In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jan 4, 2023


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Francesco moaned for effect as Reynolds tugged at his chin to have him open his mouth for a kiss. Wow, but that man was a great kisser; no wonder Mouse was going nuts for him, even though he had Francesco and Karl both in his life. Francesco moaned for a second time, now for real and without pretending, a muffled sound that was captured and swallowed by the man's expert mouth. Nothing really compared to a guy who knew how to kiss, and Francesco had been kissed plenty. Karl was dominant, demanding, and possessive; Mouse was sweet and convincing, with a hint of spice. Morgan kissed like a daddy, all tenderly and guiding, while Don had been rough and a total asshole.

In all honesty, all men in his life made him hard, even the asshole daddy-in-law, not that he would ever admit to that, especially after the earlier show. But Reynolds was really something, in a league of his own, another tidbit that he would leave out of the common knowledge when he would finally talk to his stupid husbands again. The way the captain kissed made Francesco want to spread his legs and beg for the man's hard cock instantly. He was just the right amount of rough, the right amount of sweet, and the right amount of daddy.

Francesco didn't protest at all as Reynolds hiked him up in his arms, sneaking his hands under Francesco's ass and kneading the cheeks in earnest through his jeans, all the while without letting him out of their hot kiss. It was natural to wrap his arms tightly around the guy's neck and press his own hard cock against that flat firm abdomen that could be felt through his t-shirt.

He didn't care how he ended on the sofa, on his back. Breathing deeply, he took in the way the captain removed his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, revealing a nice hairy chest and a hard belly. Francesco licked his lips, all the while ignoring Karl's noisy protests. It looked like he was the only one who didn't get that things were going to play out the way they were going to play out, and that was that.

"Cesco, for fuck's sake," Karl moaned. The prick even dared to move close, his cock out, ready to stick it in somewhere.

Francesco threw him a harsh look. "You have plenty of things to answer for, but that can wait, you asshole."

"At least, suck my cock," Karl pleaded.

"Like hell," Francesco said and changed his position so that he was kneeling. He moved closer to the edge and grabbed Reynolds' hard pack through his military pants. That thing was good enough to drill through rock. His mouth watered just thinking of how it would fit in him, in all available holes.

Paying Karl no mind, Francesco got busy pulling out the delicious rod threatening to burst through Reynolds' pants. It would be a shame to send the guy back with his pants all ripped, so the only good solution was to make sure all that swelling went down.

Francesco let out a `hmm' of appreciation as he moved his hand up and down the guy's length. Reynolds pushed one hand through Francesco's hair and looked at him with burning eyes. The cool and collected gentleman, who he appeared to be, seemed to have a passionate side. His eyes were hooded and he stared at Francesco as if he was the most delicious cake in the world. Somehow, Francesco doubted that Reynolds was a man to eat cake, by how in shape he looked. But that didn't change a thing about how he looked at him, like he was about to devour him, and slowly.

"Mouse, it's your captain, do something," Karl moaned again.

"Sorry, man," Mouse quipped. By the sound of it, the redhead was hard at work, beating his meat. "If that's what Kekko wants, that's the cock Kekko gets."

"How the hell are you okay with that? He's cheating on us. In front of us," Karl pointed out, but it looked like he knew enough not to try to get physical and pull Francesco from his delicious meal. Yeah, even Karl had to know that he was pissed for real.

"It would be hard not to," Mouse continued and let out a small moan of his own. If there was someone in the world capable of giving himself a hand and make an entire meal out of it, that had to be the redhead. "Karl, you have no idea how good the captain's cock is. I'm telling you, it's not every day that you get to suck on a super-sized lollipop like that. And the taste, oh, fuck, the taste, it's better than everything else you've ever had."

Francesco turned his head slightly to look at Mouse. Karl was head-butting, Mouse was undermining him. Ha, like he didn't know their games. To show that he knew what that was all about, he said, "No shit, Mouse. Even better than mine? I thought you were in love with my dick or something?"

"What can I say, Kekko?" Mouse drawled. "Captain Reynolds is the kind of man that can break a home."

"Ahab," Reynolds warned in a reproachful tone. "Don't tease your boyfriend."

Francesco laughed and moved his head so that Reynolds' entire cock rested on his face, and his tongue could get busy with a pair of sizeable coconuts. "Let them run their mouths, captain. Guess who's crotch's gonna end up dry by the end on the night. Not yours, and not mine."

That little commentary earned him a huff of annoyance from Karl, and a chuckle from Mouse. Maybe they thought he was playing, and that he wasn't going to keep them at arm's length until he was satisfied, but he very much wanted to teach them a lesson not to go like that behind his back. And they were going to do a lot of ball licking and cocksucking, something that probably sat well with Mouse, but not as much with Karl. However, he very much intended to make them pay, first by frustrating the hell out of them, and then making them do everything he wanted only so that they could get off.

The only silent one in the whole deal was Morgan. Francesco was well aware of the bodyguard's taciturn ways, but he hoped that at least a little, he was also frustrated.

To his surprise, a reaction from the man didn't wait to appear. "Enjoy the boy, Reynolds," Morgan said. "He's going to blow your mind, that kind of boy he is." His words were followed by a barely repressed grunt.

"You're not allowed to fuck each other, either," Francesco warned him before he delved for Reynolds' full balls again. "If you do, I'm going to get pissed even more."

The captain held him by the hair at the back of his head and moved his hips slightly. "You look good with a cock on your pretty face, Francesco."

"Yeah, he looks good," Karl grumbled. "Fuck, Cesco, I'm so going to get you for this. You're lucky I like you that much."

Francesco shrugged. They could beat their meat all night long for all he cared. What he needed to teach them a good lesson was right in front of him. "Do you know how else I look good, captain? With your cock deep in my throat." He made good on those words by opening his mouth wide and taking in the guy's rod way past his tonsils.

Reynolds hissed and pulled at his hair lightly. "Indeed, you are a good boy, Francesco. Does it feel good with daddy's cock in your mouth like this?"

"He's big on daddy talk," Mouse whispered, probably explaining that to Karl.

"Only with the good boys," Reynolds cared to mention. "Like Francesco here, who knows how to swallow a cock properly. Yes, like that, Francesco. Oh, your throat is a delight." That was a man who knew his way with words. "Milk your daddy, boy, milk his cock good."

Fuck, he was starting to envy Mouse. If that was what he was getting up to in the army, it was a fucking sweet deal. To earn even more praise, he went so deep that his nose was buried in the man's pubes. His eyes were starting to water, but his reputation as a fantastic cocksucker was at play. So, he struggled to look up, a few tears hanging from his eyelashes, only so that he would get praised again.

"Easy, boy, easy," Reynolds whispered, "you're doing so well. Do you think daddy can fuck your mouth now? Nod slowly, your mouth is so full."

"Shit, is Cesco getting off on this crap?" Karl murmured, clearly frustrated. "What the fuck am I supposed to do? Get old and bald?"

Francesco would have normally laughed at that, but seeing how his mouth was, indeed, full, and the throbbing cock in his throat wanted a bit more action, he was limited in what he could do. Let Karl boil a little in his own humiliation.

Next thing, he began moving his head. Reynolds let out appreciative grunts, as he pulled back with only the tip still in his mouth and then went back at it. "Keep at that, boy," the man growled playfully, "and you might just make me wreck you good and proper."

After that, the captain grabbed his head and held it in place. Francesco obeyed quickly and moaned deep in his throat as Reynolds slammed all the length inside, smacking his chin with those sweaty coconuts. Now that was what he called to get properly mouth-fucked. Reynolds didn't go long at it and pulled at his hair to make his head tip back. Their eyes met and the captain smiled. "You're even prettier like this, with spit all over your chin." He wiped Francesco's lips with his thumb, pressing a bit inside. "Suck this a little while I take off my pants. We wouldn't want to let your mouth with something to suck, right?"

Francesco could only agree as he sucked on the man's thumb greedily.

"Yes, like this, my pretty boy. Now, show daddy how you undress when you want a big hard cock in your tight pink little hole."

Francesco didn't know how little and tight his hole still was, but he wasn't going to miss this fuck that announced to be glorious. He eagerly took off his clothes, and moaned and gasped as Reynolds pulled him in for another hot kiss.

Soon, he was trapped under the other's hard body. Reynolds let his hands roam over his chest and belly. "So fine and smooth everywhere, aren't you?" he whispered. "Are you smooth down there, too? Let me check."

Francesco spread wide open while the captain tried for his hole with two fingers, moving past his balls, giving them a little friendly squeeze.

"Wet for daddy?" Reynolds teased, even though they both knew a thing like that wasn't possible. The captain put his two fingers in Francesco's mouth and then back at the twitching hole. "You're so hot, Francesco. I'm going to take you like this first."

Francesco squeezed his eyes shut while a blunt head came to rest against the tight opening.

"Not going to hurt you, baby, not going to hurt you," Reynolds promised. "How many men did you give this little hole to? How many got crazy only to fuck you?"

That was kind of a hard question. His ass had seen some action lately.

It looked like Reynolds didn't care for an answer. He squeezed his cock for precum and smeared it around Francesco's tight asshole. Then he spit some and used his fingers to make room for his spear of a cock. Francesco gasped at the first assault, but the captain hushed him with murmured praises.

"Do I really have to look at you getting drilled by this old dude?" Karl complained, close to his ear.

Francesco turned his head to face Karl, who was crouched by his side. "If you want me to forgive you for keeping me away from your plans, you'll have to."

Karl pursed his lips and got to his feet. However, he didn't miss the chance to use his cock and slap Francesco in passing over the cheek with it.

That was just petty, but Francesco decided to let it slide. He enjoyed the sound of the other men in the room pumping their cocks. Let them cum on the floor, like dogs, until they learned how not to ignore him when such important plans were in motion.

It wasn't because of the buttfucking, really. Hell, he wanted to see Karl getting properly dicked and enjoying it. Maybe a bit later, he'd ask Morgan and Mouse to tag team Karl only for his sake. Knowing how proud his husband was, he was probably going to blow a gasket. But hey, being married to him was all about that.

Reynolds cupped his cheek gently and pressed a soft kiss on his lips while he started to penetrate him. "Your husband is going to hate my guts for having your sexy ass in front of him like this," he whispered in his ear.

"He'll get over it," Francesco assured him. "He always does."

"I hope so, `cause you did a too great job of teasing me, Francesco. I might get a little rough. If your bum suffers tomorrow, it's going to be all my fault."

"I forgive you already," Francesco promised. His ass was twitching and squeezing, already prepped for getting that awesome cock and milk it for everything it had stored in those big balls. "Don't go easy on me. Anyone who really knows me can tell you that I'm not made for gentle fucking."

"Too bad, Francesco," the captain purred in his ear. "I might be rough at first, but then, I want to fuck you long and deep and slowly how I like it whenever I find a boy who deserves it."

"Like Mouse?" Francesco asked. He wanted to know. "Or there are others?"

"You're my second boy, and I love it," Reynolds admitted. "I can tell why Ahab is so crazy about your ass. It's a true cock milker what you have there, boy."

"Then let me milk your cock as I should." Francesco squeezed and released, making Reynolds grunt in surprise and pleasure.

"You love playing with fire, don't you?" Reynolds bit his ear playfully. "Here is what you get for that."

Francesco was betting on it. The captain bottomed out in his ass and then hugged him tightly. He was pressed into the sofa, his legs widely spread, and the man was going in and out of him like a well-oiled piston. His ass knew it was good because it opened up, and Francesco could feel every thrust deep in his ass. His balls were growing tighter, and he didn't even know that he was cumming until a few drops landed on his face.

"Did you shoot already, boy? Shoot for daddy? Yes, you have your own milk, but let daddy give more of the best kind to you." Reynolds made good on his promise and pushed inside, deeper than before, and began filling Francesco's ass. When he pulled out, Francesco felt the load gushing out.

Reynolds didn't let him be. He pushed his legs up, hiking his ass toward the ceiling, and groaned as he put two fingers inside the filled ass and worked them around. "You're made for a good and proper load count," he growled.

Francesco had a feeling that gentle fucking he had been promised was going to get postponed. Reynolds held him like that and began fucking him in that position. Francesco could see the man's thick thighs tensing and extending as he was giving him another good fucking. It was as if his cock had never gone down after cumming. The captain was, apparently, a man of many talents.

"Take it, boy, take it," he continued to growl. This time, when he came, he pulled out half way, so most of the cum landed on Francesco's face. He moaned and licked some, and that was enough to make the guy go crazy.

He straddled Francesco's chest, and fed him the hot cock straight from the ass. "Yes, boy, taste your own ass," he said. "Lick it good, lick all the cum."

Francesco grunted when he felt fresh cum landing on his face, from a total different direction. No, it was actually from several different directions. He sputtered as his face got covered in cum. "What the fuck?" he shouted, but his mouth was immediately filled with Reynolds' cock again.

"They could not just stay and watch when you're this hot, Francesco," the captain said. "Your face looks so good covered in so much cum right now. But, don't worry, I'm not going to let them fuck you. Tonight, your beautiful sexy ass is all mine."

Francesco wanted to tell them a word of two for getting him that kind of facial, but he was too busy sucking Reynolds' cock. The thing went down only a little and then grew up again. Then, he was rolled over, made to sit on all fours, and his ass was full again.

"Nothing gentle so far, captain," he teased the man fucking him.

"Ah, keeping me to my promise? Then let me make good on that, pretty boy."

This time, Reynolds held him tightly but moved a lot slower. In a way, it was crazier like this. Francesco could feel everything with his well-used ass, every inch going in and out of him. Seconds later, he was creaming the sofa while cursing and moaning like a bitch in heat. Reynolds held his chin and kissed the side of his neck, a patch that had escaped getting covered in cum. The fluids on his face were starting to get a bit crusty, but he didn't mind it. He bet that he looked like a whore and didn't find it in himself to loathe that. Nah, he loved it, even though he couldn't open one eye already.

"You're made to take cock day in and day out," Reynolds praised him. "Karl and Ahab are two very lucky fellows, Francesco, to have you as their partner. You're going to make them happy forever."

"I'll try," he replied with another moan. "I just need to punish them a little more, so how about another load, captain?"

"Sure thing, my boy. Here comes the fresh one."

Francesco moaned louder as Reynolds filled his ass. He remained spread out on the sofa, while the cum came out, and didn't even have it in him to protest as Karl, Mouse, and Morgan creamed his back and ass, and even his hair with fresh loads of their own.


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Next: Chapter 39

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