In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Jun 18, 2008


NOTE: Everything in this chapter happened one year before the main storyline. Kevin just graduated from high school and is helping out his mom in the diner, Vince is in his first year in the university and is sharing an apartment with his mom, Matt is all the way in Northern Cali in his senior year in high school, Andrew is learning the ropes in the family business and travelling around the world with his dad while Xavier is studying in Melbourne University.

Chapter 7 One Year Ago

Why don't people just admit it and say, "I don't know what love is." I did. What the hell is it?

I used to think love was this sick feeling you get when you think about a person... sick in a good way, that is. Why would anyone ever want to get love sick when all you end up with is a fever and huge rash on your neck?

It's stupid and pointless to keep dreaming that that same person feels the same way that you do. It's impossible. One will always love the other more while the other will love him less or even not all. I've had it with-

Kevin stopped for a long one minute and searched for the right words to type next. The light from his laptop lit his face through the darkness of his room which his mother called 'the Cave' since he rarely got out of it lately.

Kevin hit the backspace button a couple of times and started retyping.

If you lose one piece of your life's puzzle, it'll be lost forever and no one can ever fill that void. You can always try to find something to replace it and think that it will do the trick but you'll never be satisfied knowing that the very piece you had went missing.

Kevin pulled the screen of his laptop down when he heard a knock on his bedroom door. "Honey, your dad's on the phone."

Kevin went out and picked up the phone in the hallway. "Hi dad."

"How's my little guy?"

"Been better. What's up?"

"Well, I talked to your mom a while ago and she thinks it's a good idea for you to go to college here."

"I already told you two that I'm not going. I'm staying right here where mom needs me."

"I don't need you," Olivia muttered as she walked behind her son.

"Yes you do!" Kevin shouted as his mom walked into her room.

"Look, Kevin, I already set you up for an interview with Dr. Lyon she's the undergraduate college dean here and she really thinks you'd do good in the university."

"But I'm not going."

"You are. I'll be there to pick you up in two days... and no buts."


"What did I just tell you?"

"Okay dad."

"Tell your mom to lay off the work."

"I'll make sure of that. Give the twins my love."

"I will. Good night."

"Good night."

Kevin put the phone down and walked to his mom's room. Olivia was busy brushing her dark blonde hair in the mirror. Kevin obviously got his shaggy brown hair from his dad but there was no mistaking Kevin got her eyes. Kevin plopped face down on her bed as she kept on brushing.

"I can't believe you told dad I want to go to college."

"What? Now you change your mind?"

"Hey I never said I wanted to go. I'm doing just fine here in the diner."

"You call moping around your room when you're not working fine? You're turning out to be more anti-social than usual."

"I'm not anti-social."

"I wish Xavier was here to back me up on that."

"Well he isn't," Kevin frowned. Xavier had been gone for a month and he hadn't been answering any of his emails since he moved to Australia.

"Come on Kevin, you need your education. Your father and I both went to the same university you're going to and the education you'll get there's good. If you want to be a real good writer, you'll leave the diner and start learning how to really do it."

"I can write just fine. I get more experience here than anywhere else. I get to meet a lot of different people every day."

"What? The customers? You barely get to talk to them once you've taken their orders."

"There's what we call writing through observation."

Olivia started laughing as she turned to face her son. "You're going and that's final. You and I know that when your dad says something, it usually happens."

"Well can I at least start next year? I don't want to start in the middle of the school year."

"It's just been three weeks, what could you have missed?"

"I just need breathing time, that's all."

"Well you have to talk with your dad about that when he gets here."

Kevin sighed as he laid his head back down on is mom's bed.

Vince was watching TV in their New York apartment when he heard a noise right outside their door. He put the remote down and checked to see what it was. Vince's face couldn't hide his surprise to see the tall guy standing by their doorway, carrying a large suitcase.

"Well aren't ya gonna let me in laddie?"

"Hey! When did you get in?" Vince gave his uncle a big hug before taking his suitcase and escorting him in.

"My flight was delayed. Immigration musta thought I was a bloody terrorist or somethin' Where's yer mum?"

"She's sleeping. Want me to wake her up?"

"Nah. Let 'er sleep. I'll surprise her in the mornin'. You've gotten thinner, have you been eatin'?"

"Yeah, I have. I just grew taller," Vince grinned. "Want somethin' to drink?"

"Got any brandy?"

Vince went to the cupboard and took out two glasses and a half-full bottle of brandy. Ronnie sat down on the old couch and looked around the small apartment. Although Ronnie was Vince's uncle, they looked as if they were brothers. Ronnie was born when, Moira, Vince's mom, was 19 which made him 29, just ten years Vince's senior.

Right after Vince's dad died, Ronnie had become Vince's father figure. He'd go fly out to New York once every couple of months to check up on his sister and nephew. Vince always looked forward to his uncle's visits. He was one of those people he felt comfortable talking to about everything... well, almost everything. Since his uncle found out he was gay, Vince had always been trying to dodge every sex question his uncle threw at him. Ronnie was very cool about his nephew's sexuality. Like he always says, 'He's never the one to judge'.

Vince handed his uncle a glass of brandy.

"Thanks laddie."

Vince sat on the recliner and took a sip, "How's Scotland?"

"It's still there," Ronnie winked at his nephew. "I don't want to talk about Scotland now. I came here to see you two. How've ya been?"

"I'm doing good."

"And school? I heard ya got in the university."

"Yep. It's goin' well. I think I have a knack at philosophy."

"Ah, just like 'yer dad. How 'bout yer music?"

"I still play the guitar once in a while," Vince grinned.

"Have ya tried playin in a pub yet?"

"Nah. I'd be too shy to sing in public."

"That's complete shite and ya know that. You and I both know yer a hell of a singer."

Vince blushed at his uncle's comment, "Wanna hear me play?"


Vince put down his glass and took his guitar. He propped it down his lap and held it in his arms. "What do ya wanna hear?"

"Ya know me, anythin' from the Beatles is good," Ronnie smiled as he gulped down the last of his brandy.

Vince closed his eyes and started strumming.

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup They slither while they pass they slip away across the universe Pools of sorrow waves of joy are drifting through my open mind possessing and caressing me

Jai guru deva om Nothing's gonna change my world Nothing's gonna change my world

Matt was staring aimlessly out his classroom window. It was a completely different view from last week. Everything was new. He was in a new school, in a new neighborhood with new sets of faces to forget.

Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes they call me on and on across the universe Thoughts meander like restless wind inside a letterbox they tumble blindly as they make their way across the universe

Jai guru deva-

"Mr. Dinicol."

Matt snapped out of his trance when he felt a nudge on his shoulder. He quickly looked up and saw Mrs. Burstyn staring at him sternly.

"Did you hear what I said?"

"Sorry ma'am, I was thinking of something else."

The class erupted with laughter.

"I said you're going to have to pair up with Michael here. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes ma'am," Matt smiled weakly as some guys from the class laughed.

Matt leaned over to Eric, the guy sitting beside him, and whispered, "Why're they laughing?"

"You don't really want to know," Eric slowly pointed to the guy seated across the room waving at Matt. Michael was openly gay and wasn't afraid to show it. It made a few people in class uncomfortable while others made him the butt of jokes. Michael really didn't care though; he didn't let stereotypes get in the way of his life.

Matt and Eric were walking out of class when Matt felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see Michael smiling at him, "Hi!"

"Hi," Matt smiled back.

"I guess I'll see you later," Eric waved to Matt and walked away.

Michael's eyes followed Eric's butt for a few seconds as he spoke to Matt, "So... you're new here."

"Yes I am."

"Where did you move from?"


The two of them continued talking as Matt walked to his locker and desperately tried to open it.

"You're from up north?" Michael was leaning on the locker beside Matt's as he tried the combination to his lock again.

"Not technically. I only stayed there for a couple of months," Matt was getting frustrated with his locker when Michael stepped in.

"Let me have a go with that."

Matt stepped aside as Michael did his thing. He bent over slightly, trying to shove his ass in Matt's direction as he twisted the lock and opened it easily.

"Thanks," Matt smiled weakly.

"I guess we're gonna be working together huh?"

"I guess so... Do you want to work on it tomorrow night? Because I really don't like cramming..."

"No problem. Physics is my thing. I mean, who wouldn't love studying forces acting on each other?" Michael gave Matt a naughty smile which made Matt a little bit nervous.

"Okay," Matt replied awkwardly. "Well, I guess we'll meet after school tomorrow?"

"We shall," Michael smiled as he walked away.

"1. 2. 3. Cheese!" Dina lowered the camera and frowned at her son. "Come on Andrew, smile for the camera."

"I don't smile."

Andrew had a straight face on, completely uninterested in his mother's pursuit to take the perfect picture of him standing in front of the St. Paul's Cathedral. His dad wore the same expression as he waited in the sun for his wife to get it over with.

"Just take the picture Dina and let's go."

Dina sighed and looked at her husband, "I know, why don't you get in the picture with him? Come on." Dina pulled her husband towards their son. "Okay, smile for the camera. 1... 2..."

Anthony put a hand on his son's shoulder and whispered, "You do know I'm going to kill you for this."

"Hey, you're the one who ruffled her feathers," Andrew forced a smile which ended up in a smirk.

"...3 Cheese!" The camera flashed.

Dina was browsing through the images in her digital camera as the three were sitting inside a coffee shop. Anthony was busy talking to an associate over the phone as Andrew stirred his coffee incessantly.

"Would you stop that?"

"What?" Andrew looked up at his mother.

"Stop stirring. It's making that noise. It's irritating."

Andrew took his coffee and drunk it down.

"Honey, we're taking a break. Turn the phone off."

Anthony waved his wife to shut up as he continued speaking on the phone. Dina just shook her head in disappointment and refocused her attention to Andrew.

"Aren't you enjoying the sights and sounds of Melbourne?"

"It's hard to enjoy it without Ally here."

Dina looked at him disapprovingly. "Ally is not well right now."

"Obviously... she's in rehab."

"Keep your voice down!" Dina whispered.

"It's not like anybody knows us here," Andrew just rolled his eyes and drunk his coffee. Anthony got off the phone and straightened his tie. Anthony Gallagher looked much like his son. They both were tall and had muscular physiques. Anthony had a few lines on his forehead as a result of many years in the real estate business. His hair had turned a shiny shade of grey. Sitting beside his wife, he looked like he was a decade older, a huge exaggeration given that they only had two years age difference. Dina wore a white blouse over her sleek black pants, her long blonde hair tied neatly in a bun. Anyone who looked at her thought of her a gold-digger for hanging out with a guy who looked so much older than her. She had a great body and beautiful face, this time, a result of several expensive medical procedures.

Andrew hated his parents. Thinking he was elsewhere at that time was the only thing keeping him from throwing up his coffee. He couldn't stand being with them. He was just fine growing up under the care of his thick check book courtesy of his jet setting parents. This was the longest all three of them had been together, an effort his mother forced them to take right after they found his sister lying in a pool of her own blood a week earlier.

"We need to leave tomorrow morning," Anthony addressed his wife. "I just got off the phone with Pierre. It seems that the project in Paris is going to pull through."

"Tomorrow? We just got here," Dina said indignantly.

"I'm staying here. The French creep me out."

"You're coming."

"Why?" Andrew looked cross as he asked his father.

"You're still learning the ropes. You need to be there."

Dina saw her son's expression and turned to her husband. "Give the boy a break, let him enjoy the trip. I'll go."

Anthony thought about it for a second and sighed, "So be it. We're leaving the first flight tomorrow. Andrew, no funny business while you're here."

"Sure," Andrew responded casually as he took one long sip from his coffee.

"This place looks promising," Ronnie looked around Jazzy Joe's as the young female singer was performing on stage. "How did 'ya find it?"

"Deb worked here for a couple of months."

The singer ended her song with cheers from the crowd. Vince joined in and whistled. She dutifully thanked the crowd and started with her next song.

This was never the way I planned Not my intention I got so brave, drink in hand Lost my discretion

"Ever consider playing here?"

"Heck no... No!" Vince repeated as he saw the little sparkle in his uncle's eyes.

"Okay, laddie. I was just thinking you might-"

"Not happening," Vince cut his uncle off.

It's not what, I'm used to Just wanna try you on I'm curious for you Caught my attention

Ronnie laughed as he took a chug of his beer. Vince's eyes were glued on the stage that his uncle's next question completely caught him off guard.

"So how are 'ya and Tyler? Still messin' up the sack?"


"Come on laddie, the last time I saw 'ya two, you were inseparable. It's hard to miss."

"Well it's over now... can we change the subject? It kind of feels weird talkin' to you about this."

"Why? I'm not the type to judge."

"Judging or not, you're still my uncle and it feels weird talking to you about my sex life."

"So you two HAVE been on it! You better be usin' protection. It's good to be safe 'ya know? So who's the bum-man?"

"This weird conversation ends here."

Ronnie raised his hands in defeat and smiled, "You win. It stops here."

I kissed a girl and I liked it The taste of her cherry chapstick I kissed a girl just to try it I hope my boyfriend don't mind it It felt so wrong It felt so right

Ronnie took another swig of beer, "Catchy song."

"Yep. I bet it's gonna be a hit."

Xavier lay on his bed. His alarm had been ringing for the past hour and he kept hitting the snooze button every time it did. His roommate had long given up on waking him. There was no point in arguing with a guy who was hung over every other day.

Xavier didn't want to get up. He felt like shit. He felt like throwing up. He quickly got up and headed for the bathroom. After a few minutes with his face in the toilet, he fell back on his bed.

He woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He didn't bother to pick it up. He knew who it was, his dad. This was his form of rebellion, getting drunk and boycotting school. He hated Australia. All he wanted to do was fly back to New York and be with Kevin. He missed him.

Xavier was confused. His mind was fucked up, much like his current state of hangover. His head was throbbing. He took an aspirin and went back to bed. He knew Melbourne was good for him. He knew he had a sure future there with their family business. He kept repeating those thoughts to himself, trying to convince himself everything was for the better.

A few hours and several cups of coffee later, Xavier was sitting down in front of his laptop and stared at the emails Kevin had been sending him since he left. There were quite a few. His hands were on the keys still thinking of the right words to send back. He knew a simple 'Hi' would've sufficed for Kevin but he didn't want to do it. He really missed Kevin and knew Kevin must have felt the same way.

Xavier had been going back and forth in his head about his friendship with Kevin. They were still best friends and he was afraid to become more than that. He reviewed all the things that happened between them the past few years in high school... all the fun, the fights, the parties, the sex... he missed the sex. Given his current situation, Xavier felt powerless. He was at the mercy of his trust fund. Xavier had convinced himself that they were only buddies who had sex, no real strings attached and his departure would end it all but something really felt weird about that to him. He was confused. He turned his laptop off and went to class. He would have to deal with Kevin later.

Andrew was alone in his hotel room lying on the king-sized bed in his boxers. He held the phone to his ear as he listened to his sister talk about rehab.

"Are they treating you well?"

"If you call being cooped up in a room and getting hourly check-ups from the resident shrink, yes."

Andrew laughed. "Seriously, are you okay?"

"Stop asking that, I'm fine. So how's Australia?"


"What? You've been there a day and you hate it already? Let me guess, you've spent most of your time in the hotel room, lying on the bed and doing nothing?"

"Pretty much."

"What's wrong with you? If I was all alone in Australia with unlimited credit, I'd shop like crazy."

"Well I don't shop."

"Then do what you like doing best."

"And that would be?"

"Screwing every girl you see."

Andrew laughed, "Good idea. I might just do that."

Ally laughed over the phone.

"Get some rest. Good night."

"It's morning in Melbourne, right?"


"Well, good morning," Ally put down the phone.

Kevin set down a plate of bacon and eggs when he saw his dad enter the diner. He watched him as he sat down on one of the empty tables near the door. Kevin wiped his hands on his apron and walked up to his dad. He smiled as he sat down in the seat in front of him.


"Where's your mother?"

"I told her to rest for a while."

"Good... Have you packed up your stuff?"

"Dad, about that... I'm really not sure-"

Phil cut his son off, "I thought I told you, you were going. I already set this up and your mom is totally with me on this."

"Yeah. But I want to go at the start of the school year. I don't want to be the one catching up with everybody else... Give me one year. I'll take care of mom and get myself ready. Mom's still new at this cancer thing and I really don't want to leave her alone. Please dad."

Phil fumbled with his fingers and looked at his son. He reminded him so much of himself when he was younger. He sighed and looked straight at Kevin, "Okay. I'll push the interview back and tell the dean about the current circumstances but you have to promise to go next year."

"I will dad," Kevin smiled.

"Good. Now get me a coffee and a plate of bacon. I haven't had breakfast yet."

Kevin laughed as he went to get his dad's order.

"You don't look too good," Eric noted Matt's pale face. "Are you nervous about something?"

"It's the Physics project," Matt said weakly.

"I thought you were some kind of genius?"

"It's not that... it's... you know?"

"Your partner?"

Matt nodded as he swallowed down his mashed potato.

"I've never really been close to the guy but he looks decent."

Both of them watched as Michael strutted down the cafeteria carrying a tray of salad and red Jell-O.

Eric leaned towards Matt and whispered, "I don't think he'd do anything stupid, right?"

Matt was thinking the same thing as his eyes squinted behind his glasses.

"Just relax. Everything'll be fine."

"I hope so," Matt let out a short nervous chuckle.

Matt heard the doorbell and answered the door.

"Hello partner!" Michael was smiling at him. He took off his sunglasses and walked in. "Nice house you got here. Where are your folks?"

"They went out on a date."

"Aw, isn't that cute?"

"I guess it is," Matt chuckled. "Do you want something to eat or drink before we get started?"

"Yeah. Sure."

Michael followed Matt in the kitchen. He sat down on one of the high stools and watched Matt bend over to look inside the fridge. He couldn't help but notice Matt's perfect butt outlined in his jeans. Matt put the carton of juice on the table and pulled out a plate of oatmeal cookies his mom baked that morning. Michael grabbed a cookie and stared at Matt as he took one slow bite of the cookie.

"I bet you look cute without glasses."

"Uh, thanks?"

Michael licked his lips and smiled, "You're not comfortable around me, aren't you?"

"What makes you say that?"

"Well if it isn't obvious enough, I'm gay and two, I really want to jump you right now."

Matt chuckled nervously. "Really? I didn't notice," he lied, horribly, for that matter.

Michael smiled before drinking down a glass of juice. Matt led Michael into his room and started hitting the books. Michael sat closely beside Matt as he went from every page he marked and started explaining to Michael what he wanted their project to be. Just as he was about to go into the details, he felt Michael's warm hand on top of his leg. Matt's eyes darted towards Michael who had a cheeky grin on his face. "Relax. I don't bite."

Matt felt Michael's hand slide up to his crotch as he started massaging Matt's slowly growing member. Michael pulled Matt's fly down and slid his hand into Matt's boxers. Matt could feel Michael's gentle hands touch his hardening tool. Michael then knelt on the floor between Matt's legs as he began to lick his lips. Matt tried to stifle his moans as he watched Michael slowly lowering his head down to Matt's crotch when he heard his dad's car horn honking. In his panic, Matt quickly jumped up and zipped up, knocking Michael off with his knee. He looked down to see Michael covering his mouth which was obviously bleeding. "Oh my god! Did I hit you?"

"Uh, yeah?" Michael stood up, trying to feel if his teeth were still all intact.

"I'm really sorry about that."

The door to Matt's room opened and his mom came in. She was shocked to see Matt's Physics partner bleeding. "What happened?"

"Uh... he has TB!" Matt blurted out.

Deb lay her head on Lewis' lap as they watched a DVD of Mallrats. Vince pushed Deb's legs off the couch and took a seat beside his friends. Vince noticed Deb trying to hide a smile from him.

"What's up with her?" Vince asked Lewis.

"I'm not really sure."

Vince tapped Deb's leg, "Spill it."

"Well, you know I worked at Jazzy Joe's before..."


"You're singing there tomorrow night."


"Your uncle set you up with Joe. It's a one-night thing. There's nothin' to worry about."

"Nothing to worry about? Are you kidding me? I'm gonna talk to him." Vince stood up and walked over to his mom's room and stopped when he heard his mom sobbing as she asked, "When are 'ya plannin' to tell him this?"


"How long do 'ya have left?"

"The doctors say a year or so. It's a miracle I'm still alive and well. Cheer up sis, I'll be fine."

"No 'yer not. There's no cure for AIDS."

"That's why I'm makin' the best out of it."

Vince felt a chill run down his spine when he heard those words. His uncle was dying, the only guy who he treated as a dad only had a year or so to live. He slowly walked away, trying his best not to make a sound.

Xavier walked over to the bar. The place was crowded with several rowdy Australians. Xavier leaned over the counter and shouted his order, "Give me a Bud."

The bartender popped open a beer and handed it to Xavier.

"Are you American?"

Xavier turned around to see a guy standing beside him, eyeing him curiously with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah. And judging by your accent, you're from Boston."

Andrew laughed, "I'm a Yankee."

"My bad."

Andrew ordered a glass of whiskey and headed off with his new friend to one of the far tables of the bar. Andrew watched closely as Xavier drank down the beer as if it were water. "So, what brings you all the way to Melbourne?"

"I study here," Xavier put down the empty bottle on the table and motions to one of the waitress to bring him more beers. "How about you?"

"I'm here on vacation."



"Hmmm... babe watching?"

"Yeah... and guy watching."

Xavier caught the last part and looked at Andrew who was smirking at him. Judging by Xavier's reaction, Andrew knew the guy was into him. The waitress put down a couple of beers down the table as Xavier chugged them down.

"Looks like you've got a problem."

"Nah, I'm fine," Xavier took another beer in his hand and drank it down.

"I'm sure you are," Xavier smirked even more.

Matt found his Physics partner sitting alone at their table. Matt walked up to him and sat down on one of the stools. "Are you okay?"

"He has TB? What the hell were you thinking?" Michael whispered hysterically.

"I'm really sorry."

"You could've at least said you smacked me on the face or we got into a fight but TB?! Now I'm required to wear a surgical mask every time I go to your house."

"I couldn't think of anything quick enough... about the other night, I really didn't want to-"

"Forget it," Michael shook his head. "It never happened and it never will. Let's just get on with the project okay?"

"Okay," Matt sighed.

Kevin was in front of his laptop rereading the long email he'd just written. He was debating whether or not he should send it. Xavier hadn't been returning any of his emails and he was really hoping he'd would with this one. No more hellos. No more 'How's Melbourne?' For the first time, he actually wrote what he felt about the whole situation. Kevin should've never let Xavier leave and he wanted him to know that. He tapped his fingers as he went back and forth, trying to see if he used the right words. He stopped for a very long time with his last sentence ending with those three big words. He slid the mouse up and thought, "Please answer me," before clicking send.

Xavier was on his hands and knees as Andrew fucked him mercilessly on the bedroom floor. He thrust his entire length into him repeatedly, eliciting loud moans. Xavier's own cock was throbbing below him, aching for attention.

"Fuck me harder," Xavier begged for more.

Xavier dug his fingers on Xavier's shoulders as he pulled Xavier's body towards him, burying his cock even more deeper into that tight hole. Xavier's cock was stiff and sore. He moaned loudly when he felt one of Andrew's hands slowly jerk him off.

Andrew wiped the sweat from his brow with his left arm as he kept pounding Xavier's ass. "You like that?"

"Yeah," Xavier moaned even more.

Andrew quickly flipped Xavier on his back and pounded him harder. Andrew pulled Xavier's legs apart even more and propped them over his shoulders so he could bury his entire length into him. Xavier felt the stiff cock inside of him, hitting his spot repeatedly. Xavier couldn't take it any longer. He started moaning loudly as spurt after spurt of cum came spewing out from his own cock. A good amount of it splattered across his naked chest and his face. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of his own seed.

Andrew quickly pulled out from Xavier. He pulled off the rubber and started jerking himself off and aimed it towards Xavier's open mouth. Andrew's body shook as he felt the warm jizz escape his cock. Strings of hot cum flew into Xavier's mouth as some hit him across the face. Andrew kept stroking his cock until he felt every drop of it drain out of him. Xavier leaned his head forward and sucked the wet cockhead into his mouth. Andrew moaned as Xavier sucked everything Andrew had.

Andrew smirked, satisfied, as his camera, hidden behind them, kept rolling.

Vince was scanning the crowd of people. He was nervous as hell. He didn't know whether or not the people would like him. It was then he felt an arm around his shoulder.

"Good crowd laddie. You're going to bring the house down."

Vince laughed, "That line doesn't suit you."

"Then I won't use it anymore."


Joe approached the two of them and told Vince he was up.

"Do good. Make 'yer mum proud."

"I'll make you proud."

Ronnie began heading back to his table, sitting down beside Moira, Deb and Lewis who were all cheering him on. Vince took his guitar and sat on the stool propped on the stage. He leaned towards the microphone and tapped it.

"Hello? Is thing on?"

Everybody laughed. Vince settled down and looked at the crowd one more time. The place wasn't that packed but there were still a lot of people. He breathed deeply and spoke again. "Hey, I'm Vince Morris and I'm probably just going to do this tonight depending on whether I suck or not. If I do, please don't crucify me."

Vince comment elicited laughs from the crowd. "Anyway, I don't want to be wet blanket or anything. I just wanted to start off with something from the Beatles. It's one of my favorite songs of theirs written by the late great, George Harrison. It's called While My Guitar Gently Weeps. I'm dedicating this to my awesome uncle, Ronnie, who's responsible for my being here. I will miss you and I promise to make these next years damn great."

Vince started strumming and looked straight into the crowd.

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at the floor and I see it needs sweeping Still my guitar gently weeps

Kevin was lying on his bed, staring at his laptop screen, waiting for Xavier's response. He looked at the clock and decided to shut it down.

I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold you love

Xavier was lying naked in bed fast asleep, as Andrew rewound the tape of his latest and would-be best conquest in years.

I don't know how someone controlled you they bought and sold you I look at the world and I notice it's turning While my guitar gently weeps

Matt and Michael were working on their project, both of them silent. Matt glanced at Michael, who still looked pissed. He goes back to concentrating on their work. Michael noticed Matt stealing glances at him and smiled.

With every mistake we must surely be learning Still my guitar gently weeps

Ally was sitting alone in rehab, being issued her medication by the nurse. She thanked her and drank it down.

I don't know how you were diverted you were perverted too I don't know how you were inverted no one alerted you

Ronnie had tears in his eyes, trying not to let them fall as he proudly watched his nephew singing on stage. Vince's eyes were closed. He felt every word, every note. He was lost in the song. He was where he wanted to be.

I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping While my guitar gently weeps I look at you all Still my guitar gently weeps Oh, oh, oh


First off, I just want to give Jeffery King a huge, huge thank you for letting me use Eric and Michael and helping me out with this chapter. I'm still a big fan of his. He's coming out with the last season of Three Roads soon. Go on and read it. Support all the other nifty authors!

Thanks to all those people who take the time to send me their comments, both good and bad, on how the story's going. I read all of them and I thank you all sincerely. Those comments are what keep me writing.

If you want to send me an email about the story (questions, rants, suggestions or whatnot), please do not hesitate to do so. My email's



Next: Chapter 8

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