In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Apr 1, 2008


Kevin didn't know how to respond. He actually didn't know what he was feeling at that moment. Was he jealous?

Chapter 4 The Long Weekend

It was almost noon and the old Toyota was slowly moving down the road. It passed rows of little suburban houses with plush gardens. Kevin was swaying his head from side to side singing with Lauryn Hill as she played on the radio.

Strumming my pain with his fingers Singing my life with his words

Kevin took a left turn. Xavier had his fingers lodged inside his ears trying to drown out Kevin's horrid attempt at singing.

Killing me softly with his song Killing me softly...

"Yes, you're killing me here."

Kevin punched Xavier in the arm with his other hand still on the wheel. Xavier laughed and turned the radio down.

"I miss the Fugees. I hope they do a reunion album."

"Any album is better compared to your singing."

Kevin punched Xavier again. Xavier was laughing as they pulled up the driveway. The two of them got out of the car. Xavier was carrying two big shopping bags with him.

"What are those for?"

"They're presents for your family."

"How come I didn't get one?"

"I just gave it you last night, four times, if I remember correctly." Xavier laughed as Kevin tried to shush him as the front door opened.

"Hi mom!" Kevin smiled and hugged Andrea. "This is—"

"I remember Xavier." Andrea smiled and gave Xavier a hug. "Come on in. Your dad's at the back grilling steaks."

"Mmmmm... steaks," Xavier imitated Homer Simpson which made Andrea giggle.

The two went in as Andrea closed the door behind them. Xavier looked around the house. It had been two years since he last went there and it looked like Andrea did a lot of remodelling. He looked at a photo hanging on the living room wall. It was a family portrait which included Kevin, Andrea, the twins and Kevin's mom and dad. It was a bit weird seeing a portrait with two moms in it but all of them seemed happy. Andrea was standing right beside Xavier looking at the photo.

"When was this taken?"

"Last Thanksgiving. Kevin and Olivia flew all the way here," Andrea smiled. "It's a beautiful portrait. I just wished Kevin could've picked a better sweater."

Xavier laughed while looking at the photo. Kevin was wearing a blue sweater he gave him in high school. Xavier looked behind him and saw Kevin just shaking his head.

"Yeah, I should've worn another one."

"What are those?" Andrea pointed to the shopping bags Xavier was carrying.

"Oh," Xavier lifted them up. "These are for Tim and Mallory. I bought them in Australia. Where are they anyway?"

"They're out in the garden. Shall we?"

Andrea escorted the boys out the garden where she had set the picnic table. Phil was busy grilling steaks and didn't notice the boys come out. Tim and Mallory stopped playing and ran over to Kevin as they screamed his name.

"Hey you little monsters!" Kevin hugged both of them.

Tim and Mallory then looked over at Xavier obviously trying to remember who the heck he was. Xavier just smiled. "Remember me?"

The two shyly shook their heads.

"Aw man! You don't remember me? I'm Xavier. I'm Kevin's friend."

The two giggled. Andrea smiled as she set down a pitcher of iced tea on the table.

"Well I brought you two something."

Xavier pulled out two giant koala bear stuffed toys from the bag and handed each twin a toy. He gave Tim the bear with the blue shirt and Mallory the one with the pink shirt. The two giggled and traded each other's bears.

Andrea looked over from the table, "Now what do you say to Xavier?"

"Thank you!" the two chimed as they hugged the bears tightly.

"The steaks are done!" Phil hollered from behind the grill.

"Hi dad," Kevin walked over and helped his dad with the steaks.

"Hey little guy. Help me with these will `ya?" Phil nodded as he handed his son a plate of steaks. Kevin set it on the table. His mother was already sitting down with his brother and sister who were still busily hugging their koala bears.

Phil walked over, smiled and stretched his hand towards Xavier, "Nice to see you again Xavier."

"You too sir," Xavier shook his hand.

The two of them sat down with Xavier right beside Kevin.

"So how's Australia?" Phil started to pass the steaks.

"It's fine. Nice climate. Good people."

"And how's your schooling?"

"It's okay. I actually decided to shift here at the university."

"Really now? Still taking business?"

"Yes sir," Xavier smiled as he passed the salad down, "My second year."

"That's good to hear," Phil smiled.

Kevin started slicing through his steak when his dad turned his attention to him.

"Have you thought of a major yet?"

Kevin shoved a piece of steak in his mouth and chewed slowly. He thought about it for a while before swallowing. "Not yet."

"Why don't you be more like Xavier here? He knows what he wants."

"Yeah, he's got a year's head start."

"And whose fault is that?" Phil looked at him sternly.

Kevin stuffed his mouth with more red meat.

Back at their dorm, Matt was busily reading through a thick law book in the study hall, trying to cram as much information as he could. He put the book down and looked at his watch. He wanted to go out for a walk and grab a bite to eat but didn't want to risk it. He used studying as an excuse so that Jessica wouldn't bother him the whole day. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes a bit as he yawned. He almost fell out of his chair when Vince suddenly appeared out of nowhere, sitting beside him with a grin.

"Where the hell did you come from?" Matt put his glasses back on.

Vince picked up the book Matt was reading and flipped through the pages.

"Politics and Governance, interesting reading you got here. Why are you studying on a Saturday?"

Matt snatched the book back and looked at Vince.

"Why the hell are you even here? You're not a freshman," Matt paused as another student sat across the table from them. "If you're looking for Kevin, he's not here. He went to visit his folks."

"I know," Vince smiled. "I actually came for you."


"Yup. You're a basketball fan, right?" Vince pulled out two tickets from his pocket and showed them to Matt. These were for the special all-star game for a cause. "Wanna see the game tomorrow?"

"Are you kidding me? How did you get these?" Matt's excitement suddenly turned into suspicion as he raised an eyebrow. "Wait, what is this?"

"Hmmm..." Vince thought out loud still waving the tickets in front of Matt. "This is me offering you a free ticket to the all-star game, east versus west. Who wouldn't want to watch that?"

"What're are you up to?"

"Nothing. Do I look like someone who's up to something?"

"Kev said you were the type of guy."

Vince laughed and grinned at Matt as he raised one eyebrow. "You two have been talking about me? Wow. That makes me feel special."

Matt chuckled. "Don't flatter yourself."

"So, are `ya going?"

"Are you sure you don't have some ulterior motive to this?"

"So you don't wanna go?" Vince put the tickets back in his pocket.

"No. No. I want to go, it's just that we aren't really close and you're asking me to watch a game with you."

"Is that wrong? I was going to ask Kev but since he's not that much of a basketball fan, I decided to invite you instead," Vince grinned. "So, are `ya coming?"

"Sure!" Matt took the ticket and placed it neatly in between the pages he was reading. He closed the book and noticed Vince still grinning at him. "What are you smiling at now?"

"I haven't seen you at the bar lately. Are you and Jess okay?"

"We're doing fine... It's none of you business by the way."

"I know, just checking." Vince grinned.

"I've been studying a lot."

"I can see that." Vince said it with an accent. "Do you want to grab something to eat?"

"Now? No thanks. I think I'll read a couple more chapters."


Matt opened his book and started reading again but Vince was still sitting beside him, watching him. Matt put the book down and looked at Vince.

"You do know the word annoying, don't you?"

"Yup. But you're not annoyed by me, are `ya? You love me, everybody does."

Matt chuckled. "Kev was right, you are vain."

"What else does Kev say about me?"

"Nothing much you don't already know, or told yourself," Matt chuckled as he went back to reading, or at least trying to read.

Vince raised his eyebrow. "I know what you're doing, ya know?"

"What are you talking about?" Matt asked a little confused.

"You're trying to avoid her, aren't `ya?"

"Avoid who?"


"No I'm not."

"I know a blatant lie when I hear one and that, buddy, was one of them."

"How can you be sure that I'm not telling the truth?"

"I just know things,"

"I'm not avoiding Jess."

"Okay, then I don't see a problem now. Let's eat. You can study later. If you continue at the you're going now, you'd be supreme court judge in a week."

Vince took Matt's book and stood up. Matt just sighed and stood up a sign of defeat. Vince smiled and led the way to the elevator.

Jessica was lying down on Ally's bed nonchalantly flipping through channels. She checked her cellphone for any calls or messages but there was nothing from Matt. Ally came into the room with a tub of ice cream.

"Still sulking?"

Jessica rolled her eyes as she sat up on bed. "He's dumping me."


"I know he's gonna dump me. They always do."

Ally just giggled and jumped beside her. "No he won't. He said he was busy with school. Midterms are coming, you know."

"No I think he's dumping me. Maybe I should've just gone to Vienna with my parents. I've been postponing my trip since last month. The plane ticket's still good."

"Are you serious?" Ally looked at her best friend. "All this drama for a guy you've been seeing for a couple of weeks? How many times have I heard you say that this past year? He's not dumping you."

"But what if he is? I mean, Matty's not like the other guys I dated."

"You actually call that dating? And I thought you just loved playing the field," Ally giggled.

"Shut up!" Jessica hit Ally with a small pillow as she continued giggling.

"What? It's true," Ally giggled a bit more as she bit the tip of her spoon. "So, is Matty any good?"

"That's just it, he's different. I mean, we've never even had sex."

"Wow. That is different... for you." Ally giggled some more.

"Why the hell are we friends again?"

"Okay, I'm sorry." Ally smiled as she pulled the lid of the tub. "So you really think he's breaking up with you?"

"I guess. I mean, every time we're together he doesn't want to get close... that way. I think he really doesn't like me." Jessica frowned. "Oh god! He's gonna dump me."

"No he's not. I don't think Matty's the kind of guy who'd do that to a girl. Maybe he thinks you're special and wants to wait. He seems like the type. And besides, eventually you'll find him boring and just skip to the next guy."

"God Ally! You always have this way of making me sound like a slut."

"That's because you are," Ally giggled as she shoved the spoon in her mouth.

"I swear. If the guy dumps me I'll fly straight to Vienna."

"You're not flying to Vienna. You're my best friend. You'll stay here for me, right?"

Jessica pouted and gave her the puppy dog eyes.

"You know what? Just drown that paranoia with Vanilla," Ally started digging in.

"You do know you're gonna get fat with that, don't you?"

"I don't care. Thin is overrated anyway." Ally took another big scoop in her mouth.

Jessica started flipping channels again. "Is your brother up already?"

"He's still asleep. I think he went partying last night."

"Good. By this rate, hopefully he'll be dead in a month. Let's hope drug overdose or drunk driving."

Ally dropped the spoon in the tub. "Why do you hate Andy so much?"

"I don't hate him... I loathe him."

"He's nice. You two should really get along."

"Nice? You call that demon of a brother of yours nice?" Jessica stood up. "Oh my god Ally! Did you forget all the things he did in high school?"

"Actually I do. But he's a changed man. I think those trips with daddy helped him see the light or something."

"No he hasn't. He's up to something. I can still see through that asshole."

"Talking about your fetishes again?" Andrew was standing at the door still in his silk black pajamas, smiling.

Jessica mocked him with a fake smile as Ally laughed.

"Ally, dad's on the phone. He wants to talk to you."

Ally got up and walked out. Andrew wore a smirk on his face as he closed the door quietly and walked around the room.

"I don't know what you're playing at Andy. But I can see through you."

"I heard you earlier." Andrew smiled and looked through several photos in his sister's shelves. He picked up a framed photo of Ally and Jessica and ran his finger slowly down Jessica's smiling face. "You know Jessica, I really missed you."

He walked slowly towards her. "Travelling around the world made me see how very important friends are. You've been a really really good friend to my little sister and I thank you for that."

Andrew smiled warmly at her. Jessica was still a little suspicious as Andy stood directly in front of her.

"Good friends, they just come and go, but someone like you is unbelievable. You're still here even after all that. But I should say one thing though..." Andrew pinned Jessica to the wall by the throat. "You stupid bitch. When I tell you to leave Ally alone, I really mean it. The last thing she needs is some little skank like you telling her what to do."

Jessica tried to break free but Andrew's grip was strong. He tightened his grip, choking her. She tried screaming but the hand on her throat wouldn't let her. Andrew leaned closer as his lips touched her ear.

"Remember that Christmas?" Andrew smiled. "You see, I got that all on tape. If you don't want your mommy and daddy seeing that, not to mention the whole Times Square, I suggest you leave her alone. Or better yet, just disappear like the rest of them. She doesn't need you. She has me."

He let her go just as Ally opened the door. Andrew turned around and smiled. "What did he say?"

"He says he's not coming back `til Thanksgiving," Ally sighed.

"That's too bad." Andrew put on disappointed a frown.

"Um, Ally, I need to go."

"Why? You just got here a while ago."

"Yeah. I just remembered I needed to do something." Jessica started grabbing her stuff and started walking out the door.

"Okay. Call me later," Ally waved as Jessica disappeared. "What was that about?"

"I don't know." Andrew just shrugged his shoulders. "I'm hungry. Brunch?"

Kevin shut the door to the guest room and started pacing like a madman. Xavier was sitting down at one corner of the room, having the pleasure of watching Kevin's dramatics all over again. `3. 2. 1.' He counted in his head.

"I can't believe him! I'm his son why the hell does he like you better?"

Xavier was shaking his head, smiling, as he leaned on the wall.

"I mean, okay. So you know what you want in life but again with the comparisons! Why can't he just accept that I didn't want this in the first place and that I'm happy just working in the diner? I mean, I mean, come on! It's like this is his life I'm living here. It's mine. And he compares me to you. Are you his son? Are you?"

Xavier was trying his best not to laugh. Kevin had the tendency to throw hissy fits like this all the time and he had seen a number of them all throughout high school.

"It just pisses me off! Is he going to treat Tim and Mal this way too? Is he going to compare each other to me? His failed son who doesn't want to go to college? Why the hell did I ever have to be born in the first place?"

Xavier couldn't take Kevin's hysterics any longer and started laughing.

"What? You're laughing right now? You're actually laughing?"

"Yes. Yes I am." Xavier continued laughing.

"Oh. So now you're on his side?"

Xavier calmed down a bit and looked at Kevin.

"First off, I always take your side, remember? Second, he wasn't comparing you to me. He was merely telling you to have a plan with your life."

"But I have a plan!"

"Yeah right! The diner? What happened to the Kevin who wanted to be a writer?"

Kevin crossed his arms and sat down. "Well that Kevin's dead."

"Look, I know your mom is sick, but she'll be fine. She always was. Your parents want you to become who you really want to be. You want to be a writer so they sent you here."

"But—" Kevin started.

"Let me finish. Third point, Tim and Mallory are going to be okay. I think your dad and Andrea are doing a good job and you know that too. Fourth, you're already in college right now, aren't you? And you're enjoying every minute of it especially now that I'm here."

Kevin smirked.

"And lastly, if you weren't born, I'd probably be one of the saddest guys on earth. I love you and I want to be with you and I don't know what I'd be doing now without you."

"You'd be in Australia screwing a wallaby," Kevin smiled.

Xavier laughed and threw a pillow at him. Kevin dodged the pillow and picked it up. He put it down on the bed and walked towards Xavier. He wrapped his arms around his friend and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Did you mean that?"

"Yeah. I did... and I missed those hissy fits." Xavier laughed as Kevin punched his arm.

"I like this position now," Xavier winked.

"What?" Kevin looked down. He was standing up, his crotch directly in front of Kevin who was sitting down in the corner. "No! Not here! We're in my dad's house."

"So? We did it during a party at my parent's house before. What difference does it make?"

Kevin giggled as Xavier pulled him forward. He started massaging Kevin's crotch through his pants. Kevin closed his eyes. He felt his fly open and Xavier's hand stroking his tool inside his boxers. Kevin stifled a moan. Xavier licked his lips as he pulled out Kevin's tool from his boxers. He licked the head and started moving down his shaft. He swallowed as much of it as he could and started sucking on it. He moved his head back and forth filling his eager mouth. He started jerking Kevin off faster as his mouth just wrapped around the head, his tongue licking the slit as quickly as he could. He wanted Kevin to cum. Kevin grabbed hold of Xavier's hair tightly. He could feel himself almost there. Suddenly they heard the door knob being turned.

Kevin quickly pulled out of Xavier's mouth and hastily zipped up as Xavier tried to catch his breath. Kevin turned to the door and saw the head of stuffed koala bear peek inside the room. Tim came in with his bear still in his arms.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh, um... we were just talking." Kevin answered, trying to make hide his bulge and make it go down quickly. His face was flushed red and was still breathing heavily.

"Mommy said you two need to go down for coffee before you leave."

"Okay. We will. Thanks Tim!" Kevin forced a smile.

Tim smiled back, looked at the two guys once more and headed out the door with his stuffed koala still stuck around his arms.

Kevin turned to look at Xavier and they both started laughing.

"Next time we do that, remember to lock the door."

Matt took a huge bite into his cheeseburger as his cellphone started vibrating again. Vince took a sip of his Coke and looked at Matt who seemed oblivious to the fact that his phone had been ringing eight times already.

"Aren't `ya gonna answer that? It's probably Jess."

"It's good. She knows I'm studying right now."

"No you're not. We're eating. Answer it."

"Maybe later," Matt took a sip from his drink.

"That's not right dude."

Vince picked up the phone and answered it.


"Vince? Where's Matty?"

"Hey Jess. He's here. We're having lunch at the Burger Joint right now. How are `ya?"

"Is he breaking up with me?"

"Uh... Hold that thought." Vince handed the phone to Matt who reluctantly took it.

"Hi Jess."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"What? No."

"I've been calling you all day, actually two days in a row already. What's going on?"

"Uh, I'm busy studying," Matt answered awkwardly.

"You're at the Burger Joint, with Vince, how can you call that studying?"

"I... I just went for a break."

"Then why aren't you answering your phone?"

Matt could sense Jessica's frustration over the phone. "Are you okay? Do you want me to come see you?"

"No, Matty. I'm not okay. I just wished you'd answer me. If you're breaking up with me just tell me."

Matt couldn't utter a response quick enough.

"You're thinking about it, aren't you?"


"Look, I'll come over to your place and we can spend the rest of the afternoon together. You can tell me what's bothering you. Is that okay?"

"Don't bother Matty. I'm sorry, I know you're busy right now."

Matt could picture Jessica shaking her head, probably a mess, trying to keep it together.

"No. I can drop the books for now and go right there."

"You don't have to." There was a short silence. "I wish it didn't come to this. I hope you just said it so it'd be better. I'm breaking up with you."

"What?" Matt blurted out which. Vince quickly looked at Matt and saw the utter surprise painted on his face.

"Wait. Is this because I didn't call you? Because if it is—"

"No, it's not that... I'm leaving for Vienna tonight. I can't really say why. It's not you or anything. You're the sweetest guy I've ever met. I just need to leave... and let's be honest, what we have isn't really long distance material."

"Can't I at least, see you?"

"I don't think that'd be a good idea... I have to go. I'll miss you Matty."

"I'll email."

Matt could hear Jessica giggle on the other side of the phone as she said her final goodbye and ended the call. Matt looked pale, the kind of pale which both showed shock and relief. He put his phone down and pushed his burger aside.

"Judging by the look on your face... does it mean she broke up with you?"

"I don't think I'm that hungry." Matt started taking his coat and putting it on.

"What are you doing?"

"Um, thanks for lunch, but I think I need to get back to studying now.

"You're not going anywhere. Stay here."

"Why are you being so persuasive?"

Vince put down his burger and looked Matt in the eye.

"Because we're friends, and believe it or not, I know you're relieved, a little depressed, but relieved."

"What are you, some freaky psychic? Kev told me about this. It's weird."

"It's a gift." Vince grinned. "Now eat your burger. Please, eat your burger. I didn't pay good money for it to go to waste."

"I can't."

"Do you like her?"


"Do you love her?"

"I don't know."

"Don't worry. There are other fish in the sea. Trust me on that... but I suggest you try the squid. It's fucking awesome." Vince grinned.

"What?" asked a confused Matt.

"Forget it," Vince laughed. "Now eat up already or I'll kick you in the shins."

Matt took his burger and ate a mouthful.

Andrew was picking out a scarf from his dresser. He needed something to match his black coat. He looked at his sister's reflection in the mirror. She was still trying to contact Jessica. A sly smirk was painted on his face.

"She's still not answering her phone."

"Maybe be she's off flying somewhere. Try later." Andrew turned around. "Which one should I choose the maroon one or the blue one?"

Ally pointed to one of the scarves. He wrapped it around his neck and walked to his sister. "Allison, lighten up. I'm pretty sure she'll call you back. All good friends call back."

"I guess you're right." Ally shoved the cellphone into her purse.

"I can't believe you'd rather live in a dorm than stay here with me."

"Well I'm here right now, aren't I? And besides, you stayed in a hotel for a couple of days before heading here."

"I didn't tell anybody I was coming because I wanted to surprise you... and because I wanted this place to be perfect when I got here."

Ally giggled. "You're such a perfectionist."

"We deserve the best." Andrew looked at himself at the mirror and fixed his scarf. "Shall we?"

He took his sister's hand and escorted her downstairs and into their limousine. They headed for a small social set-up by one of their parents' friends.

Kevin was moaning as he felt his cock sink into Xavier's mouth. He really needed to get off, since he had the case of blue balls the entire day, but decided to hold off a little bit more. He wanted it to last. He opened his mouth and took Xavier's cock. They were sucking each other in the sixty-nine position. Xavier was moving his head sideways trying to force every inch of Kevin into his mouth. He savored the steady flow of precum from Kevin's tool. He pulled his mouth off and started lapping it with his tongue. Kevin followed suit and started licking Xavier's balls. He gently held them with one hand and sucked each one into his mouth. He rolled them with his tongue as his other hand gripped Xavier's rigid cock. He moaned loudly as he felt Xavier's fingers going up his hole.

Xavier was licking Kevin's rim as his fingers dug inside. His other hand was busy working on Kevin's tool. He licked up Kevin's balls and went back to servicing Kevin's leaking head. He pushed his mouth down, tightening his lips down Kevin's shaft. Kevin was trying his best not to cum. He moaned loudly and let go of Xavier's cock. He shot his load into Xavier's waiting mouth. This time, Xavier was prepared. He quickly sucked in the first two jets of cum that hit the back of his throat. He pulled back a little and let Kevin flood his mouth. He swallowed everything that Kevin had to give until Kevin winced a bit. His head was getting sensitive. Xavier pulled off with a pop which made both of them smile. They were still breathing heavily as Xavier leaned up to Kevin and kissed him.

"Is it okay if I fucked you?"

Kevin smiled and nodded. They kissed each other again Kevin trying to suck some of his cum from Xavier's tongue. They broke the kiss as Kevin licked his lips. Xavier sheathed his cock and aimed it at Kevin's hole. Kevin was lying on his stomach on the bed, his right cheek resting on the sheets. Xavier spread his cheeks and pointed his cock down. Kevin could feel Xavier's head pop in his hole. He winced for a while until he felt the shaft slowly making its way into him. Xavier pushed his way down until all of his length was in his buddy.

"I love you," he whispered into Kevin's ear as he pulled his chin up and gave him a kiss.

Xavier started pounding Kevin's ass. Kevin could feel Xavier's weight on him as his cock stirred in between his thigh and the sheets. The bouncing made him hard as his cock kept grinding into the soft bed. He could feel his prostate being hit repeatedly from behind. Xavier grabbed hold of Kevin's shoulders for balance as he continued banging his buddy from behind. His sweat started dripping onto Kevin's naked back. Both of them moaned at the same time. Xavier started quickening his pace. He was close but he didn't want to end it all just yet. He pulled out and repositioned Kevin on his side. Kevin's cock sprang up which made Xavier smile.

"You just can't get it down, can you?"

"Not when you're fucking me like that." Kevin laughed.

Xavier lay behind his friend and ran his hand on Kevin's side. Kevin felt Xavier's warm hands massage him. He felt it go down his abs and go back up to his chest. Xavier pinched one of his nipples as he leaned over to kiss his neck. His hand travelled down to his Kevin's cock and gripped it. Kevin felt Xavier's cock push back into him as Xavier started jerking him off. Xavier started picking up the pace again. Kevin was moaning loudly. Xavier moaned into Kevin's neck, tasting his sweat as he licked his skin.

"Aaaahhh yeah! Fuck me! Faster!"

Xavier obliged. He forced himself in faster and harder. Kevin could feel his ass splitting every time Xavier's head would bang on his prostate. "Shit I'm cumming. Aaawww. Aaahh!"

Kevin blew a jet of cum across the sheets as Xavier's hand jerked him off. Another flew farther. Xavier wrapped his hand around Kevin's head and tried catching the next jets of cum into his hand. He lifted his cum-covered hand into Kevin's mouth and fed it to him. Kevin sucked in Xavier's fingers as he was continuously pounded from behind.

Xavier was getting close. He felt his muscles contract as blew his load inside the rubber. He kept fucking Xavier until the last drop of his cum spewed out. He stopped and started breathing heavily. He kissed Kevin's neck and smiled. His other hand was still on Kevin's face as Kevin continued sucking on his fingers. They just lay there for a while, Xavier still deep inside his best friend. He moved his hand from Kevin's mouth to his chest and smeared the remaining cum on Kevin's nipples. Kevin closed his eyes and bit his lips as he regained his breath. Kevin pulled out and just lay there, hugging his friend until they fell asleep.

Kevin was putting on his clothes, trying not to wake up Xavier. He put on his jacket and looked at his friend who was peacefully sleeping there, naked. He gently kissed him on the lips and whispered "I love you" before he left.

It was almost eleven in the evening. It was pretty late for Kevin considering the long day he just had. He quickly got into his dorm and wondered what Matt did the whole day. Kevin saw the elevator doors closing and quickly pushed the button. The doors opened and he was surprised to see Matt standing inside.

"Hi roomie," Matt chuckled.

"Hey Matty!" Kevin went in and the doors closed.

"So how was the visit?"

"It was great. Xavier gave Tim and Mallory stuffed koalas. They never let go of them the whole day." Kevin laughed. "You should've seen them. How about you? Did you and Jessica go out?"

"Nah. We actually... broke up."

"What? Are you serious?" Kevin looked surprised.


"You don't seem depressed?"

"I guess I'm over it. Vince helped me." Matt chuckled.


"Yeah. I spent the whole day with him. I just came from his apartment."

Kevin suddenly pictured Vince fucking Matt on his bed but quickly shook the image off. "What did `ya do there?"

"Well Vince came over and gave me a ticket to tomorrow's game. We had lunch, then Jess and I broke up and then Vince and I hung out at his place. He tried to cheer me up the rest of the day." Matt chuckled again.

"That obviously worked. What did he do exactly?" Kevin asked suspiciously.

"He sang," Matt chuckled and started humming a tune.

The elevator doors opened and the two of them got off. Matt started unlocking their door as Kevin stood beside it.

"That's it? He just sang?"

"Actually we sang... and talked, but we mostly sang songs all afternoon." Matt pushed the door open. "That guy's a walking jukebox."

The two of them got in and started removing their jackets.

"Wait a minute. You're going to the game tomorrow?"


"Why didn't Vince ask me if I could come?"

"Vince told me you weren't a big fan so he decided to take me instead. I'm going to meet up with them tomorrow afternoon."


"Yeah. Vince and a couple of his friends."

Kevin didn't know how to respond. He actually didn't know what he was feeling at that moment. Was he jealous?

"Well I hope you enjoy the game."

"I will," Matt smiled as he pulled off his shirt and stripped to his underwear. He took off his glasses and lay down on his bed. "Good night Kev."

"Good night."

Kevin was staring into his cup of coffee, counting the ripples it made. Xavier was staring at him, a little amused and a little puzzled at the same time.

"Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah," Kevin snapped back to reality.

"What are you thinking?"


"Come on Kev, I know you. What are you thinking?"

"I want to go to the game."

"Which game?"

"The All-Star game."

"You're not even a fan."

"Yeah, but still, can we go?"

"Why do `ya want to go anyway?"


"Are you gonna tell me what's bothering you? Is it your mom?"

"No. She's okay. I talked to her a while ago."

"Then what is it?" Xavier paused and then it hit him. "Is it Vince?"


"You're thinking of Vince."

"I'm not thinking of Vince."

"Come on Kev, I know you guys were close. You two even fucked each other a couple of times. You two had something going on before I came back and screwed things up."

"You didn't screw things up."

"So it is Vince?"

Kevin nodded and stared back at his coffee. The door behind him opened. A tall guy with a scarf entered and went directly to the counter to order.

"Do you love him?"

"No." Kevin's head shot up and looked directly at Kevin. "He's just a good friend. I don't even know why you keep asking that."

"Because you keep thinking of him," Xavier took a sip from his coffee. "I mean who wouldn't? He's cute, charming and the guy knows how to sing."

"Yeah, he does." Kevin smiled as he took a sip of his coffee.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind, if you asked me, having a threesome with him."

Kevin choked on his coffee and looked directly at Xavier who was laughing at him.

"Are you serious?"

"Were you thinking about it?"

"I never expected you to be the sharing kind."

"I'm not. But for you, I'd make an exception... you horny bastard." Xavier smiled. "I'd rather have you fuck him while I fuck you. I mean, we're together now, and I don't want you to be cheating on me or anything... I've never had sex with any other guy but you. We're special, and I want it to remain special between us."

"So you never did it with anyone else?"


Kevin blushed. "Now I feel like a slut."

Both of them laughed. Xavier's cellphone started ringing.

"I need to take this for a sec."

Xavier stood up and walked out the coffee shop. The guy in the scarf was now shouting at the barista. Kevin, and a few other customers, looked towards the counter.

"Come on! Speed it up! I don't have all day. How long does it take to make a cappuccino?"

The girl behind the counter was spilling the hot milk trying to rush Andrew's order. She quickly handed Andrew his cappuccino and apologized. He smirked, took his coffee and walked out.

"What an asshole." Kevin muttered under his breath. He eyed Andrew as he walked by the cafe window.

Vince and Matt made their way through the bleachers. Matt looked up and saw a guy waving at them. Vince waved back as they made their way towards them.

"Matt, this is my good friend, Lewis. He hooked us up with the tickets. And this is his girlfriend, Deb."

Matt smiled and waved at them shyly. What caught Matt's attention first was the fact that Deb was completely bald and weirdly enough, wearing sunglasses inside the stadium. He turned over to Lewis. Matt lingered on his face for a moment. There was something very peculiar about him and Matt just couldn't wrap his brain around it. After a few seconds, it finally hit him.

"Hey, he kinda looks like—"

Vince quickly covered Matt's mouth with his hand and whispered. "Don't even say it or we'll never hear the end of it. Lewis'll start doing his impressions, and believe me, they aren't good."

Matt and Vince sat down beside them as the game started. Matt kind of regretted bringing his foam finger since no one else seemed interested enough to buy one. Matt ended up putting it under his chair the entire game. The whole thing was quite uneventful since the East coast team basically wiped the floor clean with the West coast in the first quarter and the succeeding quarters were pretty much the same thing. Matt was cheering his lungs out the entire time. All four of them headed out for pizza right after the game.

Vince went to grab a couple more sodas as Matt was busily chewing his pepperoni mushroom pizza. He noticed Deb staring at him through her thick dark sunglasses. She took them off and leaned over to him from across the table.

"So Matthew, what made you settle down in New York?"

"Of all the cities I've been to, this one just stuck on me." Matt smiled.

"The bug got to you too huh?" Lewis laughed as he pulled off another gooey piece of the pie. "People always come here and say the same thing. Like it's beautiful' or it's magical' or `it's fantasical'!"


"Mmhmm..." Lewis mumbled while chewing his pizza. "I heard a guy say it once. Anyway, the point is, people always see its glamor. I've lived here all my life. It's just the same streets, same sights, just different people every time. It's the people that make it great."

"I guess so." Matt smiled.

Matt was thinking whether he should bring Lewis' resemblance up but decided to heed Vince's warning. Lewis had this very laid-back vibe to him. He was a bit scruffy but pleasant-looking. He had this demeanor very similar to that of Vince's. It was as if they were brothers.

"How did you manage to get the tickets?"

"I work at the Garden. It's easy." Lewis smiled.

"He also works as a bellboy the Peninsula, parks cars from time to time..." Vince smiled as he sat down beside Matt and set the sodas on the table. "...not to mention he hauls crates in the fish market."

"Fish market?" Matt asked as he opened a can and chugged it down.

"Yeah. A guy's gotta work. Why go to college when you can survive just fine in the real world right?" Lewis pulled another slice of pizza.

"Do you still get to sleep?"

"Of course I do... during work."

Matt chuckled.

"What are you majoring in?" a very interested Deb looked at Matt.

"Politics," Matt beamed. "Yes ma'am I'm going to be president!"

Deb laughed at him mockingly. "Politics? You actually believe in that bullshit? Let me tell you something Matthew, all the problems of this world can't be solved by politics `cause you see, those damn politicians keep making them for us."

Vince laughed, "Don't mind her buddy, she hates everything."

Deb gave Vince the finger and Vince just smiled.

Andrew was lying on his king-sized bed, the door to his room partly opened. He didn't care if anyone walked in at any moment. He was an exhibitionist and loved the attention. His black pajama shirt was unbuttoned. The sweat made his chest shine in the light of his giant plasma TV. He ran his hands down his muscled body and right back up to his chest. His eyes were fixed on the screen. His lips formed that unmistakable smirk that could only be his. His tool was sticking out from his loose silk pants as his hand leisurely stroked it.

A guy was on his hands and knees as he fucked him mercilessly on the floor. He's seen this tape before, several times. Andrew made it himself and took pleasure in reliving it over and over again. This was, by far, his best conquest, in many years. His smirk widened as the guy he was screwing started screaming. Andrew admired the way he fucked the guy who kept begging for more. He flipped him on his back as Andrew started pounding him harder. All that could be seen on screen was Andrew's glistening back and tight ass moving to and fro as he fucked the guy who had his legs apart. The guy started screaming and moaning as he came. Andrew pulled out and went to straddle the guy's face. Andrew closed his eyes. He remembered this scene very well. He aimed his cock into the guy's mouth and started shooting his load over and over. The guy eagerly lapped up his juice and wrapped his lips around his member, sucking everything Andrew had.

Andrew was very close. He felt his muscles tighten. His eyes shot up as he spewed a shot of cum which hit his chest. He shot some more on his torso as the rest just dribbled on his hand. Andrew smirked again, very satisfied. He rubbed the cum on his torso, covering every crevasse with his own seed.

"You have very... interesting friends," Matt chuckled as he and Vince walked down the street.

"Yep. Those two are keepers," Vince grinned.

"How did `ya meet them?"

"I pretty much grew up with them. Lewis and I were neighbors way back then. He used to sneak in to the apartment to have dinner since his mum didn't cook very well." Vince laughed. "And Deb... well she's Deb. The two make an odd couple but they just clicked I guess."

Matt started rubbing hands together. September was almost over but the air was incredibly cold. He looked over at Vince thinking of something to say but he couldn't come up with anything. There was a long moment of silence as the two of them walked before Vince finally spoke up.

"Tell me something Matty, do you really want to be a politician?"

Matt turned his head a bit and looked at Vince while they walked. "Yeah. Why do you ask that?"

"It's good then. At least there's still hope for politics." Vince grinned.

Matt blushed and smiled. "How about you? What do you want to be?"

"I want to be a lot of things. I want to be a damn good musician and go on tour. I want to be a philosopher. I want to be a painter. I want to be astronaut, a teacher, a bagman."


"Yeah. Ya know? The guy who lives in the street screaming and spitting at people randomly..."

Matt chuckled. "Why do you want to be a bagman?"

"It just seems fun." Vince laughed.

They turned around the corner, Matt and Vince walking side by side until they reached the dorm.

"Well thanks for the game dude."

"No problem." Vince grinned as he started walking away.

Matt smiled as he stood by the dorm entrance. It had been a great weekend so far, considering... and he wasn't really sure if he wanted to end it yet. He had Vince's cheeky grin etched on his mind when he turned around to see Vince walking farther. "Wait up!"

Vince turned around to see Matt running after him.

"I don't feel like going in just yet."

"What do `ya have in mind?" Vince grinned.

Xavier kissed Kevin gently, down the side of his neck. His left hand slowly slid down to Kevin's crotch when he suddenly felt Kevin's hand pushing his away.

"What's wrong?"

Kevin straightened himself from the couch. "I'm sorry. I'm just not in the mood right now."

Xavier sighed and stood up to fix himself a cocktail from the bar. Kevin just sat there and watched Xavier. A lot of things were going on in his head and he was utterly confused with the way he was feeling. He loved Xavier and really wanted to be with him but something was obviously troubling him. He couldn't help but think what Vince and Matt were doing at the moment.

"Here." Xavier handed Kevin a cocktail.

Kevin looked at it. "You know I don't drink."

"Drink it. I'd rather hang out with a drunk you than the pathetic you."

"I said I don't want it."

"Suit yourself," Xavier took the cocktail and drank it down.

"What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Me? Nothing's wrong with me. How about you? You've been moping around all day thinking about Vince. You're with me. How the hell do you think that makes me feel?"

"You said you were okay—"

"I'm okay with it to some extent, yes. But right now, I feel like you're in love with the guy. We've been together the whole day but you weren't all there. How can I be okay with you obsessing over another guy?"

Kevin stood up. "I'm sorry."

"Do you really want to be with me?"

"I do. Believe me, I really do."

"Then will you please just relax, forget Vince, and remember that you're with me now."

Kevin smiled, stood up, snatched Xavier's drink and took a long sip. He set the glass down and pushed Xavier down on the bed.

Matt walked in their room, trying to be as quiet as possible, in hopes of not disturbing Kevin while he was asleep. The last time he did so, he got lucky enough to see Kevin getting himself off. This time, Kevin was just lying on the bed, fast asleep. Matt took off his jacket and fell flat on his bed. He closed his eyes and started humming a melody.


Matt turned his head and looked towards Kevin's bed. Kevin was half-awake and staring at him.

"Sorry. Did I wake you?"

"Nah. I just got in a few minutes ago."

Kevin looked at the clock. "How was the game?"

"It was great. East won!"

"What were Vince's friends like?" Kevin slowly sat up.

"They're okay, I guess. They're like Vince only a little quirkier."


"You just have to meet them if you want to know what I'm saying."

Matt got out of bed and took of his shoes and socks. Kevin watched him as he undressed. Matt pulled off his pants and neatly folded them and set them aside. Matt saw Kevin staring at him and chuckled to himself. Kevin noticed this and decided to lie back down and stare at the ceiling. Matt pulled off his shirt and took off his glasses. He lay back down on bed and started humming again.

"You hung out with Vince?"

"Yup." Matt smiled.

"You guys are close now, huh?"

Matt chuckled. "Not as close as you two."

"What do 'ya mean by that?" Kevin turned to his side.

"I always figured you guys were best buds."

"We are." Kevin smiled, trying to convince himself that that's all they could be at that time.


Sorry for the filler chapter, it's the best I can do right now. Thanks so much to everyone who've been sharing the love... and hate through e-mail. Lol! It really helps my writing a lot. And thanks a lot to Jian who helped me with this chapter.

It took me a while to get this chapter up. A lot of things just sort of happened lately... my trip to Scotland, quitting my job and finding a new one... I've been pretty busy lately, so thank you so much for being patient.

As always, if you have any comments/suggestions/violent reactions please, please e-mail them to they will be much appreciated.

Cheers! -gabe

Next: Chapter 5

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