In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Mar 19, 2008


Matt just kept walking as Vince walked beside him.

"Are you gay?"

Chapter 3 What's Good About Break-ups Is The Make Up Sex

Xavier was lying on his king-sized bed of the Deluxe Suite of the Peninsula. Even though he spent thousands of dollars on the suite that promises sweet dreams, he surely wasn't getting any. Kevin's words were still replaying in his head. He blew it big time and there was probably no chance of them getting back to being friends. He was seriously contemplating calling his dad to tell him that he made a big mistake and that he wanted to go back to Melbourne. He picked up the phone and started punching the numbers when he heard a knock on his door. Xavier put the phone down.

"Room service!"

Xavier walked to the door and looked through the peephole and saw a bellboy standing outside with a food cart. He opened the door to see the bellboy grinning at him.

"I think there's been a mistake. I didn't order room service."

"No my good man, I think this is the right room." Vince pushed the food cart in. "These are compliments of Mr. Stanford for acting like an ass a while ago."

Vince pulled off the lid. There was a huge slice of New York cheesecake and a hot cup of dark espresso.

`That son of a bitch' Xavier thought as he smiled. Vince set the food down on the dining table.

"He wanted me to tell you to meet him at Jazzy Joe's at 8PM tomorrow. Goodnight dear sir, and enjoy." Vince winked at Xavier and left the room.

Xavier scanned Vince's ass clinging to the back of his pants as he walked out the door with the cart. Xavier smiled and just shook his head. He took a forkful of cheesecake to his mouth and looked out 5th avenue.

Kevin turned in his bed. He wasn't really feeling good given what happened the previous night. He felt a bit guilty for acting the way he did and wanted to undo it. He slowly opened his eyes to see Vince's face inches away from his.

"Rise and shine buddy!"

"Jesus!" Kevin bolted to the side of his bed.

"No, not Jesus, it's Vince."

Matt was laughing from the other side of the room.

"What the heck are you doing here? It's five in the morning."

"Actually it's 5:32." Vince looked at his watch. "I couldn't sleep so I decided to come here and tell `ya the good news."

"What good news?"

"Well, my friend, I've sent out a peace offering to your other best bud and he will be seeing you, seeing me perform at Jazzy Joe's tonight."

"How did `ya manage that?"

"A little favor here and there... that Xavier's loaded. He's staying at the Peninsula."

"How come I'm not surprised?"

Kevin rubbed his eyes a bit and looked around. He saw Matt carrying a bag and heading out the door.

"Hey Matty, where are you going?"

"I'm gonna go do some laps while the water's still fresh. I'll see `ya guys later."

The door closed and Kevin returned his focus to Vince who was now lying flat on Matt's bed.

"No wonder that guy has a great body... He's a pretty early riser. He let me in when he saw me sitting by the door."

"You were sitting outside?"

"Yup I planned on camping out there to tell `ya the good news."

"Why the hell would you camp outside... we have cellphones, you know those things we use for calling people?"

"I know but I'm a more of a personal kinda guy. I like the face to face interaction."

"You could've waited `til morning to tell me."

"It is morning, and like I said, I couldn't sleep so I just decided to wait outside."

"Do ya have insomnia?"

"Not really. It's a side effect. I quit smoking two days ago. Some people have the shakes, others vomit and I don't sleep."

"You quit?"

"Yup. I kinda figured that you were always freaked out every time I lit one up. It really does nothing good for me anyway so I decided to quit."

"You quit smoking because it freaked me out?"

"Yup. I can't stand it when people are uncomfortable around me. People need to love me 24/7."

Kevin laughed. "You're so fucking vain."

"Damn right. So... are `ya gonna tell me why it bothers you so much or am I just going to give a very intelligent hypothesis as to why you don't like it?"

"Let's hear your hypothesis Mr. Morris."

"I'm guessing you hate it because someone in your family, and I'm guessing your mum, is suffering from a lung ailment caused by smoking or second-hand smoke."

"How the hell did you know that?"

"Like I said, I just guessed. One huge reason why people dislike smokers is for health reasons. I figured it was because your mum's sick since I overheard and I repeat, overheard and not eavesdropped, you asking your mum about seeing a doctor yesterday."

Kevin was silent for a moment. "My mom has stage one lung cancer. It isn't really severe but it's still cancer. She's checking up with the doctor and monitoring her health. The doctor says it was caused by overwork and prolonged exposure to second-hand smoke. Thank God my mom has regular check-ups or the doctors wouldn't have caught it so early."

"That's good. So how's your mum?"

"Yesterday she told me she was doing a lot better. She says she still gets short of breath sometimes and that I shouldn't worry too much. The doctors are still coming up with something to get rid of it... Thanks for quitting."

"Thanks for saving my life. I could've gotten lung cancer if I didn't quit."

Kevin smiled. He grabbed a pillow and threw it towards Vince.


"You woke me up you asshole! My first class isn't in about five hours!"

"It's good then. At least I have some company," Vince grinned as he lay on the bed.

"I know something we could do to pass the time."

Vince turned to look at Kevin who was smiling devilishly at him.

"Don't even think about it buddy. Don't waste your seed on me when ya have a man that'll be expecting a lot from ya this evening."

"That doesn't mean I can't waste yours," Kevin got up and climbed on to Matt's bed. "And besides, I need some practice."

He got his hands on Vince's crotch and started rubbing his package. Vince looked at his horny buddy and rested his hands on the back of his head. He felt his belt being undone. Vince looked down to see Kevin's eyes glued to him as he unzipped his fly with his teeth. Kevin slowly peeled the top of Vince's pants off and wrapped his lips around his growing member under his boxers. Kevin started moving his lips up and down Vince's shaft, kissing his head lightly. Precum had started to leak through Vince's boxers. Kevin started licking it up through the fabric and slowly peeled his buddy's boxers down together with his pants. Vince lifted his butt so Kevin could slip them off easily. Kevin chucked off Vince's shoes and socks then pulled off the pants and boxers.

Kevin started licking the underside of Vince's throbbing cock. Vince gasped as he felt his buddy's hot tongue touch his skin. Kevin's left hand held Vince's cock upright as his other hand slowly crept up under Vince's shirt and massaged his abs. Kevin slowly slid his tongue under Vince's ball sac. He carefully sucked each one of his balls, leaving them soft kisses as he started slowly stroking Vince's quickly growing hard member. Vince let out a silent moan as he felt Kevin's tongue lashing out at his hole. Vince raised his legs up a bit to let Kevin sink his tongue into his hole.

"Yeeaaahhh! Eat me." Vince breathed heavily as he felt Kevin's tongue working its magic.

Kevin inserted his middle finger into Vince's hole as he moved back to sucking on Vince's balls. He added one more finger inside. Vince was moaning from all the sensations Kevin was giving him. His ass was being worked by Kevin's fingers, his balls were being bathed by Kevin's mouth while his hard cock was being slowly jerked off by Kevin's hand.

Kevin lifted his head up to see his buddy writhing in pleasure. His own cock was aching for attention but decided to let it wait and save it up for later.

Kevin parted his lips and slowly swallowed Vince's head. He let his tongue lap up all of Vince's precum. Vince could feel his cock brushing against Kevin's tongue. Kevin took in as much as he could before letting it slip out and started going down on it again. Vince felt his entire tool go into Kevin's eager mouth. He opened his eyes for a second before he felt Kevin starting to bob his head up and down his shaft. Vince started to moan. He took his hands from under his head and started running his fingers through his friend's brown hair as he eagerly went down on him.

Kevin knew Vince was close, he felt Vince's hole closing in on his fingers. Kevin pushed his head down quick and hard on last time before Vince's eyes shot up and shot his load into Kevin's mouth. Kevin felt two shots hit the back of his throat. He slowly slid up the cock and let his mouth envelop the head. He started jerking Vince off, not letting the head slip out of his waiting mouth. He tried swallowing all that Vince gave him but some of the cum still managed to leak out of the sides of his mouth. Just as Vince could give no more, Kevin let Vince's tool out his mouth and licked the remaining cum off.

Vince was gasping for air as he smiled at Kevin who snuggled up beside him and gave him a long wet kiss. He tasted his own seed in his mouth. They broke the kiss and lay beside each other for a while. When Vince finally regained his breath, he looked at Kevin who was cuddling close beside him.

"Damn. If you give Xavier the kind of attention you gave me, I'll betcha he'll never think of going back to Australia again."

"I sure hope so." Kevin smiled.

Matt was on his last lap. He had been swimming for the past hour and he could feel the burn in his abs. When he reached the end of the pool, he took off his goggles and started gasping for air. It was a good swim. He heard a splash in the water behind him. He turned around to see another guy swimming on the other side of the pool. Matt got out and sat down for a while on one of the side benches as he watched the swimmer dart to the other side of the pool. 'This guy is fast' Matt thought to himself. Matt took his towel and wrapped it around his back as the guy swam towards his direction and bobbed up from the water.


Matt looked at the guy. Matt squinted his eyes a bit to make out the guy's face. The guy was removing his goggles and cap.

"You're the guy who's been swimming here every morning." The guy got out of the pool, his trunks clearly clinging to his package. "I'm Christopher Riley. I'm the swim team captain." He held out his hand.

Matt shook it and finally got a clear view of the guy's face. Chris had deep blue eyes, a prominent dimple on his right cheek and perfect lips.

"Matthew Dinicol. Um, nice to meet you Christopher."

"You can call me Chris and I presume your nickname is Matt?"

Matt nodded and smiled. He couldn't keep his gaze away from Chris' eyes. They made him look angelic, the blue of his eyes piercing through his fair skin. He was beautiful.

"I've been catching you swim these past couple of days and I was wondering if you were interested in joining the team? I'm pretty sure Coach Sorensen wouldn't mind having you join us."

"Nah. I don't think so. It might disrupt my studies. I'm fine just swimming for swimming's sake."

"Well if you ever change your mind, you can always drop by the Athletics department."

"I'll think about it." Matt smiled.

"It was nice meeting you Matt." Chris turned around and headed back to the pool.

Matt watched as Chris' ass moved as he walked. His swimming trunks weren't really leaving much to imagination. Chris put on his cap and goggles and jumped in the pool to do more laps. Matt took his goggles and draped his towel in front of him to hide his obvious erection as he quickly walked back to the showers.

Vince walked into his Sociology class fifteen minutes late. There was an on-going debate whether or not the status of women in society has already equalled the status of men. Vince sat down at the back row and listened in. One of the girls in front of the class was flustered and shouting her argument.

"I think it's just chauvinist to think that women have already equal rights as men. It's not enough! Men still have more privileges."

One of the guys spoke up, "I think you're thinking within the lines of super-feminism. There are actually more laws protecting women than men."

"I beg to disagree!" the girl argued. "There aren't enough laws protecting women from abuse and unfair treatment."

The arguments kept going back and forth. The women in class were defending their side while the men started defending their side. Vince raised his hand was called by the professor.

"What about gay rights?"

Everybody turned look at Vince. "And lesbian rights? How about transgendered and transexual rights? Bisexual rights?"

Someone in the class giggled.

"Come on! Everybody's talking about defending their own rights that we forget that we're all human here. Yes, I do agree women need to be protected but if you women want to establish that you're a strong force to be reckoned with, you have to prove how tough you are. Don't go whining about not having equal rights, just do something about it. Make society see you can do it."

"Let's face it there are also a lot of men who, even though they're protected mostly by our constitution, have struggles. They can't be stay-at-home dads without being called bums. They can't go forward and confess they've been raped because that would be a blow to their egos. Heck, they can't even openly checkout another guy's ass without being called gay, not that being gay is wrong, but that's just unfair."

The last comment elicited some laughs from the class.

"So enough of this men versus women crap. The fact of the matter is, we're all human and we should fight for human rights. Period."

The class erupted in applause and cheers. Some students just sneered and rolled their eyes. The professor calmed the class down and looked at Vince. "Very well put Mr. Morris. Would anyone in the class like to offer a rebuttal or add to what Mr. Morris said?"

No one raised their hands. "It's settled then. Let's continue."

"I love you too. I'll see `ya next week. I gotta go now. Bye!" Ally ended the phone call.

"Your boyfriend?"

Ally turned around to see Kevin behind her with one eyebrow raised.

"No," she giggled. "That was my brother. He's coming back in a couple of days."

"Where from?"

"He went with dad on one of his business trips. I think they went to Amsterdam this time. Daddy says he wants to show him the ropes. I don't think he's enjoying himself that much though. I actually went with them to one of their trips about a year ago to Australia... not that fun."

"At least he gets to travel the world."

"That's the plus side I guess, but we can always travel anytime we want."

"What? Are you like a millionaire now or something?"

"You could say that." Ally giggled she grabbed her things and walked out the classroom with Kevin following suit.

"You're shittin' me."

"Nope. This girl can't tell a lie."

"Wow" was all Kevin could say as they walked out the hall.

Kevin looked at himself at the mirror and made sure he looked good. He checked his teeth and his hair. He straightened out his shirt and tucked it in. He looked again and opted to tuck it out.

"Dude. Why the hell are you still looking at yourself? You look fine. Do 'ya have a date?"

Kevin looked at Matt who was already packing up his laptop and looking at him.

"No. I just wanted to look good. That's all."

Matt just shook his head and smirked. "Well if you're finished looking good, can we get the hell outta here already? I'm kinda hungry."


The two of them went out of the room and locked the door. They headed for the elevator. As the two of them were waiting for it to stop at their floor, Kevin noticed something on side of Matt's neck.

"Whoa! Is that what I think it is?"

Matt blushed and tried to hide the hickey.

"Who the hell marked you?"

"Uh." Matt hesitated as his face started turning redder. "Jess likes to bite."

The elevator doors opened. The two of them walked in.

"So did you guys do it?"

"Not yet. I mean Jessica's hot and all but I'm kind of your traditional guy."

"And what does that mean?"

"I'll only give it up to that person I'm in love with."

Kevin laughed hysterically at a confused Matt. "Dude are you serious?"

"Yeah. I am."

"You're fucking hilarious!" Kevin laughed some more.

"No, really. I am."


The elevator doors opened and the two of them walked out. It was a very awkward walk going to Jazzy Joe's.

"So you haven't?"


"You're a virgin!?"

Matt blushed again.

"Damn. Whoever you give it up to must really be lucky because she'd know you really loved her."

Matt just stayed quiet all the way to the bar. They got inside and the place was already filling up. It was ten minutes before eight and both Matt and Kevin saw Jessica waving at them from one of the tables. The two of them sat down.

"Where's Ally?"

"She's planning something for her brother... I don't know why she even bothers. The guy's a jerk anyway." Jessica sighed then smiled. "Hey Matty!"

"I think I need to get a beer or burger or coffee or something. I'll be right back."

"What's gotten into him?"

"Dunno." Kevin just shrugged, still laughing inside, and looked around the bar. He felt a hand creep up his shoulder and he quickly turned around.

"Hey buddy!" Vince was grinning at him. "Hi Jess."

Jessica waved back at Vince. Vince leaned over and whispered to Kevin.

"Don't worry buddy, he's coming." Vince winked.

"I'm not worried." Kevin smiled. "But can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure. What is it?"

Kevin whispered something to Vince's ear. Vince was grinning as he nodded. "Look, I need to set-up just stay cool alright?"

Kevin smiled, sat back down and watched Vince get up on the makeshift stage and tune his guitar. Matt went back to his seat and Jessica started flirting with him. Kevin was enjoying seeing his roommate uncomfortable around Jessica for once.

"Hi. Is this seat taken?"

Kevin looked up and saw Xavier smiling at him.

"No." Kevin's face lit up. He stood up and gave his best bud a big hug. "Guys this is Xavier, my best bud."

"Yeah, we've already met." Matt smiled.

"Nice to meet you Xavier. I'm Jessica." Jessica shook his hand.

Xavier sat down beside Kevin. The two looked at each other for a second before the mic turned on and the guy introduced Vince on stage. The room erupted with cheers.

Vince got up and took the mic. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

"I love you Vince!" Jessica screamed from her chair. People started laughing.

"I love 'ya too." Vince winked.

Xavier leaned towards Kevin, "Hey, that's the bellboy who delivered the cheesecake last night."


"Yeah, the one you sent me as a peace offering last night."

`That fucking bastard' Kevin thought to himself as he smiled.

Vince held his guitar. "I'm gonna start tonight with something special, something hopefully all of 'ya know and it goes a little something like this."

Vince started playing the very familiar D-chord intro. Everybody started cheering and whistling as Matt felt his face flush red.

I made it through the wilderness Somehow I made it through Didn't know how lost I was Until I found you

Vince looked towards the direction of Kevin's table. Matt felt his body turn into Jell-O as Kevin couldn't stop giggling. Both Jessica and Xavier were oblivious but were enjoying Vince's performance.

I was beat incomplete I'd been had, I was sad and blue But you made me feel Yeah, you made me feel Shiny and new

Some people from the audience started singing with Vince.

Like a virgin Touched for the very first time Like a virgin When your heart beats Next to mine Gonna give you all my love, boy

Vince winked at Kevin.

My fear is fading fast Been saving it all for you 'Cause only love can last

"I saw that guy wink at you."

Kevin almost choked on his pizza. He took a big gulp of Mountain Dew and looked straight at Xavier who was smiling at him.

"So is this Vince guy the one you just love looking at while he's inside of you?"

"What if he is?"

"Wow. I would've never expected you to fall for a musician."

"We weren't `together'. He's just a friend."

"Yeah... a friend who fucks you, how very familiar," Xavier smiled.

"Can we just drop it already?"

"Sure. You don't need to get pissed."

"Well you've always had a way of pissing me off."

"Yeah. The makeup sex is always better."

Kevin blushed. He knew he was right. "Keep pissin' me off and there won't be any."

"Sorry." Xavier raised his hands.

Back at the bar, Matt was obviously very uncomfortable as Jessica was rubbing his chest. He felt a sigh of relief as Vince sat down with them. Vince had just finished his last set and grabbed a cold beer.

"Hey. Where's Kevin?"

"He took off with Xavier, said they'd go for a pizza." Matt tried to swat off Jessica's hand which had started to go down his pants as she kissed the side of his neck.

Vince was trying to suppress his laughter but wanted to help an obviously uncomfortable Matt out. "Hold on there, Jess. Wouldn't want to give everyone a show, would `ya?"

"I don't think they'd mind," Jessica giggled.

"It's getting kinda late and I don't feel so good. I think I need to go and get some rest," Matt started getting out of his chair, much to the dismay of Jessica. "I'll call you."

Matt quickly walked through the crowd and out the door. Jessica smiled, still very much infatuated. "There's something about that guy that just makes me so crazy."

"I betcha." Vince grinned and looked at his watch. "I'd better be going as well, got a long day ahead of me. Bye Jess!"

Jess just waved him off as he took his jacket and guitar and quickly walked out the bar. He saw Matt walking down the street. Vince ran after him until he finally caught up.

"What's the rush buddy?"

"I'm not feeling so good. I think I need some sleep."

Vince started laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," Vince lied and started laughing again.

"Are you drunk?"

"Nah. I'm as sober as a nun."

"Why the hell are you laughing then?"

"I always know when a person's lying and you, buddy, are feeling one hundred percent fine. I think you just can't stand Jessica."

Matt just kept walking as Vince walked beside him.

"Are you gay?"

"What?!" Matt couldn't hide his shock as his eyes widened from behind his glasses. "What makes you say that?"

"Well, no self-respecting straight guy would ever leave a hot girl like that in a bar especially if the girl is crazy about him."

"No. I'm not gay. I'm just not feeling fine right now."

"If you say so buddy," Vince winked and walked away as Matt went inside their residence hall.

"Nice place. Your dad's paying for it?"

"As always."

Xavier flung his jacket on the couch. He went to the bar to mix a cocktail. "What do you want?"

"No alcohol please."

"I know. I want you to remember everything tonight." Xavier smiled. "What I meant was, would `ya like a soda or juice?"

"I'll just have water."

Xavier put some ice and poured a glass of water and handed it to Kevin. Xavier opened a bottle of vodka and poured a good ounce of it in a glass full of ice. He looked at Kevin as he walked towards the window, holding his glass of water.

"You've changed a lot."

"That's what a year makes." Kevin took a drink.

Xavier started slicing some oranges and squeezing the juice into the glass. Kevin was looking out the window. New York was beautiful at night.

"Where do 'ya think we'd be if I didn't leave?"

"To tell you frankly, I don't know. I really didn't plan it out once I knew you were leaving."

Xavier stood beside his friend and started drinking his Screwdriver.

"But you planned everything else before I left."

Kevin smiled. "I did."

"Do 'ya still feel the same way?"

"Don't ask me that shit right now, will ya?" Kevin put down his water.


Xavier put down his drink. "I really liked the cheesecake though."

Kevin started laughing. "How come you haven't changed?"

"I guess I'm still stuck in the past." Xavier smiled.

Kevin turned to his side and looked at Xavier. This guy's been his best bud since high school. Even though they haven't seen each other for a year it was as if he still knew him perfectly, every secret, every quirk, every inch of his body. He looked into those deep green eyes and got lost in them like he used to.

Xavier leaned in for a kiss. Kevin closed his eyes and felt Xavier's lips brush past against his. It was gentle and soft. Xavier pulled away. Kevin opened his eyes for a minute. They both moved in for another kiss. Xavier gently pulled Kevin's chin and took his lips in his. Kevin placed his hands on Xavier's waist as he felt Xavier's other hand running down his back. He let him take his tongue in his mouth. He felt the heat from Xavier's mouth. Xavier took his hand from Kevin's chin and started rubbing his neck, pulling him closer. Their tongues met for a while before Xavier started kissing down his neck. Kevin let his hands slide up Xavier's back. He felt Xavier's tongue licking the side of his neck as he planted soft kisses. Kevin's back was now leaning on the glass window. If anyone were to look up at their room from outside, they'd probably get a show but Kevin didn't care. His mind was only focused on the sensations his buddy was sending through his body.

Xavier looked into Kevin's eyes, their faces an inch apart, his right hand still around Kevin's back, his left behind Kevin's neck. He pulled him for another long kiss. Kevin moaned as he felt their erections rubbing against each other through their pants. He let his arms fall from Xavier's back as he started to remove the jacket he was wearing. The jacket fell on the floor by the window. He felt Xavier go down his neck once more. Xavier moved his right hand and slid it down the back of Kevin's pants. Kevin started unbuckling his belt as Xavier continued to move his lips down his neck. Xavier pulled his head back and removed Kevin's shirt before throwing it aside.

Xavier started his assault on Kevin's nipples which made him moan in pleasure. Kevin leaned his head on the glass as he felt his friend's tongue licking away. Xavier moved his tongue down Kevin's naked torso, gently kissing down to his pants. He got on his knees and pulled Kevin's pants down. Kevin stepped out of his shoes and pants and pushed them aside with his foot. Xavier smiled to see his friend's tool struggling inside his boxers. He parted his lips and sucked the cock through the fabric. Kevin dug his fingers through his friend's red hair, pushing his head closer.

Xavier pulled off Kevin's boxers, took Kevin's cock in his hand and started jerking him off as he licked his lips. He looked up and saw Kevin leaning on the glass window, softly moaning, his head tilted with his eyes closed. He ran his other hand up Kevin's stomach. He positioned his head in front of Kevin's tool and licked it. Kevin could feel the sensation going up his body. He opened his eyes to see his friend going down on him, taking his whole cock into his mouth like he used to. Xavier savored the taste of Kevin's cock in his mouth. He pulled his head back and smiled. "I missed you."

"Shut up." Kevin smiled back pulling Xavier up to his feet.

The two kissed once more, Xavier pinning Kevin's naked body on the glass. Kevin was already dripping precum onto Xavier's leg as their bodies pressed against each other. He slowly pulled Xavier's shirt up from the back. Xavier stepped back and removed the whole thing.

Kevin was taken aback. His buddy had been working out a lot and his skin wasn't as pale as he remembered. He placed his hands on Xavier's chest. Xavier smiled at his friend's admiration. He took off his shoes and socks and pulled down his pants and underwear. Kevin scanned Xavier's whole body and took everything in. He felt Xavier's hand stroking his hard cock. He took hold of Xavier's tool and did the same. Xavier leaned forward and the two started kissing as they slowly stroked each other.

Kevin suddenly jerked forward as he felt Xavier's hand slide to his back, pushing a finger into his hole. He opened his eyes and looked at his friend who was also staring back at him with lust in his eyes. He felt another finger enter. He let go Xavier's cock and wrung his hands around Xavier's neck. Xavier lifted him up as Kevin wrapped his legs around his waist. Xavier pinned him against the glass and gave him a long fiery kiss. Kevin could feel the head of Xavier's cock rubbing against his hole. He felt the head slowly pushing through. Kevin quickly pulled back from the kiss.



Kevin put his feet back on the floor "We need to play safe."

Xavier sighed "If I remember correctly, the last time we did, we didn't."

"Well, this isn't last time and besides, you'll be riding me." Kevin smiled.

Xavier went to get a condom and lube as Kevin lay down on Xavier's bed and closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the soft cotton sheets.

Andrew Gallagher hailed a cab from JFK airport. He looked at his watch. It was almost 1AM. His flight was delayed by three hours. He was supposed to drop by the university a couple of hours earlier but due to the circumstances, he opted to postpone his visit and check in a hotel first. He got out of the cab and had his luggage carried into the lobby of Peninsula hotel.

"What's the best room you have here?"

The old guy from behind the counter checked the computer.

"All the Grand suites and the Peninsula suite are occupied for the night. But we do have one Deluxe suite left—"

"I'll take it." He cut off the old guy and flung a credit card.

"How long will you—"

"For as long as I want." He cut him off again and adjusted the long scarf he was wearing.

The old man booked the room and handed him back the credit card and called for the bellboy standing close by.

"Take this gentleman to his suite."

The old man gave the bellboy the key card and frowned as Andrew strode away. They got to the floor. The bellboy carried Andrew's luggage down the hall. As Andrew was waiting for the bellboy to open the door, he heard a loud moaning from the other room. He smirked. The bellboy carried his luggage inside the room. Andrew looked around and frowned.

"Is this the best New York can offer?" Andrew sighed and read the bellboy's name tag. He took a hundred dollar bill and handed it to him. "Here's a hundred Lewis. I bet you need it more than I do."

Lewis took the bill, walked out, closed the door and shook his head.

In the other room, there was more action than shaking heads. Xavier had impaled himself on Kevin's hard cock and was moving his body up and down the shaft. He moaned as he felt Kevin's cock hit his prostate. His face was a mix of pain and pleasure. It's been a long time since he had his hole filled. Kevin was squeezing Xavier's hands as he pushed his cock upward into Xavier's tight hole.

Kevin looked up as sweat started to drip from Xavier's body. Xavier had straddled himself on Kevin's torso with Kevin lying on the bed. Kevin's chest heaved as he pumped his cock faster into Xavier. Xavier's moans became louder. He was getting close. His muscles started to contract as he shot his load on Kevin's chest. Another shot hit Kevin across the face. Kevin closed his eyes and felt shot after shot of hot cum hit his body. He ran his tongue on his lips, savoring the taste of Xavier's cum.

Xavier got off his buddy's tool and pulled off the condom. He wrapped his lips around it and started sucking. Kevin opened his eyes to see his cock disappear into Xavier's mouth. He held Xavier's head with both hands as he felt himself erupt into Xavier's mouth. Xavier choked a bit and pulled his head off. Kevin giggled as Xavier panted.

"Wow. I think I need to practice on that."

"Well I'm good to go again." Kevin smiled as he took hold of Xavier's throbbing tool.


Thanks again to everyone who took the time to read the last chapter. I just got back yesterday and I still haven't answered everyone who wrote to me. I will get back to all of you a little later.

I hope you all like this chapter... I think I made a mess of it though since I rushed finishing it today. I was going back and forth whether or not I should go down this direction or that but I finally made a decision and hopefully it pays off.

If any of you have comments/suggestions/questions or even angry rants you can send me an e-mail at They really help me in shaping this story.

Cheers! -gabe

Next: Chapter 4

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