In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jan 12, 2023


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

It was good to soak in a tub filled with hot water after that crazy night. Francesco lathered his hair with plenty of shampoo. The fuckers had gotten so much cum in it that, in the end, it had turned hard like he had used a ton of hair products. He could still smell the cum on his skin, and if he focused, he could remember who had come on each part of his body. Karl had had an obsession with his face and even ended pushing some of his jizz up Francesco's nose. Maybe that was why he could still smell Karl's nut juice so well. Mouse was the kind of guy who liked everything in the dude he was jizzing, so he had spread the love everywhere.

Fuck, there was a little even in his ear. He sank at the bottom of the tub, letting the water close over his head for a bit. Damn, he might have to wash for a couple of hours to get rid of all of it. To think that it was supposed to be a punishment for those fuckers, and he was still the one who got jizzed all over.

Whatever, he was grateful, in a way. Don was history, or at least the guys had assured him, and he had Karl and Mouse still as his. After all that crap from the last year or so, they were still together. Sure, Mouse needed to pay his dues...

Without Don to breathe down their necks, did Mouse still have to serve the country and shit? That was something he needed to ask, but later. For now, his ass needed a rest. No normal conversation went the normal way with those freaks. Francesco sighed and let the water go over his head again, enjoying the soothing effect of the hot water.

He must have been underwater for about half a minute when two hands reached for him and dragged him to the surface. From the surprise, he forgot to hold his breath and water got in his nose, making him sputter, spit, and gasp for air.

"The fuck were you doing, Cesco?"

He managed to catch Karl's arm before the fucker slapped him. "Are you a fucking idiot? Why did you come in here? To piss me off?"

Karl let out his hand and a big sigh of relief. "Dunno, I thought you were in here for a long time."

"Yeah, so I could get all your fucking cum out of my hair and skin."

Karl laughed and began undressing. Francesco gave him a dirty look as his husband climbed into the bath tub and stretched his legs, wrapping them around him.

"For a moment, there, I thought you got fed up with us for good."

Francesco snorted. "That little you know me? I sucked your daddy's cock and drank his piss only to survive."

"Yeah." Karl's face turned all serious. "Maybe because of him... you know, never mind."

"He didn't break me if that's what you're worried about. He's nothing but a major dick."

"Yeah, a dick who could've broken you should he put his fucking mind to it," Karl shot back. His eyes had that intense look in them again.

Only then, Francesco realized. "You worried, huh?"

Karl closed his eyes and pursed his lips. "Worried doesn't cover it, Cesco. Things could go to shit at any moment. And whatever, maybe you won't think much about this, but hell, he could have done with me what he wanted. But I couldn't stand thinking of you in his clutches to do with you what he wanted. He wanted to destroy you."

That was Karl in his tender mode. Francesco moved through the soapy water, adjusting his position until he landed on Karl's chest with both hands and looked him into the eyes. "You won. He lost. And I'm here."

Karl blinked slowly and his breath deepened. Francesco could feel the guy's cock against his thigh. It was almost at full length. He moved his leg and used it to push Karl's dick downward. That got him a partially pained, partially pleased hiss from Karl.

"You pissed me off by letting that guy fuck you."

"And?" Francesco cradled his head in the crook of Karl's shoulder. "When I'm not doing that?"

Karl moved a possessive hand along Francesco's back and buried two fingers inside his ass, abruptly and without warning.

"I washed there already," Francesco complained.

"He shot in you so deep, I'm sure you're going to shit his cum for at least a couple of days."

"Don't be such an asshole," Francesco mumbled, while Karl penetrated him relentlessly, trying to go deeper. The soapy water didn't help and made the stinging sensation worse, but his ass had gotten so used to the abuse that it didn't hurt as much as usual. There was some merit in getting so used by daddy-in-law. Now, he could endure the roughest of fuckings and still be as peppy as a daisy the next day.

To distract Karl at bit from trying to pry his asshole apart and turn it inside out, Francesco kissed the fucker and then bit on his lips hard.

Finally, the invading fingers slipped from his ass, giving him a bit of a reprieve.

"Are you still mad at me?" Karl complained, feeling his mouth and wincing. "I even let that guy fuck you and own you like that in front of me."

"I have a feeling that a bit of cuckolding doesn't hurt in your case," Francesco replied.

"It hurts like a bitch," Karl countered.

"Well, good, that's the way it should hurt. You put yourself in danger. You put Mouse in danger --"

"That fucker wanted so in."

"Don't interrupt me. Since when I'm the fucking damsel in distress?"

"Nah, not a damsel in distress. Just mine, and getting fucked by my dad. He was going to do worse to you. A lot of worse. And it was better for you not to know. If he thought you were in it, he could have tortured you, kidnap you, even put you somewhere I could never find you."

Francesco shivered despite the warm water. "Well, he's gone now, right?"

"Yeah." Karl kissed his cheek and then moved over to catch his mouth.

Francesco pulled away. "Do you like getting dick now?"

Karl blinked and for a moment, Francesco noticed something, something like the guy getting worked up, the way he did when he was about to stick his dick in a warm hole. He snuck one hand and took hold of Karl's balls.

"Motherfucker," Karl hissed and grabbed him by the hair at the back of his head. "Getting crazy ideas, Cesco?"

"Crazy ideas? You mean, like fucking my husband?"

There it was, the same glint in Karl's eyes. He fucking wanted it. He probably didn't know how to ask nicely for dick, but he wanted it.

"I want to fuck you, Karl," Francesco whispered. "Got anything against that? We took vows or some shit."

"I don't recall anything about vowing to get dick in my ass from you." Karl was looking at him intently, challenging him.

So he needed to fight for it if he wanted it. Alright, he could do that. Francesco squeezed Karl's balls harder. The grip on his hair tightened. He didn't give up and pushed himself between Karl's legs, making him spread them. Karl put pressure back on his thighs, but Francesco was ready for that. He let go of the guy's balls only to land a short punch straight the sack. The hit couldn't have been too hard, slowed by the water, but Karl grunted and let his head back. Francesco took it as a sign of surrender and bit his neck. Then, despite how inadequate was to do that in a bath tub, he moved so that his dick could reach Karl's backdoor and pushed.

Unlike his hole, Karl's was unused and didn't give in. Francesco wrapped both hands around Karl's neck and kissed him hard. "You want this? Want me to hurt you?"

Karl closed his eyes and let out a grunt. His cheeks were getting red, which only meant that Francesco was hitting somewhere close to home with all that. There was no way he could get inside like that, so he moved to his feet and got out of the water.

"Where are you going?" Karl asked, his eyes wild, his lips parted, his breath quickening.

There was always a chance for things to go the wrong way with a guy like that. Francesco grabbed his cock and began pumping it. "If you want me to take you like a bitch, you'll come here."

For a moment, he thought Karl wouldn't play along. But after two moments, Karl climbed out of the tub, threw Francesco a look of defiance and then turned his back to him.

Francesco kicked at his calves, making him kneel and then pushed against his back to make him bend. Karl was breathing hard, his ass in the air. Gentleness was getting him nowhere with the fucker. He wasn't Mouse. He needed some serious taking in hand. Still, Francesco was more considerate of the fucker's ass than he had ever been.

He grabbed the first lotion bottle he got his hands on and poured over the exposed asshole. It was so small and pink unlike the rest of that rugged fucker. Others had fucked it, Mouse and Morgan. And him... but maybe that time he hadn't actually been the first?

"Your dad ever fucked you, Karl?"

"Are you going to fuck me or stare at my ass all day?"

The fact that he didn't get an answer wasn't lost on Francesco. He pushed two fingers inside Karl's heat, expecting protests, even for his husband to turn and punch him in the face. But that didn't happen. If anything, Karl was curiously silent. Francesco put his cock at the guy's entrance. He knew his dick wasn't that big, but Karl was going to feel it, anyway. He went fast and hard, and only then Karl gasped in pain.

Well, it served him right for all those times. But Francesco didn't want Karl to sit there and endure through it like it was some kind of punishment. Even if it kind of was, it had to be more than that, because Francesco wanted to be allowed to drop his husband's pants and give him a hard dicking any time he felt like it from now onwards.

So, once in, he let the tight entrance to get used to his cock. He put one hand over Karl's mouth at the first sign that his husband wanted to protest and kept at it, cursing as the squeeze increased on his dick, only to give in slowly. He wrapped one arm around Karl's neck and held his mouth close while beginning to ride.

Oh, fuck, that was the thing. Yeah, he loved getting fucked, loved the feel of hard cocks in his ass, one after the other, filling him with hot fresh cum, but this was good, especially because it was Karl, and for him, to sit on all fours like that, like a bitch, taking it, meant something.

Francesco hammered hard at the tight ass. He didn't allow it to close, but pushed and pushed, hitting over and over the same spot. Karl was trembling from head to toes and he probably kept from throwing Francesco off his back with everything he got.

"You're a good bitch, Karl," Francesco whispered in his ear and bit it softly. "Fuck, the way your ass squeezed my dick. You were gagging for it, weren't you? Wanted some hot hard cock in your ass to teach you some manners?"

Karl pulled Francesco's hand from his mouth. "Fuck you," he spat.

"You're an annoying bitch," Francesco taunted him just for the sake of playing a role, "so here's my load."

He came carelessly inside Karl's ass, mostly because he was afraid that the act wouldn't hold for long, and he might end up with a pair of blue balls. But Karl took it, breathing hard and grunting, and when Francesco pulled out and sat on his ass, he turned and grabbed Francesco by the legs.

Now, that was more familiar. Karl went at his ass in the air like a pile driver and moved for half a minute, at most. Then, he came with a growl and crashed against Francesco, pressing him on the floor with all his weight.

"Hey," Francesco said after a while, even though he liked Karl on top of him, sweaty and finished. "You're heavy, man."

His ass needed some more washing now, too. But Karl pulled him to his feet and then dragged him out of the bathroom, naked and wet as they were.

Soon, they were out on the patio where the rest of the crew was having breakfast. They all raised their heads when Karl and Francesco walked out of the house.

Karl turned him and held Francesco's ass parted with both hands. "You see this, assholes? My hole, my cum."

"Oh, screw you, Karl," Francesco mumbled. "They know that."

"Yeah, well, it doesn't hurt to make it clear," Karl spat. "Now we can go finish washing."

"Karl's so possessive," Mouse explained to Morgan and his captain. "Cesco is his and his only... in his dreams." The redhead laughed for good measure, making Karl increase his hold on Francesco's shoulder. "Hey, Karl, you have a little..."

Karl turned. "What?"

Mouse grinned. Francesco turned only to gesture for him to can it, but the redhead couldn't pass over that low hanging fruit. "Nothing, just a bit of jizz down the inside of your thighs. Make sure you wash that well." Mouse looked at Francesco and winked. "Or maybe leave it. I have a feeling I'm going to enjoy Kekko's sloppy seconds in your ass."


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Next: Chapter 40

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