In My Head

By Justin Luong

Published on Jul 11, 2021


Chapter 2: Inhale Me

And just like that, it was over. I was spent. Haven't had that good of a fantasy in a long time. To be honest, I haven't had much material lately. I've been kind of in a drought of sorts. It's not everyday a rugged, handsome man like that comes into my life. And boy did he do very well in that fantasy. Now if only I could get the real thing.

Although I'm ninety-nine percent sure he's on the straight and narrow path, if you get what I mean. There's no way a guy like that can be gay. He literally called me "Bro". Only straight guys call each other bro...unless he's deep in the closet, which can also be a possibility. It's pretty slim but you never know. But I really don't want to be with another DL straight guy. Sorry, I'm bringing up old wounds from my past. I'm cool with just fantasies. Plus I don't want to scare him away.

I used to have a really intense personality in high school. The guy from my past, we would hook up on and off and then I would mess it up somehow either by being crazy obsessive or get really jealous whenever he would talk to girls right in front of me. Micah was the only one who knew and usually he'd be all for me screwing some guy but he would always tell me that that guy was toxic and he'd end up breaking my heart and he did, every single time I went back for another beating. Micah always hated the guy and he made it pretty clear too. Remember when he said he kissed me? Did it right in front of him. Probably why he stopped messaging me after that.

"Hey, you decent in there?" Micah asked knocking on my door.

"Um one second!" I said as I slid off my bed to slip the clothes that Micah had gave me for the night out. I set them aside earlier so I could attend to my business. As soon as the waistband on my bright yellow microfiber trunks slid right up against my belly, Micah came barging in.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeey! You ready yet?" he cheerfully chimed in sitting at the foot of my bed with a huge grin on his face.

"Micah, I told you a needed a second!" I yelped as I grabbed a nearby pillow, pressing it up against my torso covering up the streams of cum that I ended up shooting on myself.

"Oh ho ho! Did someone have one of their crazy sex fueled fantasies? How long has it been? It's been a while since you thought up of anything new," he slyly remarked. "Was it as good for you as it was for him?"

"Oh shut up! Can you just toss me a towel already?" I begged pointing at my towel that hung up against the wall closest to my door. He smirked laughing to himself right before tossing me the towel. Tossing the pillow aside, I started wiping my torso down. There wasn't much left. The pillow ended up taking most of it when it was pressed against me. "You're such a perv, you know that? God, you will do anything to see me in action."

"Don't flatter yourself. I've seen you naked more than a million times already. Plus I've had my share of fantasies of us together growing up. Unsurprisingly, you're not far off from what I thought you'd sound like."

"Hold up, you heard me? How? I mean I know our walls are paper thin. Every guy you bring is always so loud. I've only recently been able to drown it out while I'm gaming because I actually bought better headphones. But anyway, I was talking to myself, like, making sure that no one could hear me kind of talking. Wait a second, you weren't spying on me were you?"

"What?" he squeaked.

"Oh my god you were! Micah!" I cried smacking him in the arm. "What is wrong with you? We literally just called each other brothers to Bailey."

"And we are...just very, very close brothers. You're my brother from another mother."

"Not this close! How much did you hear?"

"Not much," he said as his eyes and voice trailed off. "Just a little."

"Really? Care to give me an example of what you heard?"

"Fuuuuuuuuck Gideon, right there! Choke me daddy!" he mocked me. He made some other sexual sounds, a mixture of moans and groans, only to end up laughing to himself.

"I feel sick," I said embarrassed. "You're not allowed to listen to me jerk off ever again. Put on some music, bring home some rando, anything, I do not want to relive this moment. Are we clear?"


I scrambled getting his special pants on so we can go ahead and head out. But the whole time I could just feel him eyeing me.

"What? What do you want now?"


"Then what's with all the staring?" I asked zipping up the fly.

"I was just making sure you didn't get any of your kids on my pants."

"It was on the desk for crying out loud! Sure my bed is super close but it's not that close."

"I don't know. Some guys can shoot pretty far."

"Well you can just cross that one off your list because my swimmers are not Olympic gold medalists. I'm just a regular person with a subpar to average skill set."

"Okay, okay, so touchy. I'll drop it. Don't want to sour the mood for someone's special day!"

"Ugh can we just go and get this over with already?" I asked.

"Yeah, just one thing first," he said as he pulled a small black tube out from his front pocket and started spritzing me.

"Oh god Micah what is this stuff?" I asked choking on the mist.

"It's my special spray. I get guys all the time when I wear this so in theory, it should work for you too. Guys can't get enough of it," he said continuing to spray me down.

"Are you sure? It smells sickeningly sweet mixed with something else...maybe ass? Like swamp ass?" I said covering my nose and mouth with my hands.

"Quit being overly dramatic! It smells good!"

"It smells like if the characters from Candy Land landed in a pit of manure!"

"It does not! But if you don't like it, I won't waste it on you. All for me," he said assaulting himself with it, spraying himself down.

"Good! I need fresh air," I gagged walking out of my room and into the living room. Bailey was still on the couch. I waved her down and she then pointed at her phone. Maybe she got a hold of her professor she's been complaining about or maybe she's on hold. It's one of the two. I could always go on the balcony but for some reason I decided to sit out in front of our door. As soon as I closed the door behind me, Gideon stepped out of his door which was conveniently right in front of us. Well he did say he just moved in next door so I guess I can't be too surprised.

"What's up man!" he waved.

"H-Hey Gideon," I waved back.

"Oof what died?" he asked covering his nose with the back of his hand. At first I was confused because I didn't smell anything until I pulled my shirt up and I understood. It was Micah's cologne. I knew I wasn't crazy when I thought it smelled bad. "Do you smell that?"

"Um nope, I don't know what you're talking about. I don't smell anything," I lied. Like I'm going to tell him that I'm the one who smells like death and that it's on purpose. I'm going to have to have a long talk with Micah. Maybe persuade him to switch scents because this one is not it.

"You sure? Maybe it's me," he said as he sniffed his sweat soaked wife beater. He then pulled them off showing off that solid body covered in fur glistening in sweat. God what I do to just stick my face in that. "Hey could you do me a favor? Smell me."

"Excuse me?" I asked dumbfounded. I must be in another one of my vivid daydreams again. I started pinching myself so I could wake up but it wasn't working.

"What are you doing? C'mon man, help a brother out."

"Look I don't know where you think it's perfectly normal for a guy to smell another guy without any sexual context but I'm not smelling you! I just met you! That's weird!" I protested, maybe a little too much.

"Whoa bro, relax. All I'm asking is for you to do me a solid. I have a date tonight so if I smell like ass I'd rather you let me know instead of her. Please Jason, just help me out."

Date? Her? So it's confirmed that he's straight. Of course he is. That's like the only type of guy I seem to be attracted to, no surprise there. But why is he so insistent on me having to smell him? God straight boys are so weird. He knows I'm gay right? This is too weird.

"You're not going to let this go, are you?"

He shook his head.

"Fine I smell the smell okay? I'm the one who smells like ass. Fucking Micah!"


"Yeah, my roommate slash best friend made me his own life-size barbie and sprayed me down with this cologne that he refuses to admit smells like candied shit. So now I'm going clubbing, which I hate mind you, on my birthday smelling like absolute dog shit. Yeah this is my life."

"I thought as much but I wasn't gonna say anything," he smiled. He then turned around looking like he was going back in only to stop midway and turn back to me saying, "You know what? I think I can hep you out. Come on in!"

"In there?" I asked pointing into his unit.

"Yeah. Come on, don't make this weird man," he said, lunging forward, grabbing my arm, and dragging me in. He immediately slammed the door shut and turned me around pinning me against that very same door. I could feel his bulge right up against my backside as he placed his hairy forearm against my neck, pulling back. "You like that you little slut?"

"Yes Daddy," I whimpered.

"Huh? You say something?" he asked looking at me strangely from his door.

"Hmm? Who me? Uh I uh, I muttered something to myself. Don't worry about it," I nervously answered snapping back to reality. God I really need to stop having these fantasies right in front of him. If I'm not careful, it can really bite me in the ass one of these days.

" coming in?"

Swallowing hard, I sighed and walked into unit. After shutting the door, he walked next to me and this scent of cinnamon and pepper wafted towards me and I was pleasantly intrigued. How in the hell could he even consider thinking that he smelled like death? I don't know if that was just how he naturally smelled or if he had sprayed something of his own but whatever it was, smelled a whole lot better than what I had on.

"Welcome to my place! Want a beer?" he asked walking over to his fridge grabbing a couple cans. "Word of warning, they're warm. I just put them in maybe twenty minutes ago."

"Oh you're fine, so fine—good, I meant good," I said catching myself. What happened to watching what you say Jason? You idiot. I hate beer. It tastes like bread water. But I didn't want to be rude so I reluctantly grabbed one of them and cracked it open. With gusto, I chugged it all down and I had to restrain myself mentally to not gag in front of him. "That's...good beer."

"Wow, you must really love beer," he chuckled as he took a swig of it himself.

"Totally! You know, just here pregaming or whatever," I nervously laughed to myself.

"Here take mine," he said switching our cans. "I'm more of a whiskey straight up guy myself. But a pack of these are cheaper than a bottle. Anyway what was I saying before I invited you in?"

"Uh I think you said that you had something that can help me? I'm assuming it has to do with the smell that I'm now infecting your place with."

"Oh right, give me one second. Make yourself at home or give yourself a tour of the place," he said turning back past a ton of moving boxes. He walked into one of the rooms leaving me completely alone.

"Okay Jason, you're all alone at a straight guy's place. What should we do?" I asked aloud. Looking around I saw a plethora of both sealed and open moving boxes, a couple of those black garbage bags, a random toolbox that laid atop his kitchen counter top, a brown leather couch, and a five foot bookshelf without any shelves. "I guess I could always snoop around. He did say to make myself at home so it's not like it necessarily counts as me snooping if he gave me permission."

The floor plan looked exactly like ours, only mirrored. It was a little freaky if you ask me. I remember helping Micah move into our unit. It looked just like this, barren and cluttered with boxes of miscellaneous things. I'm sure once he's fully settled in it'll look like home for him. Right now, it's just a clean slate. I'm pretty sure this unit has been empty the whole time I've known Micah living here and it was empty when I moved in. Not really sure why either.

Rummaging around, I didn't find much. I didn't really want to look into his things. Mainly because I didn't want to discover something I shouldn't so I ended up just walking around sipping on this god awful beer. Wait...this is his beer. Weren't his lips on this? This counts as indirect kissing right? Yeah I'm going to go with that. Probably the closest I'm going to get to kissing him anyway. I think I'm going to enjoy sharing a few beers with him now.

He's been gone longer than I thought he'd be gone for. I figured I'd be in and out of this place in like a minute but nope. Maybe I should go check on him? Would that be weird? Maybe it's actually been shorter than I think and I'm just worrying for nothing? Looking down at my phone I noticed that it's been a good ten minutes since he invited me in. Strange. What's even stranger is that I haven't gotten a text from Micah or Bailey. It's already seven pm. I would have thought for sure they would have texted me wondering where I've walked off to since I had the impression they wanted to be out on the town by now.

Instead of texting my friends or checking up on my new hot neighbor, I walked back to into his kitchen and did the unthinkable. I grabbed yet another warm beer out of this guy's fridge. Never thought I'd be the person to drink beer voluntarily and yet here I am. It still tastes my bread water too so I don't know why I'm doing this to myself. I love bread just not as some weird flavored water. But damn do I feel bad for drinking all of this man's beer. I'll pay him back, somehow. Maybe buy him another pack of beer, maybe an IPA. Straight guys love IPAs right? I don't even know what that is but I've heard guys talk about it at frat parties.

As I was looking around his empty kitchen there was a knock on the door. Crap, is that his date? My eyes darted between the door and the dark hallway where he disappeared in. Panic was settling in and I had no idea what to do. Should I hide? Wait no! Why would I hide? God, why is it that the first thing I think of is hiding like I'm some side piece? Yeah Bailey's right, I'm a lost cause. The knocking became more insistent as the level of panic increased. Glancing again at the hallway and I didn't see him. Does he not hear that? How could he not? Whomever is knocking sounds like their the cops or something with how loud and incessant the banging came. What the hell is going on? With a heavy sigh, I set my beer down and walked over to answer the door. To my surprise, it was Mrs. Petrillo...did I forget to mention that she's also the building's landlady?

"H-Hey Mrs. Petrillo, what can I do for you?" I asked nervously. Did I also forget to mention that I'm a little bit afraid of her? I don't react well to authority. Sure she just barely stood at five feet always reeked of burnt tobacco but just like her dog, she has a mean bark and bite. Also I don't think she's particularly fond of either Micah or me. I don't want to say that it's the gay thing, but it's the gay thing.

"Mr. Lo? What are you doing here? Are you lost? This isn't your apartment."

"Oh I know, I just um—."

"Um what? Why are you acting fishy? Did you break in?" she questioned. She then sniffed the air and glared at me. "What is that? Are you drinking in there? You're not squatting are you?"

"What? No of course not! I mean, yes, I am drinking but I was just—."

"I'm calling the cops."

"Wait no! I promise there's a perfectly good reason why I'm here," I said trying to calm her down.

"Hey! What's going on?" Gideon asked as magically appeared at the right time.

"Giddy, do you know him?"

"Who Jason?" he asked pointing at me. He then wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in. "Yeah Aunt Cici, he's my friend."

Wait did he say Aunt Cici? Are they...related? No way! No fucking way! Oh crap and we basically talked shit about her to his face earlier. Great Jason, you're doing an amazing job making a first impression. But also...I'm in heaven again. His pecs are so soft! They're not hard at all like I thought they'd feel. They're like boobs but not. An-And he smells so good! It's taking everything in me to not bury my face in them. Also it's not just us now so I need to keep it together. I don't want to give her another reason to hate me.

"Hmph, is that so?" she asked. "Well Mr. Aguilar in unit five complained about the laundry machines again. I need you to check them out and get them fixed asap. And when you're done, pick up your cat. Mr. Nibbles is not happy having to share his home with some feral cat."

"I understand. I'll get right on it."

"Good. And one more thing, can you bring a bottle of wine when you come over for dinner tonight? We have a lot to catch up on and a nice bottle of Merlot would do wonders for us. Toodeloo!" she said as she briskly walked away.

"Sorry about her," he said shutting the door in front of us. I don't think he realized he still had me in his grip because once he looked down he got embarrassed real quick. "Oh fuck man, sorry. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Sorry I know, my bad, should have said something but I didn't know when would be a good time to jump into that conversation. It seemed like one of those conversations that I should just try to jump into," I said twiddling my fingers. "So...Mrs. Petrillo...she's your aunt?"

"Oh yeah she is. I haven't seen her since I was like five though so she's as much of a stranger to me as you are. But from the amount of time I've spent with her, I like you more."

"Oh is that so? And is it safe to assume that she's your date tonight?"

He smiled and laughed to himself.

"Did I say date? I mean yeah, she and her husband are my date tonight. I only said that so you would loosen up. I was curious if you'd actually do it, you know, smell me and everything. Guess that didn't work. But uh yeah, you're cool man. I could really use a friend."

Right, friend. Why oh why do I keep thinking this could turn into something more?

"Well I'm your guy!" I said proudly. God I'm such a nerd. "So uh why is she telling you to fix stuff? That's what maintenance is for."

"She didn't tell you? I'm the new maintenance man after my uncle pulled his back out. It works out though. I was in need of a new place and she needed to hire someone quick for the building. I get to live here rent free as long as I'm good at my job. So if you ever need anything, call me. You already have my number."

"Oh that's cool. Well I should probably head out, get out of your hair since you got things to do."

This is going to do wonders for my fantasies from here on out. Maybe I can call him to fix my pipes? Okay that's enough dirty thoughts for one day. I have to keep this professional or at the very least non-sexual. I'm starting to sound like a predator.

"It's cool man. Before I forget though, here," he said flashing a small blue vial.

"What's this?"

"Cologne. It's pretty strong so it should overpower whatever your friend gave you. Don't move," he said as he sprayed me down. It was that same scent that I smelled on him earlier, cinnamon and pepper. He then got close to me, like really close, I was starting to think that one of my daydreams had started again. But this was definitely no daydream. His eyes trailed off then the unexpected happened. He smelled me causing me to blush intensely and swallow hard.

"U-Um what are you doing?" I asked frozen.

"Oh sorry, I was making sure you you didn't smell like death anymore. You smell great now. You'll have no problem reeling in the boys now. Trust me, it works on the ladies all the time."

And there he goes again, ruining my fantasy. Maybe this should be the final nail in the coffin. But he's cool though, I don't mind having another friend. But something tells me he's going to be like the other two and fuck with me all the time.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to need a lot more help than some fancy smelling cologne but um thanks."

"Well if that doesn't help then I guess you could always smile. I think you have a pretty nice smile."

"Huh?" I asked blushing. I couldn't help but to nervously smile too as a result.

"There it is! See, just do that and the boys will come running. And if they don't, then the guys here have terrible taste."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're flirting with me."

"Really? Did it seem that way?" he said opening the door. "Well I'll see you later?"

"Um y-yeah. Unless you want to ditch tonight and come with us to Devour."

"I wish I could, I really do. But I've got work and family business."

"I get it. It's fine. Um thanks Gideon."

He flashed me that killer smile of his again then shut the door. I couldn't help but to smile like an idiot as I took a few steps towards my apartment. At least no one's around to witness it. I was about to reach for my doorknob when I my phone vibrated through my back pocket. It was Micah. Apparently they thought that I went out to the car already and when they found the car and not me, it prompted them to text me.

"I'll be down in a second," I texted. Leaning against my door, I pulled my top close to me and inhaled. I smell just like him. I'm never washing this, ever.

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