In Love with a Jedi

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 21, 2005


I do not know the celebrities mention in this story, nor do I know their sexual preferences. I am not them, nor do I claim to be.

There will be male/male sex in these stories, so if you're not allowed to view such stories in your area, go somewhere else, damn it.

In Love With A Jedi Part 1 by Banky Edwards


I cradled the head in the nape of my neck, feeling my lover's lips travel from my shoulder to my jaw. I held onto his shoulders, clutching at his shirt for dear life. One of his hands held my dark hair tightly, exposing my neck to him. The other tenderly stroked my stomach, running over my abs and chest. I shuddered as his kisses moved to my ear and finally to my lips.

I felt the car we were in come to a halt, so I quickly sat up and adjusted my shirt. My lover did the same, brushing his brown hair behind his ear and smiling at me. "You ready to meet everyone?" he asked, glancing out of the window. I sighed nervously and nodded. "Don't worry," he continued, placing a hand on mine. "They'll like you. I mean, maybe,"

"You ass!"

I pounced on him, playfully punching his shoulders as he laughed defiantly. He snatched my arms out of the air, holding me by the wrists. I struggled for a second before I gave up and stared into my boyfriend's eyes. I began to speak, but he silenced me with a tender kiss, releasing my hands. I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning into his embrace. Just as the kiss started getting heavy, the door to the car opened and the chauffer peeked inside.

"Mr. Christensen. Mr. Hanowell. We've arrived."

Hayden nodded curtly and slid me off his lap, holding his hand out to assist me. He pulled me out of the car and towards our destination: a private movie theatre on the outskirts of L.A. Unlike the rest of the world, I didn't have to wait for Revenge of the Sith to come out in theatres. Seeing as I was romantically involved with one of the main characters, as soon as the movie came out of post-production, I was allowed to see it with the rest of the cast and crew.

"I can't wait for you to see the -,"

"Hayden, don't tell me anything," I interrupted. "I want to be surprised,"

He chuckled, squeezing my hand in his. I honestly couldn't tell you how Hayden and I met. I remembered being at some cast party with my friend Heidi, getting drunk beyond reason and waking with his number in my pocket and a candid picture involving Hayden and myself being rather intimate. We went out on a few dates and by the time he and I were becoming serious, he had landed the deal for Star Wars. I had uprooted my life and gone to travel with him while the film was being shot. Due to all the publicity, Hayden had kept his sexuality and our relationship a secret. Not that I minded. After all, he was coming out to the cast and crew that very evening.

Besides, sex with Hayden was beyond description.

I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Mason Hanowell. Twenty two years old, fresh out of college for dramatic arts, jet black hair, brown eyes, etcetera and so forth. I had been asked about three billion times to model for random companies, but I always turned them down, not wanting to be a piece of eye candy for anyone other than my man.


A woman came running out of the building and I instantly recognized her as Natalie Portman, romantic interest opposite Hayden. She began to hug him, but looked down at our entwined hands. "Oh. Um, I'm sorry. We haven't been introduced."

"Mason, this is Natalie. Natalie, this is my boyfriend, Mason,"

Natalie recovered from her shocked reaction very quickly, but not so quick that I couldn't see it. "Nice to meet you," she said, shaking my free hand. "I'd like to say he's said so much about you, but that would be a lie,"

Hayden rolled his eyes, but I could sense his embarrassment. "I had my reasons," he said shortly. I smiled. "It's all right, Ms. Portman,"

"Dear god, call me Natalie,"

"All right, Natalie," I corrected. "I knew Hayden kept me a secret. Amongst other things,"

"Well, he and I will have plenty of things to talk about," she replied, shooting a look at him. "But, for now, we should join the others. You two are fashionably late, meaning the movie starts in five minutes. You've missed all the gab time,"

A new wave of nervousness swept over me. I had never been big on the celebrity scene, so this was quite a huge leap for me. I mean, Samuel L. Jackson, Frank Oz, and George Lucas? I'd probably fall to pieces before I got halfway through the cast list. Hayden seemed to read my mind, waiting until Natalie moved away to whisper, "They'll all love you. Don't be intimidated."

I kissed him on his cheek before we moved inside. I immediately felt like a fish out of water. All of the movie's stars were talking casually, most likely about the movie. I couldn't name everyone off the top of my head, but I knew they were all big names. I recognized the actor who played Palpatine chatting with Samuel L. Jackson. Natalie had joined in a conversation with George Lucas and a guy who had his back to us. I took a deep breath and followed Hayden.

It was a gauntlet of introductions and handshakes as we made our way through the room. Everyone had the same reaction to my presence: shock and immediate friendliness. There were a few "Your what?" kind of conversations. And, of course, "Why didn't you tell me?" Hayden blushed so much that he basically stayed red the entire time. We hadn't made it halfway across the room when a voice behind us said, "Your boyfriend, eh? Nice to know someone's keeping you in check,"

We turned and my heart jumped in my chest. Ewan McGregor was smiling cheekily as Hayden separated from me to hug him, laughing heartily. They split and Ewan turned to me, looking me up and down, then making me turn all the way around. "Well, Hayden, I can't say you've done bad at all." They shared a laugh while I blushed. "But, where are my manners? I'm -,"

"Trust me, he knows who you are," Hayden cut in, winking at me. My cheeks grew even hotter. "What do you mean?"

"Mason is a huge Moulin Rouge fan," he explained. "He knows every line in the movie,"

"Hayden!" I whispered, mortified. "Why are you telling him this?"

He flashed a shit-eating grin at me before pecking me on the cheek. Before I could chastise him, George announced that everyone should make way to the theatre. The entire room began buzzing with idle chatter as everyone filed into the theatre. Once inside, I sat to Hayden's left, still holding his hand. Much to my surprise, Ewan sat to my left, sandwiching me between the two hunks of the film. He smiled at me, then turned to talk to the person on his other side.

I won't say anything about the movie because I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. But, needless to say, it was awesome. Something odd happened halfway through the movie though. In the middle of a seizure-inducing battle scene, I felt something on my knee. My left knee to be specific. I absent-mindedly glanced down and saw Ewan's hand resting on my leg. I looked at his face, but he kept his eyes locked on the screen. On my right, Hayden was equally entranced, oblivious to what was going on.

I couldn't think of any way to handle the situation without alerting Hayden, so I allowed Ewan to keep his hand where it was. As the movie progressed, his hand subtly shifted from my knee to my thigh. He did it so smoothly and slyly that I didn't notice until he was caressing my leg with his thumb. I glimpsed in his direction and caught his eye. He gave me a little smirk, then turned his attention back to the screen, leaving me bewildered. To my astonishment, Hayden still hadn't noticed that I was being felt up by his co- star. I hoped that he wouldn't, either.

The movie ended and Ewan removed his hand before the lights came back up. We all shuffled out to the lobby where tables of food and drink had been set up. I followed Hayden to the nearest table, stacking my plate with finger foods and joining everyone else. Natalie sidled up next to me. "So, what did you think about the shirtless scene?" she grinned. I chuckled. "I think that Hayden should wear that costume home sometime,"

"Do you two live together?" she asked as we sat down at a little table. I nodded, halfway through chewing. "For two years now,"

"Wow. How did you guys meet?"

I explained to her about the lack of clarity on that story, making her laugh loudly. So loudly, in fact, that Hayden strutted over, glancing curiously between the two of us. "What's so funny over here?" he asked, taking a seat next to me. "You two," Natalie answered. "Or, rather, how you met,"

Hayden rolled his eyes. "Are you going to tell everyone that story?"


The party, or whatever you want to call it, lasted for another hour or so before people started filtering out. I remained at the table with Natalie, occasionally being introduced to someone new by her or Hayden, who popped in and out. I met George Lucas, who was genuinely interested in meeting his star's true romantic interest. He informed me that, had we met earlier, he probably would have put me in the film as an extra. I doubted the truth of that, but thanked him anyway.

A few minutes later, Ewan showed up. "Well, I'm off. Natalie, call me. Hayden, you do the same. Mason, it was nice to meet you." I stood and hugged him politely. As we separated, I felt his hand slide into my pocket. He winked at me, then disappeared in the lingering crowd. Hayden hopped up. "I'm going to say good-bye to some people, then we can go,"

"All right,"

I reached into my pocket and found a piece of paper that hadn't been there before. I bit my lip, glancing up to see if Hayden was nearby. When I saw him standing across the room, I looked at the paper. When I opened it up, I saw that Ewan had written his phone number down. I wasn't exactly sure what to think, but I didn't really have time to think. Natalie reached across the table and plucked the paper out of my hand, despite my objections. "Ooh, this is interesting," she smirked. "Could it be that you've captured the hearts of both our leading men?"

I snatched the number back, cramming it in my pocket just as Hayden returned. "You ready to go, Mase?" he asked, kneeling in front of me. I nodded and looked at Natalie, who had found something interesting to look at on the table. "Nat, I'll see you tomorrow," Hayden said. "I'm sure you want to yell at me for keeping this from you, don't you?"

"Naturally," she replied. "But, you two get home. I'll see you soon. Mason, it was nice to meet you. I must see you again,"

"You just might," I told her, standing and wrapping my arm around Hayden's waist. We said our good-byes and left, meeting the chauffer. We climbed into the car and began our journey home. "So, what did you think of the movie?" Hayden asked. I looked at him and shrugged. "I guess I liked it. I mean, thank god your face was covered up for the last part of it. I couldn't look at it for much longer,"

Hayden's eyes bulged and his jaw fell open. "Just paying you back for that comment earlier," I explained, smiling. I placed my head on his shoulder, but he gently shoved me off. "Definitely not. You're going to pay for that,"

I studied his face for a second, debating whether he was joking or not before leaning into a kiss that not even he could resist. As the car began off, Hayden relented and held my face in his hands. Our kiss lasted for minutes before Hayden pushed his weight onto me, forcing me to lay down on the seat. His hand left my face and traveled down my body, coming to rest on my knee. The sensation triggered my memory back to hours earlier when Ewan had touched me the same way.

I sat up rather abruptly, basically tossing Hayden off of me. He looked at me oddly, so I looked away at the passing street lights. Ever the gentleman, Hayden didn't continue his advances. For the remainder of the ride, he was content to have his arms around my waist and his chin resting on my shoulder.


Well, that's the first chapter. I hope you enjoyed. There is much, much more to come. Let me know what you thought:

Next: Chapter 2

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