In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jan 23, 2023


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Everyone in the house was asleep, but Francesco didn't feel like it. After an entire day of fooling around and shooting the breeze, tomorrow would be a different issue altogether. He had yet to talk to Mouse about his plans, or to Karl about their common future.

He walked down the stairs and went outside. The summer air was balmy and it was pleasant just to be there. He looked around and something caught his eye. Outside the main gate, there was a car parked with its headlights on. Who was there? He looked over his shoulder at the house sunk in darkness. Maybe it was one of Morgan's friends? Or the captain's?

It was an easy choice. Just walk into the house without caring about the mysterious car. Obviously, since it had the headlights on, the person behind the wheel didn't care if they were noticed. That meant that it couldn't be someone bent on doing something nefarious. Still, curiosity got the best out of him. The house he shared with Karl was the only one on the hill, so anyone who drove up there had to have something to do with the owners.

He walked over to the gate and pulled it open. From that distance, he tried to see inside the car, but the headlights were too bright, and he couldn't see beyond that. With a shrug, he began walking toward it. Was it right now when the audience of a horror movie started shouting things like `don't follow that cat'? He was being paranoid for no reason. What if it was someone who got stranded there with a flat tire?

He had survived a lot of things. Maybe that was why he was paranoid, after all. He walked over to the car and knocked on the window. To his surprise, the door opened brusquely.

When he saw the man climbing out of the car, he turned on his heel, but a strong man caught his shoulder. "Just a word, Francesco."

His heart was racing already. He could shout and alert the people in the house, but could they really hear him?

"Don't shout for help," Don said as if he could read his mind. "I doubt they would hear you through those two-pane windows."

Right, most probably, Don had had a hand in picking this house for him and Karl. He knew about the amenities, so to speak. This wasn't the time to behave like a scaredy cat. So, he turned to face his nemesis. In the faint streetlight, he didn't look that dangerous. Not that Francesco cared so much about appearances. "What are you doing here?" he asked, shaking off the man's hand from his shoulder.

Don chuckled. "What? Can't I visit my son and son-in-law now?"

"No shit. Don't tell me you were about to ring our bell at this hour. And you could've called first. We could have told you to go to hell and saved you the trip."

Don laughed and took him by the shoulders. "You really have a mouth on you, Francesco. But I would have thought you'd be more scared of me."

Francesco put his chin up. "Do something to me, and Karl will make sure that gangbang you got was a pleasure fuck."

That seemed to take something from Don's self-assurance. "Eh, had to give the boy a taste of success."

"The fuck you mean by that?" Francesco asked and frowned.

"Just something between Karl and me."

"Like hell. Why are you here?" He said every word, making sure Don understood the question.

"As I said, just wanted to pay you boys a visit."

"In the middle of the night?"

"The best time to know no one would interrupt us. I was going to call Karl and invite him out here for a chat."

"Leave Karl alone." Francesco crossed his arms. "Whatever you want to say, say it to me." He braced himself. Shit with Don wasn't over, apparently.

"I transferred properties and all to him. The lawyers will give him all the papers tomorrow."

"You didn't have to bother for so little."

Don laughed again. He patted Francesco's cheek, not hard. Then, to Francesco's surprise, Don caught his chin with his other hand. "Make sure to give him this."

Francesco didn't have time to dodge. Don clamped his mouth hard on his and pushed his tongue in, giving him a dirty kiss. He staggered when he was let go. Don caught him by the shoulders and licked his lips. "Sweet," he commented and turned to climb behind the wheel.

"Did you fuck Karl?" he asked.

Don grinned, his hand on the car door. "That's something you have to ask your husband."

"I'm asking you."

"Not telling." Don shook his head and made another move to get into the car.

"Are you going to leave us alone?" Francesco asked.

"Sure." Don shrugged. "You boys earned it. It's not every day that someone outfoxes me. It's good that it was my son. Anyone else would have gotten a rotten deal on this. But you don't have to worry about a thing. I'll cherish all the memories of fucking you."

"And Karl."

"Nice try, Francesco. What do you say? Care to give daddy-in-law a blowjob for the road?" Don grabbed his cock through his pants.

"You've got some fucking nerve," Francesco mumbled but looked at the man's crotch anyway.

"My son got himself a good whore. I'm pleased with it. As I am that I could sample the goods. The only thing missing is that I couldn't get you pregnant."

"Fuck off," Francesco said through his teeth. "Would you have done that if Karl was married to a woman?"

Don shrugged. "I would have tried. Maybe. Who knows? Karl learned how to fight and win from me. Each time he breeds you, remember what I'm telling you right now. You're in bed in a winner, because he came from my nuts."

"Right, it's going to be my go-to reference whenever," Francesco said.

"Sharp tongue, sweet tongue. Karl brought home a real treasure."

"Yeah, yeah, fuck off now. And don't call Karl. Let him sleep."

"I'll talk to him another time. Now go and give him that kiss from me. He'll know what that means."

Francesco had a mind to tell Don to take all that shit talk and shove it up his ass, but it was too much to bother. What he wanted is to get that fucker out of there and fast. Next time, he was going to trust his instincts, no matter how paranoid they were.

"Bye-bye, Francesco," Don said mockingly. "And if Karl's dick is no longer enough, come to daddy."

"I have one of those, too. Two, actually."

"Ah, the bodyguard and the army man. But do they really bring out the bitch in you, Francesco? Food for thought, my boy, food for thought."

Francesco no longer waited for Don to start his car and get out of there. He turned on his heel, and only heard the engine starting and the sound of the car moving away from him. Now that was some shit-tier meeting.

And he would make sure to ask Karl about what Don meant by all that shit. Maybe it was nothing, maybe it was something. Either way, he wanted to learn about it.

"Don was here last night."

Reynolds had some business to deal with, and Morgan was out, as well. That left only the three of them at home.

"What the fuck?" Mouse asked.

"Here, in the house?" Karl narrowed his eyes. "Why the fuck didn't you wake me up, Cesco?"

"He was out in the street. I couldn't sleep and caught him there," Francesco explained.

Karl had his wild eyes on. "Cesco, are you fucking mental? What did he do to you?"

"Nothing." Francesco put his hands up, as if to demonstrate that he was in one piece. Still, Karl grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him close in a possessive gesture. From his place across from them, Mouse quirked an eyebrow in question. At least, one of his lovers had his head screwed on right.

"Look," he continued, "he only wanted to tell you that he transferred everything to your name."

"Lawyers talked to me all morning, making my head hurt," Karl said through his teeth. "The fuck did I need him to tell me any of that legal shit?"

"I asked the same. He said something weird, like, you know, he let you win or something," Francesco said.

Karl frowned. It was like he was searching for something.

"Karl," Francesco asked, "could it be that all that shit could have gone sideways that night?"

Karl shook his head. Mouse cursed under his breath.

"He's just bluffing, right?" Francesco insisted.

Mouse got up from his seat and put his hands on his head with a groan. "For fuck's sake."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Francesco turned toward the redhead.

"Just that there was no alarm, nothing, when we got in. We were ready to disable it and had the info for it, but... ah, the fucker could have played us." Mouse bit his bottom lip in frustration. "Shit."

"Are we in danger? Morgan? Reynolds?" Francesco asked.

Karl got up abruptly. "I'm going to talk to him."

"To your dad?"

Karl didn't reply and just grabbed his phone from the table. When he began walking out of the room, Francesco made a beeline for him. "The fuck you're doing, Cesco?"

"You're going to have this conversation with us present," he said. He looked at Mouse for confirmation. It looked like the redhead had the same idea himself.

Karl made a face like he just ate half a lemon, but then his shoulders sagged and he went back to the sofa. He put the phone on speaker.

"If it isn't my dear son," Don's voice through came cheerfully. "Did Francesco only now tell you about our little midnight talk?"

"Cut the crap, old man. What's your deal?" Karl could barely talk, that mad he was.

"My deal is that I wanted to let you know that, despite all the bad blood between us, you're still my son."

"And? Don't tell me you've finally realized what it means to be a good father." Karl's hand shook as he held the phone. Francesco steadied his wrist and exchanged a look with Mouse. The redhead looked tense, just like them. He was a clever dude, and he couldn't figure out what Don's games was; that Francesco read in Mouse's eyes.

"As good as I could ever be. I made a fucking champ out of you. Look at you. You're rich, and you're not 25 yet. And you got yourself a good whore to take care of your dick. That's something that matters in life, son."

"Screw this shit. It's not like you to praise me for anything. You've never done it."

"You've never done enough to warrant praises from me. Until now. You outplayed me, son. This is your prize. My earthly possessions." Don chuckled as he said that. "And my promise that you won't have to spend your life looking over your shoulder."

"I could have done worse to you," Karl said through his teeth.

"But you didn't. That's maybe the part you got from your mother. Or maybe I'm also generous when I feel like it. Ah, I think you got that one from me, too. Just a little curiosity, Karl. Did Francesco give you that kiss I told him to deliver to you?"

Karl threw a damning withering look at Francesco. Francesco grimaced. "He didn't."

"I'm a bit disappointed. You know, I tried to tempt him with a blowjob, and he didn't bite."

"No shit. Probably Francesco didn't want your dirty mouth anywhere near his dick."

Don laughed. "You're taking habits from your whore husband, it seemed. Obviously, he was drooling at the thought of gobbling down my dick and my swimmers, but he didn't bite. That's a loyal whore for you, my son. Enjoy him. For life."

"You don't get to tell me what to do."

"I'm just stating facts. I'm a bit conflicted, but you won this. Fair and square," Don said.

Karl's face darkened. "Not so fair and square, though."

"Ah, you realized? Or who did? That saucy redhead? Too bad I didn't get to fuck him, too. I heard he used to be a pro from a young age. A vet whore. That's something."

Karl pursed his lips and didn't say anything for a while. "What you're conflicted about?"

"I really liked your husband's holes. I would have liked to fuck him long and hard for a lot more time. But he's all yours. Now, I have a plane to catch. Thanks for the rush of having a worthy opponent once in a blue moon. Of course, you're my son. It shows. Even in how you fucked me."

Francesco couldn't believe the fucker. A guy like Don should have been taken down by getting gangbanged, but the fucker took things in stride as it had only been a regular day at the office, to take so much dick and get fucked up.

Don continued. "Yeah, I was a little mad at you for a minute, there. But hey, I'm a practical man. You needed to take your balls back, along with your whore husband. Enjoy your pair, son. You've earned to right to it."

"Screw you," Karl said through his teeth.

"That's the spirit, son," Don said cheerfully. "Ah, one more thing. Make sure our paths don't cross again. Keep on your part of the world."

"Or else?" Karl asked.

"I won't mind a bit of revenge. You step on my turf, you're fucked. If it happens, I'll make sure not only you get my cock, and your beloved whore, but that redhead, too."

"Fuck, I feel honored," Mouse said with a laugh. "It's like I'm the one who got away."

"Ahab, is it?" Don seemed to perk up at the sound of Mouse's voice. "Keep that thought, son. I like a willing bitch, just as I like a reluctant one."

"Sure thing, sir," Mouse said mockingly. "But first, you'll have to catch us on your turf. And we'll make sure to stay clear of that."

"I'm a little disappointed. But alas, it is what it is, I guess. Have a good life, boys, full of plenty of fucking. Just make sure your asses don't fall from too much dick. And Karl, give Francesco a gangbang once in a while. His tight whorish ass can't live without getting as many dick as possible. I wouldn't mind if you took pictures and made movies out of your little orgies. It would make an old man like me happy."

"Old man, my ass," Francesco murmured.

"And Francesco. Take care of Karl's cock most of all cocks in your life. Make sure he has enough, or otherwise, he might get mad you're such a whore."

"I don't need you to fucking tell me that," Francesco said through his teeth.

"Adios, boys," Don said and laughed. "You pulled one on me. I won't forget that, and I mean it as a good thing."

Francesco snorted. "Right."

Karl interrupted the convo and stared at him, and then at Mouse. "The fucker," he let out with a groan.

"We're not going to go to whatever part of the world he is," Francesco said.

"Did he really kiss you?" Karl asked.

"For real, like with tongue and everything?" Mouse added.

Francesco nodded. "Yeah. Took me by surprise, is all."

"Whatever. He can't touch us," Karl said with determination. "If he does, I'm just going to fuck him again until he cannot walk straight."

Francesco shook his head. "The fucker could have turned the tables on us, right?"

"Maybe," Mouse said. "Or maybe he wanted to save some face with all this bullshit talk."

"Maybe," Francesco agreed. "Karl, what do you think?"

Karl gave him one long look. "I think I'm done with the fucker. And I'll make sure he stays away from us. Don't worry about a thing."

Mouse sighed. "Well, that's a mean fucker right there. I suppose we'll have to double and triple check he's well-kept where he is. All claws cut and fangs pulled."

"Will do," Karl confirmed.

He seemed pissed, and Francesco understood, so he slid one arm around Karl's waist. Karl looked at him and kissed him, long and with longing, as if they hadn't seen each other in a year or something.

"Can I get some of that, too?" Mouse asked.

"Yeah," Karl replied. "Yeah, you can."



This story will end in two chapters, and then I will start publishing Mouse's story about his life in the army.

For my subscribers, I wrote a bunch of extra stuff, as follows:

A missing scene involving Karl getting dick from Mouse during chapter 34, when Francesco walks in on them. You can read a fragment of that here:

An alternate version of chapter 35, for those who wanted to read about Don doing all sorts of kinky things to Francesco before the guy got saved by his husbands and company. Here is a fragment of that story:

Another thing I wrote for subscribers was Don's Revenge, an extra story taking place after In It For Life, in which the story villain makes another appearance with surprising consequences for Karl and Francesco. You can read a part of that story here:

All these scenes and more are available on my SubscribeStar:

Next: Chapter 41

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