In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Dec 14, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Karl grabbed his shoulders hard and pushed him back through the door, triggering a fighting reaction from Francesco. The thought of having to go back to that room and expose himself to all the dangers Don represented was scaring him shitless. Karl had to catch his arms and force them back to make him behave. Even so, his heart beat wildly, and his eyes were searching frantically for an escape.

"You're here, too?" Don asked, seemingly not very surprised by Karl's big entrance. "I see that you're thick as thieves with your friend Morgan." He sipped from his glass like he hadn't just been blackmailed a moment earlier. "So, let me hear you. What's this all about?"

The fucker's self assurance would have made Francesco piss his pants, provided that he still had them on, which he didn't. They had to be wrong, and soon, some people would pour through the door, taking them down. Maybe not him. No, Don would keep him as entertainment for a few days maybe. At least, Mouse wasn't there. That was little consolation, but now, Francesco was willing to take what he could.

"Take a look at my husband, and you'll understand," Karl said in a harsh tone. He shook Francesco to make a point, even if he wasn't the one to blame. "You could have done anything to me, but you just had to do this, didn't you? To put your fucking dirty paws on him!"

The force of Karl's little speech took everyone by surprise, including Francesco.

Don quirked an amused eyebrow, but Francesco had come to know the fucker some. "I'll be damned, son. Your husband is nothing but a whore, meant to be used. Why put him under lock and key and give him only one cock?" Even under the circumstances, Don let a hungry look roam over Francesco's half naked body for a moment. "A lot of men should enjoy his throat and ass and other things. He's not going to like you much if he's going on a one cock diet. Do you even use him properly as a toilet?"

Francesco didn't like it one bit that the fucker was talking so much. It was as if he tried to stall for time. His eyes landed on Morgan and tried to get the bodyguard to look at him. When their eyes finally met, Francesco read in that glance assurance, but he didn't know if he could afford believing in it for a moment.

"I use him as I see fit. I'm not bent on breaking him," Karl hissed at his dad. "Like you."

"Ah, right. You love him," Don said from the tip of his lips, puckering them in a disgusting pout.

"Enough talking," Karl barked. "Morgan."

The bodyguard took the cue and grabbed Don by an elbow. Don didn't take it lying down and hit Morgan with the glass in his hand. The bodyguard seemed to lose his grip for a moment but the next punch found him prepared. Don talked through his teeth. "I waited for this moment so long, Morgan, for you to turn against me, so that I can finally cut your balls and choke you with them."

"I don't think that's on the table anymore," Morgan said calmly, while gripping Don in a deadlock.

"Oh, you think?" Don spat at him, tensing all his body and trying the escape.

By how Morgan had to struggle with the fucker, it was no easy job to keep him in check. Don made a sudden move and ducked, making Morgan gain unexpected momentum and allow himself to be thrown down. Francesco struggled against Karl again. "Let me get out of here," he said frantically. "I don't want to die."

Karl hugged him tightly, holding him flush against his chest. "You're not going to die, Cesco." He kissed him on the ear. "But I want you to have a front row seat when I'm dealing with the fucker. He'll never do anything to you ever again."

"You don't know what you're saying, Karl. He's too powerful for you to take down."

"Just watch me, baby," Karl cooed in his ear. "I'll take revenge in all possible way. Now, play nice, if you don't want me to tie you up and make you watch against your will."

In the meantime, Morgan and Don were fighting on the plush carpet.

"Shouldn't we help?" Francesco asked, too freaked out to stay still.

"We're waiting for something big," Karl whispered and licked his ear. He seemed not to care in the least that Morgan was struggling to put his dad in place, by punching him in the face. Francesco saw clearly how Don somehow managed to get his phone out of his pocket. The thing fell from his hand, and Morgan punched him in the wrist when he tried to reach for it. Francesco had always thought Morgan was tough as nails, but to see him deal with a big dude like Don so swiftly was still fucking shocking.

"My people will be here soon," Don hissed. "Don't do anything stupid if you want to live, Morgan."

"I thought you said you'd make me choke on my own balls. It was only minutes ago." Morgan grabbed Don by the front of his shirt and punched him square in the face.

Francesco winced at the sound of something cracking.

"What people are you talking about?" Morgan asked and punched Don in the face again. "Ah, you mean those you wanted to have over for some fucked up orgy?"

Karl continued to hold him close. "This fucking sorry excuse for a living being that I don't want to call my dad wanted to pass you around to some sick fucks tonight, Cesco. That's why we had to move faster than we thought."

"Don't fucking talk to me," Francesco hissed. "Why play all that stupid charade with Mouse? Wasn't I disposable?"

"We wanted you completely unaware of our plans. Don can smell trouble like it's his own shit."

"I fucking hate you," Francesco revolted. "Any minute now, your daddy's bodyguards will crawl the place. They'll fucking shoot Morgan. They won't do anything to you, I guess, but I'll be fucked, for sure."

"Nah, from now on, you're only going to get fucked by me. Well, by Mouse, too. Morgan, now and then, when you're too hungry for dick, and I'm spent."

"Neither of you will get my ass ever," Francesco said through his teeth. "And don't you start me on the why. I don't have time, and I don't think either of us will get out of here the way he came in. So, no point in talking shit. Wait, did you say, your plan? Mouse was on it, too, huh? Where is he now?"

Like on cue, someone busted through the door. Francesco froze in fear. Those had to be Don's people, coming to the rescue. He jolted at the sound of a familiar voice.

"Oh, fuck, how the mighty fall, right?" Mouse commented and laughed.

"Who the fuck are you?" Don hissed at him.

"The reinforcements," Mouse said brightly.

Don probably couldn't see much because of all the blood pouring in his eyes from getting fucked and kicked repeatedly by Morgan. "You're that boy," he spat. "The cocksucking whore."

"Yeah, that's me," Mouse continued.

Francesco had to crane his neck and force Karl back so that he could look at the redhead. Mouse was wearing his military fatigues and looked damn pleased with himself.

"I'll wring your neck with my own hands," Don promised, "just for the fun of it. Good thing you're here, so that my idiot son and his whore of a husband can watch you die slowly." Don threw a manic look toward Francesco and Karl. "I let you boys play, and this is how you repay me? What's this whore doing here?"

"I'm here," Mouse said and cracked his knuckles, "to help Karl get even for everything you've done to Kekko. Francesco's ours, bitch."

Francesco opened his mouth to warn the redhead, to tell him to shut up and not make it worse, and just get out of there, while he still could.

"By the way, I meant it when I said reinforcements," Mouse added.

"You'll be food for fish before--" Don's words were cut off by someone else entering.

Karl allowed Francesco enough freedom of movement to let him see who was there. He gawked at another man in military gear, a guy in his forties with a bald head and built like a shit brick house. Mouse smacked his heels together and saluted. "Do you want me to introduce you, captain Reynolds?"

"At ease, soldier," the man said.

"What are you doing here, Reynolds?" Don asked.

The captain walked toward him and crouched by his side. "I've heard a lot of nasty things about you, senator, but lately, the things I've heard made me really sick. I'm here to make sure you retire from your political career."

Don seemed completely dumbstruck by this newcomer's words. Francesco watched everything with bated breath. "You'll pay for this, Reynolds!" he shouted. "You're nothing but a grunt! I made you!"

"And it is time I unmake you," Reynolds said matter-of-factly.

"You're one of us," Don barked. "I can give you anything you want. What do you say about a yacht? A mansion, one better than this? Or do you want something else? Women, maybe?"

Reynolds stood and watched Don with unhidden disgust on his face. "I was never one of you. There's nothing you can give me. Ah, in case you're wondering. The party just got cancelled." He made a small gesture at Morgan. "Check the news."

Morgan smirked as he took Reynolds' phone from his hand.

"An important human trafficking ring got busted this evening, in an operation..."

"So, the choice is simple, senator." Reynolds began pacing the room, his hands behind his back.

Francesco watched everything in horrified fascination.

"Isn't he great?" That was Mouse, looking smug at him.

Francesco frowned. "You don't get to talk to me, you fucker," he spat.

Karl hooked one arm over Mouse's shoulders while hugging Francesco with the other. "He's damn pissed at us."

"Eh, I'd be, too," Mouse said.

Francesco ignored them both and glued his eyes to Reynolds.

"You've never made yourself directly guilty of the same horrible deeds as your associates," the captain continued. "Most probably, you were clever that way."

Morgan was still holding Don down. There seemed to be little fight left in him.

"However, being just an accomplice doesn't make you less guilty. You'll be ruined."

"So, what's this choice you're talking about?" Don spat.

"You disappear. You transfer everything you have to your son. And, of course, but you have no choice in this, you'll have to receive your punishment."

"I won't do a thing you say," Don said venomously.

"Then, it's going to be jail for you. But don't imagine that you'll lawyer up and get sent to some cushy Club Med. No, it's going to be the hardest kind for you. You won't ever see the light of day again, and that's a promise."

"And how are you going to stop me from calling my lawyers?" Don asked.

"You'll call them. And by now, they all received some interesting phone calls that put them on guard. If they want their lives and careers to be finished, they're free to continue to associate with you. Oh, if push comes to shove, they'll go down, too. There's no one clean in your entourage, senator."

"What makes you so almighty, Reynolds?" Don asked.

"Maybe I'm smarter than you. Or it's because of my clean record. Or, it could be just that I don't fuck pretty boys against their will and turn them to psychos to torture them until they go mad."

Don seemed to consider his options. His eyes still darted toward the door. "Fine, I'll give Karl everything," he said through his teeth.

"Very well," Reynolds said. "Then, it's time for your punishment."

"Oh, yeah? And what's that?"

Karl let go of Francesco and walked towards Don. Morgan moved away, and Francesco gasped when Karl kicked his own dad in the nuts and made him howl.


Author's note:

Since I was asked about certain things regarding Karl and him getting dick from more than just Francesco, here's the beginning of one missing scene I wrote for him when he's getting dicked by Morgan:

Next: Chapter 37

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