In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Jun 24, 2008


Just as Keegan stood up straight and turned around, he found himself face to face with Matt by an inch. Matt's eyes widened for a second and thought of maneuvering his way out of their uncomfortable position but he didn't, he just stood there, static. Before they knew it, both of their lips touched for a kiss.

Chapter 8 We Want Bob Dylan!

Kevin buried his hands on Xavier's chest as he pinned him down on his bed. Their lips pressed against each other as they shared a long passionate kiss. Kevin's hand worked its way up Xavier's shirt and started massaging his muscled frame. Kevin started moving his tongue on the side of Xavier's neck right before he stopped him.

"What?" Kevin asked as he eased his way off his boyfriend.

"I just got here."


"I wasn't expecting that kind of a greeting."

"What? So you can screw me over once I get inside your door and I can't do it?"

"No, it's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I had to get you off me before I crumple these up," Xavier pulled out two tickets from inside his jeans pocket.

"What're those?"

"I bought us two tickets to Into The Heights tomorrow."

"What the heck is that?"

"It's a play. I knew you loved watching plays."

"Uh, I love watching movies... I'm not so sure about plays though."

"Well, I bought us tickets. It could be fun. We don't have Broadway in LA."

"I can't. I need to babysit. I promised Andrea I'd take the twins tomorrow."

"Yeah, but I already bought the tickets."

"Can't we reschedule? I can't back out now. My dad and Andrea are leaving early tomorrow," Kevin gave Xavier the puppy dog eyes.

Xavier let out a sigh of defeat, "Okay. Since I obviously won't be doing anything exciting with you this weekend, do you need an extra pair of hands?"

"Since it isn't the weekend yet, I think I can still put those hands to good use," Kevin smiled and walked over to Xavier and pinned him down on his bed.

"Vincent! If you don't open this goddamn door we're going to break it down! I'm gonna count to three! One... Two... Th-"

Vince pulled the door open, "What the fuck's wrong with you two?" He was clad in a towel, dripping all over the doorway of his apartment, his hair still soaking wet. His eyes were focused on Deb and Lewis who were about to bust down the door.

"It was her idea," Lewis quickly pointed to Deb.

Vince let his friends in and dried himself before putting on a clean pair of underwear,

"We... I just thought you might've done something already..."


"I dunno; maybe hang yourself from the ceiling or something?"

"Deb, my ceiling is yay high," Vince raised his hand just above his head, "If I jump high enough, I could get a serious concussion. If I try to hang myself, it definitely wouldn't work."

"He has a point."

"Shut up," Deb snapped at Lewis.

"So what brings you two bozos here?"

Lewis turned on the TV and turned his head to Vince, "Well Mr. Finley called me yesterday and asked me if you ever planning to go back to work."

"I didn't show up to work for two friggin' days. I was sick... I called the hotel."

"That's not what he said."

"So he's firing me?"

"Not yet. They need a guy in the bar tomorrow night from some party."

"What party?"

"I'm not really sure. Some pompous jerk's planning it. I think he's gotten to everyone's nerves already... So, are you going to work tomorrow?"

"I'll be there," Vince quickly looked around, "Where's Deb?"

Deb walked out of Vince's room and hollered, "He's clean!"


"Deb was thinking you were on drugs or something. Her second theory was that you were mixing your painkillers and alcohol."

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Come on Vince, you did it before."

"No I didn't. It was an accident. I got a major headache and there wasn't any water... that was drinkable."

Deb sat down beside Lewis and lay her head on his shoulder, "Whatever!"

Vince took the remote and turned off the TV and stood in front of his two friends, "Let me get this straight with you two, okay? The old Vince is gone. This is a new guy here. I'm actually happy."

"We've heard that before..." Lewis started and noticed Vince giving him the stink-eye, "...sorry."

Deb sat up, "Look, we're just lookin' out for you. You're the sunshine of this merry little troop we have."

Vince grinned, "Yeah and you're the bitch who always brings up the torrential downpour."

Deb threw a pillow at Vince which he gladly let hit his face.

"What the hell do you mean Bob Dylan's not coming? Well fly him out here! I don't care if he's a senior citizen, get him to sing tomorrow. There is a huge possible merger here and the guy wants Bob Dylan, bring him here! What do you mean he can't...? Fuck you!" Andrew banged the phone.

"You're starting to sound like daddy."

"I can't help it. Dad's not here and he's expecting me to seal this deal."

"Relax okay?"

Andrew took his sister's advice and went to the bar to get himself a vodka. "Have you heard from Jess lately?"

"No," Ally sighed. "I'm a bit worried about her. Every time she goes to one of her trips she always tells me. It's a little scary, you know her."

"Yeah, she's a little party girl."

"What if she did something and didn't tell me. I mean she knows everything about me. She knows about the incident."

'She caused the incident,' Andrew thought to himself as he smirked.

"Tell me if she calls you, I need to talk to her about something."

"You guys were never close, what would you want to talk about with her?"

"It's personal," Andrew took another sip of his vodka.


"Now where the hell do you think I can find a good Bob Dylan impersonator?"

Ally laughed.

Matt dried his hair with a towel and packed his wet stuff in a bag. He closed up his locker and started heading out.

"Matt, wait up!"

Matt turned around to see Keegan walking up to him. "You were good out there today."

"Well the training seems to be working then," Matt smiled.

"Yeah. I've been workin' you too hard, haven't I?" Keegan pat Matt on the back. "Although I betcha you can't do hoops as good as you do laps."

Matt chuckled, "Are you kidding? I can wipe your ass all over the court."

"Is that a challenge?"

"Hell yeah."

"Okay, why don't you find someone to pair up with? Two on two. Me and Chris versus you and some other unfortunate loser."

"Bring it."

Keegan laughed. Hearing a guy like Matt say those words was awkward. "Alright. Tomorrow morning at around 9. We'll meet up at the court. Gotta go now loser."

Matt watched as Keegan ran off to his next class. He was starting to get comfortable around him and Chris... a bit.

Matt turned the key and opened the door his dorm room and found Kevin, naked, sliding up and down Xavier's cock on the bed. He quickly shut the door. Without really thinking, he opened the door again and said, "I'm sorry about that. I didn't see anything," before closing it again and walking quickly to the elevator. He waited impatiently as the elevator stopped from floor to floor. The image of his roommate getting penetrated seared into his brain. He heard the door to their room open and found Kevin walking towards him. Matt pressed the button again, waiting for the doors to open.

"Matty, look, what you saw there-"

"No, I'm sorry. I should've knocked first."

"Well... it's over now so you can go in if you want?"

"No. I think I left something at the lockers."

"Are you sure?"


The elevator doors opened and Matt quickly went in. To his surprise Kevin went in with him followed closely by Xavier who just locked the door to the room. The elevator doors closed. Matt could feel the thick awkward air in the shaft. Aside from the annoying elevator music, there was absolute silence.

"We're gay. Well, at least, I'm comfortable saying it."

Xavier just shrugged his shoulders at his boyfriend's comment.

"I kinda already knew," Matt said nervously.


Remember when you and Vince did it in our room?"

"How did you..?"

"Condom disposal. We do have a toilet."

Xavier laughed causing Kevin to look at him sternly before turning back to Matt.

"So you're okay with it?"

"I guess."

"So why are you still going to the lockers?"

"Is it just me who thinks this is awkward?"

"No. I think it's embarrassing," Xavier butted in.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

"Good," Xavier and Kevin spoke together in agreement.

The elevator doors opened and two hot third year girls went in. Both of them eyed Xavier as the elevator continued its descent.

"I heard ya quit to be bartender."

"Yeah, and a waiter, and a valet boy."

Ronnie laughed over the phone.

"What's next on the list?"

"I was thinking male stripper but I think a good chunk on New York has got that covered," Vince grinned, "So, how are ya?"

"I'm doin' better. Yer mum's keeping a tight shift around me. I can't even go to the john without her knowin'"

"That's mum."

"Shall I be seein' ya this Christmas?"

"You can be sure o' that."

"That's my lad! I have to go; your mum's threatening to give me a sponge bath."

Vince ended the call and put his phone down. He went to pick up his guitar when he heard a knock on his door.

"Get away you wankers! I'm not going to kill myself!"

"It's me, Matt!"

"Oh!" Vince quickly opened the door, "Sorry about that."

"What's with the I'm not going to kill myself bit?"

"Nothing. Come on in."

Matt made himself comfortable on Vince's couch.

"Do you want somethin' to drink?"

"I'm good."

Vince sat down and picked up his guitar, "So, what brings you here Matty?" Vince started strumming Sunday Morning Call as he listened to Matt.

"Do you play basketball?"

"Of course. Why?"

"Well I need someone to go two on two with."


"Against Chris and Keegan. They're my teammates."

"Sure. Just tell me when and where."

"Tomorrow at 9 at the court near the old lot."

"I'll be there."

"Cool... Um, is it okay if I stayed around for a while? I don't feel like going back to the dorm just yet."

"Sure but can I ask why? Are you and Kev getting along?"

"Yeah. It's just that..."

"It's ok. It's alright."


"I'm singing," Vince laughed.

And in your head do you feel What you're not supposed to feel? You take what you want But you won't get it for free You need more time 'Cause your thoughts and words won't last forever more

Matt and Vince arrived just in time to size up their opponents. Keegan and Chris had already started playing. Keegan guarded Chris as he made his way to the hoop. Chris quickly maneuvered a fake and quickly ran passed Keegan to make the shot.

"This'll be easy," Vince whispered to Matt.

"Hey Matt! Ready to lose?"

"Not today compadre," Matt said as he took his glasses off.

All three guys laughed at the comment while Matt looked at them, puzzled, "What?"

"Quit the chitchat. are we gonna play or what?"

"Slow down Chris. Who's your friend?"

"The name's Vince. I take it that you're Keegan?"


"I'm gonna make you eat your words."

"I'd love to see you try," Keegan winked as he passed the ball to Vince.

"Why don't we make things more interesting?"

"What are you proposing?" Vince turned to Chris.

"Let's say losers do anything the winners ask."

Matt quickly looked at Chris who looked serious as hell. Matt couldn't help but gulp at the statement. He motioned 'no' to Vince but it was too late because Vince had already said, "Okay. Anything and everything."

Chris smiled, flashing those dimples of his. Vince thought these guys were amusing. Keegan and Chris went to discuss their strategy as Vince wrapped an arm around Matt, "I like your friends."

"Yeah," Matt chuckled nervously, "I like them too."

Kevin fell to the floor just as he opened the door. Tim and Mallory had pinned him to the ground. All three siblings were laughing around on the floor as Andrea and Phil watched them.

"If you're done playing on the floor, I have their toys and clothes in the bag."

Kevin stood up and took the bag from Andrea.

"Thanks again for babysitting."

"Don't mention it. I love spending time with them."

"Don't let them terrorize your room. You'll never get any sleep."

"I will dad."

"Oh and don't feed them pizza or ice cream. Stick to the diet plan."

"Diet plan?"

"Yes. It's in the bag, along with other instructions."

"Okay, I'll make sure of that."

Andrea knelt down and hugged her kids goodbye. Phil approached his son and slipped him two 100 dollar bills and whispered, "They love pepperoni and rocky road, lots of it."

Kevin smiled and thanked his dad.

"We'll be going now. You two be nice to your brother okay?"

"We will!" the two said in unison.

Andrea and Phil left leaving the three in Kevin's room. "Well, it's just us three. What do you want to do?"

Kevin fell on his bed as both Tim and Mallory tackled him once more.

Xavier was about to knock on the door when he heard the bed squeaking and Kevin shouting from inside. Xavier immediately thought of Kevin and Vince until he heard Mallory giggle which made him breathe a sigh of relief. He knocked on the door and waited a few minutes before a panting Kevin showed up with a rascal attached to each leg. "Hi."

Vince and Matt were down by five while Chris and Keegan only needed three points to win the game. After a quick timeout, Vince and Matt had a game plan. Vince quickly ran for the basket as Keegan blocked him. He passed the ball to Matt who quickly turned around and caught it. Chris tried to block Matt's jump shot but he still managed to score a two.

The ball went to Chris who quickly passed it to Keegan. Keegan tried to make a crossover but was quickly robbed by Vince who ran over the hoop and did a lay-up. They were now only down by one. They needed three more points two win.

"Timeout!" Keegan and Chris whispered to themselves.

Vince winked at Matt. "Just give the ball to me and I'll win this for us okay?"


The ball was in Chris' possession. He tried for three pointer but fell short. Matt quickly stole the ball before Keegan got a chance to grab it. He passed it to Vince who was waiting by the ring. He took the ball and ran out to the three point line where Chris was waiting. Chris was able to take possession. He passed the ball to Keegan who quickly flung it towards the board. Both Matt and Vince watched as the ball circled the hoop and missed.

Matt quickly ran for the rebound the same time as Chris. Matt jumped forward and stretched his hand. He felt his skin rub against Chris' as he felt the ball within his grasp. He quickly took it in his possession and made the shot. Like any clichéd basketball movie, there was this tense one second where all players just look up as the ball passed through the net in slow motion.

Vince and Matt were celebrating like crazy.

"Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! We beat your asses!" Matt jeered as he danced all over the floor.

Keegan and Vince were laughing all over as Chris looked serious. He hated losing.

"So what do you want us to do?" Chris asked.

"We'll think about it," Vince grinned before looking at his watch, "As of now, I need to go. I have to get ready for work."

Chris looked at his watch as well, "Yeah, me too. I need to hit the gym. Deena's already there by now."

"Aren't you gonna take a shower first?" Keegan asked.

"It's a gym, there are showers there. And besides, what's the point? All I'm going to do there is sweat anyway."

Matt still found Chris' blue eyes captivating as he found himself tuning everything out once again.

"How about you Matt?"


"Do you need to be somewhere?"

"Uh, not really."

"Cool. We can hang out then," Keegan smiled.

Andrew was making sure everything was perfect for the night's event. He was channelling his mother's obsessive-compulsiveness and his dad's work ethic, a combination that's 'utterly horrific' according to his sister. Andrew kept shouting at the people who were arranging the chairs around the tables. Ally walked over to her brother and told him to relax. Andrew just shooed her off and walked over to the people who were arranging the flowers. "Didn't I say put tulips? The guests requested tulips!"

Ally covered her face and walked over to the bar. She sat down and ordered a tall glass of cold water.

"He's pretty intense, isn't he?"

Ally looked up to see Vince serving up her order from across the bar, "Yeah. Unfortunately, he's my brother."

Vince picked up a wine glass and starting wiping it dry, "I don't see the resemblance."

"He looks like my dad and I look like my mom."

"Then your mom must be really really hot," Vince winked.

Ally blushed, "Stop flirting with me."

"I'd be too shy to flirt with a girl like you."


"Because girls like you are way outta my league."

Ally just giggled and took a sip from her cold water.

They heard the sound of plates crashing followed immediately by Andrew yelling at the top of his lungs. Ally looked at Vince with a sigh, "I need to go and calm my brother down before he gets an aneurism."

"Better do that quickly. I think he's about to go and pile drive one of our waiters," Vince pointed towards Andrew who was already grabbing one of the waiters by the collar.

Ally quickly rushed away as Vince continued wiping the wine glasses clean.

Kevin sat on the floor beside his little sister as they ate pizza. Xavier was lying down on Matt's bed, constantly being poked at the side by Tim.

"I think he's dead."

Kevin laughed at his little brother's comment, "Nah. He's just pooped."

Mallory giggled, "You said poop."

"I did," Kevin smiled at his sister. He moved aside and motioned for his little brother, "Tim, get over here and let the guy rest. He's not really fit for rug wrestling with you two."

Tim walked over to his brother and sat down to grab a slice of pizza. Xavier shifted his head to the side and looked at Kevin who was obviously having fun being with his little brother and sister. Kevin noticed Xavier staring at him and winked. Xavier smiled back. Kevin looked happy, a lot happier than he'd been the past few days. 'Not today,' Xavier thought to himself. 'I don't want to spoil this for him.'

Matt and Keegan walked down the busy street with burgers in hand. Keegan took a big bite of his and turned to Matt, "I still can't believe that you never tried sushi. If I lived in Japan for a month, I'd be like on a sushi-fest or something."

"Raw fish isn't my thing."

"You're pretty lucky to be able to travel a lot."

"I don't know. Changing cities is hard you know? I mean, I can hardly remember the names of the people I met in every city I've been to. It's like I'm always a tourist, never a native."

"Yeah, but you have to admit, it has it perks." Keegan crumpled the wrapper and threw it into the trash.

Matt followed suit after swallowing his last bite. "So, where to next?"

"Well I was think-"

Keegan and Matt were caught off-guard when both of them got soaked with a sudden downpour of rain.

"What the... it's raining... in October?"

"Welcome to New York."

Matt quickly got inside as Keegan closed the door. The two were laughing hysterically. Keegan was leaning on the door with Matt right beside him, dripping all over. The two made eye contact for a short while before Matt looked the other direction. Keegan pulled his wet shirt over his head. The fabric had gotten heavy had stuck to his skin which made removing it a little challenging. Matt couldn't help but stare at his teammate's lean body. Keegan had a small tattoo of an arrow on his left shoulder. He noticed Matt staring at him and smiled. He chucked of his wet shoes and socks and carried them off, together with his shirt, as he started walking to the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to take those off?" Keegan turned around. "Chris is gonna kill me if you drip all over the place."

Matt blushed as he removed his glasses and put it inside his pocket. He pulled off his shirt, shoes and socks and followed suit. Keegan handed Matt a hamper where he put his wet clothes. Keegan walked barefoot to the fridge and got out a carton of milk and started drinking it straight. He handed it to Matt who shook his head. "I like milk warm."

Keegan smiled and put the carton back into the fridge. "Want something to eat?"

"I'm good."

Keegan walked into his room and left Matt alone in the kitchen. He looked around a little bit. The place was small, your typical New York apartment. There wasn't a lot of furniture but everything about it screamed bachelor pad. Keegan walked out in a clean white shirt and a dry pair of board shorts, to Matt's dismay. Keegan handed him another clean set of clothes. "Here. You don't wanna get sick. Coach'll kill me if you do."

Matt took the clothes. "Um, where can I change?"

"You can change right here, I don't mind. We're both guys and it's not like I haven't seen it before," Keegan turned around and started looking through the kitchen cupboards. "But if you're too shy, you can use my room."

"Thanks," Matt smiled as he walked into Keegan's room.

Keegan's room was pure chaos. His wall was a collage of different movie and rock posters. He noticed several skateboard decks hanging from them as well. There was a lone study table cluttered with pieces of paper which looked like Keegan had drawn on them. On the other side of the room was a closed closet. Matt wasn't too keen on taking a peek inside, he was afraid of getting buried with whatever junk was in there. In the corner of Keegan's room was his bed. It looked like it had just been slept in.

Matt pulled off his shorts and boxers and put on his new clothes. He noticed Keegan's discarded underwear and board shorts on the floor. He couldn't help but pick it up and gave it a quick whiff. Matt realized what he was doing and felt disgusted with himself. He quickly put it down and went out of the room with his own wet clothes. Matt found the used hamper and put them in with his other wet clothes. Keegan had cooked scrambled eggs and set a plate for Matt.

"I know you're not hungry, but if you want to gain stamina, you need eggs... and believe me, I cook mean eggs," Keegan smiled.

Matt plopped down on a chair and started digging in. Keegan sat on the chair beside his and leaned back. He stretched his arms and began to yawn.

"So you and Chris live here?"

"Yeah. We split everything here 50-50"

Matt shoved another bite of egg in his mouth.

"You like it?"

Matt shrugged, "I've had better."

Keegan frowned, "You could have lied and said you've never tasted anything that good."

"There's your problem, I don't lie," Matt chuckled, "So you skateboard?"

"Yeah, well, I used to. My old man made me realize skateboarding's really not a lifelong thing that's why I decided to study here."

"What're you taking?"


Matt let go of his fork and looked at Keegan. "Whoa. You're one of those film buffs?"

"Yeah. Although I wouldn't say I'll be a huge success though. There're many great aspiring directors at TISCH, I can't compete with that."

Matt finished his plate of eggs and pushed it aside. Keegan looked over at Matt, "You can wear my clothes on your way back. We don't have dryer here."


Matt looked out the window and the rain was still pouring. "Does it usually rain this hard?"

"In October? Rarely. It must be global warming or something. Wanna watch TV?"


Keegan led Matt over to the couch and turned on the TV. Matt sat down beside Keegan since the couch really didn't have much room. There was rerun of Lost on TV and Keegan quickly changed the channel. "What do you wanna watch?"

Midway through Keegan's question, the power turned off and everything went dark. If it weren't for the fleeting daylight, everything in the room wouldn't be visible. "Damn it."


"One thing I hate about this place is the power outages every time it rains hard. Chris and I need to beg the landlady to get it back up for two days."

"That sucks."

Keegan looked at Matt and noticed that his hair was still a bit wet. "You really look good without your glasses on. Have you tried contacts?"

"Yeah. But I always get an infection or something. Glasses are the way to go," Matt chuckled.

"Infection huh? I had my nose pierced once. It itched like hell so I had it removed."

"How many piercings did you have before?"

"I used to have five before I joined the swim team. They get in the way of swimming. I left this one for old time's sake," Keegan pointed to the one piercing he had on his eyebrow, "I used to have a Prince Albert too," Keegan laughed. "But I also had it taken out after my girlfriend watched The Sweetest Thing. She was afraid she'd get stuck there every time she blew me."

The two shared a quick laugh which settled for a while until there was a long awkward moment of silence. Matt finally spoke up, "Don't you have any candles we can light?"

"I'll check," Keegan stood up and looked through the cupboards. Matt stood up and helped him. He stole a few quick glances at Keegan as he bent over to look at the lower cabinet shelves. Keegan shook his head. "We're all out."

Just as Keegan stood up straight and turned around, he found himself face to face with Matt by an inch. Matt's eyes widened for a second and thought of maneuvering his way out of their uncomfortable position but he didn't, he just stood there, static. Before they knew it, both of their lips touched for a kiss.

Matt felt the heat of their bodies as he pressed himself on the guy before him. They broke the kiss for a quick second before Matt lunged over and pushed his tongue into Keegan's parted lips. Matt was never this aggressive before and even he surprised himself. Matt felt Keegan's hands grab his butt and pull him closer pressing their crotches together eliciting a moan.

"Would you mind moving?"

Matt snapped out of his daydream, "Oh, sorry."

Keegan slapped his forehead, "I know!"

"What?" Matt looked confused as he watched Keegan scamper into Chris' room. Keegan was making a lot of noise as he raided Chris' room. He came out with a huge contraption and brought it over to Matt.

"What's that?"

"It's Chris' old rechargeable lamp. I always made fun of him for bringing the ancient thing here but I think we can make good use of it now." Keegan flipped the switch. The room lit up just in time with the setting sun and steady downpour of October rain.

"Kindly excuse me for a minute," Andrew smiled as he stood up from the table. He adjusted bowtie and went straight for the hotel kitchen. He pulled out the phone from his pocket and pressed the speed dial. "Where the hell is the impersonator? What the hell do you mean he got sick? The band's here!"

Ally went to the bar and ordered a Cosmopolitan. She was wearing a flowing dark blue dress. Vince grinned at her as he handed her the drink. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said weakly.

"What's wrong?"

"Aside from the torrential downpour and mismatched orders from one of the guests' tables, not to mention that the potential buyer is actually a hippie who hates hotels, the singer who's supposed to impersonate Bob Dylan got sick. Andy's losing his marbles by now. Daddy's gonna kill him if he doesn't close this deal."

Vince looked at the crowd of people. All of the rich snobs looked bored even if they chitchatted and laughed with each other over some fabricated story one of them was telling. "Where's the guy who's doing business with your brother?"

"That one," Ally pointed over to guy who looked like he was in his mid-forties. He was laughing out loud with his very young lady companion.

"Bob Dylan, huh? Got a guitar?"

"Excuse me ladies and gents."

Everybody looked at the stage as the spotlight focused on this guy in blue jeans and a ragged black shirt with a guitar slung around his body. Andrew put down the phone and raised an eyebrow. "Who's this guy?" he asked as his sister stood beside him.

"This guy's the one who's gonna save your ass."

"I may not look like Bob Dylan, but I sure as hell can sound like him," Vince winked as he spoke with a Southern twang. "You there!" he pointed to the guy, "You want Dylan, you got him."

Vince looked back at the band and nodded his head and they started playing. Vince strummed his guitar to the beat.

Johnny's in the basement mixing up the medicine I'm on the pavement thinking about the government The man in the trench coat badge out, laid off Says he's got a bad cough wants to get it paid off Look out kid it's somethin' you did

The room went alive with the buyer looking very happy. Andrew eyed the crowd as a smirk went across his face, "Where did you get him?"

"He works here."

"He's good."

God knows when but you're doin' it again You better duck down the alley way lookin' for a new friend The man in the coon-skin cap in the big pen Wants eleven dollar bills you only got ten

The harmonica went off as Vince starting strumming like crazy.

Kevin tucked Tim and Mallory in his bed as he set up a sleeping bag on the floor. Xavier helped him out by throwing the empty pizza boxes outside.

"Are you sure Matt's gonna be okay with these two hangin' around?"

"Yeah. He said he's great with kids." Kevin looked at his siblings quietly, "I want to have kids in a couple of years... minus all the craziness."

"Well, good luck with that," Xavier laughed.

"What're you talking about? You're gonna help me raise them up."

Xavier's expression quickly became serious, "Uh, yeah."

"What's the matter?"

"Nothing... you better get some rest as well. These guys are gonna wear you out tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow."

Xavier gave Kevin a quick peck on the lips.

"That's it?"

"What?" Xavier looked at Kevin, "You're brother and sister are here."

Kevin just smiled and pulled Xavier closer as they shared a long soft kiss. "Goodnight," Kevin smiled.

Xavier smiled back and walked out of the room.

Andrew shook hands with their new client as he escorted him out to his car. He went back into the bar and sat down on one of the stools. "Hey."

"What can I do for you sir?" Vince grinned from across the bar.

"That was some show."


"So how do you know my sister?"

"She's a good friend of a friend of mine which technically makes her my friend too."

"I'm Andrew Gallagher," he extended his hand for a hand shake.

"Sorry Andrew, I'm not a big fan of handshakes."

"Well do you have a name?"

"Vince, Vince Morris."

"Thank you Vince Morris for saving my skin. How much do you want me to pay you?"

"Nah! You don't have to do that. I did it as a favor to your sister. Besides, I like performing for a crowd."

Andrew smirked, "Nice accent. You're Scottish, aren't you?"


"Well Mr. Morris, it was nice meeting you. I'll tell my sister if I ever need your services again and by that time, I will pay you."

"I'll look forward to it," Vince grinned.

Vince reviewed the songs carefully and hit the burn button. His CD had already started compiling. He went to the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee. He looked at his watch. 'Kevin should be up by now' He took a sip from his coffee, pulled out the mixed CD he made from the burner, put it in a case and headed out.

Vince stood outside the door to Kevin's room. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. He heard footsteps from the other side as his heart began to pace. He heard the knob turn and was surprised to see Xavier opening the door.

"Uh, hi. Is Kevin here?"

"He left a couple of hours ago and took the twins back to his parents. Matt let me in before he headed out as well."

There was an odd moment of silence between the two. Both Vince and Xavier couldn't look each other in the eye. Xavier cleared his throat and looked straight at Vince, "You wanna come in?"

"No. I'm good. Would 'ya mind giving him this?" Vince took out the CD and handed it to Xavier.

"What's in it?"

"Just a little something I cooked up. Would 'ya mind givin' it to him?"



Xavier closed the door. Vince stared blankly for a couple of minutes before walking away, hoping that Kevin would listen to the songs.

Xavier looked at the CD in his hand and decided, `What the heck? He won't know.' He popped the CD in the player and instantly heard Vince's voice.

"Hey buddy! If you've already forgotten my voice, this is Vince speaking. I made this just for you so you better perk up those ears and listen okay? You know how I feel about you and I know what happened between us was big mistake. I know you love Xavier. He's a cool guy. You're right, you should be together... I'm sorry. I really am. I hope what happened doesn't change anything between us and that we can still stay friends after that. Just listen to the songs okay. I hope we can talk soon. I'm still your best bud right?"

Xavier sat down as he listened to the first song play.

It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe It don't matter, anyhow An' it ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babe If you don't know by now When your rooster crows at the break of dawn Look out your window and I'll be gone You're the reason I'm travelin' on Don't think twice, it's all right

Kevin walked into the room and found Xavier sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Hey, what're you doing here?"

Xavier stared into Kevin's eyes quietly as the song played in the background.

It ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe That light I never knowed An' it ain't no use in turnin' on your light, babe I'm on the dark side of the road Still I wish there was somethin' you would do or say To try and make me change my mind and stay We never did too much talkin' anyway So don't think twice, it's all right

Xavier took a deep breath and looked up at his boyfriend, "I have to tell you something."


A lot of you may be hating me now for cutting the sex to minimal in this chapter. I still needed to get the story going for the next chapters. If you have any comments, questions, violent reactions you can send me an email at

Some of you emailed me for the first time this week and I really appreciate that you guys did. Thanks a lot for the comments and I shall consider your suggestions for the coming chapters.



Next: Chapter 9

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