In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Apr 25, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Part 12 The Calm Before The Storm

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 12 The Calm Before The Storm

Since practice wasn't until 3:00 PM, Wilbur made me work until 2:00 PM. It wasn't even that things needed done. He was just pissed that I needed off the next weekend for the State Championships. He probably figured that if he could tire me out, it would lessen my chances at winning a state championship. After we were done baking, he made me scrub down the whole baking area. It was something that could have waited until after the state meet, or it could have been done a little at a time like we usually did. He went home at 9:00 AM, he probably stopped on the way home to pick up a case of his favorite cheap beer. I was exhausted by the time I left for practice.

We had a good practice and Coach didn't make me stay after practice to "discuss" training plans. My luck still sucked! "Adam, I have an appointment. Could you lock the door when you guys are done showering." Coach said.

"No problem Coach, I'll lock up."

We all got undressed and into the shower. "So Ron, how did your date with Sheila go last night?" Chuck asked.

Ron replied, "Well I'm still a virgin, but not by much. We picked a movie that there weren't many other furs watching, and grabbed a seat three rows from the back. The other few furs that were in the theater were all at least 6 rows in front of us. The show was one of those shoot 'em up shows with surround sound, so we didn't have to be too quiet. We talked while they were running the trailers for the upcoming movies. She told me she had broken up with her last boyfriend a week ago. She said that even though he was a Senior and I was only a Sophomore, he was like a pup compared to me."

"I had my arm around her shoulder as the movie started and I was soon working my paw down towards her tit kinda cautiously 'cause I'd never made out with a bitch before. Besides I was worried she was going to haul off and slap me. But my paw finally got to the edge of her tit and she turned her body so my paw was covering the whole thing. It felt so good, nice and soft, then I started gently rubbing it, which must have been the right thing to do because she moaned softly in my ear. I was now hard as a rock and worried that I was going to cream my boxers."

"Well the next thing I knew she had her paw down my boxers, running it up and down my erection. She whispered in my ear, 'I knew you were a real dog, not a pup like my last boyfriend.'"

Ron was probably being truthful about this, he was smaller than me, but still probably about 7 thick inches. For a fur our age that was plenty impressive, bigger than the average 6 inches of a full grown dog.

"Anyway she continued to slide my sheath up and down my shaft, keeping me on the edge for about 5 minutes. Finally she skinned my sheath all the way down and gripped the base of my knot. Well that was all it took, my knot blew right up and I came in my shorts. Good thing I brought my jacket. I was going to have to hold it in front of my crotch to hide the wet spot. Anyway when she finally removed her paw from my shorts it was covered with my spooge. Guess what she did then."

"She wiped it on your muzzle." Chuck said as he punched Ron playfully in the arm.

"No! Seriously, she held her paw up and sensuously licked my cum off her paw. Then she said, 'I can't wait to get you back to the car so we can go somewhere secluded and I can drink that right from the tap!'"

"No way dude." Chuck countered.

"Honest to god, Chuck. It was awesome. Anyway, we drove out to a back country road, down by the creek where there is a scenic overlook. Well we got out of the car and she pulled me close to her and she kissed me. I'd never tongue kissed anyone before..."

"Eewww GROSS!" Chuck interrupted.

"That's what I always thought, but it was awesome. She ran her paws down my chest as she slipped down to her knees in front of me. She unbuckled my belt and unbuttoned my Levis, letting them fall to the ground. Then she pulled my boxers down over my hard-on. She peeled back my sheath and then she ran her tongue across my dickhead. I almost came right then, it was everything I could do to keep from cumming too soon. With her other hand she cupped my balls, kinda weighing them, and said, 'I bet balls like that can keep any bitch satisfied.' Then she slowly took my dick into her muzzle until it was all the way in. She was bobbing up and down on it and running her soft tongue all over it. I was only able to hold on because she had just recently drained my balls in the theater. Pretty soon I had my paws on the back of her head, gently guiding her up and down, I'll tell you Rosy Palm never felt like that."

"Wow, that is so hot. You are one lucky son of a bitch." Keith almost moaned as he stroked his five inches.

"You don't know the half of it. Pretty soon I couldn't control myself and I was thrusting into her muzzle. About every third or fourth thrust was going down her throat. I thought she would be pissed, but the rougher I got the more she seemed to get into it. I was starting to knot up, I just couldn't take it any more. She wrapped her paw around the base of my knot and started jerking and that was all I could stand. I started to cum harder than I'd ever cum in my life. And she swallowed every drop of it."

That was all it took. First Keith started cumming and it seemed to start a chain reaction. Soon Chuck, Ron and Jimmy shot off in rapid succession. Even though Gordon and I weren't turned on so much by the story, watching our fellow 'Pack' members creaming all over the place was enough to bring Gordon and I off simultaneously.

Soon we were all panting as we came down from our orgasms. I knew Gordon and I were thinking the same thing. What a waste of spooge.

As we were milking the last of our jism out of our now deflating members, Ron finished his story. "She told me I was way more of a dog than her ex-boyfriend. She said that she had been saving her virginity until she found a real stud dog, and that maybe that time would be soon. I think the next time we can go out is after the State meet. Maybe if I run well enough she'll give it up to me. Oh man, would I love to be the one to bust her cherry!"

"See Gordon, if you weren't so fucking dedicated that could have been you." Keith jabbed at Gordon. Little did he realize that Gordon was getting much more sex than he could even imagine. And not to brag, but I know Gordon was much happier to be taking my cock on a regular basis than all the pussy in the world

Oh well, Keith, maybe it is for the better. Maybe if he gets a piece, Ron will stop bitching and moaning." Gordon countered.

The rest of "The Pack" laughed and we finished up. After we dressed we piled into Chuck's car for the ride home. After 14 hours of work and a hard workout I just wanted to get to the bakery and clean up so I could get some sleep. Gordon and I cleaned up the bakery and ran home. I told him I needed to get home and get some sleep tonight, instead of planting a nice load in him. Even without taking time to have a nice session of lovemaking I was still only going to get 5 hours of sleep. Fortunately he understood.

Sunday was even worse. Since Coach wanted to give us a rest day I didn't have practice to force Wilbur to let me go home. The bakery closed at 4:00 PM on Sundays, so I cleaned up in the back scrubbing everything down including the walls. When the bakery closed I spent an hour cleaning the sales area and coffee shoppe. I ended up working 17 hours, I was exhausted. I went over to Gordon's house instead of going home. His mom didn't work on Sundays, so we wouldn't be able to do much sexually. If we did we would need to keep quiet. I knocked on the door and his Mom answered it. She gave me a big hug and told me to come in.

"Gordon had to step out to pick up some bread and milk to have with dinner. He should be back soon. Have you eaten dinner yet." She asked as she released me from the hug.

"I ate lunch, but I've been at the bakery since midnight."

"What do you mean since midnight, that's 17 hours!"

"Yeah, but I won't be working next weekend, so things had to get tone this weekend." I must not have sounded very convincing because she just shook her head.

"It's ridiculous how much you have to work, you need some time to be a kid. Gordon tells me how much you have to work." She paused for a second then asked, "Are your parents shutting down the bakery to go to the meet?"

"Why would they do that, they've never come to see me run before."


"No Ma'am."

"I've had to miss a few meets this year because of work and I've felt terrible about it. Track has become so important to Gordon, I hate to miss a meet. This is the first thing Gordon has done really well at, I mean not as good as you but he's done pretty good for his first year out."

"No he hasn't done pretty good for his first year out, he's done Great! I'm really proud of him!"

"Well I'm proud of both of you. Thanks for being here for him. Before you two became friends I worried about him, now he is like a different pup. I think this is the first time in his life he has truly been happy."

"Well Ma'am, I think he's helped me just as much as I've helped him." I meant that truthfully. Despite my popularity, Gordon was the first "Best Friend" I had ever had.

"I know he idolizes you. All he ever talks about is Adam this and Adam that. I just wanted you to know I really appreciate you taking him under your wing. You are always welcome around here as far as I'm concerned."

I wondered if she would still say those things if she ever found out that while I was taking him under my wing, I was also taking him up his tailhole. Would she hate me if she ever found out that he was my own personal little tailraiser, and that I was fucking him almost every day under her roof. I doubt that she would think so highly of me then.

"Thanks Ma'am, I feel more at home here than I do at my own house. I'll try not to let him down."

Gordon came home and soon dinner was on the table. Gordon's mom was a good cook when she had the time. Today there was a good roast, really creamy mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. It was a much more enjoyable meal than at home, where the tension was thicker than these wonderful mashed potatoes. Just being some place I was wanted was such a change of pace.

I offered to help clean up after dinner, but Gordon's mom would have none of it. "You've already spent too much of your day cleaning, why don't you go up to Gordon's room and take a nap. You look exhausted."

I couldn't argue there, I needed sleep bad. So we went up to Gordon's room. I got undressed and crawled into Gordon's familiar bed. Gordon got in with me and I pulled him close. I licked his nose. "I'm too exhausted to do anything right now pup."

He hugged me and said, "I can feel the tension in your body, you aren't going to get any good rest like that. But I know how to fix it." He rolled me onto my back and said. "You just relax while your pup takes care of you."

I felt his paw on my sheath, peeling it back so just the head was peaking out. His tongue flicked out to lick the head, it was everything I could do to keep from moaning. I started to harden immediately. He started working my sheath up and down my throbbing member, while he sucked eagerly on my head. Soon he was bobbing up and down on my eight inches. I just lay back and relaxed as he continued to work me closer and closer to the edge. He finally grabbed my knot and I unloaded into his eager mouth. He held onto my knot until I was well past the intense stage of my orgasm. I was into the gentle spurting of the tie with Gordon nursing gently on my dick, when I fell asleep.

I woke up at 10:00 PM when Gordon came back in to get ready for bed. "Dude! You should have woke me up earlier. If Wilbur finds out that I've been out this late he will use it as an excuse to keep me from going to State." I said as I jumped out of bed and started looking for my clothes.

"Calm down Adam! My mom called yours and asked if you could spend the night here. She said you were exhausted. You fell asleep here and she didn't want to wake you up. I ran over your place and got some of your clothes for you to wear tomorrow at school and I grabbed your track gear. Everything is cool." He said as he gently pushed me down on the bed and fell on top of me. "We can't do anything now," he whispered in my ear, "but after Mom falls asleep I wouldn't mind it if my alpha bred me."He pulled me into a deep kiss and I started to harden.

"Don't do that yet or I might not be able to control myself," I said as I pulled away from the kiss.

"Promises, promises." Gordon chided back.

We fell asleep, with my arms around him as I spooned him, like it was the most natural thing in the world. I woke up at 2:00 AM with Gordon again working on my dick. It seemed like he could never get enough of it. "Is the bitch ready to be bred?"

"Yes Alpha, I had a hard time sleeping while I was waiting. My boner just won't stay down. I brought some towels and wet wash clothes so we don't make a mess of the bed."

He put a towel under himself and then rolled over on his belly, tilted his ass up, then lifted his tail up and to the side. Just like a bitch in season. Then he turned his head around and gave me a big shit eating grin. I used my paws to spread his cheeks and started to lick his pucker. He buried his head in his pillow to stifle his moans. When he was nice and lubed up, I crawled into position, he reached back and guided me in. He was a little tight after a few days of not getting any, so I had to give a firm thrust to penetrate my pup. He gave a big satisfied sigh as I slid in balls deep. My dick knew it was exactly where it belonged and I started to thrust slowly. No matter how I tried I couldn't keep the bed from squeaking. It sounded deafening in the silence of the house. But we were too far gone to worry about anything now. My arms were wrapped tightly around his chest, as I hammered away. Soon I was pounding him like an out of control feral, my balls slapping a steady rhythm against his. I was driving it deep to tie with my "bitch", my knot expanding and locking us together for the duration. As I started to cum I grunted uncontrollably, a very audible sign of our mating. My tension had made me cum even harder than normal, I shot torrent after torrent of my hot seed deep into my personal fuck toy. Gordon whimpered as he took my seed and shot his onto the towel below him...

As we were coming down, and starting to regain our senses I heard Gordon's Mom walking down the hall towards the bathroom. How long had she been out there. Had she just passed through or had she heard us. We were still trying to catch our breath, but trying to be as quiet as possible. Which was difficult since I was still tied to Gordon and shooting heavily into him. After a few minutes we heard the toilet flush and then could hear his mothers footsteps going down the hall. Finally we heard her bedroom door close.

"Damn, I think we are busted." I groaned in Gordon's ear between spurts of my orgasm.

"How could she not have heard us?" Gordon groaned as he shot again and clenched on my knot.

"She is going to hate me. My stepfather has gone to work, maybe I should sneak home and tell my Mom that I wasn't able to sleep without being in my own bed."

"What, and leave me to face it alone."

"You're right we will face it together in the morning. I just hope she doesn't tell Wilbur."

"She might be mad, but I don't think she would do that. She knows what an asshole he is." "Well I don't think she is going to be too happy about me fucking her baby boy, let alone in her own house."

"Well there's nothing we can do about it now, you're locked in me so tight I don't think they could blast us apart with dynamite."

"That didn't sound like a complaint."

"It sure as hell wasn't, I've missed you being in me the last couple of days. I think I'm addicted to my Alpha's big dick."

"Probably no more than I am to my Pup's tight ass." I said as I rolled us onto our sides. All the tension in my body started to leave, like it was shooting out in the huge load of semen I was planting so deep in my pup. And that was the last thing I remembered until morning.

Gordon's Alarm went off at 6:00 AM. I awoke still spooning him, my morning wood resting in his ass crack. He was leaning back into me as much as he could, getting as close to me as possible. We got up and went to shower and brush our teeth. Since his mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, we didn't try anything in the shower. We got dressed and went down for breakfast, semi-dreading facing Gordon's mother after what we feared she heard last night. Breakfast smelled wonderful, I usually had a few donuts, sweet rolls or danish in the morning, what ever was left over the day before at the bakery. When we got down there Gordon's mom was smiling as she finished up the eggs. There were waffles with syrup, eggs over easy and bacon. They were as delicious as they smelled, I even had seconds on the waffles. When we got ready to leave for the bus, Gordon's mom kissed us both goodbye. We caught the bus and grabbed our usual seat. "I can't believe your mom didn't hear anything last night, I thought we were sooo busted."

"I'm not so sure she didn't hear, I'm not sure she cares. I think she is just so glad that I'm happy that she doesn't care why."

Not much happened the rest of the week until we all decided to go to Joe's Pizza after practice on Thursday. Boy was it crowded. There were lines of furs waiting for tables, but as soon as "The Pack" walked in the door Joe, the proprietor, came up and gave me a hug.

"I've saved your table."

"Thanks Joe. You didn't have to save us a table."

"You're the reason everyone is here. I'm chartering 3 buses to the meet; furs are here buying their tickets."

"Sounds like that's a good business move!" I said with a chuckle.

"It was, but that isn't why I did it. We all want to see you kick the Shorthair's ass this time."

"I'm not the only one on the team running."

"Come on Adam, we all know who everyone is coming to watch. They will cheer for us but they're going to watch you beat the Shorthair." Added Jimmy.

"Boy, nothing like putting the pressure on me. There is no guarantee that I'm going to beat the Shorthair."

"Bullshit!" Joe ejaculated. "You should have beaten him in Cross Country. You have a better time than him in the two mile this spring. That arrogant bastard is toast!"

"That's easy for you to say, you aren't the one that has to run the race." I was sure I could beat the Shorthair nine times out of ten, but you never know what can happen in a race. You can sprain an ankle, get a cramp or pull a hammy. Saying you have something locked up is just asking for bad Karma.

"I have something to show you that I downloaded this morning." Joe grumbled as he pulled a folded sheet of paper out of his pocket. The title of the article was "A Shorthair With A Plan". "I downloaded it from his hometown newspaper. Listen to what it says:

'You can write it in stone, I'm going to win the two mile at state and become the first ever 2 time state champion in the event.'

'What about that Irish Setter from the western side of the state. He almost beat you in Cross Country and he has a better time than you this year. He is the number one seed in the race. And he's only a sophomore.'

'Exactly, he is a stupid sophomore. I outsmarted him in Cross Country and I will outsmart him again. Because I have a plan!'

"It sounds like he is trying to convince himself as much as anybody else. If I was as confident as he is trying to convince everybody he is, I would just keep my mouth shut." I said calmly, even though I was boiling inside.

"Well we have 3 bus loads of furs coming to cheer for you as you shut his arrogant mouth. We are leaving at 5:00AM, to make sure we are there for the two mile relay. I'll send Sheila out with your regular order. It's on me today pups."

"It's on you too often Joe, we can buy our own." I countered.

"After the day I've had today, I can afford it. I'm closing the place on Saturday, so I can go watch you guys run! Besides we probably won't sell enough pizzas to justify being open. Nobody is going to be here. Your food should be about ready, I had them start your pizza before you got here so it would be ready."

While Joe hustled to the back to check on our order. Sheila brought out glasses and a pitcher of Pepsi and started flirting with Ron.

"Hey big dog, I hope you don't have any plans for Saturday night when you get back from the meet." She said to Ron.

"I already have plans." Ron replied and Sheila started to pout. "I have plans to go out with a hot Brittany bitch!" He added as he pulled her close and gave her a big kiss.

Chuck gave a wolf whistle and we all busted up laughing. Sheila hustled back to get our food shaking her money maker like it was going out of style.

"How did you get so lucky Ron?" Keith groaned, his eyes locked to Sheila's shapely ass.

"I don't fucking know, but I'm definitely not complaining." Ron answered. He was also mesmerized by Sheila's seductively swaying ass.

She was soon back with out extra large pan pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and extra cheese. We finished the first one in no time at all. Sheila was bringing out a second just as we were finishing up the first one.

"So we're taking the school van to State?" Chuck asked.

"That's what Coach Bart said. Since we just have 5 that qualified, they are going to let Keith come too, so it will be an even number. We are going to leave after lunch and get rooms for the night, that way there will be two per room and the coaches will share a room. That way we won't be up at the crack of dawn and be exhausted from the bus ride." I informed "The Pack".

"I'm surprised our cheap ass school is springing for it." Jimmy added.

"Keep this quiet, but the school didn't spring for the rooms. We aren't supposed to know about it, but Joe is footing the bill for the rooms and dinner."

"For an old dog, Joe sure is cool." Chuck chimed in.

"I think he is sweet on Adam." Ron said with a hearty laugh.

"Oh come off it, he sponsors a softball team, a little league team and the best summer league basketball team in the city. He just likes to be involved in sports." I said defensively. I was kind of uncomfortable with the conversation, because sometimes Joe acted like a groupie toward me.

"I don't know, I don't think he gives those other teams free food. He sponsors them because it's good advertising. They have Joe's Pizza on their uniforms. He is doing this and nobody even knows about it." Ron said, pursuing it further.

"Come on, he's just excited about our team and want's to help."

"He doesn't hug the rest of us when we come in, Adam." Chuck jabbed at me with a smirk. "Maybe Ron's right. Have you been raising your tail for him?"

"And when does he have time to raise his tail for Joe, his stepfather works him every spare hour he has." Growled Gordon.

"Take it easy Gordon. We know he doesn't, were just having some fun." Chuck said defensively.

We finished our pizza and left a big tip for Sheila. After Gordon and I cleaned up at the bakery we went to his house and had a nice romp in his bed, ending as usual with me tied to him. As we lay there in the afterglow we talked about the upcoming meet as we drifted off to sleep. We napped until Gordon's alarm went off, then I got dressed and went home.

On Friday it seemed like it took forever for lunch to get here. We ate lunch at the school and then piled into the school van for the 3 hour trip to the meet. We checked into a really nice Motel but they had screwed up our reservations and instead of having 4 adjacent rooms, our rooms were scattered all over the motel. I thought this was great, Gordon and I could have a nice no holds barred session, with out our teammates and coaches knowing about it.

After we checked in we did a nice slow three mile run just to keep loose. Then after showering we went to a nice Italian restaurant so we could carbo-load on pasta. Joe was really taking care of us good. I knew he was excited about coming to see me run. Because of his business, he had never seen me run. He had just heard the other students talk and had seen the times I had run. I hoped I didn't let him down, hell if I lost I would be letting the whole school down. This time they were expecting me to win.

We all got together in the room Gordon and I were staying in, and watched a little TV until 9 pm and then we all went to our separate rooms. I left the TV on to mask any sounds we would be making and we undressed and got in the shower. We fooled around in the shower a little while, then dried off and continued in bed. We were face to face and I pulled him close to me. I gave him a long sensuous kiss, which he returned eagerly. Then to my surprise he rolled me onto my back and straddled me. I gave him a quizzical look, I didn't plan on losing my cherry the night before my biggest race. Besides I was the Alpha. But I needn't have worried, he reached back and guided my cock to his tight hole and started to slide down my pole. Soon he was riding my shaft like it was a bucking bronco. He rode me hard for about two minutes and then, as my knot started to swell, he slammed all the way down and clamped onto me as he started cumming all over my chest. I was soon locked in my pup right where I belonged. I grunted loudly and joined him in an orgasm. He leaned forward until he was laying on my chest and we then rolled over on our sides. Our eyes closed and our toes curled as we rode out the intense portion of our orgasms. Slowly we came back down, and after we caught our breath Gordon said quietly. "I'm so excited, tomorrow is the biggest day of my life."

"Mine too, and I get to spend tonight with my best friend and lover. It doesn't get much better than that. Just remember, tomorrow give it everything you've got. Then win or lose you will still be able to look at your reflection in the mirror." I said and soon we drifted off to sleep in each others arms.

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