In Heat

By Taylor Giles

Published on Dec 13, 2003



This is my first complete story. Hope you enjoy! The usual disclaimers apply.

O.K. here goes...

My face mashed into the filthy, bare mattress on the floor, the heady smells of piss, cum, sweat, lube and poppers assaulted my senses. I could barely see a sliver of light through the hairy thighs that were clamping my head on either side. The hairy ass that rubbed and bore down on the back of my bald head, made sure I stayed in place while another unseen flesh post approached from behind to help itself to my man cunt. This was just another moment out of the hours of sexual frenzy that I had submitted myself to. I was in heat.

I was in heat. It happened to me about every two or three months. I would develop an insatiable need for sex. But more than that, I needed to be used as a sex object. Just going out and getting a piece of ass wouldn't do it. Surely my live in partner couldn't provide what I needed. I love him, and our sex life is satisfying, but what I needed was more than the vanilla that we shared, and he would find my needs shocking. Generally it would start about a week before the needs got bad. I would start feeling restless, and horny. Usually a good fucking by my partner's hard dick would satisfy me at this point, but as the days progressed, I would feel the need to jack off about four times a day. It didn't matter where I was when the need was strongest, at work, the gym, shopping, wherever, I'd have to duck into the nearest bathroom and pound away at the insatiable snake between my legs. Often, I'd arrange quickie hookups over the Internet duck out from work and get my ass pounded by some hot top. I've made a lot of friends throughout the years by doing this. I also laid the groundwork for my nights of debauchery that I would eventually have to arrange to sate my piggish desires. And that is how I would end up, as an object of sex to be used and abused for a couple of evenings, before my nasty needs would be met.

Inevitably my needs would become so intense that sex with my partner would no longer satisfy me. Jacking off was empty pleasure and the quick sex hook-ups would only leave me wanting more. I would have to do something. That is usually when I would call Jake. Jake is a total top man, who understands my needs. Jake doesn't actually work anymore. He used to have a blue collar job, but once he discovered how much a submissive man would be willing to do to have Jake use him, he quit his job, assembled a stable of pussy bottoms and put them in the work force on a rotating basis so they could support him. He knows what a bottom in heat be used, abused and made to submit. Jake is connected with a network of tops that would meet about every other week for sex, and to share their bottom fuck men with each other. When I call him, he usually acts pretty quickly. He gets on the Internet and the telephone and arranges what I need. Now it's not too important to know much about me, except to say that I am a healthy early middle-aged gay male, with a sex drive that gets out of control occasionally. Those who have shared my bed and body have little to complain about.

That is how I found myself on the mattress, face down, my pussy in the air, leaking male fluids. Earlier that afternoon, Jake met me at work, let himself into my office and patiently waited for me to finish up. When he sensed I was done, he stood up grabbed me by the arm and quietly, but forcefully said to me, "Let's go". He escorted me down to the parking garage, opened the door to his S.U.V. and threw me in the back. The seats were folded down, and he crawled in with me. Jake pulled out a knife, and started cutting my clothes off. He stopped at my jock strap and ordered me to remove it. Lying naked, in the back of his S.U.V. I watched as he stepped out of the car with my jock, threw it on the ground, pulled his massive cock out and pissed on it. Getting back in, he balled the jock strap up, crammed it into my mouth and started wrapping duct tape around my head to secure it in place. "On your stomach dick breath!" He growled to me, and I rolled over, my back and ass exposed to him. He pulled my arms behind me, and bound my wrists together with the duct tape, after which he did the same around my ankles. "Now this is how you should be". He said. "Just an object to be used and abused". He raised his hand and brought it down hard on my ass. The loud smack sound pierced the air of the car's interior, as the pain pierced through my naked body. My cock rubbed against the rough carpet on the floor of the S.U.V. and started to harden and leak. Good thing the windows of the car were tinted, because there were voices outside as two women walked by. When he was sure the women had passed, he smacked my naked ass five more times, each swat increasing in intensity. Jake leaned over my body and whispered into my ear. "You never get enough of this do you? Someday maybe you'll learn that you exist only for the pleasure of men like me. Men who know how to give you what you want. When that day comes, you'll surrender your life to me, quit your job, dump that wimp of a boyfriend, sign all you own over to me and let me have your sorry ass whenever I want it". "I'm getting tired of arranging these nights of sexual satisfaction for an insignificant faggot whore like you! Soon you're going to have to come to terms with what you are...a worthless piece of shit with no purpose in life but to serve as a cum dump and a toilet. Either you realize that soon, or find someone else to abuse you at your beck and call"! Jake peeled away a bit of the duct tape covering my mouth, wedged his finger in between the piss soaked jock strap, swirled it around and got it slimy with my spit. He rose up onto his knees, and plunged that finger into my asshole. "This twat better be clean"! He said. "If not, I'm going to shove a garden hose up there and turn the water on full blast. When I'm done, I'll make you expel it into a bucket and drink it". He roughly twisted his finger around in side me, and shoved the calloused digit in further, until it felt like his knuckles were going to join it. "You know, I've never seen you get fisted worm. We might just have to take care of that this evening". Jake pulled his finger out of my ass and inspected it. "Well, no shit on it anyway. Good faggot"! He declared. He shoved his finger back in my mouth and said, "Clean it". I tried to lick it but all the cloth from the jock strap prevented me from doing a thorough job. "O.K. little shit" he said, "When we get where we're going you'll pay for not doing a good job". Jake leaned over to a compartment, pulled out a medium sized butt plug and unceremoniously shoved it in my ass. "You're a little tight, and I don't want to have to fuck around with loosening you up tonight", he growled. He then moved to the drivers seat, started the car and drove off, me still lying on my stomach in the back.

Now Jake isn't that much of a looker, but what he lacks in beauty, he more than makes up in masculinity. He is about six one, 225 or so pounds, and has a slight beer gut. His face is rugged, from working outdoors as a heavy equipment operator for many years. Although he has never told me how old he is, I guess he is somewhere in his early forties. He sports a thick mustache, a neatly trimmed goatee, and a full head of salt and pepper hair, buzzed in a military style flat top. Naked, he has a thick matt of hair covering almost his entire body. He trims his pubes, so that his large cock looks even bigger. Jake's dick is thick and ten and a half inches long. I know this because he has told me repeatedly how big it is as he is ramming it in one of my sluttish holes. On his massive forearms he has tattoos ringed around made up of interlocking hard dicks oozing precum. He wears a steel cock ring that he never takes off. Probably the most remarkable thing about his body are his balls. They are massive egg sized things that hang low in their sack. They hang down his thighs half way to his knees, and when he gets going, he will actually whip my face with them. The rock hard nuts can actually sting pretty good as they slap across my mouth and nose.

After we drove for about fifteen minutes, Jake pulled the big S.U.V. through an open roll up door in an anonymous warehouse building. As he drove through he pushed a button on his dashboard, and the door rolled shut behind us. We continued driving through the cavernous interior until we came to a ramp, which he drove down. We emerged into a lower level room that was dark and very industrial looking. I recognized this room as the place where my night's fate will start, as I have been here a few times before. He stopped the car, and the tailgate is flung open. Two massive men grabbed the duct tape at the back of my neck and drug me out roughly onto the ground. They stood over me completely naked, except for boots, and immediately proceeded to piss on me. I lay on the ground writhing in the streams of hot urine as it splashed over my face ass and back. Jake got out of the car, stripped his clothes off and joined the pissing party. One of the large men kicked the butt plug shoved up my ass driving it deeper into my violated hole, sending a wave of pain through me as well as a shock of pleasure on my prostate. "Nice meat you've brought us Jake" says the guy who kicked me; "He'll make a good main course tonight". "Yeah", replied Jake, "He's a good fuck toy".

The two big men grabbed me by my bound arms and drug me across the floor toward a gloomy and dark corner of the large room. My cock scraped on the rough cement, and was stating to feel quite raw when they stopped. Suddenly a light switched on and illuminated a bare mattress in the middle of the floor. On the wall opposite the bed there was a massive wooden beam that ran its length about eight feet off the floor. There were two naked men with their arms bound and tied to rings set in the beam, facing the wall. Their asses had red welts on them and they were breathing hard. Another beefy and hairy naked man was sitting near them in a ratty old recliner, smoking a big cigar, his legs spread wide. He had a riding crop in his hand and was rubbing it up and down the length of cock and occasionally poking the butt end of it into his ass pucker. He took a deep drag from his stogie, blew out the smoke, and said "Jake, you took too long to bring back the bacon! I had to start without you". Jake grunted, walked over to the man and said "Dawg, this is what I think of your patience"! With that, Jake took hold of his meat and pissed on the man's cigar. It sputtered and fizzled, as the man spat it out, leaned forward and wrapped his mouth around Jakes cock and drank the piss in large audible gulps. Jake wrenched the riding crop from Dawg's hand and smacked it across his cock. Dawg pulled his mouth off Jakes cock and yelped as the last of the piss hit him in the face. "Better behave"! Jake growled, "Or I'll truss you up like those two whores and shove my fist up your ass so far that you'll feel my fingertips on the back of your tongue"! "Yes sir"! Whined Dawg. I chuckled to myself. I thought it was amusing to find out that there was a pecking order among tops. Jake heard me giggle, strode over to me and proceeded to wail on my ass with the riding crop. "You think that's funny faggot"? He said between painful strokes of the crop. "I'm going to show you exactly what comedians we can be before the night's done". The lashes I was receiving from the crop stung my ass mightily and I had to concentrate to keep from screaming in pain. At the same time, my cock was getting even harder as is ground against the rough cement floor. After about fifteen strokes, Jake stopped and said to the two men who had dragged me over, "Throw him on the mattress, it's time for the fun to begin".

The two slabs of walking beef grabbed me by my bound arms again and threw me onto the bare mattress face up. Jake looked ad Dawg and said "You tend to those two worms over there while I start in on this piece of shit". Dawg got up from his chair, walked over to one of the smooth assed men hanging from the beam and ground his hard dick across his ass. He untied the abused man and pulled him down on the ground. He was a pretty boy, not more than 25, with a tight, (but red), ass a lean body, big full lips and shaggy blond hair. His body was completely hairless, and looked as if he had been recently shaved. Dawg untied the other man; drug him to the floor too, so that he was ass to ass with the first man. The second man was probably younger than the first, also hairless and lean with a shaved head to go with his body. Both of them had medium length skinny cocks, which were hard and dripping. From behind the recliner, Dawg pulled out a large black double-headed dildo. It was about two and a half feet long, made of leather and ringed by chrome studs around the flared heads at both ends. He fetched out a big jug of vegetable oil from the same spot that he had produced the dildo, popped the lid off and proceeded to oil up the black monster. Dawg then shoved one end of the dong up the asshole of the shaved headed man who gasped as it violated his hole. It went in about a third of the way, and Dawg maneuvered the other man onto the other end of the dildo. "Now back up"! He growled as both of the men shoved their asses toward each other. What a sight, two hairless slut boys on their hands and knees joined at the assholes by a big black leather log. They both gasped as they started working their holes back and forth along the shaft. Dawg laughed as he grabbed the dildo in the middle and started working it back and forth shoving it deep in one before reversing direction and impaling the other. I could see streams of clear precum dripping from their cocks, pooling on the floor underneath them.

Jake looked over at the scene, chuckled and said, "See what I was telling you before? Those two maggots belong to me, and you could be one of them". I just stared up at him blankly. "Randy, Kevin, Hose him down"! Jake barked at the men who had roughly dragged me around. "He needs to be taught a lesson"! The two big men approached either side of the mattress and let loose more hot piss all over me. By now, I was soaked, hard, and my cock was dripping precum. It took all the mind control I could muster up not to cum right then and there. Jake grabbed the tape that was binding my ankles, yanked my legs high over my head and once again wailed on my ass with the riding crop. When the piss subsided, Jake laughed at me and said "Yeah, that's what your are...a worthless faggot fit only to be pissed on and whipped by men like us! You want us to abuse and use you piss ant! I suppose you want our cocks...don't you? Well, you're gonna have to earn them." Jake walked over and straddled my head. "I've wasted most of my piss on Dawg and you earlier, but I've got a little left to give you now". He planted his feet on either side of my head, and let loose a pretty strong stream right into my face, despite the fact that he had just drained himself. I looked over at Randy and Kevin through the rain of piss falling on my face I could see they were fisting their cocks and thrusting their hips in a mock fucking motion while grinning at the scene with nasty lascivious looks on their faces. I turned my head the other way to see Dawg on his knees between the two skinny boys joined by the big black dildo. They were thrusting back and forth on it under their own power while Dawg reached under them and milked their cocks. The two boy's mouths were agape, their eyes just slits, and moans escaped their throats as they enjoyed riding on the black leather pole that skewered them both together. The kid with the shaggy blonde hair had a line of drool that ran from his lower lip to the floor, and both of them had a steady stream of precum that ran from the piss slits of their dicks to a small pool on the cement floor beneath them. They both looked as if they were going to blow any second. The stream of piss raining down on me subsided, and Jake lowered his ass down on my face. Just before the darkness enveloped my head, I saw Dawg abruptly stop jerking the two boys, grab both of their ball sacks and yank hard. "No jizzing yet slime"! Growled Dawg.

Jakes pendulous balls dropped on my nose and slid forward up my forehead as his asshole dropped down onto my still duct tape covered mouth. He sat on my head with what felt like his full weight, grinding his hole against my chin, and dragging it up my head to my nose. His balls and cock slid up and down my forehead as he proceeded to use my head to pleasure his hole. Jake then got up, went over to where his pants were lying in a heap next to his car and retrieved his knife. After he returned he cut the duct tape that was wrapped around my mouth, but left the piss soaked jock strap in. He straddled my face once more, and resumed the lewd pleasuring of his hole on my head. He would stop with his pucker just at the tip of my nose and bear down, forcing me to whiff his sweat, piss and shit. He kept up riding my face for about five minutes. Because I had the jock strap stuffed in my mouth, and his ass crack was wrapped around the rest of my face, I had tough time breathing and almost passed out. Jake stood up, reached down and yanked the jock strap out of my mouth, and threw it on my face. I felt good to have all of that fabric out of my mouth, as my jaw was starting to ache with the bulk of it.

"You fucking twat"! I heard Randy or Kevin yell. I didn't yet know which was which. Although they had differences, they looked like brothers, possibly twins. They both had beefy, toned, muscular bodies, with absolutely no body hair. Each also had large nipples, which were pierced with thick steel barbells, and large PA rings through their dick heads. I looked up to see that one had violated the asshole of the other. "Shut the fuck up cunt and take your dick like a man"! The other said in response to the outburst. From what I could gather, they were probably so hot watching Jake abuse me, that one had simply positioned himself at the others ass and shoved in his long dick with no warning at all. The guy fucking, (Randy or Kevin, I didn't know which), had reached around and had a strong death grip in the balls of the one being fucked. This effectively immobilized the guy on the receiving end, so that the first could have his way with him. This was no long, stroking, relaxed fuck. This was the closest thing to rape that I had ever witnessed. The guy fucking was long dicking the others hole with force that made a resounding slap as his thighs came into contact with the others ass. It didn't last too long however. The fucker took one last long thrust into the slurping hole of the fuckee and he let out a loud groan. "Take this load faggot"! He grunted as he held his cock buried balls deep into the other. "You fucking whore! You're making me cum"! Said the other, as jets of semen erupted from his glistening hard rod. It arced over to the bed that I lay prone on and hit me in the face. His balls were pulsating, and pumping up toward his cock, as the juice just seemed to erupt in rope after rope of jizz. I could see more of it running down his legs, as the stuff that the other had deposited deep inside him started to leak out. Jake laughed and said, "Yeah, this is what it's all about! Now for this little slut down here"! He said referring to me. "Don't think this little distraction has made me forget about you". Once again he walked over to his car, opened the door and retrieved a cell phone. He looked at Dawg, and said, "Take care of the meat on the bed. Have some fun with him. I'm calling in reinforcements". Jake then dialed the phone.

I hadn't noticed what Dawg and his two bitches were doing for the past few minutes, but they had been busy. The two hairless boys both now had been strapped together in a sixty-nine position. They had been outfitted with leather belts, and leather harnesses on their heads. Each harness had rings that lined up neatly with rings on each other's belt. With each other's dick in their mouths, the two sets of rings were snapped together with a series of steel clips, keeping their mouths fully impaled on the other's cock. There was some allowance for head movement, but only an inch or so at that. Each had a large ass plug with a flared end buried up their holes. Dawg approached me, looked over his shoulder at the two boys, and said, "Piss you pussies"! I saw a look of concentration replaced by a look of relief on the face of the one that I was able to see. Then I saw his jaw moving, and heard gulping sounds, as I realized they were drinking each other's urine. Arriving at the side of the nasty and disgusting mattress upon which I was lying, Dawg reached down and picked up Jakes knife, which had been left on the floor. He proceeded to cut the duct tape that was securing my ankles. He picked up the piss soaked jock strap that had fallen next to my head and wrapped it around my face. He secured it behind my head by tying two of the leg straps together. My mouth was left uncovered, but my nose and most of my eyes were smothered in a piss smelling wetness that I inhaled deeply. My rock hard cock twitched, and pumped out another spurt of precum. I thought that with all the clear fluid that my rod had been leaking, that I surely would soon be out of liquids in my body. If I had to die of dehydration, this is the way I wanted to go! I felt Dawg's presence as he knelt down between my legs and proceeded to spread them wide. My hands were still bound behind my back so I was at his mercy. He grabbed the butt plug that was still lodged firmly up inside me and yanked it out roughly. Instantly my asshole felt empty, and the throbbing in my dick subsided. I hadn't realized it, but the plug had been massaging my prostrate, which in turn had been providing a direct pleasure link to my cock. Although my dick softened a little, it didn't go down completely. A wave of need swept over me. I needed to be filled again and I needed it now. Dawg tossed the plug aside and immediately drove two fingers up my aching pussy hole. I let out a sigh, as the need for filling was somewhat sated. I heard Dawg say to Kevin or Randy, "Get me the grease. We need to oil this pig up". I also heard Jake talking indistinctly on his cell phone. I wasn't sure what he was up to, but knew it could only lead to more fun.

I heard footsteps approaching the sides of the mattress, and I felt the coolness of liquid being poured over my body. No, I was not being pissed on, the liquid was too cool, and there wasn't any force behind the stream. The only thing that I could think of was that one or both of them was pouring the oil from the jug that I had seen earlier over me. Dawg was busy working fingers up my hole, and I felt a tightening around the base of my cock and balls. Someone was tying something around them. What ever was encircling them was cinched in so tight that it was almost painful. Then hands started rubbing the oil into my body. They caressed my stomach, crotch, legs, arms and ass. The rubbing was rough, yet soothing to my abused body. Every once in a while, fingers would grab my nipples, pinching and twisting them and generally stretching them as far as they could go without ripping them off of my pecs. Someone, (either Randy or Kevin), reached up and slipped the jock strap from over my eyes. I could now see that both Randy and Kevin were on their knees on either side of my head. Their cocks, which had obviously had a quick recovery from their earlier fuck, were hard again. They both rubbed their slabs of meat over my face, occasionally slapping me with them. I looked down at Dawg, who by now was working his fourth finger into my hole, and he had a sadistic grin on his face. "Jake sez he's gonna fist you, so I'm gonna get you ready. But first, I'm gonna help myself to your hole before Jake wrecks it. Help me out here boys". Dawg said to Randy and Kevin. Each grabbed one of my legs, and yanked them up so that my knees were next to my face. Dawg then removed his fingers, reared up on his knees, and lowered himself over my body. He mashed his mouth over mine in a hard kiss, shoving his tongue deep into my open hole. It was then that I felt the head of his dick start to push in to my willing ass hole. There was tightness and the instinct to resist at first, but the angry cock head was persistent. The ring of muscle around the opening of my hole reluctantly gave way to the invading post, and I could feel his dick head sliding up the inside walls of my cunt. With one smooth motion he buried himself nuts deep in me, his mouth still firmly locked over mine. Kevin and Randy were attempting to shove their cocks between our lip lock, but only succeeded in jamming it into our cheeks. Still they rubbed and smacked our faces with their meat. I thought Dawg would pull his cock back and start his violation of my hole in earnest, but instead he let his dick rest deep in me for a while. After a few seconds, I felt it. At first I thought his cock was getting bigger as it rested, lodged deep inside me, but soon I knew it was something else. My hole started to expand from the inside, as I felt a stream of hot liquid splashing deep within me. I hadn't been pissed on in a few minutes, but now I was being pissed in. My hole expanded to impossible proportions, before I could feel the pressure start to subside. Dawg hosed me inside, and the urine started leaking out around the seal between my ass pucker and the thick pole that invaded it. The pressure on my prostate was sending jolts of pleasure to my cock, but whatever it was that they had restrained it with, kept me from cumming. I wanted, no needed to cum so bad, that I thought I would pass out from the sheer desire and the violation of just about every part of my body. As Dawg's flow subsided, he slowly pulled his dick back. The pulling out motion caused the inside of my pussy to contract, and more piss squirted out of the hole. Just before the head vacated my man cunt, he reversed direction and slammed the monster home. This forced most of the piss out with a loud squishing noise, and I could feel the already wet mattress literally soaked where his cock joined my asshole. He broke his lip lock with me, and immediately one of the two guys at our faces shoved his dick into my mouth. There was hardly any time to adjust to it, as it snaked past my teeth and tongue and down my throat. My gag reflexes kicked in, and tried to expel the monster, but I willed myself to relax, as I knew it wasn't going to be leaving my throat any time soon. Dawg reared up and grabbed my legs by the ankles, freeing my feeder to swing his legs over me, straddling my face shoving his cock deeper into my throat. I could detect the distinct taste of cum, oil, and ass juices on the cock. This must have been the one shoved up the others ass during that hot fuck demonstration that I had just witnessed. Dawg's dick was now steadily pistoning in and out of my hole. As he pulled out, I involuntarily thrust my hips down in a vain attempt to keep it in as long as possible. As he pushed it, I met his thrust with my hot hole, attempting to bury it as deep as it could possibly go. As he sped up, I would contract my ass muscles as he drove it in, and relax them as he withdrew. "My Gawd! You're a nasty little whore"! He panted as he continued to ram my ass. The man that had been violating my throat was also increasing the tempo of his thrusts. All I could do was to keep my throat as open as possible, to accommodate the onslaught. The dick in my mouth abruptly pulled out and the asshole connected to it mashed itself down on my face, rubbing up and down as Jake had earlier. WHACK! I heard the noise and simultaneously felt Dawg lurch onto me, burying his cock deeper in me that it had been previously. "How does that whore cunt feel Dawg"? WHACK! LURCH! As the asshole lifted off of my face, I saw Jake, who had obviously finished his business on the phone, standing over Dawg, riding crop in hand. Dawg sped his thrusts up and was now ramming my abused hole with increasing speed. WHACK WHACK WHACK! Dawg's ass was moving with blinding speed now, and his cock seemed to be endless as it slid in and out of my fuck tube. The whipping Dawg was receiving only spurred him on more. The expression on his face was the epitome of lust and pain, combined with sheer ecstasy, as he continued to power fuck. "HEREITCOMESYOUWORTHLESSHOLE" Dawg's words spat into my face "I'MGONNABREEDTHATCUNTNOW"! And with that, there was one last thrust, before I felt a flood deep inside me that rivaled the piss enema that I had received earlier. WHACK, SMACK Jakes riding crop came down two more times on Dawg's butt as he continued to expel his sperm in me. There was more liquid warmth as I could, once again, feel something oozing out between my legs.

Dawg pulled out unceremoniously. My aching legs fell back down on the mattress, and I looked down at my cock. There was a leather thong tied around the base of my dick and balls. The shaft was hard, red and I could see the veins along the side pulsating. It should have gone off by now. It needed to go off. I needed release! Jake caught me looking at my meat and sneered. "You're gonna have to wait until I make it happen for you. That dick, that ass that mouth, that body, They're mine! Me and my buddies here tonight own them, and were going to use you as we want to. You're here to give us a good time; I don't give a shit about your needs. But if you continue to be good, I might help you out later". Jake leaned over, grabbed my arm, and rolled me over onto my stomach. I could hear a slurping noise coming from my hole as my ass shifted from resting on the ground to being stuck up in the air. A fresh cascade of juices escaped from my ass lips, ran between my thighs, and pooled on the already saturated mattress. I was lost in a trance of lust and want. Nothing else existed in the world but the here and now. This pig sex was the only thing that mattered to my nasty desires. I looked up and saw Randy and Kevin on the ground with their dicks buried inside of the holes of the two skinny boys. The two slut boys were still locked in their sixty-nine position, with their mouths wrapped around the other's cock. I became aware of the grunts which corresponded to the grinding thrusts they were each receiving at the cocksmanship of the two hairless look-alikes...I couldn't tell who was making all of the noise, the four bodies were in such a synchronized rhythm that they looked as if they were one entity having sex with itself. They were a sex machine, in perfect working order. Each had his dick buried in some hole. I mused that all one would need is a remote cum detonator to complete the mechanical sex metaphor. If one were to push the button on such a hypothetical item, they would simultaneously inject each other with copious amounts of cum, only to be recycled and re-injected later.

My sex-induced musings were, however, interrupted by two massive hands grabbing my hips. My ass was hauled up into the air, and a large cock was inserted into it very quickly. For a moment, I thought that the thick shaft would never end. It just kept sliding in deeper and deeper. The unprepared violation of my anus caused me to lurch forward, and my hole to contract rapidly. "Oh yeah! Clench that Cunt"! I heard Jake gasp as he held tightly onto my hips to keep my butt in the air. After what seemed like an eternity, he bottomed out, his pendulous balls swinging against my distended and impossibly full nuts. More sex juices squirted out of me, as he buried his bone in my hole. I heard gasps and groans, and muffled pleas of "fuck me, fuck me", coming from the group of four. I looked up and saw Dawg, standing over the foursome, smoking a large joint. He laughed as he grasped his still soft cock, and let loose a stream of piss that soaked them all down. My arms still taped at the wrists behind my back, I couldn't move as Jake leaned down on top of me, his mouth next to my ear. "I've got all night to finish wrecking this pussy. Remember that ten and a half inch dick? Well, here it is again. You just can't get enough of this cock, can you? Well, can you whore"? Jake screamed. "No sir, I need more"! I moaned, "Fuck me please! Fuck me long! Fuck me hard! PLEASE!" The voice coming out of my mouth sounded like mine, but there was no rational thought that had driven those words out. I was not thinking with the big head...I was thinking with my lust, my nasty needs, my dick, my ass, the cock parked up inside me, pulsating, throbbing, creeping deeper into me. My hole was wired directly to my cock, which was connected to my balls, which was all being controlled by my drive for sex. Sex, that was the only thing that existed for me now. Except for this little corner, the rest of the world could cease to exist, and it would not matter to me now. With his massive meat firmly lodged deep in my hole, Jake started rotating his hips. The effect on my asshole was intense. Parts of the shaft would drag across my prostrate, causing my ass muscles to involuntarily clench and open, clench and open. Resting almost his full body weight on my back, mashing my still bound arms between us, Jake reached under me and grabbed my nipples. He started working my tits roughly, pinching, twisting and digging his fingernails into them. He clamped his mouth down on the back of my neck, sinking his teeth in to the flesh hard, but not breaking the skin. The total effect, Jake's cock twisting in my hole, my nipples being tortured, and his biting my neck, sent electric shocks every direction in my body. If Jake didn't have my body wedged into the position that I was in, I would have collapsed on the mattress, as I had no control over the muscles that held me up. Jake released my nipples and my neck. He grasped the back of my baldhead with his massive hand and lifted his body up, mashing the right side of my face into the reeking mattress. Dawg, having finished hosing down the foursome, dropped down on his knees next to my head. Grasping his large meat he proceeded to slap it across my face as hard as he could. With each smack, I could feel his cock hardening until the last few slaps felt like I was being hit by a policeman's nightstick. Meanwhile Jake had released my head, and grabbed my hips. His cock was still buried deep in my twitching hole. Judging by the strength of the grip that Jake had on my ass, I knew I was in for a ride. Dawg leaned over next to my face, took a deep drag from the joint, grabbed the back of my head and exhaled the smoke directly into my mouth. "Yer gonna get raped now"! He whispered in my ear. "You think I fucked you? You aint been fucked yet"! He said more audibly as he laughed.

My body emptied out, as Jake started to withdraw his cock from my ass. I could feel the ridge of Jake's cock head as it traveled down my chute. It popped out of the ring, and the massive glans rested at the opening. "Show me how much you want it"! Said Jake. He then brought his hand up and slapped my ass hard. My hole involuntarily contracted as I yelled. "Show me"! Jake screamed, and slapped me hard again. With all the concentration I could muster, I willed my hole to dilate open. As soon as it started to relax, I felt the intruder race into my ass pussy, bottom out, rotate once and retreat again. The head of that massive dick began its assault once again. Repeatedly, and very forcefully, it fucked me. I say "it", because at that moment, only the cock assaulting my cunt seemed to exist. There was no one attached to it, no one else existed in the world but me and the pistoning dick that raped me. My head started to clear a little and I became aware of the sound of Jakes hips slapping against my ass as he grunted loudly with each thrust. There was a sloppy squishing sound as the cock slipped in and out of me along its lewd path. Dawg leaned over and blew more pot smoke into my mouth as I was beginning to feel the effects of the first hit that he had forced on me. I vaguely heard a loud groaning sound as I looked up and saw the ass of either Kevin or Randy clench and pulsate. I knew he was shooting his seed into the hole of whichever bottom boy was wrapped around his dick. More groans came from that general direction, as climaxes begat orgasms, which in turn begat release from the small orgy. The rough dicking that I was receiving wrenched my attention away from the climaxing crowd. Jake had stopped his assault and was, once again, buried to the hilt in my ass, rotating the shaft in my ever-widening hole. "You're getting loose cunt! We gotta do something about that. A little filler might help". He reached forward and untied the jock strap that was still encompassing my head and dropped it on the small of my back. Jake withdrew his cock, leaving my ass empty and desperate to be filled again. After a moment's concentration, Jake again soaked the jock with his piss. I felt the heated liquid splash over my back, and run down the crack of my ass, detouring into my open man pussy, and dripping down my spread legs. Dawg blew another hit into my gaping mouth as I felt Jake pick up the jock. That aching, empty feeling that my hole felt was then being satisfied. Something, however, felt different. I still couldn't see what was going on, as my arms were restrained behind my back, my head mashed against the mattress, and Dawg had lewdly started tonguing my ear. Jake was working something into my ass, when the realization hit me; he was stuffing the jock in. Dawg must have sensed my dawning awareness, because he gruffly snickered and said, "Yer fucked now whore"! My senses picked up the roughness of the piss soaked fabric as it was being stuffed into my hole. Filling me fuller and fuller, I could feel Jake's fingers as they deftly worked the jock into my gaping cunt. He must have gotten it all in, because, I suddenly felt a loud, sharp stinging slap on my ass. Once again, the smack caused my ass to clench tight, and I could acutely feel the jock along the walls of my fuck chute. Jake said, "Now you might be tight enough for me to fuck. When I start dicking you, you'd better clamp down on that cunt as hard as you can, or I'll find something else to stuff up there". Jake went from a kneeling position to a squatting one. He pulled my ass back so it hung lewdly out, pointing at his crotch. I knew he was getting in position to use maximum leverage, for as rough a fuck as he could make it. His feet firmly planted on the mattress on the outside of my legs, he used his knees to close mine slightly. The end result was that my legs were spread only a little, to maximize tightness, and I was a prime target for his assault. His dickhead, like a heat seeking missile, found the opening to my hole, once again. I willed my hole shut, but there was no repelling the invading pole of fuck flesh that would have it's way with my man pussy. He slid it in and took sharp thrusts as he went deeper and deeper. The head plowed the jock strap further into me. I could feel it bunching up as it was being pushed deep into me. My ass felt as full as when Dawg had pissed in me. The only difference was, there was no immediate release of pressure. My ass had never felt so full and used in it's life. Jake bottomed out, once again, and held steady. "Now clamp that cunt down on my rod"! He commanded. Putting every fiber of my being into it, I contracted the muscles in my ass until I heard a deep, guttural groan come out of Jake. That is when the dicking began. He pulled out, and immediately thrust back in. His cock sawed in and out of my hole roughly as I tried hard to keep it as tight as humanly possible. The balled up jock was jamming up inside me so deep, as the ramming cock head butted up against it. He leaned over, propped up using my head as leverage, and started ramming like I've never felt before. His cock would pop completely out of my hole, only to drive hard through the ring of muscle and punch fuck my chute harder than I have ever been fucked before. The breath hissing through his teeth came faster and faster. Time lost all sense of meaning, and I have no idea how long he raped me, but I do remember a dawning sense of realization that he was close to cumming. His dick traveled one last long thrust up my asshole when I felt it. There was the sensation of someone having turned a high-pressure hole on inside me, and Jake's cock spasmed, twitched, and unloaded a flood in my bowels. He let out one last, loud grunt, and his dick dug even deeper into me. Jake collapsed on my back, forcing my entire body down onto the bed, my own cock digging into the thinly clad mattress springs. Once again, the sensation of warm liquid running out of my pussy invaded my sex-addled brain. Jake's cock started to soften in me, but the fullness didn't go away. The jock strap was lodged pretty deep. He slid out, with an audible pop; I was still clenching my ass, trying to mild every last drop of sperm from his dick before it left my fuck hole.

All I could do was lay there, panting, reveling in the fullness that still existed in my ass. I had been fucked in the most piggish ways that I and my fuckers could think of. I was truly an objectified cum dump. My awareness was centered on my body, the throbbing in my cock persisted to remind me that I still had not cum. The satisfaction that I had felt in providing pleasure for these men was intense, but I needed more. After all, I was in heat, and I needed more. My surroundings, once again, started to invade my brain. Randy and Kevin were nowhere to be seen. The two bottom boys were trussed up on the beam again, and Dawg was back in his chair alternating on a bottle of whisky and another large joint. Jake stood up, walked around to the front of me, leaned over and whispered into my ear; "The night is young, and we still have to retrieve your jock strap. I need a break, so you just lie here and don't move faggot, we'll pick it up in a bit". He went over to the chair and picked up the black leather double-headed dildo and rammed it deep in me. "We better keep that cunt from closing"! Jake said. Just before I passed out, I saw Jake take the joint from Dawg and inhale deeply.

I awoke to the acrid smell of a bottle of poppers being waved under my nose "Wake up fuck meat"! A voice invaded my brain. "It's time to get busy again". It was Dawg who was kneeling next to me on the bed. The poppers sent a rush through my brain that immediately caused my now soft dick to start hardening again. My ass was still full of bunched up jock strap and dildo. As I started to regain consciousness, anything resembling clear thinking eluded me. The pot that I had inhaled, the poppers, and the consuming lust that I still felt wouldn't allow my brain to function as anything but a sex appliance. The bottle was pulled back from under my nose, and hot liquid was cascading down on me. From at least two, (maybe more, I couldn't tell), directions I was being pissed on yet again. I tried to move my head, but it was immobilized. I was still lying on my stomach, but my head was somehow restrained. All I could do was try to follow the action with the limited motion of my eyes.

As the flow of the hot liquid subsided, I heard the distinct sound of vehicles pulling up somewhere behind me. Once again, I couldn't turn my head to satisfy my foggy curiosity. There was the sound of doors opening and footsteps approaching the bed. "So, this is the cumhole you told us about"? A voice said. "Yeah" I heard Jake say, "We're having tons of fun with it. You should see what this slut could take". A hand roughly grabbed the back of my neck, and unfastened whatever it was that was restraining me. I realized that I was now wearing a collar, because that same hand was now hauling my head up off the mattress by the back of it, causing me to choke a little as I was turned around. I saw Jake standing in front of me in all his naked glory, talking to two other men who were clad in full leather gear. Jake was slowly stroking his cock to life as he talked to the others. "Yeah, he's got a lot of fuck left in him tonight, so we'll all have fun. I've got a job I've got to do on him first". By this time, I was in a kneeling position, and the hand that had hauled me up, pushed the back of my head forward in a pose of subservience. I followed Jake with my eyes as he walked around behind me and quickly yanked out the dildo that was still imbedded deep inside me. The other two men were shedding their clothes stripping down to leather harnesses and jock straps. They both lewdly rubbed each other's crotches and asses as they stared at me lustfully.

Someone, (either Jake or Dawg), hauled me roughly to my feet and walked me, (more like drug me stumbling), over to the wall where the two smooth bottom boys were still trussed up. Manacles hanged the two, with spreader bars securing their ankles apart. They both had their heads hung and avoided eye contact as I was placed along the wall between them. I was turned roughly around, and Jake said to me "Here's your wrecking crew for tonight". I looked up and saw Dawg, Kevin, Randy, Jake, the two leather men that I had seen before, and four other guys that I had not seen yet. The other four were masculine looking and of various sizes and shapes. They were all in stages of undress, some with leather, some naked, some in ripped underwear, some with shirts on, but all with hard exposed cocks. They all stroked their meat as they drank beer from cups and passed joints around. One of the vehicles that were parked in the room had its tailgate open and I could see a keg. "See", said Jake, "we've been filling up our bladders for you and the other two pieces of meat here". General laughter, and mutterings of "fuck yeah" or "yer fucked now" fell on my ears before I was turned around, facing the wall again. The duct tape still binding my aching wrists was cut. I barely had a chance to rub them before my arms were hauled up and clamped into place by manacles hanging from the beam. Dawg came over with another spreader bar and attached it to both of my ankles. I glanced over at the kid next to me, (the one with the shaved head), and he looked up at me, flashed a quick grin and licked his lips. "Turn `em around Dawg". I heard Jake say. We were all turned around, our manacled arms twisting in the process. All of the tops in the room lined up shoulder to shoulder in front of us. I had a chance to look down the line of men standing before my two captive companions and me. Surely just about all types of men were represented in that hot line-up. Some were large, with pronounced beer guts, some were lean, some hard and muscular, some shaved, some hairy, tattooed, pierced, bearded, but all were hot specimens of manhood. They whistled, hooted and grabbed each other's cocks and balls. One even tried ramming another from behind, but was repelled with what looked like a painful arm grab and twist. One by one, the manacles that bound our hands were lowered, allowing us down on our knees. This was painful with spreader bars binding our ankles, as there was no graceful way to drop to our knees. "Don't move a muscle"! Jake barked at us. "Alright men, have fun"! And with that command, all of the men took a step forward and let loose stream after stream of piss on the three of us. Subjecting us to a firing squad of urine, the men took great care to soak our entire bodies down. Some would walk up to us, force our heads back and piss directly into our mouths, and some would aim for our crotches. One big hairy trucker looking guy with an open plaid shirt on and nothing else made sure to get our backs, so that the hot, yellow salty liquid ran down our asses. Looking down on the floor there was literally a pool of piss that we knelt in. When the flow ebbed, Jake released my arms from the manacles and hauled me back to the mattress. The spreader bar that bound my ankles was also removed.

The other two were hauled back up into a standing position and turned to face the wall. "O.K. boys, you can use the hanging meat on the wall, or wait until I'm done with this faggot slut here. Just line up and wait your turn". I was thrown on the mattress face down and the collar around my neck was attached to whatever had held it before. I felt hot breath on my asshole. A tongue licked it and darted into the pucker, causing waves of pleasure to course through my body. Precum started to flow freely from my still restrained cock. There were rough hands kneading my ass and the sensation of a face mashed up in the crack. I felt liquid being poured over my backside and the slickness of oil as it was being rubbed into my ass and back. Another hand roughly stroked my cock, while yet another yanked, and caressed my ball sack. Once again, the demand for release was transmitted from my cock to my brain. I couldn't remember having felt such a powerful need to cum in my life. The hand kneading my ass mashed the jock strap shoved deeply in my ass, causing it to squish around. Suddenly the need to cum was replaced with the urgent need to piss. I tried to hold back, I put all of my concentration into keeping my bladder from emptying. However, the drug and sex haze that had a hold on my brain, and the motion of the jock strap pressing on my bladder fought against me. I felt my cock soften a little, and then the flow started. It was as if I could feel the stream coursing through my cock, as it rushed out the slit in the head and splashed loudly on the mattress. The hand that stroked my cock, cupped itself over my cock head, gathering some of my piss, transferring it to my mouth where it was fed to me. The piss-wet hand rubbed over my face when I was done draining it, only to travel back to my cock quickly for more and back to my mouth again. No sooner had the flow from my dick had subsided, when I felt a finger roughly jammed in my asshole. It poked in, twisted and withdrew before being reinserted again and again and again. My cock grew to rock hard proportions quickly by the time a second finger was introduced to my hole. " that pussy". An unidentified voice said from behind me. I no longer was cognizant of who was around me or even who was in the room with me. There was just me and a bunch of horny men waiting to use me. It didn't matter who they were, or even what they looked like, as long as they fucked me, pissed on and in me, raped my mouth and made me their sex object. I was aware that there were now more than two fingers in my ass. A man had knelt in front of me, and was now pushing his cock between my lips. I opened my mouth wide and the invading monster slid in as if it had every right to be there. In and out it sawed, burying itself in my throat, and withdrawing to the point where just the engorged cock head was past my lips. My ass, which felt full from the jock jammed deep inside, was now being stretched open at the entrance. The cock in my mouth was now slamming in and out with blinding speed, as I grunted from the immense pressure coming from my pucker ring. It was being stretched to impossible proportions but the cock fucking my face distracted my attention. The Dick using my head as a fuck hole suddenly slid all the way in pulsed once and started spewing. I gulped and gulped, at the thick liquid that was being directly injected into my throat. I heard a low guttural groan from somewhere up above me. The cock retreated so that the head was no longer lodged in my throat, but was squirting out the last of its salty/sweet load in my mouth. I couldn't clamp my tired lips down on it tight enough to keep it from leaking out and running down my chin, but I tried. My ass felt as if there was a truck parked in it. "You done yet bitch"? I heard a voice say. "Yeah". Came a reply as the cock in my mouth withdrew. "Release his head so we can turn him over, I wanna see the look on his face when he figures out what's going on". The collar around my neck was loosened, and I was hoisted on my back. Whatever was lodged deep in my hole, didn't withdraw, but I spun on it as I was turned like a spitted pig at a luau. I opened my eyes, and saw Jake looming over me with a shit-eating grin on his face. "I said I was gonna do it how do you like it"? I followed his body down, past his muscular arm down to his wrist to where it disappeared inside my hole. He pushed harder causing me to groan in the weirdest combination of pain/pleasure that I had ever experienced. His hand withdrew and once again pushed deep up into me. He was rubbing my prostrate hard with the butt of his hand and my cock, which was standing straight up, started twitching wildly. Jake knew what he was doing. He had planned this. The fist buried deep inside me mashed the jock strap even deeper into my hole. Jake's fisting was picking up speed, and all I could do was hold on for the ride. Everything went dark as an asshole lowered itself down on my face. This one had been fucked recently, as I could taste oil and cum on it and It was loose and open. I stuck my tongue up inside the rude pussy as it rode my mouth and nose, occasionally grinding down hard. Jake pulled his fist mostly out of my ass and I tried to verbally posttest but all that came out was a muffled and untelligible yell.

The climax came as none before it had. The ass on my face continued its abuse of my mouth. The fist that was now in my ass closed into a grasping hand, and I felt the jock strap start to move. Jake slowly pulled the jock out of my ass allowing me to feel every band, and every ridge on the nasty rag of fabric. At the same time, someone loosened the thong that was still restraining my cock, and whipped it off quickly. The ass covering my face left abruptly. I vaguely remember catching a glimpse of my erect dick as it blew. The stream of cum was almost continuous. I wasn't like other orgasms. There was no sense of spurting the seed out. No, it was more like pissing cum. It shot straight up in the air before it arced back on itself splattering onto my stomach. The jock was still being pulled slowly from my twitching and clenching pussy. The sensations of my orgasm were felt mostly in my balls, and in my ass, but every synapse in my brain and every nerve in my body must have fired at once. The sperm just kept fountaining out of my dick and hosing down everything that got near it. The last of the jock cleared my clenching ass ring as the flow of cum subsided, and I passed out again.

When I came to, I was lying face down on the filthy mattress again. The heady smells of piss, cum, sweat, lube and poppers assaulted my senses. I could barely see a sliver of light through the hairy thighs that were clamping my head on either side. The hairy ass that rubbed and bore down on the back of my bald head, made sure I stayed in place while an unseen flesh post approached from behind to help itself to my man cunt. It slid in deeply and quickly. I was fucked roughly until the cock exploded deep inside me. That one was replace by another, which in turn was replaced by another and another. I couldn't even count the number of cocks that fucked me that night. My asshole was past the point of being abused. All I could do was take the meat that was fed to my hungry man pussy. I came at least three more times, soaking the mattress over and over, mingling with the cum and piss that ran relentlessly out of my mouth and asshole. When the crowd that used me thought I was getting too loose, they would whip me and spank my sore ass to tighten it, and then use their big cocks to loosen it again. As the raping hoarde tired of me, they would use the two boys that were still manacled to the wall. At one point I thought I saw Dawg chained to the beam, being raped repeatedly, shouting curses at the men who just laughed and continued to fuck him. Having lost track of time, and surroundings, I awoke in a strange bed to the morning light coming in from a sheer curtain clad window. My ass had something lodged up inside it again. I felt satisfied. I was wearing the nasty jock that had visited deep inside my man cunt last night. I could sense that insatiable need creeping into my senses once again. Soon, I would have to do something about it.

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