In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on May 20, 2008


Xavier reached out for Kevin's hand and held it. "You don't have to lie to me. I know you like a book."

Chapter 5 The Secrets That We Keep

Kevin's hands were nested behind his head, his eyes closed as he started to moan and gasp. He felt Xavier's warm tongue running up the base of his hard cock, slowly, as he massaged his balls. His precum started flowing down the side of his cock as Xavier lapped it up and smeared it around his shaft with his lips. He felt his friend bob his head up and down his shaft, his lips pressing tightly on his tool. He felt the pace go faster as Xavier ran his hand up Kevin's stomach. Kevin opened his eyes and looked down to see Vince eagerly going down on him. Vince's eyes were looking up at him with lust. He let Kevin's cock slip out of his mouth and grinned at him before going down on him again. Kevin couldn't take it any longer as shot after shot of his cum flooded his best bud's mouth.

Kevin woke up. He looked at the clock on his side table. It was almost 4 AM. His chest was heaving and his forehead was drenched in cold sweat. He slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Matt up. He went to the toilet and took a quick leak. He washed his face and looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes said it all, his confusion. Xavier was his best friend for years. He knew everything about him and vice versa. Xavier was there through all his up and downs. He taught him almost everything he knew, he was his first. That one year of separation made it clear to him that Xavier had become more than just his best friend, but something more special, more intimate.

Vince, on the other hand, suddenly crashed into his life after he thought that he had finally gotten over Xavier. Vince was a breath of fresh air, spontaneous and charming, someone totally different. It was obvious at that point that he was and can no longer be just a friend to Kevin. He was something more.

Kevin lay back on his bed. He closed his eyes and tried going back to sleep but it was no use. He opened his eyes and stared at the blank ceiling. He turned on his side and glanced over Matt's bed. His roommate was sleeping soundly. Kevin watched as Matt's body slowly rose and fell with every breath, his wavy blonde hair covering his forehead, his right arm resting over his head while the other lay idly on his stomach. He studied every inch of Matt's body, every curve, every hint of muscle, every gentle twitch of his parted lips as he breathed. He noticed the sizeable tent forming against the soft fabric of his roommate's boxers.

Kevin snapped out from his trance to the sound of Matt's alarm blaring. Matt rubbed his eyes as he turned to his side and yawned. He felt around for the alarm clock and turned it off. Kevin sat up and rested his back against the wall as he watched his roommate get up from bed. Matt squinted his eyes to see Kevin staring at him quietly.

"You're up early," Matt said weakly, still trying to wake himself up.

Kevin gently shook his head. "Nah. I woke up a couple of minutes ago, couldn't get back to sleep... are you gonna hit the pool?"

"Yup" Matt smiled as he went to grab some clothes from the dresser. He pulled on a pair of track shorts and took a clean white shirt. They heard a knock on the door. Matt pulled the shirt over his head and went to see who it was. The first thing he saw was that familiar naughty grin.

"Aren't ya gonna let me in?"

"That depends, are you some kind of freaky serial killer?" Matt chuckled as he let Vince inside their room.

"Hey buddy!" Vince waved to Kevin who was sitting comfortably on his bed.

"Hey! What the heck are you doing here?" Kevin smiled.

"What? I can't drop by now?"

"What's in the bag?" Matt pointed to the large brown paper bag Vince was holding.

"I brought you guys breakfast," Vince grinned.

Kevin moved closer to the edge of his bed. "I smell bacon."

"Yep," Vince raised the bag, "Plus a couple of eggs and some bagels."

"Mmmmm... my favorite," Matt snatched the bag away from Vince and started setting the food down on his study table.

"How did 'ya know it was his favorite?"

"I used my super human mental powers," Vince raised his hands and wiggled his fingers, playfully mocking Kevin as he sat down beside his buddy.

Kevin moved a little bit closer to Vince as the two of them sat side by side, their backs resting against the wall. Matt began stuffing his mouth with a bagel and strips of bacon. Kevin started laughing at his roommate. "Pace yourself buddy, you don't want to choke on the meat."

"I need to eat fast..." Matt said in the middle of bites, "...gotta go hit the pool."

"Are 'ya tryin' out for the team or somethin'?" Vince asked.

"I'm still thinking about it..." Matt took another bagel and grabbed his packed gym bag from the foot of his bed. "...gotta go. Thanks for breakfast."

"No problemo," Vince waved as Matt walked out the door and closed it behind him.

Vince turned to his side to see Kevin getting out of bed to grab some food from the table. "You guys are getting along really well."

"Yep. Matty's kinda cool. You're lucky to have the guy as your roommate... How about you and Xavier getting some quality time?" Vince winked.

"Why? Are you jealous?" Kevin joked. "We're doing okay, I guess. We actually don't get to hang out a lot lately since he still has a lot catching up to do with school and his dad makes him go to local business trips and all that."

"Are 'ya free today?"

Kevin sat back on his bed, with a bagel in hand. "Sure, my schedule's pretty much open today, what do you have in mind?"

Vince flashed Kevin a naughty grin.

Matt stripped down and turned on the hot water. He loved taking a shower before jumping into the pool. There was something so soothing about water that made him feel so free and calm. He felt it cascade down his body as he let his hands rub every part of his torso. He turned around to face the shower and started rubbing down the back of his neck. He reached down and gently tugged his slowly growing member once or twice before turning the water off. He went back to his bag and pulled on his trunks. He took his goggles and headed to the pool.

Someone was already doing laps. Matt started with warm ups as he watched the guy dart from one side of the pool to the other. His eyes were glued to the guy's perfect form. The way he glided in the water to and fro was something that drew Matt in. He suddenly recognized that gracefulness and remembered. Chris stopped at Matt's side of the pool and came up for air. He took off his goggles and looked at Matt. "Hey."

"Hey." Matt nodded back.

Chris got out of the pool which made Matt double take on the guy's awesome body. He looked up and was glued to Chris' deep blue eyes.

"So, have you decided yet?"

"To join the team? I'm not that sure it'd be a good idea."

"Why not? You're a good swimmer."

"Yeah, but I'm not as good as you."

Chris laughed which made his dimple more prominent than it normally was. Matt thought it was really cute.

"I don't see myself as a good enough swimmer that's why I challenge myself to do better. You have a lot of potential and hopefully we can work on that... that is, if you join the team."

"I'll think about it a little more."

"Okay. I'll be waiting." Chris smiled and patted Matt's bare shoulder before grabbing his own towel and heading to the showers.

Matt suddenly realized his cock was aching against the tight elastic of his trunks. He looked down and saw the huge bulge pushing against the elastic. `Did he notice?' Matt asked himself nervously. He gave it a quick squeeze before jumping into the water.

Andrew walked down the halls of the university. Everything still seemed too familiar to him. He's only been out of school for two years but he already this high sense of accomplishment in the way he carried himself. He was a legend after all. The girls around him couldn't help but stare as he passed by. During his stay in the university, he made sure to make a lasting impression. He was a top student, although a lot of students silently agreed that he made the grades because of his family connections. He was also known to be one of the biggest ladies' men whoever stepped on to those halls, having a woman in each arm. He loved the attention and all the gossip. His life was an open book in college, almost.

Andrew could hear the muffled whispers around him which made him smirk. He stopped by one of the lecture halls and nonchalantly walked in. The class was in full session as Andrew stepped inside the class and walked directly in between the students and the young professor who was busily discussing the day's lesson. The professor looked at Andrew sternly and made a coughing noise which caught the attention of the entire class.

"Excuse me. I'm in the middle of class here."

Andrew sneered without looking at the professor. "I'm just here to check up on my little sister. I hope that's not a problem River."

Some of the people in the class started laughing quietly. Ally was just shaking her head in one of the back rows. River kept blinking through his thick glasses. Although he really didn't need them, he thought it made him look more sophisticated and superior to his students. It wasn't working this time. Andrew had taken all the attention away from him just like he always did.

"This is my class Andrew, not yours."

Andrew turned around, smirking at the young professor. Although they were the same height, River was a little skinny and pale. Andrew always mocked him of being emaciated, a huge exaggeration on his part, since River had a good build to him. "Well look at you, you're a hotshot professor now and all these years I thought you'd end up as one of those lab technicians. Good for you."

"Do you want me to call the campus security on you?"

"No need for that. I just need to talk to my sister for a while if that's okay with you?"

River looked at Ally. "Ms. Gallagher, please tell your brother not to disrupt my class again."

"Why? That didn't bother you before." Andrew smirked again. Ally quickly stood up and walked to her brother, grabbed him by the arm and escorted him out of the room.

"What was that?"

"What? River and I are old friends."

"Yeah, but he's my professor now."

Andrew laughed. "He still looks like lab tech to me."

"So what are you doing here?"

"I'm bored. Do you wanna grab lunch?"

"I'm in the middle of an important lecture and I'm already way behind in this class."

"So? It's just River's class. You can skip it."

Ally giggled. "You're intolerable."

"I know."

"I really can't. I have loads of stuff to do."

"Fine, I'll eat by myself," Andrew rolled his eyes and looked at his watch.

Ally walked back the room as River continued his lecture. River glanced out the doorway, making quick eye contact with Andrew who was smirking at him.

Kevin and Vince walked up the stairs up to Vince's apartment. Vince fished for his keys from his pocket while trying to balance two coffees with his other hand. "A little help please."

Kevin took the coffees from Vince and waited as Vince opened the door.

"How many of these have you had already? Five?"

"If you count the ones I had before I got to your dorm... waaay too many. Aha!" Vince finally got to open the door and grinned. He took the two cups from his friend's hands and walked in after Kevin.

Kevin sat down on the couch as he watched Vince set the coffees down on the kitchen counter. Kevin casually ran his hand on the couch, suddenly remembering the first time he sat there. He remembered the first time he and Vince kissed, the first time he felt their bare bodies touch, the first time he blew his load into Vince's eager mouth.


"What?" Kevin looked up at Vince who was standing in front of him, holding his guitar.

"Have you picked any songs yet?"

"Why do you want me to pick songs for your set?"

"Cause it's a special set," Vince winked.

"What makes it so special?"

"Cause, my inquisitive friend, it's gonna be my last," Vince put his guitar down to grab one of his coffees.


Vince took a sip, "Yeah. I'm quitting."

"Quitting? Why? You love performing."

"I do, but the money I get from my gigs isn't enough. I am living alone now and this place ain't cheap, plus I got school fees to pay and stuff not to mention the gas I need for the truck-"

"Okay, I get the point but that sucks," Kevin frowned. "So when's your last set?"

"I told Joe I wanted to give my last performance tomorrow but the big guy pleaded with me to stay until Friday next week until he finds a good replacement act. This is New York, there's a bunch of great musicians out here."

"Yeah, but none of 'em are like you."

"Awww, you gonna miss me?" Vince raised an eyebrow as he grinned.

"Not one bit," Kevin laughed.

Vince put his coffee down and picked up his guitar again. He sat down beside his best bud. "What song do you want me to play?"

Kevin looked up the ceiling and tried thinking of a tune. "I don't know, anything you play always sounds good."

"Don't give me that shite you wanker!" Vince stretched his arm to swat Kevin who quickly moved back and started giggling.

"What? I thought you liked compliments."

"I'm serious here."

"Yeah, well so am I."

"You're no help," Vince just smiled and closed his eyes, trying to think of a good song. "I got it."

Vince's fingers started strumming the metal strings gently to a tune which sent goose bumps down Kevin's back.

One night to be confused...

Kevin quickly held Vince's hand and stopped him from strumming. Vince opened his eyes and looked at his best bud. "What?"

"Don't play that."

"Why? You love that song."

"I know, but I just might kiss you right here and I can't do that."

"Why not?" Vince looked into Kevin's eyes as he leaned over towards him.

Kevin's heart started pacing as he felt Vince's warm lips brush his. Kevin's mind was a blur; all that he knew was gone. All that mattered was right there, at that moment. Vince let his guitar slide down to his side. He held Kevin's head as their tongues touched. Kevin's hands found their way to Vince's back, pulling Vince against him. Vince started kissing down Kevin's neck. Kevin gasped, eyes closed tightly. He missed it. He loved it. He ran his hand through Vince's hair moaning as Vince lightly nibbled on his neck. Kevin shuddered as he felt the vibrations going up his leg. Kevin quickly pushed Vince aside to answer his cellphone ringing in his pocket.


"Hey stranger. Where are you?"

"Uh, I'm at the dorm," Kevin lied. "Um, I'm thinking of staying in for the day."

"Good. I'll come and see you there," Xavier was on the other end walking out of his class.

"No. You can't... I think I caught the bug or somethin'. You might catch it. I've been in bed the whole day."

"Are you okay? You want me to get you something?"

"No, I'm fine. I just think I need to rest."

Kevin heard Xavier sigh over the phone.

"What's the matter?"

"Well I'm going to Boston tomorrow since my dad arranged a little business meeting there with some clients. I'll be back by Monday and I was really hoping to see you today... I guess I'll drop by the library and finish some stuff before I leave. Take care of yourself... Love you."

"You too," Kevin ended the call.

"Was that Xavier?"

Kevin nodded. "Um, I need to get back. I still have stuff to do for tomorrow. My schedule's always hectic on Thursdays."

"Kev, wait," Vince stood up and grabbed his friend by the arm before Kevin reached the door. "Look, what happened here-"

"Don't sweat it. I'll be seeing you buddy," Kevin smiled weakly and patted his best bud on the shoulder and walked out the door.

Matt was standing by the door to the athletics department, seriously contemplating whether or not he should join the team. He'd been debating the prospect for weeks. Half of him wanted to go while the other was apprehensive. Just as he reached for the doorknob, the door swung open and a tall guy in baggy shorts and tie-dye shirt appeared. Matt quickly scanned the guy from head to foot. He had a piercing in his right eye brow. The guy had dark brown clean cut hair. His eyes were a deep shade of brown and were staring directly at Matt.

"Can I help you?"

"Uh..." Matt tried to think of an excuse.

The guy was just staring at him by the doorway, waiting for his response.

"Is this the athletics department?"

"Yeah. It says so on top of the door." The guy pointed to the sign which read Athletics Department.

"Okay. Cool." Matt quickly walked away.

The guy watched as Matt bolted the opposite direction, a bit puzzled at the odd exchange of words.

Xavier adjusted his cap as he was looking for references through the rows of library shelves. He couldn't find the book he was looking for. He wasn't really much into research but he needed to catch up for the weeks he lost before he transferred. His professor allowed him to do a synthesis of past theses and researches to make-up for the tests he already missed. If there was anywhere Xavier wanted to be at that moment, it surely wasn't the library. It was almost three in the afternoon. He pulled out his cellphone and started dialling Kevin's number. He stopped midway and thought otherwise. He put the cellphone back in his pocket, grabbed his stuff and walked out the building.

Andrew was in the back seat of his limo, drinking a glass of champagne. He looked out the window and told his driver to stop the car. He went down in front of an apartment building and buzzed on the intercom. A guy answered from the other end.

"It's me," Andrew smirked.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Andrew went in. He followed River up the stairs and into his apartment. Andrew took off his scarf and tossed it aside on the couch. He looked around the place. It was cozy, just as he remembered. He checked the couch for dust and sat down. River was busy making coffee and came out with a full mug and handed it to Andrew.

"No thank you."

River put the mug down on his desk. He leaned back, removed his glasses and started cleaning them as he stared at Andrew. "So you're done seeing the world?"

"Not yet," Andrew put his feet on River's coffee table. "So you're an associate professor now, nice change."

"It's not the best job in the world, but it pays the rent. Plus I have good benefits."

Andrew looked around the room and saw a lot of papers cluttered all around. "A little disorganized now, I'm impressed."

"Things change Andy."

"I hope they haven't," Andrew smirked as he raised an eyebrow towards River.

River laughed. "Tell me, how are you on your conquests Mr. Gallagher? Still very active I presume."

A long smirk appeared on Andrew's face. "You should know firsthand."

Andrew leaned across the table and pulled River in for a kiss. The young professor felt his tongue being sucked into the young man's mouth. Their lips began mashing into one another furiously as Andrew held River by the collar. River felt the warmth of Andrew's mouth as he felt his cock slowly growing in his pants, pushing against the tight fabric. Without breaking the kiss, River straddled Andrew's outstretched legs and pushed him back on the on the couch. Andrew started kissing down his neck, licking his skin as he undid the first button of his polo. He could feel the warm tongue dancing down his neck, licking his bare flesh. River moved his hand to the back of Andrew's head as the other ran down his back. He could feel the cold air hit his chest as Andrew unbuttoned his shirt all the way and pulled the fabric off his body. Andrew gave his nipples a tongue bath, paying attention to each one carefully. River closed his eyes and pushed his groin against Andrew's abdomen. Andrew playfully bit his right nipple and released it from his mouth.

River gazed into Andrew's eyes. They were filled with that recognizable mischief. Together with that unmistakable grin, he knew Andrew wanted him right then and there. Andrew pushed River off him and unzipped the fly of his pants. He took his stiff rod out of his underwear and slowly stroked it. River eyed the massive tool in front of him as he licked his lips.

"Do you want it?" Andrew smirked, his eyes focused on the sex-craved professor standing in front of him.

River nodded.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

River got on his knees and started licking down the side of Andrew's tool. Andrew's lips twitched as he felt River's warm tongue sliding up his shaft and lapping up the head. He massaged River's head as it bobbed up and down his tool. "Suck that. Harder."

River thrust his head down, gripping Andrew's cock tighter with his lips. Andrew moaned as he felt his whole length sinking into River's throat. He squirmed a bit on the couch as the young professor's hand gently squeezed his balls in his hand. "You love my cock, don't you?"

River went up for air and nodded. Andrew smirked again. "You want it up your ass?"

River smiled and nodded again.

"Then let me have it."

River stood up and unbuckled his belt. He just got from the university and he was still wearing his slacks. He pulled it down slowly, teasing the young man sitting on the couch. He stepped out of his shoes and pulled down his tight black underwear. Andrew's smirk became wider as he sheathed his thick cock. He reached out for the stiff tool in front of him. He gave it a few quick tugs which made River moan. "Bend over."

The young professor obeyed and propped his hands on the table and stuck his ass in the air. "You like it rough?"

Andrew stood up and slapped River's ass. He aimed his rigid cock into the waiting hole. He grabbed the professor by the hips and quickly thrust his entire length into him. River groaned as he felt the full force of the intrusion. Andrew pulled out half-way and rammed his cock in the tight hole. He did this repeatedly until they got into a good rhythm. River was moaning loudly as Andrew fucked him from behind. "You're still fucking tight. You've been a good boy while I was away, haven't you?"

River couldn't answer as he was too consumed by the pleasure Andrew's pounding was giving him. Andrew kept fucking him from behind. River gripped the wooden table top with both hands as he started cumming all over the surface. River's orgasm made his ass clench tighter on Andrew's cock which made him go over the edge. Andrew pulled out of the tight hole and pulled on River's hair from behind.

"Eat my cum."

Andrew pulled off the rubber as River quickly turned around. He sat his bare ass on the cum-covered table and engulfed the entire length into his mouth. It didn't take long as Andrew started spewing shot after shot of hot cum into the young professor's mouth. River jerked Andrew off trying to squeeze every ounce of cum from his tool. Andrew took hold of his own member and started slapping it across River's face covering every inch of it with what was left of his seed. Andrew smirked as he put his spent cock into his pants and zipped up. He looked at the young professor soaked in his cum, sitting naked on table.

"Too bad I didn't bring my camera. This would've been a keeper."

River rubbed his jaw and scooped up the cum from his face.

"It was nice seeing you again River. I mean, professor. Take good care of my sister now."

"Don't worry. Ally's in good hands."

"I know," Andrew wrapped his scarf around his neck and walked out the door.

Deb was flipping through the pages of Irvine Welsh' Porno behind the counter. Vince was humming the tune to Here Comes the Sun as he moved through the shelves of books.

"Do ya have anything new today?"

"Nope," Deb said as she flipped the page, not breaking eye contact with Mr. Welsh' literary obscenity.

Vince walked up to the counter and hoisted himself up for a seat.

"Get off!" Deb tried swatting Vince off the counter with her book.

"Why?" Vince teased as a customer walked inside the old bookstore.

Vince recognized the short red hair as Xavier started perusing through some of the titles on the shelves. After a few minutes, Xavier walked to the counter and saw Vince happily swinging his legs back and forth as he sat on top of it.

Xavier nodded to him before looking at Deb. "Do you have any business books here?"

Without breaking her concentration from her book, Deb pointed to the aisles at the back of the store. "Business is over there."

Xavier eyed Vince who was trying his best not to make eye contact of any kind. "How about philosophy books?"

Deb put down her book and stared at Xavier looking a bit bored, "What're you into? Nietzsche, Feuerbach, Socrates, Marx, Buddha?"

"I'm not really sure. It's for a friend of mine."

"Kevin?" Vince found himself butting in.


"Try Sartre, he loves that shit. I think it's over the third aisle."

"Thanks," Xavier looked at Vince coldly.

"Don't mention it," Vince forced a grin.

Xavier walked off to the direction that Vince pointed him. Deb pinched Vince's side which made him yelp and get off the counter. "Watch it, will ya? I'm ticklish there."

Deb rolled her eyes, "A friend of yours?"

"Not technically."

"Hmmm..." Deb started thinking as Xavier returned with a philosophy book.

"How much?"

"That'll be $40."

Xavier pulled out his wallet and grabbed a hundred dollar bill. Deb punched the code on the register and gave Xavier his change. Vince nodded to Xavier as he walked out the store.

"Spill," Deb turned to Vince. "And don't give me that Vince is mysterious shit. I don't buy that."

"If it wasn't obvious enough, I think the guy hates my guts, mainly because his boyfriend and I are best buds."

"And by that you mean... you fucked him?" Deb said casually.

"Once. He usually fucked me."

"So what's the matter?"

"You know how boyfriends get all protective and shit."

"What's up with you gay guys? All this jealousy turns me off."

"I'm not jealous."

"Well, obviously he is."

"I mean, who wouldn't, it's me."


"Lesbo. Wait, what are you exactly now?"

"The term's genderless, you bigot."

Vince laughed. "Tell me again what made you turn straight?"

"It's probably the same thing that made you turn gay."


"So, how is Tyler?"

"I dunno."

"Are you still bitter about the whole thing?"

"Do I look bitter?" Vince grinned. "Maybe you should ask that to yourself. You look like shit."

Vince quickly ran out of the store, laughing, as Deb chased him from behind the counter.

Kevin was idly lying on his bed, recounting the kiss at Vince's apartment. He was with Xavier; it was wrong but somehow he felt otherwise. He loved being with Xavier. The two of them know everything about each other, except for the little incident earlier with Vince. He felt a little guilty but there's still something about Vince he just couldn't wrap his mind around. Vince was a complete enigma to him. Every time they were together, he just felt at ease and Vince always had this something that made him melt. Kevin heard a knock on the door and quickly got up to open it.

"I thought you were sick?"

"Yeah. I think I'm doing better, I still feel kinda dizzy though," Kevin lied.

Xavier smiled and handed Kevin a paper bag and the book he just bought.

"What're these?"

"I bought you chicken soup. I know it's never gonna be as good as your mom's but this is the best I can offer right now. Oh, and I remembered you love Sartre so I bought you something to keep you occupied while I'm gone."

"Thanks, but seriously, I'll be fine," Kevin smiled weakly as he took them from Xavier. Kevin let Xavier in and closed the door.

Xavier sat down on Kevin's bed and took off his cap. He messed up his red hair a little bit before putting his cap back on backwards. Kevin put the soup and book down on his table and sat down beside Xavier.

"I thought you were going to the library?"

"I did but I couldn't study... I was thinking of you."

Kevin blushed and tried to hide his smile. Xavier smiled as well; he still knew how to push Kevin's buttons.

"Boston huh?"

"Yeah. I've never been there before but my dad really wants me to meet one of his associates at Harvard. I wanted to ask you to come with me... that is, if you want to."

"I can't. I still have classes tomorrow."

Xavier frowned and brushed his hand on Kevin's cheek. He gently held Kevin by the chin and smiled. "It would've been fun. I miss our little road trips."

"I bet you do," Kevin smiled remembering the many short excursions he and Xavier went on in high school. Xavier would 'borrow' his dad's car and the two of them would spend the entire time exploring and enjoying everything the west coast had to offer, although most of the time they spent exploring and enjoying was in the backseat.

"Your soup's getting cold."

"Nah. I'll have it later. I'm not that hungry." Kevin said as he lay down on his bed.

Xavier pulled off his cap and lay down beside him. The two of them just lay there in silence.

"You're not sick aren't you?"


"You were with Vince?"

"Yeah," Kevin sighed.

Xavier reached out for Kevin's hand and held it. "You don't have to lie to me. I know you like a book."

"I know."

"So what did you do?"

"Nothing. We just hung out," Kevin lied.

Xavier pulled Kevin towards him. Kevin lay his head on Xavier's chest. Xavier kept staring at the ceiling holding Kevin.

Matt was pacing in front of the athletics department. He had fifteen minutes before his next class and he was still contemplating whether or not he'd join the team. He must've looked stupid walking back and forth but he really didn't mind the people.

"It's you again."

Matt stopped pacing and saw the same guy who came across the athletics department the other day. He was now wearing a ragged pair of jeans torn by the knees, a pair of flip-flops and a loose red shirt. He had his eyebrow, the one with piercing, raised, as he walked over to the door.

"Are you going to ask if this is the athletics department again?"

"Uh... no," Matt shyly replied.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"Hey Matt, are you going to sign up for the team?" Chris walked up to the two.

"You know this guy?"

"Yeah. He's the swimmer I was talking to you about. Matt this is Keegan. He's one of my teammates. Keegan, this is Matt."

"Hi," Matt waved timidly.

Keegan gave Matt a suave salute. "So, Matt, I'm assuming you're going to sign up since you've been stalking the department for two days now."

"Really now? That's great," Chris patted Matt on the back.

"Uh... sure. Where do I sign up?"

"Let's talk to Coach first," Chris opened the door and led Matt in. Keegan walked in after them.

Andrew casually walked into his sister's room and snooped around. He tapped the hard wood table and opened the drawers, moving around pieces of paper. He moved to her bed and turned the pillows over. Andrew frowned as he plopped down on her bed.

"What are you doing in my room?"


Ally noticed the open drawers. "You were doing something."

She walked over to the edge of her bed, standing in between her brother's parted legs. She bent forward and pulled her brother up by the scarf.

"Ow! What the hell's the matter with you?"

"They're asking you to spy on me, aren't they?"

Andrew stood up, removed his scarf and walked past his younger sister trying not to make eye contact. "I have no idea whatever it is you're talking about."

"Please," Ally rolled her eyes. "They needed to send you here to check up on me? I knew it. That's why you wanted me to move here."

"Ally, you're being a tad bit overdramatic," Andrew leaned on the wall.

"Am I? Be honest with me Andy, do you trust me?"

"I do."

"Then if you do, you'll let me go back to the dorm."

"But you don't have a roommate. Jessica bailed on you, remember?"

Ally looked at her brother suspiciously. "Oh my god, what did you do?"

Andrew casually shrugged his shoulders, "I didn't do anything. She wanted to go."

"Right now, I really don't believe you. Jess was right, you didn't change one bit."

Andrew raised an eyebrow, "How about you?"

"I'm not taking this from you. Get out!"

"Fine," Andrew smirked as he walked out the room.

"I'll see you on Monday then. Bye," Kevin put his cellphone back in his pocket when he felt a hand sliding up his shoulder which made him jump. "What the fuck?"

Vince was laughing like crazy as Kevin tried to calm his nerves. "Why the hell do you keep on doing that?"

"Because it's fun," Vince winked. "So... Xavier's out of town. You're done for the day what do `ya say to a movie?"

"I'm low on cash."

"I meant at my place. I'll order pizza."

"What? No Matty?"

"I called him up. He says he's got practice or somethin'"

"Practice? For what?"

"I'm not really sure," Vince scratched his head and furrowed his brows.

"How `bout your other friends?"

"Lewis and Deb are quote unquote working right now and do not want to be disturbed. So that leaves you and me buddy," Vince grinned.

"Okay. But I like pepperoni mushroom."


Two hours later, an empty box of pizza and a couple of cans of beer, only one for Kevin, the two were already sitting back on Vince's couch as Reese Witherspoon was driving away into sunset to the tune of Bittersweet Symphony.

"I love this movie."

"Yeah. I heard you say it every five minutes," Kevin laughed.

Vince stood up to take another can of beer. Kevin stared at the TV as the credits continued rolling. "Do you want me to turn this off?"

"No. Let it play. I'm waiting for a song."

"What song?"

Vince plopped back down beside Kevin and opened the beer. "Listen."

A string section slowly played quickly picking up the beat then smoothly fades out.

I've been biding my time, been so subtly kind

Vince took a chug of his beer as he watched Kevin listen carefully to the lyrics.

I've got to think so selfishly, cause you're the face inside of me.

"I don't get it." Kevin looked at Vince who quickly put down his beer and just smiled at him.

I've been biding my days, you see, evidently it pays. I've been a friend with unbiased views, and then secretly lust after you.

Kevin's heart started beating faster with those lyrics. He stared Vince in the eye. "Look, Vince, I-"

"You wouldn't be here if you really want to be with him. You would've told me to fuck off the last time but you didn't."

Kevin was quiet for a while. Vince was right. He wanted to be there. He wanted to be with him. Their lips touched once more, very gently. Kevin slowly tilted his head to give more access into his mouth. Vince put a hand behind Kevin's head and pulled Kevin closer. Kevin felt Vince's tongue brush past against his lips. They were both lost in the kiss.

So now you feel lusty, you're hot and confused.

Vince moved his hands and cupped Kevin's face in between them. He slowly pulled away and looked at Kevin who still had his eyes closed. Kevin opened his eyes as he felt Vince lightly tug his shirt over his head and threw it aside. He felt Vince's warm lips press against the side of his neck. He gently lay down on the couch, his elbows still propping him up. Vince's weight was on him as he continued nibbling the side of his neck. He felt Vince's tongue tracing the line of his collar. Kevin moaned as he felt one of Vince's hands fondling the bulge in his pants. Vince sat up and took his own shirt off. Kevin took everything in. He missed seeing Vince's naked. Kevin sat up and helped Vince take off his pants.

You wanna do someone else, so you should be by yourself, instead of here with me, secretly.

Kevin was lying on his side on Vince's bed. Vince's hand caressed Kevin's chest as he kissed his nape. Kevin could feel the hard rod pressing against his crack. Vince's hand rubbed down Kevin's abs, gently took hold of Kevin's hard tool and slowly begun stroking him as he nibbled on the side of Kevin's neck.

"Fuck me," Kevin moaned.

"Are you sure?"

Kevin nodded, his eyes still closed as felt the heat of their two bodies. Vince pushed the head of his lubed cock into Kevin's hole. Kevin's face was a mix of pain and pleasure as he felt Vince slowly sliding inside of him. Everything felt so new. It was if it was his first time. He felt Vince's cock hit his spot as he moaned loudly. Vince stopped once he got his full length inside. He lightly pinched on of Kevin's nipples as he kissed the side of Kevin's neck. Kevin felt Vince's tongue massaging his skin as he slowly pulled out halfway. Vince then pushed back sending another wave of pleasure through Kevin's naked body. Their bodies were covered in sweat as Vince started his slow assault. Their bodies moved in unison. Vince pushed in as Kevin arched back, sending Vince's cock deeper inside of him.

Kevin leaned his head back. Vince moved one of his hands and slid them up the front of Kevin's neck, pulling him gently as he went in for a kiss. Kevin turned his head slightly as their lips met. Both of them, with eyes closed, were in complete bliss, kissing passionately. Kevin's hands were busy tugging his own balls and jerking himself slowly. Vince's hand replaced his own as his buddy started jerking him off covering his hand with generous amounts of his own precum. Kevin was getting close. He wanted it to last so he gently pulled away leaving Vince's cock to pop out from his hole.

Kevin straddled Vince in between his legs. Kevin's ass propped directly on Vince's aching tool. Kevin leaned forward and planted a long passionate kiss on Vince's lips. Vince's grasped the back of Kevin's head and returned the kiss. He felt Kevin's tight cheeks rubbing against his hard wood. Kevin pulled himself up and slowly impaled himself on Vince's cock.

Vince's moaned a long moan as he felt his entire length being sucked into Kevin's tight hole. Kevin, himself, closed his eyes as he felt the pleasure from having Vince slide inside of him. Both of them looked at each other fervently as Kevin started bouncing up and down his buddy's shaft. Kevin dug his fingers into Vince's chest. Vince met Kevin's pushes with his thrusts upwards. Both of them kept moaning as they felt the nearing climax.

Kevin opened his eyes when he felt Vince jerking him off as he fucked him. He couldn't take it any longer. He exploded in Vince's hand shooting jet after jet of cum onto his partner. A good amount of cum shot over Vince's head some landed on his hair, his face, his open mouth while most of it covered Vince's chest and torso. Vince quickened his pace. His bed creaked with each swift thrust. He was close, really close but Kevin had other plans. He quickly got off Vince and pulled off the rubber. Vince felt Kevin's mouth engulf his tool as he completely lost it. He shot load after load of his cum into Kevin's mouth.

Kevin pulled off as Vince's continued shooting. Kevin continued jerking Vince's erupting cock as he shared a long cum-filled kiss with his best bud. Kevin's hand was covered with a web of Vince's cum. He slid it up Vince's body, smearing it on his skin as they continued kissing. Kevin's own cock was getting hard and Vince felt it. He quickly grabbed it, sending Kevin moaning.

Vince broke the kiss as Kevin lay on his back. Vince quickly went to work on Kevin's hard tool and bobbed his head up and down the shaft. Kevin grabbed hold of Vince's cock. Vince winced a bit at his tool's sensitivity but it didn't matter at the moment, he wanted Kevin to cum. Kevin licked off the remaining cum on Vince's cock, savoring his taste. He quickly pulled off and gasped as he felt himself burst into Vince's hot mouth. Vince's wrapped his lips tightly around Kevin's cock, making sure to get everything down. He softly pulled off and shared one more passionate kiss with Kevin.

Kevin's phone was vibrating on the couch as both Kevin and Vince were still engrossed in their kiss. It was Xavier calling.

You had to do someone else, you should've been by yourself, instead of here with me, secretly.



Okay, so that's chapter 5. First off, I just want to give a huge thank you to all the people who wrote me during my very long absence. Obviously, I'm still very much alive. Lol! A lot of crazy things happened the past month and I'm just happy to be back to writing. Thanks to Jian, David A, and Will for helping me out with this chapter. Your inputs have helped a lot.

I've gotten a lot of negative feedback as well before and during the break and hopefully I get to read from you guys soon so I know if there's any improvement in my writing. I'll take any constructive criticism I get. I particularly love getting negative feedback since it shows I still have a lot of room to grow I just hope you guys update me whether or not I am growing as writer.

If you have any comments/suggestions/violent reactions please, please e-mail them to Hopefully I can get the next chapter up by next week... but you know what they say about promises. lol!

Cheers! -gabe

Next: Chapter 6

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