In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Apr 17, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Part 11 The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 11 The Waiting Is the Hardest Part

The District Championships had been on a Tuesday, and because of the distances that had to be traveled the State Championships were always on a Saturday. Our district held our Championships a week and a half ahead of State because that way we would have time to recuperate from the District meet and still have time to get some training in for the State meet. At school on Wednesday the sophomore class was abuzz about how well the pack had done.

Much to Ron's excitement, the Springer bitch, Sheila, had hooked up with him when Gordon had turned her down. I saw him walking down the hall with his arm around her waist, and a very visible bulge in his jeans. I hoped he got lucky, and then maybe we would stop hearing about how he never got any. He was supposed to be a Foxhound; I was beginning to think he was a Pussyhound instead.

That day at practice we did an LSD workout to recuperate from the meet and to work all the lactic acid out of our muscles. As usual for the day after a race, Coach Bart pulled me aside so we could discus the workouts for the upcoming week. He told Chuck he didn't have to wait for me, that he would give me a ride home. Gordon looked panicked; I was going to be here all alone with Coach Bart. We again went up to the Coach's Office, and sat town at the conference table. Things were looking up for Ron, maybe they would start looking up for me too. He sat down in the chair next to me; I could already smell the faintest odor of his arousal. That was all it took to get me so hard that it hurt, and I think he had the same problem, only with his size it was painfully obvious that he was hard. He sat his clipboard down in front of us, so we could both see the tortures he had in store for "The Pack" since we were the only ones still practicing. No one else on the team qualified for state.

"I think tomorrow we are going to do something to shock your muscles. We are going to do eights on the Cross Country course." Coach suggested. An eight was a half mile part of the course that was shaped like a figure eight. You started at the top of the hill and followed the road down through the park in an S pattern. When you reached the bottom of the S you came up the hill through the park in the grass. The bottom of the hill it was a long uphill grade, and the last 100 yards was considerably steeper. You jogged the downhill portion then sprinted to the top of the hill. It was a nonstop workout; you did your recuperation on the downhill. It was always a tough workout. "I think that's a good idea Coach. How many are we going to do?"

"I think you guys should do eight eights, then run the cross country course at a relaxed pace as a cool down." He said as he put his arm around me. I leaned into him, and he pulled me a little closer. We went through the remaining workouts, and I could hardly pay attention, all I could think of was the sexy body of my hero, as he hugged me close to him. I felt those big strong firm muscles; I was so close I could almost hear his heart beating.

Adam, I don't mean to pry, but how are things at home." He asked pulling me protectively close to him.

"Well, Wilbur is a jerk, and things are getting worse as I do better in track. He really resents me any time I accomplish anything. We would probably get along fine if I was a stupid asshole juvenile delinquent that he could look good in comparison to. He's never accomplished anything in his life and he hates it any time I do something well. We used to go fishing together but ever since I became such a good fisherman, he is jealous and says that fishing is a stupid sport. 'How smart do you have to be to outsmart a stupid fish?'" "I'm surprised he hasn't made you quit track."

I'm sure he wants to, but since I'm a big sports figure in this town, he knows that everybody would hate him and that it would make him look bad. That's the only thing saving me."

"He's not proud of you at all?"

"Proud, he hates the fact that I can do everything better than he can."

"Well I would sure be proud if you were my son." He replied and pulled me close in a protective hug. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be hugging you like this, I guess it's just the protective Dobie coming out in me."

"Believe me Coach, I don't mind. I think sometimes I need a hug."

"Adam, if you ever need someone to talk to or a shoulder to lean on or even cry on, just remember I'm always here. I just wish I could do more."

I wished he WOULD do more, I wished he would just let go and do what we both wanted. I mean damn, how could anyone not smell the arousal pheromones that we were both pumping out. Why didn't he just take charge and do what we both needed. I needed a strong dog to take charge and just take me. One that would confidently tie with me and make me his, make me know I was wanted and protected. I know coach wanted to do it, why did he hold back? Why didn't I just ask him? We eventually broke apart, although it was much too soon as far as I was concerned. I would have been content to have him hold me forever. We went down to the locker room to get our showers. There was no way around it, we were going to have to shower together and I still had a woody. When Coach entered the shower he was led in by a raging hardon also. I knew as long as we were in the shower together there was no way mine was going to come down. Coach got in the shower directly across from me, and started lathering up. Pretty soon he got to the object of my fantasies. When he was hard even his ample sheath couldn't contain his length and his whole head was exposed. Watching him lather that up had me right on the verge of cumming.

"Adam, this is kind of embarrassing, but were both guys and were the only ones here. This thing just has a mind of its own today. I don't think it is going to go down without some help."

My breath caught in my throat, was today going to be the day? I was salivating at the thought of feasting on that huge tube steak. "Would it bother you if I take care of it here in the shower?"

"Of course not Coach. I understand, I seem to have the same problem." Why didn't he just ask me to take care of it for him, it's what we both wanted. Hell it was the reason it wouldn't go down.

"If you need relief, feel free."

Why didn't I have the balls to suggest that we take care of each other. Coach wrapped his paw around his shaft, It just barely reached the whole way around it. Coach started to slide his sheath slowly up and down that monument to doghood. It was everything I could do to keep from drooling. I couldn't help staring, he was so hot. Not just that big slab of Dobie cock, but his perfectly toned body that was outlined so visibly under that nice short black and tan coat. Soon my paw was wrapped around my own eight inches, stroking to the same rhythm as Coach's paw. Every time he worked his paw down to the base of his shaft he would give a squeeze at the base of his as of yet unformed knot. I was concentrating so much on his cock that I didn't notice until then, that he wasn't taking his eyes off of my body as he started to stroke at a faster tempo. I was mirroring him with my stroking and our knots were starting to inflate. Just then coach put a strangle hold on the base of his knot... "Aaarrgghhh," he cried explosively as the first spurt of semen shot half way across the shower, landing almost directly in the drain. He continued to milk that big knot and he continued squirting, although each shot had less and less distance as his orgasm started to die down.

After about his third shot, I could hold back no longer and I shot my load toward the drain also. I had the strange thought that our seed was swimming together as they went down the drain. I really wished his was swimming in me.

After about 20 seconds we released our knots. We shot a few more squirts. Now that we were sated we started losing our erections. We continued to wash ourselves almost like nothing had happened, but when we were finished Coach came over to my shower and pulled me into a tight hug, our now exhausted dangly bits rubbing together.

"Adam, I hope we can just keep this between you and me. Other pups might get the wrong idea. We were just worked up over the workout, and needed to relieve some tension, that's all." "Sure Coach, as far as I'm concerned we just took showers."

We dried and dressed, then Coach gave me a ride down to the bakery. I hadn't expected to find Gordon waiting there, but he was waiting near the door.


"Don't worry, nothing happened. I don't know why. Coach really seems to want to take things further, but he seems afraid to do anything."

"Lucky me!"

We finished up at the bakery and ran up to Gordon's house. When we made love Gordon was even more submissive than usual, playing the role I so desperately wanted to play with Coach Bart. When I went home all I could think about was having my big stud show me my place. I'm sure if I hadn't been drained so thoroughly, I would have had a wet dream. The rest of the week passed uneventfully.

I woke up Friday at 11:30 PM to go to work. I was right in thinking that Wilbur was going to make me pay for the fact that I was going to be off the next weekend for the state meet. He made me work until 2:00 PM. Fourteen fucking hours! I would have to come back after practice and clean the bakery and then go back in at midnight to do it all over again. After work on Saturday "The Pack" met at the fieldhouse. Coach Bart met us there. It was a nice 70° day, so he was just in shorts and a singlet. Damn was he sexy. I don't know why but I always found that little stub of a tail so provocative. Especially with the jaunty way he always wagged it. And even a jockstrap wasn't enough to hide that big piece of dogmeat under a pair of track shorts.

We ran our workout, which was very challenging and then headed in to get a shower. Coach pulled me aside again.

"Adam, I am thinking about changing up the workout for the coming week. I'd like you to stay and we can discus them. Chuck, I'll give Adam a ride so you don't have to wait around." I saw that same look of concern in Gordon's eyes. I shook my head for him to not worry.

Again we sat at the table, and he brought out his clip board. He put his arm around my shoulder and said, "I think you guys have enough training. I think we are going to run a short speed workout on Monday and Tuesday, a nice middle distance workout ladder on Wednesday and then Thursday and Friday we will just do some LSD to keep loose and recharge your batteries." "Sounds good to me Coach."

He turned to face me and pulled me closer. "Adam, all I've been able to think about since Wednesday is what I didn't have the balls to do. We both know what we want." He pulled me so close that our muzzles were almost touching, "Don't we?"

Before I could reply our muzzles were touching. He led, just how I needed my dog to be. His lips parted, mine followed suit as his tongue invaded my mouth for the first time. I was having trouble breathing, but it was from excitement not obstruction. His tongue was assertive and took charge in my mouth, dominating mine. I willingly surrendered and let him explore anywhere he wanted. His left paw held the back of my head, controlling it, although I gave no resistance. I had no intention of offering any resistance whatsoever. My surrender was complete and unconditional, he was the dog and I was his compliant pup, willing to give him anything he wanted to take!

Soon his right paw was exploring my chest but working slowly down my body, until he got to my shorts. His paw closed on my hard-on through my shorts, I moaned loudly into his muzzle. He broke off the kiss. He didn't say a word, but he put one arm behind my back and one behind my knees and swept me up. As he carried me down to the locker room, his muzzle found mine again. I responded like a starving pup offered a treat. I sucked on that big Dobie tongue, it tasted so masculine and alpha. From the exertion of carrying me down to the locker room, he was starting to sweat a little. Laced with the sweat were dominance pheromones, and they were becoming stronger by the second. I could also hear and feel little rumbling growls of dominance coming from deep in my dogs chest. In my mind he was no longer Coach, he was the alpha dog that would soon own me. I couldn't wait to be his pup. Coach sat me down on the bench in front of his locker and pulled my singlet over my head. He then removed his own and as I pulled his jock and shorts over his huge erection and let them slide to the floor. He stepped out of them and then leaned forward, his dick was right at mouth level. I licked my lips...

"What you waiting for pup, the Big Dog needs taken care of!" He said as his paw pulled me forward. He was already rock hard. His head was out of his sheath, asking, no demanding to be taken care of. I wrapped my tongue around the head and started sliding down that thick looong shaft, skinning the sheath back as I worked my way down. I had about two thirds of it in my muzzle, when the head reached the back of my throat and I stopped. His paw pulled me forward as he exclaimed, "Bad Puppy, I expect you to take all of your Alpha's cock!" I gagged a little but he pulled my head forward and soon he was claiming my throat as his territory. He held it in at its deepest point for about 15 seconds just to emphasize his ownership and then he started thrusting in and out of my muzzle. I wasn't giving him a blow job, he was fucking my face and marking me as his. I reach a paw up to cup those big balls in their jet black sack. They were proportionate to his huge dick, about the size of chicken eggs. They would produce plenty of seed and I was guessing they could keep going all night long. Soon he put his other paw on the back of my head and really started thrusting. To steady myself I moved my paws to his hips. Now his free swinging balls were beating a rhythm on my chin, while his corona massaged my tonsils. He started thrusting even more urgently and his knot started to swell. "Grab the knot pup, so I can cum down your throat!" It wasn't a request, it was an Alpha giving his Beta an order, and I didn't even consider refusing. I gripped right behind that huge fist sized knot with a death grip and started milking his cock. He thrust forward and started pumping his cream down my throat, then pulled my head back so he could cum in my mouth. He wanted me to have to taste his cum. Which suited me fine, I let it fill all the crevasses of my mouth before swallowing it. Finally he gripped the base of his knot himself, as he pulled all the way out to paint my face and chest with his seed. For the first time in my life I had been marked as someone's bitch, and I'd never been so proud in my life.

He leaned against the wall panting, his muscles all pumped up from the exertion. Caught his breath and went over to the corner where there were a few gym mats. He pulled one out and set it on the floor. He came back over to his locker and pulled a tube of lube out of his gym bag and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the mat. He laid me down gently. "Pull your legs up Adam, I've waited as long as I can. I have to have you NOW!" I pulled my knees to my chest presenting myself to my Alpha. I was kind of surprised that I didn't cum when I was blowing him, but I guess I was too concerned about pleasuring him and I didn't even think about myself. I felt him start rimming me, my dick was getting harder and harder. He rimmed me for a couple of minutes then he spread my cheeks wide and plunged his big fat long Dobie tongue into my ass. As soon as it hit my prostate, he reached up and grabbed the base of my knot and I exploded. I sprayed seed all over my chest.

He pulled his tongue out and stuck the tip of the tube of lube into my ass and squeezed. I felt my colon fill with the cool lube then I felt his big middle finger penetrate me. I was still a virgin, so it felt HUGE. But gradually it became more comfortable as he continued to work it in and out. He added his index finger and again there was a little pain but soon the pleasure was back and so was my boner. He pulled them both out. I whimpered, it made me feel empty. But that only lasted for a second because he moved up and guided himself to my eager opening. He squirted some lube on himself and stroked his cock to get it real slick. Then he pressed it against my opening. At first it wouldn't budge. "Relax Adam, it will hurt a little for a moment or so, then you will be on cloud nine."

"I'm trying Coach."

"Don't try, just relax and surrender to your Master!"

With that he increased the pressure and all of a sudden that big dick head popped in. I gasped in pain! I even lost my erection. He just held it there while I stretched to accommodate the monstrous invader.

"Just relax and tell me when you are ready for me to continue."

"Go for it but please take it slow, that thing is huge."

He pushed another inch in and I winced. He held it for about 10 seconds before he pushed in another inch. It took a couple of minutes, but soon those big Alpha Dobie balls swung against me as he hilted in me.

"Oh Coach, I've wanted this for so long." He started to slowly slide in and out of me. The pain had disappeared, it wasn't replaced by pleasure yet, just by the very satisfied feeling of finally having the dog of my dreams deep inside of me. He picked up speed and now that I was reamed out enough, I was starting to feel the pleasure as he hammered against my prostate. My erection had reappeared with a vengeance. He hammered faster and faster, stretching my no longer virgin tailhole. He pulled my muzzle toward his and soon I was penetrated at both ends, my dog was showing me just who was Alpha and claiming me from my mouth to my tailhole. I eagerly sucked on the big Dobie's tongue, as he pounded me senseless. He pulled his muzzle away. "It's time to make you my little subby bitch!" He cried out as he started on the short strokes.

I could feel that enormous knot beginning to form. I just hoped that it didn't rip my virgin rectum apart when it reached it's full size. He started to thrust even harder as he tied with me, instinctively trying to put his pups in me. I couldn't take it any more and I started to cum again. With my first shot my sphincter clamped down on the base of his knot. He came explosively into me, I could feel his white hot seed erupting into me.

"You're MINE!!! I own you now, bitch." He grunted out as he continued to fill me.

His knot had grown to a size that had me teetering between pleasure and pain, but as I stretched to accommodate him the pleasure was winning out. He collapsed on top of me in exhaustion, the seed I had sprayed on my belly gluing us together. We both lay there panting as he pumped his seed deep in my bowels. Finally we both caught our breath.

"I hope I didn't hurt you Adam. I may have gotten a little carried away. I should have been more gentle, with you being a virgin and all. But I've wanted you so bad for so long that I just couldn't control myself." "Don't worry Coach, you were wonderful. I've never felt so good or been so happy in my entire life."

"Look Adam, If things get too bad at home, maybe I can get legal guardianship of you. Would you want to live with me?"

"Are you kidding? Of course I would want to live with you. You'd really want me here?"

"Of course I would, I love you Adam. I hate to see what that sorry excuse for a stepfather puts you through. Somebody should kick his..."


Oh how I hated him! It was 11:30 pm on Friday night. I only had 4 hours of sleep and I have to get pulled out of a great dream by this raving lunatic. I was sure this was going to be a night of pure hell.

Next: Chapter 12

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