In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jan 23, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

They lay on the bed in Francesco's bedroom, their hands linked, their eyes on the ceiling, and Mouse talked.

"At first, I fought like a mad man," he started. "I mean, I had no idea what they wanted to do with me. They hosed me down because I stank so badly."

Francesco snickered. "We all stank really bad. Only that we had no idea we did after all that time on the island."

"Yeah, we were all a bunch of stinky boys," Mouse confirmed and snickered, too. "Then they gave me clean clothes and something that put me to sleep, and when I woke up, I was in a place with a lot of sun, and part of a military unit with a mission."

"The other guys, were like you, gathered from all kinds of places, or pros?" Francesco asked.

"I don't think anyone was like me, which was a bummer because, at first, they were all so freaking serious." Mouse sighed like the memory amused him. "And then, since I'm a friendly guy, I started making friends."

"Let me guess, by offering blowjobs along with your undying friendship," Francesco commented. He wasn't mad at Mouse for getting cozy with his mates and doing whatever. He had no qualms with that, and strangely enough, he felt not one ounce of jealousy. In comparison, getting all green with it because of Karl's future bride seemed like such a stupid, unexplainable thing.

"You know me," Mouse replied and nudged him playfully. "Anyways, I got quite the reputation. Sometimes, the guys didn't mind coming in pairs."

"You had both hands full, then?" Francesco joked.

"Yeah. And I was having fun until the commander caught whiff of our extracurricular activities."

"How did you get out of that?"

Mouse rolled on the side and pressed himself against Francesco. "You don't mind me sucking off all those guys." He said it like it was just something they both acknowledged for what it was.

"I don't. I've not been with one guy all this time, except sucking off Morgan when I asked him the favor of getting a message to you," Francesco confessed. "But it doesn't mean that I'm upset about you getting it on with your mates. It must be lonely there, right?"

"Just boring more often than you'd think," Mouse said and rolled back to his place.

Francesco poked him in the ribs. "Are you upset that I'm not jealous?"

"A little," Mouse admitted.

"C'mon, with you, I can be myself. Back on the island, we did all that crazy stuff with Morgan. I just know that stuff like that is just fun. It doesn't matter otherwise."

Mouse snorted and pulled away from his poking. "I bet you don't think the same about Karl."

Francesco sighed and groaned loudly to let the other know that he wasn't too happy about breaching that subject. "Karl is... I mean, he was always so fucking intense. With him, everything was serious."

"And now he's getting married," Mouse completed what he wanted to say.

"I never thought I'd have a future or anything with him. With you, yes, and that's what I hoped for these two years. So, how did you get out of the pinch with your commander?"

"He was a reasonable man, much to my surprise," Mouse explained. Good thing, he understood Francesco was in no mood to talk about Karl too much. There was no point.

"So, you sucked him off, too?" Francesco decided to joke a little more.

Mouse chortled at that. "No. He's not that kind of guy. But he told me to make sure that the guys don't get into petty fights and jealousies over my ass, or he and I would have a problem."

"Basically, he told you to suck them off equally," Francesco offered his own conclusion.

"Kind of. Yeah," Mouse confirmed. "So, all is good now."

They fell silent. Francesco didn't feel like talking anymore. It was wasted time, so he climbed on top of Mouse and leaned in to kiss him. The sound of his phone startled him. Who the hell could be at that hour?

It was an unknown number, but he answered anyway. "Hello?" he said when the person on the other end didn't utter a word. "Hello?" The line went dead. Francesco shrugged. "Wrong number, probably. I suppose that it happens."

Mouse propped himself on his elbows and gave him a long once-over.

"What?" Francesco asked, his throat dry under that stare.

"I can suck all the cock I want, but I can't put my ass up for anyone or the commander will get pissed at me." Mouse paused for a bit to let it sink in. "And after you fucked me so often while we were on that island, I would have thought you'd jump my ass the moment you saw me."

Francesco smirked and climbed the bed. "Looks who's disappointed," he teased. "Want my cock? Deep in your ass?"

Mouse stuck his tongue out, challenging him. "How deep? I remember you're not that big."

Francesco made a face like he was mad and straddled Mouse, making sure to squeeze him between his thighs. He cupped his face in his palms and kissed him hard. "Spread wide for me, and I'll show you just how big I am."

"Don't mind if I do," Mouse teased him and trapped him by wrapping his strong legs around him.

They were both naked, so their little struggle on the bed turned quickly into something else. Francesco took his time to kiss Mouse completely. As it happened with them, it turned sweet fast, but also urgent, so Francesco began pushing himself against the other, his cock with a mind of its own. "We'll use lube," he said with determination.

Mouse laughed in his face. "You've grown so tame."

To prove him wrong, Francesco bit on his lips hard. Mouse moaned half in pain and opened his mouth wide. That was what Francesco wanted, so he began to push his tongue inside while looking blindly for the thing he needed.

Mouse didn't protest anymore as he worked the lube on him and then pushed inside only when both his cock and the hole he wanted in were properly prepared. The look in the green mischievous eyes told him everything.

"A whole different thing, right?"

"Wait," Mouse said and gasped as Francesco pushed inside him a little more. "If you don't fuck anyone, how come you have lube?"

Francesco winked at him. "Can't a boy play with toys anymore?"

"I'll be damned. You'll have to show me."

"Another time. When you come again," Francesco said. Was he desperate for a confirmation that badly?

Yes, he was.

"I'm about to come again right now," Mouse breathed out. "I take it back. You're a little bigger than I remember."

Francesco laughed and began fucking Mouse slowly while planting small kisses on his face everywhere. Yes, it felt tight. Maybe he would have gotten a little bit jealous if Mouse had started sleeping around, putting his ass up for just anyone. Blowjobs were fun and didn't mean a thing. But hell if he would let the redhead know about how possessive he found himself getting lately, especially of guys out of his reach, like Karl.

Mouse was here, though, and his strong thighs were trapping him hard, while muscled calves pressed into his hamstrings to make him move.

"Did you forget how to fuck?" Mouse taunted him. "C'mon, Kekko, is this how much you missed me?"

He wanted to play a little rough, it seemed. Francesco grabbed a hold of Mouse's short hair and began pumping into him hard and fast. "Guess it's coming back to me now," he said in-between grunts of pure pleasure. Mouse's ass was still a fucking wonder.

"It does," Mouse confirmed and shut him up with a long and hard kiss.

Francesco almost lost his bearings as he came, his eyes rolling in his head, his whole cock inside Mouse's hot asshole.

"Fuck," he drawled as he collapsed on top of the other. "It was worth waiting for you for two fucking years."

"Short of a couple of weeks," Mouse said, breathing hard.

They were both sweaty, but wasted and happy. Francesco draped himself over his lover and rested his forehead against Mouse's cheek. "How often do they let you leave? I hope not once every two years."

The short laugh confirmed that he was right. "I'll have a reason to ask for days off. And someone to come back to."

Francesco nuzzled Mouse's ear and side of the neck. "Good. Don't forget that."

Silence followed, and it wasn't just because they were both tired after fucking.

"Won't you get lonely? Just waiting for me all the time?"

"I haven't gotten lonely until now. Why would I start?"

Mouse seemed to consider his next line for a while. "He'll come, you know."

Francesco didn't have to ask who Mouse was talking about. "No, he won't. He's getting married."

"So?" Mouse challenged him.

"What do you mean, `so'? Karl and I, we were done the moment I started walking after you, that time. And I'm to blame, I know," Francesco added quickly, "but now that I think about it, I won't change a thing about what I did. You're with me now because I was stupid then."

Mouse chuckled and pulled him close. The smell of his sweat was nice and familiar. Francesco inhaled and rubbed against him a bit more.

"You weren't stupid."

"In love with stupid, then," Francesco retorted. "Ouch!"

Mouse was rubbing his head with his knuckles while his hug turned into a playful squeeze. "I don't worry, though."

"About what?" Francesco asked.

"About you getting lonely. He'll come."

Francesco sighed. "We have so little time together. Do you really want us to spend it fighting about Karl?"

"I'm not fighting. I'm just saying it how it is."

"How can you be so sure? I mean, if there was one of us who could find the others, that was him." He didn't want to let all that bitterness show, but it came out anyway. "So I'd say that he moved on that very day, and now he's not even thinking for a moment about us."

"You, not us. I know you had this weird thing about us three and a happy ending, but this ain't no fairytale, Kekko," Mouse said gently. "I'll be in the army for a long time. Yeah, it's fun, and yeah, it's boring, but there are also times when it gets pretty fucking intense, you know?"

"So? What does that mean?"

Mouse huffed and pushed himself slightly away. "Things could go wrong at any moment. You sure you want this life? To be an army guy's gal?"

"Gal? Last time I checked, my cock was in your ass. And the answer is `yes', anyway. Just make sure not to get killed, okay?"

Mouse exhaled. "Okay, if you're so sure."

Francesco slapped him over the shoulder. "I would have said the same if you had been in prison forever."

"For real?"


"I don't think we could ask for conjugal visits, though."

"Then I would have married your ass just so that we could," Francesco replied.

"Gosh, you really have an answer for everything."

"That's me, right."

Again, another bit of that unnerving silence.

"All right, what the hell aren't you telling me?" Francesco asked abruptly.

"What?!" Mouse pretended to be surprised. He was talking too loud to be for real.

"You're sitting on something like your ass is on fire. Spit it out, whatever it is that you're hiding."

"No way! I'm not hiding anything."

Francesco groaned. "Fine, I'll let you be until next time, but then you'll tell me, okay?"

Mouse laughed. "Whatever you say. But you'll get it on your own."

Francesco had a mind to tell him to stop with all the bullshit, but he was no longer in the mood. What he was in the mood was to stop wasting precious time. He grabbed Mouse's cock hard. "Let's just fuck again."

Freaking goodbyes. Francesco wiped the sweat off his forehead. His boss had asked him to help him pull a one-nighter to get a car in shape. A pretty expensive model, not the kind to land in their workshop once in a million years, and yet it was there. Fine like jewelry under the hood, but something was wrong, and his boss had had him run a thousand tests on it. The man said nothing about who brought it in, and Francesco didn't ask. If that was some illegal shit, he didn't care to know. He only hoped that he would be left out of it.

Finally, it looked like they were making headway. It was already tomorrow, and Francesco was beat. It surely felt surreal that only a couple days ago, he had had Mouse at his house, fucking each other like rabbits. And now he was gone again, and Francesco had no idea how he would manage to endure missing him.

A good way to do it was to work hard, and not think a lot of that. So his boss's request had come at the right moment.

"Good job, boy," the boss praised him. "I'll see that you get a little extra with your slip this month."

"No problem." Francesco waved. "Glad to be of help."

"It's about time for the other guys to come to work. You can take today off. You earned it."

Francesco nodded and headed over to the locker room to change from his oil stained overalls. Just as he was about to do so, he heard his boss talking.

"What can I help you with, gentlemen?"

Another order? So soon? Technically, they hadn't opened shop yet. He turned full of curiosity and froze when he saw the two policemen.

"Actually, we want to talk with your employee."

Francesco fidgeted in his chair while his boss offered the two uniforms some coffee.

"So, you were here all night?"

"Yeah, he was," his boss replied in his stead.

"What's this about?" Francesco asked.

"Just tell us about last night."

"I was here, working."

"As I said," his boss insisted.

The two uniforms didn't seem happy to be interrupted. "We're asking the boy, not you. So, Francesco," one of them asked in a sugary voice, "you sure your boss didn't leave you to take care of the work by yourself so that he could take a nap?"

"Now wait a minute," his boss intervened again, "why are you harassing the boy? And I was here, awake, all night. Francesco is a good worker, but he wouldn't know where to start with a car like that."

"That luxury toy?" the other uniform asked. "Not something you see in this part of town."

The boss huffed and left for a moment, only to come back with a register. He slammed it on the table in front of the two policemen. "That luxury toy was sent to me because I know my trade. Now, if you two drank your coffee, how about getting the hell out of my shop? The boy was with me the whole night. And no, I didn't take a nap, and no, I didn't take a leak for longer than two fucking minutes. It's all clear?"

It looked like the two cops didn't have anything else to add. Not forgetting to throw another suspicious look around, they upped and left.

"Thanks," Francesco said as soon as they were gone.

"Nothing to thank me for, boy," his boss said. "These pigs think they own the fucking town."

It looked like his boss had some bone to pick with the police. Maybe that was why he didn't mind having an ex-con as his employee. Francesco was grateful for it, but he couldn't stop thinking about what the hell that was all about, though.

He had barely slept for two hours when his phone rang. For a few moments, he wanted to let it ring and get back to sleep, but something of how the police had looked for him today rattled him.

It was his mother.

"Hi," he said curtly, while trying to wipe away the sleep from his eyelids with the back of one hand.

"Francesco," she said and began sobbing.

"What's the matter?" The prickling sensation that somehow, something was happening and it concerned him assaulted him once more. "What happened?"

"Your father--" she started.

"He's not my father," Francesco said cuttingly.

"He's in the hospital, again," his mother said and sobbed some more.

"That bottle finally caught up with him?"

"No, he got beaten," his mother replied.

"Well, I didn't put him in the hospital if that's what you're thinking," Francesco replied. Not this time.

"No, no, I'm not thinking..."

That had to be why the police had come around. Good thing he had been stuck with his boss at the shop, or else he would be one night short of an alibi since he lived alone. "What happened?" he asked again, seeing how his mother was only busy crying.

"Some people jumped him. They broke his bones, so many of his bones," she said like she couldn't believe it was possible for anyone to hate on that asshole so much as to give him a solid beating. "And they counted while they did it, like it was some sick joke," she added.

Francesco felt the blood in his veins halting with a curdling stop. "Like how many bones?" he asked, trying to sound neutral.

He wasn't in the least surprised to hear the answer. He dropped the phone on the bed after reciting some lame comforting words meant for his mother, and then stood there, in absolute stunned silence.

That was a message to him. Loud and clear.


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The last short story written for subscribers is Owned by the Frat House - 1 (Part 4 of The Used Boy series).

Andy feels the need of something in his ass. He's about to buy a dildo when he gets a phone call from Mr. Torelli. The guy lets him know that his friend James wants to rent Andy for a business trip and spoil him in the process. However, Mr. Torelli's son, Garrett, has other plans when he hears about it, and he steals Andy for the weekend, promising him that he'll be owned by Garrett's frat house instead of caring for some old man's dick. Andy hopes to give the boys some bjs and get out of there in time to go with James on that trip. It looks, though, like he can kiss those plans goodbye.

You can read a fragment of that story on my blog:

Next: Chapter 4

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