In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Jun 18, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

His cheeks were hurting from putting on a fake smile for so long. Sure thing, Karl's dad was well known, and the wedding meant a chance for people from all corners of the country to come and kiss the pinky ring. Francesco wished he could just sit down for five minutes, as the long list of names that meant nothing to him moved past, offering congratulations they didn't really believe to be true.

Not that anyone wished them harm right now, as he didn't sense the danger like before. These people were just indifferent and were there for their own gain and nothing else. Karl seemed in high spirits, though, which was different from before, when they were still undergoing preparations. For that, and he was willing to endure that long night, and all that entailed.


He turned, putting on a mask of neutral deference. There was nothing more he wanted to do but strangle the asshole for putting those hounds on them. Hopefully, daddy-in-law didn't suspect Morgan of helping them. "Yes, sir?" he said politely.

Karl was two feet away, engaged in conversation with two elderly couples. To think that he would see that guy like that. Such an image didn't overlap a bit with Karl from the island, hungry, lean, and a little bit mad. Although, Francesco knew better. Before heading over to the ceremony, Karl had asked him to blow him and then not to brush his teeth. So, he was welcoming all these people while his mouth stank of the guy's cum. If that wasn't love, what was?

Don put a heavy hand on his shoulder. "Come with me for a bit." Reading Francesco's mind, he added, "Karl will be fine on his own for half an hour."

Half an hour. A lot could happen in half an hour. He could be bent over a sofa or a desk and fucked raw. Or threatened and slapped around just for fun. Francesco didn't pretend he could know what was in Don's mind most of the time. During the preparations, he had left them alone, probably too concerned with his image in the press and giving interviews.

"There are some people that want to know you."

Francesco held his tongue. He wanted to say that he was sick tired of meeting people, but it wasn't like he could refuse off the bat without a proper excuse. He followed Don out of the huge ballroom and into a long hallway. Anywhere this man went, he took his business with him, as it looked.

Don opened a door and let Francesco walk in first. He stopped, dead in his tracks, when he saw who it was. Bea was prettier in real life, and without that never changing smile, she looked different, more mature, and more attractive. A lifetime ago, when Francesco was still trying to be an ordinary guy, he would have found her beautiful. Now that any jealousy was out of the way, he felt free to think that.

Don stood in the door for a moment. "I'll leave you two kids alone to talk."

Oh, so he was throwing him to the wolves. But without any preparations? What was he supposed to tell so that it didn't turn into a scandal? He was still pondering what to say when Bea walked toward him and promptly slapped him hard over the face.

Too much in shock of her gesture, he just grabbed his cheek and stared at her in disbelief. She was breathing hard and prey to emotions only she knew what to make of. "You bastard," she hissed.

Wow. So Miss Perfect knew a few nasty words.

"Oh, how do you know that?" Francesco asked smoothly.

"What?" she asked, taken aback by his reaction.

"How do you know I'm a bastard?"

She blinked a couple of times and then regained her composure. She walked away, remaining at a fair distance, half-turned from Francesco. Could it be that she had been invited to the wedding? That was cruel. Don should have known better. Bea's parents were hot shots; it didn't do to annoy them, or their daughter.

"I know you two didn't meet while volunteering," she finally decided to talk.

"Really? How do you know that? Everybody believes that we did meet while volunteering," Francesco said. He tried to keep his voice neutral, but any wrong move, and everything he had struggled to build the last weeks would go to shit.

"I just want to know for myself. Everything you tell me, it will remain between us," she said.

Francesco snorted. "Why should I believe you? You just slapped me silly, and we don't even know each other."

Bea faced him again and a small smile lit her face briefly. "I understand why he likes you."

He loves me, Francesco wanted to say, but kept his mouth shut. When in doubt, it was better to let the other talk.

"You're very handsome," Bea said and shook her head like she didn't believe herself for saying those things. "But that's not it. Karl wouldn't go just for a pretty face."

Right through the heart. Francesco shifted his position. So, she did know Karl, as little time as they had spent together. The old jealousy began to rear its head again.

"No, he's the type of man who'd go through fire for something he believes in," she continued. "Or someone he truly loves. So, I need to know. How did you two meet?"

Francesco sighed. Was it a calculated risk on Don's part? Would it cost him everything to tell Bea the truth? "Girls like you don't want to hear the truth," he said quietly.

"Girls like me? What do you mean?" She only seemed genuinely interested in what he intended to say by that.

Francesco made a vague gesture at their surroundings. "You were born in a good family, away from all the ugliness of the world. Well, it wasn't like that for me."

"Oh, boo." She rolled her eyes, and Francesco smirked. Yeah, there was some fire in that chick. Maybe Karl had liked her a bit. "So, Mr. Woe-is-me, just go ahead and tell me."

Francesco closed his eyes for a moment. Then, he opened them and stared her in the eyes. "In some sort of post-juvie prison. How does that sound for a romantic beginning?"

Bea looked at him for a moment and then burst into laughter. "Prison? Do you just want to shock me? Come on, why would Karl be in a prison of any kind?"

Francesco relaxed. When the truth was so unbelievable, normal people with normal lives simply chose to think it impossible, too. "You're right. I'm just pulling your leg," he said with a shrug. "Come on, it's not that complicated. Karl grew up surrounded by nothing but guys. Is it that absurd that he turned out gay? Or do you think that he only used his hand as company all this time?"

Bea grimaced. "I suppose he found other types of companionships during his military education if that's what you're talking about."

"Yeah. Other dudes' hands. And mouths. And asses."

"Do you think I'm impressed by your dirty talk?" She narrowed her eyes.

"I don't need you to be impressed. I don't need you to be anything," he replied calmly. "You're the one who wants something from me, not the other way around. And trust me, I'm more than willing to give it to you. For the record, I have nothing against you."

Bea nodded thoughtfully. "It couldn't have happened so fast. Not while he was with me," she said slowly, as if she was trying to figure something by herself.

"No, that's true," Francesco confirmed. "Karl and I, we go way back. A long time before he met you."

She nodded again. "So, it was just a rekindling of old times?"

Francesco knew he needed to cut deep if he wanted this girl to stop hurting already over things that weren't in her power to change. "Rekindling is not the right word. It never died, this thing between us."

A flicker of hurt passed her eyes. "I see," she murmured. "So he cheated on me this entire time."

"Will you use that against him? Us?" Francesco asked. If she did, there was little he could do to stop her.

She shook her head and looked down. She clasped her hands together, as if she was making up her mind. "No. I made you a promise. Now there's one I have to make to myself. Are you going to ask me what?"

"If it makes you feel better, sure."

"I'll go with my gut from now on, not with what my parents say it's good for me," she said.

Francesco smiled. "Well, that's a good promise."

Bea looked at him and studied his face for a bit. "You're a good guy, right?" she asked, but there was hesitation in her voice.

Francesco didn't really know what to say and just stood there, staring at the closed door after she walked out.

"What did you tell her?" Don asked directly as he stepped into the room, a minute later.

"Half a truth, which she didn't believe, and half a lie, which might cause her to take some shitty decisions in the near future," he replied promptly.

Don walked to the minibar and got himself a glass. "Brandy?" he asked, holding the bottle.

Francesco shook his head. "It's the last thing I need, to get smashed. My feet are killing me already."

Don offered him a sly smile. He took a sip from his drink. "You look dashing in that suit."

Francesco shrugged. "You paid for it, right? Nothing but the best for your son-in-law," he added in a sing-song voice.

Don laughed. "You're right about that. Speaking of which, come here."

Francesco wanted to groan, protest, and walk out the door. He had an idea what the asshole wanted. But he went and sat on the sofa by Don's side, after the guy took a seat.

"Bea won't make any trouble," Don said. "She's a good girl. She has morals."

"She might have been a good influence in Karl's life. But now, he has me," Francesco said.

"Yeah, you. I heard how you put on a show for Karl's buddies. Tell me," Don drew closer and blew hot air and the smell of expensive drink over his face, "did you secretly wish you'd get gangbanged at your joint bachelor party? You can tell me Francesco. It will be our little secret."

"With the risk of disappointing you, sir, no. I sucked Karl's cock because it was the only kind of thing those monkeys could understand."

"Monkeys, huh? You know that the weakest of them could break you like a twig, right?"

"So? Brawn isn't everything," Francesco said.

Don rested one hand on the back of his head and began massaging lightly. "Yeah, that's true. I knew you had a good head on your shoulders from the start. Now, come give me some nice head. You're good at it."

Francesco stared at him. "Seriously? It's Karl's wedding day. Getting your son-in-low to blow is a bit weird, don't you think?"

"Come on," Don said with a smirk. "I have a five-day load in my balls with your name on it."

Francesco groaned and ran a hand over his eyes. "Is this how you seduced your wife? With this kind of talk?"

Don shrugged. "I didn't have to do a thing. She was given to me."

"Like everything else in your life, right?" Francesco dared.

The rough hand on his neck tightened. "Watch it, son," Don warned. "You don't want me in a bad mood. I might want to make you choke."

"I have no gag reflex left in me. Karl made sure," Francesco said without showing any sign that he was intimidated.

"Good. So get to work before your husband notices that you've been away for too long."

Francesco pursed his lips. He really needed to figure out what weakness this guy had so that he could squeeze some balls in turn. His own pretty damn hurt from so much squeezing. Don stood and worked his fly with sure moves. "Come, sonny," he teased, "open that cocksucking mouth and take daddy in."

Some people shouldn't be allowed to play the daddy card, Francesco said and grabbed the guy's cock, decided to be over with it already. He made a quick job of taking the hard cock deep and fast. He used the pressure from his lips and drag as much as he could from those balls. If Don hadn't come in five days, maybe he wouldn't take forever this time.

He was surprised when Don pushed him back and straddled him. Now the control was taken off his hands, and he was getting throat-fucked hard and fast. Yeah, he almost choked. Almost. Don moved a little and pushed his knee between Francesco's legs, dangerously close to his crotch. "Are you hard, too, little whore?" he asked in a heated voice.

Don laughed and pushed a little more, until his knee pressed against Francesco's balls. He let out small distressed sounds. That was starting to hurt. Don took his head and slammed inside his mouth like he was a fucking blow doll.

Francesco thought he would faint if that went on for too long. But thankfully, the dude was too pent-up and started cumming right away. Francesco pulled his head as soon as he could, and the last spurts hit him in the face.

"Fucker," he hissed and wiped his face with his hands.

Don moved away, but then, all of a sudden, kneed Francesco in the groin, making him grunt in pain and pull his legs together in a useless defensive move.

"Play with that tongue fast and loose, and you'll see what I mean when I say that you don't want to piss me off. Do you get it, boy?"

Francesco was breathing hard. "I get it," he said.

"Good." Don grabbed his chin and forced him to stare at him. "You look good, all teary-eyed like this."

Francesco gulped. He couldn't underestimate this dude.

"I'll make it up to you. The honeymoon's on me," Don said.

"Everything's on you," Francesco said, forgetting that he was supposed to play nice.

Don caressed his cheek and then bent to kiss him on the temple. "True. Francesco, if you're a good boy, you'll get everything you want. Be a bad boy, and I'll get everything I want from you. Do I need to say more?"

"No," Francesco said and held his hands over his crotch, afraid of more retaliation.

"Atta boy." Don caressed his hair a little more. "Give daddy a kiss and go find your husband."

Francesco kissed the guy on the cheek, but Don moved his head and kissed him on the lips. Not with tongue, but still. What the hell did this guy want, anyway?

Karl leaned back into the airplane seat. "Fuck, I thought that fucking wedding was never ending. Wasn't I supposed to fuck you all night, `cause it was our wedding night?"

Francesco shrugged. "Nobody thinks we've waited or anything like that."

They both burst into laughter at the same time. Francesco looked through the window. "Seriously? A tropical island? Is your dad the master of irony or what?"

"Just you wait until we're on the ground," Karl promised.

"More irony?"

"You could say that." Karl smiled and winked at him.

Fuck, when he did that, everything seemed well in the world, regardless of shitty dads-in-law.

"Where are we going? We didn't even unpack," Francesco complained.

They only changed into shorts and nothing else, and Karl had the idea that they needed to run on the beach for some reason.

"Come, come," Karl hurried him. "He must be waiting for us already."

"He?" Francesco stopped and looked ahead.

Someone was waving at them from a distance, only his red shorts visible.

But Francesco would recognize that guy from a million.

"Are you kidding me?" he yelled at Karl, too excited to care. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Karl grinned and grabbed a hold of him, bringing him close for a kiss. "No kidding. Now go. I know you want to run to him."

Francesco took Karl's hand. "How about we run together?"


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The last story I'm sharing with my subscribers is the continuation of Owned By The Frat House - and part 5 of The Used Boy series. You can read part of it here:

Like the first part, it contains gangbangs, anal creampies, humiliation play, and other stuff. Plus, the protagonist, Andy, the reluctant cocksucker so far, begins to like it, and even falls a little for the newest pledge to the frat house.

Next: Chapter 17

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