In Love with a Jedi

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 12, 2005


I do not know the celebrities mention in this story, nor do I know their sexual preferences. I am not them, nor do I claim to be.

There will be male/male sex in these stories, so if you're not allowed to view such stories in your area, go somewhere else, damn it.

In Love With A Jedi Part 2 by Banky Edwards


Once home, Hayden disappeared into the kitchen and I headed upstairs. As I shucked off my clothes, I could hear him clanging pots and pans around, no doubt whipping up some midnight snack. I headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower, hopping inside and assuming my favorite position: forehead against the wall directly underneath the hanging showerhead. It was what Hayden called my thinking position. And, indeed it was. I couldn't help but relive my brief, but complex interactions with Ewan. There was no doubt in my mind that he was hitting on me, but I was firmly involved with Hayden and he wouldn't try to impede on that. Would he?

My thoughts were interrupted my two hands sliding around my waist. Hayden's body pressed against mine, sending shivers through me. He silently kissed the back of my neck, pressing his waist against my backside. His kisses traveled lower, from my neck to my shoulder blades and down to the small of my back. I arched my back, whimpering slightly. "Hayde," I whispered, barely audible over the water. His advances stopped immediately.

"What's wrong, babe?" he asked, standing. "You've been acting funny since the movie ended."

"Nothing," I lied, leaning back into his body. Hayden gently turned my face, kissing me at an odd angle. His tongue dueled with mine, making me quiver. I clutched at his wet hair with one hand and propped myself against the wall with the other. Hayden's hands wandered, lingering at my stomach.

Unable to resist, I pushed back against him, letting him know what I wanted. Despite what I had been feeling not two minutes before, the feeling of Hayden's warmth pressed against mine was irresistible. He spared one hand in order to guide himself inside of me. It was a tad difficult due to the lack of lubrication, but other than that, Hayden moved in smoothly. I sighed, relaxing at his contact, leaning my entire upper body against the wall.

As I said before, sex with Hayden is beyond description, but I'll try my best.

There were no words. There never were. Being naturally quiet, Hayden made little noise during sex, the only sound escaping his lips was his breath and the occasional hushed moan. Before I met Hayden, I was quite loud during sex actually, but something about him threw my communications systems for a loop. I wanted to moan and groan and scream loud enough to make the neighbors want a cigarette, but I didn't. I just basked in the sensations.

Hayden rested his upper body against mine, making small movements with his hips. He didn't have to slam into me like some chose to. To say it politely, Hayden was large. I'll just leave it at that. So, the slightest movement sent shocks through me. Hayden wrapped his arms around my chest, drawing me impossibly further into his slick torso. I relaxed, resting my head against the wall, which he took as an invitation. Hayden buried his face in my neck, kissing and suckling like a newborn. I was sure he would leave a mark, but I didn't particularly care.

The water slid over our connected bodies for an unknown amount of time before I felt Hayden wrap his long fingers around my own unattended erection. I groaned, having basically forgotten that it existed. Hayden stepped forward, now so close to me that I could feel his toes brushing against the back of my heels, his legs completely pressed against mine. Hayden's kisses moved higher, onto my jaw and ears, a sensitive spot for me. I let out a puff of air, gripping his handful of hair a little harder than necessary. In response, Hayden clamped down on my earlobe with his teeth, which made me lose all composition.

I threw my head back and shot harder than I had in days, hitting the shower wall. My orgasm was so intense, in fact, that I threw my weight into Hayden, standing on my toes. My lover heaved a deep sigh and I could feel him convulsing inside of me, implanting me with his seed. His grip tightened on me, no doubt leaving scratches, but I didn't care. I was coming down from my orgasmic high as was Hayden.

"We should have sex in the shower more often," he panted, resting on my body. I chuckled slightly, running my fingers through his hair. "Why? So you don't have to clean sheets?"

"That's an added bonus,"

"What's the real reason?"

"Because you're even more beautiful when you're wet,"

I turned around, dislodging Hayden from my body. "And, you're a complete ham."

"I'm serious, Mase," he continued as he leaned against me. "The nonstop modeling offers should tell you that. I personally don't understand why you don't accept any of them. You'd make a killing and you could easily transition from that into acting. I mean, look at who else did it. Cameron Diaz, Ashton Kutcher, Mischa Barton. They all modeled before they acted."

"Hayde, I -,"

He placed a finger on my lips, hushing me. "Look, Mase. You're gorgeous. And, you can be successful. Give me one good reason why you shouldn't model and I'll drop the subject,"

I sighed. "Because, Hayde. I don't want anyone else to look at me like a piece of eye candy,"

Hayden laughed, then stopped himself, noticing the scandalized look on my face. "I'm sorry, babe. That's just ridiculous. I don't mind other guys looking at you. I know you're all mine,"

"Well, I -,"

"Here's the deal," he cut in. "The next time someone offers you a modeling gig, take it. If you don't like it, I'll never say anything about it again. If you do, then you can go from there,"

I bit my lip in consideration, then nodded. "I'll do it. But, I have the right to turn down any pictures I don't like, okay?"

"That's up to the photographer, not me,"

For the rest of the shower, Hayden and I washed in relative silence. Silence punctuated by random kisses and the sporadic laughter as one of us passed over a ticklish spot. When we finally toweled off and headed down to the kitchen, I found a long velvet box sitting on the counter. "Hayde, what's this?" I asked as he stirred something on the stovetop. He looked over his shoulder. "Open it and find out."

"You know I don't like necklaces,"

He walked up behind me, placing his hands on either side of the counter in front of me. "I know that," he sniggered. "It's not a necklace."

"I don't want something cheesy, either," I ranted, being the spoiled brat that I am. "No charm bracelets with like, I don't know, lightsabers and little Yoda charms." Hayden shook his head. "Shut up and open it, Mase,"

With Hayden lingering over me, I opened the box. In it were what looked like tickets. Upon closer inspection, I found out that they were plane tickets to Australia. "Wh. why are you giving me these?" I asked, somewhat confused. We had been in Australia for most of the shoot for Star Wars. Of course, I had spent most of my time by myself as Hayden had been on set.

"Because we didn't get to do much together," he explained. "This way, we can have a real vacation together. I know you've always wanted to go to Australia. I mean, for real. Not just sitting around in a cabin or something,"

It was true. I loved Australia and was a little upset that I hadn't gotten to spend much time with Hayden while we were there. I turned around and placed a passionate kiss on his lips, throwing my arms around him. "You're such a sweetheart," I grinned.

"Don't get too excited," he replied. "We don't go for another month,"

"A month?" I repeated. "Why? We're not doing anything!"

He rolled his eyes. "Mase, the premiere of the movie is in three weeks. I sort of have to be there for it. And, so do you,"

"Come again?"

He cocked his head to the side. "I wasn't going to tell you until the last minute, but... well, I want you to come to the premiere with me. As my date,"

It took a second for the words to register. "But, that would expose your sexuality to the whole world," I said dumbly. Hayden nodded and held my hands in his. "I don't want to hide you anymore. I want everyone to know that I love you,"

I shifted uncomfortably. "Hayde, I don't know."

"I do," he said firmly. "Mason, we've been together for close to three years and I love you more than anything in my life. You've stood by me even when you couldn't see me. You left everything in your life behind just to travel with me during the movie. The least I can do is let the world know how much I love you. And, I want to do it at the premiere,"

"Your food is boiling over,"

Hayden turned and broke off instantly, trying his best to restrain the explosion that had previously been soup. In the midst of his cleaning and cursing, I moved into the living room, plopping down on the couch. It wasn't that I wasn't touched by Hayden's idea. I just wasn't comfortable with it. I'm not one to put myself in the spotlight, despite my dreams to become a successful actor. Being on the stage is one thing. Having the nation know you for being Hayden Christensen's homosexual lover is another.

"Babe? Where'd you go?"

"Living room," I called. Hayden appeared, leaning on the wall. I drank in the sight of him clad only in a pair of loose boxers, arms crossed over his chest. "You don't want to come to the premiere, do you?" he asked simply. I looked away, not knowing what to say. Hayden sighed, obviously hurt. "It's all right. I shouldn't have asked so much of you,"

"Hayde, it's not that," I replied quickly. "I just... I don't know how to -,"

A shrill ring emanated from upstairs. Both of us recognized it as a business call from Hayden's cell phone. He glanced at me for a second before darting up the stairs. A wave of guilt passed over me. I'd do anything to make Hayden happy. But, I didn't know if I could be the reason he exposed himself to the public. His career was just taking off and if his sexuality ruined it, it'd be my fault. And, I couldn't live with that kind of weight on my shoulders.

Hayden was upstairs for a long time. His voice carried down in bits and pieces. He was having a conversation with someone about a photo shoot taking place tomorrow. Then, I heard him ask if he could bring someone along. No doubt that he was talking about me. I rolled my eyes and lay down on the couch, feeling a little exhausted. Prior to going to the movie, I had been working out quite a bit. As the spring was waning and the summer was coming into effect, I wanted to be in top shape for bikini season.

Not that I wore bikinis.

A million and one thoughts were racing through my head as I drifted off to sleep on the plush couch. I don't know how long I was out before I heard Hayden's voice. "Mase, babe?"


"You coming up to bed?"

I opened my eyes. The room was dark. Obviously Hayden had turned off the lights at one point. I could barely make out his face above mine. "I'm not moving," I mumbled groggily. Hayden laughed quietly and placed a kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes, expecting him to leave and go to bed. Instead, I felt weight shift behind-slash-next to me. I looked over my shoulder to see Hayden snuggling onto the couch next to me, throwing an arm over me. He kissed me on the shoulder and fell silent.


Wow! Sorry for the delay, guys. Hope you enjoyed the second chapter. The third is coming soon! Let me know how I did!

Next: Chapter 3

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