In Love with a Jedi

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 26, 2005


I do not know the celebrities mention in this story, nor do I know their sexual preferences. I am not them, nor do I claim to be.

There will be male/male sex in these stories, so if you're not allowed to view such stories in your area, go somewhere else, damn it.

In Love With A Jedi Part 3 by Banky Edwards


The next day, I found myself waking up on the couch alone. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I looked around the room. The curtains were closed, but I could tell that it was light outside. I stretched and headed upstairs, looking in doorways hoping to find Hayden. I finally found him sprawled across the bed, nude save a pair of tight dark jeans, talking on his phone. He was periodically curling and uncurling his toes for no apparent reason.

"Well, I asked if I could bring another person," he said, oblivious to my arrival. "And, Quinn said it was okay as long as they didn't cause any trouble, of course. I can't see any reason why Mase would do that. Although." He paused. "Well, I asked him to come to the premiere, but I don't think he's going to come. He seemed really unhappy about it." He laughed. "Shut up, Natalie. He did not say that,"

I cleared my throat, making Hayden sit up quickly. He held up a finger, signaling for me to wait. "Can I call you back in a few minutes?" he asked. "All right. Bye,"

He set the phone down and leaned back on his hands. "How long have you been up?"

"I just got up," I told him, walking across the room and sitting on his lap. "So, what do we have planned for today?"

He grinned. "Actually, I have a photo shoot. And, I was wondering if you would like to come along. Just as a spectator, of course,"

I nodded. "I'd love to."

An hour or so later, Hayden and I pulled up to a beautiful looking mansion in Calabasas. After talking to the security guard, the gates were opened and we drove inside. Once we pulled up, a guy came outside to greet us. He looked like someone that I would have gone to school with. He could be no older than twenty five with curly blonde hair, blue eyes and, of course, a camera hanging from his shoulder. "Quinn! What's going on?" Hayden greeted, shaking the guy's hand.

"Not much," he replied, glancing at me quickly. "Got done with Ewan an hour or two ago. You're the last shoot of the day,"

"So, you're not going to rush me this time, are you?"

Quinn laughed, taking another peek at me. "I still have to get home before eight, so maybe a little." He looked directly at me, drawing Hayden's gaze. "Oh, Quinn. This is Mason Hanowell, my... boyfriend,"

My heart jumped into my throat. Had Hayden actually come out to some random photographer? Quinn smiled at me, shaking my vibrating hand. "It's all right, Mason. I already knew about Hayden. I just thought he was single,"

I took a deep breath. "Sorry. I'm a little protective of my Canadian bacon,"

Hayden stared at me as Quinn proceeded to laugh his head off. "Since when do you call me your Canadian bacon?"

"Just now. Because you're a big ham,"

"Can we take this inside, guys?" Quinn interjected. "Hayden needs to get into wardrobe and hair and makeup,"

The house was just as lovely inside as outside. I'm talking marble floors, columns, spiraling staircases, beautiful artwork, the works. We were guided upstairs to one of the bedrooms which was draped in deep reds and black, speckled with dashes of golden yellow and hunter green. "Hayde, can we do our bedroom like this?" I asked, looking around. He chuckled. "Sure. It'll be your birthday present,"

"Along with a car, right?"

"We'll see,"

"Okay, Hayden. This is Kristi. She'll be doing your hair. And, this is Eva, the makeup artist. And, that's Brian, wardrobe. They'll get you ready."

Hayden nodded and disappeared with the three assistants, leaving me alone with Quinn, who eyed me curiously. As I stood nervously still, he circled around me, looking up and down. Once he reached my face, he stepped dangerously close to me, staring right into my eyes.

"Do you model?"

I shook my head.

"You should. As a matter of fact, my model dropped out at the last minute for a shoot I scheduled next week. You interested in filling in?"

The word `no' almost slipped out of my mouth before I remembered the conversation I had with Hayden the night before. There was no harm in taking a modeling gig, right? I nodded. "Sure. I'd be glad to. Just let me know when and where,"

"Cool. We'll talk about it afterwards,"

It was about half an hour before Hayden returned, donned in all black. He snuck me a kiss before beginning the photo shoot. I watched, entranced, as Quinn set up lights, gave directions and snapped away. As the first roll of film was stored away, Natalie burst into the room in a panting mess. Quinn, Hayden and I all looked at her inquiringly. "Sorry," she huffed. "Fucking L.A. traffic,"

"The kitchen's downstairs if you need some water," Quinn said before turning back to Hayden with a refreshed camera. "I'll go with you," I volunteered. Natalie trudged down the stairs with me in tow. "Did you run up the driveway?" I teased.

"Actually, yes," she panted. "They wouldn't let my chauffer past the gate. And, I was already way late, so I ran." I fixed her a glass of water, which disappeared quickly. "You're not here for a shoot, are you?" I asked. She shook her head. "Hayden just invited me here,"

"So, you two are close? I mean, he talked about you during the shoot, but I didn't know that you were friends offset,"

Natalie smiled and sat on the counter. "We had to form a certain degree of closeness since we were pretending to be lovers and all. So, we formed a friendship off screen, yeah."

She and I chatted for what seemed like hours before Quinn came hopping down the stairs. "Mason. Hair and makeup,"


He rolled his eyes. "Go to hair and makeup. Kristi and Eva are waiting for you,"

I shot a confused look at Natalie who shrugged. Before I could pose any questions, Quinn grabbed me by my arm and hauled me up the stairs. As we passed through the bedroom, I could see three shocking things. Well, one shocking, one perplexing, one interesting. First off, Hayden was sitting on the bed smiling impishly. Secondly, he was sitting on the bed smiling impishly surrounded by all white sheets and bedspreads. Thirdly, he was sitting on the bed smiling impishly nude, save a sheet that was covering his jibbly-bits.

I was thrown into a chair and immediately pounced upon by Kristi and Eva, who took to their respective tasks quickly. My hair was tousled, my skin was bronzed and so on. It actually only took ten minutes before Quinn deemed me acceptable. When he began to escort me back into the bedroom, I was confused. "Don't I need to go to wardrobe?"

Quinn laughed, which unsettled me a bit. "You don't need clothes. As a matter of fact, take yours off and join Hayden,"

"Hayde, what's going on?"

He gazed at me with a look in his eye that reminded me of a lot of occasions. Our first actual date, the first time we kissed, the first night I spent with him, etcetera. Basically, he was looking at me with love in his eyes. "I thought we'd take some pictures just for us," he finally answered. "You know, you and me."


He chuckled. "We'll be covered up."

I sighed and shucked off my clothes, quick to cover myself. Quinn, busy adjusting lights, called over his shoulder, "Mason, go ahead and climb in bed with Hayden. Um. sit face to face, legs on each side and sheets wrapped around your waists."

I did as I was told, glaring at Hayden furiously. Actually, less furious and more apprehensive. Despite my feelings, I couldn't deny the romantic look in his eyes. "I suppose you thought this would be funny, didn't you?"

Hayden shrugged. "I thought it would be hot. And, since we don't have any pictures of each other, this would be a great beginning to our photo album,"

It was another odd fact about our relationship. Save the one photo we had from our initial meeting, Hayden and I had no photographic evidence of our relationship. There were scattered pictures from Australia, China, London and other Star Wars locales, but they were mostly of me in front of historic sites or beautiful landscapes. Or, the opposite: Hayden and I with the cast or crew, but never romantically. Never just the two of us.

Hayden and I sat talking for a few minutes while Quinn set up lights, called in the girls to do some last minute touch-ups and generally got ready. I was in the middle of laughing at something Hayde said when I heard the camera click. We both turned at the same time, looking at Quinn, who was squatting near the bed, camera pointed at us. Another click went off. "What are you doing?" I asked.

He looked at me like I was daft. "I'm photographing you. because I'm a photographer,"

"But, you're not telling us what to do,"

"I know," he said simply. "I like your interactions better than something I can come up with. I just set you up and take the photos,"

I shot a curious look at Hayden, but that only prompted another click from the camera. He smiled at me and my feelings of trepidation dissipated. The minutes flew by as Hayden and I generally horsed around, conversing as if Quinn wasn't there. At one point, Hayden pushed me over, sitting on my waist and kissing me passionately. That cued about eight snaps from Quinn's camera. After forty-five minutes of film, Quinn cleared his throat. "Hayden, I think I'm done with you,"

"Cool." He looked at me. "I'm going to get dressed,"

"What about me?"

Quinn answered. "I was hoping we could do some solo shots with you. Just for you guys. Still covered by the sheets and everything,"

"Have fun," Hayden quipped before hopping off the bed and darting into the next room. I heard squeals from Kristi and Eva, which made me burst into laughter. Generally speaking, I wasn't nervous about the solo shoot. Quinn was really easygoing and made me really comfortable. Even when he strategically placed the sheet so everything was exposed except my private parts.

As we wrapped up, I heard a ring coming from the room next to me. "Hayden! Toss me my phone! That's a family call!"

Two seconds later, the phone shot out of the doorway, landing on the bed. I picked it up just as it would have caught the answering machine. "Hello?"

"Sup, little brother?"

"Mark! Nothing much. Just a photo shoot."

"Really? Uh-oh, do I have competition?"

I laughed and barely heard a snap of the camera. Mark is my older brother by all of two minutes. I'm the second of three identical boys, triplets of course. Mark is the oldest and our other brother, Mitch, is

the youngest, three minutes after me. Mark had always wanted to be the center of attention, so he had moved to New York and become a model straight out of high school. Obviously, if he had been a success, which he had, I could be too.

Because we look exactly alike.

Like most identical triplets do.


"No, this is for personal use, not public," I replied, sliding off the bed, sheets wrapped around my body. Quinn followed, making me roll my eyes in amusement. "Ah, taking nudie pictures for your mysterious boyfriend?"

"Nudie pictures? No. They are artfully naked and covered up," I laughed. "What are you up to?"

"Nada. I'm coming to L.A. tomorrow and was wondering if you're doing anything. I'll be there for two weeks."

I chuckled. "Forever the one to surprise someone. Well, I actually have another photo shoot a week from now." I glanced at Quinn. "I don't think my photographer would have any qualms about letting my brother come and observe,"

"Brother?" Quinn echoed.

"Identical. And, a model,"

"Tell him he better be there!"

I relayed the message to Mark, who laughed. "Awesome. I'll call you when I get into town tomorrow, all right?"

"You do that,"

"Catch you later,"

I hung up and celebrated. I hadn't seen Mark in close to a year due to my traveling and his modeling. And, needless to say, since we were part of a trio, we were very close. My brothers had been the first people who I told I was gay and they had supported me the entire ride. They even hooked me up with my first boyfriend, as odd as that was.

"All right, Mason," Quinn said, shaking me out of my trance. "I've gone through all my film. You can get dressed and I'll give you the information for next week. God, my luck. Twins,"

"Triplets, actually,"

Quinn's eyes bugged. "Is the other one coming, too?"

"No. Mitch is camera shy anyway,"

"Too bad,"


And, as I promised, here's the third chapter. I know you might have wanted a little more sex, but that's coming in the fourth. Let me know how I did!

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