to form. He jammed it the whole way in and started seating it with those short sharp thrusts every dog is so familiar with. As it started to grow Gordon started to scream again, you could barely make out the words with his broken jaw garbling them. "Take it out!!!! Please take it out!!!!"

"That's music to my ears, Pup. But don't worry, after I drop my load in there I'll pull it out and you'll wish I left it in." Bubba said in a sadistic tone. "OH YEAH, I'm almost there!" He added as those huge balls pulled up and he went over the edge. "Aaarrghhh! Fuck Yeah! Take that you fuckin' little tail raiser!"

I could see his ass muscles clench with each massive spurt of cum he shot into Gordon's broken body. He collapsed onto Gordon's back as he finished dropping his load into my poor pup. He laid there for about a minute then he stood up and got an evil grin on his muzzle as he made eye contact with Max. Max hooked his arms under Gordon's and held him steady while Bubba started backing away with his knot still firmly locked in Gordon's abused and battered tail hole. Gordon was again screaming, this time louder than ever as Bubba tried to pull that grapefruit sized knot out of Gordon's pucker. Wilbur got up and helped pull Bubba backward, and all I could do was scream at them to stop. After about 20 seconds of pulling, that huge knot pulled out with an audible pop, which had the bastards chuckling. My pups once cute little pucker was now a gaping bloody hole. Max pushed him off the desk and he fell into a heap on the floor still screaming out in pain.

I was crushed, here I was and I couldn't protect my pup. He had been brutalized because of me and I had been unable to do anything to stop it. He would probably never be the same, even if his body healed how would he be able to trust again.

Now they turned their attention to me. They walked over to me. "I've wanted to do this for a long time. You've always thought you're better than me and now I'm gonna show you who's the better dog!" Wilbur said as he stroked his pathetic little willy. I couldn't believe it. I had been saving myself for Coach Bart and I was gonna get deflowered by this pathetic piece of scum. Well I wasn't gonna go down without a fight.

Bubba held me down in the chair while Max untied me. "I'm taking sloppy seconds!" Max laughed.

"As big as you are you won't even realize it's sloppy seconds." Wilbur quipped as he continued to stroke himself slowly, relishing my helplessness.

Max soon had me untied and tried to drag me over to the desk. I fought him the whole way until he finally picked me up kicking and screaming and carried me to the desk. He he bent me over the desk like he had done to Gordon, holding my shoulders down in the same way. Wilbur was positioning himself behind me and I kicked back catching him a glancing blow in the balls.

"You fucking bastard! You're gonna fucking pay for that!" He screamed out as he bent over clutching his balls.

That bought me a moment but I was still pawcuffed and Max was still holding me down so there was no escape. What was worse was Gordon was laying in a heap beside the desk, moaning and still bleeding and probably in shock and I could do nothing to help him.

But I didn't have much time to dwell on it because Bubba was tying my legs to the legs of the desk so I wouldn't be able to kick Wilbur again. As soon as he had me secure Wilbur positioned himself behind me again and I felt his dick head touch my tail hole. I clenched down as hard as I could.

"Just relax you little fuckhead and it won't hurt as much. I'm getting in there one way or another." He grunted as he tried to thrust into me. I could feel my sphincter starting to give and I moved my hips to the side dislodging him.

"Dammit hold still!" He said as he stroked his boner until he spurt some pre on my tailhole, then he swirled it around with his middle finger before jamming it in. I felt so fucking violated as he explored my rectum with his middle finger. He pulled it out and lined his little needle dick up again and as he pushed I moved again, causing him to slip down toward my balls as he thrust.

"HOLD STILL!" Max yelled and shook me. "HOLD STILL"...

I have been dealing with out-of-control diabetes for the last ten years. I was able to function until I lost my job (and my health insurance) in May of 2020 due to shutdowns due to covid. Between the isolation and lack of medical care, I went into a downward spiral. It was challenging to get out of bed many days, which added to the isolation and depression.

In August of 2021, my unemployment ran out. I turned 62 at the end of January and have applied for social security, but I still haven't started receiving payments. I have had no income since I'm seriously behind on my electric bill (I have been receiving extensions on my shut-off notice because of my health issues) and my property taxes.

I finally got medical help in October, and things are improving, but I

be able to get my life back under control. Any help would be appreciated.

I have 12 years worth of writing up on SoFurry. I am one of the more popular writers on that site. You can find all of them at

These are my other stories that I have moved or I'm in the process of moving to Nifty. All of them are in their entirety on

Earth's New Masters

In My Wildest Dreams

Wild Horses



Pittsburghese N'at

Craigslist Bull

The Trophy Wife

The Initiate

My Pet Lion

Sasquatch In My Mind

Reverse Cowboy

Of Dogs And Young Men

The Oracle

Royal Prerogative

Harry Potter and Firenze

The House Mouse

The Jungle Book

In Gods We Thrust

If you read any of the others please let me know what you think of them.

Next: Chapter 24

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